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Program version: from EWK 3006.XXX VX.XX


1 2 3 000/1
-#:+ ABC DEF

4 5 6

7 8 9


- C

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6


 Sartorius Aachen GmbH & Co. KG

EDITION: 05.06 (Rev. 0)












8.0 BILD-ON PRINTER (Functional Expansion) 46




11.0 INDEX 55



The SYNUS 6 weighing electronics unit is equipped with a master switch for the entire plant
(belt control, dialog PC) that is accessible from the outside.


2.1 Screen Arrangement
The screen consists of two main parts, with the weight and status indications arranged at the top.
The data area field is situated at the bottom, with the menu selection line separating the two.
The lower part of the data area field can contain up to six dialog-dependent softkeys.

2.1.1 Weight Display

This six-digit, 16 mm-high display shows the weight in g or kg, depending on the employed type of weigh cell.
The weight display mode is characterized by an anteposed letter (Gross, Net or Difference).
Ex-batch indications are always gross indications.
The difference display automatically takes the nominal weight as the reference value.

2.1.2 Status Indication

The status indication, consisting of four quadratic fields with the following meanings,
is situated behind the weight display:

Here, the numerical keypad can be used to enter additional characters (letters and numerals).

When a batch is running, the symbol is displayed in color.

A fault has occurred.

- Data are being saved.

- An attempt is being made to access the external drive.

Data are being printed out.

Data interchange with parent systems.

A zero setting must be carried out (only for “calibrate” option)

2.1.3 Menu Selection Line

The menu selection line shows the headings of the 7 dialog groups.
A numerical field for direct selection of dialogs is located along the right margin.


2.2 Data Area Field

Here, either data is displayed, or entries can be made.
If no key is actuated for about 2 minutes, the screen reverts to the basic level.
This page is empty when no charge is involved. As long as a charge is running, the following image is seen:

Display of
article-no. and
selected under
“operation mode”

Data area field

2.2.1 Classification/Sorting
Five fields denoting the limits and nominal weight. You can display Classification, Sorting or a combination of both
options as desired. This setting is carried out in Customer parameters.
A pair of triangles above these fields show the status of the average value.
The solid black triangle indicates the good-production average.
As soon as it drops below the nominal weight, the color of the triangle changes from black to red,
and the average appears as a numerical value.
The other triangle indicates the floating average of good production.
If this value falls below the calculated weight, the triangle will change to yellow.
The number of readings for the floating average ascertainment is shown in dialogue 240.
The triangle below the classification fields shows the nominal weight.

2.2.2 Profit
The percentage share of good production is shown here.

2.2.3 Throughput
Here, the total production throughput is indicated in pieces/minute.

2.2.4 Total production

The standard deviation and the percentage of accepted TU1-weight packs are indicated as numerical values.
The bar diagram with envelope curve shows the production distribution,
with the quantity of pieces always indicating the value of the longest bar.

2.2.5 Good production

This curve shows the floating-average pattern. The quantity of pieces for its ascertainment is entered in dialog 240.
The curve extends from right to left, beginning with arrival at the double quantity.

2.3 Soft-key Line

Up to six dialog-dependent soft keys can be shown along the bottom margin of the screen.



An array of data-entry and control keys are situated beside and below the screen.

Data entries are made with the numerical keys (0 ... 9 , -),
ABC and the entry of letters and special characters is effected using keys "ABC“.

Entries are deleted with the „C“ key.

Entries that have not yet been confirmed can be rescinded with the "ESC" key.
The „cursor keys“ are used for selecting dialogs and entry fields.
If a field contains several choices, the cursor keys also serve in making the final selection.

OK Entries are confirmed with the „OK“ key.

The „navigation keys“ are used for changing to the next field.

If a dialog comprises several pages, an up- or down-arrow symbol

can be seen in the upper right corner of the dialog window.
The corresponding page-up and page-down keys are used for browsing the pages.
The „000/0“ key activates the field for direct selection of dialogs
000/1 in the menu selection line.

The „JOKER“ key provides quick access to a frequently used dialog.

Allocation of this key is effected via dialogue 610/3 “Customer’s parameters”.

Fixed functions are allocated to the „hot keys”:

Start batch The operation mode of the hot keys is set

in dialog 620/3 “system parameter”:
- no confirmation (direct function)
Terminate batch - with confirmation (function after answer to: yes/no)
- with code (function after entry of the code)

Load product type

The „fault key” is used for displaying and acknowledging faults / errors.

The „soft keys“ (F1 ... F6) are dialog-dependent with regard to quantity and significance.
F1 F6



The example shows the start of a batch for the operation modes

4.1 Manual entry of batch data

Select MANUAL BATCH LOAD in the menu PRODUCTION 100/1

After selection of MANUAL BATCH LOAD and confirmation by OK

appears the dialog page 110/1 „Manual entry batch”.

Here press the soft-key F3 „Operation mode“,

now appears the dialog page „Manual entry operational mode” (see next page).


4.2 Selection of operation mode

Select operational mode:
Confirm AWC-WEIGHER with the OK key

confirm CLASSIFYING-WEIGHER with the OK key.

Return to the page before with the ECS key.


4.3 Manual entry of batch data

After having selected the operation mode (AWC-WEIGHER or CLASSIFYING-WEIGHER) the batch data can be entered.
Entry of pack length is obligatory because it is needed to calculate the monitoring times.
A missing pack length will lead to the message „Data of manual entry are incomplete”.

Display of the other entry fields can be suppressed in the “Operational mode” (Softkey F3).

As soon as the preselected quantity (number) has been reached (e.g. 1000)
a message is given and the “feeder free”-signal is switched off.

Continue with the next dialog page.


If the operation mode „AWC-WEIGHER” has been selected, enter here only the nominal weight,
the class limits are calculated automatically.
The rejection limits can be modified depending on the operation mode.

In operation mode „CLASSIFYING-WEIGHER” the class limits are entered now

beginning with the lower limit (L1 < L2 < L3 < L4).

Start batch pressing the softkey F2.


4.4 Load product type

Go to the menu PRODUCTION 100/1 -select LOAD PRODUCT TYPE.

After LOAD PRODUCT TYPE has been selected and confirmed with OK,
the dialog page 120/1 “Load type for batch" appears.

The desired product type can be chosen either directly by clicking it with the curser
or by entering the corresponding article number in the "direct selection" entry field.
The soft key (F6) "Sort" can be used to define the sequence in terms of article number, article designation or date/time.
Select a product type, and push the OK key to confirm, and dialog page 120/1 will appear.
This page - " Load type for batch" - has the same content as that described in dialog 110/1
“Manual entry of batch data".
The contents of the subsequent pages in dialog 120/1 and, hence, the corresponding procedure
are identical with those already described for dialog pages 100/1 "Operation mode" (cf. chp. 4.2);
"Rejection limits" and "Class limits" (cf. chp. 4.3).




100 PRODUCTION 110 Manual entry of batch data

120 Load product type
130 Modification after start of batch
200 STATISTICS 210 Good production
220 Total production
230 Distribution
240 Averages

300 DISPLAY 320 Trend control display

330 Weight display
350 Min/Max-Weight
380 Static weigher

400 REPORT 410 Production report 411 Entry report

420 Parameters for report 412 Intermediate report
430 Product type report 413 Automatic report
414 Final report
415 Shift report
416 Individual weights

500 PRODUCT 510 Contents

600 PARAMETERS 610 Customer’s parameters

620 System parameters
630 Sartorius parameters
640 Options 641 Individual weight output
650 Release options 642 Classification output
643 Production monitoring
644 Printer output
645 PROFIBUS configuration
646 TCP/IP configuration

700 SERVICE 710 Weigh cell 711 Test function

730 Fault report 712 Parameters
740 Service reports 713 Linearisation
750 Info 714 Transient motion
760 PC-Hard-ware 715 Balancing
770 CAN-Bus 716 Load data
780 Weight check 717 Temperature compensation
790 TCP/IP



The menu system (and its operation) is analogous in structure to that of a Windows-equipped PC and,
hence, extensively self-explanatory.

Menu 100 - Production

This menu contains dialogs for starting and terminating the production monitoring process.

Dialog 110 - Manual entry of batch data

Once the production-relevant data, e.g., nominal weight, limits, etc., have been entered, the batch can be started.
The standard operating mode can also be individually adapted to each different batch.

Dialog 120 - Load product type

Here, a batch characterized by the data entered under “Products” can be started.
A batch change can also be effected without altering the stored master data.

Dialog 130 - Modification after start of batch

The tare weight can be changed while a batch is running.
The newly stored value will be allowed for in weight processing from that point on.

Menu 200 - Statistics

This menu contains dialogs with statistical data pertinent to the current batch.
The display always shows a general evaluation of all values accruing in the coarse of a batch,
plus an interval evaluation that can be started with the “New” soft key.
The interval evaluation is restarted in all the individual statistical dialogs and always consists
of numerical values and various types of diagrams.

Dialog 210 - Good production

Data on all unrejected packs are shown here.
An average-value indication similar to the one in the batch’s main display is shown above the pie diagram.

Dialog 220 - Total production

Data on all packs included in an evaluation range are shown here.
Zoom +/- can be used to show the distribution curve in two different resolutions.

Dialog 230 - Distribution

Data on all packs included in an evaluation range, plus the distribution of all five classes, are shown here.
The bar chart shows the distribution of production,
with the number of items always indicating the value of the longest bar.

Dialog 240 - Averages

The average values of total production and good production are shown here,
in addition to their floating averages, for a preselectable quantity of 1 ... 999.
The scale is adjustable as a function of the nominal weight.


Menu 300 - Display

This menu contains dialogs for displaying various operational states.

