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How the “Me too” movement has affected the feminist movement in Chile

“The genie is out of the bottle, people now know how to stand up to abuse of power" Rose
Mcgowan to Channel 4 interview. This words perfectly describe what has happened all
over the world regarding the new wave of feminism, women standing up, supporting each
other, speaking up and making a stand is something that started happening a year ago after
the accusations of Harvey Weinstein, when the "#metoo" was on the spotlight.
The influencer of this may be Rose Mcgowan but the creator of "me too" is Tarana Burke a
woman that works with rape victims and that in 2006 created the "me too" movement, if
there's something in common with this two precursor of this very important movement is
that both wanna make visible the suffer from the victims and stop normalizing the abuse
situations. As a woman myself I feel very close to this movement as every woman should
because we are us the one that can change what is happening around the world, the abuse
of power, the sexual assaults and the rapes is something that we can't stand anymore,
something we should put on the spotlight and talk about it. Since this movement began in
social media it has reached many countries including Chile.
Here the movement started making public the names and stories of victims of rapes and
murder and women started to speak up and ask for changes in the laws to not left these
crimes unpunished, but it doesn't stop there Young women around Chile began feminist
strikes to pressure the government and their universities to make changes in the use of
language and to take some measurements involving the abuse of some students and workers
of the university.
This movement has just begun which show us that a lot of improves can happen if women
keep fighting together if women speak up and don't normalize the abuse, as Tara Burke said
"There is inherent strength in agency. #MeToo, in a lot of ways, is about agency. It's not
about giving up your agency", the power is on us and so is the change.

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