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 002  –  General  Chemistry  I  –  Spring  2016  

Mon,  Wed,  Fri                      10:30–11:20am                              COB  102  
Instructor:     Gary  Abel          
Email:       gabel@ucmerced.edu  
Office  hours:     Mon  &  Fri  3:00-­‐‑4:00pm,  in  SE1  room  300              
Laboratory:     Mon  –  Fri  in  SE1  rooms  108  &  126  (see  class  schedule  for  specific  times)  
Course  description:  Chem  2  is  the  first  semester  of  the  full-­‐‑year  General  Chemistry  course  sequence  
required  for  chemistry,  physics,  engineering  and  biological  science  majors.  Students  will  learn  the  
fundamental  concepts  and  quantitative  calculations  relevant  to  the  following  topics:  basic  quantum  
theory  related  to  atomic  and  molecular  structure,  chemical  bonding,  periodic  properties,  chemical  
reaction  types,  stoichiometric  calculations,  properties  of  gases,  liquids,  &  solids,  and  thermochemistry.  
Prerequisites:  A  passing  grade  in  Chemistry  001,  OR  passing  the  chemistry  placement  exam,  OR  a  
score  of  3  or  higher  on  the  chemistry  AP  exam.  
Course  Learning  Outcomes  and  Relevant  Program  Learning  Outcomes:  
Successful completion of each outcome will be assessed by performance on quizzes, exams, and
reports. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
•   Describe the structure of the atom and its relationship to the nuclear properties of isotopes;
•   Apply the concepts of quantum theory for single and multi-electron atoms, valence bond and
MO theories of bonding, and make predictions about atomic and molecular structure and
•   Derive the names and formulas of compounds based upon the IUPAC system of inorganic
nomenclature for ionic and binary covalent compounds, as well as oxyacids;
•   Determine empirical and molecular formulae from elemental analysis data, balance chemical
equations, predict aqueous inorganic reaction products, and use stoichiometric relationships
to calculate product and reactant amounts with applications to limiting reagents and percent
•   Analyze the energy change associated with chemical reactions, perform simple chemical
thermodynamic calculations, and be able to apply these concepts to the first law of
thermodynamics, heat capacity and calorimetry, enthalpy (including stoichiometric
relationships) and Hess’s law;
•   Relate the physical properties of gases, liquids, and solids to interrelationships between
kinetic molecular theory, structure, and intermolecular attractions;
•   Perform basic chemistry laboratory techniques, use common laboratory instruments, record
data and observations accurately, and describe sources of error and uncertainty in
experimental data.
This course is an introduction to all of the program learning outcomes (more detailed information
on Chemical Sciences Program Learning Outcomes can be found in the UCM Catalog):
PLO 1: Fundamental knowledge and skills
PLO 2: Scientific methodology
PLO 3: Communication and teamwork skills
PLO 4: Citizenship, ethics, and the role of chemistry in society
Attendance:  All  students  are  required  to  attend  every  lecture  and  laboratory  session.  It  is  mandatory  
that  every  student  performs  at  least  9  out  of  11  laboratory  experiments  in  order  to  receive  a  passing  
grade  in  the  course.  Excused  absences  may  be  granted  in  the  case  of  a  medical  or  family  emergency  if  
proper  documentation  is  presented;  however,  missing  more  than  2  labs  for  any  reason  will  result  in  a  
failing  grade  for  the  course.  Laboratory  experiments  (and  quizzes)  can  only  be  made  up  in  the  case  of  a  
valid  emergency  or  University-­‐‑sanctioned  event,  and  only  with  proper  documentation.  
Required  texts:   Chemical  Principles,  6th  Edition,  by  Atkins,  Jones  &  Laverman  
      W.  H.  Freeman  and  Co.  New  York  
      Chem  2  Laboratory  Manual,  will  be  posted  on  the  CatCourses  site  
Recommended:   Chemical  Principles  Student  Solutions  Manual,  6th  Ed,  by  Hoeger,  Lavelle  &  Ma  
W.  H.  Freeman  and  Co.  New  York  
      American  Chemical  Society  (ACS)  General  Chemistry  Study  Guide:  
Required  for  lab:   Carbonless-­‐‑copy  laboratory  notebook  
(items  available   Scientific  calculator—  non-­‐‑graphing,  non-­‐‑programmable  (also  for  exams)  
at  campus       Safety  goggles  with  indirect-­‐‑vent  splash  protection  (ANSI  Z87.1  compliant)  
bookstore)       Lab  coat  
Assignments  and  Examinations:  Homework  will  be  assigned  weekly,  but  will  not  be  collected  for  
grading;  essentially,  the  time  and  effort  spent  on  the  homework  will  translate  into  how  well  students  
perform  on  the  quizzes  and  exams.  There  will  be  2  in-­‐‑class  midterm  exams  (see  calendar,  page  2)  and  a  
cumulative  American  Chemical  Society  (ACS)  final  exam  on  May  7  (8:00-­‐‑11:00  am).  Quizzes  will  be  
given  at  the  beginning  of  each  lab  period,  and  lab  reports  will  be  due  the  following  lab  meeting  after  
the  experiment  is  performed.  Late  lab  reports  will  lose  1  point  per  day  late,  and  quizzes  cannot  be  
made  up  after  the  week  in  which  they  were  given.  The  overall  point  breakdown  is  as  follows:  
Assignment/Exam   Points  each   Number   Total  pts  
Lab  reports  (best  10  of  11)   30   10   300  
Quizzes  (best  10  of  11)   20   10   200  
Midterm  Exams   150   2   300  
ACS  Final  Exam   200   1   200  
Overall  total           1000  
Grading  Scale:  Letter  grades  will  be  assigned  according  to  the  following  scale:  