Dialog 330 - Weight display

The data area field shows an enlarged version of the weight value (approx. 90 mm) and of the classification.

Dialog 340 - Min/max weight

The smallest and the largest weights ascertained in the course of a batch are shown in this dialog.

Dialog 350 - Static weigher

This dialogue is used for checking over the weigher with no batch running.
The data area field shows the weight value in 10-fold resolution.

Menu 400 - Report

This menu contains dialogs for indicating various production reports and scope-of-evaluation settings
for the individual reports.

Dialog 410 - Production report

The intermediate, automatic, final and shift reports are shown appropriate to the selected settings.
The indicated evaluation is constantly updated in the course of an active batch.

Dialog 411 - Entry report

This dialog contains the data used for starting the batch.

Dialog 412 - Intermediate report

This dialog contains all statistical data pertinent to the current batch.
A new evaluation interval can be started by pushing the “new” soft key.

Dialog 413 - Automatic report

This dialog contains all statistical data on the current batch and is automatically generated
upon fulfillment of the release criterion.

Dialog 414 - Final report

A final report is generated upon termination of each batch.
The data contained in that report are retained until a new batch starts.

Dialog 415 - Shift report

This dialog serves for reporting on shift production.
Selecting this dialog terminates the current batch and effects an immediate and automatic restart with the same data.

Dialog 416 - Individual weights

Up to 100 individual weight values can be stored in this dialog.
To update the display, the page must be reselected with the aid of the navigation keys
The stored contents are erased upon departure from the dialog.

Dialog 420 - Parameters for report

The scope of evaluation for the individual reports is defined in this dialog,
which is also where the release criteria are set for automatic reporting.


Menu 500 - Product type

This menu contains dialogs for managing up to 200 product types.

Dialog 510 - Contents

A password is needed to effect any new entries, modifications, copies or deletions of product types.
All adjustments can be made independently for each different product type.

Menu 600 - Parameters

This menu contains dialogs for the weigher’s parameterization, in addition to customer-specific adjustment options.

Dialog 610 - Customer’s-parameters

This password-protected dialog is used for defining the operating mode and the type of weigher
(AWC or CLASSIFYING) with the corresponding parameters.
The entry and/or display of additional product data can be enabled or disenabled.
In addition, this is where the joker key assignment, the weight-display mode, the preferred language,
the display mode dialog 330, the bar display mode and the start of batch with belt stopped or in motion
can all be defined and a text (max. 40 characters) entered for "Notice of an external fault signal".

Dialog 620 - System parameters

This password-protected dialog is where the relay control, rejection times and allocation of sorting belts
to the outputs are parameterized.
Machine numbers and weigher numbers can be entered to enhance the system’s unequivocal identification.
The date and time can only be altered ex-batch.
In addition, you can also set the time zone and automatic daylight savings time.
The operation mode of the “Hot keys” “Start / terminate batch and load product type” can be:
- no confirmation = direct function
- with confirmation = function after answer to yes/no
- with code = function after entry of the code

Furthermore, a certain percentage can be entered here for active TU1 control.
The parameter "Ex-batch rejection" can be used to stipulate whether or not all packages
outside of an already started batch are to be rejected.
Moreover, a time limit can be prescribed here for automatic confirmation of faults / errors,
and which types of fault / error are to be signaled by the fault relay can be defined.
Individual keywords can be changed and turned off and on for different access levels in Keyword Management.
However, the Sartorius and General levels cannot be turned off.

Dialog 630 - Sartorius-parameters

This dialog, also password-protected, is reserved for use by service technicians or other duly familiarized personnel.

Dialog 650 - Release options

A code number and associated check number are generated for each option by way of the unit identification.
Entry of those numbers releases/enables the respective option.
Disenablement (reset) of an enabled option is password-protected.
To re-enable an option, re-enter the corresponding code and check numbers.
After any changes have been made, the program will restart automatically as soon as the dialog is quit.


Menu 700 - Service

This menu contains dialogs for checking through the condition of the weigh cell and the weighing electronics unit.

Dialog 710 – Weigh cell

This group contains dialogs for checking through and parameterizing the weigh cell.

Dialog 711 – Test function

The zeroing and settings of the weighing cell and the condition of the light barriers are indicated in this dialog.
Outside of a batch, the weight display can be set to permanent conversion to facilitate the weigher checkout.
Dialog 712 - Parameters
Dialog 713 – Linearisation
Dialog 714 – Transient motion
Dialog 715 - Balancing
Dialog 716 – Load data
Dialog 717 – Temperature compensation
Dialogs 712 till 717 are password-protected,
and all adjustments must be made by service technicians or other duly familiarized personnel.

Dialog 730 - Fault report

Faults, together with their data/time and frequency, are stored in this dialog.

Dialog 740 - Service reports

This dialog is where the weigher’s various final-check parameters are either printed out on for example
an Epson FX 880 (parallel interface) printer or stored on an appropriate data medium.

Dialog 750 - Info

This is where the serial number of the dialog PC and the software versions for the dialog PC,
the bus coupler, the CAN module and the weigh cell are indicated.

Dialog 760 - PC hardware

The internal temperature and a power-fail counter are shown in this dialog.
The screen contrast and brightness can also be set here.

Dialog 770 - Can bus

The status of the digital inputs and outputs are shown in this dialog.
Outside of a batch, the outputs can also be switched.
The CAN monitor shows the status of the individual modules.
“Start” re-initializes the respective module. This command is password-protected.

Dialog 780 - Weight check

This function is only available during running batch.
After selection of this dialog the next pack passing the weigher light barrier will be rejected via sorting output
“under weight”, independent of its weight.
In the statistics the pack is evaluated according to its weight.
Check the rejected pack on a static weigher.
Further test packs can be generated by pressing the softkey “New sample”.



No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)




110/1 Manual entry batch
Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Number, Tare, Pack length, Throughput
110/2 Nominal weight, Limits for prepacked packages, Rejection limits or class limits
110/3 Trend controller digital
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Control gain
Trend controller analog
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Start value
Trend controller pulse
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Number of pulses, Pulse duration
110/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
TO2-rejection, Variable Limit L1/L4, Active TU1, Evaluation range, Trend controller
110/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
110/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
Sorting lanes, Good range, Evaluation range, Trend controller
110/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
110/1 F4 Advanced (Keyword 1234)
Advanced settings manual entry
Reject monitoring: Rejector under, Rejector trend -, Rejector good,
Rejector trend +, Rejector over
Rejection control: Package detection
Correction factor: Dynamic correction, Weigher delay
( for service technicians only)
F1 >?< Helper text for rejection control


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

110/2 Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
Static-filter adjustment: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
Dynamic filter settings: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
( for service technicians only)
110/4 Average monitoring, Series rejection
110/1 F2 Start batch


120/1 Load type for batch
No., Article number, Description, Date, Time
F6 Sort
120/1 Product type for batch
Product type number, Article number, Article description, Machine number,
Weigher number, Operator, Batch number, Number, Tare, Pack length, Throughput
120/2 Nominal weight, Limits for prepacked packages, Rejection limits or Class limits
120/3 Trend controller digital
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Control gain
Trend controller analog
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Start value
Trend controller pulse
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Number of pulses, Pulse duration
120/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
TO2-rejection, Variable Limit L1/L4, Active TU1, Evaluation range, Trend controller
120/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
120/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
Sorting lanes, Good range, Evaluation range, Trend controller
120/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
120/1 F4 Advanced (Keyword 1234)
Advanced settings manual entry
Reject monitoring: Rejector under, Rejector trend -, Rejector good, Rejector trend +, Rejector over
Rejection control: Package detection
Correction factor: Dynamic correction, Filter value, Weigher delay
( for service technicians only)
F1 >?< Helper text for rejection control
120/2 Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
Static-filter adjustment: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
Dynamic filter settings: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
( for service technicians only)


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

120/3 PID controller: P component, I component, D component
( for service technicians only)
120/4 Average monitoring, Series rejection
120/1 F2 Start batch
130/1 Modification after start of batch
Operator, Tare, Throughput
130/2 Trend controller digital
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Control gain
Trend controller analog
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Start value
Trend controller pulse
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Number of pulses, Pulse duration
F2 Store

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

210/1 Good production
displayed values: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
chart: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
F5 New (Delete interval data)

220/1 Total production
displayed values: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
chart: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
F3 Zoom +/-
F5 New (Delete interval data)
F6 Zoom +/-

230/1 Distribution of production
displayed values: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
chart: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation
230/2 displayed values: Total production, Intermediate production
chart: Total production, Intermediate production
F5 New (Delete interval data)


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

240/1 Average of production
Number for average 1 ... 999 pc, Scale in g
displayed values: Total production, Good production
chart: Total production, Good production
F2 Print

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)



320/1 Trend controller digital
Target value, Controller deviation, Controller status, Last pulse time
chart: Contr. deviat. of sample, σ (n-1) of sample
F3 Zoom +/-
F6 Zoom +/-
320/1 Trend controller analogue / pulse
Target value, Controller deviation, Controller status, Actuating variable
chart: Contr. deviat. of sample, σ (n-1) of sample
F3 Zoom +/-
F6 Zoom +/-

330/1 Weight display
Large weight display

350/1 Min/Max weight
display: Total evaluation, Interval evaluation - Minimum/Maximum value
F6 New (Delete interval data)

