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Lic. Miguel Gonzales Rojas

Centro de Idiomas y Cursos Complementarios

We use certain clauses to show

why somebody does something.
These are called clauses of

They are introduced with the

following words or expressions:
1) so that + can/will /present – used for a present or future reference
Here’s my number so that you can call me if you have a problem.

I’m saving up some money so that I will buy a new laptop.

The dog is barking so that I give him food.

2) so that +could/would/ past – used for a past reference

We left early so that we would be able to park close to the stadium.

The teacher repeated many times so that we could understand.

I entered home carefully so that my parents didn’t wake up.

1) used to express purpose
Scientists used only local materials in order to save money.

Scientists used only local materials so as to save money.

Scientists used only local materials to save money.

2) in order not to/so as not to + infinitive

We walked in quietly so as not to wake up the children.

1) To describe how something is used

This function on the air conditioner is for reducing humidity.

I sometimes use my key for opening a bottle.

A Smartphone can be used for watching Netflix.

Rewrite the following sentences using the purpose
expressions in brackets. Make the necessary changes.

1) He kept the door open. He wanted to let fresh air in. (so as to)
2) Some firms had to close as they didn't want to go bankrupt. (in order not to)

3) Peter locked his bedroom door because he didn't want his sister to disturb him. (so that)

4) She calls a meeting because she wants to hear everyone's opinion. (in order to)

5) He gave up sugar and butter because he didn't want to put on weight. (to avoid)

6) Everyone was pushing because they wanted to get to the front of the queue. (in order to)

7) They speak quietly because they don't want to disturb anyone. (to avoid)

8) Susan lifts her son onto her shoulder. The boy wants to see the parade. (so that)

9) He went on foot because he didn't want to be heard. (so as not to)

10) He came to live in the country because he wanted to have trees around him instead of
buildings. (so as to)
Write the correct expression of purpose.
1. Concentrate on your exercise ______________ make any mistakes.
2. You have to wake up ______________ be on time.
3. You have to register ______________ participate in the forum.
4. She left work early ______________ be at home when he arrives.
5. Ships carry life boats ______________ the crew can escape when the ship
6. I will go to university ______________ continue my studies.
7. He exercises regularly ______________ be overweight.
8. ______________ you can produce a good essay, you need to edit your writing
before you hand it in.
9. She works hard ______________ she can earn a living.
10. These men risk their lives ______________ we may live more safely.
Write the correct expression of purpose.

1. I'm studying very hard at the moment _____ pass my exams next month.
2. I bought a dictionary _____ help with my vocabulary.
3. I went to bed early _____ I wouldn't be tired in the morning.
4. I have to get up early. I set the alarm for five o'clock _____ oversleep.
5. I waited for an hour _____ I could meet her.
6. Some people do not eat before exercises _____ feel nauseated.
7. Do exercise regularly _____ have excellent health and well-being.
8. My sister gave English lessons _____ earn some pin money.
9. Jenny is a very nice person. She is always prompt _____ help her friends.
10. They took the taxi _____ waste time.
11. I'm going to Australia _____ forget my English.
12. Make sure your bags are tagged _____ you can identify them later.

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