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Plans for your local authority

Platinum Cooperative Governance and Traditional

Affairs Deputy Minister Andries Nel says by
December, all distressed municipalities will

be receiving support from a dedicated team.
“We have deployed District Support Teams
consisting of engineers, construction and pro-
ject managers, financial accountants, town
and regional planners as well governance
and administration experts in 55 of the priori-
ty distressed municipalities. By December, all
distressed municipalities will have a support
team,” said the Minister.
Nel was speaking at the Vision 2030 Sum-
mit in Johannesburg last week.
The support team will assist municipalities
with governance, service delivery and finan-
cial management.
“We have initiated an intensive recovery

FTLM working
programme focusing on governance, service
delivery and financial management. A major
aspect of improving governance is ensuring
the appointment of suitably qualified person-
nel. This simply means we need municipal

hard to improve managers who know what they are doing,”

said the Deputy Minister.
His remarks come as the department
rolls up its sleeves to clean up municipalities

landfill problem following a finding the Auditor General made

that 87 municipalities are distressed or dys-
functional (See graphic for your nearby local
distressed or dysfunctional local authority).
Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality says they are definitely trying to do
something to improve the dire landfill situation that arose with the current
decommissioning of the Burgersfort landfill site. They also want us to try and
keep the place clean.
Reacting to last week’s article in Platinum Gazette, Municipal
Spokesperson, Mr Kubane Tolo, says; “We are aware that the Landfill site
of the Municipality is full and has reached its life span as per operational
license approved by LEDET. Currently the site is under decommissioning
which is operating towards closure.
We have being battling to find the suitable land as an alternative near
to our town but the challenge was that most of the land is privately owned
but we managed to get another piece of land and we are busy with the
processes of commissioning that land to become a landfill site.
We have communicated with the users of the site to use the alternative
Landfill site in Malogeng at Apel which has been authorize, approved and
licensed that will be assisting at the moment.
We call upon all the people not to dump their waste all over and the
Municipality would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused”.

Young and winning -

page 3

Fetakgomo Tubatse Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) email:

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel 29 June 2018 Fax 0865549031
2 NEWS 29 JUNE 2018

Ohrigstad hou
Ohrigstad se NG Kerk het verlede naweek ba- boereworsrolle, tuisgebak, vleis, groente en
saar gehou. ‘n Groepie lawwe narre het vrien- meer was beskikbaar terwyl die teetuin reg
delik aan deurgaande toeriste gewys waar is gestaan het met iets vir die dors. Daar was
dié plek om te stop vir iets lekker. Die basaar natuurlik ook hope pret vir die kleinspan en die
wat oor Vrydag en Saterdag gehou is, het nie tradisionele veiling is gehou. Die kerk bedank
teleurgestel nie. Heerlike pannekoek, vetkoek, elkeen vir hul bydrae tot die basaar se sukses.

Tubatse, Praktiseer,
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Schools fight crime with choral verse competition

The Burgersfort SAPS celebrated Youth large amount of peer pressure on the youth at
Month during June by hosting a Choral Verse schools. The idea is that learners take time to
Against Crime Competition. think about crime prevention and the effects of
The theme for the event was “Peer crime on their future as they prepared for the
pressure stole my future”. The theme was se- competition. They can also perform their acts
lected after the SAPS social crime prevention for their school assemblies and act as leaders
office and communication unit discovered the for their peers when it comes to fighting crime.
A group of 10 schools participated in the
The winning schools were Ikhwezi
Primary School (first place), Mafemane
Primary School (second place) and Maelebe
Primary School (third place).
Constable Victoria Maluleka, the com-
munications officer for the Burgersfort police
station told the schools that the competition
is not about winning or losing, but about
fighting crime and discouraging criminal
All the participating schools received
certificates of appreciation.
“The Station Commander Brigadier Rob-
bert Resemati Maluleke, CPF Chairperson
Mr Molaodi Mphogo and Youth Chairperson
Mahlatsi Malepe would like to thank all the
schools that participated in fighting crime,” a
statement read.
(Information and photographs: Constable
Victoria Maluleka)

Woman gunned down, your

help needed
The Burgersfort SAPS is investigating a opening the door she was shot twice and
murder case and is asking the community to died from her injuries.
assist with information. The suspects fled the scene and no
On 21 July at approximately 21:10 a arrests have been made.
67-year old woman was gunned down at her Anyone with information can contact
house in Apiesdoorn. Constable Kgohloane on 072 425 9588 or
It is suspected that she opened her door 013 231 0200.
to sell cigarettes to those knocking. Upon (Information: Constable V. Maluleka).

ANC top five

The ANC in Limpopo held its 9th Provincial cial Chairperson: Chupu Stan Mathabatha
Conference this week and elected the top (uncontested); Deputy Chairperson: Flor-
five officials for the party in the province. ence Radzilani; Provincial Secretary: Soviet
These top positions are usualy highly Molapi Lekganyane; Deputy Provincial
contested. A statement by the party said: Secretary: Basikopo Makamu; Provincial
“After intense lobbying and canvassing Treasure: Danny Msiza.
by delegates at the Provincial Confer- These officials and the 30 Provincial
ence, the following candidates have been Executive Committee (PEC) members will
elected to the following positions: Provin- guide the party in the province.
4 Platinum Gazette 29 JUNE 2018


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
1. Manale Kgadime and the biological father on the 16th of October is unknown. child was born on the Maandagshoek. The Swale (Tubatse.) father Tokelo is deceased and
Johannes was born on is unknown. 2000 at (Lefahla Village. 38. Phala Koketso, 05th of March 2004, at child’s father is unknown unknown. the biological father is
November 05 2005 and 14. Thobejane Maid Her mother Lekubu a male child born on (Ga-Makofane Village). 64. Magabane Keletso 78. Phala Neo born unknown
Manale Pakane was Tebogo was born on Mamosegare Ephy is the 27th of January Her mother Makofane born in 2001.03.09, to 2008.08.24, male, 92. Manala Lucky was
born October 17 2012 August.11. 2002 and deceased and the father 2003. His mother Phala Blonia Maphoko is de- the deceased Magabane mother was Phala Conny born 2011/11/07 at Mog-
at Mphaaneng. Their Thobejane Lebogong is unknown. Lebogang Dolly is de- ceased and the father is Mamorake Eliza, from Sabea, reported by Pha- olaneng Village Atok, his
mother Manale Mmatapa Lefa born October.30. 27. Makgato Atlegang ceased and the father is unknown. Crossong, Maandag- la Makoma Catherine mother Manala Nokie is
Cradia is deceased and 2013 at Motloulela village Fortune, a female unknown. 50. Paka Dineo Con- shoek. The child’s father from Swale (Tubatse). deceased and his father
the biological father is (Tubatse). The mother child was child born 39. Mokgotho Anasta- fidence was born in is unknown Father is unknown. is unknown.
unknown is Thobejane Makgati on the 01st of June cia, a female child was December .31 2007 65. Tebele Mbali born 79. Phala Tshiamo 93. Matheba Pontsho
2. Makgolane Dineo was Kedibone is deceased 2009 at (Penge Village. born on 2001/09/08 at at Driekop, Kampeng in 2008.03.28, to the born 2016.02.11, Male Vorgan was born on
born on June 11 2011and and the biological father Her mother Makgato (Ga-Mokgotho Village Village .The Mother Paka deceased Tebele Regina mother was Phala Conny the 30th March 2002 at
Makgolane Nthabiseng is unknown. Nonhlanhla Eunice is (Segabeng), her mother Thabitha Hunadi is de- Mapitsi, from Crossong, Sabea reported by Phala Malomanye, his mother
was born on June 11 15. Komane Byebye deceased and the father Matlhake Mokgotho ceased and the father is Maandagshoek. The Makoma Catherine from Matheba Tlaishego
2011 at Malomanye. was born on January. is unknown. Mmotlana Eliza is de- unknown to the family. child’s father is unknown Swale (Tubatse), father Ramatsimela is de-
Their mother Mak- 01. 2009 at Kgopaneng 28. Mokoena Mahlatse ceased and the father is 51. Malatji Katlego 66. Tebele Musa bron unknown. ceased and his father is
goloane Mologadi Re- village (Tubatse). The Pearl, a female child unknown. Lefa was born in March in 2004.03.16, to the 80. Motsewa Bertha Na- unknown.
filoe is deceased and the mother is Komane was born on the 17th 40. Mokgotho Math- .14 2007 and Malatji deceased Tebele Regina kedi born 2003.07.19 94. Selepe Di-
father is unknown Granny Kholofelo is of November 2003 at abang, a female child Remember was born in Mapitsi, from Crossong, Female, mother was neo Raesetje was
3. Phasha Mahlogonolo deceased and the biolog- (Penge Village. Her was born on 2002/11/30 March .05 2008 at Drie- Maandagshoek. The Motsewa Moremadi born 2006/02/20 at
was born on December ical father is unknown. mother Mokoena Meriam at (Ga-Mokgotho kop, Gowe village .Their child’s father is unknown Winny, reported by Malomanye and her
27 2002 at Monametse 16. Thobejane Andile Khabo is deceased and Village), her mother Mok- mother Malatji Martha 67. Mahlokoane Temo- Mosebu Matron Mametja mother Seleme Car-
.The mother Phasha Tshephang was born the father is unknown. gotho Mawelele Geor- Reinah is deceased and sho born in 2005.04.17, from Sehlaku (Tubatse). oline Sekgwailane is
Dorris Matlale is de- on February.12. 2005 29. Sekgobela Ciciliah, gina is deceased and the the father is unknown to to the deceased Father unknown. deceased whereas her
ceased and the father is at Magobading village a female child was born father is unknown. the family Mahlokwane Masezi, 81. Motsewa Junior born father is unknown.
unknown (Tubatse). The mother on the 19th of March 41. Mahlako Desmond, 52. Maphaka Tumelo from Ga-Mahlokoane, 2006.12.02 Male, mother 95. Kipa Tumelo Sepitle
4. Talane Tlhalefo was is Thobejane Tebogo 2002 at (Lefahla Village. a male child was born on Senatla was born in Maandagshoek. The was Motsewa Morema- born 2009/02/25 and
born on May 23 2008 at Mante is deceased and Her mother Sekgobela 2000/03/07 and Mahlako April .15 2007 at Driekop child’s father is unknown di Winny, reported by Kupa Bopaki born
Malomanye .The mother the biological father is Joyce Mokgadi is de- Kgonego Ntakaneng, a ,Ga Mohlophi Village 68. Kgoete Brian Ronald Mosebu Matron Mametja 2012/06/09 at Monamet-
is Talane Audrey Ramaa- unknown. ceased and the father is male was child born on .The mother is Maphake born in 2002.07.12, to from Sehlaku (Tubatse). si their mother is de-
bele is deceased and the 17. Mahlakwana Bopaki unknown. 2004/08/11 at (Maret- Liddah Mogale is de- the deceased Kgoete Father unknown. ceased known as Kupa
father is unknown Confidence was born 30. Thobejane Tshepiso loaneng Village), their ceased and the father is Christinah from Ga-Mam- 82. Magabane Comfort Eunice and their father is
5. Makgolane Katlego on August.01. 2004 Promise, a male child mother Mahlako Lindiwe unknown to the family . phahlane, Maandag- born 2007.06.13 Female, unknown.
was born on September at Modubeng village was born on the 01st Elizabeth is deceased 53. Lekwadi Lethabo shoek. The child’s father mother was Magabane 96. Lekgoro Dineo born
24 2000 and Makgo- (Tubatse). The mother of November 2006 at and the father is un- born in 2011.02.04, to is unknown. Modipadi Cracy reported 2002/12/31, Lekgoro
lane Gontse was born is Mahlakwane Tshepo (Ga-Mamogolo Village. known. the deceased Lekwa- 69. Makua Mpho Gift by Magabane Leah Ma- Diketso born 2007/12/15,
on September 06 2006 Lebedi is deceased and His mother Thobejane 42. Mokgotho Charlos, a di Modipadi Sophy, born in 2001.10.11, to sia from Sikiti (Tubatse.) Lekgoro Tsibiso born
at Malomanye .Their the biological father is Lisbeth is deceased and male child was born on from Ga-Mahlokoane, the deceased Mabit- father unknown 2010/06/01 and Lekgoro
mother Makgolane unknown. the father is unknown. 2001/01/17, at (Ga-Mok- Maandagshoek. The la Ntombi Ellah from 83. Magabane Tshep- Rebone born 2005/08/07
Nora Mashienyane is 18. Mapalakanye 31. Mokgoto Masinitha, gotho Village), his child’s father is unknown Ga-Mamphahlane, ileng born 2002.02.13 at Ga Nchabeleng and
deceased and the biolog- Dancan Tebogo born a male child was born mother Nachamba Antija 54. Lekwadi Lethabo Maandagshoek. The Female mother was Lekgoro Mahlako born
ical father is unknown on April.15.2007 at on the 05th of October Sina is deceased and the born in 2005.08.27, to child’s father is unknown. Magabane Modipadi 2015/05/15 at Jane
6. Phatlana Advice Motloulela village 2000 at (Ga-Mokgotho father is unknown. the deceased Lekwa- 70. Mashigo Tsephang Cracy, reported by Maga- Furse as well as Lekgoro
was born on November (Tubatse).The mother is Village. His mother Mok- 43. Shai Reatlegile, a di Modipadi Sophy, Lehlakeng was born bane Leah Masia from Siyabonga born on the
07 2008 at Ga-Mmela Mapalakanye Snovia is goto Stephina Makeku is male child was born on from Ga-Mahlokoane, in January 02 2008, Sikiti (Tubatse). Father 03rd February 2014 at
.The mother Phatlana deceased and the biolog- deceased and the father 2007/07/26, Shai Mogale Maandagshoek. The Mashigo Phethego was unknown. Witbank, their mother is
Leminka is deceased ical father is unknown. is unknown. Prisca, a female child child’s father is unknown born in August.24.2006 84. Nkuna Itumeleng the deceased Lekgoro
and the biological father 19. Tjao Temoso Mank- 32. Maphoru Aven, a was born on 2014/03/08 55. Mokoena Thapelo and Mashigo Karabo born 2010.12.20 Male, Ramogohlo Francina and
is unknown hedi was born March male child was born on and Shai Puseletso, a born in 2007.04.20, to Tomo was born In Octo- mother was Nkune Mpho their father is unknown.
7. Phala Tshepang .15.2007 at Mantshek- the 22nd of June 2007, female child was born on the deceased Mokoena ber.06.2004 at Motlolo Margaret, reported by 97. Masha Njabule Khut-
January was born on ane village (Tubatse). Maphoru Mamela Anna; 2015/12/13, at (Ga-Mok- Pempan Hellen, from village. Their mother, Tlou Banyatjana Lina so born 2002/09/23 at
July.31. 2010 and Phala The mother is Tjao Mo- a female child was born gotho Village), their Digabane, Maandag- Mashigo Mamolepane from Sehlaku (Tubatse). Strydkraal and her moth-
Mpaki was born Novem- hube Nelly is deceased on the 09th April 2010 at mother Shai Rebecca shoek. The child’s father Sylvia is deceased and Father unknown. er Masha Dikgweleng is
ber.08.2012 at Ga-Phala and the biological father (Mankele Village. Their Francina is deceased is unknown their father is un- 85. Matsie Kgopotso deceased and her father
village. The mother is unknown. mother Maphoru Lekoba and the father is un- 56. Maroga Relebogile known. born 2014.11.27 Male, is known.
is Phala Lebowane 20. Machacha Neo was Getrute is deceased and known. born in 2008.11.10, to 71. Phelane Grace mother was Matsie 98. Makanatleng Gift
Josephina is deceased born December.20.2009 the father is unknown. 44. Malepe Mpho Koket- the deceased Mar- Phindile was born in Constance, reported Sekitla born on 2005 at
and the biological father at Mashabela village 33. Morei Khomotso, a so, a female child was oga Lefuku Sylvia, February.08.2007 at by Matsie Maggie from Mphanama Magagama-
is unknown. (Tubatse). The mother is male child was born on born on 2001/01/17, at from Ga-Mahlokoane, Ga-Podile village. The Sikiti (Tubatse). Father tala and the Makanat-
8. Makina Keno was Machacha Motale Girly is the 11th of June 2001, (Ga-Mokgotho Village), Maandagshoek. The mother Phelane Raesibe unknown. leng Mashie Groccer is
born on May.23. 2003 deceased and the biolog- Morei Cynthia; a female her mother Malepe child’s father is unknown Sarah is deceased 86. Mantswane Gideon deceased and the father
at Motloulela village ical father is unknown. child was born on 21st of Maruke Shirley is de- 57. Mahlokoane Rorchie and the father is un- born 2005.06.15 Male, is unknown.
(Tubatse). The moth- 21. Mashabela Thek- July 2007, Morei Nkolo ceased and the father is born in 2003.11.10, to known. mother was Mantshwane 99. Mphaphathe Maria
er is Makina Mahlako go Kgolane was born Prince a male child was unknown. the deceased Mahl- 72. Letlapa Lesego Ex- Tabudi Betty, reported born on 2001/03/04 at
Reneiloe is deceased February.19.2012. born on the 13th of Sep- 45. Tjatji Fentswe Lesley, okoana Mpani Emmah, cellent was born in Janu- by Mantswane Virginia Mphanama Magagamat-
and the biological father at Mashabela village tember 2004 at (Ga-Mok- a female child was from Ga-Mahlokoane, ary.03.2011 at Ga-Podile from Sehlaku (Tubatse). ala the mother Mpha-
is unknown. (Tubatse). The mother gotho Village). Their born on 2001/01/17, at Maandagshoek. The village. The mother Father unknown. phathe Mamotseo Evah
9. Mola Nthabiseng was is Mashabela Makgwale mother Morei Motlabaile (Ga-Mokgotho Village), child’s father is unknown Letlapa Mapula Cathrine 87. Mamogale Katlego is deceased and their
born on December.23. Mogau is deceased and Maria is deceased and his mother Tjatji Agnes 58. Selwana Nthabiseng is deceased and the born 2007.03.12 father is unknown.
2006. at Modubeng the biological father is the father is unknown. Mogamane is deceased born in 2001.01.12, to father is unknown. Female, mother was 100. Lekola Tebalelo
village (Tubatse). The unknown. 34. Matlhake Makgoa, and the father is un- the deceased Selwana 73. Phelane Amogelang Mamogale Mpomelelo Kgodiamotse born on
mother is Mola Mmaid 22. Nkele Kesane Grace, a male child was born known. Deborah, from Ga-Mahl- was born in August. Angelina, reported by 02/11/2006 at Mphana-
Magari is deceased and a female child was born on the 13th of June 46. Maphori Ofentse okoane Maandagshoek. 30.2009 at Motlolo Nkosi Mantswane Melita ma Matebane, the moth-
the biological father is on the 10th of Novem- 2012, Matlhake Given, Regina, a female child The child’s father is village. The mother is from Sehlaku (Tubatse). er Lekola Morulaneng
unknown. ber 2004 at (Lefahla a male child born on was born on the 24th of unknown Phelane California Moth- Father unknown. Dinah is deceased and
10. Makgopa Phafusho Village). Her mother the 02nd June 2001 at June 2013, and Maphori 59. Mahlokoane Phenyo inta is deceased and the 88. Mamogale kediemet- the father is unknown.
Goodness Kgake was Mametja Tebogo Silvia is (Ga-Mokgotho Village). Temosho, a female born in 2004.12.24, to father is unknown. si born 2010.07.01 101. Diphofa Rosisang
born on October.12 2014 deceased and the father Their mother Matlhake child was born on the the deceased Mahl- 74. Lesinya Naledi was Female, mother was born on 14/03/2003 at
at Motloulela village is unknown. Mapule Prudence is 24th December 2003 at okwane Segopotso, born in March.24.2015 Mamogale Mpomelelo Mphanama Bophelong.
(Tubatse). The mother 23. Maebana Kgaila, a deceased and the father (Ga-Mokgotho Village). from Ga-Mahlokoane, at Ga-Podile village. The Angelina, reported by The mother Diphofa
is Makgopa Bettina female child was born is unknown. Their mother Maphori Maandagshoek. The mother Letlapa Lesinya Nkosi Mantswane Melita Ramogohlo Gloria is
Shokane and the biologi- on the 17th of February 35. Shai Kamogelo Motlalo Yvonne is de- child’s father is unknown Ntsidisana Precious is from Sehlaku (Tubatse). deceased and the father
cal father is unknown. 2001 at (Ga-Mokgotho Fereka, a male child ceased and the father is 60. Nkosi Busisiwe born deceased and the father Father unknown. is unknown.
11. Mahlo Phomolo was Village). Her mother was born on the 30th of unknown. in 2003.04.20, to the is unknown. 89. Marobela Kgotlelelo 102. Modiba Tshegofatjo
born December.24 2001 Maebane Morakaneng April 2009 at (Ga-Mok- 47. Mokgotho Lerato deceased Komane Jane 75. Seimela Moloko Rini- born 2010.10.04 Female, born on 02/11/2006 at
at Magobading village Annah is deceased and gotho Village) Segabeng Sharon, a female child Roina, from Hwashi, ya was born in Septem- mother was Marobela Mphanama Ga Piet, the
(Tubatse).The mother is the father is unknown. Section. His mother was born on the 06th of Maandagshoek. The ber.14.2010 and Seimela Sbongile Nene, reported mother Modiba Mankhu-
Mahlo Nogane Gloria is 24. Mabetha Karabo, Shai Julia Ntidisheng is July 2008, at (Ga-Mok- child’s father is unknown Excellent Khopong was by Marobela Ennest bu Rosina and the father
deceased and the biolog- a male child was born deceased and the father gotho Village). Her moth- 61. Nkosi Israel born born in October.01.2002. Mahlatsi from Sehla- is unknown.
ical father is unknown. on the 16th of January is unknown. er Mokgotho Mashabela in 2004.05.15, to the The mother Seimela ku (Tubatse). Father 103. Kgaphola Tokisho
12. Raganya Gift was 2007 at (Penge Village. 36. Maebana Fatima, a Olia is deceased and the deceased Komane Jane Mogolopo Aknasia is unkown born 2003/12/17 and
born on March.13. 2008 His mother Mabetha female child was born on father is unknown. Roina, from Hwashi, deceased and the father 90. Mpuru Temosho Kgaphola Kgahlisho
at Motloulela village Mmabatho Edith is the 28th of March 2007 48. Malepe Vincent, a Maandagshoek. The is unknown. born 200.12.15 Female, Ngwanatshweu born
(Tubatse). The mother is deceased and the father at (Ga-Mokgotho Village. male child was born child’s father is unknown 76. Mokgotho Senzo was mother was Mpuru 2000/02/04 at Mphan-
Raganya Emma Kabelo is unknown. Her mother Maebana on the 28th of August 62. Maapeya Ronny born born in July 13 2005 at Masello, reported by ama Mosate and their
is deceased and the bio- 25. Malatji Thabo, a male Monicca Maggie is 2003, and Malepe Tiego, in 2007.11.16, to the de- Ga-Podile. The mother Mpuru Ntebaneng from mother Kgaphola
logical father is unknown. child was born on the deceased and the father a male child was born ceased Maapeya Rosina Mokgotho Aminah Mase- Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse). Mohube Dinah is de-
13. Phala Karabo Jacob 30th of January 2002 at is unknown. on the 25th January Sehlage, from Ga-Mahl- gare is deceased and the Father unknown. ceased and their father is
was born on August .24. (Ga-Mamogolo Village. 37. Lokoeng Kgothatso, 2008 at (Maretloaneng okoane, Maandagshoek. father is unknown. 91. Mokaba Phomolo unknown.
2003 and Phala Koketso His mother Malatji a female child was born Village). Their mother The child’s father is 77. Serage Mmabatho Sekepe was born on 104. Sekgala Karabo
Annica born January.21. Mmabotshe Elina is on the 27th of June 2000 Salome Joyce Malepe is unknown Angel born 2007.04.26 10th October 2007 born 2003/09/22 at
2010 at Motloulela deceased and the father at (Ga-Mokgotho Village. deceased and the father 63. Sitole Kamogelo female, mother was and Mokaba Mantsho Mphanama Magaga-
village (Tubatse). The is unknown. Her mother Lokoeng is unknown. born in 2005.08.03, to Serage Baisakae case Bohlale was born on July matala and the mother
mother is Phala Florence 26. Lekubu Dipolelo, a Matshidiso Mavis Gati is 49. Makofane Reiner the deceased Sitole reported by Kgoetsane 08 2007 at Malomanye (Continued on page 5)
Nthabiseng is deceased female child was born deceased and the father Ntshiteng, a female Conny, from Crossong, Rayosebo Florina from .Their mother Mokaba
29 JUNIE 2018 Platinum Gazette 5


