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Mouse Guard

a roleplaying game conversion

for Fantasy Flight Games’
Edge of the Empire system
Introduction Table of Contents
Hail all those who are able, I. Playing the Game
Any mouse can, II. Creating a Guardsmouse
Any mouse will, III. Skills
But the Guard prevail. IV. Gear
V. Conflict and Combat
In the not so distant past, mice lived in tiny tree hollows, under logs,
VI. Campaigns
in stone cracks and other wayward, forgotten places. They lived scattered
across the wild without community or support. They were hunted by
predators, subject to harsh weather, and were likely to perish from
depredation, exposure, illness and starvation. But against the overwhelming
forces of nature, a few desperate groups staked their claim on a handful of
safe patches of wilderness and made a stand. As word of these safe havens
and their guardians traveled, other mice flocked to this land and joined in
building the fortress known as Lockhaven, home of the Guard and center of
the Mouse Territories.
The brave, selfless mice that defended Lockhaven became known
as the Mouse Guard. As their numbers grew, a young female mouse, the
first Matriarch, organized the Guard and determined that it would be
defense and law for everymouse. But the rule would not be tyrannical. The
Guard is law only in the wild, where they are charged with protecting the
borders, forging and renewing paths between settlements, leading mice
between villages, and guarding against all evil and harm to the Territories.
Challenge dice come from opposition, major conditions, and
extreme trials when making a test.
Setback dice come from threat, minor conditions, and
unfavorable circumstances.

The Symbols
Successes and failures operate as normal, negating each

Playing the Game other and measuring success or failure. Advantage

, and despair
, threat , triumph
also function as usual, but have a broader list of effects
that they can be spent on.
The Core Mechanic
Any time you face a situation where the outcome of your mouse’s Building an Unopposed Die Pool
When you go to make an unopposed test, you first determine
actions is in doubt, you make a test by rolling the dice, which are custom
which characteristic and which skill are most appropriate to the nature of
dice borrowed from Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars role playing game
the test. Take ability dice equal to the higher of these two ranks, then
system. It is assumed that you, the reader, are familiar with how that system
upgrade a number of them to proficiency dice equal to the lower of these
works. This game functions very similarly, with some minor changes.
two ranks. If no skill really seems applicable, then take ability dice equal
The Dice to your most appropriate characteristic and upgrade your pool once.
Ability dice come from your base ability to overcome the
Next, take difficulty dice Simple -
based on the difficulty of the test, which Easy
Proficiency dice come from higher skill and tapping a
is determined by the GM. If the GM Challenging
characteristic when making a test.
determines that the test is particularly Hard
Boost dice come from wises, traits, advantage, assistance from
risky, he may upgrade some of those Daunting
others, and favorable circumstances.
difficulty dice into challenge dice . Formidable
Difficulty dice come from the base toughness of the test and
If you have any conditions
moderate conditions.
(prose descriptions of injuries) that apply to your current test, you add a
negative die based on the severity of the condition. If the condition is minor,
add a setback die . If the condition is moderate, add a difficulty die . If conditions, or setbacks, those are converted into positive dice for you, and
the condition is major, add a challenge die (equivalent to an increase in vice versa.
difficulty and an upgrade). Rolling the Dice
If there are any small related difficulties, such as darkness, fog, etc, Now you roll. For every
which will make the test harder, the GM may add one or more setback dice failure , remove a success . If
to your pool. you have one or more successes left
If you choose to do so, you may tap a characteristic on a test, at the end, you succeed at the test.
pushing that aspect of your mouse. If you do, you get an immediate upgrade For every threat , remove one
at the cost of two strain. Make a mark next to that characteristic each time advantage , and leftovers are
you tap it. If a characteristic has been tapped a number of times equal to its spent for good or bad side effects on
rank, it is said to be taxed. If you tap a taxed characteristic, you not only take the roll. Triumph and despair
the strain, but gain a minor condition as well (see the section on combat). are spent separately, and don’t cancel each other out.
If you have any applicable wises (categories of lore) or traits (prose Typically, the player rolling chooses how to spend advantage and
descriptions of a character), then for each you may negate a setback die . triumph symbols, and the GM chooses how to spend threat and despair
If there are no setback dice in the pool, you gain a boost die instead . symbols, but this is subject to the preferences of your gaming group and
You may only use one wise and one trait per test. table rules. Whatever works best is best.
Lastly, if you have any small favorable circumstances, such as useful
tools or good preparations, the GM may award you one or more boost dice
to reflect these boons. Summary of Changes
Building an Opposed Die Pool Below is a list of changes for quick reference and summary.
If you’re making an opposed test – that is, some living creature is There are no destiny points; instead you tap characteristics to gain
directly resisting your action – then assemble your positive dice as usual, those upgrades.
and convert the opposing creature’s positive dice into negative dice. Ability There are no talents; instead you negate setbacks and gain boosts
dice become difficulty dice , proficiency dice become challenge dice from wises and traits that are applicable to the test.
, and boost dice become setback dice . If your opposition has any
There are no extensive critical hit result lists; instead you take test for a period of time. Whatever happens, just make sure it’s fun and it
conditions which add negative dice if they’re applicable to a test. makes for a cool narrative, and feel free to improvise and make other uses
If no skill is applicable, roll your characteristic with one free of the tests.
upgrade (you’re considered to have skill rank 1). For example, during a siege, one of the players defending a city is
hitting the attackers in the flank in a daring ambush, but rolls a despair. This
Other than these changes, the core mechanic of the game remains may mean he was injured and takes a moderate condition, or maybe he is
unchanged. When in doubt, just follow the rules for Fantasy Flight Games’ captured, and unable to make additional tests during the conflict. At this
Star Wars system. point, the other players might decide to conduct a rescue mission at night,
which could be played as a regular encounter before returning to the conflict
itself, perhaps with a couple successes being added to their side’s total for

Extended Conflicts (a suggestion) good measure.

