Strongly Enhanced Sensitivity in Planar Microwave Sensors Based On Metamaterial Coupling

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4, APRIL 2018 1843

Strongly Enhanced Sensitivity in Planar Microwave

Sensors Based on Metamaterial Coupling
Mohammad Abdolrazzaghi , Student Member, IEEE, Mojgan Daneshmand, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Ashwin K. Iyer, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Limited sensitivity and sensing range are arguably In dielectric-constant measurements of pure/composite
the greatest challenges in microwave sensor design. Recent aqueous solutions, resonant methods [9]–[11] are preferred to
attempts to improve these properties have relied on metamaterial broadband methods [12]–[14] because of their high accuracy.
(MTM)-inspired open-loop resonators coupled to transmission
lines (TLs). Although the strongly resonant properties of the Several microwave resonator-based sensors, whose operation
resonator sensitively reflect small changes in the environment is principally based on dielectric-constant variation in the
through a shift in its resonance frequency, the resulting sensitiv- material under test (MUT), have been reported. For example,
ities remain ultimately limited by the level of coupling between a probe tip loaded with a dielectric resonator has been used to
the resonator and the TL. This paper introduces a novel solu- detect concentrations of sodium chloride [15] and glucose [16]
tion to this problem that employs negative-refractive-index TL
MTMs to substantially improve this coupling so as to fully in deionized water. A microwave biosensor based on a cav-
exploit its resonant properties. A MTM-infused planar microwave ity resonator has been developed for measuring pig-blood
sensor is designed for operation at 2.5 GHz, and is shown to D-glucose [17]. In addition, relatively high concentrations
exhibit a significant improvement in sensitivity and linearity. (1 μL/mL) of biomolecules (e.g., streptavidin) were measured
A rigorous signal-flow analysis of the sensor is proposed and using planar biosensors [18], which also prompted DNA
shown to provide a fully analytical description of all salient
features of both the conventional and MTM-infused sensors. detection using the same process [19].
Full-wave simulations confirm the analytical predictions, and A relatively recent development in planar microwave-sensor
all data demonstrate excellent agreement with measurements design is the use of resonant structures known as open-loop
of a fabricated prototype. The proposed device is shown to be resonators (OLRs) [20] or their modified configurations as
especially useful in the characterization of commonly available split-ring resonators (SRRs) [21]–[26]. These elements, which
high-permittivity liquids as well as in sensitively distinguishing
concentrations of ethanol/methanol in water. were initially deployed as constituent elements of electro-
magnetic metamaterials (MTMs), are compact, exhibit high
Index Terms— Artificial materials, couplers, metamaterials quality factors, and offer noncontact, robust sensing suited to
(MTMs), MTM transmission lines (TLs), permittivity measure-
ment, resonators, sensors, signal-flow analysis. harsh environments and applications involving small analyte
volumes. These attributes have made them increasingly pop-
ular as transducers in various sensing applications [27]–[31].
As an added advantage, manipulation of the resonators’ spatial

M ICROWAVE-BASED sensors have demonstrated

enticing functionalities in many applications such
as chemical, agricultural, medical, oil, and microfluidic
configuration due to their flexible planar feature offers more
convenience in practical setups compared with bulky and rigid
waveguides/cavities [32], [33]. Many approaches, including
systems [1]–[6]. They are attractive for their low cost, that employed in this paper, focus on the planar implemen-
CMOS compatibility, easy fabrication, and design flexibility tation of these resonators, in which they are typically edge
compared to other types of optical, thermal, cavity-based, and coupled to a microstrip (MS) transmission line (TL), as shown
MEMS-based sensors. The real-time response of microwave in [34]. In this arrangement, the strongly resonant properties
sensors is a primary reason for their superiority over of the resonator sensitively reflect small changes in the envi-
expensive and labor-intensive chemical procedures for in situ ronment through a shift in its resonance frequency. However,
applications [7], [8]. the resulting sensitivities and sensing ranges are ultimately
Manuscript received July 4, 2017; revised October 15, 2017 and limited by the degree of coupling between the arms of the
December 12, 2017; accepted December 17, 2017. Date of publication resonator and the adjacent TL, which affords only as much
January 23, 2018; date of current version April 3, 2018. This work was coupling as a typical MS coupled-line coupler, which in turn,
supported in part by Alberta Innovates and Technology Futures, in part by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, in part by can be simply modeled by a coupling capacitor in most planar
Canadian Microsystems Corporation, and in part by Canada Research Chair. resonator circuit models [27], [35]. This equivalent coupling
(Corresponding author: Mohammad Abdolrazzaghi.) capacitance Cc is well known to have a significant effect
The authors are with the Donadeo Innovation Centre for
Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, on the resonance frequency of the coupled system [36], [37].
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada (e-mail: In fact, Cc is also directly impacted by the MUT’s permittivity;;; however, this effect is not prominent due to the typically low
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at coupling of conventional coupled-line couplers. The optimum
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2791942 conventional coupling length of λ/4 is too long to work very
0018-9480 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

