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AUGUST 15, 2011



September 26–October 2 ˙ PAGE 3

They Waited for the Messiah


October 3-9 ˙ PAGE 9

They Found the Messiah!


October 10-16 ˙ PAGE 15

Jehovah Is
“the God Who Gives Peace”

October 17-23 ˙ PAGE 21

Make Efforts to Keep Peace

34567 6
AUGUST 15, 2011

The purpose of this magazine, The Watchtower, is to honor Jehovah God, the Supreme This publication is not for sale.
It is provided as part of a worldwide
Ruler of the universe. Just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to Bible educational work supported
observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world by voluntary donations.
events in the light of Bible prophecies. It comforts people with the good news that Unless otherwise indicated,
Scripture quotations are from
God’s Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to the modern-language New World
all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. It promotes faith in Jesus Translation of the Holy Scriptures
—With References.
Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as
King of God’s Kingdom. This magazine has been published by Jehovah’s Witnesses “Some Words Explained” are
contextual explanations of words
continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. used within an article.


There are many prophecies about the Messiah in the Hebrew
Scriptures. Our study of some of these prophecies will help us
to know who the Messiah is. These articles will also help us in
our preaching work. And they will make our faith in Bible
prophecies even stronger.


As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are the only people on earth who
have true peace. This peace makes us united, and we should
always value it. The first article talks about examples in the
Bible that show us how important it is to keep peace with
others. The second article shows us how we can keep peace
in the congregation.


27 Questions From Readers
28 Some Ideas for Family Worship and Personal Study
30 Use the Internet in a Wise Way

The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) is published semimonthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; M. H. Larson, President; G. F. Simonis,
Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, PO Box 4100, Georgetown,
ON L7G 4Y4. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 1000 Red Mills
Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. 5 2011 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.
Vol. 132, No. 16 Semimonthly ENGLISH

They Waited for the Messiah

I T IS nighttime, and some shepherds
are in the fields, caring for their sheep.
Suddenly Jehovah’s angel stands next

to them, and a bright light shines all 3 Many years later, John “The people were waiting,
around them! They are afraid, but they the Baptist started his and all were reasoning in
listen to the exciting news that the an- preaching work. Because their hearts concerning
John, whether he were not
gel tells them: “Have no fear, for, look! of what he said and did,
the Messiah.”—LUKE 3:15,
I am declaring to you good news of a some people began to
great joy that all the people will have, be- think that maybe he was
cause there was born to you today a Sav- the Messiah. (Read Luke
ior, who is Christ the Lord.” The baby 3:15.) But in the Bible,
that the angel is talking about is the one there is a prophecy that talks about 70
who will be the Christ, or Messiah. The weeks, and it helped people to know
angel tells the shepherds that they can when the Messiah would appear. The
find this baby in a manger in a nearby prophecy says: “There are seventy weeks
town. Then suddenly many angels ap- that have been determined upon your
pear. They praise Jehovah: “Glory in the people . . . From the going forth of the
heights above to God, and upon earth word to restore and to rebuild Jerusa-
peace among men of goodwill.”—Luke 2: lem until Messiah the Leader, there will
8-14. be seven weeks, also sixty-two weeks.”
2 The Jewish shepherds know that the (Daniel 9:24, 25) Bible experts agree that
Messiah, or “Christ,” is God’s Anoint- these are not weeks of days but weeks
ed One. (Exodus 29:5-7) But how could of years. So each of these weeks is sev-
these shepherds and others learn more en years long. The Revised Standard Ver-
and know that Jehovah had chosen this sion Bible says at Daniel 9:24: “Seventy
baby to be the Messiah? First, they weeks of years are decreed.”
4 Today, Jehovah’s people understand
needed to study the prophecies in the
Scriptures about the Messiah, and then that the 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 are
they needed to see if these prophe- equal to 483 years and that they be-
cies came true during the life of this gan in the year 455 before Christ. This
child. was when King Artaxerxes of Persia
told Nehemiah to repair and rebuild Je-
1. What exciting news did the angel tell the rusalem. (Nehemiah 2:1-8) Those 483
2. What does “Messiah” mean? How could 3, 4. How did the prophecy at Daniel 9:24, 25
people know who the Messiah really was? come true?

SOME WORDS years ended in the year esis 49:10) Jewish teachers always be-
EXPLAINED 29 when Jesus was bap- lieved that Jacob’s words to Judah were
tized. At that time, Je- about the Messiah. But what do Jacob’s
ˇ Illustration: hovah anointed him with words mean? We know that he is talk-
An example holy spirit and he became ing about a king because the scepter and
that helps us the Messiah.—Matthew 3: commander’s staff were rods carried by
to understand
13-17.1—See footnote. a king to show that he had the right
Bible truths 5 In the Bible, there are to rule and to give commands. So this
ˇ Scroll: many other prophecies prophecy shows that the king, the one
A roll of parchment, about the Messiah. We with the right to rule, had to come from
leather, or papyrus will learn about some of the tribe of Judah. The first king from Ju-
used by Bible writers them in this article. They dah was King David, and Zedekiah was
ˇ Tribe of Judah: are prophecies about his the last king from Judah on earth. But
A tribe in Israel. birth, his life as a child
Descendants of and as an adult, and his Prophecies about
Judah, the son ministry. We will learn
of Jacob about how these prophe- the Messiah’s birth,
ˇ Anointed:
cies came true during the his life as a child
life of Jesus. This will
A person chosen
make our faith in the Bi- and as an adult,
by God for a special
purpose. Anointed ble stronger and also and his ministry
prove that Jesus was the
Christians are the
Messiah whom people
came true
were waiting for.
Jacob’s prophecy talked about another
king after Zedekiah. That king would be
The Messiah would be from the
king forever. He is called Shiloh, which
tribe of Judah in Israel. Just before Ja- means he is “the one to whom it be-
cob died, he blessed his sons, and to Ju- longs.” God told Zedekiah that this king
dah he said: “The scepter will not turn is the one who has the legal right. (Eze-
aside from Judah, neither the command- kiel 21:26, 27) Before Jesus was born, the
er’s staff from between his feet, until angel Gabriel told Mary: “Jehovah God
Shiloh comes; and to him the obedi- will give him the throne of David his fa-
ence of the peoples will belong.” (Gen- ther, and he will rule as king over the
1 To learn more about the “seventy weeks,” house of Jacob forever, and there will be
read chapter 11 of the book Pay Attention to no end of his kingdom.” (Luke 1:32, 33)
Daniel’s Prophecy! Jesus was from the tribe of Judah and
from the family of David. And after Zed-
5. What prophecies are we going to learn
about? ekiah, Jesus was the only person in the
6. How did the prophecy at Genesis 49:10 family of David to whom Jehovah prom-
come true? ised the right to be king. So Shiloh must

be Jesus Christ.—Matthew 1:1-3, 6; Luke will come out to me the one who is to
3:23, 31-34. become ruler in Israel, whose origin is
7 The Messiah would be born in a
from early times, from the days of time
place called Bethlehem. The prophet indefinite.” (Micah 5:2) The prophecy
Micah wrote: “You, O Bethlehem Ephra- tells us that the Messiah would be born
thah, the one too little to get to be among in Bethlehem. This was a town in Ju-
the thousands of Judah, from you there dah that was once called Ephrathah. But
7. How did the prophecy about the birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her hus-
the Messiah come true? band, Joseph, lived in a different town

called Nazareth. When it was close to lar to what happened hundreds of years
the time for Jesus to be born, the rul- before the Messiah was born. Pharaoh
er of Rome told people to return to the of Egypt ordered the people to throw all
city where their father was born to reg- the Hebrew baby boys into the Nile Riv-
ister their names. So Mary and Joseph er. (Exodus 1:22) A prophecy at Jeremi-
went back to Bethlehem, where Mary ah 31:15, 16 talks about “Rachel weep-
gave birth to Jesus. (Matthew 2:1, 5, 6) ing over her sons” because enemies took
them away. People heard the sound of
her crying far away in Ramah, which was
Jesus could not in Benjamin, north of Jerusalem. Mat-
control what thew tells us that this prophecy came
true when King Herod ordered the mur-
happened at his birth der of all the baby boys in Bethlehem.
or in his early life (Read Matthew 2:16-18.) Imagine the
grief that the people felt!
10 The Messiah would be brought out

