C Programming Using Command Line Arguments

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C Programs using command line arguments

1. Area of a Triangle


int main(int x, char *y[])

int breadth = atoi(y[1]);
int height = atoi(y[2]);
float area;
area = (breadth*height)/2;

2. Binary to Decimal

int main(int a, char *b[])
long long n = atoi(b[1]);

int decimalNumber = 0, i = 0, remainder;

while (n!=0)
remainder = n%10;
n /= 10;
decimalNumber += remainder*pow(2,i);
return 0;
3. Factorial of a given number


int main(int a, char *b[])

int i,x,f=1;
x = atoi(b[1]);
for(i=1; i<=x; i++)

4. Greatest among 10 numbers


int main(int a, char *b[])

int i;
int greatest = atoi(b[1]);
for(i=1; i<=10; i++)
if(atoi(b[i]) > greatest)
greatest = atoi(b[i]);
printf("The greatest number is %d",greatest);
5. Hypotenuse of a Right triangle


int main(int a, char *b[])

int side1 = atoi(b[1]);
int side2 = atoi(b[2]);
float hyp;
hyp = sqrt(pow(side1,2) + pow(side2,2));

6. Odd or Even


int main(int a, char *b[])

int num = atoi(b[1]);
if(num%2 == 0)
printf("%d is an even number",num);
printf("%d is an odd number",num);
7. Palindrome


int main(int a, char *b[])

int l = 0;
int h = strlen(b[1]) - 1;

while (h>1)
if(b[1][l++] != b[1][h--])
printf("%s is not a palindrome", b[1]);
return 0;

printf("%s is a palindrome", b[1]);

8. Sum of prime numbers in a given range

int main(int a, char *b[])

int num,i,count,min,max,sum=0;
min = atoi(b[1]);
max = atoi(b[2]);

for(num = min; num<=max; num++)


count = 0;

for(i=2; i<=num/2; i++)


if(count==0 && num!= 1)

sum = sum + num;

printf("Sum of prime numbers is: %d ",sum);

return 0;

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