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
(Continued from previ- Mphanama Malaeneng Phasha Madinoge 2002.08.26 at Ga-Mak- on 15 August 2005 Ga-Selala. The mother 01 2004 and Manyaka is unknown.
ous page) the mother Mogosoane Annicky and the father is gopa village. His mother at Ga-Phala village Mabanna Lostaan Mak- Mahlatse Mohube was 205. Nkosi Bafana was
104. Sekgala Karabo Mashienyane Letta and unknown. Sehlabane Juliah Dit- (Tubatse). The mother gobela is deceased and born on September 01 born on 23 Septem-
born 2003/09/22 at the father is known. 134. Phasha Andrity sepu is deceased and Phala Beauty Pheladi is the biological father is 2004 at Ga-Manyaka. ber 2004 at Driekop,
Mphanama Magagamat- 119. Kgaphola Koket- born on 2003/04/01 at the father is unknown. deceased and the father unknown. Their mother Manyaka Legononong village. The
ala and the mother Sek- so born 2002.05.27 at GA-phasha.The mother 150. Mdebele Jim Thu- is unknown. 178. Mohlala Nondlela Mphokane Tryna is mother Nkosi Nomsa
gala Dina Magobosheng Mphananma Mosata, Phasha Tshepisho is lane born on 2005.09.13 164. Mokwena Pollen Letty was born on August deceased and the biolog- Esther is deceased and
is deceased and the the mother Kgaphola deceased and the father at Seelane village. was born on 29 Novem- 21 2004 at Ga-Manya- ical father is unknown. the father is unknown to
father is unknown. Maena Mohlakwane is is unknown. His mother Mdebele ber 2003 at Malokela ka. The mother Mohlala 192. Malepe Ramat- the family.
105. Maswinyaneng deceased and the father 135. Phasha Thato Raesetje Meisie is de- village (Tubatse). The Raisibe Kate is deceased sobane Tebogo was 206. Mosehla Dineo was
Manfred Phekgudi born is unknown. born on 2006/04/10 and ceased and the father is mother Mokwena Molepa and the biological father born on May 25 2005 born in 09 April 2003 at
2002/12/27 and Maswin- 120. Mogoswane Poelet- Phasha Tshegofatso unknown. Dolly is deceased and is unknown. at Ga-Mashishi. The Driekop, Maandagsoek
yaneng Desmond born so born 2008.05.25 and born on 2003/09/06 at 151. Mashabela Mavin the father is unknown. 179. Ngwatle Tshepisi mother Malepe Anna village. The mother Mo-
2000/10/28 at Mphana- Mogoswane Tumelo born Ga-Phasaha Mohlaletsi. born on 2005.08.29 and 165. Phala Tshepang was born on June 18 Marekwa is deceased sehla Moralabata Lucy is
ma Magagamatala and 2003.03.06 at Mphana- The Mother Phasha Mashabela Dinacture was born on 01 Septem- 2003 and Ngwatle Tetelo and the biological father deceased and the father
their mother Maswinya- ma Mosate, the mother Mashianyane Georginah born on 2006.11.18 at ber 2005 at Ga-Phala was born on October 30 is unknown. is unknown to the family.
neng Regina Lehlokoane Mogoswane Alphina is deceased and the Ga-Mongatane village. village (Tubatse). The 2005 at Ga-Selala. The 193. Malatji Kgopotso 207. Maroga Oratile Pre-
is deceased and their Ngwanaditle and father father is unknown Their mother Mashabela mother Phala Maseve mother Ngwatle Mahlko was born on June 30 cious was born 25 June
father is unknown. is unknown. 136. Matsimela Depart- Gift is deceased and Evah is deceased and Mavis is deceased and 2001 at Ga-Maapea. 04 at Driekop, Kampeng
106. Kawa Kamogelo 121. Maswinyanenng ment born on 2008/02/23 their father is unknown. the father is unknown. their biological father is The mother Malatjie Cn- village. The mother Mar-
born 2004/08/02 at Herold Mogobadi born at Mohlaletsi.The mother 152. Nkosi Katlego 166. Thobejane se- unknown. nie Maboke is deceased oga Sesana Khomotso is
Mphanama Mototol- 2003.02.16 and Maswin- Matsimela Monicca Kan- born on 2011.07.03 at makaleng Frans was 180. Sekgobela Mpho and the biological deceased and the father
waneng and the mother yaneng Mantwa Mankhu- yane is deceased and Ga-Mongatane village. born on 02 November was born on February father’s whereabouts is is unknown to the family.
Kawa Kedibone Mohwel- bu 2007.08.24, the the father is unknown His mother Nkosi Vinolia 2003 at Ga-Phala village 08 2010 at Ga-Manyaka. unknown. 208. Seloane Rlebogile
edi is deceased and the mother Maswinganeng 137. Maimela Brett Kgotlelelo and his father (Tubatse). The mother The mother Sekgobela 194. Masete Matshid- was born on 02 August
father is unknown. Ramatsimela Calfornia is born on 2002/05/05 is unknown Thobejane Dorah Queen Gladys is deceased and iso Martha was born 2008 at Driekop, Kamp-
107. Diphofa Kamogelo deceased and the father at Machakaneng.The 153. Thobejane Thabang is deceased and the the biological father is on October 29 2002 at eng village. The mother
born 2001/10/12 and is unknown. mother Maimela Meitana was born on 2002.02.08 father is unknown. unknown. Ga-Selala. The mother Seloane Ragosebo
Diphofa Matshepho born 122. Kawa Mangwed- Christinah is deceased at Serafa (Tubatse).The 167. Mampa Refilwe 181. Kgoedi Terrance Masete Suzan Phas- Minah is deceased and
2008/01/23 at Mphan- ing Thakgatso born and the father is un- Mother Thobejane Elina Esther was born on was born on April wane is deceased and the father is unknown to
ama Dithotwaneng and 2008.05.17 at Mphana- known. Mantiseng is deceased 25 January 2001 at 20.2008 at Ga-Manya- the biological father is the family.
their mother Diphofa ma Mototolwaneng, the 138. Kupa Koketso and the father is un- Magobading village ka. The mother Kgoedi unknown. 209. Sandamela Sifiso
Mathilda is deceased mother Kawa Kedibone born on 2005/11/08 known. (Tubatse). The mother Mamoopela Beauty is 195. Mafahla Tlhokome- was borm on 29 August
and their father is un- Mohweledi and father is at Bogalatladi Atok. 154. Mahlakwane Mampa Mokotlana Maria deceased and the biolog- lo was born on May 06 2002 and Sandamela
known. unknown. The Kupa Khomotso is Evydence was born on is deceased and the ical father is unknown. 2006 at Ga-Selela. The Pheladi was born on 08
108. Sekgale Surprise 123. Matebane Tefelo deceased and the father 2004.06.30 and Mahlak- father is unknown. 182. Gafane Kutullo mother Mafahla Selote January 2005 at Driekop,
born on 11/01/2006 and born 2001.10.06 at is unknown. wane Portia was born on 168. Shai Phumzile was born on October Egnes is deceased and Kampeng Village. The
at Mphanama village, Mphanama Matebane, 139. Mengwai Adalia 2007.04.23 at Thokwane was born on 06 June 22.2002 at Ga-Mphethi. the biological father is mother Sandamela Mei-
Sekgale section and the the mother Matebane born on 2010/06/02 at (Tubatse). The Mother 2002 at Ga-Phala village The mother Gafane unknown. sie Nina is deceased and
mother Sekgale Nthabi is Nkgapushwane Refiloe Moolyk Atok .The mother Mahlakwane Dinah is (Tubatse). The mother Sekomane Eunice is 196. Mametja Mpho was the father is unknown to
deceased and the father is deceased and the Mengwai Resiner Set- deceased and the father Shai Daphney Phasisi is deceased and the biolog- born on December 27 the family.
is unknown. father is deceased. swale and the father is is unknown. deceased and the father ical father is unknown. 2000 at Ga-Selela. The 210. Seloane Thlologelo
109. Nkosi Kutlwano 124. Mashego Jemina unknown. 155. Lebambo Oratile is unknown. 183. Malepe Karabo mother Mametja Moshi- was born on 15.04.2006
Bokang born 2006/03/17 born 2000.06.26 at 140. Mokoena Thabo was born on 2006.03.27 169. Mohlala Relebogile was born on September ane Linah is deceased and Seloane Tlhologelo
at Mphanama, Diphofa Mphanama Matebane. Happiness born on and Lebambo Peter Ma- Lillian was born on 09 20.2001 at Ga-Mashishi. and the biological father born on 04.01.2010 at
section and the mother The mother Mashe- 2013/11/09 at Atok koni was born at Moroke June 2002 at Ga-Phala The mother Malepe Ket- is unknown. Driekop Mooihoek village
Nkosi Kate is deceaced go Matladi Paulina is MAchakaneng.The moth- (Tubatse). The Mother village (Tubatse). The ina Pretty is deceased 197. Manyaka Lefa .The mother Seloane
and the father is unkown. deceased. er MArienkie Mokoean is Lebambo Sannie Boshi- mother Mohlala Segodi and the biological father Hlakudi was born on Veronica Madiba is de-
110. Sekgala Matshepo 125. Phogole Tlhmpho deceased and the father we is deceased and the Namatjie is deceased is unknown. September and Manyaka ceased and the father is
born 2007/05/23 at Mashienyane born is unknown. father is unknown. and the father is un- 184. Mohlala Diket- Phahlane Thakgalo was unknown to the family.
Mphanama Sekgala sec- 2005.03.23 at Mphana- 141. Peta Tiisetso future 156. Phala Lucky was known. so was born on May born on April 14 2006 211. Madigage Phumzile
tion and the mother Sek- ma Matebane, the moth- born on 2008.06.05 at born on 2004.09.15 at 170. Shai Phumzile was 31.2006 at G a-Selala. at Ga-Manyaka. Their Empuls was born on
gale Nthabi is deceased er Phogole Makgoale Atok Bogalatladi.The Moroke (Tubatse). The born on 15 February The mother Mohlala mother Manyaka Sebole- 11.12.2005 at Driekop
and father is unknown. Brenda and the father is mother Reneiloe Mma- mother Phala Conny is 2003 at Ga-Phala village Thobedi Olga is de- lo Dorah is deceased Maditameng village
111. Phogole Lois known. kaepea is deceased and deceased and the father (Tubatse). The mother ceased and the biologi- and the biological father .The mother Madigage
Itumeleng born 126. Makanatleng Boit- the father is unknown. is unknown. Shai Matsatsi Josephine cal father is unknown. is unknown. Makgethoa Debora is
2000/09/15, Phogole shepho born 2009.04.02 142. Thobejane Kholofe- 157. Botha Thato was is deceased and the 185. Mafahla Puseletso 198. Moela Hlapogadi deceased and the father
Tokollo born 2010/07/22 at Mphanama seraganeg lo born on 2013.04.21 born on October 07 father is unknown. was born on January Mosa was born on July is unknown to the family.
and Phogole Thabang ,the mother Makanatleng at Atok Bogalatladi.The 2003 at Ga-Phala village 171. Shayi Kgothatso 01.2007 at Madikane. 26 2002 at Ga-Mash- 212. Kgwetiane Tshepiso
Peter born 2003/03/24 Reecca Ranogohlo is mother Thobejane Rais- (Tubatse) .The Mother Gabriel was born on 05 The mother Mafahla ishi. The mother Moela born on 19.05.2002 at
at Mphanama and the deceased and the fther is ibe Mogam is deceased Botha Mashiya Portia is August 2008 at Ga-Phala Mogolopo Lettie is Mashokele Blandina is Driekop Mooihoek village
mother phogole Vinolia is unknown and the father is unkown. deceased and the father village (Tubatse). The deceased and the biolog- deceased and the biolog- .The mother is deceased
deceased and the father 127. Maleka Sharly was 143 Monyele Serati is unknown. mother Shayi Nthabiseng ical father is unknown. ical father is unknown. Kgwetiane Martha
is unknown. born on 2013/09/21 Thabo was born on April 158. Komane Fikile was Serage is deceased and 186. Kgagara Tshepang 199. Matshipa Mopholo- Mogotle and the father is
112. Mmako Lfoke Class Jane-Furse. Their mother 02 2001 at Modimolle born on 20 February the father is unknown. Magashane was born on gi was born on March 11 unknown to the family.
born on 2004/07/10 at Maleka Machaka Lucia is (Tubatse). The Mother 2009 and Komane Fikile 172. Madike Kgothatso February 09.2005 and 2005 at Ga-Selela. The 213. Paka Dineo
Mphanama Magaga- deceased and the biolog- Monyele Johanna Kgo- kgopotso was born on 24 Pretty was born on 01 Kgagara Mologadi was mother Matshipa Merri- Confidence was born
matala and the mother ical father is unknown. lane is deceased and the April 2005 at Ga-Phala September 2006 at born on April 19 2007 am Malatji is deceased in December .31 2007
Mmako Lydia and the 128. Maisela Frank Dith- father is unknown. village (Tubatse). The Malokela village (Tubat- at Ga-Manyaka. Their and the biological father at Driekop, Kampeng
father is unknown. oke born on 2009/01/30 144. Mashabela Victor mother Komane Deph- se). The mother Madike mother Kgagara Sophia is unknown. Village .The Mother Paka
113. Ngake Palesa born at Alexandra. The mother Kgaugelo was born on ney Stella is deceased Granny Matlale is is deceased and the bio- 200. Malepe Phele- Thabitha Hunadi is de-
on 2007/10/13 and Nga- Maisela Maggie Sibong- April 24 2006 at Djate and the father unknown. deceased and the father logical father is unknown. di Joel was born on ceased and the father is
ke Angy born 2007/10/13 ile is deceased and the (Tubatse). The mother 159. Phala Sapeta is unknown. 187. Maetje Lesedi November 14 2001 at unknown to the family.
at Mphanama Morakeng father is unknown. Mashabela Mohlale Si- Masebo was born on 07 173. Thobejane Dimpho Abegail was born on Ga-Selala. The mother 214. Malatji Katlego
and the mother Ngake 129. Matlou Kgodisho nah is deceased and the October 2003 at Ga-Pha- was born on March February 24 2002 at Malpe Mabule Nego is Lefa was born in March
Windy and the father is born on 2004/09/07 at father is unknown. la village (Tubatse). The 03.2006 at G a-Selala. Ga-Manyaka. The deceased and the biolog- .14 2007 and Malatji
unkown. Jane furse. The mother 145. Mohlala Baswabile mother Phala Joyce The mother Thobejane mother Maetje Lebina ical father is unknown. Remember was born in
114. Shaku Thabiso born Matleu KAnyane Sekinah Precious was born on Khontso is deceased and Gareatseba Meriam Makgobela is deceased 201. Selala Tebogo 2008.03.05 at Driekop,
2007/10/09at Mphanama and the father is un- October 25 2003 at Djate the father is unknown. Mamogale is deceased and the biological father Mahlathing was born Gowe village .Their
Matamong, the mother known. (Tubatse). The mother 160. Makgopa Tha- and the biological father is unknown. on April 26 2001 at mother Malatji Martha
Shaku Sebabo Elizabeth 130. Matsimela Dimakat- Mohlala Diarona Violet is bile Condy was born is unknown. 188. Makuwa Masho- Ga-Selala. The mother Reinah is deceased and
is deceased and the so born 2004/07/11 at deceased and the father on 22 February 2004 174. Makofane Nanikie to Octovia was born Selala Gloria Mmaphuthi the father is unknown to
father is unknown. Jane Furse. The mother is unknown. at Modubeng village Mmatsatsi was born on on June 28 2000 at is deceased and the bio- the family
115. Bahula Evah Tshep- Matsimela Monicca 146. Maepa Ngwato (Tubatse). The mother September 25 2002 at Madikane. The mother logical father is unknown. 215. Maphaka Tumelo
ho born 2001.01.19 at Kanyane and the father Temosho December 25 Makgopa Lesibe Jane is G a-Selala. The mother Makuwa Maleke Joyce is 202. Mokwena Siphiwe Senatla was born in April
Mphanama village, the is unknown. 2001 at Djate (Tubatse). deceased and the father Makofane Elisa Elizabeth deceased and the biolog- was born on September 15 2007 at Driekop, Ga
mother Bahula Betty 131. Seroka Dimpatlile The mother Lizer Maepa is unknown. is deceased and the bio- ical father is unknown. 02 2003 at Ga- Mash- Mohlophi Village .The
Mongatane. born on 2001/04/09 at is deceased and the 161. Mahlakwana Hazel logical father is unknown. 189. Mosoma Poeletso ishi. The mother Maleka mother is Maphake
116. Makatwane Jane Furse.the mother father is unknown. was born on 20 August 175. Maapea Pacy was was born on June 28 Manyake Engelinah is Liddah Mogale is de-
Kagiso born 2001.03.16 Seroka Maredi Rosina is 147. Nkgabane Kgothat- 2005 at Modubeng born on November 13 2007 at Ga-Manyaka. deceased and the biolog- ceased and the father is
at Mphanama Mogo- deceased and the father so Koketjo born on village (Tubatse). The 2007 at G a-Manyaka. The mother Mosoma ical father is unknown. unknown to the family .
rogorong, the mother is unknown. 2001.11.01 At Ga-Mon- mother Mahlakwana The mother Maapea Por- Pontsho is deceased and 203. Magowa Kamo- 216. Mpuru Temosho
Makatwane Mmatjikidi 132. Maisela Shane born gatane village. Her moth- Evah Pogodi is de- tia Modishi is deceased the biological father is gelo Sewelane was born 200.12.15 Female,
Francina is deceased on 2005/08/08 at Alexan- er Nkgabane Raesetje ceased and the father is and the biological father unknown. born March 22 2002 mother was Mpuru
and the father is un- dra.The mother Maisela Maria is deceased and unknown. is unknown. 190. Mamogale Phendile at Ga-Manyaka. The Masello, reported by
known. Maggie Sibongile is the father is unknown. 162. Mbuyane David 176. Mphethi Kholofelo Theledi was born on mother Magowa Rebone Mpuru Ntebaneng from
117. Diphofa Zindiwe deceased and the father 148. Sekiti Tumie was born on 24 January was born on February December 27 2001 at Mafolo is deceased and Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse).
born 1999.03.22 at is unknown. born on 2003.01.03 at 2003 at Ga-Phala village 23 2001 at Ga-Mphethi. Ga-Manyaka. The moth- the biological father is Father unknown. Social
Mphanama Bophelong, 133. Phasha Tumane Ga-Mongatane village. (Tubatse). The mother The mother Mphethi er Mamogale Mahlako unknown. worker Ndlovu IL
the mother Diphofa Charity born 2003/10/01, Her mother Sekiti Mbuyane Malapane Hildah Nteketekwane is Ambie is deceased and 204. Maitsi Lincon 217. Tebele Matshepo
Ramagohlo Gloria is Phasha Reshoketswe Legobola Florah is de- Mathews is deceased deceased and the biolog- the biological father is Tebatso was born March born 2003.06.03 female,
deceased and the father born on 2008/02/21 ceased and the father is and the father is un- ical father is unknown. unknown. 11 2004 at Ga-Manyaka. mother was Tebele
is unknown. and Phasha Faith born unknown. known. 177. Mabanna Bright- 191. Manyaka Re- The mother Maitsi Lenk- Itumeleng case reported
118. Mogosoane Tetelo 2010/02/ at Mohlaletse 149. Sehlabane 163. Phala Kgaogelo on Matale was born filwe Mokgitledi was wang Ida is deceased (continued on page 6)
born 2000.05.24 at Ga Debeila.The mother Katlego Kevin born on Kgotlelelo was born on October 24 2001 at born on September and the biological father
6 Platinum Gazette 29 JUNE 2018


