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How to Legally "Trick" a Mutual

Fund Into Paying for Your

This little-known "siphoning" method can pay 10 times more
than the best mutual funds -- without charging you any inflated fees.
That's probably why you've never heard of it before.

Follow the instructions in this letter and you can

"siphon" your first payment as soon as September 30.

"Worried about a depreciating dollar, rising taxes and

stingy investment yields? Try ['siphoning']."
-- Wall Street Journal

Dear Reader,

I don't know what you were doing on January 27, but for Ryan Robinson
that Wednesday was payday.

While most Americans were scraping by at work, waiting for the clock to
hit 5 p.m., Ryan, an Appleton, Wis., native, was cashing a check for

That's more than most of the "worker bees" earn in three months.

And he wasn't the only one.

You see, there's a small group of savvy American investors who have
decided to liberate themselves from high-priced mutual fund managers
and hidden fees that cut into returns.

They decided to stop paying someone else to manage their money and
start making nearly 10 times what a mutual fund could pay them.

 Like John Liut of Boston. He didn't need a mutual fund to collect a

$5,772 payment on January 27, part of a steady flow of checks
he's received over the years.
 George Hebert of Corpus Christi, Texas, got $5,250 on January
27. It wasn't because of the genius of some mutual fund manager
or financial advisor. He made the money all by himself.

 Jeff LeVan of Reading, Pa., walked to his mailbox and found a

check for $5,600 waiting for him. And it wasn't endorsed by any
big-shot mutual fund.

 Dave DeRossi takes the cake, though. The mutual fund-free White
Plains, N.Y., native got paid $74,480 in one day. That's more
than most Americans make in a year!

How did these men get paid so much money on January 27 without any
professional help? And how can you start collecting payments just like

By taking advantage of a rarely publicized investment -- available to

Americans of all ages.

In fact, if you follow the instructions in this letter, you could make 10
times more the best mutual funds without paying any inflated fees.

Your payout could be as big as Dave DeRossi's $74,480 single-day


The wealthy love using it to generate steady, risk-free monthly income.

But this perfectly legal method can be used by investors of any income
level to collect large checks, every month of the year, hassle-free.

I call it "siphoning" because it takes a portion of income from some of

the biggest mutual funds in the country... and "siphons" it directly to

Instead of paying some hotshot fund manager outrageous fees,

you're actually getting mutual funds and other institutional
investors to pay you.

If you've never heard of "siphoning" before, don't worry, you're not

alone. If most investors caught wind of this, the mutual fund industry
would go broke. That would mean a lot of BMWs getting repossessed.

It's a shame too, that more retirees haven't heard of this unique
income-generating tool.
That's because it's perfect for seniors looking to rebuild their nest egg
after the market turbulence of the last couple years. It's also good for
people who want to stop working sooner and start enjoying the freedom
that steady monthly income can provide.

 Like James Early, a professional financial analyst, told Forbes,

"Siphoning" is a good investment for "yield-hungry investors."

 The Wall Street Journal interviewed veteran financial advisor Eddie

Allen about "siphoning" and he said, "In a low-interest world, we
think the attractiveness of ['siphoning'] stands out."

 Barron's recently wrote a blurb about "siphoning" as well.

It's simple really: Why pay a mutual fund large chunks of your earnings
for shoddy performance when you could get them to unwittingly pay you
10 times more, every year?

Just don't expect to hear financial insiders tell you about "siphoning"
because it could put them out of business.

I know because I spent over 20 years in the institutional investing

industry. I used to manage over $1 billion in assets. I've written this
letter to tell you everything you need to know about the "siphoning"
process because I believe it's time you stopped paying these crooks for
poor results.

It's time you got the mutual funds to pay YOU.

In the following pages, I'll show you how to "siphon" your first payment
as soon as September 30, courtesy of the mutual fund industry... how
many more payments you can expect this year... and how much you
could get paid.

123% Returns in the Past 2 Years -- Can Your

Mutual Fund or Retirement Plan Beat That?
If you had been "siphoning" for the past two years, you could be up
123% right now...

An original $10,000 stake would now be worth $22,329. $50,000

invested would've become $111,645.
Compare that to the top mutual funds' performance over a three-year
period (see chart to the right). That's not even close to what "siphoning"
has returned.

And the money doesn't just sit in your account waiting to have more
hidden performance fees deducted. Most of the income is sent to you in
the form of monthly checks...

