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 Design of cascading multi-tank rainwater harvester for toilet flushing demand of dormitories in UPLB

 This study addressed the problems imposed by conventional single tank rainwater harvesting systems, specifically in their space and
pumping energy requirements. 11 dormitory units in UPLB were placed under study by designing a cascading multi-tank rainwater harvesting
system for toilet flushing demand. The first flush tanks were sized using a factor in terms of the horizontally projected roof area of each
dormitory unit. The initial (system) tank sizes were obtained using the intermediate approach with a 5% user defined percentages for smaller
tank sizes with maximum volumetric reliability. The CMTRWHS model was then applied to the initial tank sizes in order to minimize the
pumping requirement and to size the parent and upper tanks. Simulation analysis for 20 years using the yield-after-spillage operating
algorithm was conducted on the initial, parent, and upper tanks to determine their volumetric reliability or water saving efficiency and to size
appropriate redistribution pump sizes. Further analyses were conducted in the final design using a distinct parameter in CMTRWHS called the
effective shortfall in yield (ESY %) which was obtained and compared with the pumping requirement reduction, volumetric reliability, and
demand ratio of the corresponding dormitory unit. It was found out that the resulting tank sizes were indeed smaller than the previous studies
conducted by Datu (2013) and Apostol (2015). The pumping requirements were also reduced up to 80% when compared to a conventional
single tank RWH system. It was also found out that ESY% has a strong negative linear relationship with volumetric reliability which is in
agreement to the study of Sendanayake (2016). ESY% was also determined to have a weak linear corellation with pumping requirement
reduction. Lastly, plotting ESY% against demand ratio yielded a strong positive linear relationship which can be used in determining which
dormitory units should be prioritized in the installation of CMTRWHS.

 Analysis of public utility vehicle stop locations along Quezon Avenue in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
 The traffic situation in Metro Manila is an ever present problem that needs to be addressed immediately. The Metro Manila
Development Authority (MMDA) have decided to improve traffic flow in Quezon Avenue as well as six other transport corridors (Vergel De
Dios, n.d.). This paper determines ideal unloading/loading locations along Quezon Avenue by evaluating the current Level of Service (LOS) of
the street based on the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 and by comparing the current LOS with those of the proposed stopping schemes. All
the stop locations for each scheme follows the Department of Public Works and Highway's Road Safety Manual May 2012 guidelines on
placing turnouts/stops. VISSIM, a microscopic simulation program developed by PTV Planning Transport Verkehr AG based in Karlsruhe,
Germany, was used to simulate and obtain the travel time results of all stopping vehicles. The study was conducted from April to July 2016,
during peak hours. The necessary parameters in order to simulate current stopping patterns were gathered such as the volume, speed per
vehicle type, and other related data. It was found out that current situation in the urban street yields an LOS rating of F and can be improved
by placing designated stops in strategic areas. Three schemes were developed but the best scheme was picked and recommended for
implementation since it operated an LOS rating of D.

 Analysis of the intersection delay of lopez avenue-national highway intersection in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
 This study presents an analysis of the level of servive (LOS) of the Lopez Avenue-National Highway intersection under different
scenarios. It aims to quantify the delay and volume-to-capacity ratio. Combinations of different scenarios such as policy-related,infrasracture-
related, and combination of both are considered. These combinations aretested whether or not it can alleviate the present condition of the
intersection in terms of delay and capacity.After determining the LOS, the optimal signal phasing routine was optimized.The volume of
vehicles obtained on atraffic count that was done using a video-recording device during the anticipated peak hour period was used for the
simulation analysis using the trial edition of Synchro 6. Conflicting pedestrians were also considered in the study. Results show that the
present LOS of the intersection is very low.The intersection delays are 649.6 seconds (AM) and 680.7 seconds (PM). On the other hand,v/c
ratios are 2.96 (AM) and 3.24(PM) Itwas found out that the best combination to alleviate delay and volume-to-capacity ratio of the
intersection was the combination of both policy and infrasracture related combination. It was determined that delay and v/c ratio from all
the combination went down to 23 seconds and 0.9, respectively. The v/c ratios for infrasracture and policy related combinations were 1.2 ans
1.3 respectively while intersection delay for the policy-related was 124.6 seconds.

