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Worksheet: digestive system, respiratory system, CV system

Names: _________________________ _________________________

1. Trace the flow of blood through the heart using the

right atriumbelow. Left ventricle bicuspid valve
left atrium superior/inferior vena cava pulmonic valve
pulmonary arteries
right ventricle tricuspid valve aortic valve
pulmonary vein
3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2.


12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7.

2. Identify the structures pointed in the figure below. (15


3. Complete the puzzle that follows. Use the following descriptions as guide. Encircle your
answer for clarity purposes.
1. Also known as right atrioventricular valve
2. Physical means of breaking down of food into smaller pieces inside the oral cavity
3. Blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart
4. Tissue type which primarily makes up the skin and linings of the gastro-intestinal
5. Partially digested food inside the stomach
1. Made up of cartilaginous rings that serves as passageway of air through the right
and left bronchi
2. A yellowish green fluid produced in the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and passed
through ducts to the small intestine, where it plays an essential role in emulsifying
3. The large, flat muscle at the bottom of the chest/thoracic cavity
4. Structure that protects the opening of trachea from possible entry of food during
5. Type of tissue responsible for transmission of signals or impulses from the
6. Digestive structure that serves as organ for digestion of food, absorption of
molecules and storage of undigested particles
7. Viscera secreting substances, including bile, that help digestion and break up
certain toxins contained in the blood
8. Made up of alveoli sacs where gas exchange happen
9. Terminal section of the large intestine preceding the anus
10.Blood cell responsible for blood clotting
11.Type of tissue that makes voluntary movement and usually attached to the bones
12.Fluid portion of the blood containing water, electrolytes, ions, buffers, enzymes,
nutrients and hormones
13.Type o f tissue which makes up most o f the gastrointestinal organs and is capable
of involuntary movement
14.Type of circulation that increases the oxygen content of the blood.
15.Structure at the top of the trachea that contains the vocal cords
16.Carries blood away from the heart
1. Solid component of blood responsible for transportation of oxygen throughout the
2. Type of circulation that allows distribution of the blood from the heart to different
body parts
3. Solid waste resulting from incomplete digestion
4. A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood around the body

1 2

2 4 5 6

8 3


2 11 12

13 4 14 15

16 3

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