DETC2007-35359: Static Analysis of Torque and Coupler Driven Spherical Four-Bar Mechanisms With An Applied Load

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Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and

Information in Engineering Conference

September 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA




David A. Perkins∗, Michael L. Turner, Andrew P. Murray

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio 45469

E Location of the external load in the global frame at position
Spherical four-bar mechanisms are classically designed to i
be driven via a torque applied to the input link. This paper α Input link angle, angle between the G~ 1 and ~Z1 axes
presents a comparison of the resulting statics associated with β Output link angle, angle between the G ~ 2 and ~Z2 axes
this method of actuating a spherical four-bar versus actuating γ ~
Base link angle, angle between the G1 and G ~ 2 axes
the mechanism with the force applied directly to the coupler. A η Coupler link angle, angle between the Z1 and ~Z2 axes
force may be applied in this fashion via a spherical-prismatic- θ1i Joint angle about G ~ 1 between the input and base links at
spherical, or SPS, chain mounted between the ground frame and position i
the coupler with the prismatic joint actuated. The spherical four- θ2i Joint angle about ~Z1 between the input and coupler links at
bar linkage with the SPS chain connected directly to the coupler position i
defines a spatial analogue to the Stephenson III six-bar mech- θ3i Joint angle about G~ 2 between the output and base links at
anism. Moreover, this work builds on previously derived static position i
models of spherical four-bars by considering the additional load- θ4i Joint angle about ~Z2 between the output and coupler links
ing issues associated with links at different radii and the forces at position i
that arise from an external load on the coupler. φ1 Joint angle about ~Z1 from coupler plane to ~E
φ2 Angle between ~Z1 and ~E
ψ1 Dihedral angle about ~Z1 from coupler plane to ~Z3
NOMENCLATURE ψ2 Angle between ~Z1 and ~Z3
~ 1 Fixed joint axis between the base link and input link
G r1 Radius of the fixed link
G2 Fixed joint axis between the base link and output link r2 Radius of the input link
~ 3 Fixed joint axis of the driving SPS link
G r3 Radius of the output link
~Z1i Floating joint axis between the input link and coupler link
r4 Radius of the coupler link
in the global frame at position i
~Z2i Floating joint axis between the output link and coupler link
in the global frame at position i
~Z3i Floating joint axis of the driving SPS link in the global INTRODUCTION
This work is part of ongoing research into designing low
frame at position i
degree-of-freedom spatial mechanisms capable of solving spa-
tial positioning and orientation tasks such as the two position
task presented in [1]. The two position spatial task is defined as
∗ Address all correspondence to this author.
1 Copyright
c 2007 by ASME
nisms to solve spatial tasks. Chiang [2] and McCarthy [6] present
discussions of the two orientaion synthesis problem. The kine-
matic analysis is presented as well by Duffy [8]. Software pro-
grams have has been designed to perform this synthesis in [9]
and [7]. One of the issues involved in this design is the narrowing
down of the solution space. It is likely that many of the solution
s4R mechanisms may be ill conditioned to driving with a torque
~ 1 and G
at either of the fixed axes, G ~ 2 , due to singularities in the
path or poor force transmission configurations. For this reason,
this analysis also covers mechanisms designed with an addition
of a spherical-prismatic-spherical (SPS) driving chain between
the coupler and ground in which the P-joint is actuated. The SPS
Figure 1. A TWO POSITION SPATIAL TASK MOVING FROM ORIEN- chain does not affect the motion of the s4R but allows the de-
TATION A1 AT ~p1 TO ORIENTATION A2 AT ~p2 . signer to separate the motion synthesis from the actuation in a
similar fashion to the planar Stephenson III. The planar Stephen-
son III and coupler driven s4R (CDs4R) are shown in Fig. 3. The
Stpehenson III is a planar five-bar mechanism in which one leg
connected to ground is actuated by a prismatic link. The CDs4R
is a five-bar spherical mechanism with one of the legs connected
to ground actuated with a prismatic link, making it a spatial ana-
logue of the planar Stephenson III.
This work builds on the work of Yang [3], in which the in-
ternal loads of an RCCC mechanism were derived, as well as the
methods developed by Larochelle and McCarthy [4]. To achieve
a closed form solution on the s4R, it is necessary to model three
of the joints as cylindrical joints, as the s4R is statically inde-
terminate [3]. From a physical perspective, this is analogous to
one R-joint carrying the radial load due to mechanical slop in the
other three bearings and may be considered a “worst-case” eval-
uation. In [3], the lack of external forces meant that the distance
of each link from the sphere center (orbit) did not affect the load-
ing. In this case, all of the forces act tangentially to the sphere
Figure 2. A SPHERICAL FOUR-BAR SHOWN WITH LABELED JOINT and so have no radial components. With the addition of an exter-
AXES AND ANGLES. nal load and the actuated SPS chain, it was necessary to address
the issue of links in different orbits as well as radial load compo-
nents. This approach also models the prototype s4R mechanisms
a motion from one point and orientation to another point and ori-
being developed within the larger scale of this work.
entation in space as shown in Fig. 1. Of particular interest is the
use of a spherical four-bar (s4R) to achieve desired reorientations
as well as desired trajectories at the end points.
The s4R mechanism is a single degree of freedom mecha-
nism analogous to the planar four-bar. The mechanism consists
of four rigid links connected by rotational (R) joints whose axes
intersect at a common point, O, as shown in the mechanism in
Fig. 2. The kinematic behavior of the mechanism, such as range
of motion, is determined by the link angles α, β, γ and η between
the joint axes [2]. These angles are analogous to the link lengths
of a planar four bar mechanism. Since all of the rotational axes
intersect at O, any point on the mechanism will remain at a con-
stant radial distance from O as the mechanism moves, tracing out a. b.
a curve on the surface of a sphere. Figure 3. THE STEPHENSON III (a) AND CDs4R (b) SHOWN TO-
Several methods have been presented to design s4R mecha- GETHER.

