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Year 2 (Ellden)

The Hidden Gold

A farmer had five sons. They were all lazy. The farmer
wanted to see them as hardworking young men. He was worried
about their future. One day he fell ill. He called his sons. He told
them that there was gold hidden in his fields. He passed away the
same day.
The sons went to the fields. They dug up every inch of the
fields. They did not find the hidden gold . After a few days, it
rained heavily. Someone told them to sow seeds in the fields.
They did the same. They got a good crop. They became rich.
Now they understood the value of hard work. They got the hidden
gold from the fields in the form of good crops.

Year 2 ( Louis)

The Foolish Donkey

A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the
market every day. On their way, they had to cross a stream. One
day the donkey suddenly fell down the stream and the salt bag
also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and the
bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.

Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day.
The salt seller knew the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it.
The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey.

But the wet cotton became very heavy to carry and it really
fell into the stream. It finally learnt a lesson. It did not play the
trick again and the seller was happy.
Year 2 ( Nikki)
The Truthful Woodcutter

One day a wood cutter's axe accidentally fell into a river. The
poor wood cutter made a good search in the water.

But his efforts were in vain. Finally he burst into tears. Suddenly, an Angel
appeared before him.

The Angel dived into the river and came up carrying a golden axe.
The wood cutter did not take it. He said that his axe was made of iron.

The Angel once again dived into the river. It came up carrying an
iron axe. The woodcutter took the iron axe and thanked the angel.

The Angel was proud by the man's honesty.

She presented him with the golden and silver axes in recognition of his
truthful nature.

Year 2 (Qaseh)

The Dreamy Milk-Maid

A Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Then she
returned home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream and butter out of this milk. Then, I
will sell them. I will use the money to buy eggs. When the eggs hatch, I
shall have a good poultry farm."
She further thought, "I shall sell some of my chicks and buy a fine
dress. All the boys will admire me . But I will turn them away just tossing
my head at them.”

Lost in day dreams, she forgot about the pail on her head. She
tossed her head with a jerk and the pail of milk came tumbling down. it
was broken and all the milk got spilt.

"Dear O dear !" she cried, "I have lost my all."

Year 2 (Tee Di Sheng)

Two Friends and The Bear

Vijay and Raju were friends. On a holiday they went into a forest. They were enjoying the beauty of
nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They were frightened.

Raju who knew climbing trees ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He did not think of Vijay.
Vijay did not know tree climbing.

Vijay thought for a second. He had heard animals do not prefer dead bodies. He fell to the ground
and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, he went away.

Raju asked Vijay," What did the bear whisper into your ears?"

Vijay replied, "The bear asked me to keep away from friends like you" and went on his way.

MORAL : A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Year 2 (Nurizzaty)
A Wise Old Owl

There was an old owl that lived in an oak. Everyday he saw incidents happening around him. Yesterday
he saw a boy helping an old man to carry a heavy basket. Today he saw a girl shouting at her mother.
The more he saw the less he spoke.

As he spoke less, he heard more. He heard people talking and telling stories. He heard a woman saying
that an elephant jumped over a fence. He also heard a man saying that he had never made a mistake.

The old owl had seen and heard about what happened to people. Some became better and some
became worse. But the old owl had become wiser each and every day.

Moral of the story :

You should be observant, talk less but listen more. This will make you a wise person.
Year 3 ( Danish)

Once, a man had a pet dog. The faithful and strong dog used to guard the master's factory at
night. The master loved him, fed him well and took him out for walks. One unlucky day, he was hit by
a car.

One of his hind legs was severely injured. The doctors could not heal the injury. Now the poor
dog had to limp around all the time. The dog's master thought that a lame dog would not be a good
guard. So he stopped loving the poor dog.

One day, the dog smelt some ginger in the air. He sniffed around and saw a ginger plant
growing in the factory's ground. The master saw the dog sniffing the ginger plant. He checked and
found out that the soil near the plant was excellent for growing ginger plants. He then planted plenty of
ginger plants and made a huge profit.
Then the master realized that a physical handicap does not make anyone useless. He started
loving and caring for his dog once again.