380/1 Static weigher
display: Static weight
F2 Zeroing


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

411/1 Entry report
Product type number, Article number, Article description, Machine number,
Weigher number, Operator, Batch number, Number, Tare, Pack length, Throughput
411/2 Nominal weight, Limits for prepacked packs, Rejection limits or Class limits
411/3 Trend controller digital
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Control gain
Trend controller analog
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Start value
Trend controller pulse
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Number of pulses, Pulse duration
411/1 F2 Print
411/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying Weigher
TO2-rejection, Variable Limit L1/L4, Active TU1, Evaluation range, Trend controller
411/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
411/1 F3 Operational mode
Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
Sorting lanes, Good range, Evaluation range, Trend controller
411/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
411/1 F4 Advanced
Advanced settings
Reject monitoring: Rejector under, Rejector trend -, Rejector good, Rejector trend +, Rejector over
Rejection control: Package detection
Correction factor: Dynamic correction, Filter value, Weigher delay
F1 >?< Helper text for rejection control
411/2 Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
Static-filter adjustment: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
Dynamic filter settings: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
411/3 PID controller: P component, I component, D component
411/4 Average monitoring, Series rejection


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

412/1 Intermediate report (Pages 412/4-7, 10-13 depending on selected parameters for reports, dialog 420/1)
Weigher number, Machine number, Report number, Creation (Date/Time)
412/4 Intermediate report-interval evaluation
Total production, Good production
412/5 Total production, Rejected production
412/6 Distribution-good production
412/7 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
412/10 Intermediate report-total evaluation
Total production, Good production
412/11 Total production, Rejected production
412/12 Distribution-good production
412/13 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
412/x F2 New ( Print)
F3 Entry data
Entry report (see 411/1)
F2 Print
F3 Operational mode
F4 Advanced

413/1 Auto report (Pages 413/4-7, 10-13 depending on selected parameters for reports, dialog 420/1)
413/1 List of auto reports
Number, Article number, Article description, Date, Time, Direct selection
F2 Print
F3 Display
413/1 Auto report
Weigher number, Machine number, Report number, Creation (Date/Time), Criterion
413/4 Auto report-interval evaluation
Total production, Good production
413/5 Total production, Rejected production
413/6 Distribution-good production
413/7 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
413/10 Auto report-total evaluation
Total production, Good production
413/11 Total production, Rejected production
413/12 Distribution-good production
413/13 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
413/x F2 Print
F3 Entry data
Entry report (see 411/1)
F2 Print
F3 Operational mode
F4 Advanced


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

414/1 Final report (Pages 414/4-7, 10-13 depending on selected parameters for reports, dialog 420/1)
Weigher number, Machine number, Start batch, End of batch (Date, Time)
414/4 Final report-interval evaluation
Total production, Good production
414/5 Total production, Rejected production
414/6 Distribution-good production
414/7 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
414/10 Final report-total evaluation
Total production, Good production
414/11 Total production, Rejected production
414/12 Distribution-good production
414/13 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
414/x F2 Print
F3 Entry data
Entry report (see 411/1)
F2 Print
F3 Operational mode
F4 Advanced

415/1 Shift report (Pages 415/4-7, 10-13 depending on selected parameters for reports, dialog 420/1)
Weigher number, Machine number, Start of shift, End of shift (Date, Time)
415/4 Shift report-interval evaluation
Total production, Good production
415/5 Total production, Rejected production
415/6 Distribution-good production
415/7 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
415/10 Shift report-total evaluation
Total production, Good production
41511 Total production, Rejected production
415/12 Distribution-good production
415/13 Special counter, Production beyond evaluation range
415/x F2 Print
F3 Entry data
Entry report (see 411/1)
F2 Print
F3 Operational mode
F4 Advanced

416/1 Recording individual weight
Choice of formats, store
Automatic printout (with printer)
416/2 Recording individual weight
Number, Class, Statistic, Weight


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)


420/1 Parameters for report
Evaluation scope: Evaluation 1 / 2
Intermediate report: With/No/Only interval-data
Auto report: With/No/Only interval-data
Final report: With/No interval-data
420/2 Entries report of batch start: Edition
Final report at end of batch: Edition, with entry data
Auto report: Automatic printout
Criterion, Total number of pieces / Goods number of pieces / Time / Point of time 1-5


430/1 Product type report
Product type printout
F2 Print
F3 Content
Product type table of contents: No., Article No., Description, Date, Time
F6 Sort

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

510/1 Product type-table of contents
No., Article No., Description, Date, Time, Direct selection
510/1 F2 Delete (Keyword 1234)
Product type delete, Product type number
510/1 F3 Copy (Keyword 1234)
Product type copy, Source, Target
510/1 F4 Change (Keyword 1234)
Product type-change content
Product type number, Article number, Article description, Machine number,
Weigher number, Tare, Pack length, Throughput
510/2 Nominal weight, Limits for prepacked packages, Rejection limits or Class limits
510/3 Trend controller digital
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Control gain
Trend controller analog
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Control factor, Start value
Trend controller pulse
Trend controller ON, Target value, Control limit + / -, Control gap, Sample, Dead number,
Number of pulses, Pulse duration
F2 Store
F3 Operational mode


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

510/1 Product type operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
TO2-rejection, Variable Limit L1/L4, Active TU1, Evaluation range, Trend controller
510/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator,
Batch number, Precision of weigher
F3 Operational mode
510/1 Product type operational mode
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
Sorting lanes, Good range, Evaluation range, Trend controller
510/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator,
Batch number, Precision of weigher
510/1 F4 Advanced (Keyword 1234)
Advanced settings product type
Reject monitoring: Rejector under, Rejector trend -, Rejector good,
Rejector trend +, Rejector over
Rejection control: Package detection
Correction factor: Dynamic correction, Filter value, Weigher delay
( for service technicians only)
F1 >?< Helper text for rejection control
510/2 Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
Static-filter adjustment: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
Dynamic filter settings: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
( for service technicians only)
510/3 PID controller: P component, I component (fine), D component
( for service technicians only)
510/4 Average monitoring, Series rejection
510/1 F5 New Product type-new entry (see Product type-change content)
F6 Sort


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

610 CUSTOMER’S-PARAMETERS (Keyword 1234)
610/1 Customer’s parameters
Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
TO2-rejection, Variable Limit L1/L4, Active TU1, Evaluation range, Trend controller
610/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
610/1 Operation mode: AWC-Weigher / Classifying-Weigher
Sorting lanes, Good range, Evaluation range, Trend controller
610/2 Article number, Article description, Machine number, Weigher number, Operator, Batch number,
Precision of weigher
610/3 Joker setting, Start of batch (with running/stopped belt),
Weight-Display-Mode (Gross, Net, Difference), Language selection, Display mode Dialog 330,
Bar display mode, Message for external fault signal
620 SYSTEM (Keyword 1827)
620/1 System parameters
Shifting mode, Reject mode, Rejector under/trend -/good/trend +/over,
Rejection control: Package detection
F1 >?< Helper text for rejection control
F5 Batch (System parameters are copied into the batch data)
F6 All types (System parameters are copied into all Product types)
620/3 System parameters
Date and time, Time zone, auto. daylight savings time, Machine number, Weigher number,
Operational mode hot keys (No confirm, Yes/no confirm, Key code confirm),
Active TU1, Reject without batch
620/4 Error/fault processing: No., Error, Relay, Timeout
OK Settings for error messages
Disturbance relay, Timeout error message
F4 Sort
620/5 Keyword Management
Higher Operator level, Product Type level, Customer level, System level, Sartorius level,
General level, Keyword level active
OK Change keyword
New keyword, confirm


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

630 SARTORIUS PARAMETERS (for service technicians only)
630/1 Sartorius parameters
Temperature compensation, Type of checkweigher, Weight resolution, Measuring unit (weight),
Weight retrace blank, No. of modifications ACW und MCW,
Static weigher: Number measuring value, Admitted deviation
630/2 Nominal data: Belt speed, Weightable distance, Pack distance, Throughput
Filling weigher: Weigher with filling device
630/3 Analogue outputs: Port 0, Port 1



641/1 Set individual weight edition
Format of edition, Weight format, Serial Port, Data format, Baud rate

642/1 Setting class outputs
Command relay, Pulse duration

643/1 Production monitoring
Average monitoring: Operation mode, Start conditions, Error message
Series rejection: Operation mode, Number of rejects, Error message
F5 Batch
F6 All Types

644/1 Printer interface settings
Printer selection, Kind of printer, Interface, Serial Port, Data format, Baud rate


645/1 Settings profibus slave
State of communication, Address, Baud rate, Data format, Firmware, Configuration
F4 Monitor
Profibus monitor: Entry data, Output data

Supplementary dialogs for the XML server (TCP/IP) option

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)
646/1 Configuration TCP/IP
IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway IP, Baud rate, TCP port number


Supplementary dialogs for the XML client (TCP/IP) option
No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)
646/1 Configuration TCP/IP
IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway IP, Baud rate, Server IP, TCP port number
646/2 Parameters for the XML-client
Auto. Send status, send input log, send final log, send auto log, send individual weight

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

650/1 Release options
Printer, Trend controller digital, Trend controller analogue, Trend controller pulse,
Single weight, stamp option ACW, stamp option MCW, Package length/distance monitoring,
Class outputs, Production monitoring, Belt speed, Reject by distance
650/2 Rejector check good lane, Rejector check reject lane, Multi products, PROFIBUS, INTERBUS S,
DeviceNET, Teleservice, XML Server (TCP/IP), XML Client (TCP/IP),
SPCfWin (TCP/IP), SPCfWin (terminal)
650/3 Two-track line, Volume evaluation

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)





711/1 Weigh cell checking
With zero point, Absolute zero point, Zero point, Light barrier weigher,
With add. light barrier, Weigher in clock mode, Weigher with filling mode, Belt contact,
First init-Jumper, Parameters-Jumper, Light-barrier eclipse, Belt speed
F2 Zeroing
F3 Convert on/off
F5 Reset


