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Market Readiness - How it Works | Ontario Centres of Excellence - Where Next Happens 2018-04-23, 4*30 PM

Market Readiness
Home > Programs > Commercialization Programs > Market Readiness > How it Works

How it Works
A. How Market Readiness Works
B. Market Readiness Customer Creation Program (MRCC)
C. Market Readiness Company Building Program (MRCB)
D. Eligibility Criteria
E. Eligible Use of Funds
F. Timelines and Decision-Making Process
G. Flow of Funds
H. Progress Reporting Requirements
I. How to Apply
J. Application Documents

Update: Market Readiness Customer Creation (MRCC) and Market Readiness Company
Building (MRCB), effective October 1, 2017
Companies applying through the Campus-Linked Accelerator (CLA) or On-Campus Entrepreneurship Activities
(OCEA) accelerator active engagement criteria no longer require at least one of the company founders/key members
of the management team to be a current student or recent graduate (within five years) of a post-secondary institution
Companies applying through the CLA or OCEA active engagement criteria may have been based at, and actively
engaged with a CLA or OCEA accelerator anytime within the last three years
Companies that have previously received funding from OCE (excluding through the TalentEdge Program)

A. How Market Readiness Works

Through the Market Readiness Program, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) invests directly in companies to further their
early-stage commercialization and support their growth into a scalable business. The program supports companies in both
the Customer Creation (CC) and Company Building (CB) stages of the Customer Development Model, as defined by Lean
Start-up principles. The OCE investment de-risks other investment opportunities and helps the company attract the private
investment and other funding it needs to grow.

The Market Readiness Program is designed for academic spin-off companies created for the purpose of Page 1 of 6
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commercializing IP developed from research conducted in an Ontario-based academic institution (university, college
and/or research hospital), companies that within the last three years have been based at and actively engaged with an
OCE-supported (CLA) or On-Campus Entrepreneurship Activities (OCEA) accelerator OR companies that have
previously received funding from OCE (excluding through the TalentEdge Program)
In order to be considered for the Market Readiness Program, the company’s core product or service MUST be based
on a technology or innovation that gives the company its competitive advantage. The company is expected to have a
preliminary product whose technology and market have been initially validated, ideally with a customer.
Companies supported through the Market Readiness Program MUST have been incorporated for fewer than five years
when applying for the CC stage and fewer than five years when applying for the CB stage.
Companies MUST not exceed OCE’s limits for arm’s length third-party investment ($500,000 at the MRCC stage and
$1,000,000 at the MRCB stage).

(Note: Companies that exceed these thresholds by successfully acquiring MR investment in a concurrent round
are considered eligible).

The Market Readiness stages (MRCC and MRCB) relate to the company’s stage of development, not the amount of
funds sought/required to advance the company’s development.


B. Market Readiness Customer Creation Program (MRCC)

At this stage, the company has completed preliminary validation of its technology and the market and is dedicating resources
to creating user demand and channeling it into sales. Having achieved validation with initial customer(s), the company is
shifting its efforts towards increasing demand and growing its customer base. At the end of the CC stage, the company
should be able to demonstrate a repeatable sales process.

Applications to the MRCC program MUST outline all activities, timelines and costs required to reach this goal, even if
they extend beyond the scope of the OCE investment being requested. Companies MUST use MRCC funds to achieve
significant milestones against this goal over a period of up to 12 months.
OCE investments at the CC stage are $125,000. The company MUST match the OCE investment 1:1, with 100% of the
match being in cash. The cash match may come from any non-governmental of Ontario or grants-based source.
If the applicant already has third-party investors, OCE matches third-party investors or market terms when they are
arm's length and exist. Otherwise OCE's standard terms apply.
Successful applicants MUST also execute OCE’s standard funding agreement within 30 days of the award notification
to activate the project. View a copy of the OCE non-negotiable funding agreement. Please do not sign the agreement as
it does not include the complete agreement for execution. The agreement will be generated through our online
management system for execution upon approval of your project.
Funding will be released in tranches of 75 per cent, with a 25 per cent holdback. Progress reporting against
milestones is required in order to release funds after the initial tranche.