2 Copyright
c 2007 by ASME
The general s4R can be defined by either four link angles (α,
β, γ and η), or two fixed axes (G ~ 1 and G~ 2 ) and two moving axes
(~Z1i and ~Z2i ). Four joint angles (θ1i , θ2i , θ3i , and θ4i ) are also
defined where the subscript i indicates the current position of the
s4R. The joint angles are the angles between the links as shown
in Fig. 2. The link angles and joint angles can be related to each
other through use of a loop closure equation, shown as Eqn. (1).

Z(θ1i )Y (α)Z(θ2i )Y (η) = Y (γ)Z(θ3i )Y (β)Z(θ4i ) (1)

In Eqn. (1), the Z and Y operators are rotation matrices with

the forms listed below, where δ is the angle of rotation. Rotations
about the joint axes (α, β, γ, and η) are Y -rotations while rota-
tions between the link planes (θ1i , etc. ) are Z-rotations. These
rotations are defined relative to the fixed axis system shown in

 
cos(δ) − sin(δ) 0
Z(δ) =  sin(δ) cos(δ) 0  (2) freedom. Modeling 3 of the R joints as cylindrical joints adds 3
0 0 1 degrees of freedom back to the system giving the mechanism a
total of 1 degree of freedom. This motion is controlled either by
an input torque on one of the fixed axes or a linear force along the
SPS link. For this analysis, it is assumed that the joint between
  the input link and the fixed link, the G ~ 1 axis, is the revolute joint.
cos(δ) 0 sin(δ)
Modeling other joints as the R joint only requires a rotation of
Y (δ) =  0 1 0  (3)
the radial reaction force in the final static balance as is presented
− sin(δ) 0 cos(δ)
later in this paper. It should be noted that moving the location
of the revolute joint can change the resultant internal and reac-
As given in [2], the link and joint angles can be calculated tion loads. This information can be used during fabrication of
from the four axes. Also, given the link and joint angles, the four an s4R device to determine which joints require higher precision
axes can be calculated. As the synthesis of the s4R mechanism machining to prevent excessive internal loads in the mechanism.
is not the focus of this paper, the analysis presented here will In order to perform the static analysis, the forces and mo-
assume to know the axes, link, and joint angles at each position ments acting on the links are first defined in local reference
of the s4R. frames, shown in Fig. 4, and then rotated to the global refernce
frame, F. The global frame, F, is defined at point O by placing
the Z-axis along G ~ 1 , the Y -axis along G ~1 ×G ~ 2 , and the X-axis
STATIC ANALYSIS OF THE s4R defined by the right hand rule. For RD , the reference frame at
The reaction forces and moments as well as the magnitude D, the z-axis points in the direction of G ~ 2 , the y-axis is G
~1 ×G~2
of the input torque or coupler actuation force can be found from and the x-axis defined according to the right-hand rule. For RB ,
a static balance on each of the four links of the s4R. However, a the reference frame at B, the the z-axis points in the direction of
general spherical four bar with four revolute joints is over con- ~Z1 , the y-axis is along G ~ 1 × ~Z1 and the x-axis defined according
strained according to Grubler’s Formula [5] since a closed loop to the right-hand rule. At C, RC is defined as having the z-axis
mechanism assembled from four links with revolute joints in along ~Z2 , the y-axis along G ~ 2 × ~Z2 and the local x-axis defined by
space in general will not be capable of motion. One special case the right hand rule. In the case of an s4R with an actuated SPS
exception is when the joint axes intersect at a common point, as link, if the active reaction force ~FQ is known in the global frame,
is the case in the spherical four bar. The three moving links have the reference frame RQ is equal to the identity matrix. If it is only
a combined 18 degrees of freedom while the 4 revolute joints in known in relation to the coupler orientation, the rotation matrix
space each remove 5 degrees of freedom leaving (-2) degrees of RQ must be defined in terms of the linkage parameters. It is most

