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Pediatric Neurology 52 (2015) 487e492

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Pediatric Neurology
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Topical Review

Infant Botulism: Review and Clinical Update

Laura K. Rosow MD a, *,1, Jonathan B. Strober MD b
Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Department of Pediatric Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California


Botulism is a rare neuromuscular condition, and multiple clinical forms are recognized. Infant botulism was first
identified in the 1970s, and it typically occurs in infants younger than 1 year of age who ingest Clostridium botulinum
spores. A specific treatment for infant botulism, intravenous botulism immunoglobulin (BIG-IV or BabyBIGÒ), was
developed in 2003, and this treatment has substantially decreased both morbidity and hospital costs associated
with this illness. This article will review the pathogenesis of infant botulism as well as the epidemiology, clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition.

Keywords: botulism, infant, review, Clostridium, botulinum, infantile, paralysis

Pediatr Neurol 2015; 52: 487-492
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction by subtypes A and B.3-5 Botulinum-like toxins E and F are

produced by Clostridium baratii and Clostridium butyricum
Botulism is a rare neuromuscular disorder resulting from and are only rarely implicated in infant botulism.4,6,7
toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Infant Infant botulism occurs when the clostridial spores of
botulism, first recognized in 1976, typically affects children C. botulinum are ingested, then germinate and multiply in
younger than 1 year of age.1 It is the most common clinical the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the release of botuli-
form of botulism in the United States, with between 70 and num neurotoxin (BoNT) into the bloodstream. BoNT then
100 cases recognized annually.2 Infant botulism usually irreversibly binds cholinergic receptors in the presynaptic
presents as a combination of hypotonia, bulbar weakness, cell membrane of voluntary motor and autonomic neuro-
and flaccid paralysis of the skeletal muscles, although a muscular junctions. Normally, neuromuscular trans-
broad range of clinical presentations is possible. mission occurs when vesicles containing acetylcholine
fuse with the presynaptic terminal membrane via
formation of a fusion complex, releasing acetylcholine into
Etiology and pathogenesis the synaptic cleft. This fusion complex is made up of
three soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment
C. botulinum is a sporulating, obligate anaerobic, gram- protein receptor (SNARE) proteins: vesicle-associated
positive bacillus present in soil and aquatic sediment. membrane protein (VAMP, also known as synaptobrevin);
Seven distinct subtypes exist, depending upon the neuro- syntaxin; and synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-
toxin produced, and these are arbitrarily named A-G. Only 25). After BoNT is taken up into the presynaptic terminal, it
subtypes A, B, E, and F cause disease in humans, and almost cleaves one of these SNARE proteins, thereby disrupting
all cases of infant botulism in the United States are caused formation of the fusion complex and preventing acetylcho-
line release into the cleft. This causes failed neuromuscular
Article History: transmission and flaccid paralysis. The particular compo-
Received October 6, 2014; Accepted in final form January 13, 2015 nents of the SNARE complex that are targeted vary
* Communications should be addressed to: Dr. Rosow; Brigham and depending on BoNT subtype: BoNT subtypes A, C, and E
Women’s Department of Neurology; 75 Francis St; Boston, MA 02115.
E-mail address: laura.rosow@gmail.com
target SNAP-25; subtypes B, D, F, and G target VAMP/
Present address: Brigham and Women’s Department of Neurology, synaptobrevin; and subtype C additionally targets syntaxin
Boston, Massachusetts (Fig 1).8 Botulism is the most potent poison known, with a

0887-8994/$ e see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
488 L.K. Rosow, J.B. Strober / Pediatric Neurology 52 (2015) 487e492

(A) Healthy neuromuscular transmission. Acetylcholine (ACh)-containing vesicles bind to the presynaptic terminal membrane via formation of the soluble
N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNARE) complex, leading to membrane fusion and release of ACh into the synaptic cleft.
ACh molecules then bind to receptors on the muscle cell, allowing influx of sodium and muscle contraction. (B) Effect of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT). BoNT
binds receptors on the presynaptic terminal and is endocytosed. The light chain is dissociated from the heavy chain and translocates into the cytoplasm,
where it cleaves specific SNARE proteins according to BoNT subtype. Subtypes A, C, and E target SNAP-25; subtypes B, D, F, and G target vesicle-associated
membrane protein (VAMP); and subtype C further targets syntaxin. (The color version of this figure is available in the online edition.)