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
(Continued from page in 2005.11.01 to the de- Ga-Mohlophi. The moth- is deceased and the the 11th of November Praise was born on the Mamoselawakgabu Pop- was born on the 16th of
5) ceased Lerutla Moipone er Maroga Seboke Julia father is unknown. The 2001 at Praktiseer. The 10th of January 2014 at py, is deceased and the April 2005 at Praktiseer
217. Tebele Matshepo Arlrinah from Ga-Mam- is deceased and the children were left under mother, Morena Aphia Praktiseer. Their mother, father is unknown. The Shushumela. The mother
born 2003.06.03 female, phahlane, Maandag- father is unknown to the the care of Maphanga Ntlhoile, is deceased and Mathonsi Lebogang children were left under Kgwete Lizzy Mahlako
mother was Tebele shoek. The child’s father family. Mamodupi Betty. the father is unknown. Sharon, is deceased and the care of Mokwena is deceased and the bio-
Itumeleng case reported is unknown. 246. Makosane Clement 255. Mohlala Dikeledi The child was left under their father is unknown. Khulelaphi Betty. logical father is unknown.
by Tebele Prudence from 232. Mphogo Phomolo Kgadifele was born on Faith was born on the the care of Mutlane The children were left 286. Ntuyana Fasko The child is left in the
Swale (Tubatse.) father born in 2001.09.02 to the 28th of March 2003 04th of February 2007 at Patricia Morakeng. under the care of Mkhon- was born on the 19th care of Kgwete Tjaile
unknown. the deceased Mpho- at Praktiseer Township. Praktiseer. The mother, 266. Mokgotho Malebo do Khothi Martha. of September 2005 Gladys,
218. Tebele Patience go Magane Maria The mother, Makosane Mohlala Sbongile Windy, was born on the 22nd of 277. Mahlo Tshiamo and Ntuyana Kamogelo 296. Mphogo Lesego
born 2001.04.16, female, from Ga-Mahlokoane, Nurse, is deceased and is deceased and the May 2001 at Praktiseer. Innocencia was born on was born on the 10th was born on the 13th of
mother was Tebele Man- Maandagshoek. The the biological father is father is unknown. The The mother, Mokgotho the 07th of May 2012 at of September 2011 at August 2007at Alverton
ikana Joyce, reported child’s father is unknown. unknown. The child was child is left under the Noto Elenah, is de- Praktiseer. The mother, Praktiseer. The mother, village. The mother
by Matjie Modipi Emma 233. Makofane left in the care of Twala care of Mohlala Ntombi ceased and the father is Mahlo Nkiyase Portia, is Ntuyana Sesi Lilian, is Mphogo Mmatshepo Ma-
from Swale (Tubatse). Mohomotse born in Tipane Josina. Agnes. unknown. The child was deceased and the father deceased and the father leputu is deceased and
219. Moropa Marokaone 2004.05.14 to the de- 247. Moola Tumelo and 256. Masinga Nomsa left under the care of is unknown. The child is unknown. the father is unknown.
Junior born 2005.04.08. ceased Makofane Mab- Moola Tebogo were born Bantiseile was born on Mokgotho Ansie. was left under the care of 287. Matemane Thato The child was left in the
Male mother was Morpa ule Belina from Ga-Riba, on the 09th of November the 28th of November 267. Mosoma Happy Mahlo Ngwanchale Dolly. Ronaldo was born on care of Mphogo Mase-
Ntosa Gladys reported Burgersfort. The child’s 2001 at Praktiseer. The 2007 at Praktiseer. The was born on the 14th of 278. Morei Boitumelo the 19th of April 2007 AT bongisi Maria.
by Moropa Lebogang father is unknown. mother, Moola Fatukana mother, Masinga Ria Su- April 2004 at Praktiseer. born on the 17th of Praktiseer. The mother, 297. Mkhondo Jaysen
Boroane from Ga-Mpu- 234. Mahole William Violet, is deceased and zan, is deceased and the The mother, Mosoma November 2004 and Matemane Jane Mok- Thembinkosi was born
ru (Tubatse). Father born on 14. 02 .2001 the father is unknown. father is unknown. The Kgolane Lucia, is de- Morei Hlologelo was gaetji, is deceased and on the 17th of April 2007
unknown. at Garagopola Driekop. The children were left child was left under the ceased and the father is born on the 03rd of Au- the father is unknown. at Alverton Village. The
220. Manyaka Aubrey The mother Mahole Popy under the care of Moola care of Maluka Thandi unknown. The child was gust 2007 at Praktiseer. The child is left under the mother Mkhondo Evah
born 2002.07.25. Male, Rebotile is deceased and Pinky. Linah. left under the care of Their mother, Morei care of Matemane Taola Thindeka is deceased
mother was Manyaka the father is unknown to 248. Khumalo Sandile 257. Sello Mmathekgo Mosoma Malehu Maggie. Engelinah Mohlane, is Maria. and the biological father
Mafoshe Joyce, reported the family. was born on the 27th Kemshlee was born on 268. Matlala Kgotso deceased and the father 288. Malatjie Koketso is unknown. The child is
by Manyaka Vinolia from 235. Malla Mpho born on of November 2008 and the 26th of March 2004 Ishmael was born on the is unknown. The children was born on the 14th left in the care of Mkhon-
Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse). 23 .05 .2003 at Driekop Khumalo Themba Jerry at Praktiseer. The moth- 31st of January 2004 at were left under the care of December 2002 at to Ella Anna.
Father unknown. Franse. The mother was born on the 17th of er, Sello Norah Sonti, is Praktiseer. The mother, of Sebopela Lettie Mok- Praktiseer. The mother, 298. Phaswane Synnette
221. Komane Tshepo Malla Lolo Sebetha is April 2002 in Praktiseer. deceased and the father Matlala Athalia Mapule, gotho. Malatjie Nonosa Louisa, was born on the 14th of
2003.11.10 Male, mother deceased and the father Their mother, Khumalo is unknown. The child is deceased and the 279. Komana Annah is deceased and the February 2002 at Alver-
was Komane Georgina is unknown to the family. Busisiwe Angelina, is de- was left under the care of father is unknown. The Dikeledi was born on father is unknown. The ton village. The mother
Dipolelo, reported by 236. Mdhluli Thabang ceased and their father Sello Keletso Patience. child was left under the the 24th of April 2001 child is left under the Phaswane Rosina is de-
Dibakwane Kwetepa Mahlako born on 01. is unknown. The children 258. Hlatywayo Ishmael care of Matlala Maleke and Komana Manuel care of Malatjie Teresia ceased and the father is
Rebecca from Swale 01.2001 and Mdhluli were left under the care was born on the 24th of Francina. Thabiso was born on the Anna. unknown .The child is left
(Tubatse). Karabo Surprise born on of Mkhondo Cornelia June 2001 at Praktiseer. 269. Modipi Lebo was 21st of February 2010 at 289. Mohlala Tumelo in the care of Phaswane
222. Mabilo Sinah Let- 01.12.2002 at Driekop Joyce. The mother, Hlaty- born on the 09th of Praktiseer. The mother Lucky and Mohlala Tumi Reuben.
sedi born 2011 Female, Franse. The mother 249. Mogale Maipadi wayo Ketsia Dianah, is February 2003 at Prakti- of the children, Koma- Sara were born on the 299. Morena Cocky
mother was Mabilo Mdhuli Lindi Moremadi is Phillicon was born on deceased and the father seer. The mother, Modipi na Mary Masaledi, is 10th of October 2003. Sepati was born on the
Matshatshaile Blanti- deceased and the father the 02nd of October is unknown. The child Kedibone Yolanda, is deceased and the father Their mother, Mohlala 27th of January 2003
na reported by Mabilo is unknown to the family. 2003, Mogale Precious was left under the care of deceased and the father is unknown. The children Virginia Nathashia, is at Alverton village.
Mashala Melida from 237. Mabelane Ntokozo Mahlatse was born on Mokwena Thoko Annie. is unknown. The child were left under the care deceased and the father The mother Morena
Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse.) born on 04.03.2004 at the 25th of February 259. Obonye Wezile was left under the care of of Komana Anna Nyan- is unknown. The children Moniccah Rebone is
father unknown. Driekop Garagopola. 2010 and Mogale Dineo Dinah was born on the Modipi Pelepele Alida. ya. wereleft under the care deacesed and the father
223. Mahlokwane The mother Mabelane Pretty was born on the 10th of March 2005 at 270. Mokoena Siboniso 280. Mashoeu Solly of Mohlala Patience. is unknown. The child
Mashokeng Raymond Jeanette Nnono is de- 12th of March 2011 in Praktiseer. The mother, Jerry was born on the Nkgawane was born 290. Langa Given is left under the care of
born in 2001.08.23, to ceased and the father is Praktiseer. Their mother, Obonye Abutsi Sarah, is 22nd of May 2009 at on the 10th of June Siyabonga was born on Morena Anna Mmago-
the deceased Mahl- unknown to the family. Mogale Constance, deceased and the father Praktiseer. The mother, 2005 at Praktiseer. the 11th of June 2000 at makgoa,
okwane Makilibja, 238. Mnisi Themba born is deceased and their is unknown. The child Mokoena Sibongile, is The mother, Mashoeu Praktiseer. The mother, 300. Malibe Lebalang
from Ga-Mahlokoane, on 03.07.2001 at Driekop father is unknown. The was left under the care deceased and the father Veronica Nozipho, is Langa Reginah Dimakat- Zakhele was born on
Maandagshoek. The Garagopola. The mother children were left under of Obonye Mashashing is unknown. The child deceased and the father so, is deceased and the the14th of June 2005
child’s father is unknown. Mnisi Rosalia Makamoni the care of Mogale Lahl- Dinah. is left under the care of is unknown. The child father is unknown. The at Alverton village. The
224. Mahlokoane Kgotso is deceased and the egile Elizabeth. 260. Marebane Lucia Mokwena Nomsa Cath- was left under the care child was left under the mother Malibe Jane
born in 2006.07.04, to father is unknown to the 250. Ramaila Male- Martha was born on the rine. of Mashoeu Franfiska care of Langa Junior Solani and the father is
the deceased Mahl- family. bo was born on the 04th of April 2002 at 271. Maphanga Prince Usesi. Benjamin. unknown. The child is
okwane Itumeleng 239. Maepa Pertunia 11th of August 2005 Praktiseer. The mother, was born on the 27th 281. Mkhondo Eliza 291. Khoza Phodiso left in the care of Malibe
Renolda, from Ga-Mahl- born on 02.10.2000 and at Segorong village. Marebane Hlakudi En- of September 2007 at Granny was born on the was born on the 19th Rally Anna.
okoane, Maandagshoek. Maepa Pabalelo born on The mother, Ramaila nicca, is deceased and Praktiseer. The mother, 27th of April 2002 and of September 2008 at 301. Mnisi Charmaine
The child’s father is 07.08.2001 at Ga-Mar- Kholofelo Mokgadi, is the father is unknown. Maphanga Maslambis Mkhondo Remember Praktiseer. The mother, was born on the 2nd of
unknown. oga Legabeng Driekop. deceased and the father The child was left under Kukie, is deceased and was born on the 26th of Khoza Kedibone Annietji, October 2002 and Mnisi
225. Mahlokwane Thor- The mother Maepa is unknown. The child the care of Marebane the father is unknown. July 2005 at Praktiseer. is deceased and the Cansani Mahlogonolo
iso born in 2008.08.10, Ngwanamodila Winny is was left under the care of Khomotso Paulinah. 272. Magabe Sadie The mother, Mkhondo father is unknown. The was born on the 1st of
to the deceased deceased and the father Ramaila Sophie Takane. 261. Mkhondo Dipolelo Masesi was born on the Sesana Gedrude, is child was left under the February 2008 and the
Mahlokwane Itumeleng is unknown to the family. 251. Lebambo Reat- was born on the 12th 09th of December 2004 deceased and the father care of Khoza Thokozile mother Mnisi Griecky
Renolda, from Ga-Mahl- 240. Ngwenya Baby legile was born on the of October 2006 at at Praktiseer. The moth- is unknown. The children Tebogo. Mahlakola is deceased
okoane, Maandagshoek. Ntombifuthi born on 30th of August 2001 Praktiseer. The mother, er, Magabe Taola Chris- were left under the care 292. Malope Lebogang and the father is un-
The child’s father is 07.07.2004 at Ga-Ma- and Lebambo Daniel Mkhondo Sarah Ngwa- tina, is unknown and the of Khoza Stephelinah was born on the 19th of known. The children are
unknown roga Driekop. The Senzo was born on the nokeni, is deceased and father is deceased. The Phindile. September 2006, Malope left in the care of Mnisi
226. Manyaka Kgotlelelo mother’s whereabouts 18th of October 2009 at the father is unknown. child is left under the 282. Mafane Dimakatso Motlatseseng Wisdom Leah Letta.
born in 2008.04.21, to are unknown and the Praktiseer. Their mother, The child was left under care of Magabe Sefora was born on the 17th of was born on the 07th of 302. Mongadi Mpho
the deceased Manyaka father Mangoale Abel is Lebambo Bertha Pule, is the care of Mkhondo Idah. November 2003 at Prak- December 2010, Malope was born on the 24th of
Dineo Eulenda, from deceased. deceased and the father Tlanki Katrena. 273. Tjatji Khomotso tiseer. The mother, Ma- Mathetse was born on July 2002 and Mongadi
Crossong, Maandag- 241. Maroga Sedumae is unknown. The children 262. Mabilo Nestinah was born on the 25th fane Lekwetje Getrude, the 26th of October 2012 Refiloe was born on
shoek. the child’s father born on 13.11.2002 at were left under the care Boitumelo was born on of November 2004 at is deceased and the and Malope Temosho the 24th of July 2002 at
is unknown Driekop Ga-Maroga. The of Libambo Mahlube the 03rd of February Praktiseer. The mother, father is deceased. The Moses was born on the Praktiseer Shushumela
227. Mokwena Bontle mother Phillis Maroga is Lena. 2001 at Praktiseer. The Tjatji Pebetsi Windy, is child was left under the 12th of February 2014. ext2.The mother Monga-
born in 2001.12.02 to deceased and the father 252. Mathelele Thaba mother, Mabilo Mahlako deceased and the father care of Mafane Mokgadi The mother, Malope di Nelly is deceased and
the deceased Mokoena unknown to the family. Fannie was born on the Velmah, is deceased and is unknown. The child Concious. Rejinah Mtumisheng, is the father is unknown.
Nelly Makwana, from 242. Matlaila Karabo 02nd of February 2001 at the father is unknown. was left under the care 283. Ngwana Molifi Msizi deceased and the father The children were left
Digabane, Maandag- born on 27.07.2002 at Praktiseer. The mother, The child was left under of Moropane Nkgulung was born on the 02nd is unknown. The children in the care of Gugushe
shoek. The child’s father Garagopola. The mother Mathelele Maphuthi the care of Thabede Annah. of February 2001 at were left under the care Marwale Pauline.
is unknown. Thandi Matlaila is de- Maria, is deceased and Joyce Boledi. 274. Mosinki Sinah Praktiseer. The mother, of Maria Batleletsona 303. Mnisi Fanie was
228. Kgoete Ronald ceased and the father is the father is unknown. 263. Matshaba Tlaishe- was born on the 21st of Ngwana Betty Vongo, is Malopi. born on the 9th of March
Brian born in 2002.07.12 unknown to the family. The child was left under go Flank was born on the April 2001 at Praktiseer. deceased and the father 293. Khoza Muzi 2004 at Alverton village.
to the deceased Kgoete 243. Maroga Sephiwe the care of Mathelele 31st of December 2003 The mother, Mosinki is unknown. The child Caphus was born on The mother is Mnisi
Nkgarebo Christinah born on 13.04.2005, Masello Pauline. at Praktiseer. The moth- Doritiya Mathuthu, is was left under the care of the 17th of June 2004 Zondi Catherine and
from Ga-Mamphahalane, Driekop Ga-Mohlophi. 253. Magabe Karabo er, Matshaba Tebogo, is deceased and the father Ngwana Jabulani Maria. at Alverton village. The the father is unknown.
Maandagshoek. The The mother Sheila Mar- Aletta was born on the deceased and the father is unknown. The child 284. Maphanga mother, Mnisi Sara No- The child is left under
child’s father is unknown. oga is deceased and the 08th of September 2004 is unknown. The child was left under the care of Smangele was born musa, is deceased and the care of Mnisi Matron
229. Ramogale Kgothat- father is unknown to the and Magabe Kgomeswa- was left under the care Mashiga Mohloiwa Anna. on the 31st of August the biological father is Maria.
so born in 2007.07.13 to family. na Phillip was born on of Matshaba Shakwane 275. Mokwena Tebogo 2007 at Praktiseer. unknown. The child was 304. Manana Dan was
the deceased Ramogale 244. Maroga Nkosinathi the 21st of July 2007 at Lindy. Esther was born on The mother, Maphanga left in the care of Khoza born on the 5th of July
Ramadimetse from born on 31.07.2004 at Praktiseer. Their father, 264. Sekgobela Lucky the 22nd of December Moqani Florence, is Seponono Emily, 2002 at Alverton. The
Ga-Mahlokoane, Natlela. Driekop Ga-Mohlophi. Magabe Sipho, is de- Joseph was born on the 2010 at Praktiseer. deceased and the father 294. Mashaba Lloyd mother Manana Joyce
The child’s father is The mother Maroga ceased and the mother 08th of February 2002 at The mother, Mokwena is unknown. The child Phomolo was born on Esther and the father is
unknown. Pinkie Maria is deceased is unknown. The children Praktiseer. The mother, Sebekeng Daphney, is was left under the care of the 23rd of February unknown. The child is left
230. Mahlakwane Johan- and the father is un- were left under the care Sekgobela Ntlaleng deceased and the father Maphanga Tapa Victoria. 2002 at Alverton village. in the care of Manana
na born in 2002.09.28 to known to the family. of Magabe Salome Hloki. Jane, is deceased and is unknown. The child 285. Mzimba Morela The mother, Mashaba Lina Vusana.
the deceased Mahlak- 245. Maroga Lethabo 254. Mogau Maphanga the father is unknown. was left under the care of Getrude was born on Bakgalang Koekie is de- 305. Mathonsi Silindeni
wane Mashego Gladys born on 12.11.2001, and Mosa Maphanga The child was left under Mokoena Nithrolence. the 25th of April 2002 ceased and the biologi- Hope Anna was born on
from Ga-Mahlokoane. Maroga Kgarebe Born were born on the 22nd the care of Mzimba 276. Mathonsi Memory and Mzimba Andries cal father is unknown.the the 12th of November
The child’s father is on 06.05.2004 and of February 2005 at Thereza Maakokong. Sandra was born on was born on the 30th of child was left in the care 2000 at Alverton village.
unknown. Maroga Ntombi born on Praktiseer. Their mother, 265. Morena Pulane the 16th of April 2012 May 2007 at Praktiseer. of Mashaba Dipolelo. (Continued on page 7)
231. Lerutla Nicole born 06.05.2004 at Driekop Mapanga Moage Sarah, Caroline was born on and Mathonsi Thabo The mother, Mzimba 295. Kgwete Letago,
29 JUNIE 2018 Platinum Gazette 7


