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F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 Last updated: 11 AUG 2016

Recent advances in the treatment of hip fractures in the elderly
[version 1; referees: 2 approved]
Joshua C. Rozell1, Mark Hasenauer1, Derek J. Donegan1, Mark Neuman2
1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

First published: 11 Aug 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 (doi: Open Peer Review
v1 10.12688/f1000research.8172.1)
Latest published: 11 Aug 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 (doi:
10.12688/f1000research.8172.1) Referee Status:

Abstract Invited Referees

The treatment of hip fractures in the elderly represents a major public health 1 2
priority and a source of ongoing debate among orthopaedic surgeons and
anesthesiologists. Most of these injuries are treated with surgery in an
version 1
expedient fashion. From the surgical perspective, there are certain special published
considerations in this population including osteoporosis, pre-existing arthritis, 11 Aug 2016
age, activity level, and overall health that contribute to the type of surgical
fixation performed. Open reduction and internal fixation versus arthroplasty
remain the two major categories of treatment. While the indications and F1000 Faculty Reviews are commissioned
treatment algorithms still remain controversial, the overall goal for these from members of the prestigious F1000
patients is early mobilization and prevention of morbidity and mortality. The use Faculty. In order to make these reviews as
of preoperative, regional anesthesia has aided in this effort. The purpose of this
comprehensive and accessible as possible,
review article is to examine the various treatment modalities for hip fractures in
the elderly and discuss the most recent evidence in the face of a rapidly aging peer review takes place before publication; the
population. referees are listed below, but their reports are
not formally published.

1 Stephen Kates, Virginia Commonwealth

University Health System USA

2 Ian Moppett, The University of Nottingham


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F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 Last updated: 11 AUG 2016

Corresponding author: Joshua C. Rozell (

How to cite this article: Rozell JC, Hasenauer M, Donegan DJ and Neuman M. Recent advances in the treatment of hip fractures in the
elderly [version 1; referees: 2 approved] F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8172.1)
Copyright: © 2016 Rozell JC et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
First published: 11 Aug 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8172.1)

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F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1953 Last updated: 11 AUG 2016