lethal dose of only 10 9 mg/kg of body weight. The incu- active construction sites may also increase the risk of con-
bation period of botulism is hypothesized to range between tracting botulism, whether by living near a construction site
3 and 30 days.9 or by having a parent who works in construction; however,
There are multiple other recognized clinical forms of this link has not been conclusively established.19-21
botulism, including wound botulism, in which wounds Infants are felt to be particularly susceptible to intestinal
become contaminated with C. botulinum spores, and food- colonization by C. botulinum because of the immaturity of
borne botulism, in which preformed toxin is ingested their gut flora. This concept is supported by animal studies
from contaminated food sources. Adult intestinal toxemia is demonstrating that infant mice experience age-related
an uncommon presentation of botulism that is similar in susceptibility to botulism colonization of the gastrointes-
pathogenesis to infant botulism, occurring via ingestion of tinal tract. Additionally, human infants that experience
clostridial spores. Rarely, cases of botulism have also been transient perturbations in gut flora, such as after weaning
reported from inhalational or iatrogenic exposure.10,11 In from breast milk, appear to have further increased risk of
the United States, infant botulism is by far the most com- intestinal colonization by C. botulinum.16 The risks and
mon form, constituting approximately 65% of reported benefits conferred by breastfeeding itself are less clear:
botulism cases per year.12 Outside the United States, infant although infants hospitalized for botulism are more likely to
botulism is less common.3 have been breastfed than formula-fed, some studies suggest
that breastfeeding delays the progression of botulism and is
Epidemiology and risk factors therefore protective.18,22 Formula-fed infants, on the other
hand, tend to develop botulism at earlier ages and may have
The first diagnosis of infant botulism was made in 1976, a more fulminant presentation.22 Given the relatively rare
although the first known case (diagnosed retrospectively) is occurrence of botulism, current recommendations support
believed to have occurred in California as far back as breastfeeding, even in patients who have developed
1931.1,13 Botulism affects infants ranging from less than botulism.23
1 week to 1 year of age, with a median age of 10 weeks. Up Ingestion of contaminated honey has been implicated in
to 95% of infant botulism cases occur in children younger a number of cases of infant botulism; however, it is worth
than 6 months of age.14,15 Geographically, the prevalence of noting that in the majority of cases, a definitive source of
infant botulism in the United States is highest in California, C. botulinum spores is never identified.1,24 In many patients
Utah, and the eastern Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware in whom no source is found, infection is presumed to result
area.16,17 Type A disease tends to be more prevalent in the from swallowing spores that adhere to microscopic dust
Western United States, whereas type B disease is more particles in the air.4 Corn syrup was previously found to
prevalent in the Eastern United States.5,16 Infants living in contain C. botulinum spores, but changes in production
rural/farm environments appear to be at higher risk for practices have apparently eliminated this problem, and no
contracting botulism than those living in more urban en- cases of infant botulism to date have been definitively
vironments, presumably because of higher exposure to dust attributed to contaminated corn syrup.16,24 Nonetheless, the
particles.18 It has been suggested that exposure to soil from American Academy of Pediatrics continues to recommend
L.K. Rosow, J.B. Strober / Pediatric Neurology 52 (2015) 487e492 489