of Egypt. (Hosea 11:1) To save Jesus

So the birth of Jesus happened exactly
from King Herod, an angel told Joseph
as the prophecy said!
8 A virgin, or maiden, would give
and Mary to leave Israel and take Jesus
to Egypt. They stayed there until Herod
birth to the Messiah. (Read Isaiah 7:14.) died. After Herod died, Joseph brought
This verse says that the maiden would Jesus back to Israel. What Jehovah said
give birth to a son. The word for virgin to Hosea came true: “Out of Egypt I
in Hebrew is bethulah. This verse uses al- called my son.” (Matthew 2:13-15) Of
mah, a word that means “maiden.” But course, it was impossible for Jesus to
we know that almah also means “virgin” control the things that happened at his
because the Bible calls Rebekah a maid- birth and in his early life.
en (almah) before her marriage. (Gene-
sis 24:16, 43) God’s holy spirit directed THE MESSIAH
Matthew to write that Isaiah 7:14 came BEGINS HIS MINISTRY!
true when Jesus was born. In this verse, 11 A messenger would prepare the

he did not use the Greek word for “maid- way for the Messiah. Malachi said that
en.” He used the Greek word for “vir- someone would come before the Messi-
gin,” parthenos. The Gospel writers Mat- ah to prepare the way for him. He
thew and Luke both say that Mary was would help people to be ready to accept
a virgin and that she became pregnant the Messiah when he appeared. Mala-
through God’s holy spirit.—Matthew 1: chi calls him Elijah the prophet. (Read
18-25; Luke 1:26-35. Malachi 4:5, 6.) Jesus said that John the
9 After the Messiah was born, chil- Baptist was the one who was like Elijah.
dren would be murdered. This is simi- (Matthew 11:12-14) Mark said that John

8, 9. What does the prophecy say about the 10. How did the prophecy at Hosea 11:1 come
birth of the Messiah? What would happen af- true?
ter the Messiah was born? 11. Who prepared the way for the Messiah?

prepared the way. This is exactly what (Matthew 4:12-16) It was in Galilee that
Isaiah had prophesied. (Isaiah 40:3; Jesus gave his Sermon on the Mount,
Mark 1:1-4) Jesus did not tell John to pre- chose his apostles, and performed his
pare the way for him. God wanted peo- first miracle. It was also here in Gal-
ple to know who the Messiah was. So it ilee that Jesus appeared to more than
was God who chose John to do a work 500 disciples after his resurrection.
that was like the work of Elijah and pre- (Matthew 5:1–7:27; 28:16-20; Mark 3:
pare the people to welcome the Messiah. 13, 14; John 2:8-11; 1 Corinthians 15:6)
12 God would give the Messiah a spe-
So Isaiah’s prophecy came true when
cial work to do. One day Jesus was in the Jesus preached in “the land of Zeb-
synagogue in Nazareth, the town where ulun and the land of Naphtali.” Jesus
he grew up. Jesus opened a scroll and also preached the good news about the
read the words of Isaiah. This is what Kingdom in other places in Israel.
he read: “Jehovah’s spirit is upon me,
because he anointed me to declare good MORE PROPHECIES
news to the poor, he sent me forth to ABOUT THE MESSIAH
preach a release to the captives and a 14 The Messiah would use stories and
recovery of sight to the blind, to send illustrations to teach people. In one
the crushed ones away with a release, to of the psalms, Asaph sang: “In a pro-
preach Jehovah’s acceptable year.” Jesus verbial saying I will open my mouth.”
said that this prophecy was about him. (Psalm 78:2) Matthew tells us about
He really was the Messiah. That is why how this prophecy came true. Jesus
Jesus had the right to say: “Today this
scripture that you just heard is fulfilled.”
—Luke 4:16-21. Jesus’ disciples
13 One prophecy tells us about the
were convinced that
Messiah’s ministry in Galilee. Isa-
iah prophesied about “Zebulun” and he was the Messiah
“Naphtali” and “Galilee of the nations.”
He wrote: “The people that were walk-
ing in the darkness have seen a great always used illustrations, or exam-
light. As for those dwelling in the land of ples, to teach. Matthew wrote about
deep shadow, light itself has shone upon the time when Jesus used a mustard
them.” (Isaiah 9:1, 2) Jesus began his seed and yeast as illustrations to teach
ministry in Galilee, in the town called people about the Kingdom of God. He
Capernaum. He also taught in the areas wrote: “Without an illustration he would
of Zebulun and Naphtali. Jesus helped not speak to them; that there might be
the people in these places by teaching
fulfilled what was spoken through the
them truths that shone like a great light.
prophet who said: ‘I will open my mouth
12. What special work did God give the Mes- with illustrations, I will publish things
siah to do? hidden since the founding.’ ” (Matthew
13. What did Isaiah say about Jesus’ ministry
in Galilee? 14. How did Psalm 78:2 come true?

WHAT IS YOUR 13:31-35) The stories and Even years later, when the apostle Paul
ANSWER? illustrations that Jesus preached the good news, not many peo-
used helped many people ple believed that Jesus was the Messiah.
ˇ What are some of the to understand the truth —Romans 10:16, 17.
prophecies about the about Jehovah. 17 People would hate the Messiah for
birth of Jesus? 15 The Messiah would no reason. (Psalm 69:4) Jesus said: “If
ˇ Who prepared the way heal people. Isaiah proph- I had not done among them the works
for the Messiah? esied: “Truly our sick- that no one else did, they would have
ˇ How did the prophe- nesses were what he him- no sin; but now they have both seen
cies of Isaiah chap- self carried; and as for and hated me as well as my Father. But
ter 53 come true? our pains, he bore them.” it is that the word written in their Law
(Isaiah 53:4) When the may be fulfilled, ‘They hated me without
mother-in-law of Peter cause.’ ” (John 15:24, 25) The “Law” men-
was sick, Jesus healed her. tioned here means all the Scriptures that
After that, many other people came to existed at that time. (John 10:34; 12:34)
the house of Peter, and Jesus healed What we read about Jesus in the Gos-
them too. Matthew said that this ful- pels proves that many people hated Je-
filled what was spoken through Isaiah sus, especially the Jewish religious lead-
the prophet, saying: “He himself took ers. Also, Jesus said: “The world has no
our sicknesses and carried our diseas- reason to hate you, but it hates me, be-
es.” (Matthew 8:14-17) But this was not cause I bear witness concerning it that
the only time that Jesus healed people. its works are wicked.”—John 7:7.
18 The disciples of Jesus in the first
The Bible talks about many other times
when Jesus made people well again. century were sure that Jesus was the
16 Many people would not believe that Messiah. They knew that Jesus fulfilled
Jesus was the Messiah even though he all the prophecies in the Hebrew Scrip-
did good things. (Read Isaiah 53:1.) The tures about the Messiah. (Matthew 16:
apostle John said that this prophecy 16) From this article, we learned that
came true. He wrote: “Although he had the prophecies about the early life and
performed so many signs before them, ministry of Jesus came true. But there
they were not putting faith in him, so are many more prophecies in the Bi-
that the word of Isaiah the prophet was ble that prove who the Messiah is. We
fulfilled which he said: ‘Jehovah, who will learn about them in the next article.
has put faith in the thing heard by us? If we think deeply about these prophe-
And as for the arm of Jehovah, to whom cies, we will never doubt that Jesus is the
has it been revealed?’ ” (John 12:37, 38) one whom Jehovah chose to be the Mes-
15. How did the prophecy at Isaiah 53:4 come
true? 17. How did the prophecy at Psalm 69:4 come
16. What did the apostle John write that true?
proves that Isaiah 53:1 was about Jesus? 18. What will we learn in the next article?

They Found the Messiah!

J OHN THE BAPTIST is with two of
his disciples. As Jesus walks toward
and will say without any
doubt that Jesus is the
them, John says: “See, the Lamb of promised Messiah. We
God!” The two disciples of John the Bap- will now study some more “We have found the
tist, Andrew and John, immediately fol- prophecies in the Bi- Messiah.”—JOHN 1:41.
low Jesus and stay with him the rest of ble that prove who the
that day. Later, Andrew goes to find his Messiah is. This will help
brother, Simon Peter, and makes this us have stronger faith in the Bible and
very exciting announcement: “We have in the one whom Jehovah chose to be
found the Messiah.” Andrew then takes the Messiah.
Peter to see Jesus.—John 1:35-41. “LOOK! YOUR KING IS COMING”
2 As time passes, Andrew, Peter, and
3 The Messiah would enter Jerusalem
others will carefully study the Scriptures
as a king. Zechariah’s prophecy said:
1. What happened before Andrew made “Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion.
the announcement: “We have found the Shout in triumph, O daughter of
2. How will our study of the prophecies about 3. What prophecies came true when Jesus
the Messiah help us? entered Jerusalem as a king?