Introduction Surgical timing

The overall trend in hip fractures in the US has shown a decline Regardless of the treatment method, there has been a push toward
over the past 10 years. Despite the rise in the aging population with surgery within 48 hours of hospital admission. Several studies
a simultaneous increase in activity level, the use of bisphosphonates have examined the correlation between surgical timing and subse-
and decreased use of estrogens have contributed to this change, quent morbidity and mortality in elderly patients14–16. In one meta-
especially in women1. In the global arena, hip fracture rates in Japan analysis of over 250,000 patients, an operative delay beyond
and China have risen because of an increase in the elderly popula- 48 hours resulted in an absolute risk of 41% increased 30-day
tion as well as lifestyle changes related to urbanization, and hip mortality rate and a 32% increased odds of 1-year mortality15.
fractures in women occur at the highest rate in Norway, Sweden, Similarly, in a prospective observational study of 5683 male
Denmark, and Austria2. However, it is estimated that by 2030 the veterans over the age of 65 with hip fractures, a surgical delay of
prevalence of hip fractures will increase to 289,000 per year nation- greater than 4 days resulted in a higher mortality risk, especially
ally, making these injuries a significant public health concern. Spe- in patients in a higher pre-operative risk stratification group16.
cifically, the number of hip fractures among men is projected to Therefore, hip fracture surgery in an elderly patient should be
increase by 52%. By 2050, there will be an estimated 3.9 million performed expediently with focused consideration of comorbidities
hip fractures worldwide and 700,000 in the US3, amounting to over and post-operative reduction in pain and return to functioning
$15 billion per year in medical costs4. Some compounding reasons in order to maximize outcomes.
for this relative rise are that the percentage of people older than
65 years old will increase by over 80%5 and that 90% of hip fractures Intertrochanteric hip fractures
occur in patients older than 65 years old6. In a sampling of patients Since its introduction in the 1980s, cephalomedullary fixation for
over the past 10 years, the distribution of hip fracture types has IT fractures in the elderly has gained popularity. Aside from the
also changed. There has been a steep rise in the number of unstable theoretical advantage of being less invasive and biomechanically
extracapsular fractures in the elderly—that is, intertrochanteric superior17–19, these devices have been advocated in cases of unstable
(IT)/subtrochanteric hip fractures—while the number of intracap- fracture patterns such as reverse obliquity, lateral wall incompe-
sular hip fractures (that is, femoral neck fractures) has remained tence, subtrochanteric extension, and medial calcar disruption8,20,21.
stable7. Pertrochanteric fractures in the region surrounding the A review of reverse obliquity fractures in a large Scandinavian
greater and lesser trochanters now account for about half of all patient registry has corroborated the use of the nail, demonstrat-
hip fractures in the elderly8,9 and although this may be due in part ing a higher re-operation rate (6.4% versus 3.8%) at 1 year in the
to osteoporosis, the underlying reasons are still not entirely clear. sliding hip screw (SHS) group compared with the intramedullary
The high expense of treating a hip fracture is known, however. nail group, as well as a higher pain score and lower satisfaction
The average patient with a hip fracture spends $40,000 in the first rating. The lower overall numbers of re-operation may be due to the
year in direct medical costs1,5 and approximately $5,000 in each addition of a trochanteric stabilization plate to resist femoral shaft
of the following years. Despite this tremendous financial burden, medialization, but this contributes to increased operative time and
which includes hospital costs, rehabilitation, and nursing care, there may add technical complexity22. In a cross-sectional survey distrib-
remains a 21 to 30% risk of mortality within 1 year of sustaining uted to practicing orthopedic surgeons, Niu et al. found that 68%
a hip fracture in the elderly population1, a risk up to three times of the 3786 respondents across all levels of experience primarily
higher in men compared with women3. used cephalomedullary devices for IT fractures for reasons such
as ease of use, potential improvements in functional outcome, and
Epidemiology biomechanical advantage8. Using a newer-generation long or short
Surgical treatment for hip fractures in the elderly represents the nail does not seem to have an effect on re-operation rate, risk of
standard of care10. Non-operative treatment has resulted in second- periprosthetic fracture, or mortality rate18,20. One potential advan-
ary fracture displacement of up to 62%; increased medical com- tage of using a long nail in the elderly population is that it dis-
plications such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and deep perses intramedullary forces and limits diaphyseal stress risers in
vein thrombosis; and poor functional outcomes11. Despite the high already-weak bone. If the device is used as an internal splint of the
cost of surgical treatment, a recent economic analysis showed that entire long bone endoskeleton, the risk of periprosthetic fracture
there is actually a societal benefit to surgery compared with non- may be mitigated (Figure 1). However, a cephalomedullary nail
operative management; average savings per patient are $65,279 does cost approximately $900 to $1500 more than an SHS. In a cost
and $67,964 for displaced intracapsular and extracapsular hip analysis of the two implants, Swart et al. found that for stable IT
fractures, respectively. This includes costs offset by continued fractures, the SHS was more cost effective23. This cost may be
nursing home care and long-term medical costs6. Non-operative partially offset by increased length of stay after SHS fixation24,
management is typically reserved for critically ill patients not medi- but for stable or minimally displaced fractures, the SHS remains a
cally stable for surgery or non-ambulatory patients. Although the successful treatment (Figure 2)25.
goals of treatment in young patients are anatomic reduction and
stable fixation11, the purpose of fixation in the elderly population Subtrochanteric hip fractures
focuses more on the restoration of function and a decrease in sec- The management of subtrochanteric fractures is challenging
ondary complications. Treatment can be accomplished by various because of the inherent instability of the fracture pattern and
methods but most commonly includes open reduction and internal the large muscular deforming forces on the proximal and distal
fixation (intramedullary versus extramedullary) or arthroplasty12,13. fragments. Flexion and external rotation of the proximal fragment,

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Figure 1. Pre-operative anteroposterior (A) and post-operative anteroposterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs of a 94-year-old male who
underwent long intramedullary fixation for a left unstable intertrochanteric hip fracture.

