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dutch state business

Export credit insurance on

behalf of the Dutch Government
Credit insurance for capital goods
exports and construction projects
Contents Introduction
As a rule, financing is required for capital goods
1. Export Credit Insurance (ECI): cooperation between exports and construction works and projects abroad.
Atradius and the Dutch State Indeed, offering financing can sometimes make the
2. Insurance for medium- and long-term transactions
difference between winning and losing an order.
3. Credit periods, down payment and local costs
Given the tenor of such financing, minimising risk is
4. Export contract negotiations and promise of cover
5. Contract concluded? Now to work naturally of prime importance.
6. Credit insurance and conditions
7. Credit insurance as a financial instrument Atradius can help you minimise the risks related to
8. SME (Small and Medium-sized enterprises) your capital goods exports or projects abroad. We
Export Accelerator offer a broad range of products and services for
9. Lease Insurance covering credit risks and for increasing your credit
10. Export Insurance for Contractors capacity under your bank facilities.
11. Tool and Equipment In order that you can be certain in advance that we
12. Project Finance Insurance
can cover your export transaction or project abroad,
13. Asset-Based Finance
Atradius can issue you a promise of cover prior to
14. Premium
15. Guarantees and the Fair Calling Facility or during your negotiations with your buyer and/or
16. Exchange Rate Risk Insurance banker.
17. Import Insurance
18. Export Credit Guarantee This brochure provides information about the vari-
19. Investment Insurance ous types of export credit insurance available for ca-
20. Claims, indemnification and recovery pital goods exports and construction works abroad.
21. Development Aid If you would like more detailed information about
22. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) any of these, please do not hesitate to contact us.
23. International consultation
For our contact details please refer to the back cover
24. Glossary
of this brochure.

1. Export Credit Insurance (ECI): cooperation between Atradius
and the Dutch State

Atradius Dutch State Business NV, a Each year the Dutch State revises the Approval Authority
full subsidiary of the Atradius Group, ECI rules and regulations, thereby ta- The risks to be underwritten under the
manages the Netherlands’ official king prevailing private credit insurance ECI facility vary from a few hundred
export credit facility on behalf of the market capacity into consideration. In thousand to several hundred million
Dutch State. The agreements with general, transactions with a medium- euros per transaction. The Dutch State
the Dutch State pertaining to the and long-term credit period (i.e. longer has delegated Atradius the authority
facility date from 1932. than one year) or a medium-term to underwrite risks up to designated
manufacturing or completion period amounts without the State’s prior
Our mission is to promote Dutch are eligible for ECI cover. approval. For any transactions outside
exports and investments abroad by our approval authority, we will submit
providing credit and investment insu- Terms and Conditions our advice to the Dutch State. The
rance complementary to that available One of the Dutch State’s conditions for Minister of Finance will make the final
in the private sector. ECI is intended providing ECI for export transactions decision on such transactions.
to complement the facilities available is that they must be of sufficient
in the private credit insurance market. interest to the Netherlands. In practice Products
It is therefore principally intended for this means that we may insure Dutch This brochure describes the products
transactions which are difficult or im- export transactions which include at and services we offer in support
possible to insure in the private credit least 20% Dutch content. of Dutch exports and investments
insurance market due to their long abroad.
credit period, large size or the country
risk involved.

2. Insurance for medium- and long-term transactions
On behalf of and for the account and goods such as machinery, ships or obtain insurance for their short-term
risk of the Dutch State, Atradius Dutch greenhouses with credit periods longer transactions from insurance companies
State Business offers insurance, mainly, than twelve months or transactions in the private sector (such as Atradius
but not exclusively, for medium- and with completion periods longer than Credit Insurance N.V.).
long-term export transactions. These twelve months, such as large construc-
may be for the delivery of capital tion projects. Exporters can usually

3. Credit periods, down payment and local costs

In order to prevent unfair competi- to high-income countries, eight and a costs. This may be stipulated in the
tion, international agreements have half years. Special rules apply to spe- contract or in documents related to
been made about government sup- cific sectors. For ships and electric po- the contract. An access road may be
port for export finance. One is that, wer plants, the maximum credit period required for example, or ground may
if an official (i.e. government) credit which can be insured is twelve years. need to be prepared for the plant and
insurance agency is to insure a credit For renewable energy and water supply equipment to be delivered or other
risk; no more than 85% of the contract projects, the maximum credit period local work related to the transaction
value may be financed. For ships, the can be up to eighteen years. This does may be necessary. In accordance with
maximum is 80%. Another important not mean that the maximum credit international agreements, export
principle is that the credit term must period is always the desirable credit finance may include financing for such
be proportionate to the economic life period: economic life, contract value work for up to a maximum of 30% of
of the exported capital good. Agree- and the buyer’s debt payment capacity the contract value, net of the local
ments have also been made about also determine the appropriate credit costs.
maximum credit periods. The maximum period for a particular transaction.
credit period for capital goods exports
to emerging markets and developing In some cases the buyer may ask the
countries is generally ten years and exporter to finance part of the local

4. Export contract negotiations and promise of cover

When negotiating your contract, it is deteriorated due to the modified terms issue a notice of cover. This differs
important to know whether the Dutch and conditions, we may decide to from a promise of cover, as it is a com-
State is prepared to cover the risk withdraw the promise of cover or not mitment to issue a policy subject to
of non-payment and if so, on which to renew it. If the risks have deteri- there being sufficient room under the
terms and conditions. This is also im- orated due to other reasons we may country limit. The exporter’s applica-
portant for the buyer and/or financing choose to withdraw the promise of tion will have been assessed on all
bank. We therefore issue promises of cover or not renew it upon expiry, but other insurance aspects.
cover. We advise exporters to apply for only if the contract or related loan If at a certain moment there is insuf-
insurance well before they expect to agreement has not yet come into ficient room under a country ceiling,
conclude their contract. force. As soon as an export contract Atradius may renew outstanding
A promise of cover is a six-month com- comes into force, we will issue an in- promises of cover only twice. If the
mitment to provide insurance on the surance policy. The exporter is obliged exporter requires a further renewal,
terms and conditions stated therein. If to accept the insurance on the terms Atradius will convert the promise of
required, an exporter may apply for an and conditions of the promise of cover, cover into a notice of cover. Once
extension of the validity period of the even if its ultimate export contract there is sufficient room under the
promise of cover. We take into account terms and conditions are more favou- relevant country ceiling again, Atradius
all aspects of the transaction relevant rable than those on which the promise may, at the request of the expor-
at the time of renewal, and if the of cover was based. ter, convert a notice of cover into a
risks were still acceptable, extend the promise of cover. If there is more room
validity date, subject to the prevailing Notice of Cover under a country ceiling than the sum
terms and conditions. We have a credit ceiling for each total of outstanding notices of cover,
country for which we provide cover. these may all be converted to promi-
Obligations This is the maximum liability for that ses of cover – after reassessment. As
Should the terms and conditions of the country which Atradius Dutch State promises of cover are binding, Atradius
contract deteriorate during nego- Business may take on, on behalf of is therefore committed to providing
tiations, the exporter must contact and for account of the Dutch State. If insurance if and when the contracts
Atradius in order that we may reassess an otherwise acceptable transaction come into force.
the transaction. If the risks have clearly would breach this ceiling, we could

