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Writer's Agreement

In consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements herein contained it is

understood and agreed as follows:

1. Writer is an Independent Contractor engaged in an independent business and is not an

employee, agent, partner or joint venture of or with the Publisher. The Writer shall not hold
himself/herself out to the public as an employee, agent, partner of or with the Publisher.

2. In consideration of the engagement of the undersigned independent contractor by the

Publisher, the Writer hereby acknowledges and agrees that all of the results and proceeds of
every kind of the services heretofore and hereafter rendered by the Writer for the Publisher,
including, but not limited to, newspaper articles, stories, reports, memoranda, drawings,
photographs, ideas, suggestions, titles, designs and other work (collectively the "Work"),
are and shall be assigned to the Publisher. The Publisher shall exclusively own in perpetuity
all now known or hereafter existing rights of every nature worldwide pertaining to such
Work in or as part of any version of the Publisher's publications that are published in print or
displayed through computer-assisted and other interactive media such as the Internet and
World Wide Web (collectively the "Rights"). Writer hereby irrevocably grants and assigns to
the Publisher all of its right, title, and interest in and to the Work (and all Rights thereto)
not so vested free from any restrictions and limitations, including, but not limited to, the
right to sue for past infringement, the right to use, and/or have any person or entity
working with or for the Publisher use the Work or any portion thereof, in or as part of any
version of the Publisher's publications which are published in print or displayed through
computer-assisted and other interactive media such as the Internet and World Wide Web,
and to execute all additional documents to effectuate said grants and assignments, to
enable the Publisher to apply for registration of copyright therein, and to receive said
Certificate of Registration.

3. Writer, for authoring said Work, shall receive payment agreed upon for each article
completed, submitted and accepted by the Publisher. The Publisher will pay the Writer by
(1) PayPal or (2) check on the 1st and the 15th day of each month for all Work submitted
and approved by the Publisher. If the 1st or the 15th occurs on a Saturday or Sunday,
payment will be made the following business day.

4. The Writer acknowledges and represents that time is of the essence in the completion of
the Work and that Writer can complete articles and submit them to the Publisher by e-mail
at an agreed upon time (hereinafter "due date"). The Writer acknowledges and represents
that he/she can complete the Work by the due date and that this representation is a
material term and condition of this Agreement. The Writer acknowledges and agrees that if
he/she fails to adequately complete the Work by the due date the Publisher has the sole
right to cancel this Agreement.

5. Writer warrants that the work is or will be original, that the Publisher shall not be
required to make payments to any third party in connection with the Publisher's use or
exploitation of the Work or any portion thereof, that the Work does not and will not infringe
upon or violate any intellectual property right or other right of any person or entity, and
that Writer is free to grant all rights granted and make all agreements made by Writer
under or pursuant to this Agreement.
6. The Writer acknowledges and agrees that the Publisher may use, reproduce, edit, revise,
change, add to, take from, translate, reformat, or reprocess the Work in any manner the
Publisher may at its sole discretion determine including, but not limited to, reformatting the
Work for use in or as part of any version of the Publisher's publications that are published or
displayed through computer-assisted and other interactive media such as the Internet and
World Wide Web.

  a. The Work must conform to general readability standards as determined by the
Publisher. The Writer acknowledges and represents that if the Work fails to conform to the
general readability standards, the Publisher has the sole right to cancel this agreement.

  b. If the Work is deemed inappropriate by the Publisher at the time of submission or
publication, either for content or space reasons, the Publisher has the sole right to cancel
this agreement.

7. The Publisher will have the sole right to cancel this Agreement if the Writer breaches any
term or condition of said Agreement. The Publisher will not pay cancellation fees, nor will it
pay any monies to any Writer for any article cancelled.

8. Writer will, upon the Publisher's request, execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the
Publisher any and all documents the Publisher may deem necessary to evidence and
effectuate all or any of the Publisher's rights under this Agreement.

9. This is the entire Agreement between the parties. No statement or promise, unless set
forth herein, has been made on behalf of the Publisher by any employees or representatives
of the Publisher.

10. Should any provision of this Agreement be void or unenforceable, such provision shall
be deemed omitted from this Agreement which, without such provision shall remain in
effect. This Agreement may not be amended or any of its provisions waived except by an
instrument signed by the party or parties. This Agreement shall be interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to principles of conflicts of

11. Writer agrees to hold the Publisher harmless from and against all damages, losses,
costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) that the Publisher may
suffer or incur by reason of the breach of any of the representations, warranties, or
agreements made herein.

12.The Writer hereby acknowledges and agrees that all of the results and proceeds of every
kind of the services heretofore and hereafter rendered by the Writer for the Company,
including, but not limited to, essay, analysis, review, report, dissertation, outline, annotated
bibliography, memorandum, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet, and other Projects (collectively the "Work"), are and shall be assigned to the
Company. The Company shall exclusively own in perpetuity all now known or hereafter
existing rights of every nature worldwide pertaining to such Work in or as part of any
version of the Company's publications that are published in print or displayed through
computer-assisted and other interactive media such as the Internet and World Wide Web
(collectively the "Rights"). Writer hereby irrevocably grants and assigns to the Company all
Rights for the Work free from any restrictions and limitations.
13. Once the content is given to the publisher no acknowledgements will be given to the
writer and the publishers will be the sole owner of the content. The writer cannot claim to
own the content, draw any acknowledgements form it and nowhere in the article will his
reference be given.

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