against feeding unpasteurized corn syrup to infants disease, maple syrup urine disease, or glutaric aciduria type
younger than 12 months of age.14 I. Spinal muscular atrophy type I was diagnosed in five pa-
In addition to being a common presenting symptom of tients. Alternate infectious etiologies were found in three
botulism, constipation has been shown to represent an in- patients (e.g., enterovirus encephalitis, respiratory syncytial
dependent risk factor for botulism in infants older than virus bronchiolitis). Additional diagnoses included Miller-
2 months of age.18 This is presumably because decreased Fisher variant Guillain-Barré syndrome and presumptive
colonic motility allows C. botulinum spores further time to Lambert Eaton syndrome secondary to neuroblastoma.15
germinate in the gastrointestinal tract and produce toxin.
Clinical manifestations
Botulinum toxin is readily detected in stool using a toxin
Clinically, botulism infection can cause a wide spectrum neutralization bioassay. Following the initial exposure,
of presentations in infants, ranging from mild hypotonia to toxin may continue to be present in stool for up to several
a combination of bilateral cranial nerve palsies, flaccid pa- months.29 If stool is not passed readily because of con-
ralysis, and diaphragmatic weakness necessitating me- stipation, gentle manual disimpaction may be attempted, or
chanical ventilation. In some patients, this presentation can a small enema of sterile, nonbacteriostatic water (up to
be quite rapid and severe.25,26 Clinical presentations are 30 mL) can be used to obtain a specimen.30 Toxin is less
often more severe in patients with type A botulism than in commonly found in serum than in stool and has been
patients with type B botulism, and these patients have a detected in only 1% of US infants with botulism.24
longer mean hospital stay.27 On initial presentation, basic serum studies in the infant
Typically, the first symptom noted in infant botulism is with botulism (complete blood count, chemistry panel) will
constipation (characterized by 3 or more days without typically be normal, or they may demonstrate mild per-
defecation), which is then followed by some combination of turbations related to dehydration. Cerebrospinal fluid may
lethargy, decreased spontaneous activity, and diminished show mildly elevated protein, again related to dehydration.4
appetite. Infants then go on to experience loss of head Magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography
control (from weakness of the neck muscles), followed by are generally not indicated, but if obtained, they will usually
symmetric descending hypotonia and weakness, ultimately be unremarkable.
progressing to involve diaphragmatic muscles.27 Approxi- Nerve conduction studies and electromyography can be
mately half of patients will require mechanical ventilation used to help confirm the botulism diagnosis and to exclude
at some point during their hospital course.17 Symmetric alternate diagnoses. The following findings on nerve con-
cranial nerve palsies (ptosis, sluggishly reactive pupils, duction studies, taken together, are felt to be highly sug-
diminished gag reflex, and bifacial weakness) are often gestive of a diagnosis of botulism: decreased amplitude of
particularly notable. Muscle stretch reflexes are typically compound motor unit action potentials in at least two
preserved.17 In advanced illness, autonomic disturbances muscle groups; tetanic and posttetanic facilitation, defined
may be present, such as decreased heart rate variability.28 by an amplitude of more than 120% of baseline; and pro-
The differential diagnosis for infant botulism is broad longed posttetanic facilitation longer than 120 seconds,
and includes various genetic, metabolic, neuromuscular, with absence of posttetanic exhaustion (Fig 2).31 In addi-
and infectious etiologies. Patients may be admitted for “rule tion, there may be a characteristic pattern of brief, small-
out sepsis” or “failure to thrive.”4 In a study of 681 patients amplitude, overly abundant motor action potentials
with strongly suspected botulism, 23 were ultimately found following stimulation of a muscle.17 Absence of this pattern,
to have alternate diagnoses. Eight of these patients were however, does not exclude the diagnosis of botulism.24 On
diagnosed with a metabolic disorder, such as mitochondrial needle electromyography, one might see fibrillation

Incremental compound muscle action potential response with 50 Hz repetitive stimulation in a 4-month-old boy with confirmed botulism.
490 L.K. Rosow, J.B. Strober / Pediatric Neurology 52 (2015) 487e492

