List of Publications A1 Journal Article (Refereed), Original Research

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Taksami, Natalia


A1 Journal article (refereed), original research

1. “A Survey of Finnish Media debates on Arctic Corridor railway called to connect Silk
Road and Polar Silk Road”. Briefing Note. Arctic Yearbook 2018. ISSN 2298–2418.
accepted for publication.
2. “Silk Road in Global Vision and Local Focus – Eurasian Studies at VERA Center
(University of Eastern Finland)”. International Journal of Contemporary Economics
and Administrative Sciences. ISBN 1925-4423. Special Issue, 2018. accepted for
3. “Writing at Borders. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research” review,
Journal of Borderlands Studies. Published online: 07 Mar 2017
4. “Eastern Sami Atlas” review, Journal of Borderland Studies, 29:4, Pp. 529-530, 2014.
5. “Alaska state history and its natives in American historiography”, Izvestia of Russian
State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. N 104. Pp. 7-15, 2009.
6. “Alaskan traditional culture at the end of the 20 th – beginning of the 21st centuries”,
Izvestia of Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. N 97. pp. 45-
50, 2009.
7. “Aboriginal corporations as an instrument of national politics”, Izvestia of Russian
State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. N 93. pp.235-241, 2009.
8. “Historical specific features of Alaska Orthodox mission in the 20 th century”, Vestnik
of Leningrad State University named after Pushkin. N 4 (17). Pp. 142-151, 2008.
9. “Back to the question of historical fates and land rights of Alaska natives”, Izvestia of
Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. N 12 (84). Pp. 85-92,
10. “Alaska Constitution in the context of state national policy specifics”, Law and
Politics. N 9. pp. 2205-2209, 2008.
11. “Specific of the secondary education in Alaska at the turn of the 20 th – 21st centuries”,
Izvestia of Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. N 12 (81). Pp.
282-289. 2008.
12. “Alaska Natives and problems of guardianship”, Vestnik of St.Petersburg State
University. Vol. 1. pp. 99-102, 2003.
13. “The statehood in the fates of Alaskan Natives”, Vestnik of Far-East Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences. N 4. Pp. 91-96, 2003.
14. “Alaska Native population”, Russian and Asian-Pacific Region. Human problems of
Asian-Pacific region. 3 (37). Vladivostok. Pp. 99-102. 2002.
15. “Ethnic Ecology of the North-West part of the Pacific region”, Archaeology and
Cultural Anthropology of the Far East. Vladivostok: Far-Eastern Branch of Russian
Academy of Sciences. Pp. 270-273, 2002.

A3 Book section, chapters in research books

1. “Silk Road across the territories of local communities”. Voprosy istorii i kul’tury
severnykh stran i territorii. Special Issue, 2018.

2. “Main features of Sami reindeer-herders subsistency in Inary region, Finland (on field
materials 2010, Lapland)”, Materials of Field Studies of MAE RAS. St.Petersburg:
Russian Academy of Sciences. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography. Pp. 108-116, 2011.
3. “Field diaries by S.V.Geiman (1914-1915)”, Materials of Field Studies of MAE RAS.
St.Petersburg: Russian Academy of Sciences. St.Petersburg: Museum of
Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera).Pp. 290-306, 2011.
4. “Role of aboriginal corporations in the traditional cultures revival process (on
example of Kodiak island museum)”, Opening of America continues. Vol. IV.
St.Petersburg: Russian Academy of Sciences. Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography (Kunstkamera). Pp.286-305, 2010.
5. “Across the South America. 1914-1915. Unpublished diaries by S.V.Geiman”,
Ethnography and Archaeology of American Natives. St.Petersburg: “Nauka”. Pp.271-
286, 2010.
6. “Field-notes of the beginning of the 20th century (expedition to the South America
1914-1915”, Field Ethnographical Research. St.Petersburg: Russian State
Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. Pp. 58-62, 2009.
7. “Field diaries as a special literature style (on materials of field dairies by
S.V.Geiman)”, Literature of the Northern peoples. Vol. 12. St.Petersburg: Russian
State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen – “Olimp”. Pp. 143-147, 2009.
8. “Ways of preservation of Arctic languages and cultures”, Literature of the Northern
peoples. Vol. 12. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after
Hertzen – “Olimp”. Pp. 133-137, 2009.
9. “Aboriginal corporations on the way to new thousand years”, Literature of Northern
peoples. Vol. 11. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after
Hertzen: “Olimp”. Pp. 26-34, 2008.
10. “The importance of museum collections in preservation of cultural heritage among
Alaska aboriginees”, American Aboriginees: objects and images. Sbornik MAE, Vol.
L. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of
Sciences. Pp. 226-235, 2005.
11. “The importance of museum collections in preservation of cultural heritage among
Alaska aboriginees”, American Aboriginees: objects and images. Sbornik MAE, Vol.
L. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of
Sciences. Pp. 226-235, 2005.
12. “On Aleut ethnic ecology”, Curier of Peter’s Kunstkamera. Issue 10-11.
St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of
Sciences. Pp. 38-44, 2004.
13. “Contemporary problems of self-consiousness and self-identity among Circumpolar
North natives (on materials of Alaska)”, Cultural heritage of Siberian and Northern
peoples. Part. 2. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian
Academy of Sciences. Pp. 245-248, 2004.
14. “About education at secondary rural school in Alaska”, Art potential of Northern
peoples in the 21st century. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University
named after Hertzen. Pp. 86-89, 2003.
15. “Problem of Ecology and aboriginal rights for subsistance (on materials of Alaska
aboriginal cultures”, Peoples culture: personality, art, leasure. Ethno-cultural
potential of personality in the leasure space. Omsk: Siberian Branch of Russian
Institute of Culturology. Pp. 89-91, 2003.

