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4, FEBRUARY 15, 2018 1755

Applying Metamaterial-Based Repeater in LC

Passive Wireless Sensors to Enhance Readout
Lei Dong, Member, IEEE, Li-Feng Wang, Member, IEEE, and Qing-An Huang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Inductor–capacitor (LC) passive wireless sensors

allow for a continuous, real-time monitoring for various para-
meters of interest in situations, where wired connections are
difficult or even impossible. However, geometrical constraints
reduce the magnetic coupling between the sensor and the
readout coil, resulting in a limited interrogation distance. Here,
we propose a left-handed metamaterial as a repeater to enhance
the readout of the LC passive wireless sensors. The left-handed
metamaterial consists of double-side square spirals and possesses
negative relative permeability. The operating frequency of the
left-metamaterial is designed adjustable to cover the frequency
spectrum of the sensor. By monitoring the relative humidity as an Fig. 1. Planar array of double-side square spirals with negative permeability.
example, we have demonstrated that the readout distance with the
left-handed metamaterial can achieve nearly 1.8 times as long as
that without metamaterial, while keeping their signal strength
from limited interrogating distance. A left-handed metamater-
and sensitivity the same. Overall, this strategy through the ial (LHM) slab with negative index can enhance the amplitude
metamaterials-based repeaters represents an effective approach of the evanescent waves and improve the coupling coefficient.
for enhancing the readout. It has been used in the wireless power transfer system to
Index Terms— Metamaterial, passive wireless sensor, readout improve the transfer efficiency at 27 MHz [8]. However, the
enhancement. working frequency is fixed which is not suitable in application
of sensors. Other methods, for example, adding a repeater
between the readout coil and the LC sensor [9], [10], will cause
I. I NTRODUCTION frequency splitting and sensitivity decline. When applying the

I NDUCTOR-CAPACITOR (LC) sensors have advantages in

harsh environments due to the wireless connections [1].
The LC sensor is constructed from a spiral inductor connected
adaptive repeater, an extra power supply or a readout equip-
ment with transmitting power is needed [11], [12]. Consider-
ing the low power consumption and the simple construction
with a sensing capacitor, forming a resonant LC tank. Signals of the sensor system, the LHM is very potential in LC sensor
of LC sensors are wirelessly and remotely measured by the system.
approaching readout coil, which makes them highly useful A simulation about LHM applied in LC sensor system
in situations that require the sensor to be powered remotely is presented in [13], but no experimental results have been
with a small volume. Recent years, the LC sensors have been studied. This letter is about work lucubrated on the concrete
springing up in various applications, including the environment performance of the left-handed metamaterial. The operat-
measurements (such as humidity [2], temperature [3], and ing frequency of the left-handed metamaterial is designed
pressure [4]), the biological monitoring [5], [6], and even some adjustable to satisfy the frequency domain of the LC sensor.
portable devices [7]. In experiments, a specific double-side square spiral with
For microelectromechanical system (MEMS) applications, an adjustable capacitor works as the metamaterial unit cell.
the size of LC sensors has been scaled down. However, this An array of the metallic structures constitutes the left-handed
makes more dispersion of the magnetic fields between the metamaterial. An LC-type humidity sensor, as an example,
sensor and the readout coil, and the LC sensors hence suffer is finally measured and compared with and without the LHM
slab, respectively.
Manuscript received November 27, 2017; revised December 25, 2017;
accepted December 26, 2017. Date of publication December 29, 2017;
date of current version January 18, 2018. This work was supported by II. L EFT-H ANDED M ETAMATERIAL
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61401084,
in part by the National High Technology Development Program of China Left-handed metamaterials are realized by some specific
under Grant 2015AA042602, and in part by the New Teacher Start-up structures in which the measured effective permittivity and the
Fund of Southeast University under Grant 1106007129. The associate editor
coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was effective permeability can be negative [14]. Generally, a left-
Prof. Danilo Demarchi. (Corresponding author: Qing-An Huang.) handed metamaterial requires both effective permittivity and
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of MEMS of the Min- permeability to be negative. However, in deep subwavelength,
istry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail:
hqa@seu.edu.cn). the electric field and magnetic field decouple to simplify
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2787984 the situation: only one parameter needs to be negative [15].
1558-1748 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 3. Demonstration of the LHM slab and test setup.