5. Contract concluded? Now to work
Once an exporter has concluded a financial-economic problems (politi- ketable goods. Atradius, on behalf of
contract, it will start production, cal risk). If this prevents delivery, the the Dutch State, can insure manufac-
thereby running a risk: manufacturing exporter will not be paid for the ma- turing risk due to both commercial and
risk. This is the risk, for example, of the nufactured goods, whilst it must still political reasons. The insurance will
buyer running into financial difficulties fulfil its obligations to its suppliers. If cover solely the costs the exporter has
prior to the delivery date. These dif- the exporter is obliged to sell its goods incurred, i.e. it will not cover the profit
ficulties could be due purely to com- to a third party, it runs the risk of margin the exporter had calculated on
mercial reasons (commercial risk). They receiving less for them than the costs the transaction.
could however be due to the buyer’s incurred. This is most certainly the case
country having run into political or for custom-made or less readily mar-

6. Credit insurance and conditions

The agreements between Atradius and of the contract. This latter failure by any loss is therefore between 90 and
the exporter are laid down in various the buyer to pay the contractual debt 98 per cent. The maximum percentage
documents. The principal document after the waiting period is known as of cover for political risks is 98; that for
is the General Terms and Conditions protracted default. commercial risks (e.g. private enter-
of the policy, which states which risks prise insolvency) is 95. Other parties
are covered, the terms and conditions, Country risk includes political risks and to the transaction (such as suppliers
Atradius’s and the exporter’s rights risks related to catastrophes. Political and the financing bank) may bear a
and obligations and how claims for risks include the risks of war, hostili- share of the uninsured portion of the
losses will be calculated. The exporter ties, civil war, revolution, insurrection transaction. If they are to do so, the
will also receive an overview with the and internal disturbances. They also insured must apply for and obtain prior
description of the export transaction, include the risks of a transaction being written approval from Atradius before
the financing details, percentage of impeded by government regulations, the contract enters into force.
cover, insurance premium, etc. and any such as a general debt moratorium,
other special conditions applicable to transfer restrictions and blocking of
the particular transaction. payments. Transfer difficulties and
foreign exchange shortages are also
Non-payment Risk Policy included in this category. Catastrophes
Our main Policy is the non-payment include epidemics, nuclear disasters
risk policy, which covers both manu- and natural disasters such as storms,
facturing risk and credit risk. This is the earthquakes and floods.
basis for most of our other policies,
such as the Buyer Credit Insurance Exclusions
policy for financing banks and the The policy also specifies losses for
Insurance Policy for Contractors for which the Dutch State is not liable.
construction projects abroad. These include losses due to the expor-
ter’s negligence. Transportation risk
Buyer Risk and Country Risk and war risks to goods in transit and
Our insurance policies for medium- related perils risk are also not covered,
and long-term transactions may cover as these can be insured with private
buyer/borrower risk as well as country insurance companies. An exporter may
risk. forfeit its right to indemnification if
losses are due to, for example, errors
Buyer risk is the risk that a buyer is or omissions in the export contract or
unable to fulfill its financial obliga- if they are attributable to agents or
tions under the contract. This could be intermediaries - with the exception of
due to the buyer having been granted the exporter’s bank.
suspension of payment or having been
declared bankrupt, to an out-of-court In order to ensure that it is in the
agreement, a court ruling or to a exporter’s interest to complete a trans-
forced sale of the buyer’s assets raising action efficiently, it must bear a certain
insufficient funds to pay the buyer’s percentage of the risk. This is known
debts. The buyer could also fail to pay as the insured’s own risk and would
even though it is solvent and there is generally be between two and ten per
no dispute with the exporter about cent. Higher deductibles are unusual.
the goods delivered or the execution The maximum percentage of cover for

7. Credit insurance as a financial instrument
Supplier Credit and Direct Guarantee covered percentage of each bill of notes are payable in the Nether-
As the name indicates, supplier credit exchange or promissory note for which lands, have been properly accepted
is credit which you (supplier) grant payment has not been received in the by the buyer and approved by
your buyer by allowing it to pay for Netherlands after the waiting period. Atradius
the goods or services purchased in As the Direct Guarantee is irrevocable, - the exporter’s bank is prepared to
instalments instead of upon delivery. Atradius will indemnify the bank even discount the promissory notes or
You will receive a set bills of exchange if no indemnification is due under the bills of exchange without recourse
or promissory notes from your buyer terms and conditions of the insurance for the covered percentage stated in
for the instalments due. If you require policy. Should the exporter have failed the insurance policy
financing, the bank may discount to fulfil all its obligations under the - the credit period is longer than
the bills of exchange or promissory export contract, it is obliged to reim- twelve months
notes. The bank will usually hold the burse Atradius for the amounts paid - it has approved the risk it runs on
exporter liable for recourse and will to the discounting bank. This is known the exporter for recourse
book this liability under the exporter’s as Atradius’s right to recourse to the
credit facilities, reducing its borrowing exporter. (Please also refer to “Right to We can issue a Direct Guarantee in
capacity. In order to avoid this, we can Recourse” under Chapter 20.) euros and a number of other curren-
issue the discounting bank a Direct cies, such as the US dollar. We do not
Guarantee, once the buyer has ac- Atradius will issue the discounting charge any extra fees or premiums for
cepted the delivery of the goods and/ bank a Direct Guarantee provided that: issuing Direct Guarantees.
or services. The discounting bank will - the exporter has delivered all capital
then book only the exporter’s own risk goods and/or performed all services Letters of Credit and Direct
under its credit facilities. (For further as per the terms of the contract Guarantees
information about the exporter’s own - the buyer has declared in writing A bank in the buyer’s country may
risk, please refer to the last part of that it has accepted the goods or open an irrevocable deferred payment
Chapter 6.) A Direct Guarantee is an services as per the terms of the letter of credit in the exporter’s favour
irrevocable guarantee from Atradius contract which another (Dutch) bank is to ne-
to the discounting bank to pay the - the bills of exchange or promissory gotiate. If the negotiating bank advan-
ces the exporter the amounts payable Loans Denominated in Foreign all amounts disbursed to the exporter
under the letter of credit, Atradius can Currency under the loan. However, the progress
issue the negotiating bank a Direct Any indemnification under the payments system is not intended to
Guarantee under the provisions of the insurance policy will be paid in the cur- lead to an exporter receiving payments
exporter’s insurance policy. rency of the loan in order to prevent in excess of the costs it has incurred
As a result, the negotiating bank will the financing bank running foreign up to the moment of each disbur-
need to book only the exporter’s own exchange risk. We can insure contracts sement. This would result in over-
risk under its credit facilities instead denominated in euros as well as in financing. Disbursements under the
of the entire amount of the advance – most freely transferable currencies, loan are therefore made to an account
just the same as when Atradius issues such as the US dollar. In some cases which the exporter or contractor has
the discounting bank a Direct Guaran- Atradius may insure loans denomina- pledged to the bank providing the
tee for a supplier credit. ted in local currency. loan. The bank releases payments to
Atradius will issue a Direct Guarantee the exporter or contractor upon receipt
for letters of credit on the following Progress Payments of a certificate from an independent
conditions in addition to those listed Under loans covered by a Buyer Credit chartered accountant confirming that
above: Insurance policy, banks may often the total of all amounts the exporter
• the letter of credit opening bank make disbursements to the exporter or contractor has received under the
must have accepted the documents or contractor only after it has com- loan or from other sources does not
required under the letter of credit plied with all its contractual delivery exceed the total costs incurred under
• the letter of credit must be subject obligations. An exporter or contractor the contract.
to UCP 600 or any later version of may however wish to receive payments
these rules under a loan during the manufacturing Foreign Banks
• the negotiating bank must be pre- or construction period. These pay- Atradius is prepared to issue a Direct
pared to advance the exporter the ments, known as progress payments, Guarantee or Buyer Credit Insurance
amounts payable under the letter of provide the exporter or contractor policy to banks established abroad.
credit financing prior to delivery. Atradius The bank concerned must however be
can also insure progress payments. adequately supervised by the financial
Buyer Credit Insurance Policy Progress payments are not linked to authorities in the relevant country or
Supplier credit is credit you grant your specific deliveries but to certain agreed its home country. Naturally the insured
buyer. Buyer credit is credit in the form “milestones” such as the moment the export credit must finance exports of
of a loan, granted by a bank to the exporter places orders with its sup- mainly Dutch origin.
buyer or the buyer’s bank. The terms pliers or takes delivery of supplies at
and conditions of the loan agreement its premises. These milestones must be Letters of Credit and Financing
stipulate that the financing bank will specified in both the export con- Letters of credit may also be used to
make direct payments to the exporter. tract and the loan agreement. When provide financing to buyers. If you
This is to the exporter’s advantage, as progress payments are made under are to be paid via a letter of credit,
it receives cash payments which it can an insured loan, Atradius is exposed the letter of credit may stipulate that
use as working capital. After final deli- to both manufacturing risk and credit payment is to be made after a speci-
very of the goods or services, the bor- risk. Therefore, if Atradius is to insure a fied period. This is known as a deferred
rower (i.e. the buyer or its bank) must loan permitting progress payments, it payment letter of credit. Alternatively,
repay the loan to the lending bank. We will require the exporter or contractor the exporter may receive payment
can insure such a loan. We will issue a to take out manufacturing or comple- under the letter of credit from its bank
Buyer Credit Insurance policy to the fi- tion risk insurance. while the bank refinances the letter of
nancing bank, and usually, at the same credit. This structure is similar to that
time, a Manufacturing Risk policy to Over-financing of a bank granting a loan to the buyer
the exporter. The borrower (the buyer or the buyer’s and making disbursements directly to
bank) is of course obliged to repay the exporter.