Year 3 ( Mahalachumi)
A mouse was having a very bad time. She could find no food at all. She looked here and there, but
there was no food, and she grew very thin.

At last the mouse found a basket, full of corn. There was a small hole in the basket, and she crept
in. She could just get through the hole.

Then she began to eat the corn. Being very hungry, she ate a great deal, and went on eating and
eating. She had grown very fat before she felt that she had had enough.

When the mouse tried to climb out of the basket, she could not. She was too fat to pass through the

" How shall I climb out?" said the mouse. "oh, how shall I climb out?"
Just then a rat came along, and he heard the mouse.

"Mouse," said the rat, "if you want to climb out of the basket, you must wait till you have grown as thin as
you were when you went in."

Year 3 (Lim Zhong Ming)


Two little boys were playing together. One little boy saw a nut on the ground. Before he could pick it
the other boy took it.

The first boy demanded, "Give me the nut. It's mine. I only saw it first".

The other boy replied, "It's mine. I only took it".

This lead to a quarrel between these two little boys. Just then a tall boy came that way. Upon seeing
the quarrel between the boys, he said, "Give me the nut and I'll settle your quarrel".

He split the nut into two parts. He took out the fruit-seed. He gave one half-shell to one boy and the
other half-shell to the other. He put the fruit seed into his mouth and said, "This is for settling your quarrel".

MORAL : When two people quarrel some one else gains.

Year 3 ( Looi Kai Bin)


Once there lived a king called Ralph. He had three sons.

The first son was Sam. The second was John and the third was Eric.
The king in his death bed wanted to test his three sons He asked them to assemble the next day in
the court.
The king said that he was in his death bed and wanted to test them. He asked them to fill the entire
room with something and whoever does completely will become the king, he said.
The first son brought diamonds which filled half the room. The second son filled the room with cotton
but it was not sufficient. The third kept a lamp in the middle of the room. It spread light in the whole room.
The king appreciated Eric and decided that he will be the king.

The two sons were ashamed of themselves as their younger brother defeated them.

Then, the king died and Eric became the king.

Year 3 (Khor En Hui)


Once there was a poor man. He owned a monkey. The monkey used to display a variety of
tricks. He worked hard the whole day. The people who watched him would throw coins for him. He
would collect them and gave them to his master.
Once, the master took the monkey to the zoo. There he saw a caged monkey. People were
feeding him fruits and biscuits. The monkey thought, "This caged monkey is lucky. He does not need to
work hard to get food. He is having free food here."
That night, he went to live in the zoo's cage. He loved the rest and the free food for a few days.
Then he started getting bored. He had to wait for the visitors who would come to see him in the cage.
After a few weeks, the monkey got fed up of such a life. He ran away from the zoo and came back to
his master who welcomed him warmly.
The monkey realized that it is hard to earn a living but sitting idle can be even more hard and

Year 3 (Seng Xin Mei)


A wolf was walking in the countryside. He found a sheep-skin spread on the ground. He thought, "If I
wear this skin and get mixed up in the flock, the shepherd will not suspect me. At night, I will kill a stout
sheep and then take him away with me".

The wolf covered himself with the sheep-skin and got mixed up with a flock of sheep. As he had
expected, the shepherd took him as a sheep and shut him also in the pen. The wolf was waiting for the

The shepherd had a feast that night. He sent a servant to fetch a fat sheep. The servant saw the
sheep-skin covered wolf by chance. That night, the guests had the wolf for supper.

MORAL : Evil thoughts have evil ends.

Year 4 (Eve)


Once upon a time, a hungry fox was roaming around here and there searching for food. Because of
hunger, he was feeling weak and tired. Fortunately, he came to a garden where he saw a grape-vine laden
with bunches of grapes they looked quite ripe and juicy.
The fox looked at the grapes with longing eyes and licked his chops. But the bunches were too high
for him and he was feeling weak. So he sat down for a while to take some rest. On feeling refreshed, he
jumped as high as he could, to get at the grapes. But he failed to reach them.
Then he again rested for some time and made another bold attempt, but was unlucky for the second
Forced to give up trying anymore, he just walked away and instead of accepting his failure, he
remarked "the grapes appeared to be ripe and juicy, but now I see them to be quite sour."