potentials and positive sharp waves as well as low- reactions to BIG-IV, it is generally recommended that all
amplitude, short-duration motor unit potentials.31 infants with suspected botulism undergo prompt treatment
with BIG-IV as soon as possible, before confirmatory testing
Treatment is obtained. BIG-IV can be obtained by contacting the Infant
Botulism Treatment and Prevention Program’s on-call
Historically, treatment of infant botulism focused on physician at any time at (510) 231-7600.
supportive care because no definitive treatment was Trivalent equine botulinal antitoxin is the preferred
approved for use in infants until relatively recently. In 2003, method of treatment for botulism in adult patients. Use of
the US Food and Drug Administration approved a human- this agent is not routinely recommended in infants, given
derived antitoxin for treatment of infant botulism, concerns regarding adverse reactions and lifelong sensiti-
dramatically changing the course for patients with this zation to equine proteins.36,37 One longitudinal, retrospec-
illness. Intravenous botulism immunoglobulin (BIG-IV or tive study in Argentina suggested that equine antitoxin may
BabyBIGÒ) consists of immunoglobulin derived from represent a safe alternative treatment when treatment with
pooled plasma of donors immunized with pentavalent BIG-IV is not economically feasible.37 It is worth noting,
botulinum toxoid, and it acts by neutralizing free botulinum however, that no randomized, controlled trials on the use of
toxin. It has a prolonged half-life of around 28 days. BIG-IV equine antitoxin in infants have been performed to date,
is administered as a one-time 50-mg intravenous dose, and and no long-term safety data have been collected on this
each dose is formulated to contain at least 15 IU of agent in infants.
neutralizing antibodies against toxin type A and 4 IU of Although BIG-IV has significantly altered the course of
neutralizing antibodies against toxin type B. BIG-IV was treatment for infant botulism, supportive care remains
developed by the California Department of Health Services critically important for reducing immediate complications
under the Federal Orphan Drug Act, and it is now distrib- and long-term sequelae of infection. In particular, moni-
uted on a case-by-case basis by the Infant Botulism Treat- toring of respiratory function and appropriate use of
ment and Prevention Program (www.infantbotulism.org).32 endotracheal intubation (for airway protection and for
BIG-IV was originally studied in a randomized, placebo- mechanical ventilation) are important.4 Nonintubated pa-
controlled trial from 1992 to 1997 and then in an open- tients should be positioned with the head of the bed
label study from 1997 until 2003, after which time the elevated to 30 above the level of the feet to minimize risks
agent was approved for use.33 Infants were included if they of aspiration. Enteral feeding should be initiated promptly
presented with an acute-onset flaccid paralysis consistent and continued through the course of the illness until pa-
with botulism and were able to be randomized within tients are able to take food by mouth safely and adequately.2
3 days of hospitalization. Confirmatory testing was not Electrolytes should be monitored because venous pooling in
required before initiation of treatment, though all patients the paralyzed infant may lead to significant hyponatremia
had fecal/enema samples sent for C. botulinum identifica- from increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone.16,38,39
tion and typing. Unconfirmed cases and clinical mimics Patients with severe disease may develop bladder atony
were excluded from final efficacy analyses, but were still and should be monitored for urinary retention, which can
included in the safety analysis. In all, 129 patients were be alleviated with gentle manual pressure (the “credé
randomized for treatment with study drug versus placebo, method”).38 Patients should also be monitored carefully for
and 122 had laboratory-confirmed botulism and were evidence of Clostridium difficile colitis, which can occur in
included in the efficacy analysis. This study found that infants with colonic stasis from botulism.40,41
treatment with BIG-IV significantly reduced the length of Other common infectious complications of botulism in
hospital stay from a mean of 5.7 weeks to 2.6 weeks infants include otitis media, aspiration pneumonia, and
(P < 0.001). In addition, duration of intensive care, me- urinary tract infections.2 Judicious antibiotic use in the
chanical ventilation, and tube or intravenous feeding were setting of superimposed infections is appropriate, but care
all significantly reduced in patients treated with BIG-IV. All should be taken to avoid clostridiacidal antibiotics, which
of these benefits were present whether patients had botu- can increase toxin release and cause clinical deterioration.9
lism subtype A or B. In general, infants who were given Aminoglycoside medications should also be avoided
treatment earlier in their illness fared better than those in because these can potentiate the paralytic effects of toxin by
whom treatment was delayed. There was no significant decreasing acetylcholine release from diaphragmatic nerve
difference in adverse effects found between the BIG-IV and terminals.24,38,42
placebo groups. The only adverse reaction attributed to BIG-
IV was a transient, blush-like rash, which also occurred in Prognosis
untreated infants, albeit to a lesser extent. Total charges for
hospital stays were significantly decreased in patients Recovery ultimately occurs via regeneration of nerve
treated with BIG-IV, from $163,400 to $73,800 (USD). BIG-IV terminals and motor endplates, with the diaphragm
costs a flat fee of $45,300 per patient for a one-time dose; recovering before peripheral muscles. Recovery can take
nonetheless, economic analyses indicate that use of this from weeks to months, during which time residual hypo-
agent is quite cost-effective because of the savings incurred tonia may be noted.39 In the absence of significant com-
during hospitalization.33-35 In fact, through open-label use plications, however, the prognosis for a full recovery is
of BIG-IV in California during the study period, it was excellent. Infants who stop improving with treatment or
calculated that a total of 20.3 years of hospital stay and who experience clinical deterioration should be carefully
$34.2 million of hospital charges were avoided.33 Based on evaluated for infectious complications or for evidence of
the results of this study and the low rate of adverse inadequate respiratory or nutritional support. Parents can
L.K. Rosow, J.B. Strober / Pediatric Neurology 52 (2015) 487e492 491

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Any fool can criticize, condemn and complaindand most fools do.

Benjamin Franklin

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