well for λ/2 resonators due to size and layout restrictions,

and shorter lengths offer typically weaker coupling. Ideally,
we require short couplers providing a high degree coupling.
Although the above is not achievable using conventional
coupled-line couplers, high coupling is entirely feasible with
MTM-based couplers. Recently, negative-refractive-index TL
(NRI-TL or MTM-TL) [38], [39], in which a host TL is
periodically loaded with lumped capacitors and inductors to
achieve a backward-wave response, have been used to realize Fig. 1. Schematic of conventional planar resonator sensor depicted as a
cascade of couplers and an OLR separated by a gap.
novel couplers that exhibit nearly unity coupling with steeper
phase-lead over extremely short lengths by exploiting the with MTM-based couplers, which offer much higher coupling
continuous contradirectional leakage of power between an over shorter lengths, enables dramatic enhancements in sen-
MTM and MS [39], [40]. Inspired by the MTM coupled- sitivity (S =  f /εr , where  f is the shift in resonance
line coupler, we introduce a novel planar microwave-sensor frequency), and dynamic range (maximum detectable range
implementation in which the input MS is replaced by an MTM of permittivity variation).
and edge-coupled to the long arm of the resonator [41]–[43]. For the purposes of analysis, we interpret the sensor shown
Therefore, the first major contribution of this paper is to show in Fig. 1 to consist of a combination of three components:
that the resulting strong, contradirectional leakage of power a resonator, a gap, and two planar MS couplers. The core
dramatically enhances Cc , which in turn, imbues the planar resonator is an MS half-wavelength resonator, which is bent
sensor with enhanced sensitivity and linearity. into a rectangular shape to reduce its size. The small gap
The design of such sensors and their responses often begins separating two open ends of the resonator establishes a strong
with full-wave simulations. This paper employs the finite- capacitance at resonance. The coupling between the input–
element-method simulator Ansys HFSS. However, as all con- output TLs and the resonator is provided by the coupled-
stituent components of the proposed resonator are based on line couplers, which include the arms of the resonator. The
TL elements, the second major contribution of this paper is resonance frequency of the sensor depends on the effective
to propose a novel analytical technique employing microwave permittivity of the surrounding medium. Therefore, knowing
network analysis and signal-flow analysis, which is inspired a priori the nominal (i.e., vacuum) frequency response of
by approaches previously employed to describe optical ring the sensor, it becomes possible to determine the permittivity
resonators [24], [26], [27]. This approach is inherently suited of the MUT. This determination may be made accurately
to the microwave regime and is particularly elegant and pow- provided that the quality factor of the resonator is sufficiently
erful in predicting the response of the proposed MTM-infused high. Commercially available full-wave electromagnetic simu-
sensors, where the constituent MTM couplers and lumped lation software used in the analysis of these types of structures
elements can be easily represented through their scattering can require extremely large meshes, particularly for finely
or transfer matrices. Using the developed signal-flow analysis, featured structures such as those involving MTMs, resulting in
we are able to predict large enhancements in sensitivity as well very long simulation times. To address this issue, we propose
as dramatically improved dynamic range for large permittivity an analytical approach based on a signal-flow analysis, which
variations. As the third major contribution of this paper, the is fast, simple, and accurate in yielding the sensor’s frequency
signal-flow analysis is closely validated by both full-wave response.
simulations and measurements. Furthermore, we show that the
proposed MTM-based sensor is superior to its conventional
MS counterpart in discriminating lossy MUTs—a feature that A. Signal-Flow Analysis
results from its improved dynamic range. A half-wavelength resonator consisting of TLs with
Section II establishes the theory of operation and design Z 0 = 50  is established on Rogers 5880 substrate (εr = 2.2,
process for both the conventional and MTM-infused sensors, tan(δ) = 0.0009, h = 0.8 mm) and the dimensions are given
which are validated using a signal-flow analysis and corrobo- in the caption of Fig. 2. The effective permittivity of the MS
rated using full-wave simulations. Section III presents experi- substrate is computed with accuracy better than 0.2% [44]
mental results in two sections; the first presents the proposed and includes dispersive characteristics of the TL allowing
sensor’s calibration fitting function for liquid-sensing applica- the possibility of higher order harmonic generation [45]–[47].
tions while the second demonstrates the sensor’s efficacy and In addition, the contributions of various sources of loss are
sensitivity in detecting concentrations of methanol/ethanol in included [48]–[50].
deionized water. Section IV provides the conclusion. Fig. 2(a) presents the proposed sensor as a resonator that is
edge coupled to a split TL, a design that enables the possibility
of a peak in the transmission spectrum at resonance. Each of
the open ends of the split TL presents a unity voltage reflection
In this section, we establish analytically the operation coefficient. The power is inserted from the left and is coupled
of the conventional sensor architecture by viewing it as a to the resonator over a coupling region, and then circulates
microwave-coupler problem as described above. Thereafter, inside the resonator and gap, before the power is coupled again
we explain how substituting conventional microwave couplers to the output TL and collected at the output.

Fig. 4. Comparison between the proposed signal-flow analysis and HFSS.

Fig. 2. (a) Dimensions of conventional sensor as: X length = 20 mm, portion is considered as an isolated TL of length l R with
Ylength = 7 mm, Tgap = 1 mm, w = 2.4 mm, s = 0.4 mm, l B = 4 mm, propagation constant β and S-parameters as follows:
l A = 10 mm. (b) Representation as a cascade of two- and four-port networks.