 Determining the average wastewater generation rate of dormitories at UPLB
 This study determines the per capita average wastewater generation rate of residents in UPLB dormitories. Sample residents were
randomly selected and surveyed through questionnaires. The gathered data showed that the varying volumes of wastewater generation rate
ranges from 26 to 168.65 liters per capita per day. Also the average per capita wastewater volume produced is at 88.39 liters per day. Based
on the standard value set by the National Pollution Control Commission, this value is lower than the national standard which is ay 200 liters
per capita per day. There are several contributing factors that affect the production of wastewater in the dormitories. These are the number
of times taking a bath, number of times using the restroom and the number of times washing the dishes. Results of the study produced a
model with an accuracy of 78.1% for predicting wastewater generation rate in liters per capita per day which is WW = 16.068 + 16.817Nb +
5.446Nc + 6.973Nd where WW is the wastewater generation rate (lcpd); Nb is the number of baths taken, Nc is the number of times using
the restroom and Nd is the number of times washing the dishes.

 Assessment of selected office buildings in UPLB as green buildings using EDGE software
 This study assesed selected office buildings of UPLB as green buildings using EDGE Software Version 2.0. The study areas include 7
buildings namely Administration building, Electrical Engineering building, Institute of Biological Sciences building, Main Library, Physical
Sciences building, Rural Economic Development and Renewable Energy Center building, and Student Union building. The buildings were
chosen based on their floor area, number of floors, and occupancy density. This is in preparation for the compliance to Green Building Code
(GBC) of the Philippines which was launched on June 2015. The implementation includes all new construction and/or alterations of
educational buildings with a minimum total gross floor area of 10,000 square meters. In order to be considered as green building, EDGE
standard requires that a structure must have 20% savings on each category: energy, water, and materials. According to the results, the
buildings that were assessed did not meet the EDGE standard thus, are not considered as green buildings. Recommendations for GBC
compliance are also presented in the study.

 Analysis of the Los Baños-UPLB transportation network passenger jeepney operations
 Los Baños, Laguna has seen tremendous growth in the volume of traffic in its transportation network and several problems have been
experienced by commuters with regards of its conditions. One way of addressing this problem is through road space rationing of jeepneys by
license plates, which reduces traffic volume and in turn may improve traffic conditions. Operations of passenger jeepneys became the focus
of this study and data gathering were made through three transport surveys--Jeepney Characterization Survey JCS), License Plate Survey (LPS)
and Passenger Occupancy Survey (POS)--each having their own contribution to the study which are, respectively, describing the basic
parameters of the jeepney operations of the locale, determining the frequency of round trips of jeepneys during the day and identifying the
variation of load factors for a passenger jeepney for the whole day. Route measured capacity of passenger jeepneys for the transportation
network was computed using the outcomes of the three transport surveys. It was found out that there is a 65% oversupply of jeepneys all
throughout the day. These results may be used by future researchers and traffic planners in the improvements of passenger operations in
the Los Baños--UPLB area.

