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Personal Statement

Currently I am attending The Henley College, studying Creative Media Productions (Level 3 Extended
Diploma). My final grade for my first year was a Merit and I am continuing the course commencing
the new academic year. I have had an interest in creative media for several years. At my secondary
school Desborough College, I was asked to produce a video of the ski trip I attended. During this trip
I filmed and edited clips which were later used in the final production. Since then I have produced
multiple videos ranging from; sports, documentaries and music videos.

Whilst I have been attending explorers I have completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh
award, additionally I am close to completing my Gold award. For the volunteering section of my DofE
I volunteer weekly at the Brett Foundation which aid people who are less fortunate. For the
expedition my group and I completed it on Dartmoor during storm Brian. For my skill section I learnt
to drive which I passed first time. I chose rugby for my physical section; I have had a love for rugby
since the age of 4, I have also participated in refereeing younger age groups. I am also a member of
the U18s Colts team that won the 2018 National Cup, In the summer months I take part in touch
rugby to develop my skills. During my residential section I spent a week at the UKSA in the Isle of
Wight, where I learnt about the career paths regarding water sports that I could follow.

During my time in the Isle of Wight I completed a Powerboat level 2 course. Previously I have also
gained RYA certificates completing courses in Windsurfing Level 5 and Sailing Level 3. Throughout
the year I will put these skills to use. C3

As well as these extra-curricular activities I am currently working part time at a wedding venue
where I wait on customers and serve guests with Canapés and drinks.

I am interested in this Product Design Course at Chichester University as I feel as though I am well
suited to the work environment, as I am proactive, self-motivated and prefer practical work over
theoretical. Reviewing the entry requirements, I believe that looking at the outcome of my final
grade for the first year, I will firmly achieve the entry requirements regarding this course.

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