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Name: ___________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade and Section: __________________



I. Objectives

1. To observe how specimens are oriented under the microscope;

2. To properly focus a specimen under LPO and HPO.

II. Materials

Compound microscope Glass slides


III. Procedure


1. Look unto the eyepiece of compound microscope 1. This is viewed under the low power objective
(LPO), draw what you see on your paper.

2. Look unto the eyepiece of compound microscope 2. This is viewed under the high power objective
(HPO), draw what you see on your paper.

3. Answer the questions that follow.


1. Focus the specimen under LPO first. Once successful, turn the objectives to HPO show it to your

IV. Results and Discussion

Orientation of the LPO: ____________ HPO: _____________

specimen in the slide Magnification: ___________ Magnification: ____________

B. ______________ Successful


Guide Questions:

1. How would you compare the original image from the image viewed under the microscope?

2. How would you describe the specimen when viewed under LPO as compared with the image seen
Under HPO? _________________________________________________________________


3. What could be the reason for your observation in 2? __________________________________


4. How then could microscope help us in understanding the world of microorganisms? ________


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