For some opposed tests where one roll resolution seems An extended conflict may also be unopposed, in that one side is
inadequate to cover the breadth and diversity of the challenge, but personal unaware of the other. In this case, the players are simply trying to accrue
combat is also inappropriate, such as a political summit, a siege, a lengthy enough successes without rolling so badly that they blow the conflict.
journey in winter, or driving off a large predator, a new system of resolution This system is a suggestion only – GMs with better heads on their
may be required. As such, I suggest a system of extended conflicts. shoulders may have better ideas on how to handle such a challenge – and it
In an extended conflict, both parties establish a goal: what they should be taken as such.
want to accomplish by the end. The GM then establishes how many total
successes each side will need. Then both sides take turns with characters
making normal tests. Successes for these are added to each side’s individual
total, but excess failures are not counted against this total. When one
side reaches their required number, that side wins the overall conflict.
During such a conflict, advantage , threat , triumph , and
despair can all be used to alter upcoming rolls and embellish the
narrative, perhaps even cutting off one side from making a certain type of
character sheet to remind yourself that it has been tapped. If you have
tapped your characteristic a number of time equal to or greater than its
rank, this indicates that the characteristic is taxed. If you tap a taxed
characteristic, you take the strain as usual and get the upgrade, but also take
a minor condition that is appropriate. If you continue to tap your taxed
characteristic, this condition is increased in severity to moderate and then
major, at which point it can no longer be tapped. All your strength is gone.
Creating a Guardmouse Each characteristic is detailed below.

What Makes a Mouse Every creature on the earth has a Nature, a value that shows its
Every character is made up of the same set of statistics, labels, and potency in the world. Small creatures usually have smaller Natures, while
values that describe what he is like and what he knows how to do. These bigger beasts often have much higher Natures. More intelligent animals like
range from very broad to very specific, but each defines your Guardmouse mice and weasels will have a Nature rank that varies, as they can fight their
a little more, and sets him apart from the others. Each part is described in instincts and natural tendencies. A creature’s Nature is accompanied by a
detail below. set of effects or actions that describe what comes naturally to that creature.
As a mouse, your Nature is noted as follows: Nature (Fleeing,
Climbing, Hiding, Foraging), along with a value for its rank. Mice are not very
Characteristics courageous or bold in spirit, but they can resist their own Nature to become
Every mouse has three characteristics: Nature, Health, and Will, something more. Finding food and climbing are also instinctual for a mouse,
which are ranked from 1 to 6. These are the broadest way of describing a necessities of living in the wild. The higher your mouse’s Nature rank, the
mouse, and you can tap a characteristic and take two strain to give yourself more mouselike he is, and the lower it is, the more he seems like something
an upgrade during a related test as you dip into your inner reserves of else and struggles to relate to other mice. The average rank for a mouse’s
strength. Nature in the Territories is a 2 or a 3.
Every characteristic can be tapped a number of times equal to its You may tap your Nature on any test. If you tap your Nature on a
rank. When you tap a characteristic, you make a mark next to it on your test that is within your Nature’s descriptors, then you get two upgrades on
the test instead of the usual one upgrade, and it costs you no strain. This is the mind, wits, bravery, etc. Additionally, Will adds directly to your Strain
because this action is perfectly natural for a mouse, and you’re acting with Threshold.
your Nature.
If you tap your Nature on a test that is not within your Nature’s
descriptors however, you’re acting against your Nature. You gain only one Skills
upgrade, and pay the usual price of two strain. Furthermore, if this test fails Skills are the things that your mouse has learned to do over time –
to yield any successes after failures are canceled out, you take a minor things that aren’t necessarily within his nature and instincts. A complete list
condition to reflect your inner turmoil. of skills is below, and descriptions are in the next section.

