UIPA LOGAN, Arthur - Emails Redacted

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From: Agbayani, Arlina A

To: Miyagi, Vern T; Logan, Arthur J; Clairmont, Toby l; Rapoza, Richard D; Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US);

Subject: [Non-DoD Source] A wave of panic rattles Hawaii after false missile alert
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 8:52:55 PM

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Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000001
From: Agbayani, Arlina A
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Logan, Arthur J; Rapoza, Richard D; Clairmont, Toby l; Hara, Kenneth S; Anthony, Charles J Lt
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Friday"s briefing
Date: Monday, January 15, 2018 1:27:46 PM

Hi all,

We need to find time soon to plan our presentation this coming Friday. We
have to share to the legislators all the outreach we've conducted, materials
we have on hand & maybe some of the feedbacks we received. 


Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000004
Thank you for agreeing to facilitate the transmission of our concern regarding the recent unfortunate false nuclear
alert on Saturday, January 13, 2018 to the Office of the Governor as well as other key stakeholders.

DCAB realizes that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) is grappling with some very serious
systemic issues relating to the false emergency notification that caused panic in the community.  In addition to those
serious operational deficiencies that need to be corrected, we are compelled to bring to light a very serious flaw and
civil rights issue: There were NO captioned or interpreted announcements on television to inform the deaf and hard
of hearing community that the alert was a false alarm, nor were there any captioned or interpreted press conferences,
interviews, or explanations subsequent to the false alarm.

Many people who are deaf or hard of hearing did receive the initial text alert.  However, it was 38 minutes before a
retraction was sent out on the same system and deaf people were left in the dark the entire time.  Although hearing
people could tune to television to hear the voice of the Administrator, Congressional delegate, or Governor to learn
that the alarm was false, deaf people could not.  They were left in panic for the full 38 minutes while hearing people
were able to be reassured on television much earlier with spoken announcements.  Deaf people were entitled to
receive the same timely information from the media. Furthermore, after the 38 minutes, when there was a more
detailed explanation of what happened (or did not happen) on television, there was no captioning or live interpreter
present, particularly at the press conferences.  This is clearly not acceptable, and very likely a civil rights violation.

Please relay this concern as soon as possible to the Governor’s Office.  We request subsequent press conferences to
(1) have an ASL interpreter and captioning, (2) an acknowledgement in an upcoming press conference that an
interpreter and captioning should have been provided on the day of the event, and (3) an assurance that
communication access  for deaf and hard of hearing persons will be provided in the future through captioning and
ASL interpreters.

DCAB continues to be willing to offer technical support to the Office of the Governor, HI-EMA, and media outlets.

Thank you,


Francine Wai

Executive Director

Disability and Communication Access Board

< Caution-mailto >

A. Logan - 000006

A. Logan - 000007
From: V ncent M chael S
To: McM l an C ndy; Logan Arthur J; Hara Kenneth S; Miyagi Vern T
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Fw: Executive Order18-01 EM A ert Review between State of Hawa i Doug Ch n and Dav d Ige is Signed and Filed!
Date: Monday January 15 2018 3:33:29 PM
Attachments: E ec ti e Order18-01 EM A ert Re ie ( art 1) - signed df
Executive Order18-01 EM A ert Review - audit pdf

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From: Adobe Sign <

Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 3:30 PM
To: Vincent, Michael S; Ige, David Y; Chin, Douglas S
Subject: Executive Order18-01 EM Alert Review between State of Hawaii, Doug Chin and David Ige is Signed and Filed!

 <Caution-https://stateofhawaii.na1.echosign.com/cobrand logo/CBNCJBAABACAABAAAOroKWEAOXTMoYZGkrwc siARW-Pz89fp 5fPRmYfXPa0q-tChjMQtgX1B7UTqZL32MAkxjAE0nlUyyipGJUJL5dJfFgpSGsOdIFp3julpbJzLdMKYlK69sNzORSbgkzpfM1Iz2hYCCv77AtF-0A7BF1 lvOtd8vp--9eisk9Y*> 

<Caution-https://stateofhawaii.na1.echosign.com/track/CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhA-cYP8gEcUM5eSKAsf1GRqx2-i2u JiXl7k9E4lk3MswdbEOyuLsx0DPv ziAcZZI*/blank.gif>    

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Executive Order18-01 EM Alert Review between State of Hawaii, Doug Chin and David Ige is Signed and Filed!

To: Michael Vincent, David Ige and Doug Chin

Attached is a final copy of Executive Order18-01 EM Alert Review.

Notifications have been automatically sent to all parties to the agreement.

You can view the document < Caution-https://stateofhawaii.na1.echosign.com/public/viewAgreement?tsid CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhBegWL6sBOH3-kOz7aH RzV24FlT 0mtCLNUdDiXvOElNVXrSgtMWrwKNfc3fsrCj9790cUsSk-cRYpAVIKomXG& >  in your Adobe Sign account.

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A. Logan - 000008
A. Logan - 000010
A. Logan - 000011
From: [Caution-mailto < Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:11 PM
To: HawaiiEMA < < Caution-mailto: >>
Subject: - re: Missile alarm


I wanted to get a message to if possible. Please forward to him if you can.

My family (my wife and two children) and I were visiting from Reno, NV and staying at the Courtyard hotel in
Kauai when the false alarm went out. We came down to the lobby and found our way into the restaurant. Shortly
after you took charge, introduced yourself, and gave direction. I just wanted to reach out and take a minute to thank
you for your leadership, calm in the time of crisis, and general ability to manage things. I know HI-EMA is taking a
lot of heat right now, but the individual actions that took place during that 20 minutes of fear and panic are likely
unknown and unrecognized. I wanted to show my appreciation, even if it's just a thank you by email. We were all
scared and didn't know what to do. It will take time to get past how shaken we were. We appreciate your actions
greatly and are grateful that you happened to be there and showed yourself to be strong, calm, and positive. So thank
you. We are safe at home in Reno now, but my family and I will never forget that day or the man who made sure we
would be as safe as possible. HI-EMA is fortunate to have you in their employ. Please feel free to share my
comments and contact information with your superiors or anyone else you feel should see them.

Mahalo and aloha,

A. Logan - 000013
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: letter from Rep. Ward- Gov tracking #1801098
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 12:24:07 PM
Attachments: 1801098.pdf

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Secretary to MG Arthur J. Logan

Adjutant General

State of Hawaii, Department of Defense


From: Gov.Transmit.Docs
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 12:18 PM
To: <
Subject: letter from Rep. Ward- Gov tracking #1801098


The attached letter was received today.  We kindly request that DOD draft a reply for Governor’s signature.

A. Logan - 000014
Thank you,

Office of the Governor, State of Hawai‘i

Caution-http://governor hawaii.gov < Caution-http://governor.hawaii.gov/ >

The pdfs require Adobe Reader.

A. Logan - 000015
A. Logan - 000017
A. Logan - 000018
From: McMillan, Cindy
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Miyagi, Vern T
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: Media Inquiry re: FEMA
Date: Monday, January 15, 2018 11:45:49 AM

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See below…

From: McMillan, Cindy

Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 11:03 AM
To: Rapoza, Richard D < Arlina Agbayani <
Cc: Jodi Leong ( < ANTHONY, CHARLES J Lt Col USAF
ANG HIANG/PA < Hickman, Jeffrey D MAJ USARMY (US)
( <
Subject: FW: Media Inquiry

Hi team – Any help on this one?


From: Andrew Walden [Caution-mailto < Caution-mailto: >]

Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 10:44 AM
To: Leong, Jodi C < < Caution-mailto > >; McMillan, Cindy
< < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Media Inquiry


The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, January 14, 2018 reports <

scare-fcc-says/ > :

        Vern Miyagi, administrator for HEMA, said Saturday that the agency had to wait to make the retraction until it
had authorization from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

A. Logan - 000019
        Governor David Ige said Saturday that the state didn’t have a process in place to issue a cancellation and the
correction had to be done manually after receiving federal approval.

We showed these comments to FEMA and asked them if FEMA authorization is required to retract a state-issued
false alarm.  FEMA says no.

Would you like to respond?


Andrew Walden


Caution-www.HawaiiFreePress.com < Caution-http://www.HawaiiFreePress.com > 

A. Logan - 000020
North Korea. This speaks to the broad concern about the threat North Korea poses to our state and the rest of the

Senator Hirono’s call with Secretary Mattis is part of her ongoing efforts to address Saturday’s false emergency
threat alert. Yesterday, Senator Hirono questioned Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. She also spoke
to Governor David Ige, Admiral Harry Harris, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Director Vern Miyagi, and
Hawaii Adjutant General Joe Logan.

Click here to download high resolution image <

Caution-https://www.hirono.senate.gov/imo/media/image/27017346_10213748053767993_871752442_o.jpg >

Senator Hirono speaks with Secretary of Defense James Mattis


A. Logan - 000022
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:49:11 AM
Attachments: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer.pdf

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For your awareness - happening at HIEMA this morning.

Confirmed that FCC will be there at 1000 hrs.  She also mentioned that Mike
Vincent is there.

Secretary to MG Arthur J. Logan

Adjutant General
State of Hawaii, Department of Defense

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:44 AM
To: <
Cc: <
Subject: FW: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer

As discussed.  Please disseminate to MG Logan and BG Hara.


Private Secretary to Vern T. Miyagi, Administrator Hawaii Emergency

Management Agency [HI-EMA] State of Hawaii, Department of Defense  |  3949
Diamond Head Road  |  Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495
  Email:         |   Office:    

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recipient, please contact the sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy

A. Logan - 000023
the original message and all copies.

-----Original Message-----
From: [Caution-mailto
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:32 AM
To: <
Subject: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer

Please open the attached document. It was sent to you using a Xerox
multifunction printer.

Attachment File Type: pdf, Multi-Page

Multifunction Printer Location: Birkhimer Copy Room

Device Name: Copy Room Xerox

For more information on Xerox products and solutions, please visit


A. Logan - 000024
A. Logan - 000025
WHAT: Senators Hirono to question Secretary of Homeland Security on false emergency threat alert

WHEN: Tuesday, January 16 at 10:00 a m. EST/5:00 a m. HST

WHERE: Hart Senate Office Building, Room 216

The hearing will be broadcast on C-SPAN, on the Senate Judiciary Committee website, and at


A. Logan - 000027
From: Clairmont, Toby l
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Rapoza, Richard D; Logan, Arthur J
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: /Sorry I"m reaching out ...
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 8:25:43 PM
Attachments: 63AEC942-7421-4160-BF11-765D1173FD0B[4].png

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Received this RFI today.  Not sure how to answer any of the questions given I have no sense of where we are and
where we are going with this initiative.  Right now I’m making the following assumptions.

1. All work on BMP is suspended pending the efforts of BG Hara.

2. Other than the two talks I have scheduled, I’m not accepting any more.
3. I no longer lead the planning around BMP.
4. I’m shifting my efforts to other work (safety plan, WebEOC, etc.).

