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Pas. I
O::lTIZJ;1'lS"l'OR GOOD :,,"DGfS
DECEMBER 3. 1997


CROWBARS: Ill, reporto<! •• .Iudg. in Kan,as aUu",ed oPI'O.lne coons., in. ,hiId custod;' di,pUtt 10usc delaying toeti" result"'g
ir. a divorce being granted in a dome"J~ •••• atl,r lIlleigh!ccn month. wait Even all •• Polie. '.poru r.v •• led:hd hu,baod
attacked ~is wifo with 8 crowbar whilo ,he wu under 3 protect from abulie nrder, the: wife's future saf~tY seemed to be of no concern
to toe Judg, a, h. continued 10 .aow tho nUlbands .ttorney to delay. IronJcaay. tbe Judge', wife t2u~h: continuing cdue •. 'JlI for the
Kansas Bar on Ill. ll1u, of dom •• :ie violenCt!. AddJtlonali~. DO child support was ordered rur thlrt.en monrn •. Atler In" jucae -
removed from domestic case!, he: case wai reauigncd. The new 1udge was ~hcorilinal iss~r of the protective order. Sho believed
"r.e Iud bet" reprieved. };OlIO. He has orderce. bet w move back to Topeka 50 vilitation wiiJ be oonvenient for the father. She win
be withou~a Jo",. or home an: belicv~ ,he hA.!receivec the death 5;nteoce based en tho put abwe !he hu re~Jved at the hand of her
c;"lilJ1s fllt"'1er. This cQSe is ~oing ap~aaled and \\oill surel)' be overturned as parts of the jL1dge'& opinion are contra!)' ~o Ka .•"Sls ~aw.

BEHIND DARS: It i. "'ported. another woman is beblnd oar> ilId sentenccd to Ufe (or ,,,,and degree murcter becau,e h:r abll';ve
pMlIer and ,he wor8 struggltns with .loUfo which .h. all.gel o. r.1! on. killing hlm,elf In the prnc •••. A." export wiwss Ics:I("d
.1.8t the nature of the wound was such that It would require greot Blre.ito' (which the weman did not po,,",,) KJinflict, and lhat il WIl'
:Ualy h. hao fa,l,n on Ihe lenif. IS .he 5lllled. She Wa.! nolal!owed to brir.g up a past histar)' of.bnse •• it would be prejudicial again.t
her port,er. Meanwhile ,h. is ,\'ifro~ut fir.anci'; r:~O'Jrces or (alnili.1 support L1 tile state o[Kons ••. Her c,Hdrer. oO"e been ,em out of
state to ltVt wlm a step-moth': who I, unable to do 1II0rethan cue fcr tho eh;ldron elsUll1ce and I.ek of money. Her case I. ir.

pro,;o!$ of 4Ppe.aJ.

liAR NONE: One o( the newl)' appclnted judges :n Johruo. COU."1y c.donod by Citi"",, for Good Jud~ •• :n the November 199~
electior: beceuse his c.emell11or and ~ctionJ had seemed unb\astd and fair whi~o$erving ill the Juvenile: <':oat. It is repol1ed hi.i
jL1d'gr:ten!:Iis:rt,e his re~ent trAl\sfer (0 t:"cDivorcc ceurt heve not been oftne sM\~ caliber. Recently this Judge told r.ts court "every
year old r.eedJ 3 good th~alr.tng tOW a:1(1then." Ti1e ~h,een yell'!' ole 5ubject bad surr~ad a brok:n collar bone, ty,'o frllc:ured

teelh. a iisioeHIed wrl,: and numereu., b",:,", at ti" hand afbi. f.ther.

JO CO BARS & OTHER NIGtrr SPOTS, It is 'Cllorted. in anotiler CIUO, this judge told :he mother of& five year old ~:r1 !hat
,hod "btl:er have a tootobrush wilh ho: If hc hears of her allowing th. five year old :0 sloop with her again because he waule
person.lly walk hc, across Ihe ,t,.et 10t'le Jail whore ,he wculd spend t~e r.lsh." Johr..on Cocnty judge; ,com to tB<' pl..,u," in

thr.eatof'\lng to iC'ck women up for the I"!ig~'t,

1n H'9J thi!' worn~n'5 hlaba.-ld petttloned for divo:,Cl: lnd mo .•..e.:1to Raltimore MD. The father"] ir..;om~.sixty-s;x thousand aIUll.nlUy
nnJ 'he IT.afroer'sI'.'on:y tl1ou,••..,d Jr. I~~j.
L'l. cuurt origlnolly aw••.ded heT!S50.00 n","'hly child ,upper: •.'Xl the f.ther n,r •• d 10

Page 2

::, t~.j:~'l:,

PIlYtil. full ""I of alrtMo to snd frOlft Ballimon for yisltatlon whicb '"u to be loosely IlfUcrurecl on the anility UI attain nuonable air
\ fare a,!he !Iibet'. eorillOlllencr. WlttliD a "'on porlod o £time. the ori&!NlI de ••.•• b!d beco sat asido and child '"PpoJ1 roduced
to S4¥ to h<lp lIle Jilther otr.ot tho cost of alrf,re. ':lien II WO!fllrth<f reduced to 5300 and ia M••••h 1997 it ••••" sot 0 Ul'O beca."
the foll1er •• d moth •• we", aheriat equoJ tim. w1t~ tbe ehllcl. NOIlMr 1110tneome of Ill. molller 01'falhe, had chOll!'4. w\tIl tile lIlolher
etnlin& 30<;1, of the •••• income thil does aot appe., 10 be ao eque! equtdou. In M.y 1997 the COllTlrolll'ta,ed child INpPOI'l to the

moth.r In ~'W"an of $60 mOTl',h\y TOeoro for !he nO" .ppmachinS .chaol &B"child.