Nature for Creatures Other Than Mice Deceiver, Fighter, Haggler, Healer, Hunter, Instructor,
Other creatures have a different Nature than mice. It is still ranked Leader, Loremouse, Militarist, Orator, Pathfinder, Persuader, Scout,
like that of a mouse, but the descriptors change. For instance, weasels, the Survivalist, Tradesmouse, and Weather Watcher.
only other really intelligent creatures encountered by mice, have Nature
(Aggressive, Gloating, Clever, and Burrow Stealing).
An unintelligent creature cannot tap its Nature on any test that is
not within its Nature descriptors. They are simply too beastlike to exert
Wises are categories of
themselves in this way. They may, however, tap their Nature on any test
lore and knowledge that negate a
that is within their Nature.
setback die or grant you a boost
Health die on tests where they are
Health is a measure of the physical toughness, well-being, and applicable. They reflect both formal
endurance of a creature, and it can be tapped on any test that relates to training and knowledge from
physical prowess, skill, or strength. Additionally, your Health characteristic experience. You may only utilize
adds to your Wound Threshold and Soak. one wise on any given test.
Will Wises are freeform categories, but they should be written to be
Will governs a creature’s mental fortitude, cleverness, cunning, specific, such as a particular city, type of terrain or weather, mouse role, or
and determination, and it can be tapped on any test that relates to tasks of category of animal. The GM should be wary of wises that are too broad, such
as Beast-wise, Weather-wise, or Combat-wise. Several example wises are
listed below to give you a better idea.
Other Statistics
Your Wound Threshold represents how much physical damage you
Autumn storm-wise, Bird-wise, Clear weather-wise, Coast-wise,
can take and factors into taking critical injuries (see the section on combat).
Crime-wise, Escort-wise, Flash flood-wise, Governor-wise, Hidey hole-wise,
If you exceed your Wound Threshold, you’re hurt badly and unconscious.
Lockhaven-wise, Mail-wise, Mud-wise, Open ground-wise, Pond-wise,
Your Strain Threshold represents endurance, both physical,
Predator-wise, Stream-wise, Thunderstorm-wise, Warfare-wise etc.
mental, and emotion. If you exceed your Strain Threshold during a social
conflict, it means you’re frustrated and beaten. If you exceed your Strain
Threshold during anything physical, it means you pass into unconsciousness
Traits from over-exertion.
Traits are prose descriptions of a character that make you unique
Your Soak represents durability and resilience to damage. It
beyond a set of numbers and statistics, and they function just like wises,
subtracts from the amount of damage you take from any physical attack.
removing a setback die or adding a boost die if they’re related. You
may only call on one trait per test regardless of how many you have that
Traits should say something interesting about your mouse, and
may be short or long. They should be broad so that they’re useful more
often, but not so broad that they’re not an interesting description. Talented
would be a trait that would apply anywhere, but it doesn’t say anything
about the bearer. Talented Singer provides color. Several example traits are
listed below to give you a better idea of what traits look like.
Character Creation
So, now that you know all the components of a character, how do
Bigpaw, Bitter about the war, Defender of the weak, Early riser,
you make one of the Guard’s finest? Below is a complete walkthrough for
Natural bearings, Quick-witted, Tall, Jaded, Skeptical of the guard, Clever
creating a guardmouse.
craftsmouse, Nocturnal, Sharp tongue, Longtail, Oldfur, Holds his mead,
Disciplined leader, Compassionate, Driven by promotion, etc.
First and foremost, you should pick a rank for your mouse. The
ranks are as follows: Tenderpaw, Guardmouse, Patrol Guard, and Patrol
Leader. Additional ranks of Guard Captain and Matriarch exist, but bearers
of these ranks are never deployed on missions, making them ill-suited to
player characters.
These ranks are largely just to define the structure of the players’
patrol. Rare indeed are the patrols that have two Patrol Leaders, though in
times of need, some are known to venture forth with several Patrol Guards
and no Patrol Leader. Tenderpaws, being the freshest recruits, are
mentored by either a Patrol Guard or a Patrol Leader, who must be one of
the members of the players’ patrol unless the GM gives approval for plot
reasons. Characteristics
No patrol should ever be so rigid that a mouse of a lower rank You may assign a rank of 3 to one of your characteristics, and the
cannot suggest a course of action or take a little initiative of his own. Ranks other two have a rank of 2. Every characteristic has its own perks, so choose
within a patrol are often overlooked, though when a disagreement ensues, whichever best describes your mouse to be highest.
the Patrol Leader always has the final say. Skills
Your mouse’s rank does, however, lend some minor mechanical You gain one free rank in four skills of your choice, plus two free
changes to the character creation process. Tenderpaws get one additional skill ranks that can only be put into Tradesmouse or Loremouse. Guardmice
free trait that can be undefined at creation and be developed as the game are almost always trained in some trade in addition to more practical skills
progresses, representing their growing, adaptable nature. Guardmice and for fulfilling their duty, and all mice have some experience and knowledge
Patrol Guards get +10 XP to spend, representing their higher degree of skill. to draw from.
Patrol Leaders get a free rank in Loremouse and may have Loremouse and
one additional skill at rank 3 during character creation (normally all skills are For every rank you have in Loremouse, you gain one wise. If you
capped at rank 2), representing their talent and wisdom. buy additional ranks in Loremouse, you gain an additional wise to match.
You also gain a wise related to your home city, such as Barkstone-wise, to
represent the home city advantage, and one other free wise to elaborate on
your mouse’s background.
Traits Gear
You get two free traits to breathe life into your character and Guardmice are issued a cloak that denotes their affiliation to the
reflect the attributes that most define his personality. Consider your Guard, and the color is selected by their mentor. When a mouse is no longer
mouse’s rank within the Guard and how his outlook on life is shown by his a Tenderpaw and fully inducted into the Guard, he may select a new color
traits. Is he a bright-eyed Tenderpaw, eager to prove his mettle, or an old of his own choosing, though some might say this reflects poorly on his
Patrol Leader, jaded by the loss of friends to weasels in the Winter War of relationship to his mentor.
1149? Is he thoughtful or fiery? Have fun with this. Guardmice are also issued a single weapon of their choice and a
belt, so as to be equipped for the dangers of the wilderness and defending
You get 75 experience points (abbreviated XP) to spend. The only other mice.

caveat is that you can’t have a skill rank higher than 2 at character creation, You may select any three additional pieces of gear.

and you can’t improve a characteristic until after character creation is

completed; that is, you have to spend XP that has been earned in play. See
the table below for ways to spend XP. An Example Patrol
Increase a characteristic This costs 15 XP multiplied by the desired Below is a set of sample Guardmice designed using the character

rank, and each rank must be bought creation rules.

Increase a skill This costs 5 XP multiplied by the desired rank,
and each rank must be bought sequentially.
Gain a trait This costs 5 XP multiplied by the total number
of traits you have.

Other Statistics
Your Wound Threshold is equal to 10 + your Health characteristic.
Your Strain Threshold is equal to 10 + your Will characteristic.
Your Soak is equal to your Health characteristic.
Elymis is a strong and silent pathfinder Isabel is an aging patrol leader from Elmoss and a veteran of the
from Copperwood, familiar with the many paths Winter War of 1149. She led many mice into battle against the weasel
throughout the Territories. Nobody is really sure invaders in the tunnels of Darkheather, and watched many die. She is now
why he doesn’t open up about his life, but most hesitant to battle and very protective of any
believe that it has to do with the loss of his last Tenderpaws in her patrol, but when combat is
patrol to a fox, alienating him from the rest of the inevitable, she is a decisive leader and tactician.
Guard. He is a wildemouse – what townsmice call She has seen much, knows much, and can bring
a mouse who is perfectly at home in the wilderness all of her experience to bear when reasoning with
between villages – and a talented fighter, but he another mouse.
is often seen as gruff, aloof, and uncaring. Isabel, patrol leader
Elymis, patrol guard Basic Statistics
Basic Statistics Nature (Fleeing, Climbing, Hiding, Foraging) 2
Nature (Fleeing, Climbing, Hiding, Foraging) 2 Health 2 Will 3
Health 3 Will 2 Wound Threshold 12 Strain Threshold 13 Soak 3
Wound Threshold 13 Strain Threshold 12 Soak 4 Skills
Skills Fighter 1, Haggler 1, Healer 1, Instructor 1, Leader 2???, Loremouse
Deceiver 1, Fighter 2, Hunter 1, Loremouse 2, Pathfinder 2, Scout 3, Militarist 2, Orator 1, Persuader 3, Weather Watcher 2
2, Survivalist 2, Tradesmouse 1 (Apiarist) Wises
Wises Bird-wise, Blizzard-wise, Darkheather-wise, Weasel-wise, Elmoss-
Bee-wise, Bramble-wise, Copperwood-wise, Path-wise wise
Traits Traits
Natural bearings, Secretive, Sets a hard pace Protective of tenderpaws, Light sleeper
Gear Gear
Purple guard cloak, belt, sword, knife Red guard cloak, belt, spear, light armor, map
Tristan is a short but sturdy little
Tenderpaw from Sprucetuck, child of a farmer
and eager to live down his reputation as a
backwater townsmouse.
Tristan, tenderpaw
Basic Statistics
Nature (Fleeing, Climbing, Hiding, Foraging) 3
Health 2 Will 2
Wound Threshold 12 Strain Threshold 12 Soak 3
Fighter 2, Haggler 2, Loremouse 1, Persuader 2, Pathfinder 2,
Tradesmouse 2 (Harvester), Scout 2
Grain-wise, Harvest-wise, Sprucetuck-wise
Eager to prove himself, Short, Strong back, Undefined
Blue guard cloak, belt, sword
that will be useful on a given test. The GM may determine if the supplies
Skills give a bonus or the absence of the supplies gives some form of penalty.
Below is a description of every skill in detail.