What prophecies
were fulfilled
when Jesus en-
tered Jerusalem
as a king?

SOME WORDS Jerusalem. Look! Your the foundation of the Christian congre-
EXPLAINED king himself comes to gation. Men without faith did not ac-
you. He is righteous, yes, cept Jesus as the Messiah, but he is “cho-
ˇ Sanhedrin: saved; humble, and riding sen, precious, with God.”—1 Peter 2:4-6;
The Jewish high court upon an ass, even upon a Mark 12:10, 11; Acts 4:8-11.
ˇ Cast lots: full-grown animal the son
This was a way to de- of a she-ass.” (Zechariah ONE DISCIPLE BETRAYS HIM
cide a question. Lots, 9:9) One Bible writer said: AND THE OTHERS ABANDON HIM
or small pieces of “Blessed be the One com- 5 Someone who seemed to be the
wood or stone, were ing in the name of Je- Messiah’s friend would betray him. Da-
marked and then hovah.” (Psalm 118:26) A vid prophesied: “The man at peace with
thrown on the ground large crowd shouted with me, in whom I trusted, who was eating
or shaken in a con- great joy as Jesus entered my bread, has magnified his heel against
tainer. A decision was Jerusalem. Jesus did not me.” (Psalm 41:9) In Bible times, it was
made based on how tell the crowd what to do. an act of friendship to eat bread to-
the lots fell or on which But they did exactly as gether. (Genesis 31:54) So the prophecy
lot was pulled out the prophecy said. As you meant that someone who was a friend of
read the Bible verses that the Messiah would do something terri-
describe the scene, imag- ble. He would betray the Messiah! Jesus
ine that you are there and that you can talked about this person when he said
hear the happy voices of the crowd. to his apostles: “I am not talking about
—Read Matthew 21:4-9. all of you; I know the ones I have chosen.
4 Jesus is precious to God, even But it is in order that the Scripture might
though many people would not accept be fulfilled, ‘He that used to feed on my
him as the Messiah. As the prophe- bread has lifted up his heel against me.’ ”
cies said, many people hated Jesus and (John 13:18) Jesus was talking about Ju-
thought that he was of no account, or das Iscariot, who was a follower and a
of no value. These people did not have friend of Jesus. When he betrayed Jesus,
faith. (Isaiah 53:3; Mark 9:12) But the David’s prophecy came true.
Bible says: “The stone that the build- 6 The one who betrayed the Messiah

ers rejected has become the head of the would betray him for 30 pieces of silver,
corner. This has come to be from Jeho- that is, the price paid for a slave! Mat-
vah himself.” (Psalm 118:22, 23) Once, thew said that Judas betrayed Jesus for
Jesus spoke about this prophecy when only 30 pieces of silver and that this ful-
he was talking to his religious enemies. filled the prophecy at Zechariah 11:12,
And Peter said that this prophecy was 13. But Matthew says that what was spo-
about Jesus and the congregation. He ken through Jeremiah the prophet was
compared the congregation to a build- fulfilled. Why does he say Jeremiah if
ing. A building has one cornerstone, or the prophecy is in the book of Zechari-
one main stone, in its foundation. In the ah? In Matthew’s day the book of Jere-
same way, Jesus was the main stone in
5, 6. What did the prophecies say about the
4. How did Psalm 118:22, 23 come true? Messiah’s betrayal? How did they come true?

miah may have appeared first in a group 9 There would be false witnesses

of books that included Zechariah. Ju- against the Messiah. David wrote: “Vi-
das did not spend those 30 pieces of sil- olent witnesses rise up; what I have not
ver. He threw the money into the tem- known they ask me.” (Psalm 35:11) Ex-
ple and “went off and hanged himself.” actly as the prophecy said, “the chief
—Matthew 26:14-16; 27:3-10. priests and the entire Sanhedrin were
7 The Messiah’s disciples would leave looking for false witness against Jesus
him. Zechariah wrote: “Strike the shep- in order to put him to death.” (Matthew
herd, and let those of the flock be scat- 26:59) The Bible says that many, indeed,
tered.” (Zechariah 13:7) On Nisan 14 were giving false witness against him,
of the year 33, Jesus told his disciples: but their testimonies were not in agree-
“All of you will be stumbled in con- ment. (Mark 14:56) The enemies of Je-
nection with me on this night, for it is sus did not care that the witnesses were
written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and telling lies about him. They just wanted
the sheep of the flock will be scattered Jesus dead.
about.’ ” And that is exactly what hap- 10 The Messiah would not answer

pened. Matthew said that all the dis- those who accused him. Isaiah proph-
ciples abandoned Jesus and fled.—Mat- esied: “He was hard pressed, and he
thew 26:31, 56. was letting himself be afflicted; yet he
would not open his mouth. He was
being brought just like a sheep to the
slaughtering; and like a ewe that before
8 People would take the Messiah to her shearers has become mute, he also
court and condemn him to death. (Read would not open his mouth.” (Isaiah 53:7)
Isaiah 53:8.) On the morning of Ni- While Jesus “was being accused by the
san 14, all the members of the Sanhe- chief priests and older men, he made no
drin Court gathered together. They tied answer.” Pilate asked: “Do you not hear
Jesus with ropes and took him to the how many things they are testifying
Roman Governor Pontius Pilate. Pilate against you?” But Jesus “did not answer
questioned Jesus and said that Jesus had him, no, not a word, so that the governor
done nothing wrong. But when Pilate wondered very much.” (Matthew 27:12-
asked the crowd if they wanted him to 14) Jesus did not insult his enemies.—Ro-
free Jesus, the crowd shouted: “Impale mans 12:17-21; 1 Peter 2:23.
him!” They said that they wanted Pilate 11 Isaiah prophesied that they would
to free Barabbas, a criminal, instead of
beat the Messiah. Isaiah wrote: “My
Jesus. Because Pilate wanted to please
back I gave to the strikers, and my
the crowd, he freed Barabbas. Then he
cheeks to those plucking off the hair.
ordered his men to beat Jesus with a
whip and to hang him on a stake.—Mark 9. How did Psalm 35:11 come true in Jesus’
15:1-15. time?
10. How did Isaiah 53:7 come true?
7. How did Zechariah 13:7 come true? 11. How did Isaiah 50:6 and Micah 5:1 come
8. How did Isaiah 53:8 come true? true?

My face I did not conceal from humili- ah would die with sinners. Isaiah wrote:
ating things and spit.” (Isaiah 50:6) Mi- “He poured out his soul to the very
cah prophesied: “With the rod they will death, and it was with the transgres-
strike upon the cheek the judge of Isra- sors that he was counted in.” (Isaiah
el.” (Micah 5:1) Mark showed that these 53:12) This came true when “two rob-
prophecies were about Jesus. Mark bers were impaled with him, one on
wrote: “Some started to spit on him and his right and one on his left.”—Matthew
13 David prophesied that people
Our study of the would insult the Messiah. (Read Psalm
prophecies about the 22:7, 8.) People insulted Jesus while he
Messiah helps us was suffering on the stake. Matthew tells
us: “The passersby began speaking abu-
have stronger faith sively of him, wagging their heads and
saying: ‘O you would-be thrower-down
of the temple and builder of it in three
to cover his whole face and hit him with days, save yourself! If you are a son of
their fists and say to him: ‘Prophesy!’ God, come down off the torture stake!’ ”
And, slapping him in the face, the court The chief priests, scribes, and older men
attendants took him.” Mark said that made fun of him and said: “Others he
soldiers would hit him on the head with saved; himself he cannot save! He is
a reed and spit upon him, and bend- King of Israel; let him now come down
ing their knees, they would do obeisance off the torture stake and we will believe
to him. (Mark 14:65; 15:19) Of course, on him. He has put his trust in God;
there was no reason for those people to let Him now rescue him if He wants
treat Jesus that way. him, for he said, ‘I am God’s Son.’ ”
(Matthew 27:39-43) Jesus suffered, but
HE WAS LOYAL TO GOD he remained calm and never said any-
UNTIL DEATH thing wrong. He is a very good example
12 The Messiah would die on a stake. for us.
David said: “The assembly of evildoers 14 They would cast lots to take the

themselves have enclosed me. Like a Messiah’s clothes. David wrote: “They
lion they are at my hands and my feet.” apportion my garments among them-
(Psalm 22:16) As Bible readers know selves, and upon my clothing they cast
and as Mark tells us in his Gospel, this lots.” (Psalm 22:18) That is exactly what
prophecy came true. Mark wrote that happened. The Bible says that after the
they impaled Jesus about nine o’clock Roman soldiers put Jesus on the stake,
in the morning. They nailed his hands they distributed his outer garments by
and his feet to a stake. (Mark 15:25)
Another prophecy said that the Messi- 13. How did Psalm 22:7, 8 come true?
14, 15. Some prophecies talked about the
12. How did Psalm 22:16 come true? How did Messiah’s clothing and that he would be given
Isaiah 53:12 come true? vinegar to drink. How did they come true?