On A t A. 199' tile judi •••• trded residClllitleusl!ldy te lIle fJlher In 8e1llmo'e. Tbt judg.'urlll:rary decision wu basra on:
u 1JSI
"eonfll:l belWCfT\N" two people bu been O'l&oing'llIldit no""een>s "PProprilllf sin~ Ih. child is of .cl\oolaso to pia •• her In 111.
core ofh.r fe~" ODd"locate ber to BaIllmore I<lallf\ .cb<lot"Tbe 11I0111.,11 or42rOdto fly !lie child to Balllmore 00 AUl\Ul161lld
lUtIlber over 1Il1lle t'Jther 1>1>0wIDlhen reimb"",. her l/~ o(lh, round trip air (ar' fOl!WO. vl,llalion for l1lomother lunio;ly
oU!llned ODd'1'"'1110d&yloflhc •••• k •• d tilDe let for lilt mother cotelephone tile clwJhler. nose ponmcters we<t 'lnIlI'ly lItking

iD!lIe falhet', prior ~

C,\REItIlBAltBl&: In Pebruary 1997.'Citl2&TlStor' spoke ,,'ilI; til. mothDIoft pror'''iona! \YOlDlIlwith. child Iltla """
ombroned 10 a e..-,.. baftl. wi'" l~. t'e1Iur ';"110had pilled temporary 0UIIlldl' willie lwahlng di •••••• 1rIa1. ThO I"lIldIMIII.r"'"
~ bC_lbt 00llI't bad 1IPPOI01Od& psyclloloatll to evl1ual. til< rollllombips. W1IdIl she reported tho doctor's -,
'Cillzens' It!vIocd bel Ilia olltGOme would "vor of1lle f&l!I••. R.a:cnt l<lier .-ived adYhI"l'Cltiu:sat' 0IIt torecasl bid becll COn'CCI

IlId \he colllt lPPO~ pI)';:llologL<l wai n:c:oromondb" resldrAlill cuJtody for tho lllIh ••.. This _It ,~y ICllecluIed lObo bMId

Inthelfar_nlloaed jUdte'S ooun. CallYOll

peas Iho~.1

\ CRY BAlUIDtSI T1Iefinl impu11t blO.m whI! bavalbue momer, doIle to doaorvo this. u:calmenL In AdODlDlKOIltly. one ~r
Ci_ ••••f.uDdn 5DUCkup a con_Don wtlll. he 11IIoewrlter on 111. PIIblictronIpOl'1ltlOr. I~ Early ill Ihc eODYor1ttion.
lhe he IMco wrl:c I1olCll. ''nlolh.'' II'< ""dEl' &!tick llIld.lhoir cilildron arc beln& ••• fi'olll\hllll b~ dla _ayslllll", eo.fovt\dtr
ropllcd,''Yn, we know." Wrltn oaId "I'1Il toIltilII GOut perfa<tiy &OOdmother ••" Co.folPlderapln repl1ed. .YM, wolalow." Sh,l.
p!llml1Dg lIDerti." 01101\10"" / CuelOdy I Bacl<Iash aDd •• ked if 'ClrlzMs' would be ",mini 10 be intm'lewed.

BARBS, The MauoelTu!lCllll SQboolof Law' a, S_ 199', iosue of\l' •• Leu. T.rm View wUlttled JudJ:/Q/ MrJco"thtCl. Th,
.Joumol'a anl.IN""" cOllUibUled by IllDmer'l, la~ school protenor1, jud, ••• aulhon ."d atlivUb reponlA£ tho illCCMistenci••• nd
Improprieties abouodlllllll\ the JudlclalllY11eDI. lnelllC!.d " on ortide titl,d ,'CltIwl! for Goo~ Jodi"" reportma 00 experi.cees ill

Johll5on C<>\IlIl)I,):en •••

BAR BIAS: Whl! i._cDllli lit the court, bai boeD o&lI.dmany nolDes, 'iendet bios, SOlWal diKrilllicollon"pltrlarchy, m1101n'llY
I\IId outrliPt hll1ed ofwoC\:n. and 011\••• cOD.idcred Ill!oorily (l( soe<>nd cl•••. UpoltrefltGlioll, It applert 11111II "JU!l bualocss os
os•• 1willi tilt 'Soad 01'.b0)'5'. 1111 rO!11yall about 1II0ney and POWCT_ tlw WI' I>etWttl\ lb. haves mdr,.ye no1&. QIlotiDi • sales
0(' NYSE b,okmc
e howe. aftn llali/lf be'had 00 inlero'l In ".ehbs women, h. went on 10 .ey "wom ••• oro o&1y•. _'"
(End Quote} They OlIpool IIf,to b. felt II\d eOUlU '0 be jUl\. They arc ,hoCl<.d Whenthoy ClltDalp lb.

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