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IBM United States Software Announcement

218-182, dated June 26, 2018

IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits delivers a

cognitive agent designed to answer questions about
health plan benefits
Table of contents
1 Overview 3 Publications
2 Key prerequisites 3 Technical information
2 Planned availability date 4 Ordering information
2 Description 5 Terms and conditions
3 Product positioning 6 Prices
3 Program number

At a glance

IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits helps transform the health plan member

experience by delivering the following capabilities:

• Provides around the clock (24x7), consistent and accurate answers to the
member's questions about their health plan benefits
• Helps to lower an organization's costs by providing automated cognitive agent as
part of a multichannel member strategy
• Can be used by health providers as well as health plan call center agents to
assist in quickly and accurately answer questions about health plan benefits


Watson Assistant for Health Benefits, a cloud service, delivers a cognitive member

engagement service that helps health plans lower their call center costs as well as
deliver personalized customer experiences. Watson Assistant for Health Benefits is
able to ingest and analyze complex health plan benefits logic.

Built on the core conversation capabilities of IBM Watson Assistant, Watson Assistant
for Health Benefits is trained to understand health benefits. Addressing the requests
and questions from plan members or other callers improves call center efficiency
and frees up call center agents so they can deliver higher value services that
increase loyalty and brand engagement.

Main features:

• Provides a conversational interface that understands health benefit related

questions using natural language
• Is able to inform health plan members about their health benefits, so they can
effectively utilize their benefits
• Provides a cognitive agent that can understand complex benefit logic from plan
design and claims processing logic
• Includes prebuilt content that accelerates deployments
• Provides dashboard analytics with information gathered from conversations and


IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1
• Provides a 24x7 member engagement channel that can answer questions quickly
and consistently
• Helps lower call center costs by providing an automated channel for member use
• Improves call center agents' productivity by assisting them with information
retrieval in order to expedite fast, accurate, and consistent answers
• Offers providers faster access, and at all hours, to a patient's benefits and
eligibility information needed to advise the patients
• Provides insight from conversations to help improve member experiences in the

Key prerequisites

Internet connection

Planned availability date

June 26, 2018


Watson Assistant for Health Benefits offers a personalized experience for members
of a health plan, as well as providers interacting with health plans, to find answers
to the patient's questions regarding their health plan benefits.

Using a smart phone, tablet, or browser, an individual can log into a health plan's
website, ask a question, and get a response. This response may take the form of a
direct answer or a walk through of a process, such as filling out an application for a
new health plan, therefore, letting the member take an immediate action.

To provide this level of individual experience, Watson analyzes the specific kinds of
questions or intents that are likely to be asked by health plan members. Though
the vast majority of member questions are iterations of the same request, no two
customers are likely to ask a question exactly the same way. Watson learns how to
recognize variations of common questions. For example, when a member says, "I
need knee surgery," the member most likely has the same intent as one who says,
"What are my benefits for in-patient surgery for my knee." Both of these statements
may be interpreted by Watson as a request for details on a plan's coverage for this
type of procedure.

In order to understand the nuances and idioms of natural language, Watson has
studied publicly available documents comprised of over 300 million English-language
words. In doing so, Watson has learned how words relate to each other, in context.
This deep knowledge enables it to interpret each question asked, however the
question is asked, and to map the question to the intent it deems most appropriate.

In addition, Watson Assistant for Health Benefits can also incorporate benefit plan
rules and logic. This helps it understand the next best question and ensures the
conversation is focused on resolving the request.

When Watson is not confident in its ability to provide an appropriate response,

perhaps in attempting to respond to a question it has not been asked before, it can
transfer the individual to a human agent, with no extended phone trees required.
In this way, member service agents can concentrate on doing what they do best,
handling unusual requests that require their special expertise, rather than spending
time answering requests best handled by an automated system.

Accessibility by people with disabilities

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2
A US Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) containing details
on accessibility compliance can be found on the IBM Accessibility website.

Product positioning

Watson Assistant for Health Benefits is part of the consumer portfolio within IBM
Watson Health payer solutions. It can integrate with IBM Watson Health Treatment

Cost Calculator as well as IBM Watson Health myBenefitsMentor.

Watson Assistant for Health Benefits uses the Watson Assistant service, as well as
other, related Watson services.

Program number

Program number VRM Program name

5737-H95 Cloud Service IBM Watson Assistant for
Health Benefits

Education support

Not applicable.

Offering Information

Product information is available on the IBM Offering Information website.

More information is also available on the Passport Advantage and Passport


Advantage Express website.



To view offering documentation, see the IBM Watson Health website.


Software Services

IBM Software Services has the breadth, depth, and reach to manage your services
needs. You can leverage the deep technical skills of our lab-based, software services
team and the business consulting, project management, and infrastructure expertise
of our IBM Global Services team. Also, we extend our IBM Software Services reach
through IBM Business Partners to provide an extensive portfolio of capabilities.
Together, we provide the global reach, intellectual capital, industry insight, and
technology leadership to support a wide range of critical business needs.

To learn more about IBM Software Services, contact your Lab Services Sales or
Delivery Leader.

Technical information

Specified operating environment

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3
Hardware requirements
Internet connection.

Software requirements
Browser sufficient to access the service.