casting lots.—Matthew 27:

35; read John 19:23, 24.
15 They would give the

Messiah vinegar and bit-

ter gall to drink. The
prophecy says: “But for
food they gave me a poi-
sonous plant, and for my
thirst they tried to make
me drink vinegar.” (Psalm
69:21) We know that this
prophecy came true be-
cause Matthew tells us:
“They gave him wine
mixed with gall to drink;
but, after tasting it, he re-
fused to drink.” And lat-
er, “one of them ran and
took a sponge and soaked
it with sour wine and put
it on a reed and went giv-
ing him a drink.”—Mat-
thew 27:34, 48.
16 It would seem that

God had left the Messiah.

(Read Psalm 22:1.) Mark
tells us that at the ninth
hour, Jesus called out
with a loud voice: “ ‘Eli, Eli,
lama sabachthani?’ which
means, when translated:
‘My God, my God, why have you forsak- saken me?” the prophecy at Psalm 22:1 Jesus died
en me?’ ” (Mark 15:34) When Jesus said came true. for our sins,
that God had left him, he did not say this 17 Enemies would stab the Messiah. but now he
because he had lost faith in his Father. They would not break his bones. Zech- rules as King
He knew that God would not protect ariah said that the people of Jerusa-
him from his enemies at the time of his lem would look to the One whom they
death. This was an opportunity for Jesus pierced through. (Zechariah 12:10) And
to show that he would always be loyal to Psalm 34:20 says that God “is guarding
God. When Jesus said with a loud voice, all the bones of that one; not one of them
“My God, my God, why have you for-
17. How did Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20
16. How did Psalm 22:1 come true? come true?

WHAT IS YOUR has been broken.” The (Psalm 16:10) On Nisan 16, some women
ANSWER? apostle John said that came to the tomb where Jesus was bur-
these prophecies came ied. Imagine their surprise when they
ˇ How did the prophe- true. John wrote: “One saw an angel sitting inside the tomb!
cies about Jesus’ of the soldiers jabbed his The angel said to the women: “Stop be-
being betrayed and side with a spear, and im- ing stunned. You are looking for Jesus
abandoned come mediately blood and wa- the Nazarene, who was impaled. He was
true? raised up, he is not here. See! The place
ter came out. And he that
ˇ How did the proph- has seen it has borne wit- where they laid him.” (Mark 16:6) Later,
ecies about Jesus’ ness, and his witness is on the day of Pentecost of the year 33,
death come true? true.” John also wrote: the apostle Peter talked to a large group
ˇ Why are you sure that “These things took place of people in Jerusalem about David’s
Jesus is the Messiah? in order for the scripture prophecy in Psalm 16. He said about Da-
to be fulfilled: ‘Not a bone vid: “He saw beforehand and spoke con-
of his will be crushed.’ cerning the resurrection of the Christ,
And, again, a different that neither was he forsaken in Hades
scripture says: ‘They will look to the One nor did his flesh see corruption.” (Acts
whom they pierced.’ ”—John 19:33-37. 2:29-31) God did not allow the body
18 The Messiah’s burial place would of his dear Son to decay. And Jehovah
be among the graves of rich people. did something even more wonderful. He
(Read Isaiah 53:5, 8, 9.) Late in the after- resurrected Jesus to life in heaven!—1 Pe-
noon of Nisan 14, “a rich man of Arima- ter 3:18.
20 God would announce that Jesus is
thea, named Joseph,” asked Pilate if he
could take Jesus’ body. Joseph wanted his Son. (Read Psalm 2:7; Matthew 3:
to bury him, and Pilate agreed. Matthew 17.) When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the
tells us: “Joseph took the body, wrapped crowds praised him and his Kingdom.
it up in clean fine linen, and laid it in his Today, we also praise Jesus. We are hap-
py to tell others about him and his King-
new memorial tomb, which he had quar-
dom. (Mark 11:7-10) Soon, Christ will
ried in the rock-mass. And, after rolling
destroy his enemies when he rides “in
a big stone to the door of the memorial
the cause of truth and humility and righ-
tomb, he left.”—Matthew 27:57-60.
teousness.” (Psalm 2:8, 9; 45:1-6) Then
PRAISE THE MESSIAH, OUR KING! he will rule over the whole earth. All will
19 Jehovah would resurrect the Mes- live in peace and have what they need.
siah. David wrote: “You will not leave (Psalm 72:1, 3, 12, 16; Isaiah 9:6, 7) Jeho-
my soul in Sheol,” that is, in the grave. vah’s beloved Son, Jesus Christ, already
rules as King in heaven. It is a great hon-
18. The prophecy said that Jesus would be or to be Witnesses of Jehovah and to tell
buried among the graves of rich people. How others about these truths!
did that prophecy come true?
19. How did the prophecy at Psalm 16:10 20. What do the prophecies say about the
come true? Messiah’s rule?

Jehovah Is
“the God Who Gives Peace”
I MAGINE this: Two brothers were
about to meet. They were going to
meet close to Penuel, near the valley of
should do everything we
can to solve problems
with others in the congre-

Jabbok on the east side of the Jordan Riv- gation. If we do not, the “May the God who gives
er. The brothers were Esau and Jacob, peace and unity of the peace be with all of you.”
and they had not seen each other for a congregation will be dam- —ROMANS 15:33.
long time. Twenty years earlier, Esau had aged. Jacob had not done
sold his right as firstborn to his broth- anything wrong. He did
er, Jacob. When Esau heard that Jacob not have to tell Esau that he was sorry.
was returning home, he went to meet Ja- It was Esau who did not value his right
cob with 400 men. When Jacob heard as firstborn and who had sold it to Ja-
this, he became afraid. He thought that cob for just one meal. But Jacob still did
his brother might still be angry with him everything he could to have peace with
and want to kill him. So Jacob sent his him. (Genesis 25:31-34; Hebrews 12:16)
servants with animals as gifts for Esau. Jacob’s example shows how much ef-
Each time the servants came with more fort we should make to keep peace with
animals, they told Esau that they were
our Christian brothers and sisters. It
gifts from his brother. Jacob sent him
also shows that when we ask Jehovah to
more than 550 animals.
2 What happened when the brothers
help us do this, he answers our prayers.
There are many other examples in the
finally met? Jacob showed courage and
Bible that show us how to keep peace
humility. He walked toward Esau and
with others. We will talk about some of
bowed down before his brother seven
times! But before this, Jacob had already
done the most important thing. He had THE BEST EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW
prayed to Jehovah and asked Jehovah 4 The best example of someone who
to protect him from Esau. Jehovah an-
keeps peace is Jehovah. He is “the God
swered his prayer. The Bible tells us that
who gives peace.” (Romans 15:33) Think
Esau went running to meet him, and he
of all that Jehovah did to make it possi-
began to embrace him and fall upon his
neck and kiss him.—Genesis 32:11-20; ble for us to be his friends. Because we
33:1-4. are descendants of Adam and Eve, we
3 This situation shows us that we sin. And those who sin deserve death.
(Romans 6:23) But because God loved
1, 2. What situation do we read about in Gen- us so much, he wanted to save us from
esis chapters 32 and 33? What was the result?
3. What do we learn from the story of Jacob 4. What did God do to save mankind from sin
and Esau? and death?