8. SME (Small and Medium-sized enterprises) Export Accelerator

The SME Export Accelerator is simplified and shortened application is substantially shorter than for other
intended for businesses with annual procedures and guidance for SMEs facilities. Atradius can process almost
turnovers of up to € 50 million and applying for financing and credit all of these applications under its de-
meant for their capital goods exports insurance. Close cooperation with legated approval authority which helps
worth up to € 5 million per transaction. financing banks is therefore essential. us achieve our goal of processing them
The facility is for transactions which The banks ensure that the financial in a considerably shorter period than
would normally be insured for account data required for credit analysis are usually required.
of the Dutch State and must therefore readily available and also take on the
meet the usual requirements for Dutch task of introducing export finance
State cover. and credit insurance to their clients.
The SME Export Accelerator includes The application form for this facility

9. Lease Insurance
A lease (rental) agreement is a com- Expropriation-risk Cover - The lessor must have fulfilled all its
mon alternative for a sales contract for The Lease Policy in combination with obligations under the lease contract
capital goods, especially for movable Expropriation-risk Cover insures more when making the leased asset
assets. Atradius can offer various forms than just non-payment risk. Another available to the lessee.
of insurance for lease agreements: risk the lessor runs is that it cannot - The lease contract must stipulate that
Comprehensive Cover, Limited Cover repossess the leased asset (of which it the lessee is responsible for mainte-
and Expropriation-Risk Cover. We can remains the owner). This could be due nance and any repairs required.
also provide cover for lease contract to expropriation of the asset during the - The Direct Guarantee can be issued
financiers. term of the lease or an export ban upon only under a Comprehensive Cover
the lease’s expiry. Expropriation-risk Lease Policy or for instalments due
Comprehensive Cover cover can be taken out separately or during the “fixed” lease period of
The Comprehensive Cover Lease Policy in combination with non-payment risk lease contracts allowing early
is very similar to the Credit Risk Insu- cover under a Limited Coverage Lease termination of the contract.
rance policy for medium-term transac- Policy. Separate expropriation-risk cover
tions, as it covers all lease instalments. is unnecessary under a Comprehensive Financing Insurance Policy for Leases
This cover is available solely for financial Cover Lease Policy, as this Policy covers A bank may provide a loan for a finan-
leases. all lease instalments. cial lease transaction, enabling the lessor
We will assess expropriation risk sepa- to receive all lease instalments up front.
Limited Cover rately. One of the most important When the lessor has made the leased
The Limited Coverage Lease Policy factors we take into consideration when asset available to the lessee, the bank
covers the instalments due under the underwriting expropriation risk is the will pay the lessor the total value of the
lease agreement in the first nine reliability of the legal system in the lease instalments (less a discount). The
(sometimes twelve) months. The lessor lessee’s country. lessee will then pay the lease instalments
must ensure that it can repossess the to the bank on the due dates. Atradius
leased asset if the lessee is in default. Direct Guarantee can issue the financing bank a Financing
Each time the lessee pays an instalment We can also issue Direct Guarantees for Insurance Policy for such transactions.
on the due date, the cover period will lease transactions. As there is no legal This insurance works the same way as
be rolled over to the next instalment, transfer of ownership under a lease Buyer Credit Insurance.
i.e. the cover is revolving in nature. contract and the lessee therefore does
Although this type of cover is actually not sign a takeover certificate, Atra- Foreign Lessors
intended for operational leases, it is also dius runs a higher recourse risk on the We can also provide insurance for lea-
suitable for financial leases, for instance exporter than when it issues a Direct sing companies which are not the manu-
in the case where Atradius is unable Guarantee for an insured supplier credit. facturers of the leased assets, as well as
to insure a transaction for the entire The following extra conditions therefore for foreign lessors. The leased equipment
tenor due to prevailing country policy apply: must however have been manufactured
restrictions. in the Netherlands.

10. Export Insurance for Contractors

Construction projects differ from capi- of dealing with down payments. If Atradius to discontinue working on the
tal goods transactions in a number of a client makes a down payment on project.
ways. For example, the contract sum the project, a pro-rata part of the The policy also covers the risk of
for a construction project is usually es- down payment is deducted from each the contractor not being paid even
timated rather than fixed. As work on certified amount to be paid to the though it has received the required
the project progresses, the contractor contractor. certificates. Another risk contractors
draws up periodic - usually monthly - run, is that of damage to their tools
statements, which include an overview Insurance Policy for Contractors and equipment required on site or of
of the work completed and the costs Given the particular characteristics of being unable to repatriate them, due
incurred during the period. The client construction projects, Atradius has to political reasons. This risk, known
draws up - also usually monthly – a developed a special insurance policy as tool and equipment risk, can be
certificate based on the contractor’s for them. The Insurance Policy for insured under the Insurance Policy for
statement, stating the amount due Contractors covers the risk that the Contractors or separately (please also
for the work completed. As soon as contractor will not be reimbursed for refer to Chapter 11).
the client releases the certificate to the costs incurred because (some of)
the contractor, the contactor must be the required certificates have not been Guarantees and Financing
paid the specified amount. The final issued. This could be due to the con- If the contractor or its bank is to grant
contract value is the total value of all tractor being unable to complete its medium- or long-term credit to the
the certificates. Another characteristic work for reasons beyond its control or buyer, we can issue a Direct Guarantee
of construction projects is the method because it received instructions from or a Buyer Credit Insurance policy.