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

712/1 Weigh cell parameters (Keyword 1827)
Weigher delay, Pack length, Weightable distance, Zeroing limit, Zeroing time,
Static correction, Dynamic correction,
Automatic zeroing, Additional light barrier, Weigher in clock mode
F2 Zeroing
F3 Convert on/off
F4 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored
F5 Batch (System parameters are copied into the batch data)
F6 All types (System parameters are copied into all Product types)
712/2 Weigh cell parameters (Keyword 1827)
Static-filter adjustment: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
Dynamic filter settings: Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency
PID controller: P component, I component, D component
Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
F2 Zeroing
F3 Convert on/off
F4 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored
F5 Batch (System parameters are copied into the batch data)
F6 All types (System parameters are copied into all Product types)
713 LINEARISATION (for service technicians only)
713/1 Weigh cell linearisation
Table number, Apply, Input value, Output value, Number of keys, polynomial
Weigh-cell temperature (only if temperature compensation is active)
Table of weigh cell linearisation
F4 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored
F5 Correction – Automatic zero-taking
714 TRANSIENT MOTION (Keyword 1827)
714/1 Transient behavior of weighing device
Weigher delay, Granularity, Recording time, Trigger delay, Measuring signals, Measuring curve,
Filter damping, Filter order, Filter cut-off frequency, Dynamic correction
PID controller: P component, I component, D component
Averaging unit: Number of measuring signals
F2 Zeroing – Zeroing with the empty weigh belt in motion
F4 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored
F6 Advanced – the values in cursive above are also displayed
714/2 Transient behavior of weighing device
chart: Transient motion
F1 Reference ON /OFF
F2 Zoom +
F3 Zoom –
F4 Start / Stop
F5 Envelope
F6 Store


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

715 BALANCING (Keyword 1827)
715/1 Balancing of weighing equipment
Granularity, Recording time, Filter cut-off frequency
F3 Zeroing – Zeroing with the empty weigh belt in motion
F4 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored
715/2 Balancing of weighing equipment
chart: Balancing curve
F2 Zoom +
F3 Zoom –
F4 Start / Stop
F5 Envelope
F6 Store

716 LOAD DATA (Keyword 1827)

716/1 Load weigh cell data (Load parameters: Start) (Load program: Start)
F2 EEPROM - Data in EEPROM stored


730/1 Table of errors
Display of the last 100 occurred errors: No., Error, Date, Time
F1 >?< Help (Reason, Remedy)
F2 Print
F3 Delete table of errors


740/1 Service Reports
Weigh cell: Parameter
Evaluation unit: Customer’s parameter, System parameter, Sartorius parameter, Options
F2 Advanced (for service technicians only)

750 INFO
750/1 Info
Serial number, Software, Release, Bus coupler module 1/2, COM1/2 module
750/2 Weigh cell: Software, Hardware
F2 Advanced (for service technicians only)

760/1 PC-Hardware
PC temperature 1, PC temperature 2, Power Fail, VGA Invers Mode,
Auto backlight off: Automatic, Waiting time, Reset
F2 Disk Info
Information to data memory:
All, free and user memory, files in drive


No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)

770/1 I/O-Interface
Digital outputs (Port 0 ... 8), Digital inputs (Port 1 ... 8)
770/2 Digital outputs (Port 9 ... 16), Digital inputs (Port 9 ... 16)
770/1 F2 Monitor
CAN Monitor (state of module), Start: New initialization of CAN modules
F2 New (Delete module-error memory)
F3 COM Test (for service technicians only)


780/1 Weight check
displayed values: Moment, Dynamic
F2 New Sample

Supplementary dialogs for the XML server (TCP/IP) option

No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)
790 TCP/IP
790/1 Service TCP/IP
Server Status, Server Error
790/1 F2 Stop / Current
F3 Ping
Send ‘Ping‘ to a network node
IP address
F3 Ping
F5 MAC address
MAC address

Supplementary dialogs for the XML client (TCP/IP) option
No. Menu / Dialog ( Options)
790 TCP/IP
790/1 Service TCP/IP
Client Status, Client Error
790/1 F2 Stop / Current
F3 Ping
Send ‘Ping‘ to a network node
IP address
F3 Ping
F4 Send XML
F5 MAC address
MAC address



The parameters and corresponding dialogues for the parameterization of basic functions and options
are listed in the following table.

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Manual entry of batch data
110/1 Article number ---------- max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Article description ---------- max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Machine number xxxxxx xx (display)
Weigher number xxxxxxxx (display)
Operator ---------- max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Batch number ---------- max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Number 1 pc max. number of packs within a batch
999999 pc
Tare 0,00 g max. value within the weighing range of the weigher
xxx,xx g (example: WS1.25 kg = max. 1250.0 g)
Pack length 10 mm Indicate the pack length in mm.
5000 mm
Throughput 10 pc/min Depending on throughput at nominal speed.
xxx pc/min
110/2 Nominal weight xxx,xx g value within the working range of the weigher
xxx,xx g (example: WS1.25 kg = min. 5.0 g, max. 1500.0 g)
Variable limit L1 xxx,xx g Rejection limit adjustable between TU2
xxx,xx g and nominal weight.
Variable limit L4 xxx,xx g Rejection limit adjustable between nominal weight
xxx,xx g and upper limit of evaluation range.
Limit L1 Class limit 1
Limit L2 xxx,xx g Class limit 2
Limit L3 xxx,xx g Class limit 3
Limit L4 Class limit 4
The following condition is valid for entering classification
limits: G1<G2<G3<G4


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
110/3 Trend controller ON Yes / No Trend controller
Target value 0,00 g max. 2 x nominal weight
xxx,xx g
Control limit + xxx,xx g Weights below this limit (upper control limit)
xxx,xx g are in the working range of the controller.
Value between nominal weight and nominal weight x 2.
Control limit - xxx,xx g Weights above this limit (lower control limit)
xxx,xx g are in the working range of the controller.
Value between 0.00 g and nominal weight.
Control gap 0,00 g Within this range (control gap) there is no change of the
999,99 g controller output.
Sample 0 pc Number of packs for average formation.
9999 St
Dead number 0 pc Number of packs between filler and weigher.
9999 pc
Control factor 0,01g/s Factor for change of weight per unit of time
99,99 g/s (Value and dimension independent of type of controller).
Control gain 0,1 Amplification factor of the controller.
Start value 0,1 % Start value of the controller.
99.9 %
No. of pulses 0,01 1/g Number of pulses per unit of weight
99,99 1/g (quantity and dimension dependent on type of controller).
Pulse duration 20 ms Duration of a single actuating pulse.
999 ms
110/1 F3 Operational mode Manual entry operational mode
Operation mode AWC-Weigher Select: AWC-Weigher/CLASSIFYING-Weigher
TO2- rejection Yes / No Rejection below TO2
Variable limit L1 Yes / No Variable rejection limit L1
Variable limit L4 Yes / No Variable rejection limit L4
Active TU1 control Yes / No Activation of TU1 monitoring
Evaluation range 0,0 % The evaluation is effective within that range
100,0 % around the nominal weight.
Trend controller Yes / No
CLASS.-Weigher Select: AWC-Weigher/CLASSIFYING-Weigher
Sorting lanes Number =3 Number of sorting lanes: 3 or 5
Good-range K3 Select: C3 / C3+C4 / C2+C3+C4 / C2+C3+C4+C5
Evaluation range 0,0 % The evaluation is effective within that range
100,0 % around the nominal weight.
Trend controller Yes / No


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
110/2 Article number Yes / No
Article description Yes / No
Machine number Yes / No
Weigher number Yes / No
Operator Yes / No
Batch number Yes / No
Precision of weigher 0,001 g Precision of weigher to determine measurement accuracy.
9,999 g
110/1 F4 Advanced Advanced settings manual entry
(Keyword 1234)
Rejector under T1 10 ms Rejection timeT1
9999 ms
T2 10 ms Rejection time T2 (additional in pulse mode)
9999 ms
Port 1-5 Output port of the signal.
Rejector trend - (values see Rejector under)
Rejector good (values see Rejector under)
Rejector trend + (values see Rejector under)
Rejector over (values see Rejector under)
Package detection 10 Rejection control: Time [ms] within the rejection
9999 has to be completed.
Dynamic correction 50,00 % Correction factor for offset (static/dynamic)
200,00 % of the weigh cell.
Weigher delay 1 ms Time elapsing between interruption of the weigher's light
999 ms barrier and starting of the A/D converter.
110/2 Averaging unit: 1 Number of readings for three-fold averaging.
Number of readings 8192
Dynamic filter setting: 0% Adjustment of filter damping
Filter damping 99 % in the weigh cell.
Filter order 8 Choice: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Filter cut-off frequency 0,00 % Adjustment of the filter cut-off frequency
100,00 % in the weigh cell.
110/3 PID controller: 0 P component of the PID controller
P component 255 in the weigh cell.
I component 0 I component of the PID controller
2805 in the weigh cell.
D component 0 D component of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
110/4 Operation mode Total Average monitoring:
Select: Off, total, interval
Start condition 0 pc Monitoring begins as soon as the preselected quantity of
9999 pc packs has passed the weigher light barrier.
Error message Yes / No A corresponding error message has been issued.
Operation mode under weight Series rejection:
Select: Off, underweight, overweight, all
Number of rejects 0 pc The output series rejection will be activated as soon as the
9999 pc preselected pack-quantity has been rejected consecutively.
Error message Yes / No A corresponding error message has been issued.
Modification after start of batch
130/1 Operator ---------- max. 16- digit, alphanumerical
Tare 0,00 g max. value within the weighing range of the weigher
xxx,xx g (example: WS1.25 kg = max. 1250.0 g)
Throughput 10 pc/min Depending on throughput at nominal speed.
xxx pc/min
130/2 Trend controller ON Yes / No Trend controller – see 110/3

