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Estimation of carbon stocks of Balganga Reserved Forest, Uttarakhand,


Article  in  Forest Science and Technology · April 2015

DOI: 10.1080/21580103.2014.990060


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2 authors:

Dr Amit Kumar Mahendra PAL Sharma

Hohai University Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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Estimation of carbon stocks of Balganga Reserved

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Amit Kumar & M.P. Sharma
Biomass and Ecosystem Lab, Alternate Hydro Energy Center, Indian Institute of
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Forest Science and Technology
2015, 15

Estimation of carbon stocks of Balganga Reserved Forest, Uttarakhand, India

Amit Kumar* and M.P. Sharma
Biomass and Ecosystem Lab, Alternate Hydro Energy Center, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, 247667, India

(Received 20 August 2014; Accepted 9 November 2014)

Forest carbon (C) stock estimation was carried out for tree species of Balganga Reserved Forest (BRF) in district Tehri
Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. The highest total biomass density (TBD) and total carbon density (TCD) were estimated at
site III in the altitudinal range of 18002600 m as 108.26 and 53.45 Mgha¡1 followed by site II in the range of
16001800 m as 83.92 and 41.96 Mgha¡1, and the least at site I in the altitudinal range of 10001400 m as 57.22 and
28.61 Mgha¡1 with an average of 83.13 and 41.56 Mgha¡1, respectively. The study found average TBD and TCD of the
BRF are 23% more when compared to forests located in the same ecoregion due to difference in diameter at breast height
and height of tree species. It also found that the C stock increases with increasing altitude due to fine root area, fine root
length growth, and decreasing temperature. The BRF was found to have 16.65 million tons of forest organic C stocks in the
year 2014. Accordingly, the C transported to the reservoir from the catchment undergoes aerobic/anaerobic degradation to
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:39 26 May 2015

release greenhouse gases to atmosphere. The study also reveals that oak, devdar, and fir have greater C sequestration
capacity compared to other species found in BRF.
Keywords: carbon stock; reserved forest; density; biomass; greenhouse gas emissions

Introduction forest degradation, conserve forest C stocks, estimate the

Global warming due to carbon (C) emissions and its effect amount of C sequestered, and enhance the forest C stocks.
on climate change is a serious environmental issue world- Keeping the importance of forests in global and regional
wide. Rapidly increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere C cycles, the present article reports the C stock estimation
call for an urgent need to find feasible solutions by man- of Balganga Reserved Forest (BRF) spread between 1000
aging ecosystems to sequester and store C (Johnson & and 2600 m altitude in Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarak-
Kern 2002). An accurate estimation of tree C, forest floor hand. The results obtained may act as a benchmark to
and soil organic carbon (SOC) are important to assess study the changes in forest C stocks under land use
their contribution to global climate changes. Few studies changes, plant species with more C sequestration capac-
are carried out to investigate the regional and continental ity, and estimate the fraction of total stocks undergoing
scale patterns of C stocks in forest ecosystems (Sheikh et aerobic/anaerobic degradation in reservoirs releasing
al. 2012; Nazir et al. 2013; Christopher et al. 2013). The GHGs to the atmosphere.
changes in C storage in different components (vegetation,
forest floor, and soil) as a function of elevation in forest
Material and methods
ecosystems are still poorly understood (Sheikh et al.
2012). The quantity of biomass in a forest, however, is an Site description
indicator of the amount of C that can be emitted to, or The Balganga Range of the Garhwal Himalaya region,
sequestered from, the atmosphere when the forests are with a catchment area of 400.62 km2, was selected as the
managed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions study area (Figure 1). The area is within the administrative
below the targets (Brown et al. 1999). The estimation of boundary of Tehri Garhwal district (79 020 1100 N longi-
forest biomass (Brown & Lugo 1984), its spatial distribu- tude, 30 030 0800 E latitude) of Uttarakhand state, India.
tion (Brown et al. 1999) and its changes over time The elevation starts at 350 m on the piedmont floor and
(Richards & Flint 1994), and strategies to increase the rises to 6578 m at the highest mountain glacier peak. The
production and conservation of biomass (Schlamadinger agroecological subregion map (Valayuthum et al. 1999)
& Marland 1996; Marland 1997) have therefore initiated shows that the area is characterized by warm humid to per
extensive research worldwide. Estimates of existing C humid (6001200 m) and warm to moist dry subhumid
stock pools in different forests can help in decision-mak- climate (17003000 m). The mean annual minimum tem-
ing for the C management of forests. Sheikh et al. (2009) perature was 3  C at higher altitudes in winter and 30  C
estimated forest C and SOC stocks along altitudinal gra- in valleys and piedmont plains during the summer. The
dients in Garhwal Himalaya and found that forest C stock topography of the area is rugged with temperate forests,
decreases with decreases in altitude. Carbon stock estima- predominantly, under pine (Pinus.wallichiana and P. rox-
tion helps to predict and reduce GHG emissions from burghii), devdar (Cedrus deodara), kachnar (Bauhinia