A deceiver uses lies, half-truths, ugly truth, soothing platitudes and

Skill Descriptions intimidation to get what he wants.

All skill descriptions are made up of several parts: Applications, The
Symbols, and Factors to Consider. Deceiver is typically used to make someone believe something that
The Applications section describes various tests that you might is untrue or manipulate them into a certain behavior. This is an opposed test
attempt with that particular skill, and whether they’re opposed. This is by against the target’s Will. If someone else is testifying against the deception,
no means an exhaustive list of applications – players are encouraged to think then the target is being aided by someone else’s Persuader skill.
outside the box and think of a solution before considering which skill to use,
The Symbols
rather than consider a problem in light of their particular skills. Success means that the lie is bought, and additional successes
The Symbols section describes in general terms what success and may make it easier to deceive that same target in the future. If the target is
failure mean, which will vary by application and the situation. The GM is actively suspicious, additional successes may only buy you more time before
encouraged to tell a player what success and failure generally look like prior he discovers the truth. If you’re trying to make the target take a certain
to a roll so they understand what is at stake. This section also contains ideas course of action, the number of successes might indicate how much heart
for how to spend advantage, threat, triumph, and despair symbols on a roll. he puts into it and how persistent he is.
The Factors to Consider section contains lists of positive and Failure means that the target is having none of your nonsense,
negative bonuses which may warrant a change in difficulty or give favorable and several failures may indicate that he won’t believe you at all in the
/ unfavorable dice to someone using the skill. Again, these lists aren’t future, even if you start telling the truth.
exhaustive – use common sense. Additionally, this section might list supplies
Advantage often just conveys boost dice on a future test Applications
related to that target – they’re thinking you’re trustworthy or have their Fighter is almost always used to try to damage a foe in combat,
best interests in mind, and don’t realize your true nature. though it may sometimes be used to put on a show of swordsmanship or be
Threat may indicate lingering doubts or suspicions in the target used to care for your weapons.
if he believes you, or a harsher reaction if he doesn’t. The Symbols
Triumph s See the Combat section.
Despair s
Factors to Consider
Factors to Consider See the Combat section.
Unless the deception is particularly easy to swallow, in that it aligns
with all evidence or the target’s preconceptions, there should usually be an Haggler (in progress)
increase in difficulty to represent the trouble of selling the lie. Additionally, Haggler is a specialized social skill used for bargaining over prices
getting someone to believe a lie is one thing, but getting them to take action of goods and services. Haggler can be used to reduce the obstacle of a
based on it is much harder. Resources test, increase the price of something you’re selling or to convince
If you’re deceiving someone who trusts you, however, the deceiver someone that your services are worth paying for.
probably ought to get extra positive dice to reflect their advantage in duping
their target. S
Supplies: falsified evidence or records, forgeries, subtle logical
The Symbols
fallacies… S

Factors to Consider
Fighter S
Mice are not natural fighters. The Fighter skill teaches them to
overcome their natural inhibitions so they can capture, disable or even kill
an opponent—using their bare paws or any of the variety of weapons
The healer keeps mice whole and healthy. A healer can take
supplies from harvesters and scientists in the form of herbs and medicine. A
healer can also create poultices and potions to aid mice in recovering from Factors to Consider
various conditions. The severity of the target’s injuries or conditions is the primary
factor in difficulty for any Healer test.
Supplies: herbs, poultices, bandages, potions, access to an
infirmary or dry conditions…

The hunter is an intrepid mouse who journeys out into the wild and
Applications confronts animals – grazers, scavengers and even predators. He uses his skill
Healer is used to treat physical injuries and ailments, removing
and cunning to stalk, trap, drive off or kill his quarry.
wounds, strain, and conditions, as well as produce supplies for Will and
Health tests for recovery. It may also be used to identify a sickness and
Hunter may be used to track, trap, or drive off other animals,
suggest a cure or treatment for it.
specifically unintelligent animals, and in all cases, it will be an opposed test
For creating medical supplies, the difficulty is Challenging , but
against the animal’s Nature. Depending on the size of the animal, it may be
difficulty upgrades may be in order if conditions make finding proper herbs
an extended conflict.
a problem, or an illness is particularly mysterious.
In the natural order of things, mice can kill an animal somewhat
The Symbols larger than themselves in combat, such as a beaver, skunk, hare, or a snake.
For immediate healing, see the Injuries portion of the section on
Larger beasts like foxes, wolves, swans, and – dare any brave mouse attempt
it, a bear or a moose – can only be driven off at best, and armies will need
Success on a test to produce medical supplies indicates that the
to be raised. A patrol with a plan can drive away a skunk, but a thousand
supplies will grant a boost die on a recovery test. Additional successes
mice would not give a grizzly bear any pause, and it is not in a mouse’s
might add an additional boost die or allow you to produce extra supplies.
nature form armies.
Triumph could be spent to upgrade a user’s recovery test.
The Symbols
Factors to Consider Leader??? (in progress)
The size and Nature of the target will give you clues as to modifying
difficulty, depending on the application. It’s harder to trap or kill a larger
creature, but it is also certainly easier to track them when a mouse can sit
inside of a single track in the dirt.
The cleverness of the creature might also be considered. Some The Symbols
beasts are just brutes like a wolverine or snapping turtle, but others, like
snakes, foxes, and raccoons may realize they are being hunted and set an Factors to Consider
ambush, or lead their pursuers away from their young.