C. Market Readiness Company Building Program (MRCB) Page 2 of 6
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A company enters this phase once it has demonstrated a scalable, repeatable business model with a well-developed business
plan and robust customer pipeline/process. At this point, the company has begun shifting from “start-up mode” to developing
the processes and management required to become a sustainable company.

OCE’s $250,000 investment at the CB stage will be critical to satisfying early customer demand, scaling the business
to drive new customer demand and attracting larger follow-on investment to support business sustainability (Series A,
B, etc.).
Applications to the MRCB program MUST outline all activities, timelines and costs that are required to reach this goal,
even if beyond the scope of the OCE investment requested.
Companies MUST use MRCB funds to achieve significant milestones against this goal over a period of up to 12 months.
The company MUST fully match the OCE investment at a minimum rate of 1:1 in cash, from arm’s-length third-party
accredited investors.
If the applicant already has third-party investors, OCE matches third-party investors or market terms when they are
arm's length and exist. Otherwise OCE's standard terms apply. In cases where third-party investors are establishing
investment terms, OCE will consider investing on the same “market” terms. The company MUST demonstrate that
the matching cash is in-hand or secured, or have verifiable engagement with co-investors, prior to project approval.


D. Eligibility Criteria
The company’s core product or service MUST be a technology or innovation that gives the company its competitive
advantage. (Please
Please note
note: Because of this program requirement, not all companies that have been eligible for other
OCE programs, including the SmartStart Seed Fund, will be eligible for the Market Readiness Commercialization
Total market for the opportunity MUST be in excess of $50 million. Priority will be given to opportunities with early
customer traction, demonstrated market/customer pull, fast growth, high potential revenues, global exports,
sustainable ongoing revenues and profitability, potential for further innovation/diversification, and likelihood of
maintaining substantial economic activity (e.g., jobs, supporting industrial infrastructure) in Ontario.
Companies MUST

Be an academic spin-off that was created for the purpose of commercializing IP developed from research
conducted in an Ontario-based academic institution (university, college, and/or research hospital);
And/or, have been based at, and actively engaged with an OCE- supported CLA or OCEA accelerator any time
within the last three years;
And/or, have previously received funding from OCE (excluding through the TalentEdge Program)
For the purpose of the Market Readiness Program, “actively engaged with an OCE-supported CLA or OCEA”
means that the company is actively utilizing the services and resources of the CLA or OCEA, such as
mentorship, training, etc. OCE will validate the relationship with the CLA or OCEA prior to moving any
application to the External Review Panel (ERP) for assessment.

Companies MUST have been incorporated for fewer than five years.
The company MUST be at the post-Validation stage, according to Lean Start-up principles.
Validation is defined as the scientific, technical, and commercial merit and feasibility of a product or service are
determined. Page 3 of 6
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Previous arm’s length, third-party investment may not exceed $1,000,000:

Note: Companies that exceed these thresholds by successfully acquiring MR investment in a concurrent round
are considered eligible.

The Market Readiness stages (MRCC & MRCB) relate to the company’s stage of development, not the amount of funds
sought/required to advance the company’s development.

Please note
note: Companies do not need to be a recipient of the MRCC to be eligible for an MRCB award.

A company may not receive more than one MRCC and one MRCB investment; recipients of an MRCB award cannot
subsequently apply for an MRCC award.
Companies that have previously received $375,000 or more in OCE Market Readiness funding are ineligible to apply to
the Market Readiness Program.
Companies that have been previously invested in by OCE through its MR2 program are ineligible for MRCC funding.
Companies that have received investment through OCE’s MR3 program are ineligible for MRCB funding.
Companies that have over $100,000 in active funding commitments by OCE MUST complete the terms of those
commitments (including all final reporting) before OCE will consider other applications for funding. This excludes
Talent Edge internships and fellowships


E. Eligible Use of Funds

Refer to the Eligible Expenditures document for full details.