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 2158-0103 print/ISSN 2158-0715 online

Ó 2015 Korean Forest Society
2 A. Kumar and M.P. Sharma
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Figure 1. Sampling locations in BRF, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India.

variegate), burans (Rhododendron arboretum), oak quadrats, the trees were counted. Plants with dbh  30 cm
(Quercussemecarpifolia, Q. leucotrichophora, and were considered trees and dbh < 30 cm as shrubs (Knight
Q. floribunda), and fir (Abiespindro and A. alba) as in 1963). Density was calculated using the formula given by
Figure 2. Mishra (1968).
The growing stock volume density (GSVD) was esti-
mated using volume tables or volume equations based on
Sampling and data analysis the Forest Research Institute (FRI) and Forest Survey of
As per the working plan (20032013) of Tehri Garhwal India (FSI) publications for the respective species
forest division, the total area of BRF is estimated as (Chaturvedi 1973; Sharma & Jain 1977). The estimated
40,062 ha (Sinha 2014). For the present study, the entire GSVD (m3ha¡1) was finally converted into above ground
area was divided into three main sites based on altitude: biomass density (AGBD) of tree components by multiply-
site I (10001400 m); site II (16001800 m); and site III ing GSVD of the tree species by the appropriate biomass
(18002600 m). A total of 30 quadrants of 10 m £ 10 m expansion factor (BEF; Brown et al. 1999). The BEF for
each were laid down in the study area. Quadrat locations hardwood, fir, and pine was calculated using the following
were selected randomly to estimate the representative equations, as given in Table 1.
mass of the entire forest area as well as tree species Using the regression equation of Cairns et al. (1997),
(Figure 2). The height and diameter at breast height (dbh, below ground biomass density (BGBD) was estimated for
i.e. 1.37 m) of all the trees was measured in sampling different tree species as follows:
quadrats. The tree height was measured using a clinometer
(Peco, DCC-1), dbh by measuring tape of 10 m size and BGBD D expf ¡ 1:059 C 0:884£ln ðAGBDÞ C 0:284g
latitude, longitude and altitude across different cover (1)
types by GPS (Garmin, Rino-130). After laying the
Forest Science and Technology 3
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:39 26 May 2015

Figure 2. Trees found in BRF, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India.