You do what you want with

the money. You can pay Top 3-Yr Mutual Fund Returns
monthly bills, use it for a
vacation... or reinvest it back Matthews China 16.75%
USAA Prec. Metals & Minerals
into "siphoning." Reynolds Blue Chip Growth 15.96%
Franklin Gold & Prec Metals A
Keep in mind: GA China & Hong Kong 15.91%
Van Eck Intl Investors Gold A
"Siphoning" is not Intrepid Small Cap 14.96%
some risky trading
"Siphoning" 14.62%
strategy. There are (2-Yr Return)
no options involved, 14.56%

no get-rich-quick kind 14.45%

of promises. It's a
long-term, low-risk 123%

investment strategy
that pays
extraordinary income every month.

And you're not locked into "siphoning" for any longer than you want.

You could sign up for one month and then get all of your money back,

Try doing that with a mutual fund.

Or you could continue "siphoning" for years. Either way, whenever you
decide to take your money out of the pot, you won't be charged a
penalty or a withdrawal fee.

Here's how the process works: After you sign up, you'll have to
designate whether you want the profits mailed to you, deposited directly
to your bank account, or reinvested into the process to make your
payments larger and larger every month.

Then, on the designated "pay day" every month, you'll receive your
"siphoned" profits. No penalties, no fees. Just cash "siphoned" from the
profits of some of the largest mutual funds in the country.

If you sign up now, you can get your first check

on September 30. To the right, I've listed the
rest of the "siphon" pay dates for 2010. "Siphon" Pay
Dates for 2010
There's one a month, four in all. And they're
September 30
scheduled beyond this year for as far as the eye October 31
can see. November 30
December 31
So how is "siphoning" able to pay out huge
income checks to you with the same low-risk
attitude of a mutual fund?

Because when you "siphon" you're actually lining up to receive indirect

payments straight from the mutual funds themselves.

That's why they don't want you to know about "siphoning." It would
make them obsolete.

Fire Your Mutual Fund Manager!

Have you ever heard of Cohen and Steers?

They're one of the larger mutual fund firms in the world and they've
been in business for 24 years.
They've got over $24.8 billion of
other people's money to spend as The Truth About 12b-1 Fees
they please.
It's a simple line on your mutual
With offices in New York, Seattle, fund's disclosure statement that
reads: 12b-1 fee.
Brussels, London and Hong Kong, it
appears they're spending it well. Most investors skip over it, but if you
have a mutual fund it's time you
But what will you pay them for their started paying attention.
The SEC certainly is.

Go to their website and try to figure The Boston Globe recently reported
out how much you're going to get that SEC chairwoman Mary Schapiro
charged in fees to sign up for one of expects a report on these fees on her
their funds. Good luck trying to find desk this year.
a concrete answer. "Investors may have no idea these
fees are being deducted, what
Of course, there's a 2% redemption services they are paying for, or who
fee if you want to get out early. they are ultimately compensating,"
(And a lot of fine print to explain it.) Schapiro said recently.

12b-1 fees were created in the 1970s

to help the struggling fund industry
But the real hidden killer to your stay afloat.
assets is something called a load or
12b-1 fee. There's no percentage 12b-1 fees were supposed to cover
the marketing and advertising needed
listed and in fact, they're not legally to help the mutual fund industry lure
required to tell you how much that in new money.
fee could be.
Once funds gained more assets, there
It's supposed to cover "marketing would be no need for the 12b-1 fee.
But, it hasn't worked out that way.
and overhead," but in truth, it's just
another way to pay themselves. Now they amount to about $2 for
(See sidebar to the right for The every $1,000 invested and can go to
Truth About 12B-1 Fees.) things like extra compensation for
managers who lure in more assets.
Should you be paying even more for
Bottom line: It would cost you a shoddy performance?
heckuva lot of money just to get a
seat at the table in one of these Tim Middleton of MSN Money says it
funds. more clearly: "Get your money out
now and invest where management
isn't selling out its investors. The
And then there's the performance. industry is awash in high fees and
With all these assets under there is no excuse to entrust your
management, huge fees and fancy money to crooks."
offices around the world, you would
think these guys know how to make you money.

In fact, none of their funds has cracked 10% a year over the last three
years. The company's stock is down 12% in the past two years.

Don't worry, that won't stop you from "siphoning" money every month
thanks to Cohen and Steers.

You see, in order to keep signing up new customers -- and continue

filling their pockets -- Cohen and Steers has to make at least a little bit
of money for their clients.

And like a lot of big mutual funds, they pour money into a go-to
investment to boost results when their performance is lagging.