Instructor (in progress) Loremouse

Loremice study the ways and habits of animals. Using their
An instructor knows how to transmit skills to another character.
knowledge, they can perform rudimentary communications and discern the
Using this skill, you can give your student a test for advancement in a skill.
Nature of the animal. They also study the nature of the world itself, the
You must have the skill you’re teaching at a higher rating than your student,
culture of mice, and the history of the Territories.
or you must have another guardmouse on hand with that skill. In the latter
Additionally, for every rank you take in Loremouse, you gain a
case, the two of you teach your student together, as a team. If your
single wise.
Instructor test is successful, you may give your student a passed or failed
test for advancement. It’s your choice. You may also use the Instructor skill Applications
to grant your student a test toward a skill he’s learning. Loremouse is most often used to recall
a piece of information learned in the past, or to
use that information to assess something in the
present. It may also be used to identify a
The Symbols creature’s Nature descriptors (something that a clever beast may oppose),
or attempt basic communications, though the latter requires an appropriate
Factors to Consider wise (I.E. you need Beetle-wise to try to talk to a Beetle).
The Symbols Applications

Factors to Consider The Symbols

When discerning a creature’s Nature, the difficulty is usually just S
Challenging unless the beast is trying to conceal itself. For example, it
Factors to Consider
is hard to discern the Nature of a stick-bug if it remains hiding as a stick – S
you need to observe the creature without upsetting its behavior. If you have
a wise related to the creature, then you need not roll – you may simply ask Orator
the GM about it. An orator makes speeches to sway crowds. This skill isn’t for
For establishing communication, mice have done a fairly good job convincing your friend, it is for moving a group to action.
of learning to train and communicate with insects, such as grasshoppers,
beetles, bees, and some spiders, but as far as other beasts go, the less Orator is used to sway a group, which requires greater elegance
mouselike the animal, the harder it is, and the longer it takes. Often times it and formality of thought than just convincing a single mouse. This can be
takes a guard at a remote post years to establish communication, much less unopposed if the crowd is neutral, or opposed by another orator if you’re
friendship, with a bird. having a public debate, which may even be an extended conflict.
For just communicating a single idea such as flee, food, or some
The Symbols
other basic, concrete concept (not something abstract like peace) to a
relatively mouselike creature like a squirrel, it might take a few hours and a
Advantage on a failed test or threat on a successful test may
Hard Loremouse test.
indicate that some portion of the crowd disagrees with the main body.

Factors to Consider
Militarist (in progress) If the test is unopposed, the difficulty is based on the size of the
A militarist is one who understands how to organize, supply and
crowd and their general disposition. If they’re favorable, the difficulty will
command a force of mice for battle. Militarists are rare among the mice. It
be relatively low, but an unfavorable or even hostile crowd may warrant
is against mouse nature to gather in force and hurl themselves into the
difficulty increases or upgrades, to add a chance of despair .
slaughter in an ordered fashion.
In an opposed test, bonuses ought to be given to whichever orator Supplies: maps, a compass, good advice, acorn crowns
is favored by the most mice in the crowd. (snowshoes)

Pathfinder Persuader
A pathfinder makes and marks paths between the mouse towns A persuader convinces another mouse to do what he wants in a
and cities, and to various resources and landmarks like streams, springs, friendly manner. A persuader shows you why it’s in your own best interest
lakes or fields of herbs. The Pathfinder skill is one of the most important to help him out. This skill is not for speech making. You may only
skills. use it in small conversations.

Pathfinder has three primary applications for the Guard: following
an existing path, clearing an overgrown path, and forging a new trail. This
test difficulty is set by the season itself (see the Campaign section for the

The Symbols Applications

Persuader brings another mouse over to your point of view (or at
Factors to Consider least partway there), or urges him into a specific course of action, believing
Following a trail is easier than clearing an overgrown path, which is
that it is in his own best interest, for the greater good, or just plain necessary
easier than forging a new trail. And when you’re working with an existing
that he do so. It is almost always opposed by the target’s Will, unless he or
path, the frequency of use (or disuse) can alter the difficulty up or down. For
she is truly neutral on the matter.
major routes between major cities, the difficulty is easy , but the longer
the trail and the less important the cities at each end, the higher the
The Symbols
The weather is a major factor in a Pathfinder test, as the position
Factors to Consider
The target’s disposition is a prime source of difficulty increases or
of the sun being hidden or shifting snow drifts can confuse any guardmouse.
decreases, and past actions that you’ve made that have affected the target
suggest boost and setback dice. Only a hostile target or a good friend is might indicate that someone is coming to examine the area, and the scout
worth proficiency or challenge dice. should get another opposed test (albeit a more difficult one) to try to save
Supplies: evidence, promises, bribes… the situation before being spotted. Only despair should indicate being seen

Scout Factors to Consider

A scout is adept at Scout is often opposed, and the alertness and boredom of the
spotting predators on the opposition can adjust the difficulty further. The terrain also factors in, as it
prowl, sneaking behind is much harder to conceal an item or a mouse in open ground than it is in a
enemy lines, trailing targets dense bramble or a city. Light and weather weigh in as well, adding boosts
and finding hidden things. and setbacks to either party as appropriate.

Applications Supplies: a dark cloak, a lantern, a telescope, a hook and line for
Scout is used for both seeing things and avoiding being seen, and it hanging out of sight…
is opposed only if one party is actively trying to hide or stalk the other;
otherwise it is unopposed. If it is opposed, it is most commonly a Scout test Survivalist
opposed by the target’s Scout skill. If stalking a beast, Hunter is a more The survivalist knows how to make shelters, find water, build fires
appropriate choice, as they observe their surroundings differently from and jury-rig tools. He is skilled at making do with whatever supplies he has
intelligent, reasonable creatures. in the wilderness, and is comfortable away from luxuries like a bed and a hot
A lengthy infiltration scene might warrant an extended conflict, meal in a tavern.
with successes measuring how close to an objective the scout gets.
The Symbols Survivalist is used mostly to forage for supplies and protect against
S the elements, so the difficulty is based on the season (see the Campaign
During an opposed test where one party is sneaking, failure doesn’t section), though if say, a herd of deer or grasshoppers have picked an area
mean the scout is caught in the open, it merely means he didn’t make any clean, it may be an opposed test to find supplies.
progress towards his goal. Perhaps he hid behind a tree just before an
The Symbols
enemy took up a post staring right at it, and is now stuck. Threat on a test S
Factors to Consider Applications
The current season, terrain, and weather in which the survivalist Weather watcher is very straightforward in that it is really only for
finds himself are prime considerations for difficulty increases or decreases, predicting the weather in the near or distant future. This is always
and numerous wises will come to bear with this skill. unopposed and the difficulty is based on the season (see the Campaign
Another factor, at least in foraging for supplies or clean water, is section).
how many mouths must be fed. Fending for yourself or a patrol is one thing,
The Symbols
but feeding a crowd of refugees that know nothing of surviving in the Success and failure dictate whether or not the weather is predicted
wilderness is entirely different and significantly harder. well, while advantage, threat, triumph, and despair are geared towards how
Supplies: flint and tinder, a tent, dry wood… prepared you are for the incoming weather. Nothing dictates the type of
weather though – that is more a matter of the GM’s plot and what the table
Tradesmouse (in progress) feels would make for a cool scene.
Factors to Consider
Applications Getting up somewhere high certainly helps, while being in a thicket
S or worse, underground, can make it harder or downright impossible to