SOME WORDS sin and death. So he sent himself, or causes to become his friends,
EXPLAINED his beloved Son, Jesus, are “the things in the heavens” and “the
from heaven to be born things upon the earth.” What are they?
ˇ Ransom: as a perfect human and —Read Colossians 1:19, 20.
The price Jehovah die for our sins. And Jesus 7 Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, anoint-
paid through Jesus was happy to do what his ed Christians “have been declared righ-
to free humans Father wanted and to sac- teous” as sons of God and “enjoy peace
from sin and death with God.” (Read Romans 5:1.) The Bi-
rifice his life for us. (John
ˇ Repent: 10:17, 18) Then Jehovah ble calls them “the things in the heav-
To feel regret for past resurrected Jesus to life in ens” because God resurrects them to live
sins and to make the heaven. It was in heaven in heaven with Jesus Christ. There they
necessary changes that Jesus presented to Je-
to please God hovah the value of his Prayer helped
ˇ Covenant: sacrifice. This sacrifice, or
A serious promise ransom, saves from eter- Jacob to keep
or agreement nal death all those who re- peace with Esau
pent of their sins.—Read
ˇ Undeserved kindness:
Jehovah’s great kind- Hebrews 9:14, 24.
5 Because of sin, hu-
ness that he gives free-
mans became enemies of will “rule as kings over the earth” and
ly to sinful humans
God. How does Jesus’ sac- serve as priests. (Revelation 5:10) “The
rifice help humans? Isa- things upon the earth” are humans who
iah 53:5 says: “The chas- repent of their sins and who will live for-
tisement meant for our peace was upon ever on earth.—Psalm 37:29.
8 The words of Paul to the anointed
him, and because of his wounds there
has been a healing for us.” Jesus’ sacri- Christians in Ephesus show how grate-
fice makes it possible for obedient hu- ful he was for the ransom. He said
mans to become friends of God. The Bi- that God is “rich in mercy” and that he
ble also says: “By means of him we have “made us alive together with the Christ,
the release by ransom through the blood even when we were dead in trespass-
es.” He said that God saved us “by un-
of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our
deserved kindness.” (Ephesians 2:4, 5)
trespasses.”—Ephesians 1:7.
6 The Bible says about Jesus: “God saw
All of us, those who will live in heav-
en and those who will live on earth, are
good for all fullness to dwell in him.”
very grateful for God’s mercy and un-
This means that God uses Jesus to make
deserved kindness. We are grateful for
his purpose come true. And what is
everything Jehovah did to make it pos-
God’s purpose? It is “to reconcile again sible for humans to have peace with him.
to himself all other things by mak- At times, we have problems that can
ing peace through the blood” of Jesus
Christ. The things that God reconciles to 7. What are “the things in the heavens” and
“the things upon the earth”?
5, 6. How does Jesus’ sacrifice help humans 8. How does Jehovah’s example help you
to become friends of God? when there are problems in the congregation?

put the unity of the congregation in dan- cause later when enemies took Lot as a
ger. In these situations, we should think prisoner, Abraham hurried to save him.
about God’s example and keep peace —Genesis 14:14-16.
with our brothers and sisters. 11 Think also of how Abraham did

what he could to keep peace with the

OF ABRAHAM AND ISAAC Philistines, who were his neighbors in
9 The Bible says about Abraham:
the land of Canaan. The Philistines had
violently stolen a well of water that Abra-
“ ‘Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it
ham’s servants had dug at Beer-sheba.
was counted to him as righteousness,’
In this situation, Abraham chose not
and he came to be called ‘Jehovah’s
to do or say anything. Later, the Phi-
friend.’ ” (James 2:23) One way that
listine king visited Abraham to make a
Abraham showed his faith in Jehovah
was by keeping peace with others. For covenant of peace between them. Abra-
example, there was an argument be- ham agreed to be kind to the descen-
tween the men who took care of Abra- dants of the king. Only after that hap-
ham’s animals and those who took care pened did Abraham tell the king about
of the animals of his nephew Lot. (Gen- the stolen well. The king was shocked
esis 12:5; 13:7) Abraham and Lot decid- to hear about the well, and he returned it
ed that the best solution for them was to to Abraham. And Abraham continued to
go to different parts of the land. Notice live in peace as a foreigner in that land.
what Abraham did in this difficult situ- —Genesis 21:22-31, 34.
ation. He did not think that he should
make the final decision just because Because of Jesus’
he was older and had a special friend-
ship with Jehovah. Instead, he showed sacrifice, obedient
that he wanted to keep peace with his humans can have
10 Abraham told his nephew: “Please, peace with God
do not let any quarreling continue be-
tween me and you and between my
herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we 12 Abraham’s son Isaac loved peace
men are brothers.” And he continued: just like his father. He did what he could
“Is not the whole land available to you? to keep peace with the Philistines. Be-
Please, separate from me. If you go to cause there was no food in the land,
the left, then I will go to the right; but Isaac and his family moved from the
if you go to the right, then I will go to the dry area of Beer-lahai-roi, in the Negeb,
left.” Lot chose the best part of the land, to the more fertile area of Gerar. This
the most fertile part. Abraham accepted
Lot’s choice and did not get angry with 11. How did Abraham keep peace with his
him. (Genesis 13:8-11) We know this be- Philistine neighbors?
12, 13. (a) How did Isaac follow the example
9, 10. How did Abraham show that he want- of his father? (b) How did Jehovah bless
ed to keep peace with others? Isaac’s efforts to keep peace?

area belonged to the Philistines. Jeho- for his right to use all the wells that
vah blessed Isaac with good crops and his servants had dug. The Philistine
many animals. The Philistines became king knew that Jehovah blessed Isaac in
jealous of him. They did not want Isaac’s everything he did. When the king came
wealth to keep increasing, so they filled with his officials to visit Isaac in Beer-
his wells with dirt. Finally, the Philistine sheba and make a covenant with him, he
king told Isaac: “Move from our neigh- said: “We have unmistakably seen that
borhood.” To keep peace with the Phi- Jehovah has proved to be with you.” But
listines, Isaac did what the king said. to keep peace, Isaac chose to move more
—Genesis 24:62; 26:1, 12-17. than once. He did not want to fight. This
13 After Isaac and his family moved,
time too, when the king and his officials
his shepherds dug another well. Philis- came to visit him, Isaac showed that he
tine shepherds argued with Isaac’s shep- wanted to keep peace with the king. The
herds because of the well and said that
the water was theirs. Like his father,
Isaac did not want to fight. Instead, he
told his servants to dig another well.
The Philistines argued because of that
one also. Again, just to keep peace with
the Philistines, Isaac moved his fami-
ly and everything he had. His servants
dug a well in that place, and Isaac
called it Rehoboth. Later, he moved to

Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, and Joseph
always tried to keep
peace with others

the more fertile area of Beer-sheba. Je-

hovah blessed him there and told him:
“Do not be afraid, because I am with
you, and I will bless you and multiply
your seed on account of Abraham my
servant.”—Genesis 26:17-25.
14 Of course, Isaac could have fought

14. When the Philistine king came to make a

covenant with Isaac, how did Isaac show that
he wanted to keep peace with him?

Bible tells us: “He made a feast for them he could to keep peace with his brother,
and they ate and drank. Next morn- Esau. Jacob had learned from the good
ing they were early in rising and they example of his father, Isaac. Did Jacob’s
made sworn statements one to the oth- sons learn from his example? Of all his
er. After that Isaac sent them away and 12 sons, Jacob loved Joseph the most.
they went from him in peace.”—Genesis He obeyed and respected his father and
26:26-31. was a son Jacob could trust. (Genesis
37:2, 14) But the Bible says that Joseph’s
THE EXAMPLE OF JOSEPH older brothers became so jealous of him
15 The Bible says that Isaac’s son Ja-
that they were not able to speak peace-
fully to him. They hated Joseph so much
cob was “a blameless man.” (Genesis 25: that they sold him as a slave and then
27) As we learned earlier, Jacob did what
made their father believe that a wild an-
15. Why were Joseph’s brothers not able to imal had killed him.—Genesis 37:4, 28,
speak peacefully to him? 31-33.

What was the most important

thing Jacob did to keep peace
with Esau?

