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Front impact with


Student: Pravat Stefan

Professor: Trusca Daniel
I will present the auto vehicle front impact with a
pedestrian, and I will take to reference only the latest
standards of safety, because the norm for pedestrian
safety has come a long way.
This is important because us, as future engineers, have a
goal of producing safer cars mainly for its occupants, but
a big part in research is also for protection of the
In the end, the goal of the crash tests and all the research
that goes into the analyses is to protect and to save as
many human lives as possible.
The European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro
NCAP) is a European car safety performance assessment
program based in Brussels (Belgium) and founded in
1997 by the Transport Research Laboratory for the UK
Department for Transport and backed by several
European governments, as well as by the European
The program is modelled after the New Car Assessment
Program (NCAP), introduced 1979 by the U.S. National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Other areas with
similar (but not identical) programs include Australia and
New Zealand with ANCAP, Latin America with Latin NCAP
and China with C-NCAP.
They publish safety reports on new cars, and awards 'star
ratings' based on the performance of the vehicles in a
variety of crash tests, including front, side and pole
impacts, and impacts with pedestrians. The top overall
rating is five stars.
The frontal tests are performed at 64 km/h (40 mph) into
an offset deformable barrier. This is designed to
represent an impact with a vehicle of similar mass and
structure as the car itself. The side impact tests are
performed at 50 km/h (31 mph), but the side impact pole
test is performed at 32 km/h (20 mph). The pedestrian
safety tests are performed at 40 km/h (25 mph).
Over the years, European automakers' cars have become
much safer, partly as a result of the Euro NCAP
standards. Test results are commonly presented by
motor press, and in turn greatly influence consumer
demand for a vehicle. One notable example of this is the
Rover 100 (an update of a 1980 design), which after
receiving a one-star Adult Occupant Rating in the tests in
1997, suffered from poor sales and was withdrawn from
production soon afterwards. BMW's 2007 MINI, for
example, had its bonnet and headlamp fixture changed
to meet the latest pedestrian safety requirements.
Testing is not mandatory, with vehicle models either
being independently chosen by Euro NCAP or voluntarily
tested by the manufacturers. In Europe, new cars are
certified as legal for sale under the Whole Vehicle Type
Approval regimen that differs from Euro NCAP. According
to Euro NCAP, "The frontal and side impact crash tests
used by Euro NCAP are based on those used in European
legislation. However, much higher performance
requirements are used by Euro NCAP. The frontal impact
speed used by Euro NCAP is 64 km/h compared 56 km/h
for legislation." Euro NCAP also states that "Legislation
sets a minimum compulsory standard whilst Euro NCAP is
concerned with best possible current practice. Progress
with vehicle safety legislation can be slow, particularly as
all EU Member States’ views have to be taken into
account. Also, once in place, legislation provides no
further incentive to improve, whereas Euro NCAP
provides a continuing incentive by regularly enhancing its
assessment procedures to stimulate further
improvements in vehicle safety."
The Euro NCAP frontal impact tests simulates crashing a
car into another of similar mass and structure. This
means that the ratings can only be meaningfully
compared between cars of the same type and size. The
following structural categories are used:
 Passenger car
 Off-roader
 Roadster
 Pickup
In each category, cars within 150 kg of one another are
considered comparable.

Giving the fact that mainly, the rating is based on stars,

Euro NCAP has created the five-star safety rating system
to help consumers, their families and businesses
compare vehicles more easily and to help them identify
the safest choice for their needs.
The safety rating is determined from a series of vehicle
tests, designed and carried out by Euro NCAP. These
tests represent, in a simplified way, important real life
accident scenarios that could result in injured or killed
car occupants or other road users.

While a safety rating can never fully capture the

complexity of the real world, the vehicle improvements
and the technology brought the past years about by the
application of high safety standards have been shown to
deliver a true benefit to consumers in Europe and to
society as a whole.
The number of stars reflects how well the car performs in
Euro NCAP tests, but it is also influenced by what safety
equipment the vehicle manufacturer is offering in each
market. So a high number of stars shows not only that
the test result was good, but also that safety equipment
on the tested model is readily available to all consumers
in Europe. The star rating goes beyond the legal
requirements and not all new vehicles need to undergo
Euro NCAP tests. A car that just meets the minimum legal
demands would not be eligible for any stars. This also
means that a car which is rated poorly is not necessarily
unsafe, but it is not as safe as its competitors that were
rated better.
The five-star safety rating system continuously evolves as
older technology matures and new innovations become
available. This means that tests are updated regularly,
new tests are added to the system and star levels
adjusted. For this reason the year of test is vital for a
correct interpretation of the car result.
The latest star rating is always the most relevant and
comparing results over different years is only valid if the
updates to the rating scheme were small. Recently, the
inclusion of emerging crash avoidance technology has
significantly altered the meaning of the stars.
The following provides some general guidance as to what
safety performance the stars refer to in today's system:
5 stars safety: Overall good performance in crash
protection. Well equipped with robust crash
avoidance technology

4 stars safety: Overall good performance in crash

protection; additional crash avoidance technology
may be present

3 stars safety: Average to good occupant protection but

lacking crash avoidance technology

2 stars safety: Nominal crash protection but lacking crash

avoidance technology

1 star safety: Marginal crash protection

The following information will be required from the
vehicle manufacturer before any pedestrian test
preparation begins.

