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after ciae aorta gitar fants [NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (OM BUA SUA Government of india Enters) spray fag GPR 34 Kakapa Atomic Power Project -384 ae a sic a oT He Industrial Safety & Fir Section No, KAPPRSaey/OeTOROINPDS 4 1570672018 Sub: Recon tution of Internal Safety Ault Committe ‘The Intemal safety audit commitee which was constituted vide leter No, No.KAPP- RAISAFETY/04710/2015/5.03, dated 01.01.2015 i reconstituted as follows [Shei BLSabu, ACE (TG) ‘Chairman 2 | Shri Sumoet Bhardwaj QA (SOF Member 3._| Shei lok Kumar, TSU (SO/E) Member ‘4 [Shri Anant P. Mishra, EMU (SOD) ‘Meniber [Shri Vishal Ssbian Member Seta ‘The function of committee to carry out aut shall be as follows: 4) Review of documents: > The relevant documents on Ind. Safety shall be reviewed to confirm to the statutory ‘equiements standards and codes of practices. The documents to be reviewed during the safety audit ae given in Annexure-1 & Annexure ) Project walkthrough surve > The audit team should visit various areas of the project ani look for the implementation of various procedures on the field/shop floor and ceme out withthe ‘observations and record thet ©) Findings and Recommendations Through discussion with counterparts, conducting plat visits, review of documents and talking to people of various levels, the commie shall identi the aeeat for improvement with their findings and recommendations and send wport to Project Director, CCE & concerned Section Heads Frequency of audit >» The intemal audit shall be conducted once in st month, ‘The concemed Section Head shall send a feedback on aut report to commie within & period of one week clearly monitoring the implementation talus Rongey Sree ‘Ransy Sharan) bE Projet Dietor All Seetion Heads ‘lleanmites Members ceece cetN ACH) Heals) Annexure Documents o be reviewed during audi ‘Organization chart of contacto. Organization chart of safety section. Safety Poleyn Hind, English and language) Construction Safety Mand Safety codes, JHA & Safety Operating Procedures. ‘Work Permits issued for hazardous jobs Log boak of projet Safety Inspection and day today important activites. Internal Sefety Audit Repor and compliance record ‘Training records for fis ai, fc safety, industrial safety, induction taining and other safety related training 10. Minutes of Safety commitee mostngs and compliance record 1. Accident reports and statistics. 12. Reconds of Inspection and Test cured out as por statutory requremests, ie, material handling equipment, Pressure Vessels 13, Record of Industral Hygiene survey ic, noise level, Illumination level, TLY for gases ee 14, Records of Saety Related Deficiency report and feedback. 15, Records of Housekeeping inspections and action taken, 16, Records of Fire Incidence 1 Records of annual medical checkup of employees including canteen employes. 18, Records of tole and PPE’ inspection, Records of compliance of AERB guidoines for contactors (including main and sub- contractor)

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