F. Timelines and Decision-Making Process

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis and are typically reviewed every six to eight weeks. An OCE Business
Development Manager MUST initiate the application process. Prior to initiating the application, the Business Development
Manager will work closely with a member of OCE’s Commercialization Team to assess the company, the opportunity for
program eligibility, and the potential fit with OCE's investment portfolio.

Only companies deemed appropriate for the program, both from the standpoint of eligibility and fit with OCE's
investment portfolio, will be invited to initiate an application.
All Market Readiness applications are evaluated by an External Review Panel (ERP), which is comprised of
independent subject matter and business experts. Applicants are expected to both submit an online application and to
present to the ERP during a panel review meeting. ERP makes funding recommendations to OCE based on its
assessment of the application and presentation. The final funding decision rests with OCE OCE, through its Internal
Review Panel (IRP), which is comprised of senior OCE staff.
MRCB applications undergo an early-stage due diligence process, which MUST be accepted by the IRP, prior to moving
to ERP review. In addition to confirming program eligibility, the IRP also confirms the Applicant's fit with the program,
including the company's suitability to OCE’s investment philosophy and current portfolio. Page 4 of 6
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Market Readiness is a discretionary, non-entitlement program with limited funding. All eligible applications are assessed on
their merit and undergo a review process where the applications are assessed against program objectives and assessment


G. Flow of Funds
MRCC Program:
Upon receipt of the completed company’s electronic funds transfer (EFT) form, proof of matching funds, company’s
profile, executed convertible promissory note and funding agreement, OCE will release a payment equal to 75 percent
of the OCE investment.
The holdback of 25 percent of the OCE investment will be released upon receipt and approval of the final report and
attestation from the company regarding the use of funds.

MRCB Program:
Upon receipt of the executed closing books, OCE will release the full amount of the OCE investment.


H. Project Changes and Reporting Requirements

Project Change Requests
For any variances to the OCE budget of $5,000 or greater, or extensions to the project end date, the applicant must complete
a Project Change Request form prior to the project end date, using the Project Administration tab in their AccessOCE project

The following project reports will be required:

Final Report
Forty-five days prior to the scheduled completion of the OCE-funded milestones and activities, the company will
receive a notification of the project end date from OCE’s AccessOCE system, with a link to the Final Project Report
should the Client wish to begin entering data. If an extension to complete the project is required, the Client must
request it prior to the scheduled project completion date, using the Project Administration tab in their AccessOCE
project file. A maximum extension of three (3) months will be allowable.. The report MUST be received and approved
by OCE prior to release of the final tranche (25 per cent) of funding.
On the scheduled project completion date, the Client will receive notification and a link to complete a Final Project
Report (including progress, financials and metrics) from OCE’s AccessOCE system. The Client report must be received
and approved by OCE within thirty (30) days of project completion in order to release the holdback, and maintain good
financial standing with OCE.

Metrics Reporting
If OCE-funded milestones and activities continue past a fiscal year end (March 31), the company will be required to complete
an annual metrics survey each April, for the OCE-funded milestones and activities that have been completed since the Page 5 of 6
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previous March 31. This annual report is mandatory for OCE to fulfill its contract with the provincial and federal governments.
Required metrics reports MUST be submitted for the company to maintain good financial standing with OCE.


I. How to Apply
To begin the application process, please fill out a client intake form for MRCC or MRCB. An OCE Business Development
Manager (BD) will contact you to discuss the opportunity and assist you with the application process. Your OCE BD will also
maintain oversight responsibility for any approved investment.


J. Application Documents
Eligible Expenditures Guide
MRCC Funding Agreement
Program Proposal Questions
Sample Application Template

For investment-related inquiries, including assistance with application initiation and development, please contact a Business
Development Manager.

For general inquiries about the online application system and application form, please contact the Application Support Team
at 416-861-1092, ext. 2400 or

For inquiries specifically related to contracting and funding disbursements, please contact Danielle Graham at 416-861-1092,
ext. 1099 or

© 2018 Copyright Ontario Centres of Excellence. All rights reserved.


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