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Q1:-WHAT IS A DEMAND-CONTROLLED VENTILATION SYSTEM? ................................................................. 2

How will a DCV impact the occupants' living/working environment?.......................................................... 2

Q2- Explain recirculation and 100% exhaust requirement for different areas of hospitals? ....................... 3

PROPERTIES? ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Q7. What are d clean ro0m standards and classifications? .......................................................................... 5

Q.8: How VAV System saves energy in HVAC design? ................................................................................ 10

Q.9 HOW SOLAR AIR CONDITIONING CAN B USED ABSORTION CHILLERS? ............................................... 10

Q.10 HOW BLDG MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HELP US TO SAVE ENERGY? ..................................................... 13

Q3: Draw a diagram for AHU showing use of heat recovery wheel? ......................................................... 15

Q11: Compare the effect of south and west glass on cooling load? .......................................................... 19

Q4: How use of building Energy Code in building envelope can save energy? ........................................... 21

What are energy codes? ................................................................................................................. 21

Q5: What pressure, Temperature, and Sound Measuring devices are used in HVAC? .............................. 22

Demand-controlled ventilation is a control strategy that adjusts the amount of

outside air based on the number of occupants and the ventilation demands that
those occupants create. This strategy is used to both control energy costs as well as
assure sufficient ventilation.
What DCV systems are available?
Some of the options include:
1. CO2-based sensors,whch measure d buildup of CO2 4m d occupants presnt
2. Occupancy sensors, which use infrared light and sound to detect occupants
3. Real-time data such as turnstiles, ticket sales, registrations, scheduled
events, to count occupants or know with high reliability when they are
occupying a space.

How will a DCV impact the occupants' living/working

The occupants should perceive little or no difference in their environment. A
properly designed, installed, and maintained HVAC system will have appropriate
fresh air and temperature control. The (DCV) system will reduce outside air intake
at times when it is not needed. When people enter a room, the system will increase
ventilation. This should happen without any noticeable change or buildup of

Energy Efficiency:
1. The DCV system offers an obvious advantage compared to conventional
Constant Air Volume flow (CAV) systems. Due to decreased average
airflow rates, less energy is needed for fan operation and for heating and
cooling of the supply air.
2. A DCV system based on air-quality control adapts the airflow rate to the
actual pollution load, which often is proportional to the occupancy .The
bigger the variation between the minimum and peak loads, the more energy
savings can be expected with a DCV system.

Q2- Explain recirculation and 100% exhaust requirement for

different areas of hospitals?
An operating theatre is provided with preconditioned air by a central
air handling unit (AHU). Nowadays, most hospital ventilation systems
operate with a mixture of fresh and recirculation air.
 Air recirculation is permitted in most hospital areas, including
operating rooms (ORs) and intensive-care units (ICUs).3
 General areas (GAs) often have recirculation rates typical of
commercial office buildings, with about 15- to 25-percent outside air
(OA). There are no specific requirements for filtration of recirculated
air in GAs.
 Air-contaminant control often is accomplished with high rates of
room air exchange using filtered 100percent outside air.
 Typically, ORs have an air-change rate (ACH) of 12 to 25,
1. with 12 ACH typically representing 100-percent OA and
2. 25 ACH typically representing 5 ACH of OA and 20 ACH of
recirculated air.
 Patient and intensive-care rooms typically have an ACH of 4 to 6,
with 2 ACH of OA.4
 The American Institute of Architects2 recommends 15 ACH for ORs,
which appears to be the norm in the United States.


Locally manufactured Acrylic coating (Membrane) by FAST TOP SEALER.

It is 100% electrometric, premium grade, architectural finishing coating. It has been specifically created for
the use where atmospheric condition in which no effects of Salts, Acids, Oil, Heavy rains, and Ultra
Violet Rays resistance up to 85% by mixing of various chemicals and to achieve magnetic field.

It is Fire Resistance Class “A” non-toxic lead and asbestos free. It also reduced the high inside
building temperature by reflecting the radiant heat waves.