Figure 2. Pre-operative anteroposterior (A) and post-operative anteroposterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs of an 87-year-old female who
underwent sliding hip screw fixation for a left stable intertrochanteric hip fracture.

combined with potential comminution of the calcar and adductor fixation failure in the intramedullary group27. With regard to other
forces medializing the femoral shaft, render reduction difficult. Both factors, there was no difference in intra-operative blood loss, case
intramedullary and extramedullary devices have been used for these length, and post-operative complications. Moreover, in patients
injuries. Among three level I studies of elderly patients included in with comorbidities or osteoporotic bone, intramedullary fixation
a meta-analysis, the data of Kuzyk et al. favor the more reliable use for subtrochanteric femur fractures is preferred.
of intramedullary devices26. In a more recent meta-analysis compar-
ing intramedullary and extramedullary fixation for subtrochanteric Arthroplasty for hip fractures
femur fractures in the elderly, there was an 83% lower relative risk Much of the recent advancement in the treatment of hip fracture
of revision in the intramedullary nail group and 76% lower rate of and specifically femoral neck fracture surgery in the elderly has

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taken place in the realm of arthroplasty. Several questions arise be recognized that arthroplasty introduces a distinct subset of
when considering joint replacement for fracture: is a total hip complications, namely dislocation, aseptic loosening, infection,
arthroplasty (THA) or hemiarthroplasty (HA) a better option? If HA and wound complications.
is performed, should a unipolar or bipolar device be used? Should
the femoral implant be cemented? Again, the overarching goal is Total hip arthroplasty vs hemiarthroplasty
to allow the fastest recovery with the lowest complication risk. Once arthroplasty is the decided treatment, the surgeon must
decide whether a total hip replacement or a partial replacement is
Bone quality plays a large role in the success of hip fracture fixa- warranted. The Hip Fracture Evaluation with Alternatives of Total
tion. Patients with osteoporosis have a 30% increased risk of Hip Arthroplasty versus Hemiarthroplasty (HEALTH) trial is
nonunion when internal fixation is the treatment11. This has resulted underway to attempt to clarify this debate. This is a prospective,
in a plethora of research focused on arthroplasty as an alternative to multicenter, randomized trial comparing THA versus HA in patients
replace the osteoporotic bone. A short-term meta-analysis by Gao at least 50 years old who sustain displaced femoral neck fractures.
et al. evaluated 4508 patients with femoral neck fractures over the The primary outcome is revision surgery rates at 2 years post-
course of a 5-year period13. They reported that compared with inter- operatively, and functional scores, quality of life, and complications
nal fixation, arthroplasty reduced the risk of major complications are secondary outcome measures34. Although this represents the
and the incidence of re-operation. Pain relief and function were largest study of its kind, others have elucidated the differences in
also improved, but mortality rates were similar. This emphasizes treatment options. Pre-operative considerations include the pres-
the tremendous setbacks in quality of life and longevity sustained ence of pre-existing osteoarthritis, medical comorbidities, mental
after a hip fracture regardless of treatment. In a longer-term meta- status, and functional demand. Lower-demand patients may be more
analysis with at least 4 years of follow-up, Jiang et al. similarly suitable for a HA (Figure 3) given the lower risk of dislocation,
found no difference in mortality between the internal fixation and elimination of problems associated with acetabular reaming and
arthroplasty groups but did find improved re-operation risk and version, and decreased operative time and blood loss; patients with
mid-term functional improvements after arthroplasty28. Despite the cognitive dysfunction may not be able to comply with certain hip
larger incision and dissection required for arthroplasty, there was no precautions, leading to a higher rate of dislocation. Higher-demand
increased incidence of wound infection. Unique to each treatment patients may avoid re-operation secondary to acetabular erosion
modality, dislocation was higher in the arthroplasty group, whereas from a large HA head if they undergo a THA (Figure 4). The
aseptic necrosis and nonunion were more prevalent in the internal American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Practice
fixation group. Finally, the longest-term meta-analysis of a 15-year Guideline (AAOS CPG) on hip fractures in the elderly cites moder-
minimum by Johansson reported a 55% failure rate with internal ate evidence to support a benefit to THA in properly selected patients
fixation compared with a 5% failure rate after arthroplasty29. In this with displaced femoral neck fractures. However, the benefits of
group of 146 hips in patients who were at least 75 years old, there lower pain scores and lower revision rates for acetabular wear
was also no difference in mortality between the groups. Other stud- may be confounded by a selection bias in that more active, healthy
ies have also found a higher risk of revision surgery after inter- individuals undergo a THA compared with HA35. Zi-Sheng
nal fixation and recommend arthroplasty for healthy, lucid elderly et al. conducted a meta-analysis showing that compared with HA,
patients30–33. Although the rate of re-operation is lower, it should THA has a lower long-term risk of re-operation rates at 13 years

Figure 3. Pre-operative anteroposterior (A) and post-operative anteroposterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs of a 91-year-old female who
underwent an uncemented HA for a displaced, right subcapital femoral neck fracture.