Please correct me if I made incorrect assumptions.  How should I proceed in terms of Mr. Cole’s questions?

Pls advise.




Executive Officer


State Emergency Operations Center - Birkhimer

A. Logan - 000028
Hawaii State Department of Defense

Email:     < Caution-mailto >



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From: William Cole [Caution-mailto:wcole@staradvertiser.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 14:51
To: Clairmont, Toby l < Rapoza, Richard D <
Subject: William Cole/Sorry I'm reaching out ...

Truthfully, I feel for all of you I know over there.

Anyway, I’m doing a story today along the lines that the false alarm showed the state’s preparedness plan is still a
work in progress.

Can I ask these qs?

1. When was the full preparedness plan/guide expected to be done (before Saturday happened)?

2. Vern has talked about being at the first phase of public awareness. Can you convey the other phases and when
they are happening?

3. Is all the planning halted pending the investigations?

4. When will it resume?

5. What did HIEMA learn with the frantic search for stores and other substantial buildings as far as going forward
with planning?

6. What other cities/states are doing NK missile preparedness planning?

Thanks, William

William Cole

A. Logan - 000029
Military Writer

500 Ala Moana Blvd., Tower 7, Suite 210

Honolulu, HI 96813



Email Caution >

A. Logan - 000030
From: Miyagi, Vern T
To: Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Fwd: Disaster Prep. Hearing
Date: Monday, January 15, 2018 8:43:20 PM

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Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Agbayani, Arlina A" < < Caution-mailto

Date: January 15, 2018 at 10:26:57 AM HST
To: < < Caution-mailto >
        Cc: < < Caution-mailto > >,
< < Caution-mailto: > >,
< < Caution-mailto > >,
< < Caution-mailto > >, "Rep. Gregg Takayama"
< < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Re: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Mahalo Karen.

Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

        On Jan 15, 2018, at 10:03 AM, <

Caution-mailto > > wrote:


10 a m. AUDITORIUM Friday, January 19th. 

A. Logan - 000031
Joint committees below:

1) PBS-House Committee on Public Safety

2) PSM-Senate Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs <

Caution-https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/committeepage.aspx?comm=PSM&year=2018 >

3) VMI- House Veterans, Military, & International Affairs, & Culture and the Arts <
Caution-https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/committeepage.aspx?comm=VMI&year=2018 >

4) GVO-Senate Government Operations < Caution-https://www.capitol hawaii.gov/committeepage.aspx?

comm=GVO&year=2018 >

Hearing notice forthcoming. 


        From: Agbayani, Arlina A [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2018 12:10 PM
To: < < Caution-mailto >>
Cc: < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto >>
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

        Mahalo. We received a phone call from Sen. Kim yesterday asking us to brief her committee as well at 10
am to discuss our mishap.


A. Logan - 000032
Arlina Agbayani

Public Relations Officer

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

3949 Diamond Head Road

Honolulu, HI 96816


< Caution-mailto >

Website: ready hawaii.gov < Caution-http://ready hawaii.gov > 

        From: [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2018 12:08 PM
To: Agbayani, Arlina A < < Caution-mailto
        Cc: < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Re: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Hi Arlina,

        We will follow up and make sure that is available.  There will also likely be a change in venue and the
start time will likely move up to 10am.  We will send you an amended hearing notice once it's finalized.


Office Manager

A. Logan - 000033
Hawaii State Representative Matthew S. LoPresti, Ph.D.

House District 41 (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Ewa Gentry, Ewa Villages, Hoakalei & Ocean Pointe)

415 S. Beretania Street, Room 424 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

        Phone: | Fax: | Email: <

Caution-mailto >


        From: Agbayani, Arlina A < <

Caution-mailto >>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2018 12:01:28 PM
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Hi ,

Checking in if there’s a laptop/projector in the conference room for Friday. We have slide deck to show.

Please advise.


Arlina Agbayani

Public Relations Officer

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

3949 Diamond Head Road

Honolulu, HI 96816


< Caution-mailto >

Website:ready.hawaii.gov < Caution-http://ready.hawaii.gov > 

A. Logan - 000034
        From [Caution-mailto <
Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 9:48 AM
To: Agbayani, Arlina A < < Caution-mailto
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

        I spoke with from the Fusion Center.  He told me resiliency is more of a HIEMA issue
whereas Fusion Center focuses on information sharing.  The wildfire thing was suggested by Chair Takayama to
report on how we would handle major damaging wildfires.

        From: Agbayani, Arlina A [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 9:09 AM
To: < < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Good morning ,

        Just double checking. On the draft agenda, who are Hawaii Wildfire folks? I thought you guys confirmed
Fusion Center.



        From: [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:33 PM
To: Agbayani, Arlina A < < Caution-mailto
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Hi Arlina, here's a draft notice, not for distribution outside of your agency.

        From: Agbayani, Arlina A [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:31 PM

A. Logan - 000035
To: < < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Do you have info hearing notice yet?


Arlina Agbayani

Public Relations Officer

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

3949 Diamond Head Road

Honolulu, HI 96816


< Caution-mailto >

Website: ready hawaii.gov < Caution-http://ready hawaii.gov > 

        From: [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 10:32 AM
To: Agbayani, Arlina A < < Caution-mailto
Subject: RE: Disaster Prep. Hearing

Hi Arlina,

Yes, that would be great.  Thanks!


A. Logan - 000036
Office Manager

Hawaii State Representative Matthew S. LoPresti, Ph.D.

House District 41 (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Ewa Gentry, Ewa Villages, Hoakalei & Ocean Pointe)

        415 S. Beretania Street, Room 424 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 |Caution-www.capitol hawaii.gov <
Caution-http://www.capitol hawaii.gov >

        Phone: | Fax: | Email <

Caution-mailto >

        From: Agbayani, Arlina A [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 10:31 AM
To: < < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Re: Disaster Prep. Hearing


        In light's of today's briefing at the Fusion Center, your boss wants us to also provide briefing on Disaster
Impacts on Hawaii's Critical System. Is there time? Please advise.


Arlina Agbayani

Public Relations Officer

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

        On Jan 5, 2018, at 1:39 PM, < <

Caution-mailto > > wrote:

Hi Arlina and

        For the informational briefing regarding disaster preparedness (lessons learned in 2017) Rep.
LoPresti wanted to hold for the House Public Safety Committee, we have rescheduled it to Friday, January 19th at
10:00 am, room 312.  We will send you the hearing notice as soon as its finalized.  We look forward to hearing from

A. Logan - 000037
HIEMA and the Fusion Center on this topic that day.


Office Manager

Hawaii State Representative Matthew S. LoPresti, Ph.D.

House District 41 (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Ewa Gentry, Ewa Villages, Hoakalei & Ocean Pointe)

        415 S. Beretania Street, Room 424 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 |Caution-www.capitol.hawaii.gov <
Caution-http://www.capitol hawaii.gov >

        Phone: | Fax: | Email <

Caution-mailto >

A. Logan - 000038
To: Logan, Arthur J
Cc: Kishi, Arnold T
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Fwd: Letter
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:28:50 PM
Attachments: Opt In for FirstNet - signed.pdf

Here ‘s the letter. Let me know if you need anything else.

Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)

A. Logan - 000039
A. Logan - 000040
From: Pressler, Virginia Ginny, M.D.
To: Logan, Arthur J
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Fwd: Reaching Out
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018 11:22:13 AM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
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Hi Joe. Just FYI. Will copy you on further response.


Virginia Pressler, MD
Director of Health
State Dept of Health

< Caution-mailto >

Begin forwarded message:

        From: "Pressler, Virginia Ginny, M.D." < <

Caution-mailto >>
        Date: January 14, 2018 at 11:18:04 AM HST
        To: "Young, Mark (OS/ASPR/OEM)" < < Caution-mailto >>
        Cc: < < Caution-mailto >
>, " )" < < Caution-mailto > >,
." < <
Caution-mailto > >, "< <
Caution-mailto > >, <
Caution-mailto >> "< <
Caution-mailto >> <
< Caution-mailto >>
        Subject: Re: Reaching Out

        Thanks Mark. The media has certainly reported some mental health trauma but our crisis line only received 7
calls yesterday and none today. I just spoke with them. We are trying to get the word out that it is a resource. We
will be meeting internally at DOH Tuesday to discuss fully. In the meantime, I am copying Dr. Mark Fridovich who
oversees our adult mental health division, Dr. Stan Michels who oversees CAMHD and Eddie Mersereau from
ADAD for further input. Thanks for your concern.
        Virginia Pressler, MD
        Director of Health
        State Dept of Health

A. Logan - 000041
        < Caution-mailto >

        On Jan 14, 2018, at 10:50 AM, Young, Mark (OS/ASPR/OEM) < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                Dr. Pressler,


                Please pardon me for reaching out on a Sunday but we thought it would be prudent to ask if you or your
staff are hearing any reports of behavioral health issues due to the scare from the false alarm yesterday? CAPT Jon
Perez,  the Regional SAMHSA Administrator, and I discussed this morning about Hawaii’s situation and how it may
have impacted some folks and we have some concern about the situation especially with children.







                Mark D. Young

                Regional Administrator, Region IX

                DHHS, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response



                < Caution-mailto >  <

Caution-mailto >




A. Logan - 000042
To: ; Johnson, Michael L COL USARMY OSD OUSD C (US); Miyagi, Vern
T; Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Cc: Paul, Malia (Schatz); Hahn, Dale (Schatz); Revana, Arun (Schatz); Einhorn, Eric (Schatz)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Hawaii CODEL briefing on false missile alert - confirmation and details
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 1:24:30 PM
Attachments: image001.gif

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Good evening, all:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in tomorrow’s briefing for the Hawaii Congressional delegation on the false
missile alert.  Below are the confirmed details:

Who:                     Senator Schatz (confirmed); Senator Hirono (invited); Representative Gabbard (invited); and
Representative Hanabusa (invited)

What:                   Assessing the events of and lessons learned from the 13 January false missile alert in Hawaii

Where:                 722 Hart Senate office building  (Hawaii-based participants to join via VTC from Senator Schatz’s
Honolulu office in the federal building, Suite 7-212)

When:                  5 p m. EST / 12 p m. HST

To facilitate tomorrow’s briefing, below is a preliminary set of topics and questions that we ask the briefers to please
be prepared to address, as appropriate:

*        Assessing the 13 January false missile alert

o  Timeline for the false alert, including how it was initiated and what steps were taken to rescind it, as well as
HIEMA/Hawaii government initial interactions with FEMA.

o  Are there standards, processes, and/or best practices for withdrawing/correcting/updating an alert (e.g., because of
an error or new information)? Did those work here?  In not, why not?

*        Assessing the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders (federal and state governments; and HEMA
employees) in the wireless emergency alert (WEA) system

A. Logan - 000043
o  What discretion do states have to design their own warning systems and procedures for issuing an alert?

o  What training do emergency service employees receive regarding the warning system? Is this training based on
national standards or is it Hawaii specific?

o  Who is responsible for establishing standards for the warning system regarding cyber security and command and
control (e.g., ability to recall messages)?

o  What authenticating role do federal stakeholders have for alerts concerning “imminent threat to life and safety”
that have national security implications?