That's where you come in.

When these mutual funds continue to pile into their secret investment,
you can use it to "siphon" off profits, every month.

Don't worry, this isn't some fly-by-night investment fad.

In fact, "siphoning" has crushed the S&P 500 over the past 14 years,
making double the money... even in a down market.

So what is this secret investment?

How Section 7704(d) of the

Internal Revenue Code Can Pay You
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Revenue Act of 1987 created a
special business sector in the United States.

Mostly devoted to the natural resource industry, these businesses get a

unique tax break outlined in Section 7704(d) of the Internal Revenue

The companies covered under Section 7704(d) do not have to pay

corporate taxes. Because their industry is deemed vital to the future of
the United States, they get a hugely beneficial tax break...

With one condition: 90% of the profits must be redistributed back

to shareholders.
The oil and gas industry in the United States isn't going anywhere. The
Energy Information Administration noted that gasoline usage in the U.S.
hasn't fallen in either of the past two years -- despite the rise in prices.

The EIA projects usage to increase by 70,000 barrels per day in 2011.

The most profitable of these 7704(d) companies are all centered on the
oil and gas pipeline industry.

Pipeline companies work like toll collectors. They allow oil and gas to
flow through their pipes for a fee. Once the pipeline is built there's
hardly any overhead, so the fees collected are almost purely profit.

And 90% of that profit is returned back to shareholders.

You can see why mutual funds love these investments. And now you can
profit off their love by "siphoning" mutual fund money through these

Let me show you the potential...

Even This Can't Save Mutual

Funds From Poor Performance
For the past couple of years, mutual funds have been pouring money
into these pipeline companies.

For example, as of November 2009, Oppenheimer's Main Street Fund

held nearly 2 million shares of Enterprise Products Partners.

Those shares were worth over $58 million. And over the past six months
alone they've increased 13.7% in value.

But that hasn't seemed to help the fund.

Oppenheimer's Main Street Fund is down over 5% over that same

period. And shares in Oppenheimer, the parent company, are down
nearly 10%.

If that portion of the fund's investment did so well, why don't these
funds put all of their money into this investment?
The truth is, they can't. Mutual funds diversify their holdings to minimize
risk and to make their shareholders feel safer.

If a mutual fund were to advertise that 100% of their money was in one
company, who would buy that mutual fund? You would just buy the
company and save the fees.

So they try to spread the fund out amongst a multitude of investments.

And they aren't able to stay in this one investment, collecting 63% a

But you don't have to play by the mutual fund industry's rules. You can
invest in one of these companies and collect the juicy returns.

In fact, the more mutual funds that plow shares into the investment, the
higher your return will be.

That's why "siphoning" can be so profitable. It's not the only reason,

How to "Siphon" From Multiple

Funds -- At the Same Time
At the beginning of this letter, I told you "siphoning" could have made
you 123% in the past two years.

That's enough to turn a $5,000 investment into $11,150... $20,000 into

$44,600... $50,000 into $111,500.

I have to tell you... These kinds of gains are nearly impossible to make
just "siphoning" off one of these mutual funds. You need to "siphon"
from as many as possible.

Luckily, I've found a way to do that in just one step. I call it the "Siphon

It works like a mutual fund in some ways -- but with no fees or

performance payments. There's no minimum investment. You can put in
as much or as little as you want.

You purchase the "Siphon Fund" on the stock market like any other
investment. And your returns are still tax-deferred.
But the "Siphon Fund" doesn't profit from just one mutual fund's

It actually "siphons" from multiple mutual funds at the same time...

Instead of collecting 30% yearly returns by "siphoning" off just one

mutual fund... You hoard all that income together, which would have
made you 123% over the past two years.

And remember, you'll collect these checks every month, for the
foreseeable future...

If you get in today, you can get your first "siphoned" check as soon as
September 30.

But don't call your broker and expect him to known anything about the
"Siphon Fund." He's probably never heard of it. And if he has... he won't
tell you.

Because if you invest in the "Siphon Fund," you won't need a broker
anymore. Or a mutual fund, or anyone else managing your money.

You'll be able to collect safe, monthly dividend checks with ease -- on

your own.

I'll send you all the details you need to know in the FREE special report I
just prepared on the topic. It's called "An Insider's Guide to
'Siphoning': How to Make 60% a Year From the Mutual Fund

Inside I'll reveal exactly how "siphoning" works, how you can "siphon"
from multiple mutual funds at once to make 60% a year... and of
course, how to sign up right away to start collecting your monthly
income around September 30.