Planning information

This offering is delivered through the Internet. There is no physical media.

Security, auditability, and control

Watson Assistant for Health Benefits uses the security and auditability features of
the host software.

The client is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security

features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems
and communication facilities.

Ordering information

For ordering information, consult your IBM representative or authorized IBM

Business Partner, or go to the Passport Advantage website.

This product is only available through Passport Advantage. It is not available as


Product group: IBM Watson Health

Program name PID

IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits 5737-H95

Product category: Watson Health

Passport Advantage
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits (5737-H95)

Part description Part number

IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D1ZZYLL
Conversation per Month
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D1ZZZLL
Additional Instance per Month
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D2000LL
for Local Feature Conversation per Month
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D2001LL
Onboarding Fee Engagement One-Time
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D2002LL
Conversation Overage
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D2003LL
Additional Instance Overage
IBM Watson Assistant for Health Benefits D2004LL
for Local Feature Conversation Overage

Charge metric

Definitions of the charge metrics for this cloud service can be found in the following
Service Description document:

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4
Program name PID number Charge metric Service
IBM Watson 5737-H95 Conversation i26-8088
Assistant for
Health Benefits
Engagement i26-8088
Instance i26-8088

See the Cloud Services terms website to find the listed service description document
number that corresponds to the date of this announcement. Select your language of
choice and scroll down to the Charge Metrics section.

Terms and conditions

The information provided in this announcement letter is for reference and

convenience purposes only. The terms and conditions that govern any transaction
for the acquisition of Cloud Services from IBM consist of either the IBM Cloud
Services Agreement and the applicable offering Service Description or the IBM
International Passport Advantage Agreement or the International Passport
Advantage Express Agreement and the IBM Terms of Use  General Terms for Cloud
Offerings and the applicable offering Service Description.

This product is only available through Passport Advantage. It is not available as


Technical support

Technical support is provided for Cloud Services and enabling software, as

applicable, during the subscription period. Any enhancements, updates, and other
materials provided by IBM as part of any such technical support are considered to
be part of the Cloud Service, as applicable, and therefore governed by the applicable
agreement as defined in Client's quote or transaction document. Technical support is
included with the Cloud Service and is not available as a separate offering.

Additional technical support information for this Cloud Service offering may be found
in the Payer section of the IIBM Watson Health Support Community or in service-
specific documentation.

Terms of Use

Cloud Service offering-specific terms are available on the Cloud Service terms

Limited warranty

See the warranty defined in the applicable agreement governing Client's acquisition
for this offering.

Money-back guarantee


Volume orders (IVO)


Passport Advantage applies

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5
Yes, information is available on the Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage
Express website.

Usage restrictions

Cloud service

See Service Description i26-8088 on the Cloud Services terms website for details
and for any new or revised restrictions.

Software Subscription and Support applies


IBM Operational Support Services - SoftwareXcel


Variable charges apply


Educational allowance available

Not applicable.

Statement of good security practices

IT system security involves protecting systems and information through intrusion

prevention, detection, and response to improper access from within and outside
your enterprise. Improper access can result in information being altered, destroyed,
or misappropriated or can result in misuse of your systems to attack others. Without
a comprehensive approach to security, no IT system or product should be considered
completely secure and no single product or security measure can be completely
effective in preventing improper access. IBM systems and products are designed
to be part of a regulatory compliant, comprehensive security approach, which
will necessarily involve additional operational procedures, and may require other
systems, products, or services to be most effective.

Important: IBM does not warrant that any systems, products, or services are
immune from, or will make your enterprise immune from, the malicious or illegal
conduct of any party.


Business Partner information

If you are an IBM Business Partner acquiring products from IBM, you may link to
Passport Advantage Online for resellers where you can obtain Business Partner
pricing information. An IBMid and password are required to access the IBM Passport
Advantage website.

Passport Advantage
For Passport Advantage information and charges, contact your IBM representative.
Additional information is also available on the Passport Advantage and Passport
Advantage Express website.

IBM Global Financing

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6
IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified clients to
assist them in acquiring IT solutions. Offerings include financing for IT acquisition,
including hardware, software, and services, from both IBM and other manufacturers
or vendors. Offerings (for all client segments: small, medium, and large enterprise),
rates, terms, and availability can vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global
Financing organization or go to the IBM Global Financing website for more

IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the United
States, and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial
and government clients. Rates are based on a client's credit rating, financing
terms, offering type, equipment type, and options, and may vary by country. Other
restrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension, or
withdrawal without notice.

Financing from IBM Global Financing helps you preserve cash and credit lines,
enables more technology acquisition within current budget limits, permits
accelerated implementation of economically attractive new technologies, offers
payment and term flexibility, and can help match project costs to projected benefits.
Financing is available worldwide for credit-qualified customers.


Watson and Watson Health are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States,
other countries, or both.
IBM Watson, IBM, Passport Advantage and Express are registered trademarks of IBM
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of

Terms of use
IBM products and services which are announced and available in your country
can be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions,
and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this
announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for your
information only.Additional terms of use are located at

Terms of use

For the most current information regarding IBM products, consult your IBM
representative or reseller, or go to the IBM worldwide contacts page

IBM United States

IBM United States Software Announcement 218-182 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7

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