AGBD and BGBD were added to get total biomass management interventions, the forests can act as a source
density (TBD). The total carbon density (TCD) was and/or a sink of C (Masera et al. 2003). The highest amount
finally computed using: of AGBD, BGBD, and TCD is estimated as 172.11 §
118.56, 42.87 § 25.37, and 107.49 § 71.95 Mgha¡1 for fir
TCD D TBD£ð0:5Þ (2) (Abies pindrow) followed by 132.69 § 32.8, 34.57 § 7.60,
and 83.63 § 20.20 Mgha¡1 for devdar (Cedrus deodara),
where, TCD (Mgha¡1); and TBD (Mgha¡1) (IPCC respectively, while the lowest is found as 24.32 § 11.04,
2000). 7.66 § 3.12, and 15.99 § 7.08 Mgha¡1 respectively for
anyar (Lyonia ovalifolia) trees.
Tables 24 show that Abies pindrow (fir) and Cedrus
Results and discussion deodara (devdar) forests store more C and behave as C
The biomass and C stock of tree species at sites I, II, and III sinks in Tehri Garhwal forest division due to the specific-
in BRF of Tehri Garhwal are shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4, ity of the ecoregion. The Tables also show the highest
respectively. Depending on the successional stages and TBD and TCD at site III as 106.90 § 87.43 and 53.45 §
43.72 Mgha¡1, at site II as 83.92 § 74.37 and 41.96 §
Table 1. BEF for hardwood, fir and pine. 37.19 Mgha¡1, and the lowest at site I as 57.22 § 69.90
and 28.61 § 34.95 Mgha¡1, with an average of 83.13 §
S. Plant
No types Equation/value for BEF
77.22 and 41.56 § 38.62 Mgha¡1, respectively. Nazir
et al. (2013) estimated average TBD and TCD at Mukhem
1. Hardwood GSVD  200 m3ha¡1, BEF D exp sacred forest in Garhwal Himalaya as 67.38 and 33.69
{1.91¡0.34£ln(GSVD)} Mgha¡1, which is found to be 23% less than in BRF in
For GSVD > 200 m3ha¡1, BEF of 1.0 is used. the same ecoregion due to differences in dbh and height
2. Fir GSVD  160 m3ha¡1, BEF D exp{1.77 ¡ of the tree species. Forest C stock is also found to increase
0:34 £ ln(GSVD)}
with increases in elevation, mainly due to fine root area,
For GSVD > 160 m3ha¡1, BEF of 1.0 is used.
fine root length growth, and decreases in temperature
3. Pine For GSVD < 10 m3ha¡1, BEF of 1.68 is used.
(Jobbagy & Jackson 2000; Amundson 2003; Villela et al.
For GSVD 10-100 m3ha¡1, BEF of 0.95 is
2012; Girardin et al. 2013). The TCD (16.65 million ton)
of the BRF is calculated by multiplying (average TCD per
For GSVD > 100 m3ha¡1, BEF of 0.81 is
used. hectare) with its total catchment area (40,062 ha). No
study from the western Himalaya on SOC stocks is
4 A. Kumar and M.P. Sharma

Table 2. Biomass and carbon stocks of tree species at site I of BRF, Tehri Garhwal.

S. Tree density AGBD BGBD TBD TCD

No Name of tree species (Trees.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1)

1. Banj (Quercus leucotrichophora) 22 43.06 § 48.21 12.24 § 11.96 55.30 § 60.15 27.65 § 30.07
2. Chir (Pinus roxburghii) 64 37.48 § 63.49 10.62 § 14.72 48.10 § 78.20 24.05 § 39.10
3. Devdar (Cedrus deodara) 14 122.96 § 24.55 32.35 § 5.73 155.31 § 30.28 77.66 § 15.14
4. Kachnar (Bauhinia variegate) 32 25.82 § 48.57 8.04 § 12.22 33.86 § 60.78 16.93 § 30.39
5. Total 122 44.65 § 56.41 12.57 § 13.51 57.22 § 69.90 28.61 § 34.95

Note: mean § SD.

Table 3. Biomass and carbon stocks of tree species at site II of BRF, Tehri Garhwal.