 Proposal and traffic impact assessment of bikeway route inside the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus
 Despite the increasing number of cyclists in UPLB, rules for tricycle use is not yet structured. Should there be designated lanes for
bikeway, roads in the campus are not yet studied in terms of applicability for bikeway. Possible traffic rerouting to accommodate bikeway has
also not yet been proposed. Furthermore, traffic impact of rerouting is not yet known. It is therefore the goal of this study to identify bikeway
in the campus, propose traffic rerouting to accommodate bikeway and analyze its traffic impact on motorized travel. Road inventory was
performed and compared with AASTHO guidelines. It was observed that continuous bikeway cannot be achieved without traffic rerouting.
Traffic counts were performed at selected intersections to determine current LOS. With the aid of Synchro7, different rerouting scenarios
were investigated. For present condition, rerouting in the upper field of Freedom Park was proposed. It was found that acceptable LOS ill still
be achieved despite the rerouting. For future condition two traffic rerouting scenarios are possible. Results show, the two rerouting scenarios
will result to unacceptable LOS in some intersections. Though there are improvements in LOS in some approach directions, these were not
balanced by the additional control delay brought about by the rerouted traffic.

 Traffic impact analysis for the Los Baños Centro Mall project development.
 The construction of Centro Mall is an evidence that Los Baños is expanding its potential as a competent town in terms of commerce.
The study was conducted in order to evaluate the possible impacts of the project towards the traffic condition the area through analysis of
level of service. This study aims to determine the level of service of present and future traffic conditions with or without the influence of
establishing the Centro Mall. Investigation was done at Lopez Avenue-F.O. Santos Street Intersection and along Lopez Avenue-Mt. Halcon
Street Intersection. Through traffic counts at morning and afternoon hours, traffic data were processed using the trial version of Synchro.
Future traffic projection was based from the present traffic simulation. Based from the generated LOS, Lopez Avenue-F.O. Santos Street
Intersection is classified as LOS F. for the Lopez Avenue-Mt. Halcon Street Intersection, it was also LOS F. The traffic condition condition is
increasing with the effect of the completed project and normal trafic growth. As a conclusion, there will be tolerable impacts on future traffic
due to the project and based from this statement, mitigating measures are to be considered including prohibition of parking at both sides of
streets, and establishment of control systems at intersections.

 The effect of clear zone size to driver speed and lateral positioning on the road in UPLB
 The roadside environment plays a vital role in geometric design of road systems as roadside elements affect driver behavior, and poses
as a hazard for vehicles driven at high speed and in the event of a run-off-the-road. A study on the clear zone size of the UPLB-IPB road system
was conducted to test the effect of varying distances of roadside elements from the road to drivers' choice of speed and positioning of vehicle
on the road. Methods devised by Fitzpatrick and colleagues in their study on roadside trees on 2013 was used, namely: field survey, static
evaluation (online survey and facilitated survey), and field validation. The study aims to have a quantifiable effect of clear zone size to drivers'
choice of speed and positioning on the road therefore improve roadway safety and design. For speed choices, results show from 76
respondents that there was minimal effect of the roadside environment to drivers' choice and actual speeds of drivers in the study area
showed no direct relation of clear zone size to speed. Results suggest that drivers would choose high speed regardless of clear zone size in
areas with less pedestrian activity. However, drivers were found to place their vehicles further from the edge of the road as the clear zone
size decrease and vice versa.

 Analysis of factors affecting travel behavior of public utility jeepney drivers in their decision making to operate trips to UPLB upper
 There are two main routes for PUJs in UPLB; "Kana" route and "Kaliwa" route which only revolves around the lower campus. There is
another route which revolves around the upper campus, the Forestry route. However, there are only some PUJ that make routes going to
upper campus. This study aims to define the factors that affect the travel behavior of public utility jeepney drivers in their decision making of
operating trips going to UPLB upper campus. The factors that were considered are chosen route, the capability of the vehicle to make trips
to the upper campus, generated daily income, number of passengers going to upper campus, and the location of the upper campus. Also, this
study also aims to know the responses of the drivers to proposed solutions in regarding to traveling to upper campus. The proposed solutions
are fare increase, new traffic scheme, and terminal station. A survey was conducted at different times of the day for a week. Logistic regression
analysis and Decision Tree analysis were used to analyze the survey. It was found that only the number of passengers is statistically significant
factor among the attributes considered. It was also determined that only the new traffic scheme would likely increase the number of PUJ
drivers that will make trips to the upper campus based on the responses of the drivers.