The Symbols predict the weather.

S Supplies: a grasshopper (they sing different tunes if you listen
carefully), a barometer, a telescope…
Factors to Consider

Weather Watcher
The Weather Watcher skill is about spotting clouds, noting the
direction of the wind, and detecting the amount of moisture in the air,
correlated with celestial phenomena and signs present in soil and flora.
But How Light?
Every Guardmouse is issued a single weapon from the Lockhaven
smithies, a belt and scabbard to hold the weapon, and a heavy cloak that
shows their status as a member of the Guard. Anything beyond this are
supplies that the mouse has furnished himself, paid for, or been given in the
case of a dangerous or special mission.

The Guard Travels Light Few mice ever have
They may be part of the Guard, but they are still mice, and mice the courage to take up arms.
cannot carry a lot. Sure, it is in their nature to store up food and trinkets in The very act of bearing a
cozy holes and tight spaces, which often leads to cluttered desks and weapon indicates a certain
overflowing drawers, but they can’t carry vast amounts of equipment. This willingness to defend, which
means that the Guard travels light, and makes do with what he has. And if goes against the nature of a
he can’t make do, he endures. mouse, whose instincts cry for
flight at the first sign of
Encumbrance is how bulky and heavy and item is, and there is a danger. Nevertheless, the
limit to how much a mouse can carry. For any mouse, their encumbrance Guard have steeled themselves against their instincts and trained in the art

limit is 3 + their Health characteristic. If a mouse is every carrying more than of combat. Some choose to bear less lethal weapons and carry slings, staves,

his encumbrance limit, he is overburdened and takes a setback die on all or even just shields, which when used to deliver a hefty punch, are weapon

tests that require movement. enough in themselves.

On any physical test that an overburdened mouse makes, the GM Below are some suggested weapons.

should feel free to spend 3 or more threat to have him drop

something, have it get washed away in the river, etc.
Armor is another thing altogether. Made expressly for warfare,
Name Dam Crit Range Enc Special armor is a rare thing among mice, and rarer still is any sort of metal armor.
Axe 6 2 Engaged 4 Cumbersome 4, Vicious 2 Such things are often entirely unique and cobbled together by the wearer,
Bow 5 3 Long 2 though some larger cities have been known to supply their local authorities
Halberd 5 3 Engaged 3 Cumbersome 3, Vicious 1 with some rudimentary armor.
Hook & Line 4 4 Engaged 2 Ensnare, Knockdown, Inferior
Knife 4 3 Engaged 1 Thrown (Short range)
Shield 4 4 Engaged 3 Defensive 1 Supplies
Sling 4 4 Medium 1 Disorient 2 Supplies are the practical side of the gear an equipment that a
Spear 5 3 Engaged 2 patrol brings with into the wilderness.
Staff 3 4 Engaged 2 Disorient 2
Having Supplies on a Test
Sword 5 3 Engaged 2 If you have supplies that are useful when making a test, you can
remove a setback die or gain a boost die , depending on the situation
Clothing and Armor and supply itself. For example, a Guard’s heavy cloak removes a setback die
Clothing is usually that comes from cold weather.
more function than fashion Other times, the GM may decide that you can’t make a certain test
among mice. A cloak for unless you have certain supplies. You can’t use the Weaver trade without a
warmth, a hat to keep the sun loom (and you’d better not ask about bringing it with on the patrol).
off, a belt to hold a few Some supplies are consumed on use, like food and medicinal herbs.
personal effects, a vest for the The GM may let you stretch multiple uses out of these if you roll a lot of
sake of coin pockets… Many Name Defense Soak Enc
advantage ( or more), but don’t count on it.
mice simply forego clothing Heavy Cloak 0 1 1
Light Armor 0 2 3
altogether, and no mouse It is assumed that if you have even one rank in Tradesmouse, you
thinks any less of them for it. Heavy Armor 1 2 5
have the basic tools to perform your trade, though you won’t often be
bringing them out on patrol with you. If you have three ranks in
Tradesmouse, then you might even have access to a better setup, such as Maps & other papers
an armorer having a permission to use a forge back in Lockhaven. Pouch of nuts & berries

Some Suggested Supplies

Below is a list of common things a mouse might have on hand to
help with various tests. Encumbrance is not listed for these, as the GM ought
to use common sense and exhaustive lists are never fun for anyone. If it’s
on par with a lantern, knife, bottle, or small box of candles, it’s encumbrance
1. If it is bigger than that, such as a pack or a sword, it’s probably
encumbrance 2. Anything bigger and bulkier, like a shield or a crate of goods,
should be encumbrance 3 or higher, and that’s not something to be hauling
around without good reason.
Flint & tinder
Acorn crowns (used as snowshoes)
One large bottle or a couple small ones
Musical instrument
Pack (encumbrance 2, gives you encumbrance +3, Cumbersome 3)
Lantern & a little vial of oil
Pouch of medicinal herbs
Pipe & pouch of pipeweed
Overcloak (a second one helps in winter)
Coil of rope
Small box of candles
-You can tap a characteristic to reduce damage taken
-Conditions are introduced in the Injury section.