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
(Continued from page Malepe Pebetse Norah is Bothashoek (Pologong). the family. The child was was born in 2003.07.09 Makapeyane Anna. 377. Mabelane Kesner Magdeline.
6) deceased and the father The mother Nyaka left under the care of her at Mashamothane. The 367. Mokumo Dimakatso Thato was born in 387. Mashabela Bophelo
305. Mathonsi Silindeni is unknown. Bongile Martha is de- grandmother Magoleng- mother Komane Paishe was born in 2001.07.16 2007.08.09 at Masham- was born in 2008.05.13
Hope Anna was born on 318. Maedimole Tham- ceased and the father is wa Enicca Mahlakoana. Nodica is deceased and at Mashamothane. The othane. The mother at Ga-Mongatana village.
the 12th of November ong was born on August unknown to the family. 347. Manaso Motlatso the father is unknown to mother Mokumo Nkomi Mabelane Lucky Mahl- The mother Mashabela
2000 at Alverton village. 12 2001 at Makubu 333. Magabe Tshepo Venolia was born in the family. The child was Florah is deceased and athole is deceased and Ntibaneng Phillistus is
The mother Mathonsi .The mother Maedimola Titus born in 2001.01.15 2010.08.08 at Marese- left under the care of her the father is unknown the father is unknown to deceased and the father
Eunice Thabitha is de- Phaswane Margaret is at Praktiseer (Ramaube). leng. The mother Mana- grandmother Mahlake to the family. The child the family. The child was is unknown to the family.
ceased and the father is deceased and the father The mother Magabe so Asnath is deceased Enniccah Mahlatse. was left under the care of left under the care of his The child was left under
unknown. The child is left is unknown. Shocky Patricia is de- and the father is un- 358. Komane Kamogelo his aunt Maroga Nomsa grandmother Mabelane the care of his brother
in the care of Mathonsi 319. Sehlangu Leatile ceased and the father is known to the family. The was born in 2005.03.18 Mamodupi. Maggy. Mashabela Magasane
Aleta Tsheetsa. Osiria was born on unknown. child was left under the at Mashamothane. The 368. Molepo Johanne 378. Mabelane Kesner Pontsho.
306. Ngele Zandile December 08 2003 at 334. Maphanga care of her grandmother mother Komane Paishe Masegwane was born in Thato was born in 388. Mashabela
was born on the 20th Makubu. The Mother Ernest Scoch born Manaso Mamatime Lucy. Nodica is deceased and 2001.04.29 at Masham- 2007.08.09 at Masham- Thekgo Kgolane was
of July 2003 at Alverton Sehlangu Leagatheko in 2005.03.03 and 348. Maile Granny was the father is unknown to othane. The mother othane. The mother born in 2012.02.19 at
village. The Mother Ouma is deceased and Maphanga Elias Thabiso born in 2005.06.19 at the family. The child was Molepo Molatela Adelia Mabelane Lucky Mahl- Ga-Mongatana Village.
Ngele Patricia Celiwe is the father is unknown. born 2007.01.13 at Both- Mashamothane. The left under the care of his is deceased and the athole is deceased and The mother Mashabela
deceased and the father 320. Maedimola Phenyo ashoek (Danger). The mother Maile Mahlatse grandmother Mahlake father is unknown to the the father is unknown to Maakgwale Mogau is
is unknown. The child is Evens was born on mother is deceased and Anah is deceased and Enniccah Mahlatse. family. The child was the family. The child was deceased and the father
left in the care of Ngele March 16 2005 at Maku- father is unknown to the the father is unknown 359. Maimela Xolane left under the care of his left under the care of his is unknoen to the family.
Nombango Anna. bu .The Mother Mae- family. to the family. The child Jonas was born in aunt Malapane Makgano grandmother Mabelane The child was left under
307. Mgiba Skhumbuzo dimola Nancy Ntokot- 335. Mashaba Pre- was left under the care 2010.05.09 at Masham- Flora. Maggy. the care of her aunt
Fortune was born on swane is deceased and cious Luyanda born in of her grandmother Maile othane. The mother Sim- 369. Moima James Mpho 379. Manaso Motlatso Phokane Katlego Mante.
the 20th of April 2006 at the father is unknown. 2001.08.24 at Both- Dollina Sabina. elane Johanna Popsana was born in 2004.03.31 Venolia was born in 389. Tjao Temoso
Praktiseer. The mother 321. Malepe Kevin was ashoek. The mother 349. Maphanga Pretty is deceased and the at Mashamothane. The 2010.08.08 at Marese- Mankhedi was born in
Mgiba Gertrude Joyce is born on December 07 Mkhabela Kokoshi Lena was born in 2006.06.07 father is unknown to the mother Moima Florah leng. The mother Mana- 2007.03.15 at Man-
deceased and the father 2006 at Makubu .The is deceased and the at Mashamothane. family. The child was left Makeane is deceased so Asnath is deceased tjekane village. The
is unknown .The child is mother Malepe Stephina father is unknown. The mother Maphanga under the care of her and the father is un- and the father is un- mother Tjao Mohube
left in the care Mgiba is deceased and the 336. Mampho Gren- Josephine Paulina is aunt Mohlala Anna. known to the family. The known to the family. The Nelly is deceased and
Sister Zodwa. father is unknown. erd Sharlotte born in deceased and the father 360. Sebola Tumelo child was left under the child was left under the the father is unknown
308. Mkhonto Boitumelo 322. Magabe Evence 2005.91.07 at Both- is unknown to the family. Prince was born in care of his aunt Moima care of her grandmother to the family. The child
Tears was born on the was born on September ashoek (Legabeng). The The child was left under 2001.05.24 at Masham- Mathibela. Manaso Mamatime Lucy. was left under the care of
9th of October 2000 16 2008 at Kgopaneng mother Mampho Tebogo the care of her aunt othane. The mother 370. Phasha Angel was 380. Sefiti Thatego was maternal Aunt Lekwadu
and Mkhonto Thabiso .The mother Magabe Sannie is deceased and Maphanga Nthabiseng Sebola Mabu Elisa born in 2007.09.04 at born in 2010.08.12 at Maele Christinah.
was born on the 11th of Modipadi Linky is de- the father is unknown. Letty. is deceased and the Mashamothane. The Mashamothane. The 390. Kgwedi Roynah
October 2007 of Alverton ceased and the father is 337. Malepe Thapelo 350. Moila Goitsemamg father is unknown to the mother Phasha Kholofelo mother Sefiti Daisy is was born in 2005.03.19
village. The mother Mk- unknown. born in 2009.05.03 at was born in 2006.04.16 family. The child was left Bertha is deceased and deceased and the father at Seelane village. The
honto Maggy Hildah. The 323. Makine Tervin Bothashoek. The mother at Mashamothane. The under the care of her the father is unknown to is unknown to the family. mother Kgwedi Velemi-
children are left in the Divice was born on Malepe Malehu Decious mother Moila Mogalash- aunt Sathekge Mamma the family. The child was The child was left under nah Mogale is deceased
care of Mkhonto Poppie November 24 2003 at is deceased and the ila Precious is deceased Johannah. left under the care of her the care of his grand- and the father is said to
Cathrine. Mabocha .The Mother father is unknown to the and the father is un- 361. Magabane Lesly grandmother Phasha Ng- mother Sefiti Rametsane be unknown to the family.
309. Khumalo Forget Makine Mogakwa Nighty family. known to the family. The Blessing was born wanamasha Josephine. Lenie. The child was left under
Moshe was born on the is deceased and the 338. Nkwana Andry Kho- child was left under the in 2004.07.30 and 371. Morabe Malehu 381. Khwasho Phillipine the care of her aunt
7th of February 2001 father is unknown. motso born in 2004.11.12 care of her aunt Lekwadi Magabane Rine Mpuwa was born in 2010.04.26 Lebogang was born in Kgwedi Tumelo Neni.
at Alverton village.The 324. Makhubedu Mafu- at Bothashoek (Phelend- Mosadinyana Maria. was born in 2004.07.30 at Mashamothane. The 2003.07.27at Masham- 391. Mahlakwana Lese-
mother is Nkosi Any lane Tonic was born Feb- aba). The mother Nkwa- 351. Malatji Hendrick at Mashamothane. mother Komane Mohube othane. The mother go was born 2010.09.14
Phindile and the father is ruary 12 2003 at Pidima na Victoria Keabetsoe is Tshepo was born in The mother Magab- Florah is deceased and Khwasho Monicca Mau- and Mahlakwana Mogau
unknown. The child was .The mother Makhubedu deceased and father is 2003.04.06 at Masham- ane Mamorabu Irine is the father is unknown to reen is deceased and born in 2007.11.27 at
left in the care of Nkosi Lebakang Nancinah is unknown othane. The mother deceased and the father the family. The child was the father is unknown to Ditwebeleng Village.
Mamma Joyce. deceased and the father 339. Maphake Molebatsi Malatji Nomvula Sara is is unknown to the family. left under the care of his the family. The child was The mother Mahlak-
310. Mohlala Mam- is unknown. born in 2004.04.25 at deceased and the father The child was left under aunt Moraba Matuma left under the care of his wana Beauty Mmudi is
potoke Emmanuel 325. Phomolo Phumu- Bothashoek (Legabeng). is unknown to the family. the care of her sister Constenance. aunt Khwashu Grace deceased and the father
was born on the 7th of lani born in 2007.05.15 The mother is deceased The child was left under Magabane Retshepileng 372. Magabotje Masesi. is unknown to the family.
January 2007 at Alverton at Bothashoek (Dith- and father is unknown to the care of her aunt Patience. Kgotlelelo was born in 382. Mokgotho Obene The children were left
village .The mother abaneng).The mother the family. Malatji Sylvia 362. Maleka Thlolo- 2006.09.21 at Masham- Basko was born in under the care of their
Mohlala Pulane Esther is Mampho Nthabiseng 340. Maebana Katlego 352. Malatji Cathrine gelo Faith was born in othane. The mother 2004.02.16 at Masham- grandmother Mahlakwa-
deceased and the father Constance is deceased A born in 2009.06.16 Lindiwe was born in 2009.04.07 at Masham- Magabotje Margreth Mar- othane. The mother na Rungwane Refilwe.
is unknown. The child is and the father is un- and Maebana Kamogelo 2005.05.30 at Masham- othane. The mother grieta is deceased and Mokgotho Lekgadimane 392. Moloto Lesedi
left in the care of Mohlala known to the family born in 2001.07.08 at othane. The mother Maleka Refilwe Suzan is the father is unknown to Rosina is deceased and Redumetse was born in
Tatisi Florah. 326. Mbiva Thabiso born Bothashoek (Dornkop). Malatji Nomvula Sara is deceased and the father the family. The child was the father is unknown 2016.12.14 at Ga-Mak-
311. Makofane Gift in 2007.05.26 at Both- The mother is deceased deceased and the father is unknown to the family. left under the care of his to the family. The child gopa village. The mother
Steve was born on ashoek (Dithabaneng). and father is unknown. is unknown to the family. The child was left under aunt Magabotje Mamat- was left under the care of Moloto Boitshepo Confi-
December 10 2003 at The mother Mbiva Sarah 341. Maphanga The child was left under the care of her aunt jane Cecilia. his sister Magabe Tumi dence is deceased and
Mabocha. The mother is deceased and the Kamogelo Innocent the care of her aunt Maleka Mokgeholwana 373. Mashinini Lesego Lucia. the father is unknown
Makofane Mmabogoshi father is unknown. born in 2008.07.24 at Malatji Sylvia. Christina. was born in 2011.12.05 383. Maimela Lehlog- to the family. The child
is deceased and the bio- 327. Mohlala Kgodiso Bothashoek. The mother 353. Malatji Maria Hlupi 363. Setladi Clearance at Mashamothane. onolo Mogau was was left under the care of
logical father is unknown. born in 2010.09.23 at Maphanga Zodwa Virgin- was born in 2008.10.17 was born in 2003.01.04 The mother Mashinini born in 2012.08.06 at her grandmother Moloto
312. Mafane Maphefo Bothashoek (Naledi). ia is deceased and the at Mashamothane. The at Mashamothane. The Dimakatso Ramalau Mashamothane. The Matjiane Gladys.
was born on September The mother Mohlala father is unknown to the mother Malatji Nomvula mother Setladi Mmathato is deceased and the mother Maimela Maria 393. Mphethi Maleme
14 2006 at Mabocha. Evah is deceased and family. Sara is deceased and Magaret is deceased and father is unknown to the Patricia is deceased and Dineo was born in
The mother Mafane the father is unknown to 342. Jujuju Xoli- the father is unknown to the father is unknown to family. The child was the father is unknown to 2005.08.23 at Ditwebe-
Lydia Alice is deceased the family. so Enideo born in the family. The child was the family. The child was left under the care of his the family. The child was leng village. The mother
and the biological father 328. Mathake Julie born 2001.09.12 at Both- left under the care of her left under the care of her aunt Mashinini Samaria left under the care of her Mphethi Rebotile Male-
is unknown. in 2003.09.28 at Both- ashoek. The mother aunt Malatji Sylvia. sister Setladi Thamaga Kampola grandmother Mabelane abole is deceased and
313. Magagula Thabang ashoek (Phelendaba). of the child Jujuju 354. Komane Juka was Rebecca. 374. Mabelane Kesner Kokwana Sarah. the father is unknown to
was born on August The mother Mahalake Mmamodupi Pinkie is born in 2001.04.02 at 364. Mosoma Albert Thato was born in 384. Maimela Kagiso the family. The child was
21 2002 at Mabocha Happy Rose is deceased deceased and the father Mashamothane. The was born in 2002.03.10 2007.08.09 at Masham- was born in 2003.03.04 left under the care of her
.The mother Magagula and the father is un- is unknown to the family mother Komane Paishe at Mashamothane. othane. The mother at Mashamothane. The grandmother Mphethi
Elizabeth thombeni is known to the family 343. Makola Gift born in Nodica is deceased and The mother Mosoma Mabelane Lucky Mahl- mother Maimela Maria Maleme Johanna.
deceased and the father 329. Rantho Thabang 2004.07.16 at Ramaube. the father is unknown to Maletsepe Rose is athole is deceased and Patricia is deceased and 394. Nkgabane Thuto
is unknown. born in 2006.02.25 at The mother of the child is the family. The child was deceased and the father the father is unknown to the father is unknown to was born in 2010.01.03
314. Makofane Thabang Bothashoek. The mother deceased and the father left under the care of his is unknown to the family. the family. The child was the family. The child was at Ga-Mongatane village.
was born on March 11 Rantho Dikeledi Minah is is unknown to the family grandmother Mahlake The child was left under left under the care of his left under the care of her The mother Nkgabane
2002 at Ga-Makofane deceased and father is 344. Makula Mmatebogo Enniccah Mahlatse. the care of her sister grandmother Mabelane grandmother Mabelane Reginah Makgoale
.The mother Makofane unknown to the family. born in 2000.09.27 at 355. Komane Pontsho Mosoma Nelly. Maggy. Kokwana Sarah. is mentally ill and the
Selepe Virginia is de- 330. Malatji Nqo- Bothashoek. The mother was born in 2010.12.23 365. Magabotje 375. Mabelane Rudolph 385. Mohlala Refilwe father is unknown to the
ceased and the father is bile Petunia born in is deceased and father at Mashamothane. The Kgotlelelo was born in was born in 2007.08.09 was born in 2004.06.09 family. The child is in
unknown. 2005.09.12 and Malatji unknown to the family. mother Komane Paishe 2006.09.21 at Masham- at Mashamothane. The at Mashamothane. The the care of her maternal
315. Shai Germinah Lefa born in 2008.11.30 345. Makola Anthonet Nodica is deceased and othane. The mother mother Mabelane Lucky mother Mohlala Tsatsi aunt Nkgapane Kgolane
Mokgadi was born on at Bothashoek (Phelen- Mabitsela was born in the father is unknown to Magabotje Margreth Mar- Mahlathole is deceased Violet is deceased and Francina.
September 2003 at daba).Their mother 2009.05.04 at Masham- the family. The child was grieta is deceased and and the father is un- the father is unknown to 395. Nkosi Petrus
Ga-Makofane. The Malatji Tlaisego Jane is othane B1. The mother left under the care of his the father is unknown to known to the family. The the family. The child was Tshwarelo was born in
mother Shai Catherine is deceased and father is Makola Anna Toni is grandmother Mahlake the family. The child was child was left under the left under the care of her 2001.06.28 at seelane
deceased and the father unknown to the family. deceased and the father Enniccah Mahlatse. left under the care of his care of his grandmother aunt Mohlala Baratang village. The mother
is unknown. 331. Ndhlozi Thabiso is unknown to the family 356. Komane Kedibone aunt Magabotje Mamat- Mabelane Maggy. Milliscent. Nkosi Venky Bonga is
316. Moraba Desiree Siyabonga born in .The child was left under was born in 2008.02.17 jane Cecilia. 376. Manogo Fatuma 386. Machacha Neo was deceased and the father
Motheo was born on May 2006.10.31 and Ndhlozi the care of her sister at Mashamothane. The 366. Makwana Future was born in 2003.10.07 born in 2009.12.20 at is unknown to the family.
19 2007 at Kgopaneng. Kamogelo Linah born in Makola Mmakgotso. mother Komane Paishe was born in 2003.03.08 at Mashamothane. The Ga-Mongatana village. The child was left under
The mother Moraba 2003.12.07.The mother 346. Mahlakoana Nodica is deceased and at Mashamothane. The mother Manogo Thandy The mother Machacha the care his grandmother
Engeline Mlahlegi is is Ndhlozi Anna Ng- Charlotte was born in the father is unknown to mother Makwana Maria Gennifer is deceased Motale Girly is deceased Nkosi Phahlagadi Emily.
deceased and the father watzakisi deceased and 2006.07.19 at Masham- the family. The child was Matshehla is deceased and the father is un- and the father is un- 396. Kgaphola Shebu
is unknown. father is unknown to the othane. The mother left under the care of her and the father is un- known to the family. The known to the family. The was born in 2006.07.18
317. Malepe Mercy was family. Mahlakoana Mavis grandmother Mahlake known to the family. The child was left under the child was left under the and Kgaphola Tumi
born on July 31 2005 at 332. Nyaka Reneilwe Sannie is deceased and Enniccah Mahlatse. child was left under the care of his grandmother care of her grandmother (Continued on page 8)
Kgopaneng. The mother born in 2005.07.06 at the father is unknown to 357. Komane Nikiwe care of his aunt Nkwana Manogo Salome. Machacha Makgwale
8 Platinum Gazette 29 JUNE 2018