0 T e jβl R
SOLR = (4)
T e jβl R 0
where T = e−(αc +αd )l R accounts for attenuation due to
conductor (αc ) and dielectric losses (αd ).
The gap in the resonator is separately considered as a series
capacitance Cgap with S-parameters as follows:
⎡ Z 2Z ⎤
⎢ 0+Z 2Z 0 + Z ⎥
SGap = ⎣ 2Z2Z Z ⎦ (5)
2Z 0 + Z 2Z 0 + Z
Fig. 3. Coupler port numbering convention.
where Z = 1 j ωCGap (ω) and Z 0 = 50 . The value of
Cgap can be derived using various analytical techniques as
The equivalent network for signal-flow analysis is shown well as curve fitting of empirical data (see [51]) within the
in Fig. 2(b). This approach requires modeling each constituent ranges (e.g., of MS width and substrate height) for which
component in the network using, for example, an S-parameter the equations are valid. In this paper, Cgap is extracted from
representation. With port references as indicated in Fig. 3, simulation using a commercial method-of-moments software
the S-matrix of a conventional (forward) coupled-line coupler to be approximately 12.6 fF.
may be written as follows [49]: For the conventional MS sensor, a comparison between the
⎡ ⎤ proposed analytical method and full-wave simulation using
0 S12 S13 0 HFSS shows a very good consistency (see Fig. 4), revealing
⎢ S21 0 0 S24 ⎥
SM S−M S = ⎢⎣ S31
⎥ (1) both resonance peaks and antiresonances, over a wide range
0 0 S34 ⎦ of frequencies from 1 to 5 GHz. Minor discrepancies at
0 S42 S43 0 higher frequencies may be attributed to several simplifying
where assumptions, such as that of TEM mode propagation and
 the absence of higher order TL modes. Also, not considered
− j (βe +βo )l (βe − βo )l for simplicity are parasitics introduced through MS bends,
S21 = S12 = S43 = S34 = − j e 2 cos (2)
2 although equivalent lumped networks for these types of dis-

− j (βe +βo )l (βe − βo )l continuities may easily be included.
S13 = S31 = S24 = S42 = e 2 sin (3)
where βe and βo are even and odd mode propagation constants B. Sensitivity Analysis
and l is the length of the coupled lines. This section investigates the effect on the sensor’s trans-
Matching for all ports (S11 = S22 = S33 = S44 = 0) as mission spectrum of an MUT introduced into the resonator
well as perfect isolation (S14 = S41 = S23 = S32 = 0) are gap. Whereas it is clear that the electrical characteristics of
assumed in this analysis; these may be practically achieved the MUT affect the gap capacitance Cgap , there is also an
through proper selection of the MS dimensions, which control effect on the coupling levels of the input and output coupled-
the even- and odd-mode impedances [35]. line couplers, which cannot be very easily incorporated into
Representation of the input and output coupling through the coupler S-parameters. We therefore employ a well-known
a four-port coupler description has already accounted for a and effective representation of these couplers as equivalent
portion of the path through the resonator. The remaining capacitances Cc [27], [35], [51], [52] series connected to

Fig. 5. (a) Coupling capacitors Cc enabling two-port resonator model.

(b) Effect of Cc on resonance frequency. (c) Effect of MUT on resonance
frequency with respect to the ratio Cc /Cgap .

the resonator, which is now represented as a TL segment

in parallel with the gap capacitance Cgap [Fig. 5(a)]. The Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis. (a) Signal-flow analysis approach for a
determination of Cc (and its equivalent two-port transmission representative variation in Cgap and Cc (Cgap from 12.5 to 362.5 fF
matrix TCc ) from the S-parameters of the corresponding four- in 70-fF increments, with Cc = 0.25 Cgap ). (b) Permittivity variation in MUT
simulated in HFSS.
port coupler is detailed in the Appendix.
The effect of an MUT placed at the resonator gap may now
be effectively modeled as additional capacitances proportional
to its permittivity, causing an increase in both Cgap and Cc . has a significant role in determining f res . The variation of f res
This simple interpretation enables us to use a transmission with Cc [shown for a representative case in Fig. 5(b)] is more
(ABCD or T )-matrix formalism to determine the overall trans- pronounced for large capacitive coupling, which suggests a
fer function, as follows: distinct benefit to improving this coupling mechanism. The

shifts in resonance frequency for MUT permittivity values
A B covering the range εr = 1 : 100 are presented in Fig. 5(c),
Ttotal = TCc × TOLR+gap × TCc = (6)
C D where the effect of the coupled-line coupler is incorporated
where in the capacitance ratio Cc /Cgap in the range of 0.1–0.4. The
⎡ ⎤ simulation for different coupling-capacitance ratios shows not

⎣1 ⎦ cos(βl R ) j Z 0 sin(βl R ) only that larger Cc yields larger variation in f res for a given
TCc = j ωCc TOLR =
j Y0 sin(βl R ) cos(βl R ) variation in MUT permittivity, but also that the sensitivity and
0 1
dynamic range is improved considerably for larger Cc .
Having established analytically that the degree of
and (8), shown at the bottom of this page. (capacitive) coupling of the coupler determines the resonance
The corresponding transmission parameter S21 is therefore downshift, we now study the practical example described in the
given by the following expression: caption of Fig. 2. Combining the sensor components using the
proposed signal-flow analysis and sweeping over the additional

