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Written Language Expression: Assessment Instruments and Teacher Tools
Janet-Penner Williams, Tom Smith, Barbara Gartin
July 2008
Sage Journals

High Level Thinking through Online Debate

Janet-Penner Williams, Stover Elizabeth
March 2007
The Learning and Technology Library

Teacher Efficacy and Practice in Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: How do Partnerships
Support Teachers
Janet Penner-Williams, Jennifer Beasley, Barbara Gartin, Felicia Lincoln
SRATE Journal

In recent studies, it has been found that the number of children who speak a language
other than English has doubled in the last 20 years. If the numbers continue to increase at this
rate, by 2035 the majority of students K-12 will be speaking a different language than English at
home. With classrooms becoming more and more diverse, universities are trying to find ways to
meet the needs of the new students. Teachers and universities are now seeking ways to increase
teacher effectiveness and efficacy to children, especially in the elementary years. One
partnership trying to achieve this is the Holmes Partnership, whose goal is to improve the quality
of teacher education. With partnerships like Holmes, the needs of educators and students are
slowly being met.


Finance, Investment, and Growth

Wendy Carlin, Colin Mayer
July 2003
Volume 69, Pages 191-226

Finance, Investment, and Growth: Time Series Evidence from 10 Asian Economies
Peter L. Rousseau, Dadanee Vuthipadadorn
March 2005
Volume 27, Pages 87-106

Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

Carol Alexander, John Wiley & Sons

Market Models is used to provide an accurate analysis of the use of market data to create
financial analysis models. Developers of these models are tasked with making decisions about
the pricing, the data, methodology, and the testing of previous models. By making these
decisions accurately, the developers are able to put out the most effective and efficient models of
financial analysis. The real world illustrations in this article are used to motivate theoretical
developments. The information in this article is the first of its kind to address the special skills
needed for model selection and improvement.

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