100  –  80%              79.99  –  70%     69.99  –  60%     59.99  –  50%     49.99%  or  less  
             A                    B                        C                        D       F    
100–95%  =  A+,  <  95–85%  =  A,  <  85–80%  =  A−;    <  80–77%  =  B+,  <  77–73%  =  B,  <  73–70%  =  B−;  etc...  

Course  Calendar:     The  following  schedule  is  subject  to  change  as  the  semester  progresses      
(the  dates  of  laboratory  experiments  will  not  change).  
Week   Date   Chapter(s)   Lecture  Topic(s)   Midterm   Lab  Experiment   due                
(in  lab)  
(in  lab)  
No  lab-­‐-­‐  Mon  
1   1/18   Fund.  A,  B   Atomic  Theory   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  
2   1/25   Fund.  C-­‐F   Compounds,  Moles   -­‐   Intro,  safety   -­‐   ACS  Diagnostic  
Quiz  1-­‐  Fund.  
3   2/1   1   Quantum  Theory   -­‐   E1-­‐  Zinc  Iodide   -­‐  
4   2/8   2   Orbitals,  Periodicity   -­‐   E2-­‐  Atomic  emission   Report  1   Quiz  2-­‐  Ch.1  
No  lab-­‐-­‐  Mon  
5   2/15   3   Chemical  Bonding   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  
6   2/22   3-­‐4   Structure  &  Bonding   -­‐   E3-­‐  Atomic  orbitals   Report  2   Quiz  3-­‐  Ch.2  
Valence  &  Molec.  
7   2/29   4   -­‐   E4-­‐  Molec.  structure   Report  3   Quiz  4-­‐  Ch.3  
8   3/7   Fund.  G,  H   Reactions   MT  1   E5-­‐  Molec.  orbitals   Report  4   -­‐  
Fund.  I,  J,  
9   3/14   Aqueous  Reactions   -­‐   E6-­‐  Pigments   Report  5   Quiz  5-­‐  Ch.4  
No  lecture-­‐-­‐  Spring   No  lab-­‐-­‐  Spring  
10   3/21   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  
break   break  
Quiz  6-­‐  Fund.  
11   3/28   Fund.  L,  M   Stoichiometry   -­‐   E7-­‐  Copper  cycle   Report  6  
G,  H  
Quiz  7-­‐  Fund.  I,  
12   4/4   5   Properties  of  Gases   -­‐   E8-­‐  Alum   Report  7  
J,  K  
Quiz  8-­‐  Fund.  
13   4/11   5/8   Gases,  Heat  &  Work   -­‐   E9-­‐  Charles'  Law   Report  8  
L,  M  
14   4/18   8   Thermochemistry   MT  2   E10-­‐  Heat  capacity   Report  9   Quiz  9-­‐  Ch.5  
15   4/25   8   Heat  Capacity   -­‐   E11-­‐  Hess's  Law   Quiz  10-­‐  Ch.8  
IM  Forces,  Liquids  &   Report  
16   5/2   6   -­‐   (Turn  in  report)   Quiz  11-­‐  Ch.8  
Solids   11  
CatCourses  learning  management  system:  All  students  enrolled  in  the  course  will  automatically  be  
given  access  to  the  CatCourses  site  for  the  class.  You  can  either  log  in  to  your  MYUCMERCED  portal  
(https://my.ucmerced.edu/)  and  click  on  the  “CatCourses”  link  at  the  top  on  the  right,  or  go  directly  to  
the  CatCourses  gateway:  https://canvas.ucmerced.edu/.  After  logging  in  to  CatCourses,  click  on  the  
“Courses”  tab  at  the  top  of  the  page  and  then  select  ”  S16-­‐‑CHEM  002  20”  in  the  drop  down  menu  to  
access  the  course  site.  You  will  find  the  course  syllabus,  laboratory  manuals,  quiz  keys,  TA  office  hours,  
lecture  announcements,  and  any  other  necessary  materials  on  the  CatCourses  site.  All  students  
should  download  the  lab  manuals  for  each  experiment  and  save  them  to  a  disk  as  they  become  
available.  You  will  also  want  to  download  the  quiz  keys  to  help  study  for  the  exams.  The  CatCourses  
system,  as  you  may  have  experienced,  does  crash  from  time  to  time,  so  you  should  not  expect  that  it  
will  be  available  at  all  times.  “Technical  difficulties”  such  as  a  website  outage  will  not  be  accepted  as  an  
excuse  for  being  unprepared  for  laboratory,  quizzes  or  exams.  

