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• Chronic disease: incurable illness/ health condition persisting for a year or more
◦ usually resulting in functional limitations and need for ongoing medical care
• Obesity: condition of being considerably overweight
◦ person w/ BMI of 30 or greater
◦ person who is 30 lbs overweight
▪ Overweight: person w/ BMI btw 25-29.9
• Between 25-30 lbs over recommended weight
703×weight (lb)
BMI = 2 2
height (in. )

weight (kg )
BMI = 2 2
height m

◦ Associated health risks:

• cardiovascular disease
• Type 2 diabetes
• high cholesterol
• osteoarthritis
• some cancers
• pregnancy complications
• shortened life expectancy
• decrease quality of life
• High Cholesterol > direct relationship with cardiovascular disease and obesity
◦ blood lipids ( cholesterol and triglycerides) carried in bloodstream by protein molecules
▪ high density lipoproteins (good cholesterol)
▪ low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol)
◦ healthy total cholesterol level less than 200 mg/ dL
• Diabetes Mellitus: blood glucose unable to enter cells b/c pancreas can't produce insulin or
cells become insulin resistant
◦ Type I Diabetes: juvenile diabetes
▪ pancreas not create enough insulin
◦ Type II Diabetes: associated with obesity
▪ pancreas creates adequate amount of insulin, but cells resistant to insulin not take up
• 2002 World Health Organization recognize: lack of physical activity increase risk for several
chronic diseases
◦ physical activity reduce risk of chronic disease and disorder
• Evidence of Muscular Dysfunction
◦ Low Back Injury
▪ manual labor or sitting for long periods of time
◦ Knee Injuries:
▪ rise in ACL injuries
◦ Musculoskeletal Injuries:
▪ unnatural posture
▪ sprains and strains
• Training Programs:
◦ many current adults: deconditioned
▪ deconditioned: state where a person may have muscle imbalances, decreased
flexibility, or lack of core and joint stability
◦ training should be done in proprioceptively enriched environment: one that challenges
the internal balance and stabilization mechanism of the body
▪ emphasize multiplanar movements (movement in all direction) through the full
muscle action spectrum (concentric acceleration, eccentric deceleration, and
isometric stabilization)


• Integrated training: incorporates all forms of training as part of a progressive system
◦ flexibility training ◦ plyometric (reactive) training
◦ cardiorespiratory training ◦ speed, agility, and quickness training
◦ core training ◦ resistance training
◦ balance training
• OPT Model
◦ training program for society w/ more structural imbalances and susceptibility to injury
◦ Physiologic Benefits
▪ improve cardiorespiratory efficiency
▪ enhance endocrine and cholesterol adaptations
▪ increase metabolism
▪ increase bone density
◦ Physical Benefits
▪ Decrease body fat
▪ increase muscle
▪ increase tissue tensile strength
◦ Performance Benefits
▪ strength ▪ speed
▪ power ▪ agility
▪ endurance ▪ balance
▪ flexibility

1. Stabilization Level
• Phase I: Stabilization Endurance:
◦ Goal
▪ improve muscular endurance
▪ enhance joint stability
▪ Increase flexibility
▪ Improve neuromuscular efficiency (coordination)
◦ Training Strategies:
▪ training in unstable, yet controllable environment (proprioceptively enriched)
▪ low loads, high reps
2. Strength Level
• Phase II: Strength Endurance Training
◦ Goal
▪ improve stabilization endurance & increase prime mover strength
▪ improve work capacity
▪ enhance joint stabilization
▪ increase muscle
◦ Training Strategies
▪ moderate loads and reps (8-12)
▪ superset: one strength exercise paired w/ one stabilization exercise
• Phase III: Hypertrophy Training
◦ Goal
▪ increase muscle mass
◦ Training Strategies
▪ high volume
▪ moderate to high load
▪ moderate or low reps (6-12)
• Phase IV: Maximum Strength Training
◦ Goal
▪ increase motor unit recruitment
▪ increase frequency of motor unit recruitment
▪ improve peak force
◦ Training Strategies:
▪ high loads
▪ low rep (1-5)
▪ longer rest period
3. Power Level
• Phase V: Power Training
◦ Goal
▪ enhance neuromuscular efficiency
▪ enhance prime mover strength
▪ increase rate of force production
◦ Training Strategies
▪ Superset: one strength exercise w/ one power exercise
▪ perform power exercises as fast as can be controlled

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