*        Assessing the aftermath of a wireless emergency alert

o  How, if at all, are WEA system alerts integrated with the broadcast emergency alert system and other relevant

o  Are operators of critical infrastructure (e.g., power plants, airports, harbors, hospitals, and refineries) notified

o  Does HIEMA have a list of events where there are lots of people so they can notify organizers to mitigate panic?

o  Who is responsible for ensuring that 911 call centers have capacity to handle high call volumes following an

o  Is there an alternative way for officials, broadcasters, and/or the public to verify an alert?

*        Assessing civil defense training to support alerts

o  How can we most simply ensure people know what to do, wherever they live or are at the time of an incident?

o  What specific processes and procedures exist for coordination between civil and military authorities? What is the
standard/expected process for a ballistic missile alert? Other kinds of alerts (e.g., tsunami, hurricane, etc.).

o  How are local law enforcement agencies involved to ensure that they are prepared in the event of an emergency?

*        Assessing lessons learned and recommendations for improvements

o  What worked and what did not from the perspectives of the federal and state stakeholders (including the public
response to the alert)?

o  What immediate steps are each federal and state agencies taking to prevent a false alert in the future?  Are
additional statutory authorities needed?  Is there sufficient funding to support these efforts?

Please let us know if you have any questions in advance of tomorrow’s briefing.  We look forward to seeing you

A. Logan - 000044
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Hawaii EMA Current Status Report on Behalf of State Warning Point - Jan 13, 2018 02:11:59
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 2:12:04 AM

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[Hawaii EMA Current Status Report on Jan 13, 2018 02:11:59]

*EOC Status*
Hawaii County EOC is on - Normal Operations - .
Maui County EOC is on - Normal Operations - .
Kauai County EOC is on - Normal Operations - .
Honolulu County EOC is on - Normal Operations - .
State EOC is on - Normal Operations - .

*Watches, Warnings, Advisory and Weather*

HIGH SURF WARNING remains in effect for north and west facing shores of
Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai and Big Island; and north facing shores of Maui
until 6:00pm, Sunday (1/14/18). (CHM 3:49 PM, 1/12/18)

HIGH SURF WARNING will be in effect for west facing shores of the Big Island
from 6:00am, Saturday (1/13/18) to 6:00pm, Sunday (1/14/18).  (CHM 3:49 PM,

*Staff Information*
Director is On Island (Oahu) -  Return Date: .
Administrator is On Island (Oahu) -  Return Date: .
Executive Officer is On Island (Oahu) -  Return Date: .

Staff Deployed

Staff On-Leave/Sick

A. Logan - 000046
*SWP Shift on Duty*

Please log in to WebEOC (Daily Operations Incident) to view the Hawaii-EMA

Current Status Board. Caution-https://webeoc1.scd hawaii.gov/eoc7

A. Logan - 000047
From: Agbayani, Arlina A
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Rapoza, Richard D; Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S; Clairmont, Toby l; Anthony, Charles J Lt
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Hawaii missile alert: How one employee ‘pushed the wrong button’ and caused a wave of
panic - The Washington Post
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018 11:56:20 PM

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Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000048
From: Agbayani, Arlina A
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Rapoza, Richard D; Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S; Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] HI-EMA focused on regaining trust, employee reassigned after false missile alert – KHON2
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018 6:41:38 PM

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Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000049
From: Miyagi, Vern T
To: McMillan, Cindy; Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] HI-EMA Talking Points
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:34:12 PM
Attachments: Talking Points.docx

All – Talking Points attached.  Timeline slide being worked. 

A. Logan - 000050
Legislative Hearing Talking Points: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-
EMA) 19 February 2018

1. Situation:
a. The State Warning Point (SWP) is the full-time 24-hour/7-day week
operations center located at the Birkhimer EOC in Diamond Head
b. Their function is to monitor the county, state, national, and
international disaster (all hazards) events and identify any that
threaten the state.
c. For the Ballistic Missile Attack (BMA) threat:
i. Receive authenticated missile notification message from
ii. Activate Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency
Alert (WEA) and Sound Attack Warning Siren for all counties.

2. What happened:
a. A routine internal BMD notification/alert drill was initiated at 0800
Saturday, 13 January 2018 after a change of shift.
b. Purpose of drill: To rehearse
c. Employee by mistake applied the wrong application and initiated an
actual state-wide Civil Danger Warning (CDW) at 0807.
d. After 38 minutes HI-EMA issued a Civil Emergency Message (CEM)
remotely that the first message was a false alarm 0845.
e. The diagram/slide will take us through what happened between 0807
and 0845.

3. Why Did It Happen:

a. The internal process for this drill event is currently under investigation
by BG Oliveira. I defer to the findings of this investigation.

4. What Actions We Have Taken:

a. Actions taken immediately:
i. All drills suspended until further notice.
ii. BMD false alarm application installed.
iii. Implementation of 2-person rule for all alert/notifications

A. Logan - 000051

A. Logan - 000052
Senator Hirono’s speech will be broadcast on C-SPAN2 and at facebook.com/senatorhirono.


A. Logan - 000054

January 17, 2018

M. President, when the sun rose last Saturday in Hawaii, nothing seemed out of the


People on Kauai were getting ready to participate in the local march to commemorate

Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Families were sitting around the table eating breakfast. Others were sleeping in after a

long week of work.

At 8:07 am, everything changed.

Mobile phones throughout Hawaii received an emergency alert in all capital letters

informing them of a ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii, and that it was not a


The terror and panic was real, and peoples’ reactions reflected that.

Parents passed their children through manhole covers into the sewers seeking safety.

Separated family members took to the highways, driving as fast as 100 miles per hour to

get home. Some had to decide whether to rush to be with their spouse or their children.

38 minutes later, an emergency alert came through, saying there was no missile threat.

False alarm. The relief was palpable.

This relief gave way to real, visceral anger.

A. Logan - 000055
Anger that there was a false alarm. Anger that it took 38 minutes to alert the public.

Anger that we faced a missile threat at all.

This incident has undermined the public’s faith in our state government’s ability to

provide timely and accurate information about a potential crisis.

At a time when we face heightened tensions around the world, and particularly with

regard to North Korea, it is crucial the people of Hawaii can have confidence in the

government as an institution to provide accurate information.

It’s why I am calling for a thorough, transparent investigation into what occurred. We

need a full accounting of the human and system failures that occurred. And we need to

identify and put in place specific steps to make sure something like this never happens


What we do know is that the incident was a result of human error. An operator

mistakenly triggered the alert.

Although the error was discovered quickly, we need to better understand the

circumstances that led up to the incident. We need to understand how the operator was


We need to identify and understand any other potential issues that resulted in this

specific human error. The State has appointed an investigator to get to the bottom of

this, and the State Legislature is scheduled to be briefed on preliminary findings on


Once the circumstances that precipitated this error are identified, we need to correct

them as quickly as possible.

A. Logan - 000056
Concurrently, we need to understand the system failures that resulted both in the false

alert and in the 38 minute delay before the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency

(HI-EMA) issued a correction.

Why did HI-EMA officials believe they needed approval from the Federal Emergency

Management Agency to issue a correction? The Secretary of Homeland Security told me

at a hearing yesterday that no such permission was necessary, pointing to a need for

clarity regarding agency responsibilities.

State governments oversee and operate local emergency management alert systems. But

the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Department of Homeland

Security – through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – have a role

to play to make sure these systems are operating properly.

During yesterday’s hearing in the Judiciary Committee, Secretary of Homeland Security

Kirstjen Nielsen committed to working with me to strengthen federal-state cooperation

on emergency alerts, assess potential failures, and improve overall readiness in Hawaii

and across our country.

The FCC is also conducting an investigation into what happened.

The entire nation will benefit if these key federal agencies work with states to close gaps

in training and communication, institute best practices, and ensure states and local

governments have the appropriate resources to prevent this from happening again.

A. Logan - 000057
This false alert also clarified the importance of strong coordination between state

government and our military. Over the weekend, I spoke with Admiral Harris of Pacific

Command about ways to strengthen this coordination, particularly during a period of

heightened tensions with North Korea.

The fact that people in Hawaii immediately assumed the missile originated in North

Korea speaks to the broad concern about the potential for conflict and threat North

Korea poses to our state and the rest of the country.

We need to support and strengthen diplomatic efforts regarding North Korea because

at a time of heightened tension between and the United States and North Korea, the

potential for miscalculations increase.

The President, rather than engaging in a tit for tat with Kim Jong-un, should be

supporting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s efforts to engage in meaningful diplomacy

and marshall the support of our allies to diffuse tensions with North Korea.

I spoke earlier today with Secretary of Defense James Mattis to emphasize the urgency

of resolving this situation peacefully, knowing that he had just returned from a

multinational meeting with a number of key allies, including Japan and South Korea,

focusing on North Korean provocations.

Secretary Mattis provided a military perspective at this meeting and reiterated to me

the importance of strong diplomatic efforts to resolve tensions with North Korea.

A. Logan - 000058
I call on the president to support these kinds of initiatives and give Secretary Tillerson

the resources he needs.

I yield the floor.

A. Logan - 000059
From: Clairmont, Toby l
Cc: Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US); Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] IMPORTANT: Investigation of Saturday"s incident...
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018 11:14:06 AM

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Good morning all.

I have been asked by Vern to assume the role of Investigating Officer for the incident we are terming the ‘Warning
System Mishap of January 13, 2018’.  Our intent is to follow a well-established process known as a Root Cause
Analysis with Corrective Action Plan.  This process is used for critical incidents in healthcare, nuclear industry,
aviation and alike.

Timetable is as follows:

Tuesday, January 16                        Phase I: Preparation of supporting information including pulling together
interviews and statements made immediately following the incident.

Wednesday, January 17                 Phase II: Problem definition and detailed capture of key events and actions.  By
the end of the day, we will have a well-defined and detailed map of what happened and when compared with what
should have happened.  We will know the gaps in performance.

Thursday, January 18                      Phase III: Solution will be explored and discussed.  Outline of various courses of
action prepared.  Action plan with assignments and deadlines drafted.

Friday, January 19                            Preliminary Report of Findings with Action Plan will be published.

This is a very aggressive timetable.  I respectfully request that those of you who receive an invitation to participate
make this your highest priority.  Branch chiefs should clear their calendars for both Wednesday and Thursday. 

A. Logan - 000060
If you are invited to participate by name, you MAY NOT send a delegate.  Supervisors may be asked to bring in
staff during periods other than their ordinary working hours.  See me for implications (second jobs, overtime, etc.).

invitation to participate is not voluntary.  

In the meantime, I urge all HI-EMA staff to avoid making interim changes to operational procedures and technology
until we have a completed report of findings.  Vern has directed that no further drills/exercises be conducted

until the resulting Action Plan has been completed and we are assured that the potential of another error is as low as
humanly possible.  Responses to real-world incidents must continue as per procedure. 