 Optimization of solid waste collection system in San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines
 One major component of solid waste management is solid waste collection. This is the part where solid wastes are being collected by
following schedules which are planned using engineering principles. In San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines, solid waste collection system is the one
that is lacking in its recently-developed 10-year solid waste management plan, which will be implemented from 2016 to 2025. In this plan,
local government units only assigned solid waste collection in the national highway, which means that there is no specific collection routes in
most residential areas. Using the data provided by the municipality, the population and amount of waste generation can be determined.
Based from the previous studies, it was found out that San Mateo, Rizal has a population growth rate of 3.68 percent per year, and has a per
capita waste generation rate of 0.3792. Collection points were also determined through site inspection, and by determining the residential
areas in every barangay. The collection points were then marked, and routes were created based from the position of the collection points.
Finally, routes were optimized using the available equipment, which is a 1.7 metric ton mini-dump truck. Number of trips, operating time,
and daily collection schedules from 2016-2025 were determined and optimized, under the assumption of 8 working hours, from 9:00 AM to
5:00 PM.
 Demand analysis for a bicycle sharing system inside the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna
 A BSS is a short-term service in which bicycles are made available in specified stations to be used and returned to another station;
thus, being used again by a different person. The study introduced the BSS in the UPLB campus to address certain transportation problems
faced by the constituents of the university. Determining and characterizing the demand for a BSS inside the lower campus of UPLB is the main
objective of the study. An initial design of a BSS based on the identified demand is presented afterwards. By creating a demand profile of
UPLB, reviewing case studies of similar universities, evaluating community feedback, and performing a demand analysis, the coverage area
of 3.67 square kilometers within the lower campus of UPLB was found out to have favorable conditions for cycling and a considerably high
demand for a BSS. Out of the 46,316 estimated daily trips of 13,960 students and employees, bicycle trips from commuters were estimated
to be 3,752 per day; and bicycle trips from tourists were estimated to be 2,502 per day. The computed required system size that will yield an
acceptable average daily-uses-per-bike value and will address a high average daily-trips-per-resident must contain 27 stations, 469 bicycles,
and 1,056 docks.
 Traffic impact analysis of relocating Maquiling School Inc., to Bay, Laguna, Philippines
 Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) is an effective method of measuring the influence of developments on the traffic networks in a specific
area. This paper presents the TIA for the relocation of Maquiling School,Inc. (MSI) on Bay, Laguna considering the intersections of Pili Drive-
Maahas Rd-IBP Rd., IPB Rd-San Luis Rd., IPB Crossing and F.T. San Luis Avenue-Rde Guzman Rd. It aims to evaluate the effect of transfer of
the institution to the traffic conditions on the area of development primarily on the nearby intersections.Three scenarios were analyzed
comparing the forecasted future traffic condition without the project and future traffic condition with the completed project to the existing
traffic condition in the study area. Road capacities were estimated based on the road features and characteristics while traffic volumes were
determined by manual counting. It was found that at present, Intersections 1, 3, and 4 are performing at ICU LOS G and H, which describes a
congested intersection. Relocation of MSI can bring about significant increase in traffic for the said intersections and worsen the congestion
in each intersection. To alleviate this forecasted traffic problem, mitigation measures were designed.

