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Homebound Instruction

What is Homebound Instruction?

Students are expected to attend school as much as possible. If unable to attend for extended 15
or more consecutive days), schools have the responsibility to provide all students a program of
instruction, which will allow the student to maintain academic progress. Minnesota Legislature
(Rule 3525.2325) states that educational services must be provided to any student who:
- Has been prevented from attending school (illness, suspension, expulsion)
- Is predicted to be absent for an extended duration according to written verification from a
medical doctor, psychologist, or judge
- Is health-impaired and needs special education as determined by the Individualized
Education Plan (IEP) team

Homebound services begin after the student is enrolled in this placement and regular education
instruction is provided by a licensed teacher. If on an IEP, special education services will also
be provided based upon individuals goals and services.

This describes my child! What do I do now?

Contact with your school’s principal or counselor to determine if your child could be eligible. If
so, the district’s Homebound Coordinator, _______, (phone: 952-442-0600) will be contacted
and can provide more information on Homebound Instruction as well as start the enrollment
process. You will be asked to complete….

What should I expect when receiving Homebound Instruction?

Instruction is designed to meet individual student needs and also coordinate a smooth transition
back into the school setting. A student is provided one hour of instruction per day of
Homebound enrollment. Instruction does not have to take place every day and longer blocks of
time can be scheduled.

If an instructor is coming to your home, a parent or responsible adult must be present; if unable
to be there, instruction must take place in a public location. If your child is in a medical facility,
academic instruction may also occur through small group instruction or through an educational
component of the facility.

A homebound instructor will be assigned and communicate with you on scheduling time for
academic instruction. The instructor will also contact the student’s classroom teacher to get
assignments and needed materials.

How long do Homebound Services last?

Services are expected to be short-term and usually are less than six weeks in duration. Chronic
illness may require extended periods but may not exceed the length of one school year (170
school days). If
What if I don’t want to enroll in Homebound Services?
Minnesota law requires all students ages 7 through 17 to attend school (Compulsory
Attendance Law). If your child is unable to attend and homebound services is not an option, you
must provide documentation of alternative enrollment, which may include Homeschool, or
adequate verification of why the student is not attending school.

Contact Information:
______, Homebound Coordinator(??)
Phone Number: 952-442-0600
Additional District Resources (internal folder only)
Instructor forms:
- Guidance on providing instruction
- Hourly log (Payroll information tied to MARSS enrollment of student)
- Stipend information
Homebound request forms:
- Medical or legal verification documentation
- Service guidelines
MDE Homebound Grid (see attached excel file??)

Homebound instruction requires a signed Physician’s Statement to accompany this application.

Name of student: _______________________________ Grade_____ Student Id#___________
Parent Name___________________________________ Phone Number _________________
Parent Address _______________________________________________________________
School in which student is regularly enrolled:________ Date of last attendance: _____________
Has student had home instruction in past 12 months? ________________

Name of Assigned Teacher _______________________________
File Folder # __________________________ Licensure Area

Place of Instruction: ___________________________________
Date Instruction to Begin: _________________________________
Number of hours of instruction per week: (Regular Ed)___________ (Special Ed)__________
Estimated Date of Return to School: ____________________________
Person reporting ____________________________________________

Principal Approval________________________ Director Approval_______________________

Physician’s statement and student schedule must be attached Please return this form to:
Debbie LeGeault at the District Office

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