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Part II – Wave of Killings Continue

Despite appeals by the Roman Catholic Church’s cardinal

Ricardo Vidal and the message of concern raised by the
U.S. State Department, Mayor Tomas Osmena went ahead with
authorizing discreet but violent police actions on meth
drug sellers. He is suspected of coddling drug lords and
obtaining financial favors in exchange for his protection.
His Hunter Team remained his iron hand, eliminating the
competition for drug lords, among them Franz Sabalones,
who he has hired as supervisor of the City Traffic
Operations Management, and road construction equipment
operator Peter Chiong Go Lim and Jeffrey Autom Diaz.
Classified By: Deputy Political Counselor Joseph L.
Novak for Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1.
(C) Summary: Cebu city remains abuzz about a recent string
of extrajudicial killings that has taken upwards of 25
lives. Philippine National Police (PNP) officials
confirmed that PNP is actively investigating the slayings,
which have divided the city, with the Cardinal and some
key local politicians condemning Cebu Mayor Tommy Osmena,
seen as the political force behind the violence. Other
observers believe that Osmena has gained popularity
through his "Dirty Harry"-like remarks indicating support
for the killings. Dep Polcouns reiterated strong U.S.
concerns. But PNP's active investigation of the situation
is positive, and sends a strong signal that the national
government is watching Cebu -- the second largest city in
the Philippines and a key economic entr epot -- very
closely. End Summary.


PNP Investigating Killings


2. (C/NF) Dep Polcouns and senior pol FSN visited Cebu (in
the central Philippines) February 3 -4. The city was abuzz
with discussion of a string of extrajudicial killings that
has taken upwards of 25 lives of alleged criminals in the
last two months (reftels). Dep Polcouns met with General
Florencio Gador, the PNP's Regional Chief based in Cebu,
to express concern over the situation and as k about the
GRP's steps to end the killings. Gador confirmed that the
PNP is actively investigating the cases. He confirmed that
he arrived in Cebu in early January with explicit
instructions from PNP Chief Edgardo Aglipay to get to the
bottom of the violence.

3. (C/NF) Gador admitted that he was facing a "wall of

silence" in discussing the situation with the local Cebu
police and with Mayor Tommy Osmena, who has made public
comments seeming to favor vigilante -style activities.
Although PNP has so far made no arrests, Gador expressed
confidence that his team would be able "to break the case
open" through further efforts. He cited evidence collected
by his team that potentially incriminated local government
officials, police (specifically a group of policeme n
recently formed into what is called the "Hunter's team"),
and others in planning the killings during "secret"
meetings dating back to late last year. Mayor Osmena has
enlisted more police officers, in addition to SPO4 Rex
Campos, SPO1 Serafin Asingjo, and SPO1 Adonis Dumpit,
whose work had been supervised by Chief Inspector Arnel

Gador would not confirm what he meant by "local government

officials," but he indicated that Mayor Osmena, among
others, quite possibly could be involved. Current intel
indicates a “turf war” between rival drug lords and the
involvement of the mayor in a protection racket involving
police officers (rank of lieutenant -colonel and up) in the
proliferation of meth-based drugs (See Reftels). Gador
said he would continue to report regularly on his
investigation to PNP headquarters in Manila.


A Divided City
4. (C) The killings appear to have divided Cebu. Cardinal
Ricardo Vidal has publicly condemned the attacks on
several recent occasions, including in the homily of a
high-profile mass held during Cebu's annual fiesta in mid -
January. Cardinal Vidal told Dep Polcouns that "the taking
of lives -- even of those accused of crimes -- was wrong
and reinforced a culture of death." Vidal said that he d id
not know whether or not Osmena was involved, but it was
important that the mayor "disassociate the city and its
government from this black mark." Dep Polcouns noted USG
human rights concerns over the situation and expressed
appreciation for the Cardinal's strong stance. 5. (C)
Other politicians have also expressed concern over the
killings. Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, a longtime
political opponent of Mayor Osmena, told Dep Polcouns
emphasized that "what was going on was wrong and must be
stopped." She noted that she had no legal authority to act
within Cebu city limits (she governs areas outside of the
city), but added that she had advised Osmena "to clean up
the situation." Vice Mayor Michael Rama said separately
that "Cebu has never had such violence" and that he was
"embarrassed for the city, which was losing its good name
domestically and internationally." Rama claimed that he
had urged Osmena during a personal conversation to take
action to halt the killings. According to Rama, Osmena
would not agree to do so and would not condemn what had
happened, but he did not admit responsibility.


Public Support for Killings


6. (C/NF) Many observers believe that Osmena has actually

gained popularity through his "Dirty Harry"-like remarks
indicating support for the killings. Many in the business
community apparently support the killings, believing that
the city faces rising crime and citing the need for firm
action against it. (Note: PNP General Gador c onfirmed that
Cebu's crime rate had risen in recent years, but only
slightly. end note) According to Democrito Mendoza, a
local labor leader, "Osmena has certainly gained
widespread public support. That's what this is all about."

7. (C) When queried about Mayor Tommy Osmena and the

reasons for his apparent involvement in the killings,
observers speculated that Osmena apparently feared that
his family's popularity might be ebbing and felt the need
to take decisive steps to regain it s political position.
(Note: Osmena is a member of a well -known clan founded by
Sergio Osmena Sr., Philippine president in the 1940's.
While Tommy won re-election as mayor last year, his uncle
John lost his bid for re-election as senator, and his
cousin John Gregory lost his bid to be elected governor to
Garcia. end note) Observers commented that Osmena is
taking a cue from Davao, where Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has
for years publicly underscored his support for
extrajudicial killings and racked up big electora l
victories, despite repeated condemnations from local and
international human rights groups.



8. (C) Dep Polcouns reiterated strong U.S. concerns about

the killings during his meetings. Mayor Osmena was not in
Cebu during the visit, but other officials no doubt will
brief him on USG interest in the situation. PNP's active
investigation of the situation is positive, and sends a
strong signal that the national government is watching and
not averting its eyes on Cebu, the second largest city in
the Philippines and a key economic entrepot. General Gador
was impressive in his commitment to ending the killings
and arresting those responsible. However, the PNP has in
the past often lost focus and momentum in its
investigations after making big initial public relations
splashes. Mission will continue to press the GRP on this
important rule-of-law and human rights issue in Cebu,
Davao, and nationwide.


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