11. Tool and Equipment
Enterprises working abroad must often Risks Covered equipment deployed for the project,
ship and deploy very costly tools and Tool and Equipment Insurance covers as provided by the exporter. In the
equipment for use on site. These could a number of risks an exporter faces in event of an insured loss, Atradius will
include dredging ships, bulldozers, cra- the country where it is carrying out a indemnify the exporter for the insured
nes, personnel accommodation as well project. These include damage to or percentage of the book value less
as costly smaller tools such as welding confiscation of material due to political depreciation for the period. A loss is
and measuring equipment. Material reasons (such as war, hostilities or calculated on the basis of repair costs
damage risks as well as transportation disturbances) and inability to repa- (up to the amount of the book value
and war damage in transit and related triate material for these reasons or a less depreciation), or if the material is
perils risks can be insured with private government ban on re-export. Atradius confiscated or cannot be repatriated,
insurance companies. These risks are assumes the risk from the moment the book value less depreciation.
not covered by the Insurance Policy for the material arrives in the destination
Contractors. It is however not always country. Atradius can issue the expor-
possible to insure these risks in the pri- ter a promise of cover for these risks
vate insurance market, or, only at very prior to the conclusion of the contract.
high premiums. In such cases, we can
help the exporter by issuing a separate Calculation of Claim Payments
Tool and Equipment Insurance Policy The Tool and Equipment Insurance
or an endorsement to the Insurance policy lists the book value and de-
Policy for Contractors. preciation percentage of all tools and

12. Project Finance Insurance

Project finance is usually suitable tries for which we are off cover if, for valid for six months. As long as the
for large infrastructure or industrial example, there is no transfer risk and a risks remain acceptable, a promise of
projects such as the construction and considerable portion of the credit risk cover can be continually renewed for
operation of electric power stations, is run on another country. six-month periods.
petro-chemical installations, toll ways,
telecommunication networks and oil Applications
and gas projects. A separate company, The exporter is advised to contact
known as a Special Purpose Company, Atradius at the earliest stage possible.
is established to develop and operate On the basis of preliminary informa-
the project. Project cash flows are used tion, we can issue the exporter or the
for repayment of the financing. In the financing bank a “Letter of Interest”
event of non-payment by the buyer declaring that we are in principle
(i.e. the Special Purpose Company prepared to process an application for
set up for the project), recourse to Project Finance Insurance.
the project sponsors (the SPC share-
holders) is limited. We therefore offer Terms and Conditions
manufacturing risk insurance to the Given the high cost of structuring
project’s Dutch contractors and credit project finance transactions, this type
risk insurance to its financiers. of financing is viable only for larger
Atradius has wide experience in the projects. One of the requirements for
field of project finance. We have insu- Project Finance Insurance is that the
red various projects in diverse sectors - result of the due diligence research
oil and gas, infrastructure, shipbuilding (research into the accuracy and
and energy - in different parts of the integrity of the information provided)
world. Atradius has a special team of must be favourable for the risks as-
project-finance experts. sessed. For this research we regularly
hire independent, external advisors to
Project Assessment assess the technical and construction
In principle, the country policy for pro- risks of a project or to conduct market
ject finance is the same as that for ex- research. When underwriting the
port credit insurance. This means that, financial risks for a project, Atradius
for each country, Atradius maintains an will state the terms and conditions on
individual cover policy and credit limit which the insurance is available. As in
(maximum liability). It is sometimes the case of export credit insurance,
possible to insure projects in coun- Atradius can issue a promise of cover

13. Asset-Based Finance
Asset-Based Finance non-payment, the security offered
Buyer creditworthiness is the most must be in the form of legal owner-
important criterion for Atradius when ship, a mortgage or another type of
underwriting credit insurance for legal claim allowing repossession of
capital goods exports under the Dutch the assets financed.
State’s regular export credit insu- Asset-based finance transactions will
rance programme. However, a lower therefore always be structured as
weighting would be assigned to buyer financial leases or mortgage loans. In
creditworthiness in the total risk ana- some jurisdictions it is possible to have
lysis if the exported asset itself would a legal claim on the asset, without
provide protection against losses. having the legal ownership.
Asset-based finance creates additional
opportunities for export credit insu- Future Market Value
rance, particularly in the shipbuilding Atradius will need to assess the assets’
industry. If the exported assets are to expected market value when under-
serve as security for the export credit, writing a transaction. We will generally
Atradius can take the (resale) value base our assessment on objective,
of the assets into consideration when future-value studies conducted by
assessing the transaction credit risks - independent experts, provided by the
provided that the assets are expected exporter. Alternatively, the exporter
to generate sufficient cash flow to may guarantee the assets’ future mar-
repay the export credit. ket value, in which case a future-value
study is unnecessary. An important
Risks covered underwriting criterion is that, during
Asset-based finance transactions the entire repayment period, the as-
generally involve specific risks such as sets’ future market value be at least as
repatriation, market value and resale high as the outstanding debt.
risk in addition to the usual buyer and
country risks. Repatriation and Resale
A legal opinion must confirm that re-
Repatriation risk patriation of the asset is legally possi-
This is the risk that in the event of ble and moreover, within a reasonable
non-payment, the assets cannot be period of time. The legal opinion must
recovered and brought back to the be drawn up by an expert on the legal
Netherlands or another acceptable system in the country of the buyer.
country. (Legal) repatriation of the asset must
be possible in the event of:
Market value risk • non-payment by the buyer/
This is the risk of the resale value of borrower
the asset being lower than was antici- • non-payment by the buyer’s/
pated at the time of underwriting. borrower’s country
• the buyer’s failure to comply with
Resale risk maintenance obligations
This is the risk of financial losses due • the buyer’s failure to comply with
to the resale of the assets taking obligations under asset insurance or
longer than anticipated. The expor- liability insurance.
ter could thereby incur costs due to
seizure, repatriation, resale, storage When underwriting this insurance,
and interest. Atradius will need to be satisfied
that the asset can be resold within a
Eligible Capital Goods reasonable period of time after repos-
We are prepared to consider insurance session.
for asset-based finance transactions
for repatriable, movable capital goods Risk Sharing
and ships of sufficient value to make We feel it is important that the expor-
repatriation worthwhile. ter and lender have a sufficient stake
in an asset-based finance transaction.
Security and Ownership We therefore generally require the
In order to ensure that the assets can exporter and/or the lender to bear 30
indeed be recovered in the event of per cent of the risk.