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the construct functionally unipolar40. Despite the risk of acetabular

erosion, the risk of conversion of a bipolar HA to a THA is low
and is similar to the rate of conversion from a unipolar construct.
One study reported that of the 164 included patients, only four
underwent a conversion after 1 year, and only one (0.6%) was
performed for groin pain46. Von Roth et al. analyzed 376 cemented
bipolar HAs and found that the rate of conversion to THA at
20 years was only 3.5% and that only 1.4% were due to cartilage
wear47. Even though an increase in patient age is commensurate
with decreased activity level and thus decreased cumulative wear
over time, no living patient at the endpoint of follow-up showed
cartilage wear or implant loosening47. In the most recent meta-
analysis, Jia et al. again found a lower acetabular erosion rate
within the first year for bipolar articulations but no other significant
differences with regard to mortality, complications, and functional
outcome scores, challenging the hypothesis that the bipolar
prosthesis produced a less painful arthroplasty and improvement
in quality of life42. This review does not explore the rates of
conversion to THA.

Femoral stem fixation: cemented vs uncemented

In both HA and THA, femoral stem fixation remains an area of
controversy. The AAOS CPG on hip fractures in the elderly put
forth moderate evidence in support of cemented femoral stems in
A B patients undergoing arthroplasty for femoral neck fractures35. Using
Figure 4. Pre-operative (A) and post-operative (B) anteroposterior cemented fixation results in an overall decrease in periprosthetic
radiographs of an 81-year-old male who underwent a total hip
fracture risk30,48 and an improved rate of loosening. In addition,
arthroplasty for a displaced, left subcapital femoral neck fracture.
cement interdigitates well in osteoporotic bone49 and antibiotics
may be mixed into the cement for infection prophylaxis (Figure 5).
Potential disadvantages of cement include increased operative time,
post-operatively but not mortality4. However, the rate of dislocation difficulty with extraction in the case of revision, and the risk of
was higher in the THA group (17.2% versus 4.5%). Similar find- fat embolus or bone cement implantation syndrome (BCIS). With
ings were reported by Hopley et al. in their systematic review of 1890 a steep learning curve, improper cementation technique may also
patients more than 60 years old; the authors cited a 4.4% risk of re- result in a varus femoral stem, thus putting the prosthesis at risk
operation difference in THA compared with HA as well as for failure.
better Harris Hip Score (HHS) ratings up to 4 years post-
operatively36. Several other meta-analyses concur with these find- Data from 19,669 patients in a Scottish registry were evalu-
ings, although there are inherent limitations in using the HHS for ated to investigate the mortality associated with cemented fixa-
evaluation37–39. tion. Cemented HA was associated with a small but significantly
higher rate of mortality than uncemented HA on day zero and up
Unipolar vs bipolar hemiarthroplasty to day one50. Age was also an independent predictor of mortality.
The second point in the HA decision tree is a unipolar or bipo- In specific patient populations, cement is not advised. The mono-
lar articulation. Bipolar femoral heads were initially introduced mer from the cement enters the bloodstream during pressurization
to decrease acetabular wear and increase hip range of motion to and may cause hypotension, thus decreasing cardiac output and
decrease dislocation rate40–42. The added articulation may also overloading heart function in patients with heart disease. Patients
make conversion to a total hip replacement easier. In a randomized with decreased pulmonary reserve are at risk for BCIS. If cemen-
controlled trial with 4-year follow-up, Inngul et al. evaluated tation is undertaken in these patients, it is important to make the
120 patients over the age of 80 randomly assigned to unipolar versus anesthesia team aware of when the cement is being pressurized51.
bipolar cemented HA43. Patients in the unipolar group displayed a Lastly, elderly patients have a higher fat-to-marrow ratio, thus
higher incidence of acetabular erosion at 1 year44, but no significant increasing the risk of fat embolism.
differences were seen at the 2- and 4-year time points43. There was
also no difference seen in functional scores or re-operation rates. In When cementation is successful, there may be a lower re-operation
another randomized trial, Kanto et al. showed that patients in the rate in the long term. At 1-year follow-up, Deangelis et al. found
unipolar group (n = 88) had a higher dislocation rate than the bipo- no difference in functional outcomes or acute complications52 when
lar group (n = 87), but this difference did not translate into increased comparing uncemented and cemented cohorts. However, comparing
revision rates by 8 years post-operatively45. There were no signifi- re-operation rates among elderly patients undergoing cemented
cant differences in ambulatory function, early acetabular erosion, or versus uncemented HA, Viberg et al. found that the cemented cohort
mortality. The long-term outcome similarities are thought to be due had a decreased hazard ratio and a superior long-term implant sur-
to a unitization of the bipolar articulation over time, thus rendering vival rate after 3 years compared with the uncemented group53.