Lecture  Expectations:  Lectures  are  meant  to  clarify  and  supplement  the  material  in  the  textbook.  
Students  are  expected  to  have  read  the  assigned  textbook  sections  before  coming  to  lecture.  While  
using  a  laptop  to  take  notes  during  lecture  may  seem  like  a  good  idea,  research  has  shown  that  the  
physical  act  of  writing  by  hand  actually  enhances  the  learning  process  and  retention  of  key  concepts.  
Also,  it  can  be  distracting  to  students  seated  behind  the  screen,  so  those  students  that  are  planning  on  
using  computers  in  class  should  sit  in  the  back  of  the  room.  Taking  pictures  of  the  screen  with  a  
cellphone  or  tablet  is  a  poor  substitute  for  taking  good  notes.  All  cellphones  and  other  electronic  
devices  must  be  silenced  before  coming  to  lecture.  Any  student  disrupting  the  lecture  will  be  asked  to  

In  general,  a  majority  of  the  class  time  will  be  spent  reviewing  key  concepts  and  working  example  
problems.  Some  portion  of  the  class  time  will  be  dedicated  to  solving  problems,  where  students  will  
either  work  in  groups,  individually,  or  a  combination  of  both.  Students  are  responsible  for  learning  all  
of  the  material  in  the  assigned  sections  of  the  textbook,  whether  or  not  it  was  explicitly  covered  in  

Laboratory  Expectations:  As  mentioned  above,  all  students  must  complete  9  laboratory  experiments  
at  the  very  least  in  order  to  pass  Chem.  2.  Missing  3  experiments  will  result  in  an  automatic  failing  
grade  in  the  course.  Laboratory  experiments  cannot  be  made  up  after  Friday  during  any  given  week.  
Each  laboratory  experiment  will  only  be  set  up  in  the  laboratory  for  one  week,  so  by  the  next  Monday,  
new  equipment  will  be  set  up  in  the  lab  room  and  the  previous  experiment  cannot  be  performed.  All  
pre-­‐‑lab  assignments  must  be  completed  before  arriving  to  each  laboratory  meeting.  Laboratory  
notebook  data  and  lab  reports  must  be  hand-­‐‑written  in  pen  in  the  lab  notebook,  and  must  be  legible.  

Strict  adherence  to  safety  standards  and  protocols  at  all  times  is  expected  in  the  chemistry  laboratory.  
Students  will  sign  a  contract  in  the  laboratory  stating  that  the  safety  rules  are  understood  and  will  be  
followed  while  in  the  laboratory.  Unexpected  explosions,  fires,  and  other  chemical  and  physical  
“surprises”  occur  in  chemistry  laboratories  all  of  the  time;  knowing  how  to  react  to  a  situation  
automatically  is  a  result  of  training  and  experience,  both  of  which  your  TA  and  laboratory  staff  have  
enough  of  to  keep  you  safe,  if  you  listen  closely  and  follow  their  directions.  

