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1. List the data processing operations.

2. Differentiate field editing and central editing of data.
3. What are the problems that researcher faces in processing the data?
4. What are the two forms of class interval?
5. What are the important statistical measures used to summarise data?
6. Define: Mean, Median and Mode.
7. Define: Range, Mean deviation and Standard deviation.
8. Write the formula for Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation.
9. What are the use of regression analysis?
10. Draw the curves to show positive skewness and Negative skewnwss.


1. What are the data processing operations? Explain editing and coding operations in detail.
2. Classification according to class intervals involves three main problems viz., how many classes should be
there? How to choose class limits? How to determine class frequency? State how these problems should be
tackled by a researcher.
3. Why tabulation is considered essential in research study? Narrate the characteristics of a good
4. What do you mean by multivariate analysis? Explain how it is differs from bivariate analysis.
5. Explain any two important statistical measures in detail.
6. Discuss the various measures of relationships often used in context of research studies. Explain
the meaning of the following correlation coefficients. (i)ryx, (ii) ryx1.x2, (iii)Ry.x1x2

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