is increased from 8 pF to 32 pF with a step of 4 pF, then the

resonant frequency is decreased as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Then an LHM slab with nine unit cells is placed between
them. The out diameter of each cell is 5 mm, and the number
of turns is seven. Nine discrete capacitors are linked with the
nine unit cells respectively. In the two situations with/without
the LHM slab, the sensor coils and the external capacitor
are completely the same to ensure the LC tank remains
the same resonant frequency. Parameter S11 is used here to
indicate the signal strength the readout coil receives from the
LC tank. In most reported works, the non-contact detection
of the resonant frequency of the LC-type passive wireless
sensor is achieved through the phase or the S11 dip, and the
S11 parameter would drop to the minimum at the resonant
frequency [16]. The S11 parameter can be expressed as

Z in − Z 0 
S11 = . (1)
Fig. 2. LHM simulation in ADS. (a) Collaborative simulation of the LC
Z in + Z 0  Z 0 =50 
sensor in ADS. (b) The resonant points of two situations: one is without The S11 parameter is obtained in both situations above and
an LHM slab (blue squares), another is with an LHM slab (red dots). The
capacitance is increased from 8 pF to 32 pF with a step of 4 pF. the resonant points are extracted to be analyzed in Fig. 2(b).
The blue squares are results without an LHM slab, the red dots
are resonant points with an LHM slab. Both the two curves
This change simplifies the structure of the metamaterials, and share the same variable capacitance as stated above. The signal
can be applied to the LC sensor readout system which is based strength (magnitude of S11) is increased when the LHM slab
on magnetic coupling. is inserted into the system. What’s more, the enhancement
A medium composed by a periodic array of split-ring performance is uniform in the whole frequency spectrum. In
resonators (SRRs) gives a negative effective permeability μe f f the simulation, the working band of the LHM is adjusted to
within a certain fixed working frequency. The construction of the appropriate value to adapt to the LC sensor at first step,
the two-layer metallic inductor is displayed in Fig. 1. In this which is discussed in [13].
design, the two-layer metallic inductor is connected by a Though the enhance performance in simulation has been
metallic via. In general, the working frequency of LHM is discussed in [13], this paper has extended the number of unit
fixed. However, when used in LC sensor system, the working cells in LHM slab to nine. Increasing the number of unit
frequency has to be variable to adapt to the sensing range. cells contributes to the further improvement in readout, which
A capacitor is then connected to the two-layer inductor to can be derived from the magnitude of S11 parameter in the
change the working frequency of the LHM and make the resonant points.
frequency band with negative permeability cover the frequency Then the LHM is fabricated on a PCB substrate. The 7-turn
spectrum of the sensor appropriately. copper spirals are printed anticlockwise on the top layer of
A simple simulation is conducted in ADS 2014 to verify the PCB board and extended to the bottom layer by a metallic via
performance of LHM slab in enhancing the readout. A layout as shown in Fig. 3. The strip width is 150 μm and separation
containing a readout coil, a sensor inductor is built at first. between adjacent loops is 100 μm. The width of the structure
The out diameter of both coil is 10 mm, and the readout is 6.7 mm, and the unit cell is 7.5 mm, which means the
coil has 3 turns of coils and the sensor coil has 7 coils. The separation between the unit cell is 0.8mm. Each unit cell has
distance between them is 14 mm. Then the results and the 6.5 turns of coils. The two metallic layers are separated by the
symbol are imported into the schematic window to construct 0.5 mm thick substrate, and the whole thickness of the LHM
a collaborative simulation. A readout term is connected to slab is about 0.5 mm as a result. Nine such unit cells constitute
the readout coil with a 50 impedance. A discrete capacitor an LHM slab with negative permeability. The dimension is
element is connected to the sensor coil acting as the sensitive decided by the whole size of the slab to make it compatible
capacitance in LC sensor as Fig. 2(a) shows. The capacitance with the sensor system.