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Figure 5. Pre-operative anteroposterior (A) and post-operative anteroposterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs of a 79-year-old male with
metastatic prostate cancer who underwent a right cemented hip hemiarthroplasty for a pathologic femoral neck fracture.

A Norwegian registry of 11,116 HAs evaluated in a prospective concluded that no recent randomized trial had been able to fully
observational study showed that at 5-year follow-up, uncemented address or appreciate the differences between general and neurax-
HA had a 2.1-fold increased risk of revision, most commonly for ial anesthesia for hip fractures54. Few studies since that time have
periprosthetic fracture. In keeping with the intra-operative com- shown a trend toward lower delirium rates, complications, and mor-
plications of cementation noted above, there was a higher risk tality associated with regional anesthesia55,56, and other older studies
of intra-operative mortality in their cemented group, although were unable to demonstrate any significant differences in mortality
longer-term mortality risk was not significantly different30. These beyond 2 months57–61. Furthermore, these studies have influenced the
studies, however, do not account for the fact that patients in the opinions of various subspecialty associations that continue to spur
cemented group may have inferior bone quality, which may be debate in this arena35. An important consideration arises in patients
a surrogate marker for other comorbidities. In a study by Taylor with more significant illness or comorbidities who may be subject
et al., HA with a cemented implant provided a comparable outcome to a selection bias favoring regional anesthesia, potentially overes-
to the uncemented group in patients without severe cardiac dis- timating the association between specific anesthesia techniques and
ease, although there was a trend toward better function and mobil- patient outcomes62. To this end, the REGAIN trial (Regional versus
ity in the cemented group49. Both groups, however, displayed an General Anesthesia for Promoting Independence after Hip Fracture,
approximately 18 to 24% decrease in independence when compared NCT02507505) now underway is examining the effects of general
with their pre-operative level of functioning49. Thus, it is impor- versus spinal anesthesia on post-operative mobility and overall health
tant to evaluate the patient in terms of functional capacity but also status following hip fracture surgery in elderly patients. REGAIN
medical stability prior to deciding whether a cemented prosthe- will randomly assign 1600 patients across about 30 hospitals in the
sis is the best option. In otherwise-healthy, elderly patients with US and Canada to spinal versus general anesthesia over 3.5 years,
osteoporosis, cemented HA is a good option in terms of post- and the goal is to provide a stronger evidence base going forward to
operative pain and re-operation rates. inform treatment decisions among patients with hip fracture.

Anesthesia considerations in hip surgery The addition of peripheral nerve blocks has aided in pain
A comprehensive pre-operative evaluation by the anesthesia team reduction after hip fractures as well as limiting post-operative
also plays a large role in the type of anesthesia used during surgery psychological complications such as delirium in the elderly popula-
and has significant implications in the patient’s immediate post- tion. Seen in approximately 10 to 16% of elderly surgical patients,
operative recovery. The use of spinal versus general anesthesia, the delirium is associated with delayed rehabilitation, prolonged hos-
two most common anesthetic modalities in hip fracture surgery, and pital stay, and poorer functional outcomes63. A 2002 Cochrane
the use of peripheral nerve blocks have entered into the research review of eight trials demonstrated that nerve blocks resulted in a
spotlight over the past several years. Prompting a large prolifera- reduction in the amount of oral and parenteral analgesics admin-
tion of research in this area, a 2011 review by the UK National istered post-operatively64. In corroboration, several studies have
Clinical Guideline Center examined a group of 22 trials and reported a reduction in pre-operative pain or delirium (or both)