Absence  and  Make-­‐‑Up  Policies:  In  the  event  of  an  emergency  or  university-­‐‑sanctioned  event,  such  as  
a  conference,  it  may  be  possible  to  make  up  a  missed  lab  section  if  supporting  documentation  is  
provided.  Please  note  that  emergencies  do  not  include  transportation  issues  such  as  traffic  or  car  
trouble;  many  alternative  transportation  options  are  available,  and  you  should  leave  early  with  plenty  
of  extra  time  just  in  case  something  comes  up.  Emergencies  include  incapacitating  injury  or  illness  (of  
the  student),  the  funeral  of  a  family  member,  or  other  unforeseen  circumstance,  out  of  the  student’s  
control,  which  makes  it  impossible  to  attend  the  regularly  scheduled  lab  section.  In  the  case  of  a  
legitimate  emergency,  with  supporting  documentation,  a  make-­‐‑up  lab  may  be  scheduled  with  another  
lab  TA  during  the  same  week  while  that  particular  experiment  and  quiz  are  being  performed.  This  is  at  
the  discretion  of  the  TA  and  depends  upon  available  space  in  the  lab  (24  student  capacity).  Always  CC  
(carbon  copy)  the  TA  of  the  section  you  are  registered  in  on  all  email  correspondence  when  attempting  
to  arrange  a  make-­‐‑up  lab.  If  the  emergency  prevents  the  student  from  being  able  to  make  up  the  lab,  
that  student  will  receive  the  average  of  their  scores  on  the  rest  of  the  labs  and  quizzes,  after  the  lowest  
scores  are  dropped,  for  the  missed  lab,  at  the  end  of  the  semester.  If  an  excused  absence  prevents  a  
student  from  taking  a  midterm  (midterm  exams  cannot  be  made  up  or  rescheduled),  that  student  will  
receive  the  score  that  they  earn  on  the  final  exam,  in  place  of  the  missed  exam  score.  Please  remember  
that  as  a  condition  of  any  excused  absence,  documentation  of  the  reason  for  the  absence  must  be  
provided.  The  final  exam  cannot  be  rescheduled  or  taken  at  a  different  time  or  place  than  that  
scheduled  by  the  Registrar’s  office  before  the  semester  begins.  If  a  student  misses  the  final  exam  for  a  
legitimate  reason  (e.g.  medical  or  family  emergency),  that  student  will  receive  an  incomplete  (I)  grade  
for  the  course  and  will  have  to  take  the  final  exam  with  the  class  at  the  end  of  the  following  semester.  
Unexcused  absences  from  any  exam  will  result  in  a  0  score  on  the  exam.  
Student  Learning  Outcomes:  Upon  successful  completion  of  this  course,  students  will  have  gained  
the  ability  to:

•   describe  the  different  subatomic  particles  and  how  they  make  up  the  structures  of  
atoms  and  isotopes;
•   explain  the  concepts  of  quantum  theory  applied  to  single  and  multi-­‐‑electron  atoms,  
valence  bond  and  molecular  orbital  theories  of  chemical  bonding,  and  how  they  lead  to  
atomic  &  molecular  structure  and  properties;
•   derive  the  names  and  formulas  of  chemical  compounds  using  the  IUPAC  system  of  
nomenclature  for  ionic  compounds,  polyatomic  ions,  and  covalent  molecules;
•   determine  the  empirical  and  molecular  formulae  of  compounds  from  elemental  
analysis  data,  balance  chemical  reactions,  categorize  reactions  and  predict  products  for  
redox,  acid/base,  and  precipitation  reactions,  and  use  stoichiometry  and  the  limiting  
reactant  concept  to  calculate  percent  yield  &  product/reactant  amounts;  
•   analyze  energy  changes  associated  with  chemical  reactions,  perform  simple  
thermodynamic  calculations  related  to  heat  capacity,  calorimetry,  and  Hess’  Law;  
•   relate  the  physical  properties  of  gases,  liquids,  and  solids  to  their  structure  and  
underlying  intermolecular  interactions;  
•   perform  basic  chemistry  laboratory  techniques  using  common  laboratory  equipment,  
record  data  and  observations  accurately,  and  describe  sources  of  error  and  uncertainty  
in  experimental  data.  

Student  Learning  Outcomes  will  be  assessed  by  student  performance  on  quizzes,  exams,  and  lab  

Academic  Support  Services:  Academic  Support  Services  are  designed  to  provide  equal  access  to  the  
instructional  learning  environment  for  all  qualified  students  with  disabilities  deemed  eligible  to  
receive  academic  adjustments  according  to  the  implementing  regulations  of  Section  504  of  the  
Rehabilitation  Act  of  1973  and  the  Americans  with  Disabilities  Act  (ADA)  of  1990.  To  be  eligible  for  
academic  adjustment  services,  students  must  provide  appropriate  documentation  according  to  UC  
documentation  of  disability  guidelines.  Each  service  must  be  approved  by  Disability  Services  and  is  
generally  tailored  to  the  individual  need  of  each  student.  Please  see  the  Academic  Support  Services  
website  for  more  information:  http://disability.ucmerced.edu/node/3  