2 capacitances introduced by the MUT (Cgap and Cc starting
S21 = 20 log 2C  B C
j ωCc + Z 0 + Z ( j ωC )2 + C  Z 0 from 300 fF in 70-fF increments) results in the resonance
0 c
downshifts shown in Fig. 6(a). Both the resonance frequencies
The resonance frequency ( f res ) is defined as the local and their quality factors are reduced, indicating the coupling
maximum of the transmission profile,
which can be analyt- between TLs and resonator, which causes more power to
ically derived by evaluating ∂ S21 ∂ f = 0. As shown in the be trapped in the resonator than released to appear at the
denominator of (9), Cc (now including the effect of the MUT) output [48].

⎡ 1 ⎤
−1 j ωCgap +

⎢ j Z 0 sin(βl R ) ⎥ = 1 B
TOLR+gap = ⎣ (2 j ωC + 1 + cos(βl ))(1 − cos(βl )) ⎦ (8)
gap R R C 1
j Z 0 sin(βl R )

curve (e.g., in the region from approximately 1 to 3.5 GHz),

in contrast to the forward-wave (conventional) dispersion of
the MS. Contradirectional coupling occurs where the two TLs
are phase matched, i.e., where their isolated dispersion curves
intersect. The resulting coupled dispersion curves (computed
analytically using a transmission-matrix formalism for an
infinite periodic structure and also using HFSS) exhibit a
complex-mode region, describing the leakage of power from
the forward MS mode to the backward MTM mode, which is
manifested as a bandgap. As a result, the coupled port of the
MTM/MS coupler is adjacent to the input port.
Wideband impedance matching of the MTM is possible
using a design condition (also known as a “balanced” condi-
tion) in which the Bloch impedance of the periodic structure
is matched to that of the underlying TL, which additionally
ensures that the stopband between the backward-wave and
forward-wave passbands is closed [39].
In order to find the values for the loading elements L and C,
which impact the frequency range and dispersion of the
complex-mode region, we should be mindful that the fre-
quency range of interest be centered about the intersection
of the MS and MTM dispersion curves; i.e., that
Fig. 7. (a) Equivalent circuit of MTM coupler. (b) Isolated- and coupled-
mode dispersion diagrams. βdMS = βdMTM (10)
at f res . As a starting point, we select fres = 2.5 GHz.
Since full-wave simulation affords the option of modeling The loading elements L and C may be found with respect
MUTs of practical dimensions and permittivities, the sensor is to the band-gap closure condition for a given value of d
now constructed in HFSS using an analyte with size l A ×l B × (length of unit cell) using design guidelines outlined in [40].
h A (l A = 10 mm, l B = 4 mm, h A = 2 mm) placed on the Loading elements satisfying the above-noted f res and of values
resonator’s gap, as shown in Fig. 2(a). This location offers the that may be easily obtained using off the shelf, surface-
highest sensitivity given its very high electric field strength. mount components are determined to be C = 1.1 pF and
A sweep over a selection of complex MUT permittivities L = 2.73 nH.
(εr = 1 (Bare), 10, 20, 30, tan(δ) = 0.01) is conducted in The S-parameters of the coupler in the complex-mode band
HFSS [Fig. 6(b)], where the assumed loss tangent is typical of with propagation constant γ = α + jβ can be expressed as
realistic MUTs (higher losses are examined later in this paper). follows [40]:
⎡ ⎤
As a result of increased capacitive loading due to the MUTs, 0 S12 S13 0
the resonant spectrum undergoes a downshift, which matches ⎢ S21 0 0 S24 ⎥
SMTM/MS = ⎢ ⎣ S31
⎥ (11)
the trend predicted by the signal-flow analysis. This result 0 0 S34 ⎦
shows that signal-flow analysis captures the general behav- 0 S42 S43 0
ior of the sensor with less complexity than time-consuming
e+ jβ Nd
numerical methods. S43 = S34 = (12)
cosh(α Nd) + j sinh(α Nd) cot(ϕ)
C. Introduction and Design of the MTM/MS Coupler S31 = S13 = S24 = S42 =
cos(ϕ)− j sin(ϕ) coth(α Nd)
The above analytical results validated by full-wave simu- (13)
lation affirm the value of seeking methods of improving the
e− jβ Nd
coupling represented by Cc , and therefore by the coupled-line S21 = S12 = (14)
couplers. Here, we may invoke the MTM/MS coupler [40], cosh(α Nd) + j sinh(α Nd) cot(ϕ)
which is known precisely for its nearly 0-dB contradirectional where the MTM is assumed to have N unit cells, each of
coupling over electrically very short lengths. length d, and φ is the transverse voltage phase difference
The MTM coupler geometry is constructed by placing an between the two TLs (i.e., V0 on the MS and V0 e j φ on
MTM adjacent to an MS, as described in [40], for which the the MTM). Matched conditions at all ports (S11 = S22 =
unit cell is depicted schematically in Fig. 7(a). The MTM S33 = S44 = 0) and perfect isolation (S14 = S41 = S23 =
portion consists of an MS periodically loaded using series S32 = 0) are assumed, and may be straightforwardly designed
capacitors C and shunt inductors L. The isolated dispersion as outlined in [40].
characteristics of representative MTM and MS designs are The coupling performance of the MTM/MS is compared
indicated in Fig. 7(b). The backward-wave behavior of the with that of the conventional MS/MS over total length
MTM is evident from the negative slope of its dispersion of 40 mm. Fig. 8 illustrates a considerably higher (backward)

Fig. 8. S-parameters of MTM/MS and MS/MS couplers (simulated in HFSS).