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
(Continued from page molemo was born on 19 a female child was born ley, a female child was His mother Komana unknown, they are left 463. Malla Mpho was Magabe was born on
7) July 2004 and Modung- on the 09th April 2010 at born on 2001/01/17, at Selina is deceased and in the care of their aunt born on May 28 2003 at March 24 2002 at Riba
396. Kgaphola Shebu wana Luckyboy Olebile (Mankele Village. Their (Ga-Mokgotho Village), the father is unknown. Morena Sharon. Riba cross Ga-madis- cross Mosheneng.The
was born in 2006.07.18 was born on 01 October mother Maphoru Lekoba his mother Tjatji Agnes 443. Malepe Reatlegile 453. Tjatji Onward eng section. His mother biological mother Maga-
and Kgaphola Tumi 2007 at India Ga-Mae- Getrute is deceased and Mogamane is deceased Achibola a male child born 2012.02.25 and Lolo Sebetha Malla is be Kgarebana Joyce is
born in 2004.04.23 at sela in Fetakgomo. The the father is unknown. and the father is un- was born on 10th of Tjatji Raymond Samuel deceased and the biolog- deceased and the biolog-
Ga-Mongatane village. mother, Modungwana 420. Morei Khomotso, a known. August 2004 at (Ga-Mot- born 2003.05.07. The ical father is unknown. ical father is unknown.
The mother Kgaphola Lydia Ramaabele is male child was born on 432. Maphori Ofentse shana Village), His children’s mother passed 464. Alvina Nonyane 476. Tshegofatso
Pinkie Mmangoak- deceased and the biolog- the 11th of June 2001, Regina, a female child mother Malepe Reefilwe on and the father is was born on August Silwaani was born April
wanong is deceased and ical father is unknown. Morei Cynthia; a female was born on the 24th of Audidry is deceased and unknown, they are left 17 2002 at Riba cross 10 2002 at Riba cross
their father is unknown to 408. Mohuba Evans child was born on 21st of June 2013, and Maphori the father is unknown. in the care of their aunt Ga-madiseng section. Ga-madiseng.The
the family. The children was born on 13 January July 2007, Morei Nkolo Temosho, a female 444. Moshoane Pho- Tjatji Grace Nkeku. Her biological mother biological mother Silwani
were left under the care 2002 at Pelangwe village Prince a male child was child was born on the melelo a male child was 454. Rachoshi Prince Sarah Mabitlaneng Mmaneng Agnes is
of their grandmother in Fetakgomo. The moth- born on the 13th of Sep- 24th December 2003 at born on 11th of Septem- Khutjiso born 2009.04.06 Nonyane is deceased deceased and the biolog-
Kgaphola Katsoga Anna er, Mohuba Mokganyetji tember 2004 at (Ga-Mok- (Ga-Mokgotho Village). ber 2000 at (Ga-Motsha- from Taung village and her biological father ical father is unknown.
397. Mampuru Tebogo Daphney is deceased gotho Village). Their Their mother Maphori na Village), her mother (Tubatse). The child’s is unknown. 477. Ishmael Diaka
Mokgowane was born on and the biological father mother Morei Motlabaile Motlalo Yvonne is de- Sebe Topolana Esther is mother Rachoshi Tumelo 465. Puseletso Malepe Mankge was born on
04 September 2002 at is unknown. Maria is deceased and ceased and the father is deceased and the father Lebogang is deceased was born on October 25 July 12 2003 and Tebogo
Mohlaletse. The mother 409. Marutla Wanda was the father is unknown. unknown. is unknown. and father is unknown. 2007 and Dimpho Ken- Pascalinah was born
is deceased and the bio- born on 25 October 2001 421. Shai Kamogelo 433. Mokgotho Lerato 445. Mkhonto Blessing The child is left in the neth Malepe was born on December 27 2006.
logical father is unknown. and Marutla Boepelo Fereka, a male child Sharon, a female child Bophelo Zeldah born on care of her aunt Ratsho- on December 27 2004 at The biological mother
398. Maesela Neo was was born on 11 Novem- was born on the 30th of was born on the 06th of 2013.09.21 and Mkhonto sho Malehu Nomsa. Riba cross Ga-madiseng Mankge Ntshadi Jane is
on 20 April 2010, Maese- ber 2004 at Thampshe April 2009 at (Ga-Mok- July 2008, at (Ga-Mok- Kgotsofatso Tinyiko born 455. Cindi Tebogo born zone 1.Their mother deceased and the biolog-
la Kgaogelo was born on village in Fetakgomo. gotho Village) Segabeng gotho Village). Her moth- 2012.12.15 at Ga-Ma- 2005.12.28 from Alverton Rossina Mponane ical father is unknown.
25 August 2011, Maesela The mother, Marutla Section. His mother er Mokgotho Mashabela tokomane (Tubatse). Village (Tubatse). The Malepe is deceased and 478. Kelebogile Mok-
Malebo was born on 05 Konkwane Sankie is Shai Julia Ntidisheng is Olia is deceased and the The children’s mother mother Cindi Betha is their biological father is gotho was born on July
October 2003 and Maes- deceased and the biolog- deceased and the father father is unknown. Mkhonto Kholofelo deceased and the father unknown. 10 2005 at Riba cross
ela Tebogo at Pelangwe ical father is unknown is unknown. 434. Malepe Vincent, Ndabene Providence is is unknown .The child is 466. Theko Malapane Mandela .The biological
village in Fetakgomo. 410. Nkele Kesane 422. Maebana Fatima, a a male child was born deceased and the father left under the care of her was born on November mother Mokgotho Suzan
Their mother, Maesela Grace, a female child female child was born on on the 28th of August is unknown. The children aunt Makofane Namudi 25 2005 and Donald Mal- Mailly is deceased and
Ramadimetsa Mavis is was born on the 10th the 28th of March 2007 2003, and Malepe Tiego, are left in the care of Maggie. apane was born on June the biological father is
deceased and the biolog- of November 2004 at at (Ga-Mokgotho Village. a male child was born their aunt Mkhondo 456. Kgwedi Emmauel 09 2003 at Alverton Stel- unknown.
ical father is unkown. (Lefahla Village). Her Her mother Maebana on the 25th January Sarah Thabiso. Crag born on 2006.03.2 len Bosch section. Their 479. Thabang Makgopa
399. Mokgalaka Lethabo mother Mametja Tebogo Monicca Maggie is 2008 at (Maretloaneng 446. Mashele Tshwanelo Kgwedi Abigail born mother Ennie Makoma was born on April 21
Joseph was born on Silvia is deceased and deceased and the father Village). Their mother born on 2008.12.05 from 2008.10.27081027 from Malapane is deceased 2001 at Ga-madiseng
05 February 2004 at the father is unknown. is unknown. Salome Joyce Malepe is Ga-motodi (Tubatse) Alverton Village (Tubat- and their biological father near Sekabate primary.
Pelangwe village in 411. Maebana Kgaila, 423. Lokoeng Kgothatso, deceased and the father who is left in care of se). The child’s mother is unknown. The biological mother
Fetakgomo. The mother, a female child was born a female child was born is unknown. Mashele Modjadji San- Kgoedi Violet Maria is 467. Kelsy Vuma was Makgopa Paulinah Rais-
Mokgalaka Ramaabele on the 17th of February on the 27th of June 2000 435. Makofane Reiner nie. His mother Mashele deceased and ther father born on February 23 ibe is deceased and the
Francina and the biologi- 2001 at (Ga-Mokgotho at (Ga-Mokgotho Village. Ntshiteng, a female Mable is deceased and is unknown. The child 2003 at Riba cross father is unknown.
cal father is unknown. Village). Her mother Her mother Lokoeng child was born on the the father is unknown. is left under the care of Ga-madiseng .His bio- 480. Kelsy Vuma was
400. Kupa Katlego was Maebane Morakaneng Matshidiso Mavis Gati is 05th of March 2004, at Contact social worker her sister Kgoedi Saleta logical mother Khanyisa born on February 23
born on 29 June 2005 Annah is deceased and deceased and the father (Ga-Makofane Village). Mamadise Dineo on Martha. Gloria is deceased and 2003 at Riba cross Gam-
at Malogeng village at the father is unknown. is unknown. Her mother Makofane 0790864539. 457. Makofane Happen the biological father is adiseng.The biological
Fetakgomo. The mother, 412. Mabetha Karabo, 424. Phala Koketso, Blonia Maphoko is de- 447. Lingwati Nal- Guide born 2005.12.05 unknown. mother Vuma Gloria
Kupa Onicca Ramaabele a male child was born a male child born on ceased and the father is edi Mpendulo born and Makofane Coin 468. Anna Koketso Riba Khanyisa is deceased
is deceased and the bio- on the 16th of January the 27th of January unknown. 2015.01.03 from Taung Agree born on was born on Septem- and the biological father
logical father is unknown. 2007 at (Penge Village. 2003. His mother Phala 436. Ngwana Tshego- (Tubatse). The child’s 2002.11.30 from Prakti- ber 09 2003 at Riba is unknown.
401. Makgolane Di- His mother Mabetha Lebogang Dolly is de- fatso born was born on mother Lingwati Ellen is seer Shushumela ext 3. cross Ga-madiseng.Her 481. Tharollo Twala was
makatso was born on Mmabatho Edith is ceased and the father is 10th of June 2000 at deceased and the father Their mother Mako- biological mother Dudu born on September 08
14 December 2006 and deceased and the father unknown. (Maretlwaneng Village), is unknown, the child fane Othillia Naume is Maria Riba is deceased 2008 and Thato Twala
Makgolane Mamoraka is unknown. 425. Mokgotho Anasta- His mother Ngwana is left in the care of her deceased and the father and her biological father was born September 08
Caroline was born on 23 413. Malatji Thabo, a cia, a female child was More is deceased and aunt Lingwati Angelinah. is unknown, the children is unknown. 2008 at Ga madiseng.
May 2003 at Mphaaneng male child was born on born on 2001/09/08 at the father is unknown. 448. Maphanga are left in the care of 469. Jafta Bafana Their biological mother
village in Fetakgomo. the 30th of January 2002 (Ga-Mokgotho Village 437. Lepelle Karabo Boitumelo Simon born their sister Mkhonto Pholoana was born Twala Nyaka Joyce is
Their mother, Makgolane at (Ga-Mamogolo Vil- (Segabeng), her mother Trinity a male child was on 2012.07.17 from Yvonne Maria. on February 01 2006 deceased and the biolog-
Mahlakwane Christina is lage). His mother Malatji Matlhake Mokgotho born on 02nd of June Ga-Motodi (Tubatse). 458. Khumalo Pertunia at Riba cross Ga-ma- ical father is unknown.
deceased and the biolog- Mmabotshe Elina is Mmotlana Eliza is de- 2008, Lepelle Khutso The child’s mother born 2015.03.14 from diseng.His biological 482. Tokologo Maphaka
ical father is unknown. deceased and the father ceased and the father is Success a male child Maphanga Puseletso Shushumela ext3(Tubat- mother Pholoana Irene was born on September
402. Thobejane Thato is unknown. unknown. was born on 25th of May Ellen is deceased and se). The child’s mother Mamodupi is deceased 15 2001 and Maphaka
was born on 09 Decem- 414. Makgato Atlegang 426. Mokgotho Math- 2014, Lepelle Tharollo the father is unknown, he Khumalo Mahlanganisi and his biological father Kgothatso was born on
ber 2013 and Thobejane Fortune, a female abang, a female child Trinity a male child was is left in the care of his Annah is deceased and is unknown. November 19 2003 at
Confidence was born child was child born was born on 2002/11/30 born on 23rd of August grandmother Maphanga the father is unknown, 470. Bongani Moteni Ga-madiseng.The biolog-
11 November 2008 at on the 01st of June at (Ga-Mokgotho 2009 at (Ga-Motshana Mokgekolwana Anna. the child is left in the was born on January ical mother is deceased
Ga Nkoana village in 2009 at (Penge Village. Village), her mother Mok- Village), their mother 449. Mokhabela Mtokozo care of her sister Khuma- 11 2005 at Riba cross and the biological father
Fetakgomo. The mother, Her mother Makgato gotho Mawelele Geor- Lepelle Hlapetse Gunie born 2004.07.17 form lo Dikeledi. London section.His is unknown.
Thobejane Suzan Rae- Nonhlanhla Eunice is gina is deceased and the is deceased and the Ga-Motodi (Tubatse). 459. Mphahlele Thapelo biological mother Moteni 483. Masegare Dimpho
sibe and the biological deceased and the father father is unknown. father is unknown. The child’s mother Emanuel born 2002 Mashianyana Poppy is Joy was born on January
father is unknown. is unknown. 427. Mahlako Kgonego 438. Sebe Tebatso a Mokhabela Cynthia 05.06 from Shushumela deceased and the biolog- 04 2008, Masegare July
403. Makgolane 415. Mokoena Mahlatse Ntakaneng, a male was male child was born on Emily is deceases and ext3(Praktiseer). The ical father is unknown. Santos was born on
Mpuseng Josia was Pearl, a female child child born on 2004/08/11 22nd of July 2006 at the father is unknown, child’s mother Mphahlele 471. Letago Sarah was November 21 2003 and
born on 08 April 2010 was born on the 17th at (Maretloaneng Vil- (Ga-Motshana Vil- the child is left in the Motlatso Japhtaline is born on July 11 2004 Masegare Ntumiyane
and Makgolane Lethabo of November 2003 at lage), his mother Mahl- lage), His mother Sebe care of her grandmother deceased and the father at Riba cross London was born on June 28
was born on 17 August (Penge Village. Her ako Lindiwe Elizabeth is Mamorake Mavis is Mokhabela Melta Buy- is unknown, the child section.Her biological 2002 at Mandela. The
2009 at Mphaaneng mother Mokoena Meriam deceased and the father deceased and the father aphi. is left under the care of mother Maroga Sebuke biological mother is alive
village in Fetakgomo. Khabo is deceased and is unknown. is unknown. 450. Serage Mahl- his aunt Mabuza Zodwa Granny is deceased and but neglected the chil-
Their mother, Makgolane the father is unknown. 428. Mokgotho Charlos, 439. Komane Tharollo ogonolo Denies born Mirriam. the biological father is dren and the biological
Ramatsimele Tebogo 416. Sekgobela Ciciliah, a male child was born on a male child was born 2000.08.29 at Ga 460. Mohlala Sindi born unknown. father is unknown.
and the biological father a female child was born 2001/01/17, at (Ga-Mok- on 02nd of September Matokomane village on 2006.07.26 from 472. Promise Katle- 484. Maroga Letago
is unknown. on the 19th of March gotho Village), his 2003 at (Ga-Motshana (Tubatse). The child’s Alverton Village (Tubat- go Riba was born on Sarah was born on July
404. Mathipa Moshab- 2002 at (Lefahla Village. mother Nachamba Antija Village), His mother mother Serage Julia se). The child’s mother December 08 2002 and 11 2004 at Ga-Madiseng.
ela Karabo was born Her mother Sekgobela Sina is deceased and the Komane Marweshi Ag- Paulina is deceased and Mohlala Sinah Mphele- Thabiso Trust Riba was The biological mother
on 22 September 2004 Joyce Mokgadi is de- father is unknown. nes is deceased and the the father is unknown, geng is deceased and born on March 31 2006 Maroga Sebuke Granny
at India Ga-Maesela in ceased and the father is 429. Shai Reatlegile, a father is unknown. the child is left in the the father is unknown, on Riba cross Mandela is deceased and the bio-
Fetakgomo. The mother, unknown. male child was born on 440. Komane Matrom care of his sister Serage the child is left under the section. The biological logical father is unknown.
Mathipa Manto Sylvia is 417. Thobejane Tshepiso 2007/07/26, Shai Mogale a female child was born Matshwenyego. care of her sister Motau mother Riba Pretty 485. Malapane Donald
deceased and the biolog- Promise, a male child Prisca, a female child on 25th of July 2002 at 451. Ngele Sbong- Mahlako Noma. Moithery is deceased was born on June 09
ical father is unknown. was born on the 01st was born on 2014/03/08 (Ga-Motshana Village), ile born 2005.10.14 461. Selemela Nelisi- and the father is un- 2003 and Malapane
405. Letsoalo Thabang of November 2006 at and Shai Puseletso, a His mother Komana and Ngele Nokuthula we Motlalepula born known. Theko was born on
Nicholas was born on 28 (Ga-Mamogolo Village. female child was born on Khomotjo Mashokele is born 2002.05.20 from 2011.12.01 from Shushu- 473. Nomthandazo San- November 25 2005
July 2001 at Kaalplaas in His mother Thobejane 2015/12/13, at (Ga-Mok- deceased and the father Ga-Motodi. Their mother mela ext2(Tubatse). The nie Mashego was born at Ga-Madiseng. The
Fetakgomo. The mother, Lisbeth is deceased and gotho Village), their is unknown. Ngele Clara Mapule is child’s mother Selemela on July 08 2005 at Riba biological mother Mal-
Letsoalo Margaret the father is unknown. mother Shai Rebecca 441. Komane Tumishang deceased and the father Rakgadi Louisa is cross London section. apane Makoma Ennie is
Sponono is deceased 418. Mokgoto Masinitha, Francina is deceased a male child was born is unknown, they are left deceased and father is The biological mother deceased and the biolog-
and the biological father a male child was born and the father is un- on 02nd of September in the care of their sister unknown, the child is Mashego Ntenne Mavis ical father is unknown.
is unknown. on the 05th of October known. 2003 at (Ga-Motshana Ngele Thabitha Mamodi- in the care of her aunt is deceased and the bio- 486. Nkomo Meisie Lera-
406. Mathunyane 2000 at (Ga-Mokgotho 430. Malepe Mpho Village), His mother medi. Mogane Lydia logical father is unknown. to was born on February
Ituneleng was born on 01 Village. His mother Mok- Koketso, a female child Komane Irene is de- 452. Maome Lucas 462. Florah Mabokwane 474. Prudy Juleka Matji 10 2005 at Malaeneng.
March 2006 at Malogeng goto Stephina Makeku is was born on 2001/01/17, ceased and the father is born 2004.11.23, was born on March was born on February 02 The biological mother
village in Fetakgomo. deceased and the father at (Ga-Mokgotho unknown. Maome Thato Stephe- 27 2002 at Riba cross 15 at Ga-madiseng near Nkomo Sirah Tretjien is
The mother, Mathunyane is unknown. Village), her mother 442. Komana Sathek- linah born 2002.04.21 Ga-madiseng section. oj.The biological mother deceased and the father
Ramatsimela Selina is 419. Maphoru Aven, a Malepe Maruke Shirley is ge Themishi a male and Maome Khensani Her mother Sannie Lilly Matji Girly Sibongile is is unknown.
deceased and the biolog- male child was born on deceased and the father child was born on 01st born 2000.05.19. The Mabokwane is deceased deceased and the biolog- 487. Moteni Bongani
ical father is unknown. the 22nd of June 2007, is unknown. of November 2006 at children’s mother passed and the biological father ical father is unkown. was born on January 11
407. Modungwana Go- Maphoru Mamela Anna; 431. Tjatji Fentswe Les- (Ga-Motshana Village), on and the father is is deceased. 475. Tshegofatso (Continued on page 9)
29 JUNIE 2018 Platinum Gazette 9