Let me show you how to get your hands on a copy of this FREE report.

An Insider's Change of Heart

My name is Kent Lucas.

My resume screams financial industry insider.

After getting my BA in Economics from Harvard (as well as playing tight

end for the Crimson football team), I got an MBA from Stanford and
then spent the past two decades on the inside of the financial industry.

I spent seven years as a portfolio manager for a leading investment

firm. In fact, at one point I was actively managing $1 billion worth of
equity assets.

I've consulted with hundreds of manufacturing facilities worldwide, like

Harley Davidson in Milwaukee, BMW in Germany and Caterpillar in
Brazil, while doing up-front research -- kicking tires, if you will.

I also spent time in the mutual fund industry working with all types of
funds... growth, income... even international equities.

From an industry insider's perspective, it's safe to say I know every trick
in the book to make money.

And "siphoning," as I call it, is arguably the best method for generating
safe, consistent monthly income.

But why am I willing to share that secret with you? Why leave my
cushy, well-paid job and start sharing my moneymaking secrets with
mutual fund "outsiders" like you?

Call it a change of heart...

One day I was riding home from the office, looking forward to a nice
dinner out with some friends, maybe some wine. Life was great.

Then my phone rang. It was someone I was pretty close with.

I could sense the tension in their voice right away. The problem was

They didn't know how they were going to keep paying their bills, let
alone how to begin saving for retirement. Their frustration was palpable.

I cancelled the dinner plans and went over to their house. We pulled an
all-nighter getting their situation together and calming their nerves.

With my knowledge and background, I was able to help them fix things
and get on the right track.
But that phone call was a slap in the face...

Here I was, helping the rich get richer, and someone I care about was
struggling. My expertise could've helped them right their troubles long in

It was that night I determined to take my inside knowledge to the


That's why I hooked up with the Taipan Publishing Group in Baltimore,

Md. They're an alternative investment publishing company and they
publish my monthly investment newsletter, called Safe Haven

You see, after sitting with my family members I realized... most

investors simply don't know there are better places to put your money
then regular stocks or bonds.

They don't know about places like the "Siphon Fund," where your money
will be safer and more profitable.

But the "Siphon Fund" isn't the only unique opportunity I recently
discovered for retirees. I just found an almost unbelievable dividend...
but it comes with a catch.

Let me explain...

Beijing's $1.3 Trillion "Secret

Precious Metal Bullion Mandate"
It's no state secret that gold's price per ounce is soaring into historic

However, the unreported super-driver that's all but guaranteed to push

gold to $3,000 or more in the near future IS a state secret -- literally.

I'm talking about China's covert master plan to dominate world gold

You won't read about this plan in The Wall Street Journal, hear about it
on Fox News Radio, or see it on Mad Money, Larry King Live or 60
Like with the Crash of 2008-09, the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis, the
real estate bubble of 2001-06, and every other major financial story of
the past decade, the mainstream money media doesn't see this coming.

And that's just the way Beijing likes it.

Why does the People's Republic of China want to monopolize the world's

The reason is something that should strike fear into the heart of every
American. And if you give me five minutes of your time right now, I'll
prove that to you that what's coming is a "stealth" world power and
wealth shift that impacts every aspect of your personal financial picture:
Your short-term profit prospects, long-term solvency and especially

Now, make no mistake -- the talking heads and prime-time money

pundits will all catch on to China's master plan someday.

But like most exceptional opportunities for wealth, when this story
finally starts making major headlines, your chance to play the situation
for maximum gains could already be gone...

How much could you make if you move fast, right now?

Beijing's "Mandate" Could Double Gold Prices

-- But YOU Could Easily Score 42 Times Your
Money With These "Precious Metals Multiplier"
There's one thing that 99% of mainstream investors will do once they
hear about this master plan...

They'll buy gold.

If you've got a mind to do that, I implore you to keep reading...

That's because I'm going to reveal a pair of ignored-by-the-mainstream

plays (I call them "precious metals multipliers") that are poised to
outperform gold investment many times over.

Don't believe me?

Well, consider this...

There are over 940 million employed, money-conscious, forward-

thinking Chinese citizens who are eager to begin investing.

And now, for the first time in recent history, they are not only allowed --
but strongly encouraged by the government -- to buy precious metals...

Earlier last year, Beijing lifted all of its long-held restrictions against the
private ownership and purchasing of gold -- formerly a severe, jailable

Now, however:

 China's state-run Central Television is running features explaining

how easy it is to buy gold and silver bullion (they're on

 The bulk of China's banks now sell both gold and silver bullion
bars in four different sizes to Chinese citizens...