WHAT DID YOU 16 Jehovah blessed Jo- this, he “burst into tears” and said:
LEARN? seph. In time, Joseph “Do not be afraid. I myself shall keep
became Egypt’s prime supplying you and your little children
ˇ Just before he met minister, that is, the with food.” In this situation too, Joseph
Esau, what did Jacob second-most powerful showed that he loved peace. He “com-
do to keep peace person in Egypt. When forted them and spoke reassuringly to
with him? there was a terrible fam- them.”—Genesis 50:15-21.
ˇ Jehovah did a lot to ine in Canaan, Joseph’s
make it possible for brothers came to Egypt EXAMPLES
humans to become “FOR OUR INSTRUCTION”
to buy food. When they
his friends. What does met Joseph there, they 18 Paul wrote: “All the things that
that make you want did not know who he were written aforetime were written for
to do? was, probably because of our instruction, that through our endur-
ˇ What have you learned the Egyptian clothes he ance and through the comfort from the
from the examples of was wearing. (Genesis 42: Scriptures we might have hope.” (Ro-
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, 5-7) Joseph could have mans 15:4) What have we learned from
and Joseph? treated his brothers the the greatest example of all, Jehovah, and
same way they treated also the examples of Abraham, Isaac, Ja-
him and his father. In- cob, and Joseph?
19 If we think about all that Jehovah
stead, Joseph did what he
could to make peace with them. And did to make it possible for us to become
when they showed that they were sor- his friends, we will want to do every-
ry for what they had done, Joseph told thing we can to keep peace with others.
them who he was. He said: “Do not What we learned about Abraham, Isaac,
feel hurt and do not be angry with Jacob, and Joseph shows that parents
yourselves because you sold me here; can be good examples for their children
because for the preservation of life and teach them to keep peace with oth-
God has sent me ahead of you.” Then ers. We also learned that Jehovah bless-
“he proceeded to kiss all his brothers es the efforts of those who try to keep
and to weep over them.”—Genesis 45:1, peace. This helps us understand why
5, 15. Paul wrote that Jehovah is “the God who
17 After the death of their father, Ja- gives peace.” (Read Romans 15:33; 16:
cob, Joseph’s brothers thought that Jo- 20.) The next article will talk about why
seph might want to take revenge on Paul said that we need to keep peace and
them. When they talked to Joseph about how we can do that.

16, 17. How did the way Joseph treated his 18, 19. (a) What did you learn from the ex-
brothers show that he wanted to keep peace amples we talked about in this article?
with them? (b) What will we learn in the next article?

Make Efforts to Keep Peace

T HERE is no true peace among peo-
ple in the world today. Even people
from the same country and who speak
especially toward those
related to us in the faith.”
(Galatians 6:10) This

the same language are often not unit- peace with Jehovah and “Let us pursue the things
ed. They are divided by religion, poli- with our brothers and sis- making for peace.”
tics, money, and education. But there ters is very precious. We —ROMANS 14:19.
is peace among the more than sev- need to protect it. We will
en million who are Jehovah’s Witness- now talk about how we
es around the world, even though they can keep peace even when problems
come from “all nations and tribes and happen in the congregation.
peoples and tongues.”—Revelation 7:9.
2 There are good reasons why we have WHEN WE “STUMBLE”
4 The disciple James wrote: “We all
peace among us. The main reason is that
we “enjoy peace with God.” This peace stumble many times. If anyone does
is the result of our faith in his Son, who not stumble in word, this one is a per-
sacrificed his life for us. (Romans 5:1; fect man.” (James 3:2) So there will be
Ephesians 1:7) Also, Jehovah gives holy times when two people in the congre-
spirit to his loyal servants, and the fruit- gation will not agree with each other or
age of that spirit includes peace. (Gala- will have some other problem between
tians 5:22) Another reason we have them. But if there is a problem, they
peace and unity is that we are “no part should be able to solve it and keep the
of the world.” (John 15:19) This means peace in the congregation. For example,
that we do not participate in politics or read what Jesus said we should do if we
war. As the Bible says, Jehovah’s peo- think that we have offended someone.
ple “beat their swords into plowshares.” —Read Matthew 5:23, 24.
—Isaiah 2:4. 5 What if someone did something

3 We “love one another” in the congre- against us? Should we think that this
gation even though we come from dif- person has to come to us and tell us
ferent places and have different customs that he is sorry? 1 Corinthians 13:5 says
and ways of thinking. (John 15:17) The that love does not keep account of the
peace we have is more than not want- injury. When someone offends us, we
ing to harm our brothers. It allows us show that we want to keep peace by
to “work what is good toward all, but forgiving the person and forgetting the

1, 2. Why is there peace among Jehovah’s 4. What can we do to keep peace when we of-
Witnesses? fend someone?
3. What does the peace we have make possi- 5. What can we do to keep peace when some-
ble, and what will we talk about in this article? one offends us?

SOME WORDS problem. (Read Colos- 26, 27) And Jesus said: “Be about set-
EXPLAINED sians 3:13.) This is the tling matters quickly with the one com-
best thing to do when plaining against you at law.” (Matthew
ˇ Gentile: there is a small problem. 5:25) So to keep peace with others, we
A person who It helps us to stay unit- must solve problems quickly. When we
is not of the ed with our brothers. And do not do that, problems become big-
Jewish nation we feel good because we ger and more serious, just as a cut in
ˇ Conscience: did what was right. A our skin gets infected if we do not treat
A sense of right wise proverb says that it it quickly. We should not let pride, jeal-
or wrong that we is beauty when we pass ousy, or the love of money stop us from
have inside of us. over transgression.—Prov- solving any problems with our brothers.
It can stop us erbs 19:11. —James 4:1-6.
from doing wrong 6 What if someone does
things, and it can WHEN A PROBLEM
something against us that INVOLVES MANY PEOPLE
make us do good is difficult to forget? It is 8 Some problems in the congregation
things not wise to talk about it to
may involve many people. This hap-
others. This kind of gos-
pened to some Christians in Rome.
sip puts the peace of the
There was an argument among Jew-
congregation in danger. What can we
ish and Gentile Christians. Some had a
do to solve the problem? Matthew 18:
weaker conscience. There were a lot of
15 says: “If your brother commits a sin,
things that their conscience did not al-
go lay bare his fault between you and low them to do, even though the Scrip-
him alone. If he listens to you, you have tures did not say that these things were
gained your brother.” Even though Mat- wrong. Others in the congregation had
thew 18:15-17 talks about a serious sin, a stronger conscience. They thought that
we could use the principle, or lesson, in they were better than those who had a
verse 15 in other situations. So when we weaker conscience. And those who had
have a problem with someone, it is best a weaker conscience started to condemn
to talk to him alone about it. We should the ones who had a stronger conscience.
talk to our brother kindly and try to have But all these arguments were about per-
peace with him again.1—See footnote. sonal choices. What did Paul tell the
7 The apostle Paul wrote: “Be wrath-
congregation?—Romans 14:1-6.
ful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not 9 Those with a stronger conscience

set with you in a provoked state, neither understood that they did not have to
allow place for the Devil.” (Ephesians 4: obey the Law of Moses. Those with a
weaker conscience thought that it was
1 The Bible gives us more information about
what to do when there are serious problems, wrong to eat things that were not al-
such as slander and fraud. See The Watchtower, lowed under the Law. Paul corrected
October 15, 1999, pages 17-22. both groups of Christians. Paul told
6. What if someone does something against 8, 9. (a) What argument was there in the
us that is difficult to forget? congregation in Rome? (b) How did Paul cor-
7. Why should we solve problems quickly? rect the Christians in Rome?

those with a stronger conscience not to problem in the congregation today, all
think that they were better than those those involved need to make changes
who had a weaker conscience. (Romans to “keep peace between one another.”
14:2, 10) This way of thinking and act- —Mark 9:50.
ing could cause those with a weaker
conscience to abandon their friendship HOW ELDERS CAN HELP
with Jehovah. Paul added: “Stop tearing 11 What if someone has a problem
down the work of God just for the sake with a family member or with another
of food.” He also said: “It is well not to Christian and wants to talk to an elder
eat flesh or to drink wine or do anything about it? Proverbs 21:13 says: “Anyone
over which your brother stumbles.” (Ro- stopping up his ear from the complain-
mans 14:14, 15, 20, 21) Paul told those ing cry of the lowly one, he himself also
with a weaker conscience not to judge will call and not be answered.” An el-
those who had a different way of think- der would be “stopping up his ear” if
ing. (Romans 14:13) He told them: “I tell he did not listen to someone asking for
everyone there among you not to think help. But another proverb says: “The
first to state his case seems right, un-
til his opponent begins to cross-examine
We can solve him.” (Proverbs 18:17, New English Trans-
problems with our lation) An elder should listen kindly, but
brothers if we do he needs to be careful not to make any
decisions before he knows more about
what the Bible the problem. After listening to the per-
tells us son, the elder could ask him if he has
talked about the problem with the oth-
er person. The elder could also review
with him what the Bible says we should
more of himself than it is necessary to do to keep peace with our brothers and
think.” (Romans 12:3) After he corrected sisters.
both groups of Christians, he said: “So, 12 It is dangerous to act too quick-
then, let us pursue the things making for ly after hearing only what one person
peace and the things that are upbuild- has to say about a problem. Three Bi-
ing to one another.”—Romans 14:19. ble examples show this. The first one
10 We can be sure that the congrega-
is what happened to Potiphar. His wife
tion in Rome accepted what Paul told lied and told him that Joseph had tried
them and made the needed changes. To- to rape her. Potiphar believed her. He
day, we can solve arguments with our was so angry that he sent Joseph to
brothers and sisters in a loving way if
we do what the Bible tells us. As with 11. What should an elder do if a person wants
the Christians in Rome, if there is a to talk to him about a problem that the person
is having with another Christian?
10. As with the Christians in Rome, what 12. What three examples show the danger of
should those now involved in an argument do acting too quickly after hearing about a prob-
to solve the problem? lem?

