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Marker’s Comments

Overall Score: 63 (upon 100)

General Remarks:

Generally good effort. However was let down by Q3A where your answer was
out-of-point. This seems to be due to conceptual error rather than
carelessness in interpreting the question. The manner of answering the
questions is also not consistent. There is still some room for improvement in
learning the OB-style of answering, which requires the core answer to be
“dressed up” with an appropriate introduction, definition of OB words and
concepts and a balancing conclusion.

Shows reasonable attempt at referencing outside the school textbook.

Specific Remarks: For specific remarks directed at each question, please see
script contents and attached comment bubbles. Words underlined and
highlighted in red are keywords relevant to the questions where they appear
UNISIM Group-Based Assignment
ZHONG PEIXUAN (GLADYS), PI: J1011901 (rep)
(a) Discuss and then relate Christopher’s personality traits to any two
(2) of the personality characteristics that you had learnt in your
course. Discuss how these two personality characteristics are
associated to an individual behavior and performance. (Word Limit:
300-400 – 15 marks)

Personality is the unique combination of psychological characteristics

that affect how an individual reacts and interacts with others. Personality
traits are characteristics that describe an individual’s behaviour.

The two personality traits that we observe from Christopher is:

(1) Openness to Experience: is a measure of depth, breadth

and variability in a person's imagination and urge for experiences.
The factor relates to intellect, openness to new ideas, cultural
interests, educational aptitude and creativity as well as an interest
in varied sensory and cognitive experiences. (Howard, P.J. &
Howard, J.M., 1995).

People who are open to experience are usually more creative, and
creativity is important in leadership, open people are more likely to
be effective leaders. Open people are better coping with change
and are more adaptable to changes.

From Christopher, we can see that he is not open to having a

female reporting boss as he never had a reporting relationship to a
female supervisor in all his working years. Due to the lack of
openness, he is not very adaptable to changes such as this.

(2) Extraversion: Extraverts tend to be more physically and verbally

active whereas introverts are independent, reserved, steady and
like being alone.

Extraverts tend to be happier in their jobs and lives as a whole,

they experience more positive emotions than introverts. They also
express their feelings more freely, and they tend to perform better
in jobs that require significant interpersonal interaction. Extraverts
are more socially dominant than introverts.

Christopher is more of an introvert, even though he was

disappointed with the company hiring a manager rather than
promoting him, he did not voice out his disappointment. And from
Miss Adeline’s observation about the team we can also see that
Christopher is an introvert because she felt that the customer
personnel tend to work individually. And being an introvert
Christopher is not as socially dominant as extrovert.
(b) Discuss the perceptual shortcut used by Christopher in
describing Adeline. Suggest two (2) ways to reduce or eliminate
such perceptual shortcut. (Word Limit: 300-400 – 15 marks)

Stereotypes occur when we judge someone based on our perception

towards a group of people and we define a set of characteristic to this
group of people. (Robbins, 2009, p178).
For example: Racial stereotype, Gender stereotype, and Ethnic
stereotype etc.
From this case study, we are able to know gender stereotype occurs
here, as Christopher believes that women are meticulous, slow in
decision making, emotional and not objective. Therefore when the
company hired Adeline to be his manager, he uses perceptual
shortcut and concluded that Adeline was as described above, without
getting to know her.
This could lead to our incorrect prejudgment toward someone, which
will affect the accuracy when we are involved in decision-making. This
could also lead to the development of unfair and inaccurate
expectation toward individual’s ability in workplace
To prevent such perceptual shortcut, we have suggested 2 ways to
reduce it.
1) Effective communication and understanding:
Adeline will have to communicate with Christopher on the
pertaining problem and to create a mutual understanding between
them. Thus, she has to build up a good relationship with
Christopher and to change his perception towards women by
being a role model, to show the competency of her work ability
which will result in both sharing a mutual trust and respect

2) Implement of diversity programme:

Top management can organize a speech focus on the topic of
common problems we are facing today for diversity issues such as
Race, Gender, Family Background, and Religion etc. It will be able
to increase the awareness of the issues. The trainings are to
educate employees on cultural and gender differences and how to
respond to these in their workplace. (Luis, 1998, p132).
Another way the top management can practice examples within
the organization is to have articles that are related to the
concerned issues to be posted within the organization’s notice
Question 2
(a) Adeline was keen to increase the team cohesiveness of the
customer service department. As she was new to the department
members, she was rather skeptical whether she could be able to do
a good job in increasing team cohesiveness. Propose four (4) ways
Adeline could do to increase team cohesiveness. (Word Limit: 300-
400 – 20 marks)

Cohesion refers to the degree to which group members are attracted to

each other and to group membership. Cohesiveness brings group
members towards a common goal and creates a team spirit. (FAO,