Specially designed light weight low thermal conductivity concrete material and shaped in hi finish tiles for top roof

light weight,Thermo tiles available in diferent textured design and plane surface hi finish for top roof and walls and
in various sizes and thikness . thermo tiles available with temperature limits -40*C to 220*C . avalabe 1 inch thick to
2.5 inch


A new system has been introduced in which a plastic casing is designed in a way that a marble tile
placed over it stays one inch above the ground. This one inch air barrier is actually the insulation
where as the marble tile is there to block the sunlight and human traffic possible over it. Before
installing this system, it is advisable to apply rubberized water proof membrane coating to eliminate
any chances of roof leakage. Each Plastic Casing is a (foot x foot) in size and the casing can be cut
according to desired size to fit area smaller then a foot. Thus the system can be used for flooring of



o Produced first time in Pakistan.

o Thoroughly closed-cell structure.
o Long term high insulation efficiency.
o Excellent compressive strength.
o Uniform density distribution.
o Resistance to aging.
o Resistance to rotting.
o Good dimensional stability.
o High resistance to thermal cycle


GTS spray POLY URETHANE is best roof insulation product in Pakistan.The use of POLY URETHANE
reduces the conduction of heat through roof and considerably reduces the temperature.Gts supply this
type of insulation for almost all types of roof.As the weight of the foam is 110 grams per sq.ft it imposes
practically no structural stress.It is suitable for

 New RCC roofs

 Old RCC roofs
 Industrial double tee roofs
 Industrial inverted beam roofs
 Industrial shell roofs
 Corrugated steel roofs

6. Fibreglass Batts roof insulation

 Fibreglass Batts are another widely used roof insulation product. Fibreglass offers another
effective barrier to heat transfer, due to the natural trapped air spaces within the material.
 This means that air will not move out of these spaces and thus helps in preventing heat loss.
Another benefit of fibreglass is its non-corrosive nature.
 Fibreglass has no effect on the corrosion of steel or aluminium and can be applied directly on
sheet metal

Q7. What are d clean ro0m standards and classifications?


Class limits (maximum allowable particles)

ISO FED STD 0.1 µm 0.3 µm 0.5 µm 5.0 µm
per cubic
meter) per cubic

CLASS 3 1 1000 / 35 102 / 3 35 / 1

10,000 /
CLASS 4 10 1020 / 30 352 / 10 0

100,000 / 10,200 / 3520 /

CLASS 5 100 0
3,500 300 100

1,000,000 102,000 / 35,200 /

CLASS 6 1,000 7
/ 35,000 N/A 1,000

352,000 /
CLASS 7 10,000 350,000 N/A 70

CLASS 8 100,000 3,500,00 N/A 700
/ 100,000

ISO standard requires results to be shown in cubic meters (1 cubic meter = 35.314
cubic feet)

class 1

 540 to 600+ air changes per hour (98%+ ceiling coverage)

 ULPA filters (99.9995% on .12 microns)
 Gel/Flush grid ceiling systems with raised floors are required
 Outside/makeup air to be prefiltered with a HEPA filter

Class 10

 540 to 600 air changes per hour (85-90% ceiling coverage)

 99.999% on 0.3 microns, with a raised floors
 90%+ coverage with low wall returns
 Gasketed grids with negative plenums acceptable
 HEPA filters on makeup air

Class 100
 400 to 480 air changes per hour (60-80% ceiling coverage)
 99.99% HEPA filters
 Raised floor assures optimal performance. Low wall returns work when they are no
further than 12' from the center of the room¹
 Gasketed ceiling grid

Class 1,000

 120 to 150 air changes per hour (40-50% ceiling coverage)

 99.99% HEPA filter
 Gasketed ceiling grid
 Raised floor delivers best performance, but low wall returns are very common¹

Class 10,000

 45 to 60 air changes per hour (10-20% ceiling coverage)

 99.97% or 99.99% HEPAs
 Low wall or ceiling returns acceptable in most applications¹

Class 100,000

 20 to 30 air changes per hour (5% ceiling coverage)

 HEPA filters or 95% HEPAs (95%+ ASHRAE box filters²) located downstream of the
HVAC unit
 Heat load may require more air changes