16. “Guardianship and problem of education in Alaska”, Discovery of America continues.

Vol. 3. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian
Academy of Sciences. Pp.161-169, 2001.
17. “Alaska: specific of the statehood”, Discovery of America continues. Vol. 3.
St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of
Sciences. Pp.154-161, 2001.

A4 Conference proceedings
1. “The Finnish Sami traditional land-use system (field-work 2010 in Inary region)”,
Radlov Collection. Scientific research and museum projects at MAE RAS in 2010.
St.Petersburg: “MAE RAS”. Pp. 226-228, 2011.
2. “Role of Arctic studies in the Northern European education programs”, The Reality of
Ethnos. Collection of materials of 12th International Conference. St.Petersburg:
Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. Pp. 167-169, 2010.
3. “Church and Museum in the contemporary history of Alaskan aboriginees”, Problems
of preservation of Church Heritage. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University,
State Hermitage. Pp. 57-68. 2010.
4. “Latin America of the beginning of the 20 th century: by materials of Russian travellers
and researchers”, Under the stars of Big Bear and South Cross. Russian-Americal
relationship of the 17th – 21st centuries. St.Petersburg: Foreign Politics Committee. Pp.
94-98, 2009.
5. “Phenomenon of creation of new traditions on exmples of Alaska aboriginal cultures”,
New traditions. St.Petersburg: Publishing House “Petropolis”. Pp. 265-269, 2009.
6. “Arctic Ethnic ecology”, Human technologies in biological and ecological education.
Vol. 7. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen –
“Tessa”. Pp. 292-294, 2008.
7. “Alaska in the context of regional historical-cultural studies”, Culturological studies.
St.Petersburg: Asterion. Pp.106-109, 2004.
8. “Tradition and innovation in elements of culture (on materials of North-American
aboriginees”, Mythology and religion in the system of ethnic culture: Materials of
Second St.Petersburg ethnographic studies. St.Petersburg: Ministry of Russian
Federation, Russian Ethnographic Museum. Pp. 203-205, 2003.
9. “Native Land rights”, 5th Congress of Russian Ethnographers and Anthropologists.
Collection of Abstracts. Moscow: Association of ethnographers and anthropologists of
Russia. Pp. 214, 2003.
10. “Native languages as a meaning of preservation of cultural diversity (on materials of
Alaska)”, Reality of Ethnos: Ethno-national aspects of education modernization.
St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. Pp. 497-
500, 2003.
11. “Alaska: traditional culture, industrial exploration, and contemporary archaeology”,
Northern Archaeological Congress. Collection of presentations. Khanty-Mansiysk:
Publishing House Academic Book. Pp. 427-429, 2002.
12. “The problem of interaction between ethnos and landscape on example of North
Pacific minorities”, L.N.Gumilev: Ethnogenesys theory and Eurasia historical fates.
Vol. 2. Collection of presentations. St.Petersburg: “European House”. Pp. 201-206,
13. “Aleut-Eskimo collections in Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography”, Museum,
traditions, ethnicity. Collection of presentations. St.Petersburg-Kishinev: «Nestor-
Historia». Pp. 108-110, 2002.