3 Copyright
c 2007 by ASME
 
likely the case that the applied load would be known in the global  FCx 
frame, however, if it is not, a reference frame RL can be defined ~FC = FCy (10)
at the point E with the z-axis along ~E, the y-axis along ~Z1 × ~E 0
 
and the x-axis defined by the right hand rule. The frames RB , RC ,
 
 FDx 
RD , and, if required, RL can be defined in the global frame using ~FD = FDy (11)
transformation matricies as given in Eqns. (4-7). 

 
 MAx 
M = MAy (12)
RB = Z(θ1i )Y (α) (4) 

RC = Y (γ)Z(θ3i )Y (β) (5)  
 MBx 
RD = Y (γ) (6) ~B
M = MBy (13)
 
RL = Z(θ1i )Y (α)Z(θ2i )Z(φ1 )Y (φ2 ) (7)
 
 MCx 
There are 10 unknown passive reactions acting at points A ~C
M = MCy (14)
and D that balance the applied load, ~FL , as shown in Fig. 4. Ad- 0
 
ditionally, there are 8 internal reaction forces and moments at
 
 MDx 
points B and C. At point D, the forces ~FDx and ~FDy act normal ~D
M = MDy (15)
~ 2 as well as the moments M
to G ~ Dx and M~ Dy . As G ~ 2 is a cylin- 

drical joint, there are no reactions in the local z direction. At the
point A, which is the revolute joint of the s4R, there are three
forces, ~FAx , ~FAy , ~FAz and three moments M ~ Ax , M
~ Ay , and ~T . At Using the rotations in Eqns. (4-7), the static model can be de-
the revolute joint, T is the input torque from the external motor rived. First, the static force balance for each link is written in
to balance the applied load. In the case of an s4R mechanism F. Then the reaction moments and driving moment (if no SPS
controlled with an attached SPS link, a force ~FQ is applied to the link exists) as well as the moments about point O caused by the
applied load, driving force (if an SPS link exists), and reaction
coupler at point Q in place of ~T . At the internal points, B and C,
forces are balanced in F for each link. The equations are then
no forces or moments can act along the local z-axes since ~Z1 and
~Z2 are cylindrical joints. Therefore, the reactions at B are ~FBx , combined into a single matrix equation and solved simultane-
~FBy , M
~ Bx , and M ~ By . The reactions at C are ~FCx , ~FCy , M
~ Cx , and ously. The analyses using either of the two driving methods are
~ Cy . It is assumed that the configuration of the s4R is known as similar, but are presented in detail as separate in the following
are the directions and points of application for the reaction forces
and moments. The 18 unknown magnitudes can be solved using
the 18 force and moment equations. Input Torque Driven Mechanism
The orbits of the links have radial values r1 , r2 . r3 and r4 For an s4R driven by an input torque, ~T , there are 9 reaction
for the fixed, input, output, and coupler links, respectively. Four and internal forces and 9 reaction and internal moments. For this
vectors, ~ri where i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are defined as pointing along the analysis, the rotation RL from the local reference frame at point
local z-axis in each of the local reference frames for the s4R. For E to F is pre-multiplied to the load. If the load is defined in
clarity, the forces and moments at each point are combined into the global frame, this rotation matrix is replaced by the identity
single terms defined in their local frames. These terms are given matrix for the force balance only. The static force balance for
in the following equations. In Eqn. (12), T is zero if the s4R is each link is:
driven from the coupler with an SPS link. If an axis other than
~ 1 is to be the R joint, FAz is set to zero and the appropriate ~F is
given a non-zero z component.
Input 0 = ~FA + RB ~FB (16)
  Output 0 = RC ~FC + RD ~FD (17)
 FAx 
~FA = FAy Coupler 0 = RL ~FL + RB ~FB + RC ~FC (18)
 
