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‘That’ clauses

1.His hair loss is upsetting. ->That he is losing his hair is upsetting.

2.He feels bad about it, which is normal. ->That he feels bad about it is normal.

3.He doesn't need hair to be handsome. ->That he needs hair to be handsome is untrue.

4.Famous athletes shave their heads, so it is cool. ->That famous athletes shave their heads
makes it cool.

5.Losing hair as we age is common knowledge. ->That we lose hair as we age is well-known.

6.Some women wear hair extensions. It's not surprising. ->That some women wear hair
extensions is not surprising.

7. Long hair is fashionable. It is the reason. ->That long hair is fashionalble is the reason.

8.Hair extensions damage hair. It is unfortunate. ->That hair extensions damage hair is

9.The price of hair extensions is rising. This doesn't surprise me. ->That the price of hair
extensions is rising doesn't surprise me.

10. Fashion constantly changes. This is certain. ->That fashion constantly changes is certain.

11.He thanked us for asking.-> He thanked that we asked him.

12.Educators acknowledge the insufficient number of students entering fields of math and
science.-> Educators acknowledge that there is an insufficient number of students entering fields
of math and science.

13.Astronaut Glenn cited the country's need for more young people in math and science.->
Astronaut Glenn cited that the country needs more young people in math and science.

14.I realized. She was innocent.-> I realized that she was innocent.

15. The boy admitted that he had stolen the money.->The boy admitted to had stolen the money.
5.‘ing’ clauses

1 Join a sentence from Box A with one from Box B to make one sentence. Use an ~ing clause.
1. Carol was in the bar
2. Emma was sitting in an armchair.
3. Sue got home late.
4. Sarah went out.
5. Linda was in London for two years.
6. Mary walked round the town.
She was feeling very tired.
She looked at the sights and took
She said she would be back in an hour.
She was reading a book.
She Was having a drink.
She worked as a tourist guide.

1.Carol was in the bar feeling very tired.

2.Emma was sitting in an armchair looking at the sights and taking

3.Sue got home late, she was seeing she would be back in an hour.

4.Sarah went out while reading a book.

5. Linda was in London for two years tonight she Was having a drink.

6. Mary walked round the town because she was working as a tourist guide.

2. Make one sentence from two using an ~ing clause.

1. Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm. Jim hurt his arm playing tennis.
2. I was watching television. I fell asleep. I fell asleep while watching television.
3. The man slipped. He was getting off a bus. The man was slipping while getting of a bus.
4. I was walking home in the rain. I got wet. I got wet by walking home in the rain.
5. Margaret was driving to work yesterday. She had an accident. Margaret had an accident while she
was driving to work yesterday.
6. Two firemen were overcome by smoke. They were trying to put out the fire. The smoke was
overcoming them when they were putting out the fire.

4 Make sentences beginning ~ing or Not ~ing. Sometimes you need to begin with Having (done
1. I felt tired. So I went to bed early.
Feeling tired I went to bad early.
2. I thought they might be hungry. So I offered them something to eat.

Thinking they might be hungry I offered them something to eat.

3. She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to stay in this country.

Having a visa is needed for staying in this country if you are a foreigner.

2.Questions- front focus +fronting

Rewrite the following sentences to give end-focus to the underlined elements.

1. I enjoy Mahler more than any other composer. More than any other composer I enjoy
2. A man in a black raincoat bought the Sheraton chairs. The Sherton chairs were bought by
a man in a raincoat.
3. Staying at Luke's was never boring. Has never been boring to stay at Luke’s.
4. A rifle shot interrupted our picnic. Our picnic was interrupted by a rifle shot.
5. It was the following Tuesday that the rains started. The rain started the following
6. *They love it and we love it too.
7. My lawn will not be ruined by any moles. No moles will ruin my lawn.
8. There was a fanfare and the champion marched in. There was a fanfare and marching in
was the champion.
9. *I shouldn't think so.
10. He can't write and he can't read, by all accounts.He can’t write and by all accounts can’t

Rewrite the following, fronting the underlined word(s) and using any necessary inversion.

1. Our favourite is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is
our favourite.
2. He'd never heard of such a thing. Never he had heard of such thing.
3. I told him, 'I am optimistic.' 'I am optimistic.' I told him.
4. The President jumped up, his face burning. Jumping up the president had his face
5. The President said, 'Resign? I shall never resign.' 'Resign? I shall never resign.' Daid the

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