Video Lecture # 22 Name: Christian Coronel Tenesaca: Why Are The Following Experimental Designs Flawed?

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Vanguardia Program

Video lecture # 22
Name: Christian Coronel Tenesaca

 Why are the following experimental designs flawed?

Experiment without control:


Because the observable results are not compared to any standard. There is nothing to
compare between them.

Pre-post experiment without control:

O1 X O2

Not a good control. O1 and O2 cold variate but not because of X. Also, it has been applied
in just one sample.

Experiment with selective (self) assignment:

N1 O1 X O2 N2 O3 O4

The samples might not be comparable because the subjectivity of the ones that self-
selected their groups. Maybe the study is contaminated, maybe the sellers try to sell more
and this could affect the results.

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