Because of the large number of cleanroom standards produced by individual countries it is
very desirable that one world-wide standard of cleanroom classification is produced.

numbers Maximum concentration limits (particles/m^3 of air) for particles equal to and
(N) larger than the considered sizes shown below
0.1m m 0.2m m 0.3m m 0.5m m 1m m 5.0m m
ISO 1 10 2
ISO 2 100 24 10 4
ISO 3 1 000 237 102 35 8
ISO 4 10 000 2 370 1 020 352 83
ISO 5 100 000 23 700 10 200 3 520 832 29
ISO 6 1 000 000 237 000 102 000 35 200 8 320 293
ISO 7 352 000 83 200 2 930
ISO 8 3 520 000 832 000 29 300
ISO 9 35 200 000 8 320 000 293 000
The table is derived from the following formula:


 Cn represents the maximum permitted concentration ( in particles/m^3 of air ) of

airborne particles that are equal to or larger than the considered particle size. Cn is
rounded to the nearest whole number.
 N is the ISO classification number, which shall not exceed the value of 9.
Intermediate ISO classification numbers may be specified, with 0.1 the smallest
permitted increment of N.
 D is the considered particle size in m m.
 is a constant with a dimension of m m.

Q6: What are different stardards and classes of clean room?

Federal Standard 209E defines a cleanroom as a room in which the concentration of airborne particles is
controlled to specified limits. British Standard 5295 defines a cleanroom as a room with control of
particulate contamination, constructed and used in such a way as to minimize the introduction ,
generation and retention of particles inside the room and in which the temperature, humidity, air flow
patterns, air motion and pressure are controlled.

HVAC Design Considerations

Temperature and Humidity:

Human comfort requirements typically call for temperatures in the range of 72F to 75 F, The human
comfort zone is generally in the range of 30% to 70% relative humidity


Rooms in a clean facility should be maintained at static pressures higher than atmospheric to prevent
infiltration by wind. Positive differential pressures should be maintained between the rooms to ensure air
flows from the cleanest space to the least clean space.

Cleanroom: 30 Pa positive pressure

Room air-change rate

Air supply to the cleanroom should provide a room air-change rate of > twenty (20) per hour .Air
cleanliness will be enhanced by higher airchange rates, e.g. > 30/h - typically, heat load calculations
result in such a rate. When the doors are open, the supply-air volume should maintain an outward flow of


–Pre-filtered in air handling units

–HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtered prior to entering cleanroom. Removes 99.99% of
particles (typically 0.3um).


(The biggest source of contamination)

Q.8: How VAV System saves energy in HVAC design?
An HVAC system has a stable supply-air temperature, and varies the air flow rate to meet the
temperature requirements. Compared to constant air volume systems, these systems conserve
energy through lower fan speeds during times of lower temperature control demand. Most
new commercial buildings have VAV systems. VAVs may be

 bypass type
 Pressure dependent.

Pressure dependent type VAVs save energy while both types help in maintaining temperature
of the zone that it feeds.



The absorption chiller, in the most simplistic sense, allows a building to use
thermal collectors to power its air-conditioning. The water heated by solar
energy in these collectors is used to initiate a thermal dynamic process
involving low-pressure chambers that chills water to around 44 degrees
Fahrenheit. The chilled water is then brought to a series of copper pipes
that efficiently cool air blown through the pipes and into the home. Except
for a few pumps, the system is entirely passive, has no moving parts and
requires no electrical input.


Solar air conditioning refers to any air conditioning (cooling) system that
uses solar power.


Active solar cooling uses solar thermal collectors to provide thermal

energy to drive thermally driven chillers (usually adsorption or absorption

The Sopogy concentrating solar thermal collector, for example, provides

solar thermal heat by concentrating the sun’s energy on a collection tube
and heating the recirculated heat transfer fluid within the system.

The generated heat is then used in conjunction with absorption chillers to

provide a renewable source of industrial cooling.


Single, double or triple iterative absorption cooling cycles are used in different solar-
thermal-cooling system designs.
The more cycles, the more efficient they are.