• Private Bag X 80 Lebowakgomo 0737 • Tel: (015) 632 9900 • Fax: 0156227113/7381
The Department of Social Development in Limpopo, Sekhukhune District is looking for the parents of these children for the purpose of foster care and adoption investigations. Anyone with informa-
tion regarding the mentioned children, kindly contact social worker Solani Mkhacane on (015) 632 -9913 during office hours.
(Continued from page is unknown. is deceased and the father is unknown. father is unknown. Mahlatse Dorcas from Maandagshoek. The Hope is deceased and
8) 494. Phala Bridggette father is unknown. 510. Mokgetloane 518. Mashigo Phethego Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse). child’s father is unknown. the father is unknown.
487. Moteni Bongani Mosebu was born on 502. Mavumane Nk- Malebo Pertunia born Gift born 2010.07.06 at Father unknown. 534. Mosoma Kamogelo 541. Mafolo Tshepiso
was born on January 11 November 18 2001 ololeko Ephraim born 2006.03.07 at Riba Riba Cross. The mother 526. Surprise Sethoape born 2002.05.14, female, was born in Octo-
2005 at Ga-Madiseng. at Madithongwane. 2005.04.14 at Riba Cross. The mother Mashigo Retsebile Prom- born in 2009.03.16 to born to the deceased ber.12.2001 and Mafolo
The biological mother The biological mother Cross, the mother Mavu- Mokgetloane Patricia is ise is deceased and the the deceased Sethoape Mosoma Dineo Mash- Thabang was born in
Moteni Mashianyana Phala Mashebu Mavis is mane Phumzile Martha deceased and the father father is unknown. Happen from Ga-Mahl- ayi from Ga-Mpuru July 09. 2004 at Motlolo
Poppy is deceased and deceased and the biolog- is deceased and the is unknown. 519. Mashoeu Sharlotte okoane, Maandagshoek. (Tubatse). The father is village. The mother
the biological father is ical father is unknown. father is unknown. 511. Magolela Mirenda Tebu born 2002.04.19 The child’s father is unknown Mafolo Pakeng Lydia is
unknown. 495. Mosoma Kgothatso 503. Mavumane born 2002.12.21 at Mak- and Masheou Kelebohile unknown. 535. Mosoma Diketso, deceased and the father
488. Phala Thulane Dineo was born on April Bonginkosi Frans born gemeng. The Magolela Born 2012.04.11 at 527. Matise Katlego born 2001.03.17, male, is unknown.
was born on June 27 24 2002 at Legabeng. 2001.08.11 at Riba Oshaletseng Maggie is Ga-Riba. The mother born in 2001.09.08 to the born to the deceased 542. Komane Kgothat-
2002 at Mosehleng. The The biological mother Cross. The Mavumane deceased and the father Mashoeu Ranapo Morine deceased Matjie Mohlale Mosoma Dineo Mash- so was born in
biological mother Phala Mosoma Minah Nomvula Thabile is deceased and is unknown. is deceased and the Eunice from Crossong, ayi from Ga-Mpuru June.10.2008 and at
Linah Ntare is deceased is deceased and the bio- the father is unknown. 512. Sello Clem- father is unknown. Maandagshoek. The (Tubatse). The father is Ga podile village. The
and the biological father logical father is unknown. 504. Gcala Sindiswa ent Kgaugelo born 520. Thobejane child’s father is unknown. unknown. mother Komana Mohlale
is unknown. 496. Mokwena Thabang born 2004.05.23 at 2001.12.02 at Ga-Riba. Zanel Mahlako born 528. Phori Mpho born 536. Lekoadu Nyak- Ennica is deceased and
489. Mabawa Gled was born 2002.05.15 at Ga-Riba. The mother The mother Sello Lucy 2015.05.06 at Matsi- in 2004.11.23 to the wabe Itumeleng, born the father is unknown.
born on March 13 2006 Riba Cross. The mother Mahlangu Florence Mokgobela is deceased aneng. The mother deceased Phori Milly 2004.02.02 female, born 543. Mokgotho Senzo
at Mandela. The biolog- Mokwena Maatumeng Khonjiwe is deceased and the father is un- Thobejane Mamothupi from Ga-Mahlokoane to the deceased Lekoadu was born in July 13 2005
ical mother Mabawa Le- Lisbeth is deceased and and the father is un- known. Kedibone is deceased Maandagshoek. The Moloto Christina from at Ga-Podile. The mother
tau Ogneria is deceased the father is unknown. known. 513. Riba Shaida Diara- and the father is un- child’s father in unknown Ga-Mpuru (Tubatse). Mokgotho Aminah Mase-
and the biological father 497. Mafane Kamo- 505. Riba Mahlakwane betso born 2002.04.16 at known. 529. Phori Kgodisho Father is unknown gare is deceased and the
is unknown. gelo Mathews born Pertunia born 2001.11.29 Riba Cross. The mother 521. Digaota Win- born in 2001.11.12 to 537. Sedikane Thabo father is unknown.
490. Riba Pinkie was 2004.07.14 at Riba at Ga-Riba. The mother Riba Enny Maalokaneng ny Mmatsepo born the deceased Phori Milly Joe was born in March 544. Nkuna Lethabo
born on May 26 2002 Cross.The mother Riba Tebadi Agnes is is deceased and the 2004.11.07 at Mak- from Ga-Mahlokoane 04 2004, at Motlolo Mosejwadi was born on
at Ga-Madiseng. The Mafane Lebone Lucia is deceased and the father father is unknown. gemeng. The mother Maandagshoek. The village. His mother, 25 December 2014 at
biological mother Riba deceased ant the father is unknown. 514. Molopo Phetollo Digaota Julia Malehu is child’s father in unknown Sedikane Joyce Mpedi is Mphaaneng village in
Rasi Virginia is deceased is unknown. 506. Maepa Thapelo Happy 2002.11.30 at deceased and the father 530. Komane Emma deceased and his father Fetakgomo. The mother,
and the biological father 498. Maebela Reneilwe born 2006.11.03 and Riba Cross. The mother is unknown. born in 2001.12.15 to is unknown. Nkuna Dimakatso Val-
is unknown. Keith born 2001.04.26 Maepa Kgotlelelo Sam- Molopo Lizy Sesina is 522. Mabilu Prom- the deceased Komane 538. Mafolo Comfort was entine is deceased and
491. Riba Promise and Maebela Dineo son Born 2001.03.05 deceased and the father ise Tshepiso born Florah from Crossong, born in June.12.2003 the biological father is
Katlego was born on Faith Born 2001.04.26 at at Makgemeng. The is unknown. 2003.06.12 at Ga-Riba. Maandagshoek. The and Mafolo Lerato unknown.
December 08 2002 at Riba Cross. The mother mother Maepa Virginia is 515. Makofane The mother Mabilu child’s father is unknown. Ngwanatshweu was born 545. Mothiba Mosa Luke
Mandela. The biologi- Maebela Ntapedisheng deceased and the father Mokete Mathibela Mmasello Irene is de- 531. Tebele Mm- in November 11 2005 Hermilton was born
cal mother Riba Pretty Elizabeth is deceased is unknown. born 2005.04.29 and ceased and the father is matshepo born in at Motlolo village. Their on 26 October 2009 at
Moithery is deceased and the father is unkown. 507. Madigage Makofane Morongwa unknown. 2004.07.08 to the mother Mafolo Kholofelo Seshego. The mother,
and the biological father 499. Maphake Thape- Promise Mashutu born Letoboko 2007.02.11 at 523. Mohlala Pru- deceased Tebele Selinah is deceased and their Mothiba Linah Ramasela
is unknown. lo born 2010.01.26 at 2003.11.07 at Ga-Riba. Ga-Riba. The Mako- dence Boitumelo from Ga-Mamphahlane, father is unknown. is deceased and the bio-
492. Moropa Encour- Ga-Riba. The mother The Madigage Ester fane Dinah Morethe is born2004.08.03 female, Maandagshoek. The 539. Komane Deraest logical father is unknown.
age Tlisetso was born Maphake Tabydi Lilian is Segolo is deceased and deceased and the father mother was Mohlala child’s father is unknown was born in April .04. 546. Moraswi Aidyan
on May 09 2001 at Mal- deceased and the father the father is unknown. is unknown. Johanna Matshidiso from 532. Tebele Tshepo born 2001 at Motlolo village. Monokeng was born on
aeneng. The biological is unknown. 508. Sekome Theresho 516. Marebane Tumelo Swale (Tubatse.) the in 2004.07.08 to the The mother Komane 21 June 2005 at Apel.
mother Moropa Sibongile 500. Ngoato Florence born 2008.02.21 at born 2007.04.05 at father is unknown. deceased Tebele Selinah Slphina Mashego is The mother, Moraswi
Rebecca is deceased born 2001.07.11 Ga-Ri- Ga-Riba. The mother Ga-Riba. The mother 524. Mndebele Kutullo from Ga-Mamphahlane, deceased and the father Jeanett is deceased and
and the biological father ba. The mother Ngoato Sekome Julia Mashilo is Marebane Maggy Innet 2004.12.20, male, his Maandagshoek. The is unknown. the biological father is
is unknown. Sephedile Sthokgola is deceased and the father is deceased and the mother was Mndebele child’s father is unknown 540. Marobane unknown.
493. Malapane Cry John deceased and the father is unknown. father is unknown. Florah Tholaphi from Se- 533. Mahlokoane Champion was born
was born on November is unknown. 509. Mmutlane Lebo 517. Moeng Morakeng hlaku (Tubatse). Father Keabetswe born in in March.03.2006 and
10 2001 at Mandela. The 501. Lekoto Comfort born 2007.06.20 at born 2009.08.18 at unknown 2007.08.14 to the Marobane Khomotsowas
biological mother Malap- Thabo Born 2002.12.06 Makgemeng. The mother Ga-Riba. The mother 525. Lekwadu Joy born deceased Mahlokoane born in May 02 2011
ane Rosy is deceased at Ga-Riba. The mother Mmutlane Sofiana Gla- Moeng Sarah Mmapula 2008.05.01, male, his Matsie Dalitha from at Motlolo village. The
and the biological father Lekoto Rantobeng Grace dys is deceased and the is deceased and the mother was Lekwadu Ga-Mahlokoane, mother Morobane Moele

