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5. female 60thn, blureed vision, slowly sjk 3thn yg lalu. Pinhol egatie pupil
1. 38 tahun man..came to clinic have a red right eye n decrease vision.exam lekokoria shadow test + , answer lens opacity
show visual activity OD 3/60 OS 5/6 visible presence indolent hipopion,
satelite lession in Right eye. Which of the following is the most 6. 30 yo woman came tto the Emergency Room with her left eye suddenly
appropriate therapy in this patient: red, visus 1/60. Eye exam found injection ciliary and shallow COA. Also
A. Topical corticosteroid felt headache, nausea, n vomit. Diagnosis?
B. Top. Antibiotic a. acute glaucoma
C. Top. Antifungal b. acute conjunctivitis
D. Top. Antiviral c. acute keratitis
E. Top. Antihistamin d. acute iriocylitis
e. subconjunctiva bleeding
2. 57 years old women, right eye blurred, sore eyes, the color of the rainbow,
nausea, vomiting. Previously, the normal right eye visual aquity : 2/60, 7. Red eye, visus normal,sting 2-3 of them fever spresd fast in cycle school.
pressure : N + 3, hyperemic, corneal edema, pupillary midriasis, shallow How to spead to another? c
chamber. Diagnosis? a. Air borne
a. open angle glaucoma b. eye contact
b. acute closed angle glaucoma c. droplet
c. absolute glaucoma d. secret
d. secondary glaucoma e.
e. chronic glaucoma
8. 7 years old boy mata sangat itchy. Conjunctiva tampak brownies. Elevation
3. 53 tahun women..diagnose pituitary tumor..klo larger became: palpebra tampak coble stones. c
A. Blindness A. Viral conjunctivitis
B. Bitemporal hemianopsia B. Allergic
C. Right Nasal Hemianopsia C. Bacterial
D. Left Homonimus hemianopia D. Fungal
E. Binasal hemianopia
9. What is the Blidness means according to WHO?
4. 3 tahun old girl brought by her mother to the eye clinic. There was a yellow a. Visus 1/~
shadow in the center of her right eye, especially night. Funduscopy = b. Visus 1/300
yellow reflex called “cat eye”. Diagnosisnya? c. Visus 1/60
A. Glaucoma d. Visus 1/6
B. Retinoblastoma e. Visus 6/6
C. Glioma
D. Adenoma 10. Seorang ibu dtg dengan baby nya yg berumur 2 tahun, dengan keluhan
E. Cataract ada swelling di mata, matanya tidak bisa dibuka, ketika dokternya
membuka matanya, terdapat secret yellowish. Dari lab, didapatkan d. SCC
diplococcus gram negatif (swab dari conjunctival). Diagnosanya: e. erythroplakia
a. Cojunctivitis cattharalis
b. Cojunctivitis allergen 15. 45 thn. Corner of the lips 3 months.komisural mukosa in the labial
c. Blenorrhea commisure of the mouth there is fissuring n ulceration.nutritional
d. Keratokonjunctivitis deficiency n systemic disease.defisiensi apa? Pilihannya:
e. Cojunctivitis viral a. Niacin,
b.folic acid
11. What is the most severe complicatiom of this case no 10 (baby umur 2hari c. Fe,
gonorrhea yg matanya byk pusnya)? C d. Vit D,
A. Keratitis e. Ascorbic acid.
B. Uveitis
C. Cornea perforation 16. 56 man came to siloam check his oral mucosa. Bucal mucosa ulceration
D. 2ndary glaucoma with white papul/wickham striae at the margin. White stucture can’t
E. Complete cataract rebbed off. Management corticosteroid to relief. pain possible condition?
a. Autoimun
12 seorang yang matanya akibat sudut kertas jadi scratiching eye terus b. Viral infection
menerus hingga matanya kemerahan, sulit dibuka matanya...kedokter c. Fungal infection
dipakaikan fluorescent..timbul timbul warnanya lalu diberi antibiotik baru d. Bacterial infection
diberi eye patch...diagnosisnya?cornea erosi /ulcer C e. trauma

13. A 55 years old man with gradually blurred vission came to the eye clinic. 17. A 7 year old boy came to the dentist with complaining have sore throat
Her vision become more severe since the first of the year. On examination, and fever, pain and swelling on one side of face, in front of ear, pain when
visus ODS 5/40, non-corrective with pinhole, normal cornea, grayish swallowing for 4 days. Extra oral examination, in left side of parotid
whitw lens and normal funduscopy. What is the most likely diagnosis? salivary gland becomes swollen. The cause is by viral infection. Intra oral
a. immature cataract examination no caries on his teeth. What is your diagnosis?