Fig. 4. S parameters of the LHM slab.

Fig. 5. The effective permeability is computed by using S parameters.

Fig. 6. Wireless sensing of the LC humidity sensor. (a) Measurement setup.
The LC humidity sensor is wireless interrogated by a readout coil at a distance
of 7mm. (b) The frequency response of the LC humidity sensor.
A discrete capacitor (31 pF) is connected to the inductor to
alter the resonant frequency, and hence to adjust the spectrum
of negative part. The capacitance is selected as 31 pF to set the
resonant frequency of the LHM slab at 29.8 MHz (this option
ensures the appropriate frequency part with negative real To verify the performance of the LHM in wireless inter-
permeability covering the frequency spectrum of the sensor). rogating system, a relative humidity sensor is detected both
The effective permeability μe f f is then calculated by usingS11 with and without an LHM slab. The LC type humidity sensor
and S21 parameters as below with the condition that the size of consists of a capacitive sensor and an inductor made in
the unit cell is small enough compared with wavelength [17], PCB. The inductor consists 7 turns of loops with the outer
 diameter as 10 mm. The line width is 150 μm, and the
(1 + S11 )2 − S21 2 separation is 100 μm. The substrate of the PCB is about
Z = , (2) 1 mm thick. The inter-digital capacitor is fabricated by the
(1 − S11 )2 − S21 2
  3 μm standard CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon)
1 1 − S11 2 + S21 2 technology and MEMS post processing step [19]. In the
n= acos , (3)
kd 2 × S21 experiments, the graphene oxide is deposited on the capacitor.
μe f f = n × Z , (4) When the ambient humidity is changed, the dielectric constant
of graphene oxide varies, which leads to the variation of the
where k denotes the wave number and d is the effective capacitance.
thickness of metamaterial. The effective permeability is then The frequency response of the LC humidity sensor is
computed by using the S11 and S21 parameters, and the real detected by Agilent N5224A PNA Network Analyzer (PNA).
part of μe f f shows a negative part close to its resonance. A 3-turn 15mm-diameter coil serves as the readout coil. The
It changes the resonant frequency by altering the capacitor readout coil and the LC sensor are attached to two moveable
connected to the metallic inductor, and hence adjusts the holders on the displacement platform, respectively.
spectrum of negative part. The real part of effective per- In fact, there two methods to show the enhancing perfor-
meability μe f f is then calculated and the curve is shown mance. One method is to fix the readout distance, and then
in Fig. 5. The point where Re(μe f f ) = −1 is essential, as the to check the signal received at the readout terminal (S11
medium is a perfect match to free space and the interface amplitude). When the signal is stronger, the enhancing perfor-
shows no reflection. The metamaterial with a larger absolute mance is better. Another method is to fix the signal strength
value of μe f f can also achieve evanescent wave amplification. (S11 amplitude) and check out the readout distance. When
However, this causes higher dielectric loss and magnetic loss the readout distance is longer, the enhancing performance is
in metamaterials [18]. better. In the experiments, the signal strength (S11 amplitude)