 (1) An analysis on a route level bus transit passenger boarding and alighting counts using an on - board survey on Sta. Cruz, Laguna,
Philippines to LRT Taft, Philippines (and vice versa) and Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Philippines to Cubao, Philippines (and vice versa) routes
 Effective transport planning is important for the public to be able to enjoy public transport utilities with ease and comfort. This study
aims to provide a basis for effective transport planning by providing a summary of the present condition of the existing bus systems on the
route under study, and the main activity centers that may have contributed to the present transport system condition. Two bus routes were
considered for the study: Sta. Cruz, Laguna to LRT Taft Buendia (and vice versa) and Sta. Cruz, Laguna to Cubao (and vice versa). An on-board
survey was performed in determining the passenger boarding and alighting counts for each stop along the traversed routes. The main activity
centers along the route were also determined. A bus inspector for each bus line was also interviewed to identify the dispatch schedule of
buses. For each route, two bus liners were being considered. AM peak hours was used for Monday data collection and PM peak hours was
used for Friday data collection. For each route, the average of the data for the passenger boarding and alighting counts gathered for the two
bus lines were computed, graphed and then analyzed. It was found out that generally passengers board and alight on the origin and
destination of the trip, respectively. It was observed that there are a vast number of establishments on areas where the bus plies. It was also
seen that there are routes with significantly high passenger demand.
 A traffic impact assessment on the proposed PEZA IT and Agro-Industrial Parks in Los Baños, Laguna
 An efficient traffic network is one of the components that stimulate productivity and economic growth of the country. However, Los
Baños, with its growing population and the rise of several establishments, is increasingly becoming a heavily congested area with low levels
of service. A traffic impact assessment (TIA) aims to evaluate the impending traffic condition that comes with a certain new development in
order to devise mitigation plans and schemes that will scale down the induced traffic saturation by the development. This particular study
evaluated the traffic impact of the proposed 50-hectare PEZA industrial parks by obtaining actual traffic count of four intersections. The
research involved running the simulation for four conditions: base condition, projected condition, without and with the development; and
mitigated traffic condition. Superimposed trip generated by the industrial parks at projected 5 year traffic showed extreme congestion. The
traffic mitigation plans proposed comprised of increasing road widths concurrent with dedicating lanes for turns with high peak volume and
proposing a new road with a design traffic projected for 10 years with the development.

 Analysis of traffic impact of Calamba-Sta. Cruz/ San Pablo bound private vehicles passing through a by-pass route entering UPLB
 Heavy traffic is often observed in Los Banos, Laguna especially along the National Highway. The traffic congestion is often observed
along the stretch of National Highway from Brgy. Anos to Brgy. Maahas. Thus, a more efficient alternative route is desired. This study proposes
the use of an alternative route for private vehicles. The alternative route diverts traffic from National Highway to UPLB through a series of
traffic network. The analysis of traffic on the main route is based from projected traffic counts of National Highway-Lopez Avenue intersection.
The analysis of the alternate route is based from projected traffic counts of Melanio A. Gapud Street-Kanluran Road intersection, Jose R.
Velasco Avenue-Lopez Avenue-Victor M. Ela Avenue intersection, and Pili Drive-Maahas Road-IPB Road intersection; and plate survey of three
entrance and exit points, namely, Jamboree Road, UP Gate, and Pili Drive-Maahas Road-IPB Road intersection. Based from the analysis an
alternate route, it is found that diverting traffic from the main route produces an LOS of F to the three selected intersections. Therefore, it is
inefficient for present conditions to divert traffic to the alternate route.

 Optimization of a shuttle transit system as the main public transport system as the main public transportation system in UPLB
 The University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) currently utilizes public utility jeepneys (PUJ) as its main transportation system but
from a recent study, it was found out that there is an oversupply of PUJs within the campus which causes traffic congestion in some areas. A
shuttle transit system was proposed not only to reduce the number of vehicles in UPLB but also to minimize transport delays within the
campus. Three surveys were conducted:(1) Travel Demand Survey (TDS), to estimate the passenger demand and demand trends of the
campus;(2) On-Board Intercept Survey, to know the most popular origin and destination within the campus; and (3) Boarding and Alighting
Survey (BAS), to determine the passenger activity of each station. Travel time measurement was also conducted to determine the average
cycle time for each proposed route. Results from TDS showed that the lower campus as higher travel demand compared to the upper campus.
Highest passenger demand within the day occurred between 4-6pm and the lowest demand occurred between 7-8am. A formula was
developed using the obtained data to aid in the design of the shuttle transit system and determine the required number of shuttle units. It
was found out that UPLB requires a minimum of 31 low-floor buses with a 34-person seating capacity to fully service the travel demand of
the campus.