Staff approached by representatives of the media should avoid making statements other than directing them to HI-
EMA External Affairs (Richard or Arlina).  Likewise, try your best not to respond to social media or other

Do not share or pass along rumors or other unverified information.  We are planning on briefing all HI-EMA staff
on this soon.  You’ll know the facts and will be in a good position to share  them as they emerge. 

In case you’re wondering, the discussions and facts derived during the investigation will be kept CONFIDENTIAL
however the resulting report and action plan will be made public. No escaping that.  Truthfulness and deliberate

to find and report the facts is expected and is critical to our reputation and effectiveness going forward.

MG Logan, Vern and I all know how hard this is on you.  We are proud of our organization, our people and the
service we provide to our state so when something like this happens, it hurts.  I believe that we will be judged not

for what happened, but also how we respond to this incident.  We can’t change what happened, we can change the
how we do things in the future and we will.  We will be a better organization after the smoke clears. 

We will regain the trust  and confidence of the public that depends on us for so much – their very lives.

This is a very serious matter.  I recall a  statement made by the NASA Flight Director during the Apollo 13
accident.  You too may recall the film made in the 1990’s. He interrupted an official who felt the Apollo program
was over.  The

flight director stated abruptly ‘ Sir, I believe this will be our finest hour’. In the end, he was right.  So will it be for



A. Logan - 000061

Executive Officer


State Emergency Operations Center – Birkhimer

Hawaii State Department of Defense

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A. Logan - 000062
From: Agbayani, Arlina A
To: Logan, Arthur J; Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US); McMillan, Cindy; Leong, Jodi C
Cc: Rapoza, Richard D
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Interviews on Sunday
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 7:29:05 PM

Hi all,

Mahalo for all your kokua today.

We have two media outlets coming tomorrow Sunday to interview Vern. CNN at
10 am & ABC at 11 am.
Please let us know if you can come. Mahalo.

Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000063
From: H
To: Logan, Arthur J; Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S; Miyagi, Vern T
Cc: Fuchigami, Ford N
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting tomorrow morning @ 8:30 a.m.
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:21:33 PM
Attachments: image001.gif

Good afternoon,

Just wanted to let you know that Mayor Caldwell said that he would like to attend this meeting but will be here
around 9 a.m.  Mayor Carvalho will be here at 8:30.

Thank you,

Assistant Administrative Director

Office of the Governor

Hawaii State Capitol

415 S. Beretania Street, Room 415

Honolulu, HI 96813


A. Logan - 000064
From: Toby L. Clairmont
To: Vern Miyagi; Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Photo of screen...
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 2:03:47 PM
Attachments: IMG 0015.JPG

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The “buttons”



Team Commander



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A. Logan - 000066
A. Logan - 000067
From: McMillan, Cindy
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: 3 Talking Points (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 8:16:11 PM

Seems on point to me. Break a leg tomorrow.



From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) <

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:53 PM
To: McMillan, Cindy
Subject: 3 Talking Points (UNCLASSIFIED)


Cindy, how about these talking points vice what I sent earlier with my Remarks?

1. (Concern) This is an extremely unacceptable event that has eroded the public's trust of State Gov't, more
specifically HIEMA.

2. (Action) I have directed a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the false alert, and
we have already made changes to prevent this from occurring again.

3. (Perception) Again, because the world is a dangerous place and our State was directly threatened by a rogue
nation. Your emergency management agency took prudent steps to plan for the worst, and paramount to this was the
time constraints of 12-15 minutes notification to the public.

Awaiting your guidance.


A. Logan - 000068
From: Fuchigami, Ford N
To: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Cc: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Miyagi, Vern T; McMillan, Cindy;
Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US);
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: Draft Remarks Diagram and Timeline (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:25:31 PM

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 18, 2018, at 9:22 PM, Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
< wrote:
> Team,
> Attached is the draft per subject line.  Please review. I've attached that
> spreadsheet. Easier to edit the spreadsheet than the PowerPoint
> presentation.  I had to split the presentation timeline to ensure it would
> be readable.  Please review and make any recommended changes. I need to
> some sleep for tomorrow, but should have time to edit in the morning.  I
> not have the ability to print on larger paper.  Cindy, can someone at the
> Capitol print on the 11 x 17 size paper that Mike provided? 
> Brigadier General Kenneth S. Hara
> Deputy Adjutant General/Commander, Hawaii Army National Guard
> State of Hawaii, Department of Defense
> 3949 Diamond Head Road
> Honolulu, HI  96816-4495
> Office: 
> <Timeline.xlsx>
> <False Alert Diagram.pptx>
> <Hara Statement.docx>

A. Logan - 000069
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 6:24 PM
To: < '
< <
'Miyagi, Vern T' < Col Joe Logan (
< Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Cc: < <
Subject: Hawaii CODEL briefing on false missile alert - confirmation and details

Good evening, all:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in tomorrow’s briefing for the Hawaii Congressional delegation on the false
missile alert.  Below are the confirmed details:

Who:                     Senator Schatz (confirmed); Senator Hirono (invited); Representative Gabbard (invited); and
Representative Hanabusa (invited)

What:                   Assessing the events of and lessons learned from the 13 January false missile alert in Hawaii

Where:                 722 Hart Senate office building  (Hawaii-based participants to join via VTC from Senator Schatz’s
Honolulu office in the federal building, Suite 7-212)

When:                  5 p m. EST / 12 p m. HST

To facilitate tomorrow’s briefing, below is a preliminary set of topics and questions that we ask the briefers to please
be prepared to address, as appropriate:

*        Assessing the 13 January false missile alert

o  Timeline for the false alert, including how it was initiated and what steps were taken to rescind it, as well as
HIEMA/Hawaii government initial interactions with FEMA.

o  Are there standards, processes, and/or best practices for withdrawing/correcting/updating an alert (e.g., because of
an error or new information)? Did those work here?  In not, why not?

*        Assessing the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders (federal and state governments; and HEMA
employees) in the wireless emergency alert (WEA) system

A. Logan - 000071
o  What discretion do states have to design their own warning systems and procedures for issuing an alert?

o  What training do emergency service employees receive regarding the warning system? Is this training based on
national standards or is it Hawaii specific?

o  Who is responsible for establishing standards for the warning system regarding cyber security and command and
control (e.g., ability to recall messages)?

o  What authenticating role do federal stakeholders have for alerts concerning “imminent threat to life and safety”
that have national security implications?

*        Assessing the aftermath of a wireless emergency alert

o  How, if at all, are WEA system alerts integrated with the broadcast emergency alert system and other relevant

o  Are operators of critical infrastructure (e.g., power plants, airports, harbors, hospitals, and refineries) notified

o  Does HIEMA have a list of events where there are lots of people so they can notify organizers to mitigate panic?

o  Who is responsible for ensuring that 911 call centers have capacity to handle high call volumes following an

o  Is there an alternative way for officials, broadcasters, and/or the public to verify an alert?

*        Assessing civil defense training to support alerts

o  How can we most simply ensure people know what to do, wherever they live or are at the time of an incident?

o  What specific processes and procedures exist for coordination between civil and military authorities? What is the
standard/expected process for a ballistic missile alert? Other kinds of alerts (e.g., tsunami, hurricane, etc.).

o  How are local law enforcement agencies involved to ensure that they are prepared in the event of an emergency?

*        Assessing lessons learned and recommendations for improvements

o  What worked and what did not from the perspectives of the federal and state stakeholders (including the public
response to the alert)?

o  What immediate steps are each federal and state agencies taking to prevent a false alert in the future?  Are
additional statutory authorities needed?  Is there sufficient funding to support these efforts?

Please let us know if you have any questions in advance of tomorrow’s briefing.  We look forward to seeing you

A. Logan - 000072
From: McMillan, Cindy
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: MG Logan remarks for False Ballistic Missile Alert (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:20:33 PM
Attachments: clm edits TAG Remarks for Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert v3.docx

Gen. Logan - My suggested edits attached. Mostly just tightened it up for

clarity. Make sure I didn't mess up the content!


-----Original Message-----
From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) [mailto

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:22 PM

To: McMillan, Cindy <
Cc: Ige, David Y < Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG
HIARNG (US) < Miyagi, Vern T
Subject: MG Logan remarks for False Ballistic Missile Alert (UNCLASSIFIED)


Cindy, here is what I have prepared for my remarks tomorrow.

The first page is my fall back 3 talking points, then the remarks follow.


A. Logan - 000074
MG Logan’s, Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert
1 (Concern) fully understand the anxiety and fear that was felt
throughout Hawaii during those first minutes following the initial
message that there was a ballistic missile launched towards Hawaii. I
cannot take those feelings back and know that the landscape of
response has been forever altered. I also know that the trust in our
state government, HI-EMA in particular, has been eroded and will need
to be earned back.
2 (Activity) From minute one of the alert, many of us, in the leadership
posts from the State of Hawaii, Dept. of Defense were in the process of
getting the information out, the narrative of us working sequentially and
not concurrently is not true. However, even in our efforts, we failed to
get an automated False Alert Cancellation message out in a timely
manner. Within hours, protocols and SOPs were changed, a new
second text is now able to be sent, and training for the State Warning
Point changed.
3 (Perception) We took steps to prepare for a ballistic missile attack
because the world is a dangerous place. Our state has been directly
threatened by North Korea and the nuclear rhetoric is rampant in our
media. Your emergency management leaders felt that we needed to
take actions and plan for the worst, but these steps needed to get out
to the public. With the limited time to react to an attack, that 12-15
minute window is vital for the survival of our residents and visitor.

A. Logan - 000075
I am Maj. Gen. Joe Logan and I am the Adjutant General, or TAG, for
the State of Hawaii’s Department of Defense., and I also serve as the
Director of HI-EMA.
Thank you for having us here today to provide answers to your
questions, but, more importantly, to work with you to improve our
emergency management system.
From January through November of 2016, North Korea tested a
nuclear device and fired some 20 missiles, each time improving its
ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities. In November of that year,
Hawaii took the first steps, in the nation, to prepare and plan for a
nuclear ballistic attack. We just have to look back to the year 2016
where from Jan through November, the leader of North Korea tested a
nuclear device and fired some 20 missiles always improving his
ballistic missile and nuclear capabilities.
In November 2016, the Administrator of HIEMA came to me and
indicated that North Korea continues to test his nuclear program and
has threated the U.S. with his capabilities. We and I discussed the
concern and sat down our concerns about this with the
Governorgovernor and with our recommendedation that we in HI must
take action to make ourplan and prepare for this threat and to inform
the public about itaware of the threat and better prepare them for
surviving a ballistic missile attack.
So HIEMA, at the direction of the Governor, embarked on a campaign
plan to educate the public on the threat, the expectation of the public,
and what we at HIEMA are doing to get ahead of the threat and
prepare our State.
According to open source news reports, in 2017, North Korea launched
15 ballistic missiles and conducted one nuclear test. This nuclear test

A. Logan - 000076
I have directed BG (Ret) Bruce Oliveira to conduct a complete internal
investigation of all the facts and circumstances surrounding this false
ballistic missile alert. We will make additional course corrections, as
This brings us up to the events of Saturday, the 13th of January at
approximately 8:07 a.m.
At this time, I would like to have the Administrator of the Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency, MG (Ret) Vern Miyagi, will provide
you with the time-line of events that occurred that day.