14. Premium
The premium to be charged for export prevailing in the private market. As borrowers with the same rating as the
credit insurance, as well as for ma- market rates may vary, it is impossi- sovereign/central government and
nufacturing risk or bond insurance, ble to quote precise rates in advance. one category for borrowers with higher
depends on the risks involved. In the These will depend on the insurer’s risk ratings than the sovereign/central
OECD, a system has been developed assessment, which will be based on government. Please refer to the table
for assessing country credit risk and ratings and will vary from case to case. below which also shows the correspon-
classifying countries in one of eight ding external credit ratings (from AAA
country risk categories. These range Country risk categories 1-7 have been to B- or lower.)
from 0 (best risk) to 7 (riskiest). For divided further into seven sub-cate-
countries in Category 0, official export gories: five categories for borrowers
credit insurance agencies may not with lower ratings than the sovereign/
charge premiums lower than those central government; one category for

1 2 3 4 5 6 7




AAA to AA- A+ to A- BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to BB BB- B+ B


A+ to A- BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to BB- BB- B+ B B- or below


BBB+ to BBB- BB+ to BB- BB- B+ B B- or below


BB+ to BB- BB- B+ B B- or below

B- or below BB- or below B+ or below B or below

Sov+ higher rating than sovereign/central government rating The method used for calculating
CC0 to CC5 commercial rating; CC0 denotes the best risk and CC5 the worst, premiums, namely, determining the
still acceptable risk probability of default of a borrower
AAA to B- credit bureau ratings, such as those of Standard and Poor’s with a particular rating, is also used
The premium percentage depends on the country category, by international credit rating bureaus.
the borrower category and the credit period. As shown in the table above, buyers
are assigned to a category according
to their individual rating and their
country’s rating. However, many of our
clients’ buyers do not have an indivi-
dual rating from an international credit
rating bureau. We therefore rate them
using our own system and compare the
result with the table above.

Please refer to the premium calculator

on the Premium and Tariffs/Premium
Calculation page of our website for a
non-binding indicative premium for a
specific export transaction.

15. Guarantees and the Fair Calling Facility
Your buyers will require security, called, Atradius will indemnify you An Atradius counter guarantee frees
usually in the form of a bank guaran- once it has been established - in court up capacity under an exporter’s credit
tee, for any advance payments they or by an arbitrator - that the benefici- facilities, as the bank will need to
are required to make under the export ary of the guarantee called the bond book only the uninsured percentage
contract. Your buyers may also require unfairly. In certain cases Atradius may of the guarantee instead of the entire
you to post a bond for other contrac- pay you an advance in anticipation of amount as a liability under the expor-
tual obligations. Next to advance pay- a ruling in your favour. ter’s credit lines. Another advantage
ment bonds, the most common bonds If you have taken out Supplementary of a counter guarantee is that banks
are performance bonds, maintenance Bond Insurance cover as well, you are charge lower fees when issuing a gua-
bonds, and in the tender stage, bid also insured against fair calling of the rantee backed by an Atradius counter
bonds. bond, if the bond was called because guarantee.
you stopped delivery on Atradius’s
All these types of bonds can be insu- instructions, or, in the case of a bid The Fair Calling Facility
red. There are risks inherent in posting bond, if Atradius withdrew the promise The Fair Calling Facility is a bond insu-
bonds or issuing guarantees, such as of cover. rance facility which includes a counter
the risk of unfair calling. A bond or guarantee, for an uninsured transac-
guarantee also reduces an exporter’s Counter Guarantee tion. A counter guarantee issued under
borrowing capacity, as the issuing When Atradius issues a counter gua- the Fair Calling Facility is considered
bank books the guarantee amount rantee to a guarantee-issuing bank, government support for a domestic
under the exporter’s credit facilities. In it is obliged to reimburse the bank company whereas there is no link to
order to insure the risk of unfair calling for the covered percentage of any export credit insurance. Therefore,
of the bond and to reduce the burden payments made to the buyer under the under European Union rules and
on its credit facilities, an exporter guarantee, irrespective of the reason regulations, the maximum insured per
can obtain various forms of cover why the buyer called the guarantee. centage allowed is 80, premiums
from Atradius: Bond Insurance (either Atradius will only issue a counter must be based on market rates and
stand-alone or as a supplement to guarantee as a supplement to Bond the Dutch exporter must be a sound
non-payment risk insurance), Bid Bond Insurance cover. If Atradius is to issue enterprise.
Insurance, Counter Guarantee and the a counter guarantee for a bid bond, it
Fair Calling Facility. must have issued a promise of cover
for the transaction. Atradius does not
Bond Insurance examine transaction documentation
Bond Insurance and Bid Bond In- when underwriting a transaction and
surance protect you against losses does not take documentation risk. This
caused by unfair calling of a bond does not apply to bonds and gua-
by your buyer or its bank. Atradius rantees however. When underwriting
generally issues the normal Bond bond insurance, Atradius will examine
Insurance policy along with the normal the content and wording of the related
manufacturing and credit risk poli- bonds or guarantees. For a transaction
cies. For Bid Bond Insurance, Atradius which is to be insured for non-pay-
generally issues the Policy along with ment risk, Atradius’s review will include
the promise of cover. This is known as verifying whether the transaction start
supplementary cover. You may insure and end dates are clear and unambi-
solely bond risk under a stand-alone guous and whether the transaction is
Bond Insurance Policy. If a bond is adequately described.

16. Exchange Rate Risk Insurance

This insurance protects the exporter Atradius any exchange rate gains due
from losses on its receivables due to to currency appreciation.
depreciation of a currency during the
bidding and offer phase of an export Please refer to our foreign exchange
contract, i.e. before the contract risk brochure for more information
comes into force. The Dutch State about this insurance, the terms and
will guarantee the exporter a specific conditions and the premium. This bro-
exchange rate and Atradius will indem- chure is also available on our website.
nify the exporter for any losses due
to currency depreciation. By the same
token, the exporter must transfer to