b. mature cataract A. BUCCAL ABSCES
c. traumatic cataract B. PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA
d. secunder cataract C. SALIVARY GLAND TUMOR
e. juvenile cataract D. SALIVARY GLAND STONE
14. 56 yo man, white grayish patch in his oral mucosa, reddish and bleed
when rubbed.Recovered when treated with antifungal for 2 weeks. 18. 45 thun dg ke emergency karena ada white plaque, smoker, di lateral
Diagnosis? lidah.
a. leukoplakia A. Oral candidiosis
b. candida pseudomembrane C. Oral leukoplakia
c. lychen planus
B. Liken planus A. methampyson
E. Pseudomembrane candidiosis B. mefenamic acid
D. Oral thrush C. paracetamol
D. salicylate
19. 68 years-old man, pinggiran lidah kanannya ada ulcer sejak 6 bulan yg E. ibuprofen
lalu, enlarge slowly, fails to heal. Examination: induration at margin,
raised, rolled border, may develop in white areas. Diagnosis? 23. 10 year old boy come to your clinic, his complain is left ear hearing loss
a. Major aphthous ulceration since 2 weeks ago. Rinne test is negative for that ear, if webber test is
b. Herpetic ulceration perform, what would be the result?
c. Lichen planus ulceration A. Left ear weaker than right ear
d. Oral carcinoma B. Left ear louder than right ear
e. Traumatic ulceration C. Right ear louder than left ear
D. No ears hear louder than other
20. 68 year old woman going to the dentist because she had denture fracture 2 E. He can't hear at all
days ago. Di intra oral exam showed palate mucosa may have multiple
small papillomatous and reddened hiperplasia. The denture mucosa is 24. A 20 years old woman was complained about hearing both ears. Physical
reddened. Diagnose? C examination showed no abnormalities: test whispered 3 m. Weber
A. Med rhamboid glositis lateralization to the right. What is your diagnosis?
B. Erythroplakia A. Right conductive hearing loss, more severe left (CHL)
C. Denture stomatitis B. Right sensorineural hearing loss, left milder SNHL
D. Mucosal membrane pempigod C. SNHL right-left, left mild CHL
E. Torus palatine D. CHL right, left light CHL
E. Right n left mixed hearing loss, more severe right
21. a 18 years old came to the dentist for dental check up because he feels
toothache in lower right posterior tooth. A sharp pain triggered by bitting 25. 8y.o.girl come to the clinic with complaining about her right ear feel full,
on consuming hot, cold/ sweet food and drinks toothahe last oly a few like water filling since 1 day ago. P.E. Right ear tympanic membrane
minute and not continuous pain. Intra oral examination was found a small intact, retraction+, there is clear fluid shadow and air bubbles. Left ear
cavity in 4.6 teeth and the decay penetrates the outer layer of enamel and normal, patient got cough and colds since 3 days ago. Based on
attack the dentine. What is the cause of that decay? patophysiology of meddle ear infection, what is the main cause?