shown in Fig. 7(b). The gap between the blue squares (without
LHM) and red dots (with LHM) is the signal strength differ-
ence received at the readout terminal. The enhancing effect
stays almost consistent during all the frequency spectrum of
the sensor. Frequency shift, which is due to frequency splitting
as analyzed in [10] and [11], does not happen here. Hence,
the measured sensitivity of the system with an LHM slab is
kept around −34.67 kHz/%RH.
According to Fig. 5, the real part of effective permeability
of the LHM slab has a value of −1 at 35.4 MHz, and the
point is also marked in Fig. 7(b). It is worth to notice that the
signal strength difference becomes great near Re(μe f f ) = −1.
This means the metamaterial with Re(μe f f ) = −1 has a better
Fig. 7. Humidity sensor interrogation with an LHM slab. (a) The frequency enhancement performance due to less dielectric loss and mag-
response of the LC humidity sensor with an LHM slab. The inset is the netic loss. Hence, setting the frequency with Re(μe f f ) = −1
measurement setup. (b) The resonance points with and without LHM. of the LHM at the center of the frequency spectrum of LC
sensor maintains a harmonious enhancement in the whole
working range of the sensor.
is maintained unchanged, the readout distance of the sensors
with/without a metamaterial slab is compared to show the IV. D ISCUSSIONS AND C ONCLUSION
improvement. There have been several methods by using a relay/repeater
The humidity sensor is first monitored as shown in Fig. 6(a). to enhance the readout. A comparison between the LC sensors
The humidity level is controlled by a humidity test chamber in this paper with and without a metamaterial slab and other
OMEGA 205. The relative humidity is varied from 15 %RH LC humidity sensors in [11] and [12] are listed in Table I when
to 90 %RH (25 °C). The distance between the sensor and the humidity is 15%RH. To show the exact influences brought
the readout coil is 7mm. Fig. 6(b) gives the frequency by the relay/repeater, the comparison has only adopted several
response of the LC humidity sensor with the sensitivity as results that are measured in the same circumstances, including
−34.67 kHz/%RH. the inductor size, testing environment, the Q factor of LC
An LHM slab is then added between the LC sensor and sensor, and the signal received. From the series of research
the readout coil. The measurement setup is shown as the inset work in Table I, it is obvious that the LHM slab is not the one
in Fig. 7(a). The distance between the LHM and the readout with optimal performance in readout enhancement, but it is the
coil is 5 mm, and the distance between the LHM and the sensor energy-efficient one. No extra power is required in the system
is 7.5 mm. The distance is designed to keep the S11 value when LHM is applied. While other techniques demand a power
closet to the former data that are without LHM slab. Hence, supply or a readout equipment with transmitting power. The
the readout distance is extended to 12.5 mm after adding an application of LHM slab can no doubt simplify the operating
LHM slab. The large peak at 30 MHz belongs to the LHM system by omitting the energy supply.
slab. Due to the relative location, the LHM slab is closer to Another merit of the LHM slab is that there is no frequency
the readout coil than the LC sensor, hence the signal strength splitting to concern when utilized in LC sensors. Fig. 7(b)
(S11 value) is much stronger than the sensor’s. shows that the resonant frequency of LC sensor does not
Now the total distance between the readout coil and the LC change after the LHM slab is inserted. This is the basic
sensor is increased, while the signal strength (magnitude of reason that the sensitivity can be remained the same. However,
S11) is kept unchanged. To have a detailed view of the S11 other kinds of repeaters [11], [12] have to deal with the
values in the two situations mentioned above, the resonance frequency splitting problem by setting the critical distance
point of each curve is then extracted to have a comparison between the repeater and the sensor. The intrinsic nature of
between the received signal with and without an LHM as the frequency splitting is the mutual coupling between the