Academic  Honesty:  All  students  are  expected  to  follow  the  student  code  of  conduct  regarding  
academic  honesty.  Please  read  the  UC  Conduct  Standards  on  the  Student  Judicial  Affairs  website:  
 From  this  page,  students  
should  also  download  the  document  describing  Academic  Honesty:    

If  any  instances  of  cheating  or  misrepresentation  are  found  to  have  occurred,  Student  Judicial  Affairs  
will  be  notified  and  discipline  will  be  handled  by  their  office.  No  first-­‐‑time  warnings  will  be  given;  
cheating  is  cheating,  no  matter  how  slight  the  infraction.  All  work  handed  in  for  credit  must  be  
performed  by  the  individual  student,  and  in  their  own  words  –  this  applies  to  lab  reports,  pre-­‐‑lab  
write-­‐‑ups,  and  quizzes.  During  all  exams,  no  electronic  devices  will  be  allowed  other  than  a  non-­‐‑  
graphing,  non-­‐‑programmable  calculator.  Students  will  need  to  leave  their  cell  phones,  laptops,  tablets,  
etc.  in  their  backpacks  at  the  side  or  back  of  the  room.  

Chem 2 and 2H Learning Outcomes

Successful completion of each outcome will be assessed by performance on quizzes, exams, and
reports. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

•   Describe the structure of the atom and its relationship to the nuclear properties of isotopes;
•   Apply the concepts of quantum theory for single and multi-electron atoms, valence bond and
MO theories of bonding, and make predictions about atomic and molecular structure and
•   Derive the names and formulas of compounds based upon the IUPAC system of inorganic
nomenclature for ionic and binary covalent compounds, as well as oxyacids;
•   Determine empirical and molecular formulae from elemental analysis data, balance chemical
equations, predict aqueous inorganic reaction products, and use stoichiometric relationships
to calculate product and reactant amounts with applications to limiting reagents and percent
•   Analyze the energy change associated with chemical reactions, perform simple chemical
thermodynamic calculations, and be able to apply these concepts to the first law of
thermodynamics, heat capacity and calorimetry, enthalpy (including stoichiometric
relationships) and Hess’s law;
•   Relate the physical properties of gases, liquids, and solids to interrelationships between
kinetic molecular theory, structure, and intermolecular attractions;
•   Perform basic chemistry laboratory techniques, use common laboratory instruments, record
data and observations accurately, and describe sources of error and uncertainty in
experimental data.

Mapping to Chemistry Major Program Learning Outcomes:

Key: Mastery [M], Developed [D], and Introductory [I] level of understanding; Not Applicable [NA]
[I] PLO 1-Fundamental knowledge and skills
[I] PLO 2-Scientific methodology
[I] PLO 3-Communication and teamwork skills
[I] PLO 4-Citizenship, ethics, and the role of chemistry in society

General Education Guiding Principles Addressed by Chem 2 and Chem 2H:

•   Scientific Literacy
•   Decision Making
•   Ethics and Responsibility
General Education Guiding Principles Addressed by Chem 2 and Chem 2H:
I. Scientific Literacy
The atomic and molecular theory of matter taught in Chem 2/2H is the underlying
principle for our understanding of all chemistry and biochemistry. A knowledge of how
molecular composition and structure lead to different chemical properties and a basic
grasp of the laws governing the chemical states and changes, are foundational to
understanding how the modern world works.

II. Decision Making

A central theme of Chem 2/2H is the use of theoretical models and empirical data to
make predictions about how physical and chemical processes will behave under different
conditions. (e.g., “Will a reaction occur spontaneously?”, “Will a chemical process emit
or absorb heat?”, or “How much usable energy can be extracted from a chemical
reaction?”) Such quantitative predictions and observations are playing an increasing role
in decision making at all levels. For example: “How do the fundamental energy
capacities of hydrogen vs petroleum fuels affect their feasibility for their use in
transportation?” or “Why are even trace amounts of halogen-containing refrigerants
dangerous to the ozone layer?”

III. Ethics and Responsibility

In the 21st century, many of the most challenging ethical questions are occurring at the
intersection of human values and scientific capabilities, and in many cases at least a basic
understanding of chemistry is important to grasp the relevant issues. For example, “Why
is lead a much more pernicious toxin than organic compounds?” Moreover, fulfilling our
responsibility for the increasing impact of human activities on global ecosystems and
climate, is increasingly dependent society’s ability to evaluate scientific (and often
chemical) arguments calling for economic or political change. For example, “Why does
carbon dioxide act as a carbon sink, and how does it affect both the acidity of the oceans
and the heating of the planet?”

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