Efficient absorption chillers require water of at least 190 °F (88 °C). Common,
inexpensive flat-plate solar thermal collectors only produce about 160 °F (71 °C) water.

Typical COP is 0.7 (single effect) and 1.1 (double effect) .

In this…

 The molecules of one substance are adsorbed on the internal surface of another

 Evaporation and adsorption of a refrigerant (mostly water) produces a useful

cooling effect.

 Expensive, heavy weight, big volume so less used.



A Building Management System (BMS) is a computer-based control system

installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and
electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems,
and security systems.
Building management systems are an essential component of green
building HVAC concepts. With this system all electro mechanical
equipment of the building are controlled and monitored.
Management systems’ are:
 building management and control
 metering; monitoring and targeting
 CCTV and security
 Fire alarms and more.

For lighting, energy savings can be up to 75% of the original circuit load,
which represents 5% of the total energy consumption of the residential
and commercial sectors.
Energy savings potential from water heating, cooling, or hot water
production, can be up to 10%, which represents up to 7% of the total
energy consumption of the domestic residential and commercial sectors.

An effective building management system will help save energy and drive
down costs.
Individual room control can help save 30% on heating/cooling costs – even
more if used in combination with automatic window blind control.


A BAS—also called an energy management system—controls energy-

consuming equipment in a building to reduce energy use while
maintaining a comfortable environment.

Some of the most common strategies that BASs employ to cut energy
use include:

 Scheduling—Scheduling turns equipment on or off depending on

time of day, day of the week, day type, or other variables such as
outdoor air conditions.
 Lockouts—Lockouts ensure that equipment doesn’t turn on unless
it's necessary. For example, a chiller and its associated pumps can
be locked out according to calendar date, when the outdoor air falls
below a certain temperature, or when building cooling requirements
are below a minimum.
 Resets—When equipment operates at greater capacity than
necessary to meet building loads, it wastes energy. A BAS can
ensure equipment operates at the minimum needed capacity by
automatically resetting operating parameters to match current
weather conditions. For example, as the outdoor air temperature
decreases, the chilled water temperature can be reset to a higher
 Diagnostics—Building operators who use a BAS to monitor
information such as temperatures, flows, pressures, and actuator
positions may use that data to determine whether equipment is
operating incorrectly or inefficiently, and to troubleshoot problems.
Some systems also the use the data to automatically provide
maintenance bulletins.

Q3: Draw a diagram for AHU showing use of heat recovery

Heat recovery wheels have the capacity to turn a standard-efficiency air-
handling unit (AHU) into a high-efficiency unit, with the consequent
energy savings and the reduced carbon emissions that implies.
Heat recovery wheels are now the leading component of a trend towards
heat recovery. They are particularly effective for handling large air
volumes where higher efficiencies are required.

Heat recovery wheels can recover about 85% of heat from ventilation
air, transferring it to incoming fresh air, which then needs minimal
additional heating to reach the required temperature for the building.

Given the strict legislative requirements for energy efficiency, and

carbon-emission reduction for all heating equipment, it would be
surprising if an AHU could now be fully compliant without some form
of heat-recovery capacity. Thermal wheels do the job more efficiently
than most, and can have a significant positive impact on carbon footprint
and fuel costs.
When there is a heat recovery wheel in the air handling unit, the leakage
flow and the balancing pressure must be considered. The extra pressure
and airflow influences the exhaust fan considerably.
Capacity Range: 1000 - 30000 CFM

 High efficiency cross flow wheel type / plate type heat recovery can be supplied
as an integral part of the unit for energy conservation.

 Better indoor air quality

 Corrosion resistant
 Choice of glass wool, mineral wool, phenolic insulation
 Choice of chilled water, direct expansion, hot water & steam coils with
combination of multiple row deep and options of aluminium fins, anticorrosive
aluminium fins & copper fins.
 Primary or secondary filters of different media with variable efficiencies are also


 Commercial Space : Office Buildings, Theaters, Auditoriums

 Institutional Space : Schools, Universities, Libraries, Temples
 Industrial Manufacturing : Automotive, Chemical, Petrochemical.