• Manufacturer grid marking coordinates relative to an

identifiable location on the vehicle.
• Predicted colour or HIC data clearly identifying
defaulted points.
• Justification for all blue points.
• Number of Manufacturer funded verification headform
tests max (10).
• Number of Manufacturer funded blue point tests (8
• Active hood description and supporting data (where
• Details of the vehicle’s normal ride attitude, e.g. wheel
arch height.

Right from the start, we must ensure that all equipment

used is in full working order, has been checked for safety
and is in calibration where appropriate.
An air, spring or hydraulic gun will be used to propel the
various body form impactors. For the legform and the
headform tests the impactors are required to be in free
flight at the time of impact.
Careful note shall be taken before any testing is
performed as to how any parts liable to need
replacement are fitted to the vehicle structure. Fitting of
parts shall not increase or decrease the strength of the
structure of the vehicle. If significant repair work is
required, this will be done at a manufacturer-approved
Before any testing has been conducted but after the
vehicle is fully test prepared including all markings, the
vehicle shall be photographed according to the following
schedule. Note that these shall be the only pre-test
photographs taken.
List of still photographs
We have a selection of view points.
The full vehicle will be photographed from the left, right
side, and front.
Amount of vehicle visible View Point
Full vehicle Left side
Full vehicle Right side
Front third vehicle Left side
Front third vehicle Right side
Full vehicle Front
Left half vehicle Front
Right half vehicle Front
Front third of vehicle Top
Front third, right half of vehicle Top
Front third, left half of vehicle Top
Legform test points Front
Upper legform test points Front
Child head zone test points Top
Adult head zone test points Top
Where bonnets are fully deployed and remain in the
intended position before the smallest appropriate
stature pedestrian head impact time (HIT), all testing will
be carried out statically with the bonnet in the deployed
state. Where bonnets are NOT fully deployed prior to the
smallest appropriate stature pedestrian, all testing will
be performed dynamically for that stature. This also
applies to systems that do not remain in a permanently
deployed position.
Where dynamic tests are required, only a lateral impact
tolerance of +/-10mm will be required. The headform
shall be aimed at the nominated injurious structure, such
as the engine top, the subsequent impact location on the
bonnet top will then be determined by the timing of the
bonnet deployment relative to the propulsion of the
The vehicle manufacturer will be required to provide
Euro NCAP with data from numerical simulations
performed with the bonnet in the undeployed position.
Simulations are to be conducted with a vehicle speed of
40km/h with all pedestrian statures that result in head
contact to bonnet. Pedestrian models should be selected
from the following statures, a 6 year old, 5th percentile
female, 50th percentile male and 95th percentile male.
From the simulations both head contact time and the
wrap around distance that the head contacts the bonnet
should be recorded.
Any breakages or other damage of the body form
impactors caused by the severity of the impact shall be

Perhaps the most important for the data acquisitions is

to have a state of the art crash test dummy.
The Hybrid III 95th Large Male Pedestrian Dummy is a
Hybrid III Automotive Crash Test Dummy modified in the
lower torso and knee regions for testing automotive-
pedestrian impacts.The Hybrid III 95th male has the
enhanced biofidelity of the 50th percentile Hybrid III and
is thus an appropriate basis for the 95th male pedestrain.
Head and Neck
The skull and skull cap are one piece cast aluminum parts
with removable vinyl skins. The neck is a segmented
rubber and aluminum construction with center cable. It
accurately simulates the human dynamic
moment/rotation flexion and extension response.
Upper Torso
The rib cage is represented by six high strength steel ribs
with polymer based damping material to simulate human
chest force-deflection characteristics. Each rib unit
comprises left and right anatomical ribs in one
continuous part open at the sternum and anchored to
the back of the thoracic spine.
A sternum assembly connects to the front of the ribs and
includes a slider for the chest deflection rotary
potentiometer. The angle between the neck and upper
torso is adjustable, unless the optional lower neck load
cell is used. A two-piece aluminum clavicle and clavicle
link assemblies have cast integral scapulae to interface
with shoulder belts.
Lower Torso
A curved cylindrical rubber lumbar spine mounts
provides human-like slouch of a seated person and
mounts to the pelvis through an optional three axis
lumbar load cell. Two cables through the axis of the
lumbar spine limit stretching, control response and
increases durability. The pelvis is a vinyl skin/urethane
foam molded over an aluminum casting in the seated
position. The femur and tibia can be instrumented to
predict bone fracture and the knee can evaluate tibia to
femur ligament injury Lower legs are interchangeable
with instrumented versions.
An accelerometer is a device that measures proper
acceleration, the acceleration experienced relative to
freefall. Single- and multi-axis models are available to
detect magnitude and direction of the acceleration as a
vector quantity, and can be used to sense orientation,
vibration and shock. Micromachined accelerometers are
increasingly present in portable electronic devices and
video game controllers, to detect the orientation of the
device or provide for game input.
Load cells are transducers used for the conversion of
force into an electrical current. Hydraulic, pneumatic and
strain gauge cells are the main forms of load cells and are
mainly used in measurement instruments.