 Benchmark study of the proposed shuttle service system as partial mode of transportation for UPLB
 University of the Philippines--Los Baños houses a diverse and heavy population especially from the science community. Due to this
transportation problems arise such as congestion and oversupply of vehicles. A shuttle system was proposed in order to supplement the
current traffic condition of the university. Passenger demand was observed and analyzed to determine the burden that the shuttle service
will accommodate.Subsequently, both peak hour and peak hour factor were determined. Two routes were proposed that will serve as the
routes for the shuttle transit system: Two routes were proposed that will serve as the routes for the shuttle transit system: Forestry route
and Pili Drive route. On the other hand, the current Kaliwa and Kanan routes were set as the jeepney route. A simulation was made to imitate
shuttle transit system. Travel time measurement was executed to quantify the capacity of the proposed system by identifying the temporal
factors affecting traffic. It was done simultaneously with on-board intercept and boarding and alighting survey. The ridership's characteristics
and behavior were identified from the on-board intercept survey while percentage of boarding and alighting was obtained from the latter
survey. From the data collected, an equation was derived and modified from previous studies to calculate the number of operating shuttle
units per route also calculated to give an average PUJ volume in the campus recommended to simultaneously operate with the shuttle service
system. The headways were also computed for each route per time period. Finally, a shuttle transit design was formulated.

 Analysis of the roundabout level of service in Gabbro Support Service Area (GSSA) and Light Industrial Area (LIA) in Mesaieed, Qatar.
 Transportation has been playing a vital role in the development of human society, whether it is industrial, economical, or even
domestic in use. In order to improve the safety of road transport, the addition of traffic warning signs, and signals at major intersections is
not enough since these are only temporary. In this study, an analysis in the LOS of the roundabout intersections in the GSSA and LIA in
Mesaieed, Qatar was conducted. It aimed to determine whether the assumption of the use roundabout options in the design is adequate to
convey traffic throughout the area. After determining the LOS of the roundabouts, an alternative option which was the AWSC Intersection
was also analyzed to find out if the alternative can provide a better LOS than the previous option. However, based from the results, it was
determined that the roundabouts still provided a better LOS than the AWSC based from the control delays that have developed on the
approach lanes. It was also found out that the roundabouts provided a better LOS due to its location, traffic composition, and volume.
However, further analysis and the use of computer softwares in the analysis can also be done in order to further improve this study.