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Average of production, settings:
240/1 Number for average 1 pc Number of packs for the floating average.
999 pc
Scale 0,01 g Depending on the adjusted limits.
xx,xx g

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Recording individual weight
416/1 Choice of formats Gross Select: Gross or Net
Store Yes / No Values are stored in 416/2.
Automatic printout On Select: On, Off, Number
( only with printer) Printout of individual weights with evaluation data.
Select: Start, Stop
Target quantity 1 Choosing a quantity enables entry of a number here, which,
9999999 as soon as it is reached, automatically terminates the
printout of individual weights.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
420/1 Evaluation scope Evaluation 1 Select: Evaluation 1 or 2
Intermediate report With Interval Select: With/No/Only interval-data
Automatic report With Interval Select: With/No/Only interval-data
Final report With Interval Select: With/No/Only interval-data

Parameters for report

420/2 Edition Never Entries report at start of batch.
( only with printer) Select: Never, Always
Edition Never Entries report at end of batch.
Select: Never, Always, Optional
With entry data Yes / No Final report with entry data ?
Criterion Total number of Criterion for auto report.
pieces Select: Total number of pieces, Goods number of pieces,
Moment, Interval
Number 10 pc Select: Total number of pieces
9999999 pc
Number 10 pc Select: Goods number of pieces
9999999 pc
Criterion Moment Select: Moment
Moment 1 - -:- - Yes / No Enter time, report Yes / No
Moment 5 - -:- - Yes / No
Criterion Interval Select: Interval
Time 1 min Enter Time
999999 min


430/1 Product type printout Contents Select: Printout table of contents, Individual printout,
( only with printer) Collected printout
Type number xxx If "individual printout" has been chosen,
a type number can be entered here.
Type start no. xxx If "collective printout" has been chosen,
a type number defining the beginning of the printout
can be entered here.
Type end no. xxx If "collective printout" has been chosen,
a type number defining the end of the printout
can be entered here.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
510/1 Direct selection XXX Enter product type number.
510/1 F2 Delete Product type delete
Product type number XXX Enter product type number.
Select: Delete, Cancel
510/1 F3 Copy Product type copy
Source XXX Enter the product type number to be copied.
Target XXX Enter the product type number to be allocated.
Select: Copy, Cancel
510/1 F4 Change Product type - change content - see 110/1 (Keyword 1234)
510/2 Nominal weight see 110/2
Rejection limit(s) see 110/2
Class limits see 110/2
510/3 Trend controller see 110/3
510/1 F3 Operation mode Product type operational mode- see 110/1
510/2 see 110/1
510/1 F4 Advanced Advanced settings product type- see 110/1
510/4 see 110/1

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
(Keyword 1234)
610/1 Operation mode AWC-Weigher Select: AWC-Weigher/CLASSIFYING-Weigher
TO2- rejection Yes / No Rejection below TO2
Variable limit L1 Yes / No Variable rejection limit L1
Variable limit L4 Yes / No Variable rejection limit L4
Active TU1 control Yes / No Activation of TU1 monitoring
Evaluation range 0,0 % The evaluation is effective within that range
100,0 % around the nominal weight.
Trend controller Yes / No
CLASS.-Weigher Select: AWC-Weigher/CLASSIFYING-Weigher
Sorting lanes Number=3 Number of sorting lanes: 3 or 5
Good-range K3 Select: C3 / C3+C4 / C2+C3+C4 / C2+C3+C4+C5
Evaluation range 0,0 % Evaluation range around the nominal weight.
999,9 %
Trend controller Yes / No


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
610/2 Article number Yes / No
Article description Yes / No
Machine number Yes / No
Weigher number Yes / No
Operator Yes / No
Batch number Yes / No
Precision of weigher 0,001 g Precision of weigher to determine measurement accuracy.
9,999 g
610/3 Joker setting Weight display Joker setting,
(330) Select:
Good production (210), Total production (220),
Distribution (230), Averages (240),
Weight display (330), Weight display (330) Keycode,
Print end-of-shift report, Zeroing
Start of batch With running Start of batch with running belt,
belt Start of batch with stopped belt
Weight-Display-Mode Gross Select: Gross, Net, Difference
Language selection Selection of the dialog language
Display-Mode Dialog 330 Sartorius Choice: Sartorius, Customer
The large display always has the same yellow background
color as the weight display.
The background changes its color on a class-dependent
basis as the batch progresses.
Underweight: red
- trend: yellow
Good: green
+ trend: light blue
Overweight: blue
Bar display mode Classification Select: Classification, Sorting, Combination
A classification result is displayed in the data area field
(see chapter 2.2) during a running batch.
Sorting is displayed in the data area field during a running
Classification and sorting are displayed in the data area
field during a running batch.
Message for external xxxxxxxxxx Entry of an error message that would be displayed in case
fault signal xxxxxxxxxx of an external fault signal. (40 digits, max, alphanumerical)


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
(Keyword 1827)
620/1 Shifting mode Time pulse Select: Time pulse or Way pulse
Reject mode Pulse mode Select: Pulse mode or Holding mode
Rejector under T1 10 ms Rejection timeT1
9999 ms
T2 10 ms Rejection time T2 (additional in pulse mode)
9999 ms
Port 1-5 Output port of the signal.
Rejector trend - (values see Rejector under)
Rejector good (values see Rejector under)
Rejector trend + (values see Rejector under)
Rejector over (values see Rejector under)
Package detection 10 Rejection control: Time [ms]
9999 within the rejection has to be completed.
620/3 Date XX.XX.XXXX Enter the date: DD.MM.YYYY
Time XX:XX:XX Enter the time: HH:MM:SS
Time zone GMT ± xx:xx Select: GMT, GMT + xx:xx, GMT –xx:xx
Auto. daylight savings No daylight savings Select:
time time No daylight savings time, EU, North America, Australia
Machine number - - - - - - - - - - - - max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Weigher number - - - - - - - - - - - - max. 16-digit, alphanumerical
Operation mode Hot Keys No confirm Select:
No confirm,
Yes/no confirm,
Keycode confirm
Active TU1 0,1 % Permissible percentage of weight values
2,0 % within the TU1 range.
Ex-batch rejection Yes / No Stipulates whether or not all packages outside
of a running batch should be rejected.
620/4 Fault message relay Yes / No Select whether the “Weigher fault” output should be
turned off for this error.
Timeout error message 0 min Timeout when error message will automatically
999 min acknowledge itself.
If you enter 0, manual acknowledgment is required for the
error. There will be no automatic acknowledgement.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Higher Operator level Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.
Product Type level Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.
Customer level Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.
System level Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.
Sartorius level, Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.
General level Change The keyword can be changed after entering the old
Yes / No The keyword query can be turned on or off for this level.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
(for service technicians only)
630/1 Temperature compensation Yes / No Only if type "M" weigh cells are being used
630/1 Type of checkweigher xxx,x g Weighing range of the weigher
xxx,xx kg Select:
600,0 g, 600,00 g, 1250,0 g, 3000,0 g, 6000,0 g,
6,000 kg, 10,000 kg, 30,000 kg, 60,000 kg,
100,00 kg, 600,00 g M, 1000,0 g M, 2000,0 g M,
5000,0 g M, 10,000 kg M, 20,000 kg M,
30,000 kg B, 60,000 kg B
Weight resolution 1 digit Select: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 digits resolution / display.
Unit of measurement Toggling between units of weight:
Weight (SI) Weight (SI) – standard
(see Note of reference)
(SI = frz.: Système International d'Unités)
Weight (U.K.) Weight (U.K.)
1 ton = 2240 lb = 1016 kg
1 lb = 16 OZ = 0.453 kg
1 cwt = 112 lb = 50.8032 kg
Weight (U.S.) Weight (U.S.)
1 sh ton = 2000 lb = 907.19 kg
1 lb = 16 OZ = 0.453 kg
1 cwt = 100 lb = 45.36 kg
Weight retrace blank 0,00 kg The weight display is switched dark
999,99 kg if the weight is outside of that range.
max./min. value depends on weigher type.
No. of modifications ACW x Number of changes of legal metrology parameters
xxxx for the automatic checkweigher.
No. of modifications MCW x Number of changes of legal metrology parameters
xxxx for the manual checkweigher.
No. measuring values 2 pc Static weigher:
9999 pc Number of measurements for average formation on the
static weigher, display in dialogue 380/1.
Admitted deviation 0 digit Permissible deviation of average
5000 digit on the static weigher.

