Bone of My Bone

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Bone of my bone, and Flesh of my flesh!


Genesis 1 – The First Adam and his bride
The Lord God (Covenant keeping, personal God) caused a deep sleep to fall on the
first Adam.
a. As he slept the Lord God pierced his side and removed his bride.
b. While he slept the Lord fashioned the bride – or built her.
c. When he awoke, The Lord God presented the bride to Adam.

1. When Adam saw her, he said:

Genesis 2:23
And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
2. Adam said NOW she is the same substance as me and he cleaved to her.
3. Remember that statement because it is an important one – one that we will get
back to.

The Last Adam – Jesus – and His Bride

The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on the last Adam’s body.
d. It was the sleep of death.
1. As He slept the sleep of physical death on the cross his side was pierced and
blood and water came out.
1. His life and His word
2. He was wounded that the bride might be formed.
a. His life and His Word create the bride
b. Now, here on earth the bride is being fashioned to one day be presented to Jesus.
2. He remained in the tomb 3 nights arising on the 3rd day. The bride has been
being built for the last 2,000 years while the bridegroom is out of sight. On the 3rd
day His Bride will be presented to Him without spot or wrinkle.

a. When the work is complete we will be presented to our bridegroom and he will
b. NOW she is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone! NOW, she is once again the
same substance as me.
c. Like me she has overcome death principles and walked in life until death was
swallowed up in her and the grave now has no victory!

e. Flesh – Strongs Concordance #1320-1319

1. 1320 means fresh and it comes from a root word 1319 meaning:
1. 1319 basar (baw-sar'); a primitive root; properly, to be fresh, to announce glad
news: -messenger, preach, publish, show forth, bear, bring, carry, good, preach, tell
good tidings.
2. That’s the Gospel – our very flesh is made to proclaim the Word of God or the
a. 2 Corinthians 3:3 – Paul declares the saints to be written epistles read of men!
b. Jesus said we were to show forth his death until he comes!

f. Bone – Strongs Concordance

1. Self-same substance
2. When used with the word flesh it indicates a blood relationship!
3. Also indicates the body.
g. So when the Lord returns he will proclaim – NOW (at this time) she is once again
flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone – He will look at us and recognize us because
we will be the same substance as Him!
1. We will be in blood relationship with Him!
2. We will be HIS BODY!

After Adam’s fall our substance changed.

h. The Lord wants to get us to such a state that He can cleave to us when He comes
and become one with us again in substance, in essence, in Spirit!
1. One flesh – husband and wife – the picture of Christ and the church
2. One flesh – The resurrected body of the Church

Adam had two choices after Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil:
i. Fall to Eve’s level and become the same substance as she now was or,
j. Redeem her with his life (remember, at that time Adam was still the same
substance as Jesus and could have done this!)

k. In the wilderness, Jesus was tempted the same way as Adam was:
1. When Satan told him he’d give him all the kingdoms of the earth if he’d bow
down and worship him he was saying, “You can leave your heavenly substance and
join yourself to the people you love and avoid the cross if you worship me, or
2. You can sacrifice yourself to redeem them so they can be of the same substance
as you, but it will cost you!

1. Those same choices remain for us today!

3. Jesus sacrificed himself and retained his heavenly substance.
1. As the Bride when we make ourselves ready by overcoming the death principles
in us that keep our souls turned from Him to self and the world, our substance is
a. We’re changed with each deposit of glory we receive in our bones – our
relationship to Him, our bodies, our self-same substance!
b. Until there is more glory than death and our very substance is changed!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT
For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce
for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! [18] So we don't look at
the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet
seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last

2 Corinthians 4:17 – The KJV says:

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more
exceeding and eternal weight of glory
l. Glory has weight – which is substance!
1. Affliction: Strongs concordance:
a. Thlipsis (thlip'-sis); pressure, from a root word meaning to crowd, translated by
the KJV-- afflict, anguish, burdened, throng, persecution, tribulation, narrow, trouble.

b. Work: Strongs Concordance

1. katergadzomai – to do work fully, accomplish, finish, or fashion.
c. Each time we overcome affliction, pressure, tribulations, trouble, anguish, etc. we
gain glory or substance in our inner man.
1. That overcoming does a complete work, accomplishes, and finishes what God
intends it to do.
d. When we are filled with His substance then on that day when the Bride is
presented to Him He will say as the first Adam did:
e. NOW you are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh! NOW you are the same as
me again!

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