Diagram……………………… adobe reader wali file

send ki ha…. Us ma front page k bad jo image
ata……… ma ne bhtttttttttttttttttttttt search ki bt is se
better koi nai…. Ye 3d ha tm log 2d ma bna dena…..
ye wahad ha jx ma AHU show ora with heat recovery
wheel…. Ok. itni tuff b nai ha….
As shown in the diagram below, a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) consists of two separate air-
handling systems – one collects and exhausts stale indoor air; the other draws in outdoor air and
distributes it throughout the home.

Heat Recovery
At the core of an HRV is the heat transfer module. Both the exhaust and outdoor air streams pass through the
module, and the heat from the exhaust air is used to pre-heat the outdoor air stream. Only the heat is transferred;
the two air streams remain physically separate. Typically, an HRV is able to recover 70 to 80 percent of the heat from
the exhaust air and transfer it to the incoming air. This dramatically reduces the energy needed to heat outdoor air
to a comfortable temperature.
Air Exchange
The HRV system installed in an R-2000 home can change all the air in the house over a three-hour period.
Most HRVs are also equipped with automatic humidity sensors that increase the ventilation rate when needed – for
instance, when you use the shower. Exhaust air is normally collected from the kitchen and bathroom areas, where
most moisture and odours are created.
As shown in the diagram below, a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) consists of two separate air-
handling systems – one collects and exhausts stale indoor air; the other draws in outdoor air and
distributes it throughout the home.

Heat Recovery
At the core of an HRV is the heat transfer module. Both the exhaust and outdoor air streams pass through the
module, and the heat from the exhaust air is used to pre-heat the outdoor air stream. Only the heat is transferred;
the two air streams remain physically separate. Typically, an HRV is able to recover 70 to 80 percent of the heat from
the exhaust air and transfer it to the incoming air. This dramatically reduces the energy needed to heat outdoor air
to a comfortable temperature.
Air Exchange
The HRV system installed in an R-2000 home can change all the air in the house over a three-hour period.
Most HRVs are also equipped with automatic humidity sensors that increase the ventilation rate when needed – for
instance, when you use the shower. Exhaust air is normally collected from the kitchen and bathroom areas, where
most moisture and odours are created.

Q11: Compare the effect of south and west glass on cooling


In south facades, the total translucent surface area and the orientation influence the
increease of the cooling loads of the air conditioning system. In west facades, for
the same area of windows, a greater increase of cooling load is observed. A
decrease in the cooling load, in a warm-humid climate, is a result of using
windows or curtain walls with spectrally selective glass of low solar gain.
Nevertheless, traditional solutions, such as external shading, balconies
and vegetation in windows, have a significant effect in reducing cooling energy;
for they are the most energy efficient and economic design strategies.

Let’s take a typical building block and discuss effects of building orientation on cooling load.

The effect of building orientation, or the direction of transparent glass surfaces, has
been shown in Table2. The cooling load will be minimum when all the transparent
surfaces are kept facing SOUTH. Load for other building orientations have,
therefore been compared with this minimum load. Percent increase in each case
has also been shown in this table. It is observed that the west facing glass surfaces
result into maximum cooling load, which is 26.43 % higher than the minimum.

Table 2: Effects of building orientation on cooling load

Orientation with Gross cooling load, CL (kW) % Increase with
respect to sun minimum (CL-
1. N-E facing glasses 15.20 6.292
2. East facing glasses 14.30 0.00
3. S-E facing glasses 15.24 6.57
4. South facing glasses 15.24 6.57
5. S-W facing glasses 16.56 15.80
6. West facing glasses 18.08 26.43
7. N-W facing glasses 16.95 18.53

East and west window orientations and horizontal orientation (skylights) all
result in more undesired heat gain in the summer than winter. East and west sun
glare is also more difficult to control for occupant comfort because of low sun
angles in early morning and late afternoon.

Q4: How use of building Energy Code in building envelope can save energy?

What are energy codes?

