The Problems and Its Background

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Many of the people is this day is having a problem of where they can get energy without using a
gasoline or charcoal, because we know that using a gasoline and charcoal or any non-renewable energy
can affect our mother earth. This causes a strong typhoons, lots of landslide, large tidal wave and tsunami
and etc. That`s why they create renewable energy like hydro-electric generator, getting a solar energy,
windmill, piezoelectric and other kind that we could get energy. Hydro-electric generator can convert
energy coming from mechanical to electrical energy, by using the flow of water that affects the generator
to create electricity, solar energy is coming from the suns energy, windmill is coming from a strong wind
which causes a rotation or movement on the motor, and piezoelectric that can generator energy by using
the force on it.
The solar panel is expensive like the other, so many of the poor people cannot afford it because of
its price.Which this may causes unsatisfaction whenever theres no electricity that affects people. In fact,
Philippines has a lot of b days than a sunny days because where close to the pacific ocean where the
typhoons grow. And in our country, we know that there is a limitation on the gasoline and it may extinct
on the near future.
This hydro-piezoelectric generator has an existing idea on the internet, but they focuses only on
the oceans, rivers and lakes that has a srong flow of water. But what if where adding a solar cell on it?
Can it be possible to create much more and efficient energy on our daily life? Is it available on the
market? Is it posible to create higher enegy? Is it affordable?
Researchers notice that we are having problem in getting an energy in our 2 seasons. Like when
there is a heavy rainfall, our gutter in home has produce like water falls that growing on the ground only
and then the water goes to small canal and become wasted.

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