Note of reference:
Toggling between kg/g and lbs is only possible during startup.
The entered product types are not converted by toggling!
Reason: It is not possible to convert kg/g into pounds or vise versa without some loss of data.
The linearisation table of the weigh cell is executed in kg/g.
The weigh cell therefore only gives metric weights.
In that case, conversion is carried out subsequently by the SYNUS weighing electronics unit.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
630/2 Belt speed 0,100 m/s constant speed: enter the real speed,
5,000 m/s variable speed: enter the max. value.
Weightable distance 1 mm Enter the weightable distance in mm.
5000 mm
Pack distance 1 mm Enter the pack distance in mm.
5000 mm
Throughput XXX pc/min The throughput is calculated from the belt speed and the
pack distance.
(Keyword 1827)
Set individual weight edition
641/1 Format of edition Format 1 Select: Format 1, 2, 3 -Average 1, 2, 3, 4 - ID10 or MicroSet
Weight format Net/Comma Select: Net/Comma, Net/Dec.-Pt.,
Gross/Comma, Gross/Dec.-Pt.
Serial Port COM1
Data format 8Bit/None Select: 8Bit/None, 8Bit/Even, 8Bit/Odd
Baud rate 9600 Select: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200, 38400.
Setting class outputs
642/1 Command relay Holding mode Select: Holding mode or Pulse mode
Pulse duration 0 ms Length of the signal (Pulse mode)
500 ms
Production monitoring
643/1 Operating mode Total Average monitoring:
Select: Off, Total, Interval
Start conditions 0 pc Monitoring begins as soon as the preselected quantity
9999 pc has passed the weigher light barrier.
Operating mode Under weight Series rejection:
Select: Off, Underweight, Overweight, All
Number of rejects 0 pc The output series rejection will be activated
9999 pc as soon as the preselected quantity of pack
has been rejected consecutively.
Printer interface setting
644/1 Printer selection Printer Select: Printer or Without
Kind of printer GCT-4282 Select: GCT-4282 (internal), FX 880 (external) or
HPDeskJet (external)
Interface Parallel Select: Parallel or Serial
Serial Port COM2
Data format 8Bit/None Select: 8Bit/None, 8Bit/Even, 8Bit/Odd
Baud rate 9600 Select: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200, 38400


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Settings profibus slave
645/1 Address 3 Weigher ‘s address as profibus participant.
Data format LITTLE ENDIAN Format of the data transferred to the profibus.
F2 Monitor Display of the entry and output data
transferred to the profibus.

Option XML Server (TCP/IP)

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics
No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
TCP/IP Configuration
646/1 IP-Address xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP-Address of the weigher
Subnet-Mask xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx Mask-Address of the weigher
Gateway IP xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP-Address of Gateway
TCP Port number 5000 Number of the port by way of which communication takes
65535 place.

Option XML Client (TCP/IP)

Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics
No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
TCP/IP Configuration
646/1 IP-Address xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP-Address of the weigher
Subnet-Mask xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx Mask-Address of the weigher
Gateway IP xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP-Address of Gateway
Server IP xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP-Address of Server
TCP Port number 5000 Number of the port by way of which communication takes
65535 place.
Parameters XML-Client
646/2 Auto. sending of state Yes / No
Send entry report Yes / No
Send final report Yes / No
Send auto. report Yes / No


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
(for service technicians only)
Weigh cell checking
711/1 With zero point Yes / No
Weigh cell parameters (Keyword 1827)
712/1 Weigher delay 1 ms Time between interruption of the weigher light barrier and
999 ms start of the ADC-converter.
Pack length 1 mm Length of the packs in mm.
25000 mm
Weightable distance XXX mm Display of weightable distance.
Zeroing limit 0 digit Zeroing range in display resolution.
5000 digit
Zeroing time 1 ms Time in which zeroing has to be completed.
9999 ms
Static correction 50,00 % Correction value for the measured signal with stopped belt.
200,00 %
Dynamic correction 50,00 % Correction value for the measured signal with running belt.
200,00 %
Automatic zeroing Yes / No Automatic zeroing during production.
Additional light barrier Yes / No Switch ON/OFF the additional light barrier.
Weigher in clock mode Yes / No
712/2 Static filter setting: 0% Static adjustment of filter damping
Filter damping 99 % in the weigh cell.
Filter order 8 Choice: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Filter cut-off frequency 0,00 % Adjustment of filter cut-off frequency
100,00 % in the weigh cell.
Dynamic filter setting: 0% Dynamic adjustment of filter damping
Filter damping 99 % in the weigh cell.
Filter order 8 Choice: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Filter cut-off frequency 0,00 % Adjustment of filter cut-off frequency
100,00 % in the weigh cell.
PID controller: 0 P component of the PID controller
P component 255 in the weigh cell.
I component (coarse) 0 I component (10-fold gain) of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
I component (fine) 0 I component of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
D component 0 D component des PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
Averaging unit: 1 Number of readings for three-fold averaging.
Number of readings 8192


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
(for service technicians only)
Weigh cell linearisation
713/1 Table number 1 Entry of numbers of table (points) 1 - 16.
16 The linearisation of the weigh cell is done by placing weigh
stones on the weigh table.
(example: WS1.25 kg: between 0 and 1500 g in steps of
500 g). Take over the displayed entry value [digit] and the
output value [g] in the corresponding table number.
Number of keys 2 Linearisation keys
Polynomial 2 Degree of linearisation polynomial

Transient behavior of weigh system
714/1 Weigher delay 1 ms Time elapsing between interruption of the weigher light
999 ms barrier and starting of the ADC-converter.
Trigger delay 0 ms Beginning of transient motion curves record.
3000 ms
Granularity Choice: 1:, 2:, 5: or 10:
Recording time 2 ms Recording time of transition motion curve.
3000 ms
Measuring signals Choice: filtered, unfiltered or all signals.
Dynamic filter setting: 0% Dynamic setting of filter damping
Filter damping 99 % in the weigh cell.
Filter order 8 Choice: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Filter cut-off frequency 0,00 % Filter cut-off frequency setting
100,00 % in the weigh cell.
PID controller: 0 P component of the PID controller
P component 255 in the weigh cell.
I component (coarse) 0 I component (10-fold gain) of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
I component (fine) 0 I component of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
D component 0 D component of the PID controller
255 in the weigh cell.
Averaging unit: 1 Number of readings for three-fold averaging.
Number of readings 8192
Dynamic correction 50,00 % Correction value for measuring signal
200,00 % with belt in motion.


Dialog Parameter/function Min. value Functional characteristics

No. ( Options) Max. value ( depending on used type of weigher)
Service Reports
740/1 Weigh cell Parameters Weigh cell parameters.
Evaluation unit Customer’s Select:
parameter Customer’s parameter, System parameter,
Sartorius parameter, Options
( only with printer)

760/1 VGA Invers Mode Yes / No
Automatic Yes / No Auto backlight off:
automatic switching off of the LCD-backlight.
Waiting time 10 s Activation time of “Auto backlight off”
99999 s if there is no key pressed.
Reset Reset to default values

I/O-interface 1
770/1 Digital outputs On / Off Digital outputs, port 1 ... 8 switch ON/OFF.
Port 1 ... 8
Digital inputs Digital inputs, port 1 ... 8
Port 1 ... 8
770/2 Digital outputs On / Off Digital outputs, port 9 ... 16 switch ON/OFF.
Port 9 ... 16
Digital inputs Digital inputs, port 9 ... 16
Port 9 ... 16
770/5 Analogue outputs 0 - 10 V Check of the analogue outputs.
Port 1, Port 2 0 - 20 mA
770/1 CAN Monitor Start Initialization of the CAN-bus module.
770/1 COM Check COM 1 Check of the serial interface
COM 4 (COM 1 – COM 4).


8.0 BILD-ON PRINTER (Functional Expansion)

An optional external printer (build-on printer in a stainless-steel housing) is available
for use in handling the statistical data as a functional expansion in combination with the reporting system.

The printout appears behind a transparent splashguard.

A knurled screw is provided for opening and closing the cover.

To effect paper feed, press the key (1).

A description (pictograph) of the paper loading and feeding functions
can be found on the inside of the housing cover (2).



The flashing symbol in the status display indicates the occurrence of a fault.

The “fault key” (standard setting) is used for acknowledging and confirming the fault.
This only erases the error message, but the cause of the fault still needs to be rectified.
Otherwise, the error message will appear again after a short test time.

The cause and possible remedy of the respective fault are shown when the soft key >?< is pressed.
The soft key "Treatment" is used for defining how a particular fault is to be treated.
Fault / error flag:
- Fault key = flashing symbol in the status indicator (standard setting).
- Always = fault message appears directly as a window in the data area.
- Never = only a flashing symbol in the status indicator,
fault shown only in dialog 730 “Fault report".

You can set whether an error message triggers the output of "Weigher fault" in system parameters (620/4).
This can be configured separately for each error message.

Example of a fault message (treatment: error flag "always"):

Fault NR.: 22
FAULT: Weigh cell: light barrier
Soft key >?< Push, and a helper text will appear.
CAUSE: The maximum darkness time has been exceeded.
REMEDY: Clear the photo cell
clean the photo cell
re-adjust the photo cell,
and replace it if necessary.