 
 FBx  Equations (16-18) can be combined into a single matrix
~FB = FBy (9) equation, Eqn. (19), where the matrix is 9 × 12. The term I is

 the 3 × 3 identity matrix.

4 Copyright
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The summation of forces and moments contained in
Eqns. (19) and (23) can be combined into a single matrix equa-
   ~FA    tion, Eqn. (24). Note that in the coefficient matrix, B, the 0 terms
I RB 0 0  ~    0  are 3 × 3 matrices.
Σ~F =  0 0 RC RD  ~B + 0 = ~0 (19)
FC   ~ 

 
 
FAx 

The moment equations for a torque driven mechanism, taken
 
FAy 

 
 
about the center of the s4R and in the global reference frame,
 
FAz 

 
 
require not only the summation of the reaction moments at A,
 
FBx 

 
B, C, and D, but also the moments about O created by ~FA , ~FB ,

 

FBy 

 
~FC , ~FD , and ~FL as well. The load is resisted as well by the input

 

0 

 
torque, ~T , which is assumed to be provided by a rotary motor

 

FCx 

 
 
driving the mechanism. The component of the reaction force
 
FCy 

 
at A, ~FAz , is along G~ 1 , which passes through O, and therefore

 

0 

 
 
causes no moment about the center of the s4R. The static moment
 
FDx 

 
 
balances are given for each link in Eqns. (20-22).
 
FDy 

 

 

 
−L = B (24)

 MAx  
MAy 
 
Input 0 =~r2 × ~FA + RB (~r2 × ~FB ) + M ~ A + RB M
~B (20)

 
 

 

Output 0 = RC (~r3 × ~FC ) + RD (~r3 × ~FD ) + RC M~C 
 

 

 

+RD M ~D (21)



 

 
Coupler 0 = RB (~r4 × ~FB ) + RC (~r4 × ~FC ) + RB M
~B 0

 

 

 
+RC MC + RL (~r4 × FL ) ~ (22)

 Cx

 

 

 

 

 

The cross product terms can be written as a matrix multipli- 

 M Dx

 
cation operation by writing the radial vectors as skew symmetric 

 M Dy

 
matricies. 

  where  
0 −ri 0 I RB 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sri =  ri 0 0  0
 0 RC RD 0 0 0 0 

0 0 0  0 RB RC 0 0 0 0 0 
B=  Sr2 RB Sr2 0

 0 I RB 0 0 

 0 0 RC Sr3 RD Sr3 0 0 RC RD 
The link static moment balances can be combined into a sin-
0 RB Sr4 RC Sr4 0 0 RB RC 0
gle matrix equation, Eqn. (23), where the matrix is size 9 × 24.  

 ~0 

~   RL ~FL 
 
FA  L=
~FB  ~0

 

 
  
 
 
 F

  C

Sr2 RB Sr2 0 0 I RB 0 0  ~ 
   
FD ~

~ = 0
ΣM 0 RC Sr3 RD Sr3 0 0 RC RB RL~r4 × FL

0 RB Sr4 RC Sr4 0 0 RB RC 0  ~

 

 
 
 
 C To solve Eqn (24), it is necessary to remove the zero terms

 

M from the force and moment vector as well as the corresponding
 
 0  columns in the 18 × 24 matrix B. This reduces the size of B to
+ 0 = ~0 (23) 18 × 18 which can be inverted to solve for the reaction forces and
RL~r4 × ~FL moments.
 