 Design layout of solid waste management facility for Trece Martirez City, Cavity Philippines
 In this study, the author designed a centralized solid wast management facility or Eco-Center for the City of Trece Martirez of Cavite,
Philippines. The design based on the projected waste quantity and population in 2027 for this study will be integrated in the City's 10-year
Solid Waste Management Plan as required by the RA 9003. Using the Waste Analysis and Characterization Study provided by the CENRO, the
per capita waste generation rate of the city was determined to be 0.188 kg/day. Moreover, the WACS shows that city's waste stream is
composed of mostly biodegradables (39.42%) and recyclables (23.66%). The recyclable wastes generated will be process in the Materials
Recovery Facility (MRF) with an area of 1,300 m^2 and recovery rate of 91.67%. The biodegradables will be processed in a 3,258.38 m^2
Composting Facility that employs in-vessel composting. The special wastes and some residual wastes that can be diverted from the disposal
site will be temporarily stored in a 360.912 m^2 warehouse. The residual wastes with no potential use will be disposed in a 12,242.31 m^2
sanitary landfill that employs Area Method with 10-year design life span. Overall, the proposed Eco-Center requires 40,693.41 m^2 of land
area. Considering the collection efficiency of 70% of the proposed system, the Eco-Center can provide a diversion efficiency of 53.29% and
16.71% disposal rate. The remaining 30& are wastes uncollected. The study can be further improved by conducting an end-of-pipe WACS
 Assessment of infrastructures and policies of UPLB for the promotion of walking as mode of transportation.
 This study assessed the infrastructures and policies in UPLB for the promotion of non-motorized mode transportation specifically
walking. The relationship between the decision to walk and existing infrastructures and policies in UPLB were obtained using a survey among
500 UPLB constituents obtained using Simple Random Sampling. Half of these respondents were students and the other half includes faculty
and staff. Results from frequency analysis showed that lacking physical environment may have a negative effect on the decision to walk or
not to walk but frequency analysis on social environment showed otherwise. Existing walking infrastructures were also identified and were
evaluated on different design criteria and guidelines. Furthermore, the results from the statistical analysis shows that there is a significant
relationship between the decision to walk and not to the policies and infrastructures found inside the campus. Keywords: Transportation,
walking, infrastructures, policies, UPLB.
 Traffic impact assessment on the proposed global academic zone in the University of the Philippines Los Baños
 The University of the Philippines Los Baños is expected to have projects that will add many additional buildings and facilities. The
Global Academic Zone is one of those projects and it is expected to generate traffic due to the additional students that will be catered in the
area. The intersections that will be greatly affected were determined and was analyzed as a network. TIA was done to compare the baseline
traffic and projected 5-year and 10-year traffic, with and without the GAZ. The LOS of the different situations were the basis of comparison.
The DPWH traffic growth rate was used for estimating the future traffic rates. For the effect of the GAZ, ITA Trip Generation spread sheet was
used and the number of students and employees were the units for the classroom building and the gross floor area was the unit of
measurement for the library. Calculations showed that the main factor affecting the LOS was the traffic volume. Therefore, mitigation
measures were done to lessen the traffic for the intersections involved. Rerouting of some traffic volume is possible since a bridge connecting
the Victoria M. Ela Avenue and the Pili Drive is expected to be done when the GAZ is constructed. An odd-even plate number coding was also
analyzed to be effective to remove future traffic congestions.
 Standardization of traffic control devices in the University of the Philippines Los Baños
 Standardization of traffic control devices (TCDs) presents a keen sense of uniformity regarding the specifications (design and
placement) of each traffic sign, pavement marking, pavement object, and traffic signal. Various organizations like the United States
Department of Transportation (USDOT) implement rules regarding these specifications which are recorded in manuals like the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways 2009 Edition (MUTCD) and the European Agreement convention supplement for
the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals -- a treaty promoting road safety. These said publications were used to perform the
comparison and analysis of existing traffic signs and pavement markings in the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus (UPLB) to
conform to the international standards. Survey was done to collect data regarding these TCDs wherein data were recorded in tables for easy
analysis. It was found out that most of the existing traffic signs (eg. specific directional guide signs, one way signs, turn right signs, no standing
signs, and crosswalks) are also needed to be installed in certain parts of the campus.
 Analysis of speed profiles of interregional passenger buses in Luzon, Philippines
 This study analyzed the speed profiles of interregional passenger buses in Luzon during their normal operations. From the obtained
actual speeds of 16 random provincial buses using accurate GPS devices, speed profiles were described with respect to the road classifications,
namely: urban roads, rural roads, and expressways. The speed profiles were also plotted with both speed versus distance and speed versus
time in order to explain the behavior of the buses, i.e. average speed and idle time, on a certain time and location. results show that each
road classification has an apparent range of average speeds: 12-29 Kph for urban roads, 30-52 Kph for rural roads, and 53-79Kph for
expressways. In addition, the buses are in idle for 19%, 7%, and 4% of the total time findings of the study provide the travel time information
for the travelers as well as speed profiles and base data for further studies.
 Optimizing truck mixer headway in ready mixed concrete deliveries through simulation modelling
 Intersection delay analysis using microsimulation of Lopez Avenue-National highway intersection in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
 Analysis on the level of service of the Lopez Avenue - National Highway intersection in Los Baños were done in the previous studies.
Optimal signal timing phase routine was determined by quantifying different traffic parameters such as control delay and volume-to-capacity
ratio considering different traffic controls and scenarios like considering no volume of tricycles and assuming no volume flow-through vehicles.
Synchro was used to analyze the intersection. Due to urbanization, traffic volumes continue to increase, making Synchro reach their
methodology's limitations. To provide meaningful results, microscopic simulation tools, such as SimTraffic, should be used to analyze the
transportation network. Traffic counts during peak period were conducted using video camera and the data was used to obtain intersection
delay using Synchro 6. Delay was also measured by observation. Since the relative errors between delays obtained in Synchro and manual
observation were very high, calibration parameters (travel speed, turning speed, headway factor and lane change distance) was done for all
movements to obtain the optimal calibration parameters and simulation values for this intersection. Setting the travel speed to 20 mph and
turning speed to 7 mph and 12 mph, for right turns and left turns, respectively, will give the lowest relative error. On the other hand, optimal
calibration parameter for the PM peak hours was obtained by setting the turning speed to 11 mph and 19 mph, for right turns and left turns,
 Optimization of number of passenger jeepney operating inside the University of the Philippines - Los Baños
 Jeepneys are the main mode of transportation used inside the University of the Philippines- Los Banos. Studies conducted regarding
the operation of jeepney inside the university indicates that there was an excess to the supply of jeepney. In this study, congestion caused by
the oversupply of jeepney, was addressed by scheduling the number of jeepneys to cater the demand of passengers. Linear Programming
was used to determine the number of jeepneys per schedule. The objective function of the linear programming models used were set to
minimize the amount of jeepneys entering the university. Existing supply of jeepney and passenger demand were used as constraints to the
linear programming model. Values obtained from the models show a potential of 59.51% vehicle volume reduction. Performing chi-square
goodness of fit test, the reduced value of vehicle proves to be significantly different from the existing number of jeepneys. From the obtained
values of jeepneys, allocation of jeepneys per time schedule was formed.