The four ways that we would like to propose to Adeline to increase team
cohesiveness are:

(1) Shared Goals: One important part to increase the team

cohesiveness is to have common shared goals; this will provide
direction and commitment for members. By having shared goals
team members are committed to achieving it and making sure that
the team works towards the same direction for attaining the same
goals. Miss Adeline can get the team to come up with goals that
they want to achieve because by setting their own goals, they will
be more committed to achieving it rather than the goals set by the

(2) Team Size: Miss Adeline can divide the customer service
department into smaller team of around 5 to 7 people. This team
size generally perform better overall than larger or smaller teams.
In larger team, the number of members is more and the differences
among each other are more diverse, hence the number of conflicts
increases resulting in decrease level in team cohesiveness and
larger teams have trouble coordination with one another.

(3) Physical Isolation: Miss Adeline can organize retreat for the
customer service department, this will increase the time spend
together. She can also include team building activities, through
these activities, the department can get to know one another better,
and also this increase their interaction with one another.

(4) Identity: Miss Adeline can increase the awareness of the

department identity, because when the department knows that they
belong to a group, they will have a sense of belonging, which will
increase their team cohesion. She can have a department t-shirt,
cups, etc, this will increase the sense of identity of the department.
(b) Suggest two (2) types of positive reinforcement and two (2) types of
negative reinforcement that Adeline could use to increase the
performance of the individuals. (Word Limit: 400-500 – 15 marks)

Shaping behaviour is a systematically reinforcing each successive step

that leads an individual towards the desired response. Positive
reinforcements are motivated the individual to exhibit the modified
behaviour if positive incentives or rewards are provided. Negative
reinforcements are usually the individual will avoid the unpleasant
consequence once the desired behaviour is exhibited.

2 types of Positive Reinforcements

(1) Performance Appraisal: Adeline’s company do have an

appraisal system, she can use the current system to evaluate her
subordinates’ performance and feedback to them accordingly. An
Evaluation system helps to identify the performance gap that shows
the difference between the employee’s performance and the
performance goals set by the organization or department. Taking
Christopher as an example, if he meets the goals, but he is not ready
for promotion yet. A Feedback system enables employer to highlight
work activities and goals, identify and rectify existing problems,
motivate the employee’s future performance, and providing recognition
for their work. Adeline should feedback to him on how he can improve,
what is expected for promotion. However, feedback should not be a
one-way channel. Likewise Christopher can also feedback to her like
factors for attention (E.g. performance barriers, needs and
expectation). Adeline can offer incentives or pay increment to reward
Christopher’s work performance, which will encourage him to work
better. Rewarding and recognizing those who fulfill the goals will create
a positive impact on the individuals to develop and improve their
performance. (Archer North & Associates, 2006).

(2) Customers’ Service Rating System

After every customers’ service that the customer service personnel
complete, the customers can evaluate their service at the end. This
system will be able to monitor, evaluate and provide unbiased
measurement of how the customer service personnel perform. With
the collated result, Adeline can observe the performance of customer
service personnel, knowing what can be improve and knowing who is
performing well. The company can reward the staff that has the best
service rated, by giving “The Best Customer Service Employee” Award
along with a token of appreciation like gift vouchers. This recognition
can be given at a Monthly fixed-interval schedule.
2 types of Negative Reinforcements

(1)Restricting internet access: Apart from company-related sites,

employees are unable to surf the net during working hours. This will
allow the employees to focus on their work and increase productivity
and efficiency at work.

(2)Setting Customer Service Target: Adeline can set a common target

for the customer service personnel. She can monitor the customer
service achieved to take into account in evaluating the employee’s
work performance. Example, each customer service personnel are
targeted to service 100 customers in a day. This will establish the
customer service personnel’s performance standard and would strive
to meet the target; avoiding being the lowest calls achiever.
(a) What is morale survey? Suggest some measures (at least 6) that you
would like to take in implementing the morale survey in the given
organization to ensure its reliability and effectiveness in obtaining
required employee feedback. (Word Limit: 300-400 – 15 marks)

Morale survey is to help organizations measure employee satisfaction

levels, track changes in employee satisfaction over time and to improve
overall satisfaction and retention. (Infosurv, Inc., 1998-2009).

Some measures that we would like to take in implementing the morale

survey in the organization to ensure reliability and effectiveness are:

1. Overall Satisfaction
By finding the overall satisfaction that the employee is towards the
company, we can know the sense of commitment and loyalty of the
employees. If the employees are overall satisfied, this could save
the company money due to lower turnovers.

2. Work Environment
By finding the satisfaction that the employee is towards the work
environment is one important factor as well. If there is a positive
working environment, the employee will be more satisfied in the
job, and will reduce the turnovers.