No. Fault
1 Overflow shift register Cause: There are more packages between the weigher
and the rejector than the shift register can handle.
Remedy: Reduce the distance between the rejector and
the weigher light barrier.
2 Triggering entry missing in Cause: An attempt was made to enter the package in the shift register in
shift register accordance with the results of classification without the triggering
entry having been found in the shift register.
Remedy: Check the shifting time or distance in the system parameter dialogs
and/or check the corresponding type of product. Increase the
distance between the rejector and the weigher light barrier.
3 Too many triggering entries Cause: Too many triggering entries in the shift register; missing weights.
in the shift register


No. Fault
4 Weight entry missing Cause: The shifting time or the shifting distance in the shift register has run
in shift register out without the weight of the package having been determined.
Remedy: Check the shifting time or distance in the system parameter dialogs
and/or check the corresponding type of product.
Increase the distance between the rejector and the weigher light
6 External fault signal Freely configurable fault text
detected, line 1
8 Shift register overflow, Cause: The FIFO memory of the distance-pulse module is signaling overflow.
distance-pulse module
Remedy: Replace faulted or defective distance-pulse sensor.
9 Internal fault No help available
10 Invalid Sartorius data Cause: Faulty Sartorius-data file was re-initialized.
Remedy: Re-enter data!
If error occurs again, replace hardware.
11 Invalid system data Cause: Faulty system-data file was re-initialized.
Remedy: Re-enter data!
If error occurs again, replace hardware.
12 Invalid customer data Cause: Faulty customer-data file was re-initialized.
Remedy: Re-enter data!
If error occurs again, replace hardware.
13 Invalid type data Cause: Faulty type-data file was re-initialized.
Remedy: Re-enter data!
If error occurs again, replace hardware.
14 Invalid configuration data Cause: Faulty configuration-data file was re-initialized.
Remedy: Re-enter data!
If error occurs again, replace hardware.
20 Weigh cell@: Cause: Data transmission between the weighing electronics unit
communication timeout and the weigh cell is disturbed.
Remedy: Check the interface (cables and PCBs).
21 Weigh cell@: Cause: The weigh cell was unable to take the zero point.
zero point
Remedy: Clear off the weigh table.
22 Weigh cell@: Cause: The maximum darkness time has been exceeded.
weigher light barrier
Remedy: Clear and clean the photo cell, re-adjust the photo cell,
and replace it if necessary.
23 Weigh cell@: Cause: The maximum darkness time has been exceeded.
supplementary light barrier
Remedy: Clear and clean the photo cell, re-adjust the photo cell,
and replace it if necessary.
24 Weigh cell@: Cause: Data transmission between the weighing electronics unit
no admitted type and the weigh cell is disturbed.
Remedy: Check the interface (cables and PCBs).
25 Weigh cell@: Cause: The ADC cannot terminate the conversion.
defective ADC
Remedy: Check the weigh cell for overloading;
analog part: check the voltage.


No. Fault
26 Weigh cell@: Cause: The data memory of the weigh cell is defective.
defective RAM
Remedy: Replace the RAM.
27 Weigh cell@: Cause: Access to the weigh-cell EEPROM has been denied.
write-protected EEPROM
Remedy: Obtain access via jumper
28 Weigh cell@: Cause: Nothing can be written into the EEPROM in the
EEPROM write error weigh-cell electronics.
Remedy: Replace the EEPROM (D12).
29 Weigh cell@: Cause: The program memory of the weigh-cell electronics is defective.
defective EPROM
Remedy: Replace the EPROMs (D9, D10).
30 Weigh cell@: Cause: The check sum is outside of the tolerance range;
check-sum error the weigh cell is faulted.
Remedy: Check the gain, test voltage and analog part;
rescale the check sum if necessary.
31 Weigh cell@: Cause: The package is too long.
package length exceeded
Remedy: Check the belt speed and the package-length entry.
32 Weigh cell@: Cause: The package spacing is too short.
package spacing too short The package weights could be influencing each other.
Remedy: Check the belt speed, and ensure the proper package
spacing via correct separation.
33 Weigh cell@: Cause: The weigher light barrier on a trade-approved system
invalid trigger was interrupted, but the supplementary light barrier was not.
Remedy: Check the supplementary light barrier.
34 Weigh cell@: Cause: Data transmission between the weighing electronics unit
timeout confirmation and the weigh cell is disturbed.
Remedy: Check the interface (cable and modules).
35 Weigh cell@: Cause: Data transmission between the weighing electronics unit
faulty parameterization and the weigh cell is disturbed.
Remedy: Re-enter and store the weigh-cell parameters.
39 An error occurred during Cause: An error occurred during XML document decryption.
XML document decryption Check whether the correct XML document has been received.
40 An error occurred when Cause: The XML document could not be sent.
sending a XML document
Remedy: Check the TCP/IP connection and XML server function.
42 XML document design error Cause: The XML document does not correspond to
international design guidelines.
Remedy: Check XML document design.
44 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: Node does not answer monitor message.
Nodeguard module error
Remedy: Check the bus and node status in the CAN Monitor dialog.
Check supply voltage to CAN node and reboot if necessary.
45 CAN COM@: Cause: Node does not answer monitor message.
Nodeguard module error
Remedy: Check the bus and node status in the CAN Monitor dialog.
Check supply voltage to CAN node and reboot if necessary.


No. Fault
46 CAN weigh cell@: Cause: Node does not answer monitor message.
Nodeguard module error
Remedy: Check the bus and node status in the CAN Monitor dialog.
Check supply voltage to CAN node and reboot if necessary.
48 CAN shift register@: Cause: Node does not answer monitor message.
Nodeguard module error
Remedy: Check the bus and node status in the CAN Monitor dialog.
Check supply voltage to CAN node and reboot if necessary.
49 CAN COM@: Cause: No reply to requested service data object.
SDO module error
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
50 CAN weigh cell@: Cause: No reply to requested service data object.
SDO module error
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
52 Weigh cell@: Cause: The weigh cell has transmitted an invalid weight.
invalid weight
Remedy: Restart the CAN weigh-cell nodes;
check the weigh-cell module if necessary.
53 Invalid SRAM data Cause: The data stored in the static RAM are no longer valid.
Remedy: Check the backup battery,
and perform a complete re-initialization.
54 Printer not ready Cause: The printer is offline, there is no paper,
or the connection is disturbed.
Remedy: Rectify potential causes,
or switch off the printer in the dialog concerned.
55 Full printer spooler Cause: The printer queue cannot accept any more print orders.
Remedy: Wait until some of the printing jobs have been completed.
56 CAN bus Cause: Communication on the CAN bus is disturbed.
communication error
Remedy: Open the CAN monitor dialog to check the bus status:
XMTFULL: A message cannot be put on the bus.
OVERRUN: A message has been overwritten.
BUSERROR: Bus error, or a disturbed connection.
BUSOFF: The CAN controller has a timeout.
REGTEST: The PC insert card for the CAN bus is defective.
RCVEMPTY: There is no message.
RBFULL: The receiving queue is full.
SBFULL: The transmitting queue is full.
Check all connections, and initialize the modules.
57 CAN shift register@: Cause: No reply to requested service data object.
SDO module error
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
58 External fault signal Freely configurable fault text
detected, line 2
62 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: Service data object request error.
SDO communication abort
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
If required, check bus traffic using bus analyzer.
63 CAN COM@: Cause: Service data object request error.
SDO communication abort
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
If required, check bus traffic using bus analyzer.


No. Fault
64 CAN weigh cell@: Cause: Service data object request error.
SDO communication abort
Remedy: Check bus status in CAN Monitor dialog.
If required, check bus traffic using bus analyzer.
68 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
module error
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
70 CAN object register error Cause: Faulty entry in object directory.
Remedy: Check the structure of the object directory.
If necessary, check bus communication by means of a bus analyzer.
71 COM@: Cause: The receiving buffer of a CAN node with serial interface
receiving buffer overflow is overflowing.
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog.
If necessary, check the bus communication by means of an analyzer.
72 CAN distance-pulse Cause: Fault affecting the call-up of a service data object.
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog.
SDO communication abort
If necessary, check the bus communication by means of an analyzer.
75 CAN message missing Cause: A telegram has been lost in the CAN interface.
Remedy: Open the CAN monitor dialog to check the bus status:
XMTFULL: A message cannot be put on the bus.
OVERRUN: A message has been overwritten.
BUSERROR: Bus error, or a disturbed connection.
BUSOFF: The CAN controller has a timeout.
REGTEST: The PC insert card for the CAN bus is defective.
RCVEMPTY: There is no message.
RBFULL: The receiving queue is full.
SBFULL: The transmitting queue is full.
Check all connections, and initialize the modules.
76 CAN receiving buffer Cause: The receiving buffer for CAN messages is full.
Remedy: Open the CAN monitor dialog to check the bus status:
XMTFULL: A message cannot be put on the bus.
OVERRUN: A message has been overwritten.
BUSERROR: Bus error, or a disturbed connection.
BUSOFF: The CAN controller has a timeout.
REGTEST: The PC insert card for the CAN bus is defective.
RCVEMPTY: There is no message.
RBFULL: The receiving queue is full.
SBFULL: The transmitting queue is full.
Check all connections, and initialize the modules.


No. Fault
77 CAN transmitting buffer Cause: The transmitting buffer for CAN messages is full.
Remedy: Open the CAN monitor dialog to check the bus status:
XMTFULL: A message cannot be put on the bus.
OVERRUN: A message has been overwritten.
BUSERROR: Bus error, or a disturbed connection.
BUSOFF: The CAN controller has a timeout.
REGTEST: The PC insert card for the CAN bus is defective.
RCVEMPTY: There is no message.
RBFULL: The receiving queue is full.
SBFULL: The transmitting queue is full.
Check all connections, and initialize the modules.
78 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The digital outputs are overloaded (short-circuited).
short-circuited digital
Remedy: Check the wiring of the digital outputs for a short circuit.
Then, turn off and restart the system.
79 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The analog outputs are overloaded /short-circuited).
short-circuited analog
Remedy: Check the wiring of the analog outputs for a short circuit.
Then, turn off and restart the system.
80 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The current/voltage at the analog input exceeds 20 mA / 10 V.
analog input overflow
Remedy: Check the input values on the analog entries.
81 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: False polarity at the analog entry port.
analog input polarity error
Remedy: Check the polarity at the analog entries.
82 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
module digital inputs
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
not found
83 CAN bus coupler@: module Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
digital outputs not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
84 CAN bus coupler@: module Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
analog inputs not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
85 CAN bus coupler@: module Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
analog outputs not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
86 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: No answer was received for the call-up of a service data object.
bus coupler not found
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog.
87 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
bus coupler SDO error
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
88 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: Outputs at the bus coupling module are in the fault mode,
bus coupler in error mode because the bus master in the weigher is defective.
Remedy: Restart the nodes in the CAN monitor dialog,
or switch off and restart the system.
89 CAN COM@: Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
module not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.