Energy codes are a subset of a broader collection of written legal requirements known as building codes,
which govern the design and construction of residential and commercial structures. Building codes
protect individuals from substandard living and working conditions by setting minimum standards for
acceptable practice. Energy codes address increasing the energy efficiency of building systems.

Code Benefits:

The benefits of adopting and implementing building energy codes affect our world on the individual,
societal and global levels, and their long-term policy implications—on issues ranging from sustainable
growth and climate protection to global health and energy security—are significant and widespread.

The primary function of energy codes, of course, is to reduce building energy consumption, which
reduces global greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from the burning of fossil fuels. However, it also
lessens national peak energy demand and dependency on imported energy sources, which increases
utility system reliability and national energy security, respectively. Moreover, energy codes create a
more comfortable living and working environment through improved indoor air quality, and they help
occupants save money by reducing energy bills, which stimulates the economy.

Today’s energy, economic, and environmental challenges—combined with the fact that buildings
consume nearly 40% of the nation’s energy—make energy codes a central part of a sustainable future.

ENERGY CODES not only save money, but also help to reduce needless consumption of energy to heat,
cool, light, ventilate and provide hot water for newly built residential and commercial buildings
constructed without adequate energy efficiency features

Examples of Building Energy Codes:

*2006 International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC)
*ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA5 Standard 90.1-2004 in Pakistan
ENERCON [Govt. of Pakistan] has demonstrated a potential of 30% savings in the building sector,
through its pilot projects. The potential savings can be realized through energy efficient building
designs and by retrofitting/modifying the existing buildings

Areas Covered in Building Envelope:

Building sector is a major consumer of energy resources, with its lighting, heating and air-conditioning
loads (especially in extreme climatic zones of the country)

Some important considerations with respect to the building envelope are:

 Sealing: All openings, joints, and seams in the building envelope must be sealed with one of
the following according to Building Energy Codes:
 Caulk
 Gasket
 Tape
 Moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material
 Fenestration selection is often strongly influenced by energy codes U-Factor and Solar Heat
Gain Coefficient may be specified in codes
 Energy codes provide criteria for the size and efficiency of HVAC systems and equipment.
Energy codes provide minimum criteria for the size of HVAC systems and equipment, taking
into consideration the energy demands of the building space.
 Building energy codes provide minimum criteria to provide effective lighting control. Motor
and transformer efficiency is also covered in this area.
 Energy codes provide criteria for such issues as insulating circulating hot water systems,
service water heating equipment performance efficiencies in commercial applications, heat
traps, controls and pool heaters.

Q5: What pressure, Temperature, and Sound Measuring

devices are used in HVAC?

Pressure-indicating devices are most important in the refrigeration field. It is necessary to

know the pressures in certain parts of a system to locate trouble spots.


Taking pressure measurements in HVAC systems has been a standard method of checking system
performance in mechanically ventilated buildings for many years. Manometers are instruments used to
measure low pressures, such as duct static pressures and differential pressures, across filters or
between rooms. When connected to a pitot tube, velocity pressures can be measured in ducts and then
converted to velocity or volume units of measured

 Inclined Gauge Manometer

 Digital Micromanometer
 Digital Auto-Zeroing Micromanometer
 Digital Hydronic Manometers


 Thermo-Hygrometers: Temperature and Relative Humidity

Air temperature readings taken periodically in different areas of the building provide an indication of
uniformity and consistency of the air temperature. Uneven temperature distribution may indicate
problems with the zone controls, reheat coils, or some other mechanical failure.

Thermo-hygrometers, thermo-anemometers or glass and alcohol thermometers are commonly used

to obtain temperature readings.
For monitoring temperature over a period of time when investigating complaints that occur on an
intermittent basis, a thermo-hygrometer is the best choice. The information logged to memory can
then be downloaded for analysis.

 bimetallic thermocouple probe is typically used to measure the stack temperature. Measurements of
the stack gas temperature and the combustion air temperature are required to establish the heat loss from
the exhaust gases and determine combustion efficiency.
From book:

Pg-421-423, 433

Sound Device:

 sound level meter

 page 283 from book. =)

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