NOTICE OF 2018 Aapiesdoorndraai June 2018. KGOPELO GO le mo karolong ya Planner), no. 15 leba- thušwago go ngwala No. 25A, Annlin
NOTICE OF APPLI- 298-KT. Objections to or rep- LATELA KAROLO lesome (10) ya polasa tong la fase la Tikatiko dingongorego tša Forum Building, 3
CATION IN TERMS Annexures resentations in respect YA 108(1) YA MOLAO ya Aapiesdoorndraai ya Setšhaba, no. 1 se- bona. Dorethea Street,
OF SECTION Property Description: of the application must WA PEAKANYO 298 KT. terateng sa Kastania, Aterese ya moemedi: Annlin, Pretoria, 0129,
108(1) OF THE Portion 10 of the Farm be lodged with or YA DITOROPO LE Dinthla Burgersfort, 1150 MOK Development e-mail: kwenam@
TOWN PLANNING Aapiesdoorndraai made in writing to the DITOROTSWANA, Lefelo la tšwelopele: ka nako tša tlwaelo Consultants, Office
AND TOWNSHIPS 298-KT Municipal Manager, at WA 1986 (MOLAO Karolo ya lesome (10) tša mošomo tekano

It‛s child‛s play to read your

ORDINANCE, 1986 Geographic Coor- the above address or WA BO 15 WA 1986), ya polasa ya Aapies- ya matšatši a 28 go
(ORDINANCE 15 OF dinates: S24° 37’ at P O Box 206, Burg- O BALWA MMO- doorndraai 298-KT tloga tšweletšong ya
1986), READ TO- 24.855” and E30° 20’ ersfort, 1150 within a GO LE DIKAROLO E hwetšagala: S24° pele ya tsebišo ye go Platinum Gazette online
GETHER WITH THE 57.899”. period of 28 days from TŠA MOLAO WA 37’ 24.855” le E30° thoma ka Labohlano
PROVISIONS OF Total Site Area: the first publication PEAKANYOLESWA 20’ 57.899”. la 29 June 2018.
233.2713 Hectares which is Friday, 29 YA MAFELO LE TAO- Bogolo bja lefelo: Mang le mang yo a
NING AND LAND Proposed Develop- June 2018. LO YA TSHOMIŠO Diekere tše 233.2713 nago le dingongore-
ment: 1034 stands Notice is further given YA NAGA, WA 2013 Tšwelopele e šišiny- go goba boipelaetšo subscribe to get
comprising 1004x in terms of section 21 (MOLAO WA BO 16 wago: Ditene tše 1034 go kgopelo ye, a ka it on e-mail by
ACT, 2013 (ACT 16 of
Residential 1 stands, (4) of the Local Gov- WA 2018). tše di nago le ditene tšweletsa dingongore- sending us your
MOK Development 5x Residential 3 ernment: Municipal MOK Development tše 1004 tša Bodulo, go tšeo le mabaka a request to
Consultants cc, being stands, 7x Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act Consultants, re le ditene tše 5 tša Bod- gona ao a ngwadil- adverts@
the authorised agent stands, 1x Sports 32 of 2000) that those baemedi ba semmušo ulo ka Bontši, ditene wego go Molaodi platinum
of the owners of stand, 5x Institutional who cannot write must ba mong wa lefelo la tše 7 tša Mmušo wa wa Mmasepala wa
Portion 10 of the Farm stands, 6x Business approach the office karolo ya lesome (10) Selegae, Setene se Fetakgomo Tubatse
Aapiesdoorndraai 1 stands, 6x Public of the municipal town ya polasa ya Aapies- 1 Dipapadi, ditene pele ga ge go feta
Open Space and 1x planner during the doorndraai 298 KT, re tše 5 tša Didirišwa matšatši a 28 go tloga Platinum Gazette contact details:
298-KT, hereby gives
a notice in terms of Special zoning stand. office hours for assis- fa tsebišo ka karolo ya tša Setšhaba, ditene tšweletšong ya pele Editorial: William Zwart
Section 108(1) of the Proposed name: tance with recording 108(1) ya Molao wa tše 6 tša Kgwebo, ya tsebišo ye, ka Tel: 083 271 9151
Aapiesdoorndraai their representations/ Peakanyo ya Ditoropo ditene tše 6 tša labohlano la 29 June E-mail:
Town Planning and
Townships Ordinance, Township objections. le Ditorotswana, wa Mafelo a Setšhaba a 2018. Advertising: Beánnla Celliers
Particulars of this Address of Applicant’s 1986 (Molao wa bo Boiketlo le setene se Tsebišo e fiwa gape Tel: 083 543 1676
1986 (Ordinance 15 E-mail:
of 1986) read together application will lie Agent: MOK Devel- 15 wa 1986), o balwa 1 sa Tšhomišo ya go malebana le karolo
with the provisions of for inspection during opment Consultants, le dikarolo tša Molao Ikgetha. ya 21 (4) ya Molao Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

the Spatial Planning normal office hours at Office No. 25A, Annlin wa Peakanyoleswa Leina le le akanywa- wa Tshepidišo ya
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150
and Land Use Man- the office of the Office Forum Building, 3 ya Mafelo le Taolo ya go: Aapiesdoorndraai Pušo-Selegae (Molao
of the Town Planner; Dorethea Street, Tšhomišo ya Naga, Township wa 32 wa 2000) gore Website:
agement Act, 2013
(Act 16 of 2013) that Office 15, Ground Annlin, Pretoria, 0129, wa 2013 (Molao wa bo Dinthla ka moka batho bao ba sa kgo- Printers:
Floor, Civic Centre, e-mail: 16 wa 2018 ya mai- malebana le kgopelo nego go ngwala ba ka Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.
Fetakgomo Tubatse
Local Municipality number 01 Kastania kemišetšo a Pušo-Se- ye di tla hwetšagala itšweletsa ofising ya Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and /
intends to establish a Street, Burgersfort, legae ya Fetakgomo phaphošing ya mošo- Mmasepala ya Town or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are
1150 for a period of 28 TSEBIŠO YA 2018 Tubatse a go hloma mo ya Mmeakanyi Planning ka nako ya expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright
township on Por- Act (98 of 1978).
tion 10 of the Farm days from Friday, 29 TSEBIŠO YA torotswana/ tšwelope- wa Ditoropo (Town mošomo moo ba ka
10 Platinum Gazette 29 JUNE 2018

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

heid eenhede, verdere

Advertise here/ 3. Dienste/ Warehouses and

Adverteer hier:
1. Sport Klubs / Pets
Visit your local
shops to let. 300 +
400 SQ.
Contact Ina:
gebruik word saam
met huur ingevorder.
Skadunet afdak vir
Platinum Gazette
082 888 9672 voertuig.
Sport Clubs 6. Persoonlik/ professional art Troeteldiere welkom Beánnla Celliers will see to
2. Betrekking/ Personal and décor framer in HOUSE TO LET (voorwaardes geld).
Steelpoort. Deposito word vereis.
it that your advertisement
Two bedroom house
Vacancy 7. Allerlei/ 24 Years experience available from Huis toegerus met in the Platinum Gazette
3. Dienste/ Miscellaneous in framing. Get the R4500. (Full time alarmstelsel wat meets the highest stand-
Services 8. Finansies/ option that fits your security). huurder kan laat
taste and budget! Three bedroom moniteer. ards with regard to design
4. Oornag Financial Small gifts and crafts house available from Kontak Mike by and reproduction.
Akkommodasie/ 9. Te Huur/ available in store. R5500. Aloe Ridge 082 357 1954
Overnight To Rent Printing, photocop- East and Aloe Ridge
accommodation 10. Te Koop/ ies and much more. West. Viewing avail- To advertise contact
Stockists of EPA! Chil- able after hours. 10. Te Koop/
5. Troeteldiere/ For sale li and other sauces. Please call on
her on 083 543 1676 or
Visit Esmé Framers 082 578 6113.
For Sale adverts@
in Steelpoort next
Multi housing unit in
to Wimpy or contact
Mashifane park for
Share it! Esmé on 079 100
3 Slaapkamer huis in Sale. 3x2 bedroom

Submit your
klein sekuriteitskom-
pleks naby Tubatse
units with tenants,
transformer, borehole
Get your hard copy of the
stories and event invitations to the 9. Te Huur/ and space for
Editor on: To Rent
Crossing Mall in
Burgersfort. expansion. newspaper here:
Dadelik beskikbaar. Urgent Sale!!! Offers accepted.
* Bronrich Slaghuis * Mooifontein Kafee * Boxer Steelpoort
TO LET - Billike huur sluit water * Praktiseer Build It * Mahlasedi Health * Tubatse Build It
The editorial deadline is at 17:00 Call 078 812 7229
BURGERSFORT en elektrisiteit in. Elek- * Vyfster Slaghuis * Health Zone Gym * Themba Filling
every Wednesday. 2 and 3 Bedroom trisiteit ingesluit tot op *Fouché Medical * Cheap Cheap Station
houses to let. ‘n standaard hoeveel- Practice * CTM * Supa Dry Cleaners
* Dr Phetla Medical