prison. (Genesis 39:19, 20) Another ex- elders are wise to do what Paul said to
ample is what King David did. Mephib- Timothy and not make any judgments
osheth’s servant, Ziba, told David that before knowing all the facts about a sit-
Mephibosheth was helping David’s ene- uation.—Read 1 Timothy 5:21.
mies. David believed him and said with- 13 The Bible says: “If anyone thinks he

out thinking: “Look! Yours is everything has acquired knowledge of something,

that belongs to Mephibosheth.” (2 Sam- he does not yet know it just as he ought
uel 16:4; 19:25-27) A third example is to know it.” (1 Corinthians 8:2) We may
what happened to King Artaxerxes. En- think we know what happened when
emies of the Jews told the king that the there is an argument between two peo-
Jews were building Jerusalem again be- ple. But we need to remember that we
cause they wanted to rebel against him. may not know all the facts. Also, we may
The king believed this lie and ordered
13, 14. (a) When there is an argument be-
that the Jews stop their work. Because of
tween two people, what do we need to remem-
this, the Jews stopped working on God’s ber? (b) What can help elders to make correct
temple. (Ezra 4:11-13, 23, 24) Christian judgments?

not know everything about the two peo- ing the Bible and the publications of
ple who have the problem. Elders must “the faithful and discreet slave.”—Mat-
be very careful when they judge the situ- thew 24:45.
ation and not let themselves be deceived
by lies or rumors about what happened.
Also, they should not believe someone
15 The Bible tells us to keep peace with
just because he is rich. Jesus, the judge others. But it also says: “The wisdom
God chose, does not “judge by any mere from above is first of all chaste, then
appearance to his eyes, nor reprove sim- peaceable.” (James 3:17) The Bible says
ply according to the thing heard by his that first we need to be chaste. To be
ears.” (Isaiah 11:3, 4) Jesus is guided by chaste, or clean, means to allow God to
God’s spirit. Christian elders too must tell us what is right and what is wrong
be guided by God’s spirit. and to live in a way that pleases him. If
14 Elders need to pray for Jehovah’s a Christian knows that a brother or sister
spirit before judging a problem. They al- 15. If a Christian knows of a serious sin, when
low God’s spirit to guide them by us- should he tell the elders about it?

Jehovah loves
those who
freely forgive

WHAT DID YOU has done something se- 17 Most of the time, the problems be-

LEARN? riously wrong, he should tween us are not about serious sins. So
tell that person to con- it is much better to show love and for-
ˇ What can we do to fess the sin to the el- get the mistakes our brothers make. The
keep peace when we ders. (1 Corinthians 6:9, Bible says: “The one covering over trans-
offend someone? 10; James 5:14-16) If the gression is seeking love, and he that
ˇ What can we do person does not confess keeps talking about a matter is sepa-
to keep peace when his sin, the Christian who rating those familiar with one another.”
someone offends us? knows of the sin should (Proverbs 17:9) If we do what the Bible
ˇ When there is an tell the elders about it. says, we will keep peace in the congre-
argument between If the Christian does not gation and keep our friendship with Je-
two people, what say anything because he hovah.—Matthew 6:14, 15.
do we need wants to keep peace with
to remember? the sinner, then he too THOSE WHO KEEP PEACE
is sinning.—Leviticus 5:1;
ˇ Why is it more im- 18 Jehovah blesses us when we make
read Proverbs 29:24.
portant to do what 16 Jehu did something the effort to keep peace. We have a
is right than to keep strong friendship with Jehovah, and we
peace with someone that showed that it is
have a part in keeping the unity of the
who practices sin? more important to do
congregation. When we keep peace in-
what is right than it is to
side the congregation, we also learn how
keep peace with someone
to keep peace with those to whom we
who practices sin. God
preach “the good news of peace.” (Ephe-
sent Jehu to punish King Ahab’s family.
sians 6:15) We are ready to “be gentle
The son of Ahab and Jezebel was wick-
toward all” and to keep ourselves “re-
ed King Jehoram. He rode in his char-
strained under evil.”—2 Timothy 2:24.
iot to meet Jehu and asked: “Is there 19 Our efforts to keep peace now train
peace, Jehu?” Jehu answered: “What
us for the future. The Bible says that Je-
peace could there be as long as there are
hovah will resurrect both the righteous
the fornications of Jezebel your mother
and the unrighteous. (Acts 24:15) This
and her many sorceries?” (2 Kings 9:22)
means that Jehovah will resurrect mil-
Then Jehu used his bow to shoot Jeho-
lions of people of all types. They will
ram in the heart. Just as Jehu took ac- be from different parts of the world and
tion, so elders will need to take action from different time periods, even from
if a sinner is not repentant. They can- the beginning of human history. (Luke
not allow those who refuse to repent of 11:50, 51) It will be our great honor to
their sins to remain part of the congre- teach resurrected ones to love peace.
gation just to keep peace with them. The The training we get now will greatly help
elders remove them so that the congre- us at that time!
gation can continue to have peace with
God.—1 Corinthians 5:1, 2, 11-13. 17. What do all Christians need to do to keep
16. What can we learn from the action Jehu 18, 19. How does Jehovah bless us when we
took against King Jehoram? make efforts to keep peace?

˛ What does the information in the annual lion to care for the needs of special pioneers,
service report mean? missionaries, and traveling overseers. But this
amount of money does not include the money
needed for printing Bibles, books, and maga-
Every year a report about the preaching work
zines. And it does not include the money need-
is printed in the Yearbook. We are very happy to
ed to care for the more than 20,000 brothers
know what Jehovah’s people around the world
are doing to preach God’s Kingdom and teach and sisters who work as volunteers in Bethel
others about it. But to understand what the re- homes around the world.
port really means, we need to understand what Memorial partakers. This is the number of
some of the titles and numbers refer to. Here all the baptized Witnesses who partake of the
are some examples. bread and wine at the Memorial. But this num-
Service year. A service year starts in Sep- ber may not be the exact number of anointed
tember and ends in August. The report in the ones on earth. For example, some may have the
Yearbook is always about the service year before wrong idea about going to heaven because of
the date on the Yearbook. For example, the 2011 what they believed in the past or because they
Yearbook contains the report for the service year have mental or emotional problems. So it is not
from September 1, 2009, to August 31, 2010. possible to know the exact number of anoint-
Peak publishers and average publishers. ed ones who are on earth, and we do not need
Publishers are baptized Witnesses and others
who are approved to preach the good news of The annual report tells us
the Kingdom. The number of “peak publish-
ers” is taken from the month of the service year what Jehovah’s people are
with the highest number of reports. The num- doing around the world
ber may include some reports that came too late
to be counted the previous month. The num-
ber of “average publishers” refers to the number
of publishers who normally report their time to know. The Governing Body does not keep a
in the preaching work each month. list of the names of everyone who partakes of
Total hours. The 2011 Yearbook shows that the bread and wine at the Memorial.1—See foot-
the total time that Jehovah’s Witnesses used note.
for the preaching work was more than 1.6 bil- What we do know is that there will be some
lion hours. But this total does not include all of the anointed “slaves of our God” on earth
the time that we use to worship Jehovah. For when the great tribulation starts. (Revelation 7:
example, it does not include the time that the 1-3) While they are still on earth, the anoint-
elders use to shepherd the members of the con- ed are working very hard in the preaching and
gregation, that is, to help and encourage them. teaching work. The annual report tells us what
It also does not include the time we use to at- Jehovah’s people around the world are doing in
tend meetings, to study the Bible, and to med- this most important work in human history.
itate about what we learn.
1 For more information, see the article “The Faithful
Money. During the 2010 service year, Jeho- Steward and Its Governing Body,” in the June 15, 2009,
vah’s Witnesses spent more than $155 mil- issue of The Watchtower, page 24.