3. Pay Benefits
The pay benefits should be calculated based on factoring the job
nature, standard of living and what other company pays for similar
jobs. An unfair pay benefits will impact the employee morale and
caused dissatisfaction. No one is willing to work for the company if
overtime salary is not given or pay is lesser than the market rate.
Hence, turnover rate will increase.

4. Supervisor Relation
Maintaining a good relationship with the supervisor is important as
it increases the employee’s motivation to stay with the company. As
a result there will be a lower turnover rate.

5. Reward System
Rewarding systems are important for keeping and initiate the
employees to work, this influencing retention and motivation in a
positive way, as a result, increase in productivity.

6. Employee Loyalty
By evaluating and measuring the loyalty of an employee, we are
able to know or assume the potential retention of this employee.
From the feedback that we obtained from the morale survey, we
have a chance to listen to what the employees are thinking and we
are able to respond and to improve the condition, as a result,
reduce in turnover rate.
(b) Based on the morale survey, highlight three (3) dimensions of the
satisfaction that management needs to address. Write a memo to the
top management to suggest five (5) ways to improve these three
dimensions identified by you. Link your answer to the key motivation
theories that you had learnt from your module. (Word Limit: 400-500
– 20 marks)

Memo to: The Management of Aventec Departmental Store Pte Ltd

CC: All Heads of Departments

Subject: Low Satisfaction Level from 2009 Morale Survey Results

Date: 20th February, 2010


With reference to the recent morale survey that the HR department

conducted, the results show that the rate of absenteeism and labour
turnover rate have increase.

In 2006, Absenteeism rate is at 8% while Labour turnover rate is at 12%.

In 2007, Absenteeism rate increased to 8.5% and the Labour turnover rate
increased to 15%.
In 2008, Absenteeism rate has rose by 1% reaching 9.5% and Labour
turnover rate has significantly rose by 5% reaching 20%.

We have identified 3 dimensions of the satisfaction we would like to

highlight to the management. The survey result shows that these 3
dimensions identified ranked the lowest:

1. Satisfaction with the immediate reporting officer

2. Satisfaction with the appraisal and reward system

3. Satisfaction with career prospect.

In correspondence to the 3 lowest ranked dimensions, below are 5

ways that we would like to suggest for improvement:

1. Every department in Aventec Departmental Store Ltd has to set a

goal that they want to achieve in a certain time frame. For example,
sales department can set a goal to increase their sales by 20% in half
a year. By setting their own department goals, the employees will be
more committed in achieving the goals that they have set. As we have
identify that the employee are not satisfied with their career prospect,
by having a goal that they have to meet will be a challenge to them.
Goal setting theory (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 1995, p57).

2. Achievement & Recognition: To have a “Best Employee” of the month

competition in the different department. As we identify that the
employees are not satisfied with the appraisal and reward system.
Monetary reward may not be the only way to motivate the employees.
The employee will receive a plaque engraved with their name as a
form of recognition. This is a form of a nonmonetary reward that will
increase the recognition and achievement of the employee.
Two-Factor (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p212).

3. Social: We identify that the satisfaction with the immediate reporting

officer is very low. We suggest in organizing a quarterly department
dinner/lunch get-together, this will be paid by the company funds. This
can increase the time spend together as a department, and increase
the bonding of the department.
Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p210).

4. Social: To organize a monthly sports night-out, this is also to increase

the awareness of keeping fit, and can increase the time spend
together as a department. Through activities, employees will get to
know one another more.
Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p210).

5. We identify that the satisfaction with the appraisal and reward system
and career prospect is low; therefore we suggest that we conduct an
appraisal every half a year. Based on the employees’ appraisal, we
can motivate them by form of rewards such as pay increment or
promotion opportunity that the employees deserve.
Expectancy Theory (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p231).

We hope you can consider our suggestions to improve the satisfactory

level of our employees. By keeping the morale of our employees high, the
employees will be more driven to work and productivity and efficiency will
Thank you for your prompt attention.

Yours sincerely,
Team 3
BUS103 – Organisation Behaviour

Howard, P.J. & Howard, J. M. (1995). The Big Five quickstart: an introduction to
the Five-Factor Model of Personality for human resource professionals.
Charlotte, NC: Centre for Applied Cognitive Studies.

Robbins, S.P., & Judge, T.A. (2009). Organizational behavior. (13th ed.). New
Jersey: Pearson Education International

Luis. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, & Robert L. Cardy. (1998, 1995).

Managing Human Resources. (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Infosurv, Inc., (1998 – 2009),
survey.htm, accessed 07th February 2010
FAO, (2010),, accessed 07th
February 2010
Archer North & Associates, (2006), http://www.performance-, accessed 10th February 2010

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