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I. Describe the Class

There are 24 students in this 12th grade class. There is one student with mild

visual impairment and two students with dysgraphia. There also two gifted

and talent students.

II. Subject:

Literature written by women from 1800-present day.

III. Objective(s)

Working in groups, students will be able to compose an online timeline of

influential female writers from the 1800’s to current day. Students will be able

to describe how they are influential and justify why they picked them.

IV. Procedures

1. First, I will write the objective on the board so that students know they

will be working in groups and researching online.

2. I will then show them a video called “21 Top Women Writers Who

Literally Changed the World…” by WMN on to give them

an idea of possible women to research on

3. After the video, I will have the students do a Jigsaw II activity. They will

work in teams of four to create a timeline of influential women writers on

Microsoft Word. Each person in the team is responsible for different eras

of time (1800-1900, 1900-1950, 1951-2000, 2000-today).

4. When they are done researching on the laptops, they will present their

information to the group and explain why they were picked and compose a

timeline. I will show them a template to use on Microsoft Word.

5. I will check on the groups progress throughout the class period.

V. Materials

Materials needed for this lesson includes laptops with internet access and a

timeline template for Microsoft Word.

VI. Grouping Structures

There will be six groups of four students if everyone shows up for class.

VII. Modifications

For children with visual impairments, the enlargement magnifying glass tool

can be used in Microsoft Word to complete their assignment and do online

research. For children with dysgraphia, extra time will be given to the student

to complete the assignment along with a premade template to copy from. They

are also allowed to use speech to text technology. For gifted and talented

students, they will also be expected to find women from all four sections.

VIII. Assessment

For homework, the students will write a page about who they believed was

most influential female writer to them personally. It doesn’t have to be the

writer they researched for their eras, it can be someone from any era.

IX. Closure
In the last 10 minutes of class, I will ask the students to return to their seats

and I will randomly call on them to tell us who they found and give us three

interesting facts about them.

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