At the start of combat, all creatures involved roll a ten-sided die
and add their Will characteristic, plus one for any trait or wise that might
apply. This is called an initiative roll. You may tap your Will or Nature on an
initiative roll to add its rank to the result, taking strain as usual.
Once everyone has an initiative number, those numbers are
arranged from highest to lowest and marked with their side. For instance,
every result that the players roll will be an initiative slot for the patrol, while
Combat most of the other slots will be for enemies. Starting with the highest number
and moving down the list, both sides choose who from their party will act
Summary of Changes during each of their initiative slots, though no single character can act again
It seems important to list this first with regards to combat, as there until all of his comrades have acted.
are fewer changes here, and rewriting such a significant and well-made When a character acts during an initiative slot, he takes a turn.
portion of the rulebook seems excessive. When all characters have taken a turn, go back to the top of the initiative
-Initiative is slightly revised to involve a d10 and a few modifiers, order and start again.
rather than making a whole test and tallying symbols. This is just for
streamlining gameplay, and may be rejected by any GM.
-Uses for advantage, threat, triumph, and despair are revised. A lot of unchanged stuff
-Ranged weapons don’t run out of ammo. Turns, actions, maneuvers, range bands, etc function as usual for
-You don’t add Health (Brawn) to melee damage Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars system. If it isn’t specifically listed here, it’s
-The critical injury table is revised and simplified. the same old system that we know and love.
As usual, these effects are merely suggested and not exhaustive.
GMs and players should have fun with the narrative and make up new

Using the Symbols on the Dice effects. With the removal of talents, many of those effects could be bought
Successes and failures are spent as usual on combat tests, making with advantage and triumphs, or inflicted by a foe when you roll threat or
attacks miss or hit and hit harder. Uses for other dice symbols however, have despair.
been adjusted a bit to better reflect the world of Mouse Guard. or -Take 1 strain (may be selected more than once)
or -Recover 1 strain (may be selected more than once) or -Lose the benefit of a prior maneuver until repeated
-Inflict a Critical Injury on an attack that deals damage -Add a to the target’s next test
past soak ( cost may vary) -You or an ally suffers on the next test
-Activate a weapon quality ( cost may vary) or -You fall prone
or -Perform an immediate free maneuver (up to the -Your target may immediately take a maneuver, up the
maximum of two maneuvers) normal limit of two maneuvers
-Add to the target’s next test -You or an ally must upgrade the difficulty of the next
-Add to any ally’s next test, including yourself test
or -Negate the target’s defensive bonuses until the end of -Place one tap mark on one of your characteristics
the current round -Your weapon is broken
-You or one engaged ally gains +1 melee or ranged
defense until the start of your next turn
-Force your target to drop a weapon or item
-Ignore penalizing environmental effects until the end
of your next turn
-Upgrade the difficulty of the target’s next test
-Upgrade any ally’s next check, including yourself
-Remove one tap mark from any characteristic
-Place one tap mark on a target’s characteristic
could result in death. GM characters and beasts may be unconscious or
Injuries and Conditions dead, depending on the narrative.
The Mouse Territories can be
dangerous and cruel, and more likely Strain and Strain Threshold
than not, you’ll get hurt at some point. Strain is physical, emotional, and mental stress wearing your

Injuries are taken as two types of character down, whether it’s from a forced march, winter’s cold, or

damage: wounds and strain. someone berating you with harsh words.
Soak doesn’t factor in when you’re taking strain. Instead, it is
Wounds and Wound reduced by your opposed test (generally you’re rolling Will) if someone or
Threshold something is inflicting it on you, but if you voluntarily suffer strain by say,
Wounds represent physical damage piling up on your character,
tapping a characteristic or gaining an extra maneuver, then you don’t get to
whether they’re deep gashes or little nicks and gouges. Wounds come from
reduce it in any way.
many sources, such as being clawed by a predator, falling, or being stabbed
Strain is, however, easier to recover. On any test related to the
by a weasel’s blade.
source of your strain, you may remove 1 strain with an advantage on
Whenever you are hit by an attack, you take damage equal to the
your roll, and may select this multiple times. However, the test needs to be
attack’s base damage – typically determined by the weapon of the attacker
appropriate. Advantage from a Haggler test won’t help if you’re strained
– plus the number of successes on their test. But you’re tough. You
from being out in the summer sun too long.
immediately get to reduce the incoming damage by your Soak value.
If your current strain ever exceeds your Strain Threshold, then
Additionally, you may immediately tap any characteristic to reduce the
you’re out of the scene in one way or another. Exactly why depends on what
damage taken by your characteristic’s rank. This represents a last ditch
put you over the edge. If it was strain from exhaustion, you might pass into
effort to evade the attack.
unconsciousness, but strain from a social conflict probably just means you’re
Once you’ve reduced the incoming damage, any remaining points
sulking in the corner and nursing the damage to your pride. Either way,
of damage are counted as an equal number of wounds, which you add to
you’re done contributing to the current conflict.
your current wounds.
If your current wounds ever exceeds your Wound Threshold, then
you immediately take a Critical Injury and fall unconscious. In rare cases, this
Critical Injuries
A critical injury is a more notable hit that you’ve taken, and its
effects are going to be lingering. These injuries are usually inflicted when
you’re hit by an attack with enough advantage to activate a critical hit or a
triumph , but might come up on other rolls, such as despair appearing
on a Survivalist test in winter.
When you take a critical injury, you roll a ten-sided die and add +1 indicates a moderate condition, and a challenge die is evidence of a
for every previous critical injury that you still have (marking this on your major condition.
character sheet is advised). Then you consult the chart below. Some example conditions from combat might be Twisted paw ,
1-5 You take a minor condition. Bruised rib , and Deep gash in the shoulder .
6-9 You take a moderate condition. Conditions are similar to wises and traits in that they add dice to
10-12 You take a major condition. any test where they’re applicable – but they’re adding the negative dice.
13-14 You take a major condition and are bleeding out. A daunting And yes, a major condition adds a challenge die , the equivalent of a
Healer test may stabilize you, but you will die after a difficulty increase and a difficulty upgrade. So your Bruised rib doesn’t
number of rounds equal to your Health characteristic if you mean much for an Orator test, but it most certainly factors in when you’re
receive no medical attention. making a Health test to hold your breath underwater.
15+ You’re dead, with no chance of being saved. The GM may choose Conditions should always be appropriate to the damage or effect
to let you have some last words before you’re gone. that gave them. As such, they may also be things that are less combat-
oriented. A long day pulling a cart in the hot sun might give you Weary paws
or make you Hungry , and another mouse’s sharp tongue might make
Conditions are more flavorful descriptions of a character’s injuries, you Angry at Tristan .