A. Logan - 000078

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:49 AM
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) < Hara,
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer

All active links contained in this email were disabled.  Please verify the
identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained
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For your awareness - happening at HIEMA this morning.

Confirmed that FCC will be there at 1000 hrs.  She also mentioned that Mike
Vincent is there.

Secretary to MG Arthur J. Logan

Adjutant General
State of Hawaii, Department of Defense

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:44 AM
To: <
Cc: <
Subject: FW: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer

As discussed.  Please disseminate to MG Logan and BG Hara.


Private Secretary to Vern T. Miyagi, Administrator Hawaii Emergency

Management Agency [HI-EMA] State of Hawaii, Department of Defense  |  3949
Diamond Head Road  |  Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495
  Email:         |   Office:    

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential

A. Logan - 000080
and/or privileged information.  Any unauthorized review, use, copying,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please contact the sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy
the original message and all copies.

-----Original Message-----
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Subject: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer

Please open the attached document. It was sent to you using a Xerox
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A. Logan - 000081
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Schatz Meeting Follow-up
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 3:05:06 PM

Good afternoon Joe,

Thank you for the informative briefing today. I wanted to follow-up on one point, it seems that FEMA and the FCC
are conducting investigations. Is the DoD not going to at this point?


Military Legislative Assistant | Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02)

1433 Longworth House Office Building

| fax

A. Logan - 000082
From: Richard Rapoza
To: Vern Miyagi; Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Kenneth S Hara
Cc: Arlina Agbayani
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Senator Kim"s angle
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:36:18 PM

This was in a blast email Senator Dona Kim sent out today. I think it indicates her priorities on the false alarm issue:


Saturday's false alarm of a missile attack was inexcusable.  We will be holding a public hearing on Friday, January
19, 10:00 a m., in the Capitol Auditorium, to discuss this unfortunate error with emergency management officials,
which drew widespread national and even international attention.  In keeping with my emphasis on accountability in
government, we will examine how and why the error was not reported sooner, what safeguards are in order, and
what the emergency management officials' plan is for the public once a real alert is activated.

A. Logan - 000083
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US); Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US); Anthony,
Charles J Lt Col USAF (US)
Cc: Rapoza, Richard D; Agbayani, Arlina A;
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Senator Schatz Website
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 10:33:51 PM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.



Sir. Please follow the link below to see what Senator Schatz's office posed on their website.

agencies-on-false-emergency-alert- < Caution-https://www.schatz.senate.gov/press-releases/hawaii-congressional-
delegation-briefed-by-federal-and-state-agencies-on-false-emergency-alert- >

Thank you,

Sent from HI-EMA work iPhone.

A. Logan - 000084
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US);
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Thank you for the Governor’s mention of FirstNet
Date: Monday, January 15, 2018 7:25:45 PM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.


Aloha General,

What a weekend. Thank you for having put FirstNet in the Governor’s remarks.

Would you mind if we touched base some time this week to understand how FirstNet could be helpful in the future?


FirstNet | Government Affairs

< Caution-mailto >

A. Logan - 000085
From: Miyagi, Vern T
To: Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S; Rapoza, Richard D
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Timeline
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:09:21 PM
Attachments: TIME LINE.docx
Hearing Notes.docx

FYI – Timeline included.

A. Logan - 000086

Approx. 8:05 a.m. – A routine internal test during a shift change was initiated. This was a test
that involved the Emergency Alert System (EAS), the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA), but no
warning sirens.

0807 – A warning test was triggered statewide by the State Warning Point, HI-EMA. Civil
Danger Warning “CDW” message sent out on EAS/WEA.

0810 – State Adjutant Maj. Gen. Joe Logan, validated with the U.S. Pacific Command that there
was no missile launch.

Honolulu Police Department notified of the false alarm by HI-EMA.

SWP begins receiving phone calls from public. Personal and SWP i-phones start
receiving the EAS/WEA message. Continue to respond to calls from public, media, other

0813 – State Warning Point issues a cancellation of the Civil Danger Warning Message. This
would have prevented the initial alert from being rebroadcast to phones that may not have
received it yet. For instance, if a phone was not on at 8:07 a.m., if someone was out of range
and has since came into cell coverage (Hikers, Mariners, etc.) and/or people getting off a plane.

0813 – Notification of county emergency management agencies, radio and TV stations.

0820 – HI-EMA issues public notification of cancellation via their Facebook and Twitter

0824 – Governor Ige retweets HI-EMA’s cancellation notice.

0826 – Administrator on live KITV Island News

0827 – HI-EMA IT discusses options for false alarm internally. Decides coordination with FEMA
advisable to confirm current situation met criteria of event code.

0830 – Called FEMA for advice and they agree to Civil Emergency Message “CEM” code.

0830 – Governor posts cancellation notification to his Facebook page.

0830 – Remote setup/booting up of work lap top computer at home by IT. Log into
system. Develop new CEM activation template – write EAS/WEA false alarm message and
insert into template.

0845 – After getting authorization (in error) from FEMA Integral Public Alert and Warning
System, HI-EMA issued a “Civil Emergency Message” remotely.

0845 (est) – VTC with Counties

0850 – GOV arrives at HI-EMA

0900 (est) – GOV telephone interview with CNN

0930 – First Press Conference - GOV

A. Logan - 000087
1300 – Second Press Conference - GOV

A. Logan - 000088
Three themes:
a. Preparedness All Hazards
b. Have a Plan/Get Ahead of it.
c. Compared to other jurisdictions – Hawaii is the most prepared for

2. What happened:
a. A routine internal BMD notification/alert drill was initiated at 0800
Saturday, 13 January 2018 after a change of shift.
b. Employee by mistake applied the wrong application and initiated an
actual state-wide Civil Danger Warning (CDW) at 0807.
c. After 38 minutes HI-EMA issued a Civil Emergency Message (CEM)
remotely that the first message was a false alarm.
d. Actions taken immediately:
i. All drills suspended until further notice.
ii. BMD false alarm application installed.
iii. Implementation of 2-person rule for all alert/notifications
e. Currently an investigation is being done by BG Oliveira who comes
from outside of HI-EMA.

3. Why 38 minutes? See timeline:

a. This was a routine internal drill of the BMD checklist using the
EAS/WEA program. No message was intended to go out.
b. Actual BMD message was sent out.
c. Main issue – computer application to retract the erroneous message
did not exist on menu. The IT specialist that could create this
application was offsite and as soon as he understood it was a false
alarm started to engage. Called supervisor and discussed. Called
FEMA for consultation to ensure correct code was used then created
application remotely and executed.
d. Yes – this took 38 minutes from 0807 – 0845. This is what happened.

4. FEMA authorization not needed. 20 minutes to contact FEMA

a. This was a misunderstanding on my part. I represented this in the
afternoon news conference on Saturday. This was in error. The call
to FEMA at 0830 was for consultation only … not authorization. I

A. Logan - 000089
corrected this in my statement during the Governor’s press
conference on Monday, 15 January.
b. Why did it take 20 minutes? This is what our timeline shows. I don’t
have the detailed actions accomplished but I can check and get back
to you.

5. Speed bump on all hazards test and drill?

a. I understand that speed bumps “are you sure you want to send this
alert,” are on all drill and actual screens for all events.

6. Death threats – why so late?

a. Saturday and Sunday – documentation took time – 53 calls – Tuesday
talked with HPD, Wednesday report was filed.

7. What communication attempts were attempted?

a. Public: Facebook and twitter; county notification systems
(Blackboard Connect and HNL.info); all telephones.

8. Screen Menus – why 2:

a. HI-EMA did not coordinate distribution with GOV office. Both
facsimiles showed the same BMD options.

9. Screen Menus – Can we change format so that test and actual separated or
clearly different?
a. This is a very good idea … I am not sure what our options are but will

10.Alert sense – there are many safeguards – 5 clicks – what happened?

a. The answer to this question will come out after the ongoing

11.Why didn’t you human anticipate error?

a. Let’s wait for the results from the ongoing investigation

12.Why wasn’t the two-person rule already in place?

a. Let’s wait for the results of the ongoing investigation

A. Logan - 000090
13.Was he being supervised? How many people were in the room?
a. Await the results of the ongoing investigation.

14.Was he certified? Are the other SWP employees trained/certified?

a. All state and county staff are required to take the IS:247A class. All
SWP on duty Saturday, 13 January 2018 were certified including the
Warning Officer who triggered the warning.

15.What is status of Alert Sense System? IPAWS?

a. System was installed a few years ago and provides state connectivity
to FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System.

16.Security issue with Post It note?

a. For an unknown application. Taken down and all hands message
directing all HI-EMA personnel to keep pass words secured sent.

17.Why shouldn’t you be fired?

a. Miyagi’s don’t quit.
b. This is a tough time but will get through it. Same focus as before:
Preparing and protecting the people of Hawaii and its visitors from all
hazards and emergencies.
c. I will stay with my team until told otherwise. We have much to do.

18.What grade would you give HI-EMA? For this event – the lack of a “false
alarm” would rate our SWP Notification and Alert System as RED. The
installation of the “false alarm” application and two-person rule will put
the system in a higher category but this will subject to the results of the

A. Logan - 000091
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: Appointment Memo
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:39:09 AM
Attachments: HIEMA Missile Alert 15-6 (BG Oliviera).docx


Attached is the latest version of BG Oliveria's appointment  memo.  I have

removed all references to AR 15-6 and have also removed the directive that
the IO use any DA Forms. 

BG Oliveira, you no longer need to fill out a DA 1574 for this.  I spoke
with the TAG and it makes sense that as an Agency Directed IO you wouldn't
necessarily be using 15-6 or any DA Forms.  There's nothing wrong with using
15-6 as a guide and if you used any DA 2823/sworn statement forms that's
fine, I just eliminated any reference to them and changed your title to
Agency Directed Investigator as opposed to a 15-6 Investigator.

A. Logan - 000092


NGHI-TAG 15 January 2018

MEMORANDUM FOR Investigating Officer, ATTN: BG (RET) Bruce Oliveira

SUBJECT: Appointment as Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigating Officer

1. You are hereby appointed as an Investigating Officer (IO) pursuant Army Regulation (AR)
15-6, paragraph 4-3, to conduct an informal investigation into the facts and circumstances
surrounding the false ballistic missile alert, which was issued over the State Wireless Alert
System on 13 January 2018, during the course of a change of shift exercise at the Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency’s (HI-EMA) Emergency Response Center (ERC), State
Warning Point (SWP).