17. Import Insurance
Following World War II, the Nether- payments due to commercial and/or the processing firm. The importer runs
lands had little to export and was political reasons. Advance Payment the risk of the delivered raw materials
mainly an importing country. Until Insurance is taken out more often than not reaching the processing firm due
1951 Atradius insured more import Processing Risk Insurance, especially to political reasons, of the processed
transactions than export transactions. for imports in the shipbuilding indus- goods subsequently not reaching the
Even today, there are Dutch businesses try, but also for raw materials imports importer due to political reasons or
which wish to cover their import risks. such as silicon for manufacturing solar of the processing firm breaching the
Both Atradius Credit Insurance N.V. panels. The Advance Payment Insu- contract due to commercial and/or
(which issues mainly advance payment rance policy can be supplemented by political reasons.
insurance policies for raw materials Expropriation-Risk cover. This covers Processing Insurance is taken out
imports) and Atradius Dutch State the risk that, if the insured has taken mainly for transactions where industrial
Business N.V. (which insures local ma- delivery of the goods in the seller’s processing is part of the manufactu-
nufacturing processes, such as building country, it is unable to ship them to ring process, for example when a ship’s
ship hulls) can cover import risks. Atra- the Netherlands (or another destina- hull is to be built abroad and the ship
dius Dutch State Business offers two tion) due to expropriation or an export is to be completed in the Netherlands.
types of import insurance: Advance ban.
Payment Insurance and Manufacturing
Insurance. Processing-Risk Insurance
A Processing Risk Insurance policy
Advance Payment Insurance insures the importer (the insured)
This insurance protects the importer against loss or damage of the raw
(the insured) from financial losses due materials and/or goods it has delive-
to having made an advance payment red to a processing firm for industrial
to the buyer. If the goods are not deli- treatment or processing. The insurance
vered, the importer runs the risk of not also covers any advances on the pro-
being able to recuperate its advance cessing fee the insured may have paid
18. Export Credit Guarantee
As a result of the credit crisis, banks The Ministry of Finance will issue the If the bank granting the export credit
are still encountering difficulty obtai- export credit guarantee directly to had no right to indemnification under
ning long-term funding at reasonable the bank once Atradius has issued the the insurance policy, the Dutch State
interest rates. They are therefore insurance policy to the bank. The bank would thereafter exercise its right to
unable to meet market demand for will then no longer have any right to recourse on the bank. Furthermore,
medium- and long-term credit. This indemnification under the insurance the guarantee for the refinancing party
shortage of longer-term credit is policy, but must continue to comply covers 100 % of the loan amount,
in turn making it more difficult for with all policy terms and conditions. whereas the insurance policy covers
enterprises to conclude export orders. These include informing Atradius at most 98 %. The bank must always
Therefore, in order to facilitate Dutch Dutch State Business of any imminent reimburse the Dutch State for the
exports, the Ministry of Finance, in losses and carrying out any instruc- difference (i.e. the amount of its own
close cooperation with the Ministry of tions it may receive from Atradius. risk under the insurance policy).
Economic Affairs, Agriculture and In- When the Dutch State issues a gua-
novation, banks and Atradius, decided Whether a bank’s application will be rantee to the refinancer, the lending
to introduce the export credit guaran- approved and a guarantee issued de- bank will not be given a refund on
tee. This is a Dutch State guarantee for pends on its creditworthiness and the the credit insurance premium, as the
investors in the capital markets, such total value of the bank’s applications non-payment risk has not changed; it
as pension funds, which are prepared approved to date. The bank’s credit- is now covered by the guarantee. The
to make longer-term funds available worthiness must be assessed, as the guarantee fee is however very low. It
to banks for financing Dutch exports. Dutch State will be running a recourse is currently one basis point per annum
The investor - i.e. refinancer of the risk on the bank when it issues an for the covered percentage of the loan
bank granting the export credit - is export credit guarantee to the refinan- amount and ten basis points per an-
the beneficiary of the government cing party. Should the borrower de- num for the insured’s deductible.
guarantee, but the lending bank ap- fault on the loan and the refinancing
plies for the guarantee to be issued to party call the guarantee, the Dutch The export credit guarantee structure
the refinancer. The lending bank must State would always be obliged to pay. can be pictured as follows:
submit its application directly to the
Ministry of Finance, Directie Buiten-
landse Financiële Betrekkingen. Banks
may apply for export credit guaran-
tees for refinancing for new loans, for Borrower/
dutch state business Buyer
loans which have recently come into
force, and, on a case-by-case basis,
for older loans. Applications may be
submitted until December 31, 2013. Policy obligations Loan
If the Ministry of Finance approves
the application, Atradius will issue the
financing bank an undertaking to pro-
vide an export credit guarantee. The
undertaking will be in the form of an Refinancing
endorsement to the promise of cover Recourse Bank for Bank as
s s

(if the loan agreement has not yet Dutch recourse capital market Refinancier

come into force) or to the policy (if the State agent


loan agreement has come into force). Guarantee agreement
The bank can then approach capital
market players for refinancing.

19. Investment Insurance

On behalf of the Dutch State, Atra- Please refer to our separate Investment
dius offers Dutch investors insurance Insurance brochure for eligible in-
against political risks related to foreign vestments or loans and the terms and
investments. The Dutch government conditions of this insurance facility.
established this scheme to encou- The brochure is also available on our
rage Dutch investment abroad with a website.
view to expanding and strengthening
sustainable economic ties between the
Netherlands and the host country

20. Claims, indemnification and recovery
Waiting Period the definite ruling from the court or production costs be in euros, Atradius
In practice, receivables and loan instal- arbitrator. will indemnify any losses sustained
ments are seldom paid exactly on the during the manufacturing period in the
due date. Exporters and banks usually Claim Payment Calculation same currency as that of the bills of
experience some delay in payments. For losses sustained prior to delivery exchange.
The insured can therefore make a claim (manufacturing or completion risk),
for indemnification only upon expiry indemnification is based on the costs International Debt Rescheduling
of the waiting period. The instigation incurred. For losses sustained after Sometimes the reason for non-pay-
of a waiting period is to avoid Atradius delivery (credit risk), indemnification is ment lies with a buyer’s country rather
indemnifying the insured for claims based on the unpaid, undisputed por- than the buyer - for instance if the
it withdraws shortly after submitting tion of the contractually agreed price. country has insufficient reserves in
them because the buyer/borrower has Atradius will indemnify the insured the foreign currency. The country’s debt
paid after all. The waiting period is covered percentage of the loss within may therefore need to be restructured.
usually three months. It is sometimes fourteen days after the insured has This could mean debt rescheduling,
extended to six or twelve months for agreed to the claim payment calcula- but could also include cancellation
countries which are fairly constantly in tion. of debt or a portion thereof. Creditor
arrears. Upon indemnification of a loss, you and debtor countries conclude such
For losses sustained during the ma- must legally assign all your rights and debt arrangement schemes in the
nufacturing or completion period, the any security related to the transaction Paris Club. These schemes only apply
waiting period starts the moment work to Atradius. It will however be in your to debt insured for account of the
under the contract is stopped. For los- interest to settle the transaction as Dutch State. More information on this
ses sustained during the credit period, favourably as possible, as any amounts subject is provided in the consolidation
the waiting period starts on the date a we recover after indemnification will clause of each insurance policy. The
payment was due. be shared with you according to your clause includes the provision that, if
When it is clear that a receivable or portion of the risk. an arrangement scheme applicable
loan instalment will not be paid within to the insured transaction is agreed
the waiting period - for example, due Obligations of the insured in the between the Netherlands and the
to insolvency of the debtor or debt event of loss buyer’s country, you are obliged to
rescheduling in the Paris Club - the You must do everything within your accept the consequences thereof for
insured may submit a claim on the power to prevent losses. In the event your share of the risk Receivables and
payment due date. of irregularities affecting the trans- loan instalments included in a Paris
action or of an imminent loss, you Club debt arrangement scheme remain
Indemnification in the case of pro- must, in consultation with Atradius, insured under the policy. Atradius will
tracted default take all possible measures to reduce indemnify the insured for the covered
It may take some time before it can be risks and minimise losses. You must percentage of the insured receivables
ascertained that the insured has in- follow any instructions it may receive or loan instalments. If debt is resche-
deed sustained a loss. The insured can from Atradius. After indemnification, duled rather than totally cancelled,
therefore take out insurance against your full cooperation is still of utmost Atradius will reimburse you for your
protracted default, which gives it the importance in settling the transaction. share of the risk you when it receives
right to indemnification if the insured If necessary, and in accordance with payments from the debtor on the new
receivable or loan instalment is still instructions from Atradius Dutch State due dates.
outstanding upon expiry of the waiting Business, you must also take measu-
period. res in your own name, for example by Force Majeure
taking legal action. You may also sustain losses if, due to
Disputes with a buyer force majeure (extraordinary events
A basic principle of our credit insu- Foreign Currency beyond the control of the parties to
rance is that losses must not be at- We generally indemnify the insured the export contract), you are unable
tributable to you. There must be in euros but can also offer cover for to fulfil your contractual obligations
no doubt about this. In the event of contracts or financing agreements in or unable to do so on time, or are not
a dispute, Atradius will suspend other transferable currencies. Cover will paid. Atradius will only insure losses
indemnification until the dispute has always be in the same currency as that due to force majeure occurring outside
been resolved or until it has been of the financing. This is logical, as the the Netherlands. Losses due to force
established in court or by an arbitra- financiers must obtain funding in that majeure occurring in the Netherlands
tor that your claims are justified. It is particular currency. The ensuing reverse are not covered unless they are due
therefore important that you and your exchange rate risk is however capped. to measures decreed by international
buyer include an appropriate clause Atradius will indemnify losses under an organisations which the Netherlands is
for resolving disputes in the export insurance policy in only one currency. required to take (e.g. embargoes).
contract. In certain cases we may be Should financing - through bills of ex- As force majeure can result in consi-
able to pay the insured an advance on change, for example - be denominated derable losses, it is essential that the
any indemnification whilst awaiting in foreign currency, but the exporter’s force majeure clause be formulated