Some Ideas for

Family Worship and
Personal Study

S INCE the beginning of 2009, the congrega-

tions of Jehovah’s Witnesses began meeting
just one evening each week instead of two eve-
interesting conversations about the things we
read in the Bible. In this way, the evenings to-
gether as a family will be a happy time for every-
nings. Because of this change, the Governing one.
Body encouraged us to use one evening a week One father of three children wrote to explain
for family worship or personal study. Have you what his family does for family worship. He has
been using this time well? What you choose to a daughter, Kaitlyn, and two sons, David and
do during this evening can help you and your Michael. Kaitlyn is 15 years old, David is 13,
family very much. and Michael is 7. For family worship, the fami-
What should we study during our family wor- ly often uses the chapters from the Bible reading
ship? The Governing Body does not tell families for that week. First everyone reads the chapters.
what they should study every week. Every fam- Then the children choose something that they
ily has different needs. So the head of the fam- would like to study more about. Later they tell
ily should think about what his family needs their parents what they learned. Michael often
and decide what will help them the most. In- draws a picture or writes something about what
dividuals can also decide how they can use this he reads. Sometimes David and Kaitlyn write
time in the best way. about a story in the Bible as if they were watch-
Some families prepare for congregation ing what was happening. For example, one week
meetings together. But this is not the only thing the family read in Genesis chapter 40 about the
that we can do for family worship. Some fam- time when Joseph explained to two of Pharaoh’s
ilies read the Bible or some information from slaves what their dreams meant. And Kaitlyn
our publications and discuss it together. Oth- wrote about this as if she were a prisoner watch-
ers prepare a drama about a story in the Bi- ing what was happening.
ble. This is especially beneficial for young chil- This is just an example of what families can
dren. So our family worship does not need to do during their family worship. Because every-
be like a meeting in the congregation, where we one is different, each person or family can de-
read paragraphs and ask questions. The time cide what is best for them. The box in this ar-
for family worship should be a time when we ticle gives some other ideas of things we can
can talk and say what is in our heart. It is a do during family worship or personal study. You
time when we can use our imagination and have can probably think of many other ideas too.
For families with For married people with For those who are single
teenagers: no children: or alone in the truth:
˙ Read and talk about a ˙ Talk together about ˙ Study the new publica-
chapter from Questions chapters 1, 3, 11-16 in tions that we have re-
Young People Ask the book The Secret of ceived at our district
—Answers That Work. Family Happiness. conventions.
˙ Imagine that you were ˙ Read and study some ˙ Read the Yearbook and
living in Bible times. chapters of the Bible, also Yearbooks of other
(For example, see The and talk about what you years.
Watchtower of May 15, learn. ˙ Learn how to answer
1996, page 14, para- ˙ Prepare the Congregation different questions that
graphs 17-18.) Bible Study or the Watch- people ask when you
˙ Talk about what you plan tower Study. preach to them.
to do in Jehovah’s service ˙ Talk about how you could ˙ Prepare some ideas of
—now and in the future. do more in Jehovah’s what to say to people in
˙ Watch one of our videos service. the preaching work.
and talk about it.
˙ Study the articles “For
Young People” in The For families with
young children:
˙ Prepare a drama about
a story from the Bible.
˙ Play games, for example
by using page 31 of
˙ Do something that en-
courages the children to
use their imagination.
(For example, see “Study-
ing the Bible—In the Zoo!”
in Awake! of March 8,
1996, pages 16-19.)
˙ Read together the articles
“Teach Your Children”
in The Watchtower.

T HE Internet makes it possible for

us to have knowledge about almost
anything, anywhere, at any time. It is not
Do not think that all information on
surprising that people everywhere in the the Internet is good. When we search
world use it to communicate. the Internet, we can get the very best
The ability to communicate is a won- kind or the very worst kind of informa-
derful gift from our Creator. It allows us tion. We need to be wise and separate
to exchange ideas and information with the good from the bad.
others. Jehovah was the first to commu- Today, anyone with an Internet con-
nicate with the human family. He gave nection can pretend to be an expert and
them clear information about how to to have a lot of knowledge. And people
have a life full of meaning. (Genesis 1: do not even have to use their names.
28-30) But it is possible to use the gift of Anyone can publish ideas, information,
communication in the wrong way. This photographs, and suggestions.
is what happened in the beginning of Do not trust the information immedi-
human history. Satan gave Eve false in- ately. Before you trust it, ask: (1) Who
formation. She believed what he said, published this information? Is the writ-
and she told Adam. Adam acted on the er someone we can trust? (2) Why was
false information, and his actions made it published? Why was it written? Is the
all humans suffer.—Genesis 3:1-6; Ro- writer a fair person, or is he just pro-
mans 5:12. moting his own ideas? (3) Where did
The Internet can give us access to the writer get the information? Does he
important information and help us do say where he got the information so that
things faster. But it can also give false people can check it? (4) Is the infor-
information, take a lot of time from mation up-to-date? In the first century,
other things, and make it very easy to the apostle Paul gave Timothy some ad-
look at immoral things. Let us talk about vice that is just as important for us to-
how we can use the Internet in a wise day. Paul wrote: “Guard what is laid up
way. in trust with you, turning away from

But there are some dan-

gers. For example, we
have to think about how
much time we use on the
Internet. Some spend too
How can you be sure that much time playing, shop-
the information you are ping, chatting, e-mailing,
getting is true? searching, and surfing
the Web. They sometimes
forget about their fami-
ly, friends, and congrega-
tion. They can become ad-
dicted to the Internet.
A branch office of Jeho-
vah’s Witnesses received
a letter from someone
who called himself an In-
ternet junkie, meaning
that he was addicted to
the Internet. Some days
he was on the Internet for
ten hours. He said that
the empty speeches that violate what is “at first, it all seemed so innocent.”
holy and from the contradictions of the But then he started to miss meetings
falsely called ‘knowledge.’ ”—1 Timothy and stopped praying. When he went to
6:20. the meetings, he was not prepared and
thought only about when he was going
DOES THE INTERNET to “be able to log on again.” In time, he
understood that he had a serious prob-
If we use the Internet in a wise way, lem, and he made the necessary chang-
it can help us use less of our time, en- es. We should never use so much time
ergy, and money. We can conveniently on the Internet that we become addict-
buy something without leaving home. It ed to it.
can help us to find the best price. Instead
of going to a bank, people can pay bills, WHAT KIND OF INFORMATION
transfer money, and do other things like DO YOU LOOK AT?
that from home. The Internet can help We read at 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22:
us plan a trip and buy tickets. It is also “Make sure of all things; hold fast to
easy to search for phone numbers, ad- what is fine. Abstain from every form
dresses, and directions. Branch offices of of wickedness.” When we look at some-
Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world thing on the Internet, we need to re-
use many of these services and benefit member what Jehovah thinks of it.
from them. What we look at should be morally clean
What should you
think about before you
hit the send button?

and appropriate for a Chris-

tian. Internet pornography
has become very common.
If we are not careful, it can
very easily become a prob-
lem for us.
To help us decide about
what we should or should
not look at on the Internet,
think about this question: ‘Is
what I watch on the screen
something I would quick-
ly hide from my husband
(or wife), my parents, or my
Christian brothers if they entered the want to tell others about it? Is it just to
room?’ If the answer is yes, it would be impress others?
better to use the Internet only when oth- E-mail can be very useful when we
ers are with us. The Internet has com- use it the right way. But it can also
pletely changed the way people commu- give us a lot of unnecessary information.
nicate and shop. But it has also shown Are we giving others too much to read,
people a new way to commit adultery in maybe using more of their time than
their hearts.—Matthew 5:27, 28. we should? Should we not think about
why we are sending an e-mail before we
WHAT SHOULD WE hit the send button? In the past, people
FORWARD TO OTHERS? wrote letters to their family and friends
When we use the Internet, we of- to tell them about what was happening
ten exchange information with people. in their life. This should be what our
We must be sure that the information e-mail is mainly about. Why send to oth-
we write or forward to others is true, is ers something that we cannot prove is
not immoral, and is information we have true?
permission to give.1 (See footnote.) We So, what should you do about the In-
should think about this: Is the informa- ternet? Should you not use it at all? For
tion going to help others? Why do we some this may be necessary. The Inter-
net junkie whom we talked about earli-
1 We can say the same thing about photos. We er had to do that. The Internet can be
may take pictures of others for our own use.
helpful to you if you use “thinking abili-
But we do not have the right to show these pic-
tures to just anybody or to tell others the names ty” and allow it to “keep guard over you.”
of the people in the photos and where they live. —Proverbs 2:10, 11. ws11 08/15-E

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