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Investigating accidents and incidents

Raymond G. Blanco
Investigating accidents and incidents

Why investigate
accidents and incidents?
Investigating accidents and incidents

The first part of this course has raised your

awareness of the importance of identifying
and controlling risks before harm occurs
Investigating accidents and incidents

However, sometimes things may go wrong.

You need to know what to do on these
occasions, and how to learn from them
Investigating accidents and incidents

An incident could be described as an

undesired event that doesn’t result in harm,
but has the potential to do so
Investigating accidents and incidents

An undesired event with this result may also

be described as a near miss
Investigating accidents and incidents

An accident is an undesired event that does

result in harm and/or property damage
Investigating accidents and incidents

Accidents and incidents should be

investigated to identify the cause so that it
can be prevented from happening again
Investigating accidents and incidents

Other reasons to investigate accidents and

incidents include:
• collecting the required information for
notifying authorities
• collecting information for insurance purposes
• determining the cost of an accident
Investigating accidents and incidents

Key benefits of investigation:

• making a safer work environment
• improving worker morale
• preventing further business losses from
disruption, down-time and lost business
• developing useful skills and
knowledge that can be
applied throughout
the organisation
Investigating accidents and incidents

Remember: incidents that don’t

result in harm or loss still need to
be reported and investigated.

An incident might result in more

serious consequences if it were
to happen again
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents

How do accidents and

incidents happen?
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents

Remember: if you only investigate as far as the

immediate causes, there’s a much higher
likelihood that it will happen again
Investigating accidents and incidents

How do you carry out

an investigation?
Investigating accidents and incidents
Investigating accidents and incidents

1. Ensure the wellbeing of the injured person

Investigating accidents and incidents

2. Preserve the scene

Investigating accidents and incidents

3. Report the accident (or incident)

Investigating accidents and incidents

3. Report the accident (or incident)

• senior management
• enforcing authority
• injured person’s family
• owner of assets
• insurance company
• safety/employee
• health and safety and
human resources
Investigating accidents and incidents

3. Report the accident (or incident)

Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• someone familiar with the work location
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• supervisor or manager from work location
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• senior manager with authority or influence
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• health and safety expert
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• employee representative
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• person involved in event (if possible)
Investigating accidents and incidents

4. Assemble the investigation team

• technical expert (if necessary)
Investigating accidents and incidents

The size of the team is determined

by the size of the organisation
Investigating accidents and incidents

The level of investigation is determined by the

likelihood of recurrence and the potential worst
consequences of the undesired event
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

• Gather information
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

• Gather information
• physical
• human
• documentary
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

• Analyse findings
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

• Review current risk controls
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

• Create an action plan
Investigating accidents and incidents

5. Investigate using a structured approach

Investigating accidents and incidents

6. Handle external relations

Investigating accidents and incidents

6. Handle external relations

• Enforcement authorities
Investigating accidents and incidents

6. Handle external relations

• Media
Investigating accidents and incidents

6. Handle external relations

• Local residents and businesses
Investigating accidents and incidents

Getting it right:
• Investigation is about avoiding it happening
again, not attributing blame
• Having plans in place before an accident
will help for an effective investigation
• Sharing the findings
is as important as
ensuring the quality
of the investigation
Investigating accidents and incidents

Key learning points:

• Why investigate accidents and incidents?
• How do accidents and incidents happen?
• How do you carry out an

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