 Chinese officials are encouraging citizens to put at least 5% of

their savings into gold and other precious metals...

 The Chinese division of the World Gold Council has begun a

nationwide precious metals sales push across China's rural

I don't need to tell you what potentially ONE BILLION new investors are
going to do for the gold market -- and soon.

I'll outline exactly how to play this opportunity (the answer is NOT to
buy gold), and how you could make 42 times your money in my special
report, "Metals Multipliers: How to Turn Every Grand You Invest
Into $42,150 or More..."

I'll send it to you free of charge, along with the other free report, "An
Insider's Guide to 'Siphoning': How to Make 60% a Year From
the Mutual Fund Industry."

So how can you get your hands on these FREE reports?

They're yours when you take a subscription to my monthly investment

research newsletter, Safe Haven Investor.
What is Safe Haven Investor?

I'm on a Mission to Save Your Retirement

Safe Haven Investor is focused on creating -- and preserving -- long-
term wealth by focusing on unique ways to generate income, whether
through dividends or other unique investments like "siphoning."

In fact, my goal is not just to beat the S&P 500 consistently, but to
double it.

After 20 years in the business, I'm not easily swayed by Wall Street's
latest investment fads.

I've seen it all and heard it all before. I know what works for generating
safe, consistent income in ALL types of markets.

It goes without saying that I've developed my own technique of

pinpointing investment opportunities that have the potential to
outperform the mainstream indexes.

As an insider, I've also learned to detect and compensate for the hidden
institutional corruptions of Wall Street -- and our government's banking
and financial systems.

Bottom line: I have connections and contacts others don't. I see warning
signs others can't -- and I find lucrative opportunities 99% of advisors
never will.

That's how I outperform my mainstream colleagues -- by "buying straw

hats in winter," so to speak.

Now with Safe Haven Investor it's my mission to bring a lifetime's

worth of expertise in exploiting the strategy for maximum protection
and gains to YOU.

I'm aiming to double the S&P 500 or more, and I've already more than
done that.

See for yourself...

Is Your Win/Loss Ratio 79%
Over the Past 20 Months?
At the moment, of Safe Haven Investor's 24 open picks, 19 are

That's a 79% win rate. Are your current investments doing that?

The average gain per open position currently stands at an astounding


Among these are big winners like:

 148% on 99 Cents Only Stores

 115% on HudBay Minerals

 110% on Silvercorp Metals

 88% on Eaton Corp.

And all of these picks were made in the past two years, during one of
the most challenging financial landscapes in American history.

We've gotten a reputation for calling the big gains -- over and over

In the past two years alone, Safe Haven Investor Opportunity Alerts,
just like the one you're reading, have revealed huge money stories like:

 How "Crisis Bonds" paid double-digit gains while stocks

tanked -- In the winter of 2008-09, while mainstream investors
were in the process of losing more than half the value of their
portfolios in blue chips, Safe Haven Investor readers were being
told how to set themselves up for potential monthly payouts
totaling as much as 68% gains for 2009...

 How "Post-Crash Mega-Trends" could gain you 55,000% --

In early 2009, just as the U.S. economy hit its lowest valley since
the Great Depression, a Safe Haven Investor report named the
seven key plays most likely to help market-battered investors
rebuild their nest eggs fast. If the history of American post-crash
recoveries holds true, early investors could pocket as much as 550
times their money, and they're still just getting started...
 How the "13F Loophole" cuts you in on $35 billion in free
money -- In late 2008, Safe Haven Investor alerted readers to
the little-known federal law (upheld by the SEC against Wall
Street's complaints!) that allows you to skim as much as $11,450
every month from the brokers who've been using your retirement
to live high on the hog for years...

 How to claim $21,750 or more from the hidden "Gulf Coast

Vaults" -- In June of 2009, a Safe Haven Investor exposé like
this one revealed to 1,000 lucky readers the access code to an
underground money cache that President Obama has ordered
emptied out as soon as possible, handing code-wielding investors
three likely profit plays of up to 598%...

 How the "Red Herring Alliance" positions you for up to

$540,000 -- In August of 2009, Safe Haven Investor readers
received an investigative report on a secret meeting to determine
the "new world currency." Not gold or silver, or the money of any
nation (or nations), but a never-before-used legal tender that
early movers could bank 1,000 times their money on...