Fig. 10. Simulation of variation in transmission spectrum due to increase

in (a) Cgap and Cc (Cgap from 12.5 to 362.5 fF in 70-fF increments, with
Cc = 0.40 Cgap ) with signal-flow analysis and (b) permittivity of MUT
in HFSS.

Fig. 9. (a) Proposed MTM-based sensor’s dimensions as: X length = 20 mm,

Ylength = 7 mm, Us = 1 mm, w = 2.4 mm, s = 0.4 mm, Tgap = 1 mm,
l A = 10 mm, Ulength = 6.3 mm, l B = 4 mm, l1 = 1 mm, l2 = 2 mm,
l3 = 3 mm, l4 = 1.4 mm, h A = 2 mm. (b) Loading-element models including

Fig. 11. (a) Fabricated MTM-based sensor. (b) Conventional sensor.

coupling of −5.6 dB at 2.5 GHz for the MTM/MS coupler (c) MUT-sensing setup.
(configured akin to that shown in Fig. 3), while the MS/MS
coupler only provides −24.5 dB (of forward coupling) at the
same frequency. according to the equivalent series resistance of C and quality
Having established the superiority of the MTM/MS cou- factor of L from datasheets, as shown in Fig. 9(b). It has
pler in providing a high coupling level, this coupler may already been confirmed that the operating frequency is well
now be integrated into the sensor architecture. The embed- below the natural self-resonance frequencies of the elements
ded MTM/MS coupler in the coupling stage of the sensor selected for fabrication. It has also been observed (although not
[Fig. 2(a)] is designed with the dimensions given in the caption shown here) that, whereas the conventional MS/MS coupler’s
of Fig. 9 for an impedance level of Z 0 = 50 , such that coupling level varies with the MUT properties, the MTM/MS
the resonance frequency would be slightly higher than the coupler retains a largely invariant coupling level, allowing
intersection point in Fig. 7(b), in order to allow downshifted it to operate predictably in a wider range of environmental
resonances to reside entirely inside the complex-mode region. conditions and applications.
The loading capacitors C are connected in series with MS TLs, The signal-flow analysis proposed earlier to describe the
and inductors L are supported by narrow strips terminating conventional sensor may be used with equal confidence for
in vias [Fig. 9 (a)] to establish the shunt connection to the MTM-/MS-based sensor, given that the latter’s scatter-
ground. Sources of loss in the loading elements are considered ing matrix (and therefore, its equivalent transmission matrix)

Fig. 13. Dielectric properties of materials using Cole–Cole equation and

measurement using dielectric probe kit.

values of Cc implied greater sensitivities. Given the strongly

enhanced sensitivity observed for the MTM-based sensor, it is
worthwhile to examine whether it can be associated with
a commensurately high coupling capacitance. This analysis
Fig. 12. Fitting surface for (a) Permittivity and (b) Loss tangent extraction is also conducted in the Appendix. A simplified expression
from shifts in resonance frequency and amplitude of resonance. for coupling is achieved by approximating the MTM cou-
pler’s properties using a two-port ABCD-matrix approach. The
ABCD analysis of the whole MTM-based sensor is then shown
is known. Permittivity variations are once again incorporated to agree very well with full-wave HFSS results, establish-
through modifying Cgap . Fig. 10(a) shows the effect of incre- ing the suitability of the MTM-based sensor for applica-
menting Cgap on the transmission response of the sensor, tions requiring high sensitivity. In Section III, the proposed
where downshifts in f res are relatively large compared with MTM/MS sensor and the conventional MS/MS sensor are
their corresponding range for the conventional MS/MS sensor, fabricated and their performance parameters are compared in
shown in Fig. 5(a). This result confirms the higher sensitivity a number of scenarios.
of the MTM-based sensor as a result of higher coupling
afforded by the MTM/MS configuration. D. Performance Comparison
The sensitivity performance of the sensor is examined by So as to place the present work in context, the performance
applying an MUT (analyte), as shown in Fig. 9(a). An analyte of the proposed MTM sensor is compared with the prevailing
with volume l A × l B × h A (l A = 10, l B = 4, h A = 2 [mm]) is planar MS sensors in the literature. Table I presents the
placed on the resonator’s gap. A sweep over the MUT’s dielec- performance characteristics of several conventional microwave
tric and loss properties (εr = 1, 10, 20, 30, tan(δ) = 0.01) sensors with various configurations, resonance frequencies,
is performed in HFSS [Fig. 10(b)]. The resulting dramatic and sample volumes. The measured results in the literature
resonance shifts for the MTM-based sensor once again confirm are provided for differing ranges of permittivity; hence, for the
the impact of enhanced coupling, which demonstrates nearly sake of fair comparison, the reported mean sensitivity values
doubled sensitivity with respect to the conventional MS/MS, are computed with respect to the incremental frequency shift
in qualitative agreement with the results shown for the signal- ( f εr2 − f εr1 ) for an incremental permittivity shift (εr2 − εr1 ).
flow analysis in Fig. 10(a). This metric corrects for the resonator size by normalizing to
In Section II-B, it was established that the four-port conven- the nominal (bare) resonance frequency f 0 , but due to the
tional coupled-line coupler could be reduced to an equivalent variety of configurations, assumes optimization for sample vol-
coupling capacitance Cc , and it was further shown that higher ume. From this comparison, it is clear that the proposed MTM


