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By Dra. Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare, Senior Member, IEEE

IEEE Latin America Transactions has rules and a formal standard that must be strictly followed by the author,
which if not observed, the article will not be published, regardless of status accepted.

1 - The submission of a paper implies

1.1- The article has not been published before.

1.2- The article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
1.3- The submission was approved by all authors, as well as by the responsible authorities, tacitly or explicitly by the institute where
the article was conducted.
1.4- The author(s) agrees and accepts all terms and rules set forth herein.
1.5- The author(s) authorizing the IEEE Latin America Transactions to publish the article and make changes according to the format
required by the journal.

2- Copyright

2.1- The copyright of the article should be sent to the IEEE Latin America Transactions, via e-mail
according to the model / format shown on the link
2.2- The authors including figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published must obtain permission from the
copyright owner, and include evidence that such permission was granted at the time of submission of the documents. All material
received without such evidence will be considered as the source of their authors, including the text of the article.
2.3- The IEEE Transactions Latin America and the editor is not responsible if there is any claim.
2.4- It is understood that it is the responsibility of the authors the text published in the IEEE Latin America Transactions.
2.5- The IEEE Latin America Transactions reserves the right to make changes or modifications necessary to keep the article in the
required format.

3 - Other provisions

3.1- Any change in the article by the authors (TITLE, ABSTRACT, KEYWORDS, and AUTHORS or E-MAIL) should be made by
RE-UPLOAD at the site of the IEEE Latin America Transactions as well as by updating the REGISTRATION DATA in the
submission page, because it provides data for which will appear in the publication process.
3.2- When changes are asked to the author, the reply must be faster; a deadline will be given according the publication date; if the
changes were not sent within the deadline, the paper will remains for further issues or discarded.
3.3- It is agreed that when the article is accepted, the author agrees with the final editing process.
3.4- Since the article is accepted, this does not mean it will be published, nor create any obligation of the journal IEEE Latin America
regarding the article.
3.5- The non-acceptance and non-compliance in the article all requirements set forth herein, do not imply the publication of the

4- Rules for formatting articles

4.1- Papers should be submitted in Microsoft WordTMformat in the link:

strictly following the rules that are in the section of article submission:
4.2- In the case of articles prepared in TeX / LaTeX should be a version of the article using OpenOffice and save in Microsoft
WordTM format. Warning that the use of any external software to Microsoft WordTM, or use specific sources, can cause errors, as
symbols can be exchanged in equations or formulas, leading to rejection of the article.
4.3- In the registration of the article submission page, select topics of interest in only one of three technical areas, which is closest to
the subject of the article.
4.4- The article should have an average of six (6) pages. It should not exceed 2 Mb in size.
4.5- Do not include header or footnote (except footnote to item 4.14), or page numbering.
4.6- Page Size Letter 8.5 x 11 inch, and 1.70 cm margins on all 4 sides, in two columns with a width of 8.88 cm and 0.43 cm spacing.
4.7-Text of the article should be Portuguese or Spanish (except Title, Abstract and Keywords should be in English), Times New
Roman, size 10 in black (including emails and links).
4.8- Title of the article in english, font Times New Roman, size 24, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
4.9- Names of authors should come just below the title in the format "Exibir nome IEEE" found in the register during the article
submission, with first names abbreviated to initials and punctuated with space between them, followed by the last name written in full,
without the use of hyphens, (M. S. M. A. Notare). Senior Member and Member must be between commas, after the author's name in
italics (M. S. M. A. Notare, Senior Member, IEEE and I. A. Notare, Member, IEEE), in Times New Roman font size 12.
4.10- Section titles in Times New Roman font size 10, in capital letters and numbered with roman numerals (I. INTRODUCTION).
4.11- Title of the tables in Times New Roman font size 8, capital letters and numbered with roman numerals (TABLE I. LEGEND OF
4.12- Abstract and Keywords in english, italic and bold, followed by a dash without space (Abstract— Keywords— ; To insert this
character, press the ALT key, and the numeric keypad keys 0151), and the same text should contain a single paragraph written in
english and bold only, all in Times New Roman font size 9.
4.13- The first letter of first word in first paragraph (Introduction) must capitulate size of two lines; the remaining letters should be
capitalized; if the word is an article the next word should also be in capital letters.
4.14- Must have footer on the first column of the first page, containing only the authors' names (with first names abbreviated to
initials and punctuated with space between them, followed by the last name written in full, without the use of hyphens), job affiliation,
local and email, comma separated, of each author on its own line in Times New Roman font size 8.
4.15- The legend of figures should be written out "Figure 1. xxx ", justified to the left in Times New Roman size 8, ending with point;
and the call in the text, must be "Fig. 1".
4.16- Equations should be left justified and numbered with arabic numerals in parentheses right justified.
4.17- Appendix centered title should be like. And each of the appendices justified to the left, labeled Appendix A: xxx, Appendix B:
xxx. The same for Attachments.
4.18- The section References and Acknowledgments are not numbered, font Times New Roman size 8, and must follow exactly the
model data. It is asked kindly to include in the bibliography, where possible, already published in the magazine according to the link
list described
4.19- Biographies of the authors must have photo and follow the format defined in the model. They should come after the references,
untitled section, in Times New Roman font size 8.

5- Update the registration/profile.

5.1 Update the registration/profile. The registration/profile is the responsibility of the author(s) using his/her password.
5.2 Article that not updating the profile data according the article data, it is canceled.


In the profile has data concerning the article - as the title, author (s), labor affiliation, e-mail, keywords, abstract - that these data should be equal in
both the article and in the profile.

To perform the upgrade on file do the following:

1 - Follow the link

2 - Choose the Edit Submission.
3 - Put the article ID and password.
4 - The profile opens.

6 – Additional rules for Special Issues (in addition to the rules described above)

6.1- It should contain an introduction / editorial of a page. See the attached model (Modelo Editorial.pdf).
6.2- The IEEE Transactions Latin America accepts the sending of the three best articles conference, along with their reviews and the
respective responses from authors to reviewers. It is asked extended versions of three best papers to be evaluated by the editorial
committee of the Journal, which will decide about the publishing.

IEEE Latin America Transactions.

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