14. “Problems of Aleut spiritual culture revitalization”, Reality of Ethnos: Education and
problems of inter-ethnic communication. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical
University named after Hertzen. Pp. 431-433, 2002.
15. “Ecological problematics if the stream of anthropology in American universities”,
Reality of Ethnos. Ethnology in Pedagogical education: problems and perspectives.
St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after Hertzen. Pp. 218-
224, 2001.
16. “Orthdox Church and contemporary problems of Alaskan Natives”, Belief and Ritual:
Materials of St.Petersburg Religions studies. Collection of abstracts. St.Petersburg:
State Museum of history of Religion. Pp. 67-69, 2001.
17. “L.I.Mechnikov – researcher of Japan: works by M.Watanabe”, Publications by the
State Museum of St.Petersburg history. Publication 6. Materials of conference
“St.Petersburg citizen is travelling”. Collection of abstracts of presentations. Pp. 111-
116, 2001.
18. “Bi-culturalism in the context of the problems of education in Alaska”, Reality of
Ethnos.National Schools in ethnology, ethnography and cultural anthropology.
Abstracts of presentations. St.Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University
named after Hertzen. Pp. 85-89, 2001.
19. “M.Watanabe – researcher of life and work of L.I.Mechnikov”, 20th Scientific
conference on historiography and scientific sources on the Asia and Africa history.
St.Petersburg: Publishing House of St.Petersburg State University. Pp. 155-157, 2000.
20. “Russian songs in Japan (the 18th century)”, Fourth Scientific conference of professors
and students of the Eastern Institute. Abstracts of presentations. Vladivostok:
Publishing House of Far-Eastern University. Pp. 49-50, 1999.
21. “Japanese author about Russian ‘starovery’ in Japan the end of the 19 th-beginning of
the 20th century”, Materials of Scienctific conference of Eastern Faculty.
St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University. Pp.109-111, 1999.
22. “Human values and personality”, Social actions in transition period. Minsk, pp. 29-
31, 1991.
23. “Cultural values and the problems of social adaptation of young people in the
institutes of high learning”, Sociology of education. Abstracts of presentations. Vol.
IV. Leningrad: Faculty of Sociology, Leningrad State university. Pp. 6-8, 1990.
24. “Role of national factor in the cultural development”, Ethnic and socio-cultural
processes among peoples of the USSR. Book 1. Omsk: Publishing house of Omsk
State University. Pp. 91-93, 1990.

B1 Non-refereed journal articles

1. “The history of interrelationship between Alaska natives and Federal Government”,
Arctic Idea. Pp. 94-98, 2008.
2. “Tolerance today”, Primary school. N 7. p. 67, 2007.
3. “Palast des Wissens”, Die Kunst-und Wunderkammer Zar Peters des Grossen. Band 1.
Katalog. Herausgegeben von Brigitte Buberl und Michael Duckershoff im Auftrag des
Museums fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund und des Schlossmuseums Gotha.
– Munchen: “Hirmer Verlag Munchen”. 2003.

C Scientific books (monograph)

C1 Book

1. Indigenous Society in Transition in Northwest Russia: The Fate of the Vepsians under
Modernisation. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Eastern Finland. Grano. Pp.160,
2. Alaska Native population at the edge of the next thousand years. St.Petersburg:
Nauka. Pp. 418, 2002.
3. Alaska in the system of the statehood. St.Petersburg: Publishing House of
St.Petersburg State university. Pp. 176, 2002.
4. The Aleuts: as seen by V.Johelson. St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography of Russian Academy of Sciences. 100 pp, 2001.
5. Treasures of Kunstkamera. From collections of photo-illustrative materials.
St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of
Sciences. 56 pp, 2001.
6. Somewhere between St.Petersburg and Moscow. St.Petersburg: Museum of
Anthroopology and Ethnography-Almanakh. Pp. 72, 1999.
7. Ecological Aspects of Philosophical Anthropology (contemporary analysis of Russian
and American schools). St.Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography-
Almanakh. Pp. 60, 1999.
8. The history and ethnohistory of the Aleutians East Borough. (with L.T.Black,
S.McGowan, J.Jacka, M.Wright). Kingstone, Fairbanks: The Limestone Press, 386
pp., 1999.
9. “The Russian Sami by N.N.Volkov” (member of editorial board)- DIEDUT 2. Pp.
129, 1996.

C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal

1.“Russian scientific expeditions during the First world war”, War and armory. New
studies and materials. Second scientific-practical conference. May, 18-20 2011. Part 2.
St.Petersburg: VIMAIiVS. Pp. 416-425, 2011.

E1 Popularised article, newspaper article

1. “La colonization russe. Une page de l’histoire de Kodiak”, Kodiak, Alaska. Les
masques de la collection Alphonse Pinart. Paris: Musee du quai Branly, Pp.8-15,

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