properly in the export contract. The exercise its right to recourse only if it takes to pay the guarantee-issuing
buyer must not be able to declare has been established that your are at bank the covered percentage of the
force majeure unilaterally, the export fault or that we would not have under- guarantee amount if the guarantee
contract must not be dissolved if the written the transaction risks if we had is called, irrespective of the reason.
force majeure is of short duration received the correct information. The If however, it was called for reasons
(generally less than six months) and burden of proof lies with Atradius in attributable to you and therefore no
the definition of force majeure must these cases. Under the Direct Guaran- indemnification was due under the
be sufficiently broad. In some cases we tee, the Buyer Credit Insurance policy Supplementary Cover, Atradius will
may agree to a shorter force majeure and the Financial Lease Policy, the subsequently claim the amount paid
period. Dutch State, via Atradius, irrevocably to the guarantee-issuing bank from
undertakes to honour the bank’s claim you. As Atradius may need to hold
Right to Recourse (provided all conditions for indemni- you liable for recourse for substantial
Under certain circumstances Atradius fication have been fulfilled). Atradius amounts, we must have sufficient con-
will have the right to recover from must pay the bank, even if you have fidence in your expertise, experience
you claims paid to you or your bank. no right to indemnification under the and financial reliability. If you belong
This is known as the right to recourse. insurance policy, because, for instance, to a group of companies, we would
For transactions which have been it is in breach of the contract or there furthermore require your parent com-
financed, we will exercise our right is a dispute with your buyer. In such pany or holding company to secure
to recourse if, for example, you have cases the exporter must reimburse your recourse obligations.
failed to fulfil your obligations under Atradius for the indemnification paid
the contract, have not fully disclosed to the financing or discounting bank.
relevant information or if there is a Under a Counter Guarantee, the Dutch
dispute with your buyer. Atradius will State, via Atradius, irrevocably under-

21. Development Aid

In the Netherlands, various initiatives Through ORIO, the Dutch State wishes value; the remainder must be financed
have been taken and bodies establis- to promote development and employ- by other means, such as a commercial
hed to promote development-related ment in developing countries. ORIO is loan. If a Dutch party is awarded a
exports to developing countries. One an untied aid programme. This means tender, Atradius can insure the related
of these initiatives is ORIO (Ontwikke- that grants are available for the most commercial loan on behalf of and for
lingsrelevante Infrastructuurontwikke- suitable exporter or contractor for a account of the Dutch State. In some
ling: Facility for Infrastructure Deve- particular transaction, which need not cases we may be able to provide
lopment for Developing Countries). be a Dutch company. ORIO grants help insurance even if we are currently off-
This is a grant facility funded by the recipient countries finance the import cover for the country concerned under
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The imple- of capital goods, services, construction our normal country policy. Please refer
mentation of the programme has been projects or a combination thereof. to our country policy on our website
entrusted to Agentschap NL, an agen- Under the ORIO programme, a grant for further information.
cy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. is available for part of the contract

22. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Atradius attaches great importance to environmental assessment. For these classify the projects to be reviewed as
its corporate social responsibility both assessments, we follow the IFC Perfor- to their potential environmental and
as a private enterprise and as manager mance Standards, which are the guide- social impact, as agreed in the OECD.
of Dutch State facilities. The thorough lines the IFC, a subsidiary of the World Exporters applying for insurance for
assessment of a transaction’s environ- Bank, uses to assess its projects. They transactions or projects with potential
mental and social impact is therefore comprise standards for: environmental major environmental or social impacts
an integral part or our underwriting and social impact, labour and working must also submit a public environmen-
procedures for credit and investment conditions, community health, safety tal impact report called Environmental
insurance. and security, land acquisition and (and Social) Impact Assessment.
involuntary resettlement, biodiversity,
Environmental and Social Impact conservation and sustainable natural OECD Guidelines for Multinational
We assess all insurance applications resources management, protection of Enterprises
as to their potential negative environ- indigenous peoples and protection of The OECD guidelines include the only
mental and social impact. Applications cultural heritage. In our assessment CSR norms for international enterpri-
for transactions above € 10 million we review not only the particular ses endorsed by governments. They
or in sensitive sectors or geographi- transaction but also the project it describe the scope of CSR and are
cal areas are subject to an in-depth is part of and the supply chain. We the only framework which includes a

complaint mechanism for resolving dis- lenders must only extend credit approach to CSR, please refer to our
putes. The guidelines were established which supports countries’ economic separate brochure on Corporate Social
by 34 OECD member states and eight and social progress without creating Responsibility, which is also available
associated countries in cooperation future debt problems. For some of on our website.
with private enterprise, labour unions these countries, officially-supported
and social organisations. The OECD export credit is only permitted if a
guidelines are based on international grant, such as an ORIO grant, is also
agreements aimed at applying com- provided. Please consult our country
mon rules for international trade and policy on our website for more details.
preventing unfair competition. For further information about our
The guidelines are applicable not only
to multinationals, as the name may
suggest, but to all enterprises with
international activities. The guidelines
provide tools for companies dealing
with matters such as supply chain due
diligence, human rights, child labour,
environmental issues and corruption.
The Nederlandse Contact Punt (NCP,
Netherlands Contact Point) helps en-
terprises apply the OECD guidelines in
practice. If the guidelines lead to diffe-
rent points of view between businesses
and their stakeholders, any party may
approach the NCP. The NCP will act
as an independent mediator in solving
the problem, which can prevent its
escalation and can avoid reputational
damage to the parties involved.
In the Netherlands, government fi-
nancial support for exporters’ interna-
tional trade and investment activities
is subject to compliance with OECD
guidelines. We therefore draw our
clients’ attention to these Guidelines
in our application forms and they must
acknowledge them.
For the guidelines, please refer to

Deterring bribery and corruption

The Netherlands adheres to internati-
onal rules and regulations forbidding
the winning of orders through bribery
or aiding and abetting bribery of civil
servants or officials. This interdiction
has been included in our Criminal
Code. Contracts won through bribery
cannot be considered for insurance. If,
after Atradius has issued an insurance
policy, it becomes apparent that the
exporter is guilty of bribery, its right to
indemnification will be rescinded and it
will have to reimburse Atradius for any
indemnification it may have received.