 (2) Waste analysis and characterization study (WACS) of the end-of-pipe waste of Liliw, Laguna, Philippines
 It is mandated by the law that all locale must have implement waste management policies and have constructed facilities to address
the concerns regarding waste reduction and diversion. Waste analysis and characterization study (WACS) is one of the means of determining
certain parameters that will aid in the conceptualization and materialization of such management tools. A simple WACS of the end -of-pipe
waste of Liliw, Laguna was conducted last May 2011 to attain a general grasp of the town's waste composition. A methodology of this WACS
employed with quartering method was derived and observed. This would shorten the time spent on the actual waste characterization process.
Projection of the town shorten the time spent on the actual waste characterization process. Projection of the town's population for the next
10 years was administered to obtain the town's future waste generation. The town had generated a total of 6.36 tons of waste per day and
were all delivered to the designated disposal site. As reflected by the waste stream composition and projection, it was found out that about
4.77 tons of biodegradable and recyclable wastes per day were delivered in the sorting site and only about 0.83 tons/day were the residual
wastes which were disposed to the town's dumping site. with these results, the own town was advised to focus on waste management policies
such as composting and recycling. This would help the town in the reduction of the volume of their waste, as well as solving problems
regarding economy, resources and the environment.


 Boarding and Alighting of Jeep in Guadalupe (see 1)

 WACS of Pagsanjan (see 2)
 Traffic Impact Assessment of a project in Valenzuela
 Concrete Hollow Block (replacement of
 Analysis of the intersection delay of Kalayaan-JP Rizal Avenue
 Optimization of solid waste collection system in Makati/Pagsanjan ^_^
 Design layout of solid waste management facility for Pagsanjan
 Intersection delay analysis using microsimulation of Kalayaan-JP Rizal Avenue

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