Observation Task 3

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Course: Practicum 1a

Code: EPC 1403

Observation Task 3: Mapping the

Learning Environment

Prepared by: Hend Saeed Alyammahi

ID: H00357629
Prepared to: Ms. Hamada Al-awadi
Date of submission: Thursday June 21, 2018
Observation Task 3: Mapping the Learning Environment
Focus: The learning environment.
Objective: For student teachers to map the learning environment that exists in
the classroom including the layout of the seated area and learning centers.
1. Draw a map of the learning environment within the classroom (you can use computer
2. List the functions of each of the activity areas.
3. If possible take photographs of the classroom including displays on the wall.
4. Think about why the classroom layout is organized as it is. Ask your MST why the
desk/tables are arranged as they are and the function of each area of the classroom.
Write your answers
Draw the classroom

Printer Teacher’s computer

outside the
White board Smart board

Teacher’s table
Students siting in groups of three

Success center-room A140

The Library-room A108

Area Function
White board The teacher writes the learning objective, definitions, the
words of the day and the homework requirement.
Data show The teacher presents the lesson materials and the
students used for presentation.
Teacher table The teacher organizes the worksheets and the lesson
materials and her materials on the table.
Groups The students work in groups in some of the activities.
Library of the college The students use to find resources and books for their
projects and tasks
Printers The students print the lesson’s PowerPoint, homework
and the project.
Success center The students join the tutorials for different subjects and
IT support center The students go their if they have technical issues in their
laptops or iPad.
*Add rows as needed

Based on your observations and discussions, summarize what you have observed.
Think about:
 The idea of learners being ‘active’ learners. Discuss how the classroom
organization facilitates activities for the learners. Give examples of activities you
observed and the way in which the classroom organization makes these activities
accessible. Consider ease of movement within the learning environment.
 How and where are materials stored in the classroom? Do the children/learners
need to be able to get and put materials away?
 Where does the teacher have her table/papers/materials?
 Are there areas that encourage independent learning? Give some examples. Why
are these areas important?
Classroom Environment

During my time with Ms. Kyra’s class (Level 2 of foundation) I noticed that her
classroom is organized in a way where the students can work in groups, pairs, or
individually. The tables are arranged in rows of 4 so, when a group work is needed four
of the students are making as a group and they can be divided equally in pairs or
individuals. Moreover, the teacher brings her material with her for the fact that she needs
to move between the class so, she doesn’t have a certain table or shelves to keep her
things there. Unlike in the private schools where each teacher has her own class with all
the materials available to her. Furthermore, the classroom is equipped with one white
board that the teacher uses when explaining the lessons also there is a data show that is
used to present PPts and lessons notes. Additionally, there is an interactive (smart) board
but, unfortunately it is not connected and it not been used in the classroom. According to
my MST, the smart board would be an excellent addition to the class and it would add
some energy to the teaching and learning process.
Outside the classroom, the students have many facilities that can help them in
learning independently and support them with their courses’ assignments. For instance,
there are many printers that are distributed around the college. All the students can access
them and print their lectures notes, projects and homework. In addition, there is the
library that the students can visit any time to look for books, journals or any other sources
for their assignments. Also, there is the Success Center that is recently opened in
RAKWC. This center provides support and guidance upon request from the students and
there are previously scheduled tutorials for different areas like: grammar, vocabulary,
Math, and Media. Finally, with the all available help that RAKWC provide to the
students, they have no excuse not to do their best and perform well in the courses.

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