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Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using either a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb.

1. Pets are not allowed in Mr. Taylor’s building. He owns several cats and a parrot.

2. New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving. Many people continue to use

their phones illegally.

3. The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs. By the time his relatives found him,

nothing could be done.

4. Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water. Flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.

5. Ashley carefully fed and watered her tomato plants all summer. The tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.

6. When he lost his car key, Simon attempted to open the door with a wire hanger, a credit card, and a paper clip. He

called the manufacturer for advice.

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a subordinating conjunction.

1. Jake is going to Mexico. There are beautiful beaches in Mexico.

2. A snowstorm disrupted traffic all over the east coast. There will be long delivery delays this week.

3. My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high. I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise


4. Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sautéed vegetables. Ashley marinated the chicken.

5. Romeo poisons himself. Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.

Revise the following sentences:


1. The president failed to explain the cause of the crisis. He did not offer any solutions.

2. Akira’s wife was due to give birth to their first child in the next several days. He still worked overtime.

3. Rekha had an intense headache all morning. She smiled and remained alert throughout the entire meeting.

4. The last storm to come through the area ripped some of the siding off George’s garage. He visited the

hardware store and invested in storm-proofing materials.

5. Enrollment in the university has been dropping in recent years. Its facilites have been lacking proper



1. Plans for renovating downtown into an upscale shopping center were finalized. Discussions began on budgeting
city funds for the project.

2. The nearest supermarket started to carry produce and spices that specifically matched the diets of many

people in the community. Shoppers continued to be lured to the big-box store out on the highway.

3. The main office has cut our printing and copying budget. We will need to rely more heavily on e-mail, Skype,

and instant messaging.

4. The professor suspected that the student was plagiarizing on the final paper. The student may have been

plagiarizing since the beginning of the semester.

5. Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, so that I can get started here. Include your notes as

an attachment.


1. I had to hand the project over to Max. You didn’t respond to any of my e-mails.

2. Another candidate with more qualifications applies in the next forty-eight hours. You should get the position

without any difficulties.

3. Viktor had prepared and practiced for the presentation thoroughly. The projector died and the presentation was

not successful.

4. Keep calling our customers from last year. You make your sales quota.

5. The instructor copies his lesson directly from the textbook. The students lose interest and doze off.

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