This story, thus, proves that, people generally hate what they can't get.

Year 4 ( Yan Ka Ka)

Joe and Sam were neighbours. Joe was a poor farmer. Sam was a landlord.

Joe used to be very relaxed and happy. He never bothered to close the doors and windows of his
house at night. He had deep sound sleeps. Although he had no money he was peaceful.

Sam used to be very tense always. He was very keen to close the doors and windows of his house
at night. He could not sleep well. He was always bothered that someone might break open his safes and
steal away his money. He envied the peaceful Joe.

One day, Sam call Joe and gave him a boxful of cash saying, “Look my dear friend. I am blessed
with plenty of wealth. I find you in poverty. So, take this cash and live in prosperity."
Joe was overwhelmingly happy. He was joyful throughout the day. Night came. Joe went to bed as
usual. But, to-day, he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep.
He began to keep on looking at the box of cash. The whole night he was disturbed.
As soon as day broke, Joe took the box of cash to Sam. He gave away the box to Sam saying,
“Dear Friend, I am poor. But, your money took away peace from me. Please bear with me and take back
your money."

MORAL : Money cannot buy everything.

Year 4 ( Fattah)

One rainy night, two men entered a guest house to rent rooms. There was only one vacant
room. So, both of them had to settle to share it. Actually one of them was a thief and the other was a
rich diamond merchant. The thief had been following the merchant for sometime. The merchant was
carrying a lot of cash and precious diamonds with him. When the guest house owner gave the same
room to both of them, the thief’s heart filled with joy.

Both of them kept their luggage in the room. A few minutes later, the merchant went out for
dinner. The thief searched through the merchant's luggage, but he did not find any diamonds. Soon the
merchant returned and both of them went to sleep.
Next morning the thief asked the merchant, "Sir, I am a thief. I was trying to steal your
diamonds. But I did not find them in your bag."

The merchant smiled and said, "The diamonds are kept in your bag. I knew that you would
never search there."

Year 4 (Yeong Yi Cheng)


Once, two birds named Rinki and Minki lived in a nest. Both of them were very lazy. They always
found excuses for not doing any work.

Once, on a cold winter day, a chilly breeze was blowing. There was some snowfall too. By chance, a
hole was made in their nest. The cold breeze blew in through the hole and chilled the nest. Both the birds
started feeling cold. Minki thought, "I wonder why Rinki is so lazy? Why is she not repairing the hole?"

On-the other hand, Rinki thought that Minki would fill the hole. Both of them were depending on
each other and no one mended the hole.

Soon snow started to fall and the chill nearly froze the insides of their warm nest. The snow flakes
entered the nest through the hole. The lazy birds started shivering with cold, but no one was active enough
to work.

In the morning both the birds were dead in their nest. They had shivered to death but due to
laziness they had not got up to mend the hole.

Year 4 (Yeoh Chiao Jing)


A small boy was playing in the garden. He saw that the berry plant in the garden was bearing fruits.
He kept playing but was soon attracted towards the berries. The bush had many thorns too.

Each time the boy picked a berry, the thorn would prick his tiny, soft fingers. Then a large thorn
pierced his thumb. The boy started crying and rushed to his mother in the kitchen.

After hearing him out, his mother said, "Son, to achieve something in life, there are other things that
you may have to lose. Even after feeling the prick of the thorns you could get to the juicy berries. You were
concentrating too much on getting the berries. If you had observed the thorns before, then you could have
held the thorns away with one hand and used the other hand to pick the berries. Then the thorns would not
have pricked you."

After hearing this example, the little boy learnt that one has to face many hurdles to achieve even
the smallest success or goal.

Year 4 (Yip Jing Long)


Once, a king saw a dirty beggar rubbing his back against the palace gates. He summoned the beggar.

Then he asked the beggar, "Why were you rubbing your back against the palace gates."

"Your Majesty, my back was itching, so I was rubbing my back against the iron gates."
The king asked the guards to give the beggar a hot bath and fifty gold coins. This news soon spread
throughout the kingdom like a jungle fire.