repeater and the sensor coil. This is avoided in the LHM the inductance is reduced. However, the capacitance has an
system because the enhancement of LHM is realized by its upper limit (the capacitance is so much larger than the induc-
negative permeability not the mutual coupling with the LC tance that the whole element appears capacitive, then the LC
sensor. Hence, the position of LHM slab has an amount of tank cannot work as a resonance), which means the working
flexibility. frequency is unable to be lowered down immoderately by just
The readout distance talked about in this paper indicates increasing the capacitance. This means the size of unit cell
the distance between the readout coil and the LC sensor, cannot be diminished with ease. Hence, the design of the LHM
which is widely used in researches that study a repeater/relay. slab should be appropriate not only in the aspect of size, but
In addition to this readout distance, the separation between also in the aspect of working frequency.
LHM slab and the LC sensor is another focus of attention, From the experiments results in Fig. 7, it can be deduced
because it has the practical significance when the LC sensor that the point where Re(μe f f ) = −1 is critical in this design
is inserted in some sealed environments. In this situation, when the LHM is used in the LC sensor system. When both
the distance between the repeater and the sensor is more permittivity ε = −1 and permeability μ = −1 are satisfied,
essential when the repeater is stamped onto the coverage. From then the fraction index of a medium can be expressed as [16]
Fig. 7(a), it seems that the distance between the LHM and the √
n = εμ = −1, (8)
LC sensor is about half of the total readout distance. Actually,
the position of the LHM does not have be the middle point, and where a negative square root should be chosen when both ε
the accessible range of the location is varied from the 1/3 to and μ are negative. The medium is a perfect match to free
2/3 of the whole readout distance. For example, the whole space and the interfaces show no reflection. The medium can
readout distance is 12.5 mm in Fig. 7(a), then the distance refocus and cancel the decay of evanescent waves (both far
between the sensor and the LHM is varied around from field and near field). The evanescent waves emerge from the far
4.2 mm to 8.3 mm. In this range, the enhanced performance side of the medium enhanced in amplitude by the transmission
is maintained. This extreme distance (8.3 mm in this paper) process. Hence, an LHM slab giving μ = −1 at an appropriate
helps extend the separation to some extent. frequency can focus sources of magnetic fields into sharp
Adding more unit cells in the LHM slab is conducive to images.
the further enhancement since it will cover a larger space. The result of the experiments has an improvement differ-
But a large LHM slab is not compatible in the LC sensor ent from other points, though it is not very dramatic. It is
system since the sensor size has been decreased. Hence it is because at this point the medium is a perfect match to free
unadvisable to enlarge the whole size of LHM slab at random. space and the interface shows no reflection. The metamaterial
For an LHM slab with the outer diameter fixed, the enhancing with a larger absolute value of μe f f (such as Re(u e f f ) =
performance depends on the fraction volume. The fraction −160) can also achieve evanescent wave amplification. How-
volume of the cell occupied by the interior two-layer inductor ever, this causes higher dielectric loss and magnetic loss in
can be described as metamaterials.
r2 The metamaterial slab is used as a separated element in the
F= , (5) system. The best position is along the axis of the sensor and
(r + s)2
the reader to achieve the best performance. Hence, it will not
where r is the diameter of the inductor, and r is the separation be integrated with the reader design. In practical applications,
between adjacent inductors. The effective permeability and the this slab is used to enhance the readout without any wired-
magnetic plasma frequency ωmp can be expressed as [14] connections. For example, when this approach is applied to the
Fω2 LC pressure sensor, the LHM slab can be integrated with the
μe f f = 1 − (6) glasses worn by the patient when a readout device interrogates
ω2 − ω02 + i γ ω the LC sensor implanted in eyes for intraocular pressure.
ωmp = √ , (7) In addition, in the paint spray booth of some factories, wired-
1− F connections and power supply (which are the components of
where ω0 is the original resonant frequency of the double-layer the readout device) are not allowed to appear to avoid electric
inductor and γ is the damping factor. The magnetic plasma sparks. In this situation, a wireless passive repeater is essential
frequency is a point where the effective permeability μe f f ends to extend the readout distance.
in a non-negative value, which determines the negative band. In conclusion, a left-handed metamaterial is utilized to
If the fraction volume F can be maintained unchanged when enhance the readout of the LC passive wireless sensor. The
adding more unit cells in the LHM slab, then the effective working frequency of the left-handed metamaterial is designed
permeability μe f f can keep the same by using a larger external to be adjustable to adapt to the frequency spectrum of LC
capacitor to adjust the original resonant frequency (since the sensors by connecting a discrete capacitor. An LC humidity
inductance is decreased). It is worth to mention that a large sensor is measured both with and without the LHM slab. The
F can cause a big absolute value of μe f f and a broad band interrogating distance is extended over 1.8 times when the
of negative part. Hence, when scaling down the unit cells, signal strength is kept the same with the same sensitivity.
the fraction volume should be maintained as large as possible. The measurement results indicate that the enhancement per-
It is workable to downsize the unit cell, then a larger formance becomes better when the real relative permeability
capacitance is needed to adjust the working frequency since is around −1.

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[19] C.-L. Zhao, M. Qin, W.-H. Li, and Q. A. Huang, “Enhanced per- as the Steering Committee Chair of APCOT from 2012 to 2014. He had
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graphene oxide,” in Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sens., Actuators, since 2005 and is currently an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of
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