2. You will specifically determine by a preponderance of evidence:

a. What was the exact chain of events that led to the issuance of a state-wide of a ballistic
missile civil danger warning message, during the course of the HI-EMA ERC SWP change of
shift test at approximately 0805 hours on 13 January 2018?

b. What was the established protocol that HI-EMA ERC SWP members were to follow
during the change of shift test and who established said protocol?

c. How many times had HI-EMA ERC SWP members previously practiced the protocol
which led to the issuance of the warning message on 13 January 2018, and what, if any, records
exist to chronical said training?

d. Did the established protocol during the change of shift test include a response protocol in
the event a false state-wide ballistic missile civil danger warning message was issued, and if so,
did HI-EMA ERC SWP members follow said response protocol on 13 January 2018?

3. Conduct this investigation using the procedural guidance outlined in AR 15-6, chapters 3 and
5. You may consider any evidence in your investigation that you determine to be relevant and
material to the issues outlined above. Your final report to me will include your findings, as well
as clear, relevant, and practical recommendations designed to resolve this matter and prevent
future occurrences. Notify me if reasons exist for expanding or limiting the scope of the

A. Logan - 000093
SUBJECT: Appointment as Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigating Officer

are not evidence. These documents include such items as this memorandum of appointment,
written communications to or from the appointing authority, Privacy Act statements, and
explanations by the investigating officer of any unusual delays, difficulties or problems. Mark
every piece of documentary evidence as an exhibit, tab separately, number consecutively and

11. Report of Investigation Packet. Your completed 15-6 investigation packet will include:

a. This memorandum of appointment;

b. A completed DA Form 1574-1, Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer;

c. A detailed chronology of the daily actions you took during the investigation;

d. An index of all attached exhibits;

e. All exhibits, labeled and numbered;

f. A list of witnesses you interviewed;

g. If applicable, proper classification markings for each paragraph, page, and

exhibit within your report of investigation.

h. A memorandum with your findings and recommendations.

12. Submission. Submit your report of investigation in two hard copies and an electric copy on
a compact disc after you have obtained a legal review. You may not release any information
related to this investigation to anyone, other than your legal advisor, without my prior approval.
This investigation is your primary duty until completed. It will take precedence over all other
duties until complete. If you encounter any conflicts, report them to me immediately. Only I can
grant you an extension.

Major General, HING
Adjutant General

A. Logan - 000095
8:00 AM 8:05 AM 8:10 AM 8:15 AM
8:03 AM Exercise Initiated 8:07 AM CDW Message Sent 8:12 AM CDW Cancelled
on WEA and EAS

8:00 AM 8:05 AM 8:10 AM 8:15 AM

8:13 AM Notified County Emergency 8:19 AM HIEMA T
Management via HAWAS 8:20 AM HI-EMA P
8:08 AM TAG Called SWP 8:15 HI-EMA Notified KSSK
Engineer of the False Alert 8:20 AM
8:09 AM TAG Called Gov Ige
8:18 AM HI DoD N
8:22 AM
8:17 AM TAG Notified USPACOM JOC

A. Logan - 000097
8:20 AM 8:25 AM 8:30 AM 8:35 AM 8:40 AM
8:27 AM Comms Branch 8:30 Called FEMA for Advice 8:45 AM CEM False Alert
Discussed Options 8:32 Secure Remote Log in into IPAWS Message Sent
Create CEM False Alert Message

8:20 AM 8:25 AM 8:30 AM 8:35 AM 8:40 AM

weet False Alert 9:26 AM First Local
Posted False Alert Press Conference
on FaceBook
HI DoD Notified KHON


HI DoD Notfied KITV


8:24 AM Gov Ige

ReTweets HI-EMA
False Alert Message

A. Logan - 000098
Integrated Public Warning and Alert System (IPAWS)

8:00 AM 8:05 AM 8:10 AM 8:15 AM 8:20 AM 8:25 AM

8:03 AM Exercise Initiated 8:07 AM CDW Message Sent 8:12 AM CDW Cancelled 8:27 AM Comms Branch
on WEA and EAS Discussed Options

8:30 AM 8:35 AM 8:40 AM 8:50 AM to 2:00 PM

8:30 Called FEMA for Advice 8:45 AM CEM False Alert
8:32 Secure Remote Log in into IPAWS Message Sent
Create CEM False Alert Message

A. Logan - 000101
Manual Public Notification
(Social Media, Phone, Text)
8:00 AM 8:05 AM 8:10 AM 8:15 AM 8:20 AM 8:25 AM
8:13 AM Notified County Emergency 8:19 AM HIEMA Tweet False Alert 9:26 AM First Local
Management via HAWAS 8:20 AM HI-EMA Posted False Alert Press Conference
8:08 AM TAG Called SWP 8:15 HI-EMA Notified KSSK on FaceBook
Engineer of the False Alert 8:20 AM HI DoD Notified KHON
8:09 AM TAG Called Gov Ige
8:18 AM HI DoD Notified
8:22 AM HI DoD Notfied KITV
8:17 AM TAG Notified USPACOM JOC

8:24 AM Gov Ige

ReTweets HI-EMA
False Alert Message

8:30 AM 8:35 AM 8:40 AM 8:50 AM to 1:00 PM

8:50 AM Gov Ige Arrived at HI-EMA EOC

9:00 AM (Approx) Gov CNN Phone Interview

9:15 AM First Local Press Briefing

9:45 AM Second Press Briefing

11:00 Press Conference

A. Logan - 000102
BG Kenneth Hara’s Remarks
Friday, January 19, 2018 at 10 a.m.

Members of the House and Senate committees, thank you

for allowing me to provide comments today.

The False Alert notification on January 13 was

unacceptable, however through this incident we
discovered critical shortfalls that need to be addressed.

As a result, Gov Ige has directed me to conduct a

comprehensive review of Hawaii’s Preparedness plans,
policies, and procedures.

My review will assess all hazards, not just the ballistic

missile threat. This review will focus on ensuring Hawaii’s
residents are better informed, more resilient, and prepared
for all hazards.

My concept is to build a whole of government and whole of

community team to conduct the review and assist with
creating an initial action plan and final report.

The final report will serve as a long term strategy that

identifies actions required to better inform and educate the
public, improve coordination and collaboration with
stakeholders, and update laws, policies, and procedures.

These are following actions taken thus far:

A. Logan - 000103
On January 17, I participated in Senator Schatz Video
Teleconference that included SEN Hirono, representatives
from Representative Gabbard and Hanabusa’s office,
FEMA, FCC, and the Department of Defense.
On 18 January, I attended the State Emergency
Communication Committee meeting that included most of
Hawaii’s broadcast agencies. The meeting focused on
improving rapid and accurate notification of the public.

I look forward to working with the State Legislature on this


Thank you again for this opportunity. We are prepared

now to take your questions.

A. Logan - 000104
From: H
To: Miyagi, Vern T; Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S
Cc: Fuchigami, Ford N
Subject: FW: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 3:22:42 PM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.


Mayor Carvalho will meet with you at 8:30 Friday morning.  Mayor Caldwell is not available.

From: H
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 9:25 AM
To: Miyagi, Vern T <
Cc: Logan, Arthur < Logan, Arthur J < Hara, Kenneth
S< Fuchigami, Ford N <
Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties

Good morning,

Just received a call from Mayor Kim’s office cancelling the meeting tomorrow at 2:30 p m.

I have also not heard from the other Mayor’s offices yet.  Will keep you informed if this changes.

Happy Opening Day!

From: Miyagi, Vern T

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 4:26 PM
To: H< < Caution-mailto >>

A. Logan - 000105
Cc: Logan, Arthur < < Caution-mailto > >; Logan,
Arthur J < < Caution-mailto > >; Hara, Kenneth S
< < Caution-mailto > >;
< < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties

Lynette – when is the meeting with all of the governors?  1000 Friday is the scheduled joint hearing on the missile
issue.  Please advise – Thanks.

From: H
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 4:03 PM
To: Miyagi, Vern T < < Caution-mailto >>
Cc: Logan, Arthur < < Caution-mailto > >; Logan,
Arthur J < < Caution-mailto > >; Hara, Kenneth S
< < Caution-mailto > >; Fuchigami, Ford N
< < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties


To be clear, we have scheduled a meeting with Mayor Kim this Thursday at 2:30 pm here at Capitol room 417.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2018, at 3:51 PM, H< <

Caution-mailto > > wrote:

        Thursday 2:30 pm here. The Mayor will not be in the office at the time you go to call on him.

        Sent from my iPhone

        On Jan 16, 2018, at 3:46 PM, H< <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                Will all 3 of you be in that mtg.?

                Sent from my iPhone

                On Jan 16, 2018, at 3:07 PM, Miyagi, Vern T < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

A. Logan - 000106
                        Hi – just to confirm that he is requesting Thursday, 18 January at 1300.  On our calendar for
that day is a trip to Big Island with a 1330 meeting call on Mayor Kim.  Can you verify?  Thanks - Vern


                        From: H

                        Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 2:10 PM
                        To: Miyagi, Vern T < < Caution-mailto >>
                        Cc: Logan, Arthur < < Caution-mailto: >
>; Logan, Arthur J < < Caution-mailto > >; Hara, Kenneth S
< < Caution-mailto > >; Fuchigami, Ford N
< < Caution-mailto >>
                        Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties




                        Mayor Kim has asked to meet with you without the other Mayors. Are you available on Thursday
afternoon at 1 pm?


                        Please advise.




                        Sent from my iPhone


                        On Jan 16, 2018, at 1:27 PM, Miyagi, Vern T < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                                I will be there.  Thanks for setting up

                                Sent from my iPhone


                                On Jan 16, 2018, at 6:00 AM, H< <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                                        Thanks General Logan…I’ll wait to hear from Generals Hara and Miyagi on their
availability at 10 a.m.  Then I’ll contact the Mayors.  Will confirm with an email to all.


                                        Have a good day!


A. Logan - 000107


                                        From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
[Caution-mailto: < Caution-mailto >]
                                        Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 5:44 AM
                                        To: H< <
Caution-mailto >>
                                        Cc: Logan, Arthur J < <
Caution-mailto > >; Hara, Kenneth S < <
Caution-mailto > >; Miyagi, Vern T < <
Caution-mailto > >; < <
Caution-mailto >>
                                        Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties


                                        Yes, I can be available prior to the Joint Legislative Session at 1000.



                                        Sent from my iPhone


                                        On Jan 16, 2018, at 5:22 AM, H< <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:


                                        Good morning,


                                        The County Mayors have their WAM-FIN hearing scheduled for this Friday afternoon. 
We’d like to schedule a meeting with them Friday morning to brief them on the missile alert but I need to know if
you are available.  Please advise.