sensor exhibits superior mean sensitivity when exposed to TABLE II

known high-permittivity materials even when compared with C OEFFICIENTS OF F ITTING F UNCTIONS FOR εr AND tan(δ)
the typically highly sensitive submersible sensors (#2 and #3).


Both the MTM/MS and MS/MS sensors are fabricated on
Rogers 5880 substrate with dimensions as listed in the captions
of Figs. 2 and 9, and in the former case, the capacitors
are soldered in series and inductors are shorted using vias
[Fig. 11(a) and (b)]. Here, we examine the functionality of
the sensors in two scenarios. First, the sensor is calibrated for
monitoring liquids flowing inside a plastic tube placed along
the coupling region [Fig. 11(c)]. In Section III-B, the sen- is suggested as follows:
sor is employed to detect extremely small concentrations of
methanol/ethanol in deionized water in the same setup. 
εr = Pi j ( f res )i (S21 ) j (15)
i=0 j =0
A. Measurement of Dielectric Properties

In this section, simulation of the sensor using the pro- tan δ = Q i j ( f res )i (S21 ) j (16)
posed experimental configuration (material injection through i=0 j =0
a narrow tube), while varying the complex permittivity
(εr = εr − j εr , tan(δ) = εr /εr ) of the MUT, is conducted where Pi j and Q i j are coefficients. A simplified version of
in HFSS. this general type of polynomial fitting has been used in [23]
Generally, variations in the real part of the permittivity εr with M = N = 1. However, the need for high accuracy over
contribute to tuning of f res , whereas the imaginary part εr a wide span of permittivities and loss tangents in the present
primarily affects the magnitude of the transmission (S21 ). application demands a higher order. We choose M = N = 3,
However, in practice both the real and the imaginary parts yielding the parameters listed in Table II. These result in a
of εr contribute to f res and S21 at f res . The PTFE tube has regression coefficient R 2 = 0.99 (a measure of the success of
inner and outer diameters of 1/32 × 1/16 , respectively, and the curve-fitting result) and enable an accurate discrimination
is placed along the resonator’s gap [Fig. 11(c)]. MUTs with of small variations in MUT properties.
εr ranging from 1 to 100 and tan(δ) from 0 to 1 are passed To validate the MTM-based sensor’s fitting function,
through the tube, resulting in the variations in  f res and S21 we now compare the results of Fig. 12(a) and (b) with the
that are depicted in Fig. 12(a) and (b). It is worth examining known dielectric properties of some commonly available mate-
that the error introduced by considering only one of the two rials [IPA (C3 H8 O), ethanol (C2 H6 O), methanol (CH3 OH),
parameters ( f res or S21 ) in inferring εr and tan(δ). For water (H2 O), and toluene (C7 H8 )]. These are obtained using
example, it is determined that inferring εr using only  f res the Cole–Cole equations [59], which we further corroborate
(i.e., neglecting S21 ) can lead to an error of up to 15%, with measurements obtained using an open-ended dielectric
mostly noticeable for lower εr . Conversely, if only S21 is probe (Fig. 13), demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed
used (i.e., neglecting  f res ), the error in the loss tangent can sensor, and suggest that this approach will prove useful for
be as high as 95%, mainly for MUTs with higher tan(δ). the inference of the dielectric properties of a wide range of
In order to have a robust calibration that can cope with a full materials when employing the MTM-based sensor as well
range of materials, a mixed relation between these parameters (Table III).


Fig. 15. Comparison of frequency shifts  f and the bulk sensitivity S for
both sensors (full tube versus empty tube) with change in dielectric constant
of MUT (tan (δ) = 0).