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c 2007 by ASME
Coupler Driven Mechanism Similarly, the equations for the summation of moments on
The static balance for the coupler driven mechanism follows each link are:
a similar pattern to the torque driven, but it incorporates another
external force, ~FQ , acting on the coupler at point Q rather than the
torque ~T along G ~ 1 . There are then 10 reaction forces and 8 reac-
tion moments in the system. In order to determine the direction
of the force applied by the SPS link, the location of its attach-
ment point on the coupler must be found in the global frame.
The attachment point vector, ~Z3 , points along the local z-axis and Input ~0 =~r2 × ~FA + RB (~r2 × ~FB ) + M~ A + RB M~B (32)
is found by rotating the local z-axis to the global frame using the Output ~0 = RC (~r3 × ~FC ) + RD (~r3 × ~FD ) + RC M
rotation matrix, RQ shown in Eqn. (25). The ψi angles locate ~Z3 ~
+RD MD (33)
in a similar fashion to the φi angles for ~E. ~
Coupler 0 = RB (~r4 × ~FB ) + RC (~r4 × ~FC ) + RB M~B
+RC M ~ C + RL~r4 × ~FL + RQ~r4 × ~FQ (34)
RQ = Z(θ1i )Y (α)Z(θ2i )Z(ψ1 )Y (ψ2 ) (25)
 
~Z3 = RQ 0 (26)
 
These four equations are then combined into a single matrix
The force applied along the SPS link is directed between its equation, Eqn. (35), where the coefficient matrix is size 9 × 25.
fixed pivot, G~ 3 and floating pivot, ~Z3 . Equation (27) calculates
the unit vector for this force. Since both G ~ 3 and ~Z3 are located
in the global frame, F̂Q , the unit direction vector of the SPS link
force, is located in the global frame.

 ~ 
FA 
~Z3 − G ~FB 

 
F̂Q = (27)
 
 
~ 3 F
 
~Z3 − G 
 C

  
Sr2 RB Sr2 0 0 I RB 0 0 0  FD 
 

~ = 0
ΣM 0 RC Sr3 RD Sr3 0 0 RC RD 0  ~A
For the static balance, the summation of forces is similar to 0 RB Sr4 RC Sr4 0 0 RB RC 0 RQ Sr4 F̂Q 
 ~ 
 MB  
the torque driven case with the addition of the coupler actuation 

 ~C 

force. 

 MD 

 

 
 
 
Input ~0 = ~FA + RB ~FB (28) + ~0 = ~0 (35)
~0 = RC ~FC + RD ~FD RL~r4 × ~FL
 
Output (29)
Coupler ~0 = RL ~FL + RB ~FB + RC ~FC + FQ (30)

As with the torque driven mechanism, these are combined

into a single matrix equation. The coefficient matrix is size 9 ×
13. From here, the derivation continues exactly as the torque
driven mechanism. The final system of equations for the cou-
pler driven mechanism is shown in Eqn. (36). The same process
 ~  is followed as in the torque driven case to obtain the magnitudes
  ~A 
   ~  of the unknown reaction forces and moments. The 7 zero terms
I RB 0 0 0   FB    0 
Σ~F =  0 0 RC RD 0  ~FC + ~0 = ~0 (31) in the force and moment vector are truncated as well as their cor-
 ~   ~  responding columns in B. This reduces B to size 18 × 18, which
0 RB RC 0 F̂Q  F
 D 

 R F
~FQ can then be inverted to solve for the reaction magnitudes.

6 Copyright
c 2007 by ASME
 

FAx  

FAy  

FAZ  

FBx  

FBy  

 0  

FCx  

FCy  

 0  

FDx  

FDy  

 0  

−L = B MAx (36)

 MAy  

 0 

 M Bx

 M By


 0 


 M Cx

 M Cy

base frame. The axis vectors and load are:

 

 0 

 M Dx

 M Dy

      
 0.9397   0.6428  1
 

 0 

~ 1 = 0.3420 ; G ~ 2 = 0.7660 ; ~FL = 1
 

 ~ 


0 0 1
     
where       
 0.4224   0.3650   −0.3623 

I RB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0 0 R R 0 0 0 0 0 ~Z11 = 0.7317 ; ~Z21 = 0.6322 ; ~Z31 = 0.9267
C D 
0.5350 0.6834 −0.0996
       