                                        Thank you,



                                        Assistant to the Administrative Director

                                        Office of the Governor

                                        Hawaii State Capitol

                                        415 S. Beretania Street, Room 415

                                        Honolulu, HI 96813

A. Logan - 000108


A. Logan - 000109
From: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: FW: Warning Point Officers (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 4:16:23 PM



Brigadier General Kenneth S. Hara

Deputy Adjutant General/Commander, Hawaii Army National Guard
State of Hawaii, Department of Defense
3949 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI  96816-4495



-----Original Message-----
From: Hara, Kenneth S [mailto
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:53 PM
To: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: Warning Point Officers


Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:53:09 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
To: Hara, Kenneth S
Cc: Miyagi, Vern T
Subject: Warning Point Officers

Just an FYI -

Warning point officers at HI-EMA are exempt, non-civil service employees.

However, they are in the union - HGEA, BU-03.

Also, DHRD just called. A writer from the New York Times is asking the
Governor's Office how many employees are employed by HI-EMA.  WE responded
to DHRD (60 employees at HI-EMA) and they will inform the Governor's Office
who will be responding to the inquiry.


A. Logan - 000110

A. Logan - 000111
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: PAO timeline
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 4:30:25 PM

Aloha, sir:

My first contact with news media was with Shawn Ching of HNN, who called me
at 0812.  , HNN assignment editor, called one minute later.
At that time, I had not been informed yet that it was a false alarm. 

Following a telecom with BG Hara at 0817, letting me know that it was a

false alarm, I immediately tried calling into the newsrooms to have them put
out the word.    My first four attempts to call were unsuccessful due to the
phone lines being overwhelmed.  I was able to get through to HNN at 0818,
followed by KHON and KITV a few minutes after that.


JF HQ Hawaii National Guard
Director, Public Affairs

A. Logan - 000112
From: Schneider, Kevin Maj Gen USPACOM J02
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: Question -- Lessons Learned
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 6:55:12 AM


I know you have a lot of stuff on the plate right now, but wanted to link up with you on lessons learned and the way
ahead in the wake of Saturday's events.  ADM Harris directed us to assess lessons and fixes and we are starting that
process in earnest with the Components.  As we go through this, I want to make sure we are linked with you &
Ken...and not getting out of alignment with anything you are doing. 

I also heard on the radio that members of the Hawaii delegation have asked for a look at the linkages with PACOM. 
Please let me know what you need from us on this. 

If you or Ken are coming to tomorrow's PUB, I would like to chat for a few minutes either before/after the event to
level bubbles.

USPACOM Chief of Staff
(Red Switch)

A. Logan - 000113
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Briefing on False missile alert
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 8:49:55 AM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.



It looks like we’re going to lock in 5 p m. EST/ 12:00 p m. HST.  I will follow up with the details shortly.



Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 8:16 AM
To: 'Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)' <
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Briefing on False missile alert

Thanks, Joe.  I also noted Governor Ige appointed BG Hara to conduct a comprehensive review and provide the
initial action plan, so please include him however appropriate.

For general planning purposes, we’re holding the following times tomorrow and will try to lock in one of these as
soon as possible:

2:00pm EST/ 9:00am HST (45 min)

5:00pm EST/ 12:00pm HST (40 min)

A. Logan - 000114

From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) [Caution-mailto <

Caution-mailto >]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 9:08 PM
To: < < Caution-mailto >>
Cc: < Caution-mailto: > ; Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG
HIARNG (US) < < Caution-mailto >>
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Briefing on False missile alert

Mahalo Will, let us know time and we will do our best.

Usually only I am involved in opening session activities, so if not me then BG Hara the DAG could represent also.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2018, at 4:01 PM, < <

Caution-mailto > > wrote:

        All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.





        It's looking like the briefing will be Wednesday. Per our discussion, I know the State Legislature is convening
that day. We will do our best to deconflict the briefing so that you and Vern can participate. Thanks for your





        National Security Advisor

A. Logan - 000115
                        Washington, DC 20510
                        < Caution-mailto >  < Caution-
Caution-mailto < Caution-mailto >  >

A. Logan - 000117
        Good evening, all:


        Thank you for agreeing to participate in tomorrow's briefing for the Hawaii Congressional delegation on the
false missile alert.  Below are the confirmed details:


        Who:                     Senator Schatz (confirmed); Senator Hirono (invited); Representative Gabbard (invited); and
Representative Hanabusa (invited)

        What:                   Assessing the events of and lessons learned from the 13 January false missile alert in Hawaii

        Where:                 722 Hart Senate office building  (Hawaii-based participants to join via VTC from Senator
Schatz's Honolulu office in the federal building, Suite 7-212)

        When:                  5 p m. EST / 12 p.m. HST


        To facilitate tomorrow's briefing, below is a preliminary set of topics and questions that we ask the briefers to
please be prepared to address, as appropriate:


        .        Assessing the 13 January false missile alert

        o  Timeline for the false alert, including how it was initiated and what steps were taken to rescind it, as well as
HIEMA/Hawaii government initial interactions with FEMA.

        o  Are there standards, processes, and/or best practices for withdrawing/correcting/updating an alert (e.g.,
because of an error or new information)? Did those work here?  In not, why not?


        .        Assessing the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders (federal and state governments; and HEMA
employees) in the wireless emergency alert (WEA) system

        o  What discretion do states have to design their own warning systems and procedures for issuing an alert?

        o  What training do emergency service employees receive regarding the warning system? Is this training based
on national standards or is it Hawaii specific?

        o  Who is responsible for establishing standards for the warning system regarding cyber security and command
and control (e.g., ability to recall messages)?

        o  What authenticating role do federal stakeholders have for alerts concerning "imminent threat to life and
safety" that have national security implications?


        .        Assessing the aftermath of a wireless emergency alert

        o  How, if at all, are WEA system alerts integrated with the broadcast emergency alert system and other
relevant systems?

A. Logan - 000123
        Washington, DC 20510


        Caution-www.schatz.senate.gov < Caution-http://www.schatz.senate.gov/ >

        Follow Senator Schatz on Twitter & Facebook

        ZA102637858 < Caution-https://twitter.com/SenBrianSchatz > ZA102637861 <

Caution-https://www.facebook.com/SenBrianSchatz >




A. Logan - 000125
From: Rapoza, Richard D
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Agbayani, Arlina A; Miyagi, Vern T; Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S; Anthony, Charles J Lt Col USAF (US)
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] HI-EMA focused on regaining trust, employee reassigned after false missile alert – KHON2
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018 7:01:40 PM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.


Or you can have Paul call me.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2018, at 6:59 PM, Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

        I received a call from regarding the employee.

        Sent from my iPhone

        On Jan 14, 2018, at 6:41 PM, Agbayani, Arlina A < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                All active links contained in this email were disabled.  Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm
the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web
                Arlina Agbayani
                Public Relations Officer
                Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

A. Logan - 000126
From: H
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Logan, Arthur J; Hara, Kenneth S; Miyagi, Vern T;
Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 6:00:22 AM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.


Thanks General Logan…I’ll wait to hear from Generals Hara and Miyagi on their availability at 10 a m.  Then I’ll
contact the Mayors.  Will confirm with an email to all.

Have a good day!

From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) [Caution-mailto

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 5:44 AM
To: H<
Cc: Logan, Arthur J < Hara, Kenneth S < Miyagi, Vern T
< <
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Meeting with Counties

Yes, I can be available prior to the Joint Legislative Session at 1000.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2018, at 5:22 AM, H< <

Caution-mailto > > wrote:


        Good morning,


A. Logan - 000127
        The County Mayors have their WAM-FIN hearing scheduled for this Friday afternoon.  We’d like to schedule a
meeting with them Friday morning to brief them on the missile alert but I need to know if you are available.  Please


        Thank you,



        Assistant to the Administrative Director

        Office of the Governor

        Hawaii State Capitol

        415 S. Beretania Street, Room 415

        Honolulu, HI 96813



A. Logan - 000128
From: McMillan, Cindy
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: MG Logan remarks for False Ballistic Missile Alert (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:31:19 PM

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the
authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 18, 2018, at 7:30 PM, Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

        Okay, I made some

        Changes and heading back to the office from HIEMA to edit.  Mahalo
        Sent from my iPhone

        On Jan 18, 2018, at 7:22 PM, McMillan, Cindy < <
Caution-mailto > > wrote:

                Gen. Logan - My suggested edits attached. Mostly just tightened it up for clarity. Make sure I didn't mess
up the content!
                -----Original Message-----
                From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) [Caution-mailto <
Caution-mailto >]
                Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:22 PM
                To: McMillan, Cindy < < Caution-mailto: >>
                Cc: Ige, David Y < < Caution-mailto > >; Hara,
Caution-mailto > >; Miyagi, Vern T < <
Caution-mailto >>
                Subject: MG Logan remarks for False Ballistic Missile Alert (UNCLASSIFIED)
                Cindy, here is what I have prepared for my remarks tomorrow.
                The first page is my fall back 3 talking points, then the remarks follow.

A. Logan - 000129

                <clm edits TAG Remarks for Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert_v3.docx>

A. Logan - 000130
From: Lengyel, Joseph L Gen USAF NG NGB (US)
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Hokanson, Daniel R LTG USARMY NG NGB (US); Kadavy, Timothy J LTG USARMY NG NGB ARNG (US); Rice, L
Scott Lt Gen USAF NG NGB (US); Murphy, Patrick A MG USARMY NG NGB (US); Fountain, Walter E MG USARMY
NG NG J3-7 (US); Melnyk, Les A COL USARMY NG NGB (US); Taheri, Michael R Maj Gen USAF NG NGB (US)
Subject: Re: BMD False Alarm
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 11:13:39 AM

Thanks Joe. Let us know if we can help in the PA department or anywhere else. J

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2018, at 4:10 PM, Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) <
<mailto: > wrote:


        I have most of the facts now:

        At the State EOC where HI EMA  State Warning Point is located and works 24/7/365. 

        3 times per day there is a Shift Change Brief and this morning during review of the procedures for BMD that
occurs at each change of shift, the oncoming shift, at 0807 hrs inadvertently initiated the real wireless alert system,
vice the alert Test system when going through their procedures. 

        We practice the Wireless alert test but we did not practice the cancellation and so that took more time to cancel
the alert and notified all it was a false alarm.

        At 0820 HIEMA put out via social media Twitter that it was a false alarm.

        At 0845 a cancellation went out via wireless alert system.

        At 0808, I made 3 immediate phone calls, first to HIEMA, second to PACOM, third to GOV with the facts.

        Gov has been on the news media and we r working to get the news out nationally.

        We have several procedural changes to implement immediately and one is postponing the procedures.

        There is a process with PACOM-NORTHCOM-FEMA to notify HIEMA of an inbound missile that would
trigger these Alert Procedures. 



        Sent from my iPhone

A. Logan - 000135
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: RE: Draft IO for HIEMA BMD False Alarm
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 7:54:33 AM

Will do Sir.

-----Original Message-----
From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 5:07 PM
To: <
Subject: Draft IO for HIEMA BMD False Alarm

Can u draft me an IO Appointment for BG(Ret) Bruce Oliveira as the facts and
circumstances surrounding the false BMD Alert that was accidentally sent out
over the Wireless Alert System on Saturday and 0807.