samples of ethanol/methanol in deionized water. It is also

instructive to examine the resolution of the sensor in dealing
with incremental permittivity variations. Therefore, the bare
sensor was studied over a period of 4 h, and the ambient
humidity was purged out of the sensing box. Each data point of
the scatter plot in Fig. 14(b) is an average of three vector net-
work analyzer measurements recorded with LabView in 40-s
increments. These data demonstrate a long-term measurement
stability to within ±100 kHz, which establishes a highly
accurate measurement resolution.
Next, the experiment over mixing ethanol/methanol with
DI water is administered according to the following process:
two pumps are prepared to inject water and ethanol
simultaneously into PTFE tubes that are joined together with
a Y junction. Flow rates are designed to achieve the desired
concentrations within the range of 50–700 ppm, while the
mixture is passing over the resonator gap [see Fig. 14(a)]
and the waste goes to a paper mug bin. Dry air flow is
used continuously in order to reduce the destructive effect
of humidity in the experiment, such that a relative humidity
of 0% is maintained throughout the experiment. The ethanol
concentration in the mixture is manually increased by 50 ppm
at intervals of approximately 5–8 min, causing an upward shift
in the resonance frequency; this may be expected from the fact
that the increase in the volume fraction of ethanol (which has
lower dielectric constant), and hence, the effective permittivity
of the mixture is reduced, accordingly increasing f res . Once
again, the transmission profiles are recorded through LabView
using a vector network analyzer. The resonance frequencies
are extracted with methanol as the solvent over both sensors
and the results are shown in Fig. 14(c). The differences
between the data corresponding to the MTM-based sensor
and those of its conventional counterpart are indeed dramatic,
Fig. 14. (a) Experimental setup for concentration measurement. (b) Time- demonstrating considerable improvements in dynamic range
based stability of the sensor. (c) Frequency shifts for various concentrations
of ethanol/methanol in water.
and sensitivity. Moreover, it is evident that the MTM-based
sensor can detect concentrations as low as 50 ppm, far exceed-
B. Measurement of Ethanol/Methanol Concentrations ing the conventional sensor’s detection limit. The simulated
Fig. 14(a) presents another setup wherein the sensitivity and resonance frequency shifts, particularly for bulk materials with
dynamic range of the sensor is demonstrated using minute larger permittivity (only the tan(δ) = 0 case is shown for

Fig. 16. Comparison of transmission magnitudes and phases between HFSS simulations and signal-flow analysis with measurements of both sensors.

Fig. 17. Capacitance approximation from analytical examination of

NRI-TL/MS coupler.

simplicity) filling the tube, are presented in Fig. 15. The

extracted sensitivities S (%) in this case are with respect to
the bare sensor, i.e., change in permittivity εr with respect to
a vacuum, and are defined as follows:
f − f0 Fig. 18. (a) Sensor model employing four-port couplers. (b) Sim-
S(%) = × 100 (17) plified model employing equivalent two-port representation of couplers.
f0 (εr − 1) (c) Comparison of transmission response predicted by simplified model and
which also reveals that the proposed MTM-based sensor is HFSS simulations.
especially suited to the sensitive discrimination of higher
permittivity materials, consistent with the trends observed
in Fig. 14(c). proposed signal-flow-analysis-based theory in predicting the
The transmission magnitude and phase response of the full frequency response of the sensor quite accurately as
sensors obtained from HFSS coincide with the analytical a function of the dielectric properties of applied MUTs.
response predicted by the signal-flow analysis and are shown Nevertheless, it is worth noting potential sources of discrep-
to be in good agreement with measurement results, as shown ancy, such as the presence/propagation of quasi-TEM or higher
in Fig. 16. This consistency shows the capability of the order modes in the MS structure, as well as radiation

losses, ohmic losses and inherent tolerances in the loading coupler may be reduced from T4_port (17) into T2_port in the
components. following equation:
⎡ ⎤
a11 a12 a13 a14
IV. C ONCLUSION ⎢ a21 a22 a23 a24 ⎥
T4−port = ⎢⎣ a31 a32 a33
⎥ (18)
In this paper, we proposed a novel planar microwave sensor a34 ⎦
based on MTMs coupled to resonators. The MTM is dispersion a41 a42 a43 a44
engineered to enable a wide frequency range supporting trans- ⎡ a − a a31 a ⎤
33 23 a21 a33 −a13 a31
mission resonances of the MUT-loaded resonator. A signal- ⎢ a a21 ⎥
⎢ a13 − a11 23 ⎥
a23 −a13
flow analysis is developed to predict the transmission response ⎢ aa21 a11 ⎥.
T2−Port = ⎢ ⎥ (19)
of the MTM-based sensor by cascading the S-parameters of ⎢ a43 − a13 a31 a43 −a41 a13 ⎥

each of the sensor’s components. The proposed sensor is ⎣ 11 11 ⎦

a13 − a11 aa23 a23 −a13
shown to exhibit very high sensitivity and dynamic range 21
versus the conventional MS sensor with respect to introduc-
Thus, the total ABCD matrix is evaluated using the follow-
tion of external MUTs exhibiting a wide range of complex
ing relation:

The same analysis is done in HFSS and is confirmed by a b
Ttotal = T2−Port × TOLR+gap × T2−Port = (20)
the measurement results of transmission profile (magnitude c d
and phase) for both sensors. The sensors are fabricated and where the coupled-line coupler is modeled as T2−port . This
tested with various commonly available and well-characterized matrix encapsulates the coupling mechanism in the form of
chemicals as a means for calibration, and thereafter, fitting a two-port element, which is well known to closely mimic
curves are extracted to be used for permittivity characteri- a (generally frequency dependent) series capacitance Cc (ω),
zation for unknown MUTs. Concentration measurements of as shown in Fig. 17. Furthermore, T2−port may easily be
ethanol/methanol in water validated the superior performance converted into a scattering matrix if necessary [48].
of the proposed sensor in sensitively differentiating concentra- The transmission of the complete resonator described by
tions, particular for high-permittivity materials, in a water host Ttotal is easily defined as follows:
medium. The proposed methodology for fabricating planar