Vacancies/Betrekkings Practice
* Platinum Petroleum
Filling Station
* Shoprite Tubatse
Crossing Mall
* Pick ‘n Pay Tubatse
Crossing Mall
* Aloe Spar
* Department of
Education Circuit
Office Burgersfort
* Fastfit Burgersfort
* Total Filling
Seize this opportunity to join Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, a values-driven
Station Steelpoort
Company that unconditionally cares for its people.
The Association’s operational and administrative offices are situated at their Havercroft / Olifants * Sasol Filling
Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60 kilometers from Lydenburg
and 40 kilometers from Burgersfort, is a world-class producer of Chrome Ore. River Bulk water supply utility, approximately 120km southeast of Polokwane and 80km north- Station Steelpoort
west of Burgersfort. * Winterveld
GES - Mechanical (D2) (1 Position) Vacancy - Social Development Manager
Bottom Village gate
* Tubatse Village
(Ref. DCM/ENG/GES) Entrance Gate
Salary Package - Total Employment Costs: Negotiable according to qualifications and
The successful applicant will report to the Section Engineer or nominee. * Laerskool Steelpoort
Minimum educational requirements: UÊ Ê ÀiiÛ>˜ÌÊ À̈Ã>˜Ê /À>`iÊ /iÃÌÊ UÊ Ê `ˆ«œ“>É * Laerskool
>̈œ˜>Êˆ}…iÀÊ ˆ«œ“>\Ê ˜}ˆ˜iiÀˆ˜}ÊUÊÊ
œ`iÊänÊ­ ®Ê`ÀˆÛiÀ½ÃʏˆVi˜Vi° Burgersfort
Key Challenges:
Experience (including but not limited to): UÊ ÌÊ i>ÃÌÊ xÊ Þi>ÀÃ½Ê iÝÌi˜ÃˆÛiÊ «À>V̈V>Ê • Provide strategic leadership in the interpretation of LWUA corporate strategy into social * Laerskool Ohrigstad
i˜}ˆ˜iiÀˆ˜}ÊiÝ«iÀˆi˜Viʈ˜Ê>Ê*>˜Ìɓˆ˜ˆ˜}ÉܜÀŽÃÊi˜ÛˆÀœ˜“i˜ÌÊ>ÌÊÃÕ«iÀۈÜÀÞʏiÛiÊUÊÌÊ * Fetakgomo Greater
development objectives to be implemented in line with the CSR strategy.
i>ÃÌÊÎÊÞi>Àýʓ>˜>}i“i˜ÌÊiÝ«iÀˆi˜Viʈ˜Ê>Ê«>˜Ìɓˆ˜ˆ˜}ÉܜÀŽÃÊi˜ÛˆÀœ˜“i˜ÌÊ­ˆ˜VÕ`i`Ê Tubatse Municipality
ˆ˜Ê̅iÊ>LœÛi®° • Develop and manage implementation of the CSR Policy and Plan to support achievement of
the LWUA strategic objectives. Offices Burgersfort
Duties (including but not limited to):Ê UÊ ˜ÃÕÀiÊ iµÕˆ«“i˜ÌÊ >Û>ˆ>LˆˆÌÞÊ >˜`Ê Àiˆ>LˆˆÌÞÊ * Pick n Pay
̅ÀœÕ}…Ê >««ˆV>̈œ˜Ê œvÊ “>ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜ViÊ “>˜>}i“i˜ÌÊ ÃÞÃÌi“ÃÊ >˜`Ê ÀiÜÕÀViÃÊ ÌœÊ >V…ˆiÛiÊ
• Provide thought leadership in the conceptualisation, development and execution of
sustainable socio-economic development and environmental initiatives. Steelpoort
«Àœ`ÕV̈œ˜Ê Ì>À}iÌÃÊ UÊ >˜>}iÊ LÕ`}iÌÊ >˜`Ê VœÃÌÊ Vœ˜ÌÀœÊ UÊ -V…i`ՏiÊ >˜`Ê “>˜>}iÊ Ì…iÊ * Supa Save
iÝiVṎœ˜ÊœvÊ̅iÊ ˜ÌiÀ«ÀˆÃiÊÃÃiÌÊ>˜>}i“i˜ÌÊ>V̈ۈ̈iÃÊ>VÀœÃÃÊÃiV̈œ˜>ÊLœÕ˜`>ÀˆiÃʈ˜Ê • Lead collaboration involving key stakeholders to facilitate social change for the beneficiaries.
• Compile monthly reports on stakeholder engagement, progress on CSR initiatives, and the * Old Burgersfort
associated risk status. Toyota & Filling
ÃiÌʜ«iÀ>̈œ˜>ÊÌ>À}iÌÃÊ>˜`ʈ`i˜ÌˆvÞÊ>˜`ʈ“«i“i˜ÌÊVœÀÀiV̈ÛiÊ>V̈œ˜Ê>˜`ʈ“«ÀœÛi“i˜ÌÊ • Conduct social risk assessments to develop a risk profile that feeds into the Risk Log for the Station
œ««œÀÌ՘ˆÌˆiÃ]Ê ˆ˜VÕ`ˆ˜}Ê ˆ>ˆÃœ˜Ê >VÀœÃÃÊ ˆ˜ÌiÀv>ViÃÊ UÊ ÃÈÃÌÊ >˜>}i“i˜ÌÊ ˆ˜Ê Vœ“«ˆˆ˜}Ê relevant subcommittee of the Management Committee. * Tubatse Superspar
œ«iÀ>̈œ˜>ÊÃÌÀ>Ìi}Þ]ÊÃiÌ̈˜}ʜvÊ>V…ˆiÛ>LiÊ«Àœ`ÕV̈œ˜ÊÌ>À}iÌÃÊ>˜`Ê̜ÊVœ“«ˆi]ʓ>˜>}iÊ • Ensure compliance with CSR policies, procedures, and relevant legislation. • Praktiseer
,ÊLÕ`}iÌÃÊ>˜`Ê̜ʓ>˜>}iÊVœ˜ÌÀ>V̜ÀÊ«iÀvœÀ“>˜ViÊ>}>ˆ˜ÃÌÊ • Compile and submit annual budget on CSR for approval, and report on monthly variances. Department of
ÃiÀۈViʏiÛiÊ>}Àii“i˜ÌÃÊUÊ>˜>}iÊ̅iÊ>Û>ˆ>LˆˆÌÞʜvÊë>ÀiÃÊ>˜`ʈ˜ÌiÀ˜>ÊÃ̜ÀiÊÃ̜VŽÊ Education
iÛiÃ]ʈ˜VÕ`ˆ˜}ÊiÝ«i`ˆÌˆ˜}°Ê * Supa Quick
Job Grade: D-Upper
-iiV̈œ˜Ê ܈Ê Ì>ŽiÊ «>ViÊ >VVœÀ`ˆ˜}Ê ÌœÊ Ì…iÊ Ü>ÀÃÀˆÛˆiÀÊ
…Àœ“iÊ ˆ˜iÊ ,iVÀՈ̓i˜ÌÊ Burgersfort
"«iÀ>̈˜}Ê *ÀœVi`ÕÀi°Ê Ê ÃÌÀœ˜}Ê Vœ˜Ãˆ`iÀ>̈œ˜Ê ܈Ê LiÊ Ì…iÊ ˆ˜`ˆÛˆ`Õ>½ÃÊ wÌÊ ÜˆÌ…Ê Ì…iÊ Skills Requirement - the successful incumbent will be required to possess the following * Choppies
…Àœ“iʈ˜iÊ6>ÕiðÊ/…iÊÃÕVViÃÃvՏÊV>˜`ˆ`>ÌiÊ܈ÊLiÊ>««œˆ˜Ìi`ʜ˜Ê̅iÊ Burgersfort
skills competencies:
…Àœ“iÊ ˆ˜iÊ
œ˜`ˆÌˆœ˜ÃÊ œvÊ “«œÞ“i˜Ì]Ê Ü…ˆV…Ê ˆ˜VÕ`iÊ Liˆ˜}Ê ViÀ̈wi`Ê * Burgersfort
“i`ˆV>ÞÊwÌÊ>ÃÊ«iÀÊ̅iʈ˜iÊi>Ì…Ê>˜`Ê->viÌÞÊVÌ]Êәɣ™™È°Ê Ü>ÀÃÀˆÛˆiÀÊ
• Ethical leadership • Problem solving and analysis
• Verbal and written communication • Presentation Pharmacy Morone
ˆÃÊ>˜ÊiµÕ>Êœ««œÀÌ՘ˆÌÞÊi“«œÞiÀÊ>˜`Ê`ÕiÊVœ˜Ãˆ`iÀ>̈œ˜Ê܈ÊLiÊÌ>Ži˜Êˆ˜ÊÌiÀ“ÃʜvÊ̅iÊ Centre
Vœ“«>˜Þ½ÃÊ i“«œÞ“i˜ÌÊ iµÕˆÌÞÊ «>˜]Ê ˆ˜VÕ`ˆ˜}Ê ˆ˜ˆ˜}Ê
…>ÀÌiÀÊ œLiV̈ÛiÃ°Ê *ÀiviÀi˜ViÊ • Interpersonal • Stakeholder engagement
• Integrity • Conflict management * Boxer Stores - Khad-
• Computer • Strategic thinking and decision-making ima Centre Taxi Rank
CVs may be submitted to Dwarsrivier Recruitment via e-mail:
• Influencing • Negotiation Burgersfort or fax: 086 528 7372. Please clearly indicate the
• Planning and organizing • Adaptability * Burgersfort Police
reference number on your application or on the subject line of your e-mail.
All candidates must ensure that all relevant certified (certified by SAPS) • Resilience • Multilingual Station
qualifications, certificates and licences are attached to their application. * Praktiseer Police
Shortlisted candidates will be required to authenticate information provided Qualifications Requirements: Station
in their CVs. Correspondence will be entered into with shortlisted candidates • 4 Year Degree in Social Development or equivalent combination of education and job-related * Tiezers Fork & Meat
only. Candidates may be required to undergo psychometric and other relevant experiences. Ohrigstad
assessments. Please note that criminal and credit checks may be conducted • General Management. * Ohrigstad
for this position. Handelshuis
• 5-7 years of experience in Social Development.
vÊ>ÊV>˜`ˆ`>ÌiÊv>ˆÃÊ̜ʫÀœÛˆ`iʈ˜vœÀ“>̈œ˜ÊœÀÊÃÕL“ˆÌÊ«ÀœœvʜvʵÕ>ˆwV>̈œ˜ÃÊ>ÃÊ«iÀÊ̅iÊ * Modikwa Platinum
“ˆ˜ˆ“Õ“ÊÀiµÕˆÀi“i˜ÌÃÊ>LœÛi]Ê̅iÊ>««ˆV>̈œ˜Ê܈Ê˜œÌÊLiÊVœ˜Ãˆ`iÀi`° Mine
Forward Address:
œÊ>ÌiʜÀÊ՘܏ˆVˆÌi`Ê>««ˆV>̈œ˜ÃÊ܈ÊLiÊVœ˜Ãˆ`iÀi`°Ê œÊÀiVÀՈ̓i˜ÌÊ>}i˜VÞÊ
6ÃÊ܈Ê Suitably qualified candidates should forward detailed CV’s to: * Twickenham
LiÊ>VVi«Ìi`° Platinum Mine
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), PO Box 2075, POLOKWANE, 0700.
Closing date:Ê{ÊՏÞÊÓä£nÊ>ÌÊ£Ó\ää E-mail: * Dwarsrivier Chrome
Closing date: 6 July 2018. * Kubu Tavern Kutullo
Human Communications 142104
Matepe section
29 JUNE 2018 NUUS 11

Talking about land expropriation

This week the public hearings on the Expropriation of Land without
Compensation and the amendment of section 25 of the Constitu-
tion kicked off in Sekhukhune.
On Wednesday emotions ran high in Marble Hall in the Ephraim
Mogale Local Municipality as a large crowd gathered to have their
The hearing was chaired by Mr Vincent Smith who leads the re-
view committee. Opposition leaders were also part of the parlia-
mentary delegation participating in the hearings.
The hearings were preceded by more than 700 000 written sub-
missions to the review committee.
During the hearing the crowd had to be calmed down at times as
opposition views were booed and shouting started. Smith said that
he understood that the process was very emotional as tensions
The committee heard tales told by elderly men and women who at
times were in tears as they spoke about being removed from land
in the area.
The Sekhukhune area is known for mining and farming as main
economic activities.
The photographs on this page was shared on social media by the
Sekhukhune District Municipality.

The Association’s operational and administrative offices are situated at their Havercroft / Olifants
River Bulk water supply utility, approximately 120km southeast of Polokwane and 80km north-
west of Burgersfort.

Vacancy - Operations Manager

Salary Package - Total Employment Costs: Negotiable according to qualifications and

Key Challenges:
• Provide managerial leadership and input into LWUA organisational strategy and ensure
implementation thereof.
• Coordinate, manage and monitor the workings of various functions in the operations
department and ensure uninterrupted supply of water to mines.
• Manage and ensure optimal use of human resources.
• Manage conflicts within workforce.
• Monthly water balance.
• Plan, develop and oversee implementation of budgets.
• Manage projects internally and provide oversight and sponsorship on behalf of LWUA to large
projects implemented through external service providers.
• Ensure compliance with legislative requirements, policies and procedures in line with the OHS
• Manage stakeholder engagement and relationships.

Job Grade: D-Upper

Skills Requirement - the successful incumbent will be required to possess the following
skills competencies:
• Management and leadership. • Strong problem solving, decision making.
• Verbal and written communication. • Computer literacy.
• Safety awareness. • Business Acumen.
• Stakeholder management. • Interpersonal relationships.
• Code 08 driver’s license. • Medically fit.

Qualifications Requirements:
• B Degree/Higher diploma in Engineering OR equivalent combination of education and
job-related experience.
• General Management.
• 7-10 years of experience in the Engineering environment with at least 3-5 years in a
management/team leader role.

Forward address:
Suitably qualified candidates should forward detailed CV’s to:
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), PO Box 2075, POLOKWANE, 0700.
Closing date: 6 July 2018.
12 29 JUNE 2018

Platinum Gazette
TUPS hosts provincial royal roadshow
TUPS recently embarked on a 16-day provincial
roadshow to showcase the sporting code originated in
Sekhukhune to the rest of the province.
The kick-off of the roadshow took place in Polokwane
and saw more than 100 players from different clubs in
mainly Sekhukhune, Moletši and Seshego display their
TUPS partnered with Progress Milling and the launch
took place at their grounds in Polokwane.
The launch included visitors from the Limpopo Sport
Confederation, Congress of Traditional Leaders of
South Africa’s Limpopo Chapter and Southern African
Association of Youth Clubs.
The sport was invented by Mr Puleng Mmotla and aims
to organise young people to keep away from crime,
drugs and alcohol while participating in an original
homegrown sporting activity. The sport is growing in
especially rural communities.
Representatives from the various forums for sport
and the youth expressed their support for TUPS and
SAPS at play
encouraged the people from Limpopo and South Africa On Wednesday 27 June 2018, SAPS Limpopo Provincial Office
to become involved. visited SAPS PSS in a Stream A Capricorn district soccer league
To find out more about TUPS please contact Mr Puleng match. The match was played at Tom Naude High School in Polok-
Mmotla on 076 360 2091. wane. Provincial office won the match 4-0. Cleaner Sekwaila (x2),
(Photographs & information: Puleng Mmotla) Admin Clerk Boshomane and Capt Magwai scored the four goals
for Provincial office team.
In another match SAPS Mankweng/Sebayeng hosted SAPS Mat-
lala/Mashashane in Mankweng. Both teams played well and the
game ended in a 4-4 draw. Const Mogashoa, Const Mamabolo and
Const Fisha (x2) were on the scoresheet for Mankweng/Sebayeng
team. The four goals for Matlala/Mashashane were scored by Ser-
geant Manamela, Sergeant Ledwaba, Const Legodi and Reservist
Const Mosena.
In Stream B matches: 27 JUNE 2018 - SAPS Tubatse/Mecklen-
burg/Ohrigstad 3 (Admin Clerk Mantsho (x2), Const Masenya) vs
SAPS Motetema/Groblersdal/Rakgoadi 3 (Const Segoa, Const
Baloyi and Const Mogashoa).
SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall (Const Kotelo (x2), Const Magagula
and Const Kekana) 3 vs SAPS Lebowakgomo/Masemola/Magatle
6 (Const Tsima (x2), W/O Mphahlele, Const Seete, Const Kanyane,
Const Mabudusha)
(Information and photos: Sergeant Mvundlela)

Supporting Pilgrims Rest golf club

In recent years the Pilgrims Rest golf club
saw a big decline in members and activity as
tourism in the area took a blow. Less and less
people stay over for weekends in the historic
town and in turn less people turned up for
their Saturday or Sunday round of golf.
Local golf players supported a day to help
revive the Pilgrims Rest club. A team from
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (photo left)
entered the competition held last weekend,
while local players Willem Montgomery and
Riaan Cronje were the day’s winners. Golf
enthusiasts in the area are reminded that the
Pilgrims Rest club is open and operating.
(Photographs & information: Willem Montgom-

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