pains, troubles, etc. Conditions are often inflicted by a critical injury or an Whenever you take a condition, list it by a characteristic. Physical

opposed test, but also come from tapping a taxed characteristic. A condition conditions go by your Health, and other conditions go by your Will. You may

consists of two parts: a prose description, and a die symbol representing the not place a condition by your Nature unless it comes specifically from

severity. A setback die marks a minor condition, a difficulty die

tapping your Nature. You may not have more conditions by a characteristic
than that characteristic’s rank.
Recovery and Healing
There are many horrible
If you take a condition and have no more slots to put it in, you must
things that can happen to a mouse,
broaden one or escalate one. Broadening a condition means rewriting it to
but fear not! Mice have long studied
apply to more tests, and escalating a condition means rewriting it to be more
the arts of healing through herbs,
extreme and increase the severity of the condition by one rank. If you can’t
poultices, etc, and most villages
escalate a condition (it’s already major), then you must broaden it.
contain a healer of some skill if no
For example, if you’re Angry at Tristan , and take another
mouse in your patrol was trained for
condition in that social vein of things, but you’re all out of slots by your Will,
such ugly injuries.
then you have to broaden or escalate. You might broaden it to Angry at all
of Barkstone , as you let one mouse rubbing you wrong color your view of
Recovery Tests
At the end of a combat scene, you may make a Challenging
his whole town, or you might escalate it to Furious at Tristan , where
Health test and remove wounds equal to your successes . This wounds
you’re so mad you might roll a despair and make a huge mistake.
looked worse than they actually were, and the pain is subsiding. You may
Creative use of the condition system is encouraged. If you can take
also make a Challenging Will test at the end of a scene where you took
advantage of someone else’s condition, such as goading a mouse into a fight
strain and remove strain equal to your successes . You’re refocusing.
when he’s Angry at Tristan , you gain the die from the condition as a
bonus to your roll – that is, you get an equivalent positive die from it. Removing Conditions
Three or more advantage on one of these tests allows you
While romancing a fair mouse maiden might be an extended
to lessen an appropriate condition. You reduce the severity or the scope (the
conflict that plays out over many days and visits, you might also be applying
opposites of escalating and expanding). If the severity of a minor condition
conditions (albeit conditions that don’t count against your characteristics)
is reduced, it is removed altogether. A triumph on a recovery test allows
like Smitten by that handsome Guardmouse , and the negative dice will
you to remove a minor or moderate condition entirely. A major condition
apply to her attempts at opposing your Persuader tests.
can only be reduced across multiple scenes, to reflect a slow healing
Whatever you do with conditions, enjoy the narrative.
Aiding in Recovery
The Healer skill may be used to aid in a Health recovery test, along
with any medical supplies being used. In a Will recovery test, the skill being
used to aid and the supplies needed will vary by the source of your strain. A
Healer might help with general fatigue, but if you’re just angry, it will take a
friend with Persuader talking some sense into you, and a mug of mead might
help you unwind.
However, you can never benefit from aid on both recovery tests in
a single scene. You’ll have to choose which you’d like aid on. But you can
benefit from supplies on both, if you are well stocked.

Untapping Characteristics
You may clear a tap mark on one of your characteristics if you roll
a triumph on a recovery test, or two on any other test. Otherwise,
tap marks on your characteristics are removed when you have time to rest
from the intensity of the mission. For every 4 hours of rest, you may remove
one tap mark from a characteristic of your choice. Rest is not just sleep mind
you, but may involve reading, drinking, warming by a fire, or whatever else
will sooth and relax your character. Rest also doesn’t include sleeping
outdoors in winter or a storm, or pulling the late watch in Darkheather or an
equivalently dangerous place.
Campaigns Difficulty:
Modifier: -
Intro After the hectic energy of spring, the summer season is when life is
S as normal as it can be for the mice. Days are long and warm. There’s plenty
to do, but there’s also an unhurried attitude in the Territories. The official
first day of summer is the summer solstice. Summers are warm and short,

The Seasons with an intense heat spell at the very peak.

The seasons of the world play a major role in the world of Mouse
Guard. Every season has its own character, weather, and trouble for the Difficulty:
mice of the Territories. Modifier: one setback
Many skills have the season itself as the difficulty such as Fall sweeps away summer with cold rain and gray skies that quickly
Pathfinder, Survivalist, and Weather Watcher, and many more will have the turn to frost and snow. Fall is one of the busiest times in the Territories. The
season as a modifier to the difficulty, such as Hunter or Scout. Every season mice must quickly harvest all of the supplies they can and prepare for winter
then has a difficulty and a difficulty modifier to show how volatile and before the snow comes and blankets the land. Fall starts off very pleasantly.
powerful it is. The summer heat dissipates and the air turns crisp rather than cold, but this

Spring is quickly followed by tempestuous rains, frost and snow.

Modifier: one increase Difficulty:
Spring is a busy time for the mice, and dangerous. The whole of the Modifier: one increase and one upgrade
Territories—both animals and mice—emerge from their winter retreats and Winter is long, cold and snowy. It is the hardest season for the
search for food and warmth. Spring in the Mouse Territories is short and Mouse Territories. The towns, cities and settlements must hold together
cool. It snows in the early spring and then rains as spring turns to summer. during the cold, ice and snow and try to persevere until spring. If a disaster
Wedged between the snow and rain are days of sunshine. strikes during winter, its effects are magnified by the cold and lack of easy
access to fresh food and supplies. Typically, Gwendolyn does not send
patrols out in the winter. Most guardmice are called home to Lockhaven to
rest and prepare for spring. But if need demands it, Gwendolyn will dispatch
patrols for vital missions in the winter. Rather than issuing orders for a
mission, she calls for volunteers. Despite the danger, there are never a lack
of paws raised.
Winter is cold and snowy. It’s very harsh weather. Long trips in the
winter should be undertaken using the extended conflict mechanics. The
GM can set his objective to: freeze the patrol to death, get them caught in a
snow drift, get them lost or any number of evil things.


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