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Bete Israel:

Here are more yummy articles regarding your very precious Ethiopian Hebrew Israelite history

Notice the first article clearly states that "Many of the leading antiquarians of the time, based
largely on the strength of what the classical authors, particularly Diodorus Siculus and
Stephanus of Byzantium, had to say on the matter, were exponents of the view that the
ancient Ethiopians, or at any rate, the Black people of remote antiquity were the earliest of all
civilized peoples and that the first civilized inhabitants of ancient Egypt were members of what
is refereed to as the Black race who entered the country as emigrants from Ethiopia."

Also note the second article states that, "Clegg maintains that the inhabitants of ancient Egypt
were descended from the black Nubian people that inhabited that country and neighboring

Also note that the third article CLEARLY states that, "After all, there Professor Cheikh Anta
Diop, the great Egyptologist from Senegal, and his protege and colleague, Dr. Theophile
Obenga, from the Republic of Congo (and now a Professor at San Francisco State
University), marshaled all the archeological and linguistic evidence to show that Egypt was
peopled by indigenous African populations from the area then known as Ethiopia. They also
argued conclusively that the key symbols in ancient Egyptian political and spiritual realms, as
well as other cultural attributes, were unmistakably African."

Here is a quote from the fourth article, "The modern Egyptians are not the descendants of the
ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians were the same as people of Sudan and Ethiopia,
black. And lets be realistic, the modern day Egypt is not the Egypt of the past. Ancient Egypt
was much bigger and had a bigger landmass in Africa. As well as Ethiopia and Sudan. In fact,
Africa was not divided into different countries like it is today. As far as King Tut being non-
Black, well if King Tut wasn't black, than why did Napoleon and other white conquerors feel
the need to destroy the Spinx by shooting off its nose and lips. And why is it that the same is
done to various mummies. Even in Greece. The Emperor Hallie Selassie once said, that
people don't want Ethiopians to be black, but we are and have always been black. Many
people know that the first inhabitants of Egypt were the Ethiopians , and that's why they don't
want Ethiopians to be black. And realistically, Ethiopians should be the ones people should
glorify, they are the Africans who haven't been colonized, and beat invaders , kept their
culture. To me, the Ethiopians are interesting. And for the most part, aren't ashamed of their
Black history."

The four above quotes above are 100% correct, because according to Genesis 10:6 Mizraim
(Egypt) big brother was Cush (Ethiopia) therefore we know 100% that the Egyptians 100%
were Ethiopians as were Put (Somalia or Libya) and Canaan (Israel). Remember Yaqoob
(Jacob) went into Egypt with 11 of his sons and their wives, @ 50 grandsons and one grand
daughter or @ 70 people in all. When the Israelites left Egypt, they were nearly 1 million in
population! It is obvious Yaqoob's (Jacob's) @ 50 grandsons did not intermix with their own
mothers or one sister to populate Israel from 70 to @ 1 million, however it is clear they
intermixed with the women of another Ethiopian tribe known as Mizraim (Egypt). So as you
can read, from common sense the Israelites who were Ethiopian intermixed with another
Ethiopian tribe, in this particular case Mizraim (Egypt), and when you read Genesis 38,
Genesis 46:10, Genesis 46:20, Ezra 9:1-2, Zephaniah 1:1, etc., you will also see that
Israelites intermixed with other Ethiopian tribes like Moab (son of Lot the Ethiopian =>
Genesis 19:37 ), Canaan (son of Ham the Ethiopian => Genesis 10:6), Hittite or Heth (son of
Canaan the Ethiopian => Genesis 10:15 ), Mizraim (son of Ham the Ethiopian => Genesis
10:6), Amorite (son of Canaan the Ethiopian => Genesis 10:15), etc., etc., etc., etc.!!!!!!!! So
you as you Bete Israel can see there is 100% Ethiopian blood in the 12 tribes of Israel or at
least in ancient times! HAHAHAHAHA! European Jews know this and this is why they say
Ethiopians are NOT Black Africans, because they know that the people the Israelites
intermixed with under Yaqoob (Jacob) to produce 1 million Israelites when they were in Egypt
were the Ethiopians of Egypt. Also they know that the slaves taken from west Africa were
mostly from the Ethiopian tribe of YHWDH (Judah) and from other Israelite tribes. How do we
know that west Africans are from the Ethiopian tribe of YHWDH (Judah)? Well the Portuguese
set up a fort named Ouidah (Judah) (pronounced /ˈwiːdə/; also spelled Whydah /ˈhwɪdə/ or
Juda[1]) in Benin a country in west Africa. ==>

They used this fort named Ouidah (Judah) to house the people known as Ouidah (Judah)
who were then sent of in ships to the Americas during the FAMOUS ETHIOPIAN HEBREW
SLAVE TRADE. You Ethiopians from modern day Ethiopia REALLY do need to show love to
Malkah a Falasha from Ethiopia who built this website and says the same this I said above!

Now you Bete Israel understand why your ancient ancestors fled from the Assyrians to
Mizraim (Egypt) and Cush (Sudan/Ethiopia), because they themselves were Ethiopians
therefore they fled into the lands of other Ethiopians to avoid capture and persecution from
the Assyrians who sought to take their precious ingredients needed to bake fresh injera,
Biblical manuscripts, gold, silver, diamonds, ivory, linen, etc.!!! Make sense??? You see
Yaqoob and his 11 sons left Canaan (Israel) because there was a drought in the land that
prevented teff used to bake injera from growing, so Yaqoob and his 11 along with their wives,
@ 50 grandsons and one grand daughter went into Mizraim (Egypt) where there was plenty of
teff needed to bake injera. The drought that happened in Canaan (Israel) under Yaqoob is the
same type of drought that happened to Ethiopia in the 1970's and 1980's in which teff which is
a grain that is used to muscle the physiques of Ethiopian Hebrew Israelites was in short
supply. What if YHWH caused another drought in beloved Ethiopia, you Bete Israel in/from
Ethiopia would loose your minds like a drug attic in search of drugs because teff is the main
ingredient of injera which is eaten in all of your DELICIOUS dishes, with my favorite being
Gomen with lamb, so I too would loose my mind. So with that being said, you Bete Israel
need to continue to do YHWH's will, or else he will take away the main ingredient teff which is
used to make injera away from you, and you as well as myself will go crazy because then you
nor myself could enjoy eating your DELICIOUS dishes, with my favorite being Gomen with
lamb!! So PLEASE continue to do YHWH's will! Selah Bete Israel??

dnorwood70 the Ethiopian from the Ethiopian tribe of YHWDH (Judah)

P.S. There are many of you who fail to realize the truth I am teaching! YHWH the GOD I
serve is the GOD of all people regardless of their skin color, race, nationality, etc., HOWEVER
I have to thank Him 100% for giving me the wisdom and knowledge to be able to educate my
people, my family and other children of YHWH's through the power and name of the FIRE
(HOLY SPIRIT) about my peoples history in the Bible and about how ALL people can seek
salvation and redemption of their lives and spirits through the baptism in the FIRE (HOLY
SPIRIT) of YHWH which is also known as the blood of YAHshua (Jesus).

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