No. Fault
90 CAN shift register@: Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
module not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
93 CAN weigh cell@: Cause: The CAN module cannot be found in the network.
module not found
Remedy: Check all connections, and re-initialize the modules.
96 CAN COM@: No help available
module error
100 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
digital entries module error
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
101 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
digital outputs module error
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
102 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
analog entries module error
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
103 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
analog outputs module
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
104 CAN weigh cell@: Cause: A CAN module has issued a fault message.
module error
Remedy: Check the bus status in the CAN monitor dialog:
check the fault-counter control.
105 Lost auto report Cause: An auto report has been lost because a new batch was started
while there was still an auto report / final report to be printed out.
Remedy: Wait until all reports have been printed out prior to starting
a new batch.
106 Access to data memory Cause: It was not possible to access a memory medium.
Remedy: Check the settings for memory-medium selection in the system data.
107 Code error in options file Cause: An error has been detected in the options file,
e.g., the options file does not match the serial number of the unit.
Remedy: Erase all options in the enablement dialog,
and enter new ones as necessary.
110 Weigh cell@: Cause: The weighbelt should not be running in this mode.
belt in motion
Remedy: Switch off the weighbelt drives.
111 Weigh cell@: Cause: The time sequence of the filling weigher is disturbed.
filling machine start error
Remedy: Check the timing synchronization and light barriers.
112 Weigh cell@: Cause: The digital outputs of the weigh-cell module are overloaded
output overload (short-circuited).
Remedy: Check the digital outputs for overloading (short-circuiting).
113 PROFIBUS DPM error Cause: Communication between the PROFIBUS activating assembly
and the program is faulted.
Remedy: Check the PROFIBUS activating assembly for correct positioning,
and replace it if necessary.


No. Fault
114 CAN COM@: Cause: An undefined message has been received by the serial interface.
undefined message
Remedy: Check all connections and the transmitter / receiver interface
115 PROFIBUS module error Cause: The PROFIBUS module of the checkweigher is faulted.
Remedy: Switch off and restart the checkweigher.
116 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: CAN bus coupler software version is invalid.
invalid software version
Remedy: Update CAN bus coupler software
117 Weigh cell@: Cause: The weigh cell software version is invalid. Weigh cell software 3.00
invalid software version is required for proper functioning.
Remedy: Update weigh cell software.
The software can be downloaded using the evaluation electronics via
the CAN bus.
122 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: An error has been detected on the CAN bus by the bus coupler.
bus coupler communication
Remedy: Check the cabling and the LEDs on the bus coupler
(should not be flashing).
Restart the system if necessary.
123 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: There is a CAN telegram overflow in the bus coupler.
bus coupler telegram
Remedy: Check for a malfunction at the inputs/outputs.
Restart the system if necessary.
124 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The CAN communication error warning limit has been exceeded.
bus coupler warning limit
Remedy: Check the cabling and the LEDs on the bus coupler
(should not be flashing).
Restart the system if necessary.
125 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The power supply to the CAN module has undervoltage.
power supply undervoltage
Remedy: Check the power supply to the module.
126 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: The power supply to the digital outputs of the bus coupler
digital outputs has undervoltage.
Remedy: Check the power supply.
128 CAN bus coupler@: Cause: Current / voltage at the analog input is below 0 mA / 0 V.
analog input underflow
Remedy: Check the inputs to the analog entries.
129 Default No help available
130 Series outward transfer Cause: The series outward transfer reports an error.
Remedy: Resolve series outward transfer problem, acknowledge error.
131 Average value monitoring Cause: The production average value monitor reports an error.
Remedy: Resolve average value shortfall problem, acknowledge error.



A reset can be executed, if no further program is to be run.
To restart the program, hold down the cursor key and push the F6 key.

11.0 INDEX

% good portion Percentage share of total production that has not been rejected.
% good portion Percentage share of total production that has not been rejected.
% TU1 accepted Percentage of accepted packs with the active TU1 control switched on.
% TU1 accepted Percentage of accepted packs with the active TU1 control switched on.
Active TU1 control If the active TU1 control is ON, production is monitored to ensure
that only the legally prescribed maximum number of TU1 packs
are included in good production over a period of 15 minutes.
All types This command effects acceptance of all product-type settings.
Article designation Max. 16-character entry option for product identification.
Article number Max. 16-character entry option for product identification.
Average good, In the course of a batch, the average is calculated from the weight values
total, floating of good production and total production.
AWC German/EU-mode prepacked goods regulation/directive, containing, inter alia,
the filling-weight requirements for prepacked goods within the EU.
AWC-Weigher In this operation mode, a nominal weight is entered,
and the corresponding prepacked goods limits are calculated automatically.
At the same time, an evaluation is made pursuant to the legal provisions
of the German/EU-mode prepacked goods regulation.
Bar display mode This mode defines whether classification, sorting or a combination of the two
is displayed during the batch.
Batch number Max. 16-character entry option for batch identification.
Classes By reason of the four limits, there are five classes of packs.
Classifying weigher In this operation mode, four freely selectable limits are entered,
and the packs are classified accordingly.
Difference The difference can only be displayed while a batch is running.
The nominal weight is always automatically taken as the reference weight.
Direct selection Direct selection of a product type or of the auto report by means of the respective number.
Evaluation range Packs within this range are included in the total-production statistics.
The standard evaluation range amounts to 50 % of the respective nominal weight.
Evaluation scope The evaluation scope defines the statistical scope of the reports.
Floating average The average is determined by way of a freely selected quantity between 1 and 999.
This applies both to good production and to total production.
Good production Good production includes all packs that are not rejected.


Good range Which classes belong to the good range can be defined in
the “Classifying weigher” mode of operation.
C3 + C4
C2 + C3 + C4
C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
Gross Total weight, including tare.
Outside of a batch, the gross weight value is always indicated.
Holding mode The sorting output remains active until a divergent sorting signal triggers
a different sorting output.
Interval data For an intermediate or auto report, the evaluation can be shown with,
without or exclusively as interval data.
The final report can be shown with or without interval data.
Interval evaluation Evaluation of all good-production and total-production packs within a certain interval.
In the case of an auto report, the release criterion defines the interval.
For all other evaluations, an interval is started manually by pushing the softkey “New”.
Joker assignment Various functions, among which the operator can choose,
are offered for the hot-key assignment.
Limits In the “Classifying weigher” mode, four limits must be entered in ascending order.
Machine number Plant identification.
Net Weight of a product, exclusive tare.
Nominal weight Desired (required) weight of a pack.
Operation mode Choice between AWC weigher and Classifying weigher.
Operator Max. 16-character entry option for the operator’s name.
Pack length Requisite entry belonging to the batch and product-type data.
The light-barrier control intervals are calculated on the basis of the pack length.
Prepacked goods limits The prepacked goods limits are automatically computed on the basis of the nominal weight.
Pulse mode The sorting output is activated for an adjustable reject time.
Reject limit(s) Packs not within these limits are rejected and excluded from the good-production statistics.
Relay control The relay control can be set to either pulse mode or holding mode,
depending on the type of ejector in use.
RG - Lower evaluation-range limit; all packs above this limit are included
in the statistical calculations.
Only the quantity and weight of packs below this limit are registered.
RG + Upper evaluation-range limit; all packs below this limit are included
in the statistical calculations.
Only the quantity and weight of packs beyond this limit are registered.
Shifting mode In the standard version, the time pulse is prespecified and unalterable.
Sorting belts Either three or five sorting belts can be selected in the “Classifying weigher” mode.
3 sorting belts: underweight, good and overweight
5 sorting belts: class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Store This command effects fail-safe storage of the settings.
Tare Average weight of the packaging.


TO1 Prespecified limit, calculated on the basis of the nominal weight.

TO2 Prespecified limit, calculated on the basis of the nominal weight.
TO2 rejection In the “AWC-weigher” mode, the operator can choose between counting packages
above the TO2 limit as good production or having them rejected.
Total evaluation Evaluation of all good-production and total-production packs,
from the beginning of the batch up to the point of inquiry.
Total production The total production comprises all packs within the evaluation range
TU1 Prespecified limit, calculated on the basis of the nominal weight
TU2 Prespecified limit, calculated on the basis of the nominal weight
Variable limits If variable limits are activated in the “AWC-weigher” mode,
the rejection limits L1 and L4 in the batch/type data are alterable.
The limit L1 can be adjusted to between TU2 and the nominal weight,
and the limit L4 to between the nominal weight and the upper evaluation-range limit.
Weigh display mode The weight display mode defines which weights - gross, net or difference -
are to be displayed.
Outside of a batch, only gross weights can be displayed.
Weigher number Plant identification.
Weight display mode The weight display mode defines whether gross, net or deviation weight values are
Only gross values are possible outside of a batch.
Σ above RG + Indication of quantity and weight.

Σ below RG - Indication of quantity and weight.

Σ good production Indication of quantity, weight and percentage, as referred to total production.

Σ n accepted Indication of quantity, weight and percentage of each class.

The percentages refer to total production.

Σ n rejected Indication of quantity, weight and percentage of each class.

The percentages refer to total production.

Σ overweight Indication of quantity, weight and percentage, as referred to total production.

Σ quantity Total number of good-production and/or total production items.

Σ rejected Indication of quantity, weight and percentage, as referred to total production.

Σ total production Indication of quantity and weight within an evaluation range.

Σ TU1 accepted Quantity of accepted packs with active TU1 control ON.

Σ underweight Indication of quantity, weight and percentage, as referred to total production.

Σ weight Cumulative weight of good production and total production.

σ (n-1) Standard deviation, calculated in the course of production from

the weight values of good-production and total production.


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