 0 RB R C 0 0 0 0 0 F̂Q 
B=  Sr2 RB Sr2 0
    
 0 I RB 0 0 0 
  0.5403   −0.4161 
 0 0 RC Sr3 RD Sr3 0 0 RC RD 0  ~ 3,1 = −0.8415 ; G
G ~ 3,2 = 0.9093
0 RB Sr4 RC Sr4 0 0 RB RC 0 RQ Sr4 F̂Q 
 

 
 0  The link angles are (in degrees): α = 49.6691◦ , β =
 RL ~FL 
 
44.0350◦ , γ = 30◦ , and η = 10.7702◦ . The initial joint an-
L= 
 0 
 gles are: θ1 = 44.5705◦ , θ2 = 57.4796◦ , θ3 = 79.4922◦ , and
 0  θ4 = 14.4668◦ . The radii of the link orbits are: r1 = 2, r2 = 4,
RL~r4 × ~FL r3 = 6, and r4 = 8. Using a final θ1 value of 73.6996◦ , the mecha-
nism conducts a quarter-quarter rotation on the coupler. Measur-
ing the force in the SPS link across this range of θ1 gives Fig. 5.
CDs4R EXAMPLE PROBLEM The figure shows that though the initial force profile using G ~ 3,1
The following is an example of a static analysis on a CDs4R as the SPS link base point varied considerably, the SPS link was
with the applied load known in the global frame. The same point able to be modified to provide a more consistent force profile
on the coupler link is used to attach the SPS link, however dif- with a smaller magnitude by moving the base of the link to G ~ 3,2 .
ferent base locations for the SPS link (G ~ 3,1 and G
~ 3,2 ) are used.
This example highlights the value of the CDs4R in being able to
retain the desired kinematics of the solution mechanism and then CONCLUSION
modify the SPS link to provide an ideal input force profile. The This analysis is another tool for evaluating the solution set
applied load is a unit load in each of the three directions of the of spherical four-bar (s4R) mechanisms for a given spatial task.

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c 2007 by ASME
Even though these are static measurements, they can be used in [6] McCarthy, J.M., Geometric Design of Linkages, Springer-
place of a dynamic analysis as a faster means of determining Verlag New York, Inc., New York, 2000.
which solution mechanisms transmit energy from the input to [7] Furlong, T.J., Vnce, J.M., & Larochelle, P.M. (1999),
the load poorly. It can be assumed that a mechanism that is bad “Spherical Mechanism Synthesis in Virtual Reality,” ASME
statically when compared to other solution mechanisms will re- Journal of Mechanism Design, vol. 121, no. 4, pp. 515-520.
main comparatively as bad in a dynamic analysis. Therefore, it [8] Duffy, J., Analysis of Mechanisms and Robot Manipulators,
is sufficient as a first cut to determine a static load profile for John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1980.
the mechanism as it moves through the required poses during the [9] Larochelle, P., Dooley, J., Murray, A., & McCarthy, J.M.,
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It is also possible to use the static load profile as a means of nisms, Proceedings of the 1995 ASME Design Engineering
optimizing the placement of the SPS link’s attachment points to Technical Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
the coupler and to the ground link in a CDs4R mechanism. This
can be done to ensure that the input energy is being transmitted
in the most efficient way to the load as the mechanism moves be-
tween the defined poses of the task. The addition of the SPS link
to the s4R in a CDs4R enables the design process to be divided
into two parts. These two parts are the kinematic synthesis of the
mechanism and the optimization of the method of actuating the
mechanism for the most efficient means of power transfer. This
is not possible in an input link torque driven mechanism as the
means of power transfer is determined by the linkage itself and
therefore determined by the kinematic synthesis.
The method presented in this work was compared against
values for reaction and internal forces obtained using an s4R
modeled in Pro-E. The magnitude and directions matched be-
tween the two methods and provide a validation for the method
presented here.

This material is based upon work supported in part by the
National Science Foundation under Grant #0422731.

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[5] Norton, R., Design of Machinery, McGraw-Hill, New York,

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c 2007 by ASME

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