sensors can be applied universally to many other configura- 2
S21 = 20 log . (21)
tions and be used in applications requiring high sensitivity, a + b
+ cZ 0 + d
such as blood glucose monitoring or biomolecule detection.
The resonance frequency occurs where S21 achieves a max-
imum; in other words, where the denominator of S21 achieved
A PPENDIX a minimum. The resulting transmission profile demonstrates
In order to analyze the frequency dependence of the cou- generally excellent agreement with HFSS simulations [shown
pling levels of MS/MS and MTM/MS couplers when incor- for a representative case in Fig. 18(c)].
porated into the sensor, a two-port π-model of the coupling
behavior (the inset of Fig. 17) is studied. The coupling element ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of –Y21 is found to be purely capacitive (Fig. 17). It is evident The authors would like to thank the Rogers Corporation,
that the larger capacitance at lower frequencies demonstrated Coilcraft, and American Technical Ceramics for free substrate,
by the MTM/MS coupler is responsible for the downshift of inductor, and capacitor samples, respectively. The authors
resonant frequencies for MUTs with higher permittivity values, would also like to thank Dr. J. Pollock for his constructive
in contrast with the lower capacitance values for the MS/MS guidance in HFSS simulations.
coupler, which also do not tend to vary much over frequency.
This is an explicit advantage of MTM-based couplers over R EFERENCES
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P. Chahal, “Microwave artificially structured periodic media microfluidic many in prestigious journals such as IEEE T RANSACTIONS and J OURNALS ,
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Jun. 2011, pp. 1889–1893. She holds several patents. Her publications have been cited more than
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resonator technique for measuring dielectric permittivity of liquid sol- microwave sensing, waveguide switches, and switch matrices for satellite
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Jun. 2007, pp. 1185–1188. Dr. Daneshmand was a recipient of the 2016 IEEE AP-S Lot Shafai
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liquids,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 60, no. 5, Agency (CSA) Postdoctoral Fellowships. Her group has received a range of
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[58] F. Buckley and A. A. Maryott, “Tables of dielectric dispersion Graduate Student Design Competition Award and the 2015 CMC Microsys-
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Nat. Bureau Standards, Washington, DC, USA, Tech. Rep., 1958. also received several paper awards including the IEEE IMS and APS Con-
ference Student Paper Awards. She is currently an Associate Editor of the
ING . She is currently the Co-Chair of the award winning IEEE Joint
AP-S/MTT-S Northern Canada Chapter. She contributes broadly to interna-
tional communities through roles on the IEEE IMS Technical Program Review
Committee, IEEE AP-S Conference Organization Committee, and ANTEM
Steering Committee.

Ashwin K. Iyer (S’01–M’09–SM’14) received

the B.A.Sc. (Hons.), M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from the University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2001, 2003, and
2009, respectively, where he was involved in the dis-
covery and development of the negative-refractive-
index transmission-line approach to metamaterial
Mohammad Abdolrazzaghi (S’14) received the design and the realization of metamaterial lenses for
B.Sc. degree from the Iran University of Science and free-space microwave subdiffraction imaging.
Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2009, and the M.Sc. He is currently an Associate Professor with the
degree from the Electrical and Computer Engineer- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
ing Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, where he leads a team of
AB, Canada, in 2017. graduate students investigating novel RF/microwave circuits and techniques,
He is currently a Research Assistant with the fundamental electromagnetic theory, antennas, and engineered metamaterials,
University of Alberta. His current research inter- with an emphasis on their applications to microwave and optical devices,
est include active and passive sensors, microwave defense technologies, and biomedicine. He has co-authored a number of highly
oscillators, superregenerative amplifiers, microwave cited papers and four book chapters on the subject of metamaterials.
mixers, microwave resonators, wideband antennas, Dr. Iyer is a registered member of the Association of Professional Engi-
metamaterials, biosensors, bioelectromagnetis, wave propagation in inhomo- neers and Geoscientists of Alberta. He was a recipient of several awards,
geneous medium, and machine learning algorithms (FNN, ANN, and SVM). including the 2008 R. W. P. King Award and the 2015 Donald G. Dudley Jr.
Mr. Abdolrazzaghi was awarded the Alberta Innovates Technology Futures Undergraduate Teaching Award, presented by the IEEE AP-S, and the 2014
Scholarship from the University of Alberta in 2015, nominated for the Best University of Alberta Provost’s Award for Early Achievement of Excellence
Student Paper in the IMS 2016 conference and the IEEE Sensor 2016. He was in Undergraduate Teaching. His students are also the recipients of several
a recipient of the First Prize in the 2015 CMC Microsystems’s National major national and international awards for their research. He serves as the
Research Council Industrial Collaboration Award and the Graduate Student Co-Chair of the IEEE Northern Canada Section’s joint chapter of the AP-S
Teaching Award from the University of Alberta in 2017. He has also served and MTT-S societies. Since 2012, he has been serving as an Associate Editor
as an Invited Reviewer at the IEEE Sensors Conference. of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS AND P ROPAGATION.

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