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Hariansyah. 2017. Kinds of Beruas Beating Pattern on Melayu Art in Pontianak. Music and
Dance of Art Education. Department of Language and Art Education.
Tanjungpura University. Pontianak. Supervisor I Imma Fretisari, S.Sn, M.Pd,
Supervisor II Asfar Munir, S.Sn., M.Pd.

The background of this research is the diversity of beating pattern of Beruas in

Pontianak which not written in western notation. There are uniqueness in the pattern of
beating. In musical aspect or contextual perspective of performace aspect. The problem of
this research is how the approach to play beruas, how many pattern, and how is every pattern
involved in Melayu art in Pontianak.
This research using descriptive method as qualitative method. Approach of this research
using musicology approach. Data source on this research is interviewees who understand and
know well each kinds of beating pattern of beruas in the Melayu art of Kalimantan. Source in
this research is the result of interview, observation result, documentation result, and daily
notebook about kinds of beating pattern of beruas. Technique of data collecting on this
research is observation, interview, adn documentation. Instrument of data collecting on this
research researcher as primary instrumet. Validating on this research by extension of
observation and source triangulation. Analysis data on this research is analysis done during
data collecting and analysis after data collecting.
Result for this research contains sevan kinds of beating pattern of beruas in the Melayu
art on Pontianak which used to accompany japin which contains dance and music, that is
beating pattern of japin, beating pattern of japin ekstra, beating pattern of takhto, beating
pattern of japin gencat, beating pattern of second type of jepin gencat, beating pattern of
japin tahtem, and beating pattern of pencak silat (martial art). This research describes each
kinds of beating pattern Each kinds of beating pattern consist of beating pattern motive
formed as repetition. Beating pattern of japin, japin ekstr, and takhto use 4/4 time signature.
Beating pattern of japin gencat, and second type of japin gencat use 6/8 time signature.
Beating pattern of pencak silat use 3/4 time signature. Beruas has three tone colour “Tung”,
“Tak”, and “Pak”.

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