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# File name: UniServer FileZilla FTPd.txt

# Created By: The Uniform Server Development Team
# Edited Last By: Mike Gleaves (ric)
# V 1.0 22-11-2009

Uniform Server - portable FileZilla server plugin

Plugin's core component are FileZilla Server V-0.9.33
with OpenSSL 0.9.8k libraries

Download file USV5_FileZillaFTPd_1.0.exe from Sourceforge
Save the file to folder UniServer
Double click on file to install.


Download file from Sourceforge

Save to any folder
Extract files, navigate to folder USV5_FileZillaFTPd_1.0
Copy its entire contents to Uniform Server folder UniServer

Default operation

Default instalation provides independent control of both UniServer and

FileZilla servers. Portable operation is supported and ready to go.
Running as a service or standard program in static mode requires a few
manual steps to implement covered later.

Portable - Mode

A default installation adds the following batch files to folder UniServer

providing independent control of FileZilla.

fz_start.bat - Start FileZilla server - Runs file

Note: This file runs fzp_start.php which rewrites paths
in configuration file FileZilla Server.xml

fz_stop.bat - Stop FileZilla server � Runs file


fz_admin.bat � Start FileZilla admin � Runs file


1) When assigning folders always use UniServer you can assign any folder
within this folder

2) When creating a FileZilla Server certificate save to the following folder:

Above restrictions are to maintain portability.

Static - Mode

Static mode assumes you are not going to move either server. Installation of
both Uniform Server and FileZilla are fixed. This has the advantage that no
restrictions are placed on FileZilla meaning you can allocate any folder on
any drive that you wish to serve.

In addition you can run FileZilla either as a standard program

or as a service.

You can run either of the above modes directly using batch files in folder
However for convenience you can use pre-configured files and copy them to
folder UniServer as follows:

Static - Mode - Standard Program

Copy the following three files (fz_start.bat, fz_stop.bat and fz_admin.bat)

from folder UniServer\filezilla_server\options\static_standard_program
to UniServer and allow overwriting. They perform the following functions:

fz_start.bat - Start FileZilla server - Runs file


fz_stop.bat - Stop FileZilla server � Runs file


fz_admin.bat � Start FileZilla admin � Runs file


Static - Mode - Service

Copy the following three files (fz_start.bat, fz_stop.bat and fz_admin.bat)

from folder UniServer\filezilla_server\options\static_service
to UniServer and allow overwriting. They perform the following functions:

fz_start.bat - Start FileZilla server as a service - Runs file


fz_stop.bat - Stop FileZilla server service � Runs file


fz_admin.bat � Start FileZilla admin � Runs file


An alternative to batch files is to use UniTray to contol FileZilla.
Pre-configured files found in folder:


Choose appropriate language and copy the file UniTray1.ini to folder


General Notes

Full details can be found on Uniform Servers's Wiki

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