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wwrreing (nour u minutes) PART You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 1. Your lass has attended a panel discussion on the subject of TV shows that feature members such as reality TV shows and talent competitions. You have made the notes Aspects of reality and talent TV shows ‘+ entertainment for viewers influence on young people + effect on participants ‘Some opinions expressed in the discussion: “These programmes are just harmless entertainment and there is nothing wrong with them.” “The influence these programmes can have on young people can be very bad indeed.” “People who take part in these programmes can be damaged by the experience: Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the aspects in your notes. You should explain which aspect you think is the most important regarding these TV shows and provide reasons to support your opinion. ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own far as possible. om For assessment information, see QUESTION 4 Mark scheme 2 102. Content The essay must discuss two of the three aspects of reality and talent TV shows listed in the question and state which of them the writer regards as the most important, giving reasons for this choice. The essay may include reference to the panel discussion and the quotes from it, but this is not essential. If the opinions from the discussion are used, they should be rephrased as much as possible, not simply copied. Communicative achievement The essay should be neutral or formal rather than informal or conversational, as it is a serious piece of academic work, The reader should clearly understand all the points made about the two aspects of these types of show, as well as the writer’s reasons for selecting one of them as the most important. Organization The essay should be appropriately divided into paragraphs. perhaps with separate paragraphs for each of the two aspects. A short introductory paragraph and / or a short concluding paragraph could be included but neither of these is essential. Sentences and paragraphs should be linked with appropriate linking words and phrases. Language Awide range of suitable grammatical structures and elements should be used in sentences that are not too simple. Longer sentences with more than one clause should be well controlled and totally clear in meaning. Vocabulary connected with the topic area should be used accurately and a high level of vocabulary to make and support points on the subject should also be demonstrated. Model answer The discussion focused on various issues connected with TV shows that feature members of the public. They have been a worldwiel2 phenomenon for some time and views on them vary greatly. One of the main aspects of these shows ie the entertainment they provide for viewers. Obviously, they would not be watched by so many people if audiences didn’t find them entertaining. During the discussion, it was said that the shows are enjoyable to watch and do no harm. People enjoy watching ordinary members of the public living their lives, doing their jobs or taking part in talent competitions because they can relate to those people. |think that this is true. Although | don't personally find thern interesting and therefore seldom watch them, | agree that many people find them very entertaining. However, a more serious aspect was discussed and that is the influence these shows can have on people, especially young people. This, | think, is the most important aspect. Many young people are influenced by these shows and the people on them. They too want to appear on TV, to be ‘famous’ just like the people they see. Rather than thinking realistically about their futures and about getting jobs and careers, they get. the impression that anyone can be famous. Instead of focusing on building a life in a practical way, they dream of being like those people on the shows. | think this is the most important consequence of these shows and itisa harmful one. > Exam task ~Part 1 “Your class has had a discussion on the advi jsqunty down front 18\yaare ol to 16 yoars otc, You nave mado the notes singing the voting Points made on the advisability of bringing the voting age down to 16 years old: 2 = young people are good judges * politicians will think more about young poople’s needs ‘+ young people will take more interest in politics Other opinions expressed during the discussion: “Teanagers alroady have enough on their plates.” “Young people don’t trust politicians” “There aren't enough young people in parliament” ito an etsay for your tuto discussing two of the points you made in your notes, You ould expla which point vou think fe more Important ad providerensons (© support = youropinion. “You may. f you wish, make use of the opinions: xprosendin he dsusson, but you "should use your own words 98 far as possible. >» Approach > Here isa straightforward way to write an essay. If you have two main points to make, you ean give your essay a clear structure by dividing it into four paragraphs, Have a tile that grabs the attention Paragraph One - The first paragraph of an essay provides the introduction. It statoe what is to be discussed and why. Your main points are briefly introduced. This paragraph neod not bo lengthy. Paragraph Two - In the second paragraph more background information ig provided in greater detail ‘Your frst, often strongest main paint fs expanded upon. Bring in and refute any arguments against ‘your point of view. Paragraph Three ~ The thirt paragraph provides your second key point, tying it into tho theme: of your essay. Again, bring in opposing points of view and suppert your second key point with Information and background Paragraph Four ~ The fourth and final paragraph Is used to summarise or conclude your essay. It ‘shows haw the two key points you have presented! compara or relate to each other. ttalso clearly Fe-atates your initial pasition fram the intracuctory paragraph. » Add quotations, statistics, fects, examples and other relevant data to support your points, > The tone and register can be formal or semi formal depending on your treatment of the topic. If ‘your essay is written in a formal ragister, oniy bring in informal expressions when you use a direct {quotation to suppor your argument. » Punctuation is important in essays, and can be 3 powerful tool in expressing subtie or emphatic fints, Short sentences make for a punchy style, but got irritating Hf they are over used long Sentences need careful tse of commas, semi-calans and dashes to achieve flow and rhythm, [194 camorage Enotisn: aavancea waiting bank +> Model answer Give your text tite ‘that wil tract the readers atention Late. Tho inerodvetion should be short and ‘lee. ‘Tho conclusion can be short and should leave the reader with a clear idea of what has ben Gaseribed or discussed, 1rolds have the vote? This question was rwcently dscussed by a group of students in Barley Coe, art afar an nur of heated dobate for ar against ‘he propossl a conclusion ws reached. wil pu forward the math argurnte that were coneldered this discussie, Undoubedy the moot pereuasive pone wae that politicians would pay mote attention to the expectations of teenagers. Conacerable power snd infuence woud be delored Into the tees oF young people, and they would beta position to steer poy in new dtections Its tue ‘that bosky ther are very fou polticians uncer the age of 30, bub tis now rensare would certainly encoueage younger people to stand for pasiomens, re cbection was that pultcians ave rt wel srasted these days, and 1G year olds do not have eraugh experiance 10 255058 which of ‘heir localcaetdatos wouldbost ook ater thelr interests. Bur today's ‘eonagero ase sophisticated, have a huge amour: oF termation | thee frgeteps, and are a8 wel able fo make gents about pallens asany other ction bh the end, the discussion group voted overufelringly in favour of brinafig owe the voting age It wan fet that he new generation wil he to deal with che word they inert from ther elders, and they have the gto aay ithe goverment hat wll shape that word fer thwm,

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