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following either femoral nerve or fascia iliaca blockade63,65. Foss As the proportion of elderly patients continues to rise, most ortho-
et al. reported on 48 patients with hip fractures randomly assigned pedic surgeons will treat a patient with a hip fracture in their career.
to mepivacaine fascia iliaca blocks or placebo injections65. Those In the face of a changing healthcare landscape and bundled pay-
in the placebo group received intramuscular rescue doses of mor- ments, optimization of surgical treatment to promote early mobi-
phine. The authors reported that pain relief was superior at all lization and decreased hospital stay are paramount. Of paramount
time points in patients who received the block and that sedative importance is the integration of a multidisciplinary approach to hip
risk was increased in the placebo group receiving morphine65. fractures. The introduction of the orthogeriatrician has been helpful
Patients may even be able to receive these blocks in the emergency in facilitating early surgery, immediate mobilization, prevention and
department almost immediately after they arrive, and this may management of delirium, pain, and malnutrition, and an integrated
decrease their total narcotic use prior to surgery. In a small, pro- and multidisciplinary approach to post-operative care69. Recent
spective observational study, elderly patients receiving blocks advances in the literature have elucidated indications for fixation
in the emergency department reported a decrease in pain, up to and arthroplasty. Although there is still controversy in the nuances
67%, only 30 minutes after the block was administered. The pain of each procedure, there are several overarching themes. Pre-
scores were unchanged up to 4 hours post-operatively66. Regard- operative regional blocks and post-operative multimodal anesthe-
ing the efficacy of two blocking options, Newman et al. conducted sia have been shown to be highly effective in pain management
a comparison of pre-operative femoral nerve versus fascia iliac and narcotic reduction. Further studies should focus on elucidat-
compartment blocks in patients with femoral neck fractures67. The ing these trends post-operatively. Displaced femoral neck fractures
authors showed that though requiring more time to administer and in active, otherwise-healthy elderly patients are best treated with
slightly more expensive, femoral nerve blocks result in a greater a THA, especially if they have pre-existing groin pain consistent
reduction in pain according to the visual analogue scale. with osteoarthritis. Lower-demand patients may be better suited
to a HA, and a cemented, unipolar arthroplasty is the current
Post-operative care treatment of choice. With further advances in implant design,
Post-operatively, hemodynamic stability serves as an additional risks such as component wear and dislocation may be mitigated.
barometer of earlier participation in rehabilitation and potentially For unstable IT or subtrochanteric fractures, the fracture pattern
a quicker hospital discharge. Perhaps the most robust study in largely determines the implant choice.
this area is a follow-up to the trial of transfusion requirements in
critical care patients. A 2011 randomized controlled trial of 2016
patients across 47 clinical sites compared a conservative transfusion
threshold (8 g/dL) versus a more liberal one (10 g/dL) in elderly Author contributions
patients with a history of cardiovascular disease (or risk factors) Joshua Rozell and Mark Hasenaur reviewed the literature and
and a hip fracture. Patients in the liberal group were given red blood prepared the first draft of the manuscript. Derek Donegan and Mark
cell transfusions to maintain a hemoglobin level of 10 g/dL. Patients Neuman conceived the review. All authors were involved in the
in the conservative group required a hemoglobin level of 8 g/dL or revision of the draft and read and approved the final manuscript.
below and symptoms of anemia to receive a transfusion. The pri-
mary outcome measure was the ability to walk 10 feet unassisted at Competing interests
60 days’ follow-up. Carson et al. showed that there was no evidence The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
to support a more liberal transfusion strategy in patients with hip
fracture68. This study not only has cost implications but may allow Grant information
patients to be mobilized more quickly, decreasing hospital length of The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting
stay and complications associated with prolonged hospitalization. this work.

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The referees who approved this article are:

Version 1

1 Ian Moppett, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

2 Stephen Kates, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, VA, USA
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

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