It's these kinds of gains that have excited our subscribers...

People like Betty B., of Peoria, Ill.

"I live on my Social Security... so wins like this are very

significant to grow my little investment pot... A BIG thanks."

Sally F. of Tulsa, Okla., said:

"Thanks for the BBI play. We made $1,500 in practically no time!

This trade alone paid for my subscriptions."

Don't let another of these opportunities pass you by...

As you can see, becoming a Safe Haven Investor subscriber could be

very profitable for you...

When you see how little we charge for this service, I think you'll be even
more excited...

For Less Than a Cup of Coffee...

Right now, Safe Haven Investor will cost you the same as a cup of
coffee a month.

Normally this service sells for a listed price of $129 a year -- already low
compared to the money you could be making.

But right now, you can subscribe for an all-time low price of $39 a year.
If you subscribe today, you could make that back 100 times over on
September 30.

That's when you'll receive your first payment from the "Siphon Fund."

In fact, I'm so sure of it, I'm going to make you a no-risk offer...

If you subscribe to Safe Haven Investor today, you'll have 90 days to

decide whether you want to remain a subscriber or not.

At any time, during that three-month period, you can cancel your
subscription, no questions asked, and receive a full refund.

I'll even let you keep everything you get as a subscriber during that

What does that include?

 Special Report #1: "An Insider's Guide to 'Siphoning': How

to Make 60% a Year From the Mutual Fund Industry." Inside
this report I'll show you exactly what the "Siphon Fund" is, and
how you can make money off the mutual fund industry -- without
paying anyone a fee.

 Special Report #2: "Metals Multipliers." I'll show you exactly

how you could play China's exploding gold market to make 42
times your money. The answer is NOT to buy gold, by the way,
but another, more lucrative investment.

 12 monthly issues of Safe Haven Investor -- Each newsletter

is chock-full of my one-of-a-kind market analysis, plus my "ahead
of the curve" stock recommendations you can be confident aren't
on the mainstream's radar yet...

 FREE weekly updates -- At no extra charge, I'll give you weekly

updates on the market as I see it, delivered straight to your e-
mail inbox. Get breaking news, important cutting-edge info and
commentary, updates on open positions from Safe Haven
Investor's model portfolio and more.

 FREE password-protected access to our members-only

website -- This electronic portal grants you easy access to Safe
Haven Investor's powerful opportunities, investment updates,
special articles and unlimited access to all the research this service
has compiled over the past several years.

 FREE subscription to Taipan Daily -- Make your inbox a virtual

cash machine with all the financial news and ideas in Taipan Daily.
Written by Taipan's own experts on global macroeconomic trends,
domestic issues and industries, commodities, foreign markets and
more, Taipan Daily will prove to be a valuable resource for hard-
to-find opportunities that slip past your broker.

 FREE members-only Taipan Insider e-letter -- Discover

firsthand how the Taipan Publishing Group uncovers the lucrative
ideas we pass your way (like how to "siphon" profits from the
mutual fund industry), plus also learn what ALL of our editors
believe are the most important economic issues impacting your
wealth right now.

All of that for just $39 a year.

That's far less than any mutual fund or broker would charge you -- for
one transaction.

But the information I'm sending you in the free reports alone could
make you thousands of dollars in the next month.

And remember, you can cancel at any time in the first 90 days
and receive a full refund, no questions asked.

I do this so you know there are no tricks, nothing up my sleeve. Just

sound recommendations on where to put your money to start collecting
as much as 123% in income over the next two years.

If you're even remotely interested in grabbing a mutual-fund-free

paycheck on September 30, I urge you to take advantage of the 90-day
risk-free trial period to try out "siphoning" and see how much money it
makes for you.

In the next 90 days, you could be scheduled to receive three payments

from the "Siphon Fund." Collect them all... if you're not satisfied then
cancel your subscription and receive your money back.

That's truly a risk-free proposition.

But, you need to get in quickly to collect your September 30 payment --

or you'll have to wait another 30 days to start "siphoning" from the
corrupt, big-money mutual funds.

I'm looking forward to helping you start getting the retirement you


Kent Lucas
Editor, Taipan's Safe Haven Investor
June 2010

P.S. Add a SECOND year onto your Safe Haven Investor subscription
for only $30 more. You'll only pay $69, and you'll save 73% off our
regular price. Plus you'll never have to worry about subscription rate
increases. For your convenience, we'll automatically bill your credit card
just $69 every two years until you tell us to stop. You reserve the right
to cancel at any time, no questions asked.

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