t v
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 13893. 38.592
44 89
0.00 13819. 38.387
55 65
0.01 13558. 37.661
24 79
0.01 13807. 38.353
44 99
0.01 14082. 39.118
58 28
0.01 14261. 39.614
35 86
0.01 14390. 39.973
38 29
0.02 14270. 39.639
32 77
0.02 14199. 39.442
36 65
0.02 13830. 38.417
26 4
0.02 13698. 38.051
42 17
0.02 13706. 38.074
66 05
0.03 13523. 37.565
57 48
0.03 13141. 36.505
86 16
0.03 13292. 36.923
54 72
0.03 13601. 37.781
51 96
0.03 13505. 37.515
59 52
0.04 13369. 37.136
30 93
0.04 12966. 36.018
50 04
0.04 12304. 34.177
00 79
0.04 11595. 32.208
08 55
0.04 10802. 30.008
97 24
0.05 9943.7 27.621
8 62
0.05 8895.6 24.710
3 09
0.05 8001.6 22.226
8 88
0.05 7106.2 19.739
6 62
0.05 6373.9 17.705
0 27
0.06 5515.1 15.319
7 92
0.06 4944.8 13.735
1 58
0.06 4805.8 13.349
4 57
0.06 4223.7 11.732
6 66
0.06 3975.3 11.042
8 73
0.07 3295.4 9.1541
9 29
0.07 3481.8 9.6718
6 22
0.07 3265.2 9.0702
9 42
0.07 2607.6 7.2435
0.07 3071.1 8.5310
8 54
0.08 3528.7 9.8019
0 47
0.08 3792.2 10.533
3 97
0.08 3757.1 10.436
7 59
0.08 4269.9 11.860
5 97
0.08 4407.9 12.244
3 24
0.09 3535.6 9.8211
0 02
0.09 3843.7 10.677
5 09
0.09 3988.2 11.078
2 39
0.09 3487.2 9.6867
2 36
0.09 3817.0 10.602
4 89
0.10 3993.5 11.093
3 14
0.10 3617.8 10.049
7 64
0.10 3840.8 10.668
2 94
0.10 3902.7 10.841
7 04
0.10 3691.2 10.253
5 46
0.11 3815.6 10.599
4 01
0.11 3752.8 10.424
9 71
0.11 3627.2 10.075
7 74
0.11 3749.3 10.414
8 93
0.11 3935.1 10.930
5 96
0.12 3787.9 10.522
8 16
0.12 3889.7 10.804
6 9
0.12 3925.9 10.905
9 53
0.12 3820.1 10.611
2 46
0.12 3836.4 10.656
9 92
0.13 3911.7 10.865
1 87
0.13 3974.7 11.041
7 04
0.13 4006.5 11.129
3 26
0.13 4111.8 11.421
8 88
0.13 3983.1 11.064
3 24
0.14 3887.9 10.799
9 97
0.14 3926.1 10.905
0 85
0.14 3954.9 10.986
9 07
0.14 4040.5 11.223
4 72
0.14 4180.1 11.611
3 47
0.15 4152.4 11.534
5 58
0.15 4104.4 11.401
4 22
0.15 4268.6 11.857
2 27
0.15 4358.8 12.107
0 77
0.15 4166.7 11.574
7 36
0.16 4120.0 11.444
9 7
0.16 4258.6 11.829
1 48
0.16 4195.0 11.652
5 91
0.16 4134.3 11.484
0 17
0.16 4271.7 11.865
1 87
0.17 4374.6 12.151
5 81
0.17 4333.1 12.036
5 53
0.17 4489.1 12.469
0 72
0.17 4299.8 11.944
7 08
0.17 4231.5 11.754
3 24
0.18 4370.1 12.139
5 31
0.18 4248.1 11.800
4 38
0.18 4180.3 11.612
7 13
0.18 4418.2 12.272
1 81
0.18 4242.1 11.783
7 8
0.19 4264.4 11.845
1 6
0.19 4449.9 12.361
6 01
0.19 0
Pedestrian impact test




v [m/s]

Pedestrian impact test

Average value



0.01 0.06 0.11 0.16

t [s]


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