Sustainable Lending
In the OECD, in cooperation with the
IMF and the World Bank, agreements
have been made aimed at limiting
developing countries’ debt burden to
acceptable levels. This means that,
especially for low-income countries,
23. International consultation 24. Glossary
Medium-term risks are often difficult premiums, granting development aid Arrangement (Consensus)
to insure in the private sector due to for export contracts, deterring bribery, International agreement made in the
their size and tenor and especially due and assessing environmental and social OECD to limit the effects of unfair
to their risk concentration. In almost impacts of export transactions. competition due to government
all industrialised countries and an in- support, subsidies and financing.
creasing number of emerging markets, European Union
government agencies insure such risks The Council of Europe has established Berne Union
in support of their country’s exports. guidelines for further harmonisation The Berne Union is the association
Each carries out its own policy and of export credit insurance facilities. A of private and public sector export
this affects the international compe- working group meets monthly on this credit and investment insurers which
titiveness of exporters. International issue. There are also European Union insure both buyer and country risk
agreements have been made on a rules aimed at preventing distortions for international goods and services
number of issues, including minimising in the internal European market due transactions.
unfair competition due to government to unfair competition as a result of
support. This is a central issue in con- government export credit insurance Bond insurance
sultations in the OECD, the European facilities. A European Commission Insurance against the risk of a buyer or
Union and the World Trade Organisa- regulation therefore stipulates that, its bank calling a bank guarantee.
tion (WTO). Atradius is involved in in principal, governments may not
these consultations as advisor to the participate in the market for short- Buyer Credit Insurance policy
Dutch State. Export credit insurers also term credit insurance for high-income Insurance against borrower default for
meet regularly in the Berne Union, of countries. a bank which has financed an export
which Atradius is a member. transaction.
Berne Union
WTO The Berne Union is the international Buyer non-payment risk
Member countries of the WTO have in organisation of private and public This is the risk that the buyer will fail
principle agreed that officially sup- sector export credit and investment to comply with its financial commit-
ported export credit programmes must insurers. Its members insure both ments.
break even in the medium term. This is commercial and political risks and most
to prevent unbridled subsidy competi- members insure both short-term and Counter guarantee
tion among countries. medium-and long-term transactions. A guarantee issued under an exporter’s
The Berne Union has established or contractor’s Supplementary
OECD guidelines for maximum credit terms Cover or stand-alone Bond Insurance,
The principle agreements made in the and for corporate social responsibi- whereby Atradius undertakes, on
Organisation for Economic Coopera- lity, which Atradius adheres to when behalf of the Dutch State, to reim-
tion and Development (OECD) have underwriting transactions on behalf of burse the guarantee-issuing bank for
been laid down in the Arrangement on the Dutch State. payments made to the buyer. As this
Officially Supported Export Credits, eliminates the need for the guarantee-
also known as the Consensus. The issuing bank to hold the exporter or
agreements apply in principle to all contractor liable for the full amount
officially supported transactions with a of the guarantee, it frees up capacity
credit term or credit insurance term of under the exporter or contractor’s
two or more years (excluding military credit limit.
equipment or agricultural products,
which are not covered by the Arrange- Country Risk
ment). An important provision of the Refers to risks related to the importing
Arrangement is that at least 15% of country and includes political risks
the value of the export contract must (e.g. transfer restrictions, disturbances
be paid down. This down payment or war) and catastrophes (e.g. natural
must be made at the latest by the de- disasters such as storms, earthquakes
livery date. In the Netherlands, for cer- and epidemics).
tain transactions, the buyer must pay
down at least 5% of the contract value Credit Risk
at the time the contract comes into The risk that an exporter/bank will not
force. This means that at most, 85% receive the agreed contract amount or
of the contract value may be financed. not the entire amount, or will receive
There are also provisions regarding the contract amount only after a long
maximum credit periods, instalment delay.
amounts and due dates. In the OECD,
agreements have also been concluded
on minimum interest rates, minimum

Debt Consolidation ORIO (Ontwikkelingsrelevante Infra- Stand-alone Bond Cover
A payment plan which can include structuurontwikkeling), Facility for exporter’s insurance against a buyer or
rescheduling as well as cancellation of Infrastructure Development for Deve- its bank making unfair calls on a gua-
a country’s debt or part thereof. loping Countries rantee issued by the exporter’s bank,
A grant facility for untied aid for for which the issuing bank holds the
Direct Guarantee (Dutch) export transactions with exporter liable for recourse.
Atradius’s irrevocable commitment, governments of developing countries.
issued on behalf of the Dutch State, Supplementary cover
to indemnify a discounting or negoti- Progress payments Insurance against the risk of unfair
ating bank if amounts due on bills of Periodic payments to an exporter calling of a bank guarantee by a buyer
exchange or promissory notes or under during the manufacturing period or a or its bank, which an exporter may
irrevocable letters of credit remain contractor during the completion pe- take out as a supplement to manu-
unpaid upon expiration of the relevant riod for work as it is completed as per facturing risk insurance or credit risk
waiting period. the contract terms, made from a bank insurance.
loan for which Atradius has issued a
Force majeure Buyer Credit Insurance policy on behalf Waiting Period (Claim Filing Waiting
An unforeseeable situation beyond the of the Dutch State. Period, Claims Waiting Period)
insured’s control preventing fulfilment The period the insured must wait
of the obligations under the export Promise of Cover before filing a claim. The period starts
contract. Atradius’s undertaking, on behalf of on the payment due date and expires
the Dutch State, to issue an insurance as stated in the insurance policy.
Investment insurance policy. Atradius can issue a promise of
This insurance covers investment cover to an exporter prior to or during
losses in companies abroad due to negotiations with its client and/
expropriation, war, transfer restrictions or banker. The exporter can then be
or breach of contract. certain of the risks Atradius will insure,
as well as the terms and conditions of
Lease Policy with Comprehensive the insurance coverage, provided the
Cover contract comes into force within the
Insurance against non-payment of in- period stated in the promise of cover.
stalments due under a lease agreement
for exported capital goods (financial Protracted default
lease) covering all lease instalments. Failure by the buyer to pay the con-
tractual debt after the waiting period
Lease Policy with Limited Cover (see below), which is not due to a
Insurance against non-payment of in- dispute nor verifiable political or
stalments due under lease agreement commercial factors.
for exported capital goods, generally
covering only the first nine months’ Recoveries
instalments. Amounts collected on overdue pay-
ments after indemnification of the
Lease Policy with Expropriation-Risk insured.
insurance against expropriation for Risk Insurance for Contractors
leased capital goods Insurance for non-payment of costs
incurred for construction projects,
Manufacturing Risk whether or not due to the buyer failing
The risk an exporter runs of non- to issue all certificates.
payment for costs incurred in conclu-
ding and executing an export contract Settlement Exchange Rate
inasmuch as it has failed to deliver the The rate of exchange established by
contracted goods and/or services to the European Central Bank on the
the buyer. date of receipt of an amount in foreign
exchange or the date that an amount
Medium-term transactions is credited to a foreign currency This brochure gives a general description of the pro-
transactions with credit terms longer account with a bank in the Netherlands ducts which Atradius Dutch State Business can offer on
than twelve months (capital goods or elsewhere. behalf of and for the account of the State. Of course,
this brochure cannot give an exhaustive description
exports) or completion periods longer of the products, nor can any rights be derived from it.
than twelve months (construction Regulations and conditions may have changed. Please
check our website for the latest information.

David Ricardostraat 1, 1066 JS Amsterdam.
P.O.Box 8982,
1006 JD Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel. 020 553 9111, Fax 020 553 2811,
Handelsregister Amsterdam 33226495

Atradius Dutch State Business NV

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