A few days later, the king saw two poor and dirty beggars rubbing their backs against the palace
gates. He asked them what they were doing and they replied that their backs were itching. The king called
his guards and said, give these beggars fifty whiplashes on their backs to cure their itch."

"But, Your Majesty, you gave the other beggar fifty gold coins."

He told the truth, “Because he was alone he could not scratch his own back." But you are two men so you
can scratch each other's back. You are here only out of greed.

Year 5 (Nicole)


Once upon a time, a deer fell ill. So, he came to a grassy patch of land and
lay down there. In a day or two, he became so weak that he couldn't even move
his body.

Within no time, the news of his illness spread all over and many of his
friends came to enquire after his health. Evidently, they were all grass eating
animals. They stayed with the deer to nurse him. In a few days, they grazed all
the grass of the patch and not even a blade of grass was left there.

In a few days, the deer started getting well. Seeing this, his friends started
leaving him one by one and the deer was left all alone. But still he was too weak
to get up and move about.

As his friends had grazed all the grass of the patch and he was weak to go
grazing, he starved to death. Had his friends not grazed the grass in the patch, he
would have fed on it and lived.

Year 5 ( Yu Da Heng)


Once upon a time there lived two frogs in a marsh. They were very happy
with their lot there.
But as the hot summer approached the marsh began to dry up. In a few
days, the marsh got totally dry. So, the frogs decided to leave that place and look
out for some other shelter for themselves and reached a deep well. They sat on
the edge of the well and peeped inside it. It had a lot of water in it.

One of the frogs got so overjoyed to see the water that it at once said, "This
well looks quite a fit place for us to live. It will be cool and safe inside. Let's jump

" The other frog was wise enough and replied, "Not so soon, my friend! We
left the marsh when it had dried up. So, first think how we shall come out of this
well if it gets dry.

The first frog was speechless, as he had realized that one must think before
taking any step.

Year 5 ( Vinitha)


Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and
two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid
an egg everyday. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man
was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a

The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go.
So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill
the hen and get all the eggs together.

So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it,
took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open.

There was nothing but blood all around & no trace of any egg at all. He was
highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg.

His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself
made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming
poorer & poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how
much foolish he was.

So, the moral of the story is- one who desires more, looses all. One should
remain satisfied with what one gets.

Year 5 ( Ka Yin)


It was hot summer. A lion went to a pool to drink water. Just then a pig also
came there to quench his thirst. Both of them wanted to drink first.

They looked at each other with blood-shot eyes and attacked each other
with so much anger that soon they started bleeding.

Feeling tired, both stopped for a while to be fresh. Suddenly, they heard the
screams of vultures. They saw that a large number of vultures were looking at
them with longing eyes.

In no time, both the beasts understood that the vultures were waiting for
one of them to be killed by the other so that they might feed on his dead body.

So both of them became friends, quenched their thirst and went away.

Thus, their friendship saved their lives.

Year 5 ( Cheong Zi Yee)


One day a fisherman went for fishing to a river as usual. He casted his net
into the river and sat waiting for the fish to get into it.

After some time, he drew up the net and saw a tiny fish in it. He took the
fish out and put it into his basket. He was about to cast his net again into the river
when the tiny fish begged him, "Sir, please put me back into the river otherwise I
shall die. I am very small and of little use for you and if you put me back in water
then, after a few days, I shall grow big and then, you can catch me again and I
shall be more useful to you then."

The fisherman said, "Oh no! Once I have caught you, how can I let you go
like this because later I may never catch you again. I am not that foolish."

So, the fisherman was wise enough and didn't give up the certain for
something uncertain.

Year 5 (Samuel)


Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a
well. He tried his level best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other
alternative but to remain there till the next morning.

The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the
fox there. The goat asked "what are you doing there, Mr. Fox?"

The sly fox replied, "I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever
tasted. Come and see for yourself."

Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched
her thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found
herself helpless to come out.

Then the fox said, "I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I'll climb on
your head and get out. Then I shall help you come out too."

The goat was innocent enough to understand the shrewdness of the fox
and did as the fox said and help him get out of the well.

While walking away, the fox said, "Had you been intelligent enough, you
would never have got in without seeing how to get out."

That's why we say, "Look before you leap".

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