1. What happened
2. What is the protocols of the internal drill 3. What training was they each
went through to this point 4. How many times have they rehearsed this BMD
drill prior to Sat.

I need a preliminary Executive Summary Thur afternoon.


Sent from my iPhone

A. Logan - 000136
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: Re: False Alarm
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 3:10:23 PM

Thanks Joe! I received information about the false alarm and figured you are
going through growing pains.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 14, 2018, at 8:34 AM, Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
< wrote:
> We are going through the machinations of a false alarm that we had this
morning, but, ours was not the siren but over the Wireless Alert System.
> Sent from my iPhone

A. Logan - 000137
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US);
Subject: RE: JAG Check In
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 12:04:23 PM

No worries Sir.  Hang in there...

-----Original Message-----
From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2018 11:57 AM
To: <
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Subject: Re: JAG Check In


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2018, at 11:38 AM,

< <mailto > wrote:

        Just wanted to give you the head's up that I cancelled my flight
back to Maui and am on-island this weekend in case you need me for anything
related to this morning's incident.

A. Logan - 000139
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)
Subject: RE: Media contact timelines
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 3:32:10 PM

spoke with KSSK Engineer   I was trying to dial into the

newsroom but was not able to get through before I had to leave the house.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 3:06 PM
To: 'Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)' <
Cc: 'Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US)' <
Subject: RE: Media contact timelines

I spoke with at HNN.  Richard and I spoke with

within a few moments of each other.   Richard evidently got through to
first.  I spoke to at KITV.   Arlina did not speak to
media. She sent the first Tweet at 0819 and the first Facebook post was made
at 0820. 

Checking with on name and position of individual at KSSK. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 2:54 PM
To: 'Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)' <
Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Subject: RE: Media contact timelines

Aloha, sir:

got through to KSSK at 0815

I got through to HNN at 0818; KHON 2 at 0820; KITV at 0822.



-----Original Message-----
From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US) [mailto

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 2:20 PM

Cc: Hara, Kenneth S BG USARMY NG HIARNG (US) <
Subject: Media contact timelines

Can u update ur timeline as calls to the TV/Radio went out, if we know who
was spoken to?

Also, we would need Arlena and Richards timeline media contacts as well.

Sent from my iPhone

A. Logan - 000140
On Jan 18, 2018, at 12:43 PM, ANTHONY, CHARLES J Lt Col USAF ANG HIANG/PA
< <mailto > wrote:

        Aloha, sir:

        Attached is version 2.
        -----Original Message-----
        Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:03 PM
< <mailto >
        Cc: Andrew Jackson (
<mailto: )
        < <mailto >
        Subject: TAG's testimony script (UNCLASSIFIED)
        The TAG needs this by 1400 today. Can you please take a look at
        He came down and had me add 1-2-3 TPs about concern, activity and

        <TAG Remarks for Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert_v2.docx>

A. Logan - 000141
From: CIV (US)
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: RE: Meet w/Gov
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 10:25:31 AM

Got it!

-----Original Message-----
From: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 10:15 AM
To: CIV (US) <
Subject: Meet w/Gov

for my calendar - TAG, DAG, and Vern have a meeting with GOV at 1400

Sent from my iPhone

A. Logan - 000142
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: RE: TAG"s testimony script (UNCLASSIFIED)
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:43:45 PM
Attachments: TAG Remarks for Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert v2.docx

Aloha, sir:

Attached is version 2.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 12:03 PM
Cc: (
Subject: TAG's testimony script (UNCLASSIFIED)



The TAG needs this by 1400 today. Can you please take a look at this?

He came down and had me add 1-2-3 TPs about concern, activity and perception


A. Logan - 000143
MG Logan’s, Joint Committee Hearing on False BMD Alert
1 (Concern) I fully understand the anxiety and fear that was felt
throughout Hawaii during those first minutes following the initial
message that there was a ballistic missile launched towards Hawaii. I
cannot take those feelings back and know that the landscape of
response has been forever altered. I also know that the trust in our
state government, HI-EMA in particular, has been eroded and will need
to be earned back.
2 (Activity) From minute one of the alert, many of us, in the leadership
posts from the State of Hawaii, Dept. of Defense were in the process of
getting the information out, the narrative of us working sequentially and
not concurrently is utterly and ridiculously false. However, even in our
efforts, we failed to get an effective message out in a timely manner.
Within hours, protocols and SOPs were changed, a new second text
was now able to be sent, and training for the State Warning Point
3 (Perception) We took steps to prepare for a ballistic missile attack
because the world is a dangerous place. Our state has been directly
threatened by North Korea and the nuclear rhetoric is rampant in our
media. Your emergency management leaders felt that we needed to
take actions and plan for the worst, but these steps needed to get out
to the public. With the limited time to react to an attack, that 12-15
minute window is vital to understand what do to.

A. Logan - 000144
I am Maj. Gen. Joe Logan and I am the Adjutant General, or TAG, for
the State of Hawaii’s Department of Defense. I have been in the TAG
since January of 2015.
The State of Hawaii, Department of Defense includes six Divisions- the
Hawaii Army and Air National Guard, the Hawaii Emergency
Management Agency (HI-EMA), the Office of Veterans Services, the
Youth Challenge Academy and the Office of Homeland Security.
As well as being the TAG, I also serve as the Director of HI-EMA and
the State’s Homeland Security Advisor.
Thank you for having us here today.
Hawaii is has had its share of natural disasters and our residents are
truly resilient. The State, at all levels of government, has helped to
maintain preparedness, coordinate detailed plans of response and
have the ability to recover and return our state to normalcy. We are
Subject Matter Experts in regards to hurricane preparedness.
Hawaii took the first steps, in the nation, to prepare and plan for a
nuclear ballistic attack. In December of 2016, Hawaii-EMA started to
review cold-war era nuclear response plans and found that they were
extremely outdated and non-applicable to today’s environment.
How did we get here?
In a statement by the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command,
Admiral Harry Harris, to the House Armed Services Committee in April
of 2017, on the posture of the PACOM, he stated, “North Korea
continues to disregard United Nations sanctions by developing and
threatening to use intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear
weapons that will threaten the U.S. Homeland.”
He further stated, “North Korea remains our most immediate threat in
the Indo-Asia-Pacific.”

A. Logan - 000145
And lastly, “Aggressive rhetoric since the New Year, strongly suggests
North Korea will not only continue to test these prescribed systems,
but, is also likely to attempt a first launch of a similarly prohibited
intercontinental ballistic missile.”
According to open source news reports, in 2017 alone, North Korea
launched 15 ballistic missiles and conducted one nuclear test. This
nuclear test of a hydrogen bomb increased the earlier assessments
from 15 kilotons to 150 kilotons.
The experts tell us that the flight time of an ICBM from North Korea to
the State of Hawaii is approximately 20 minutes.
Further, we are told that it takes approximately 5 minutes after launch
to determine the direction and likely target of the ICBM. This leaves
Hawaii with approximately 15 minutes when we are notified that we
are under a BMD threat.
It is at this point that the State of Hawaii through the Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency, assumes the responsibility to as
described by law, to monitor and issues alerts and warnings.
These alerts and warnings are monitored and issued by the State
Warning Point, a section of HI-EMA, which is tasked with the timely
warning and notification to government, county warning points,
emergency operations centers, and when directed, the general public.
This brings us up to the events of Saturday, the 13th of January at
approximately 8:07 a.m.
At this time, I would like to have the Administrator of the Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency, MG (Ret) Vern Miyagi provide you
with the time-lined events that occurred that morning.

A. Logan - 000146
To: Logan, Arthur J MG USARMY NG (US)
Subject: Revised Appointment Memo
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 11:28:11 AM
Attachments: HIEMA Missile Alert 15-6 (BG Oliviera).docx


Attached is a revised copy of the appointment memo for BG Oliveira.  Per my

conversation with BG Oliveira I added "State Warning Point" to the letter to
better identify the exact location of the incident.  Thanks.

A. Logan - 000149


NGHI-TAG 15 January 2018

MEMORANDUM FOR Investigating Officer, ATTN: BG (RET) Bruce Oliveira

SUBJECT: Appointment as Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigating Officer

1. You are hereby appointed as an Investigating Officer (IO) pursuant Army Regulation (AR)
15-6, paragraph 4-3, to conduct an informal investigation into the facts and circumstances
surrounding the false ballistic missile alert, which was issued over the State Wireless Alert
System on 13 January 2018, during the course of a change of shift exercise at the Hawaii
Emergency Management Agency’s (HI-EMA) Emergency Response Center (ERC), State
Warning Point (SWP).

2. You will specifically determine by a preponderance of evidence:

a. What was the exact chain of events that led to the issuance of a state-wide of a ballistic
missile civil danger warning message, during the course of the HI-EMA ERC SWP change of
shift test at approximately 0805 hours on 13 January 2018?

b. What was the established protocol that HI-EMA ERC SWP members were to follow
during the change of shift test and who established said protocol?

c. How many times had HI-EMA ERC SWP members previously practiced the protocol
which led to the issuance of the warning message on 13 January 2018, and what, if any, records
exist to chronical said training?

d. Did the established protocol during the change of shift test include a response protocol in
the event a false state-wide ballistic missile civil danger warning message was issued, and if so,
did HI-EMA ERC SWP members follow said response protocol on 13 January 2018?

3. Conduct this investigation using the procedural guidance outlined in AR 15-6, chapters 3 and
5. You may consider any evidence in your investigation that you determine to be relevant and
material to the issues outlined above. Your final report to me will include your findings, as well
as clear, relevant, and practical recommendations designed to resolve this matter and prevent
future occurrences. Notify me if reasons exist for expanding or limiting the scope of the

A. Logan - 000150
SUBJECT: Appointment as Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigating Officer

are not evidence. These documents include such items as this memorandum of appointment,
written communications to or from the appointing authority, Privacy Act statements, and
explanations by the investigating officer of any unusual delays, difficulties or problems. Mark
every piece of documentary evidence as an exhibit, tab separately, number consecutively and

11. Report of Investigation Packet. Your completed 15-6 investigation packet will include:

a. This memorandum of appointment;

b. A completed DA Form 1574-1, Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer;

c. A detailed chronology of the daily actions you took during the investigation;

d. An index of all attached exhibits;

e. All exhibits, labeled and numbered;

f. A list of witnesses you interviewed;

g. If applicable, proper classification markings for each paragraph, page, and

exhibit within your report of investigation.

h. A memorandum with your findings and recommendations.

12. Submission. Submit your report of investigation in two hard copies and an electric copy on
a compact disc after you have obtained a legal review. You may not release any information
related to this investigation to anyone, other than your legal advisor, without my prior approval.
This investigation is your primary duty until completed. It will take precedence over all other
duties until complete. If you encounter any conflicts, report them to me immediately. Only I can
grant you an extension.

Major General, HING
Adjutant General

A. Logan - 000152

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