S. Tree density AGBD BGBD TBD TCD

No Name of tree species (Trees.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1)

1. Anyar (Lyonia ovalifolia) 7 24.32 § 11.04 7.66 § 3.12 31.99 § 14.17 15.99 § 7.08
2. Banj (Quercus leucotrichophora) 65 49.62 § 31.12 14.28 § 7.86 63.89 § 38.98 31.95 § 19.49
3. Burans (Rhododendron arboretum) 15 67.74 § 41.26 18.89 § 9.77 86.63 § 51.02 43.31 § 25.51
4. Chir (Pinus roxburghii) 54 80.86 § 80.66 21.57 § 18.55 102.43 § 99.19 51.22 § 49.59
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:39 26 May 2015

5. Devdar (Cedrus deodara) 25 86.20 § 68.71 22.72 § 17.21 108.92 § 85.92 54.46 § 42.96
6. Total 156 65.86 § 60.12 18.06 § 14.27 83.92 § 74.37 41.96 § 37.19

Note: mean § SD.

Table 4. Biomass and carbon stocks of tree species at site III of BRF, Tehri Garhwal.

S. Tree density AGBD BGBD TBD TCD

No Name of tree species (Trees.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1) (Mg.ha¡1)

1. Aayar (Lyonia ovalifolia) 11 41.00 § 29.37 11.98 § 7.72 52.98 § 37.08 26.49 § 18.54
2. Banj (Quercus leucotrichophora) 67 35.68 § 20.35 10.71 § 5.30 46.39 § 25.66 23.19 § 12.83
3. Burans (Rhododendron arboretum) 5 116.51 § 93.23 30.14 § 21.54 146.65 § 114.77 73.33 § 57.38
4. Devdar (Cedrus deodara) 47 132.69 § 32.8 34.57 § 7.60 167.26 § 40.4 83.63 § 20.20
5. Fir (Abies pindrow) 14 172.11 § 118.56 42.87 § 25.37 214.98 § 143.91 107.49 § 71.95
6. Kharshu (Quercus semecarpifolia) 19 76.15 § 54.69 20.79 § 12.97 96.94 § 67.65 48.47 § 33.82
7. Total 163 83.80 § 68.18 23.10 § 19.25 106.90 § 87.43 53.45 § 43.72

Note: mean § SD.

available to enable a comparison with the results of this as well as by the government. The C stock in the catch-
study. The mean TCD of Uttar Pradesh (UP) in year 2001 ment of BRF without/with reservoirs (Tehri, Koteshwer,
was reported by Chhabra et al. (2002) as 134.65 Mgha¡1, and Kotli Bhel) may act as a benchmark to assess the
which is much more than the stocks of present study. The future land use changes. Part of C stocks entering into the
difference in TCD between 2001 and 2014 is attributed to reservoirs undergoes aerobic/anaerobic degradation to
rapid changes in land use, infrastructural development of emit GHGs to the atmosphere (Kumar & Sharma 2012;
hydropower, industries, residential complexes, etc. in the Kumar & Sharma 2014a, 2014b).
catchment. The TCD was further reduced with increases
in developmental activities in the catchment as well as
increases in deforestation, forest age, climate, soil type, Conclusions
species composition, and the mode of forest management Forests have the potential to store C and respond posi-
(Vilen et al. 2012; GRID-Arendal/UNEP 2013). tively to the sequestration of C if managed properly. The
The BRF in Uttarakhand extends over 40,062 ha at present study deals with the estimation of C stocks in the
different altitudes with 16.65 million tons of forest catchment of BRF divided into three sites. The ’ stocks
organic C stock. In order to increase and conserve the for- was estimated using allometric equations, which show
ests, the trees with longer rotations may be preferred over that the highest TBD and TCD were found at site III as
shorter rotation of the dominant tree species. The high C 108.26 and 53.45 Mgha¡1, at site II as 83.92 and 41.96
stocks in these forests calls for the need to manage or Mgha¡1, and the lowest at site I as 57.22 and 28.61
increase the number of protected areas (Sharma et al. Mgha¡1, with an average of 83.13 and 41.56 Mgha¡1
2010). The BRF can be conserved by local communities respectively due to growth of fine root, and differences in
Forest Science and Technology 5

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