A. necrosis pulpa A. Upper resp.tract infection.
B. pulpitis B. Tube eustachius dysfunction.
C. hyperemia pulpa C. Feeding time dleep position.
D. iritatio pulpa D. Maxillofacial abnormalities.
E. dental abcess E. Tonsiloadenoid hypertrophy.

22. 30 years old man with tooth pain. on PE there carries on 1st M with 26. 12years old boy went to siloam, complaint of his left ear hearing level
pulpitis the patient is currently 6 months pregnant. Analgesic paling aman decrease since 3days. PE: Timpany Membrane left ear was hiperemi,
retraction (+). Right ear normal audiometri examination : gap audiometri a. webber lateralisasi to the right
hearing 25dB, BC n AC : 10db n 35db b. webber lateralisasi to the left
A. Mild auditory nerve deaffness c. right rine negative
B. Moderate auditory nerve deaffness d. left rine positive
C. Light conduction deaffness e. right rine positive
D. Moderate conduction deaffness
E. Mixed deafness 31. In the case above, the main route into the intracranial complication and
surronding area are through
27. the physician was doing weber tuning fork exam for this patient. What’ll u A. Bone erosion
find about the result of this exam? B. Haematogenous
A. Right ear elogation C. Fenestra rotundum
B. left ear elongation D. Ductal perilimf
C. Right ear lateralization E. Ductal endolimf
D. Left ear lateralization
E. shortens of left ear. 32. a 34 year old man brought to ER after being falling down from ladder and
hit his head. the patient complain that he cannot be smell anything after
28 Laki-laki 28th datang ke klinik dengan keluhan decreased hearing di that acident *anosmi* where is the location on the brain?? A
telinga kiri, waktu kecil pernah menderita otorhea. Keluhan lainnya yaitu A. Frontal
runny nose, nasal congestion, batuk, trouble tasting in left tongue, ear B. Temporal
exam normal, ada pus dari telinga tengah dan ada perforasi. Diagnosis? C.
A. Labyrinthitis D. Amygdala
B. Sinusitis
C. Petrositis 33. 21 th, loss of taste, kita disuruh memberi konsultasi knp bs bgt?
D.Chorda tympani parese A. Sweet n bitter krn g protein depolarisasi
E.. Retro-auricular fistula B. sour n salty krn na+ depolarisasi
C. Salty bud less sensitive to acid
29. Melalui audiometry didapatkan: D. Taste bud less sensitive to sucrose
Telinga kanan (AD): AC=10 db, BC=5 db E. Salty n sour due to h+ depolarisasi
Telinga kiri (AS): AC=65 db, BC=15 db
a. AD normal, AS is mixed deafness 34. 72 years old women came to your clinic with chief complaint of hearing
b. AD normal, AS is conductive deafness loss especially in the crowd place. Ear Examination Right & Left ear are
c. AD normal, AS is nerve deafness normal. Audiometry: Air Conduction AD/S 56dB. Bone Conduction AD/S
d. AD normal, AS is heavy conductive deafness 45dB (especially high notes). Lokasi lesi pada kokleanya
e. AD normal, AS is severe nerve deafness a. Reissners Membran
b. Membrane tectorial
30. (soal lanjutan dari nomer 29). If the doctor do tunning forks examination c. Stria Vascularis
on this patient, what will the doctor found in examination. d. Otic Capsule
e. Spiral Limbus
35. pacini vater untuk respon? 39. Pada atopic detmatitis, pemeriksaan darah apa yg meningkat? Jwbnya
a.warm IgE.. B
c.vibration 40.31 years old male came with chief complain pain and reddish lesions,
d.pain about firmly on his thigh. There were involvement of dermal lymphatic
vessel. The etiology was beta streptococcus haemolitic. What is the
36. 25 years old woman presented with some itch on scalp that started 3 diagnosis?
months ago. She always covers her hair with scraft everyday from 9 am to A.impetigo krustosa
5 pm and worked at parking lot. On examination there's some annular B.furuncle
patch with covered white-gray fine scales. What is the diagnosis? C.ektima
A. Psoriasis D.erisipelas (correct answer)
B. Seborroic dermatitis E.folliculitis
C. Pediculosis capitis
D. Kerion celsi 41. A female goes to your clinic with a complaint of vaginal discharge. She
E. Gray patch ring worm never had sex until her husband died. What is the diagnosis?
Answer: bacterial vagionosis E
37. 31 tahun laki-laki ke dermatologist consultant dgn 3 bulan history of
white patches over his back, shoulder n arm with his activity on the sun the 42.A newborn baby was suffering from purulent injection in both eyes. His
spots had become more noticeable. They had not been red and mother told the doctor that a few days before, she suffered pain and
asymptomatic. KOH preparation revealing short hyphae & spores. What whitish. On smear exam, gram staining secretion obtained coccus gram
laboratory test would u do to prove your diagnosis ?  versicolor negative in pairs. Probable organism?
a. tzank preparation a. P. Aeruginosa
b. patch test b. s. Aureus
c. gram preparation c. N. Gonorhea
d. skin scrapping for mites d. Bronhamella cataridis
e. wood's lamp e. s. pyogens

38. a 15 years old boy goes to the clinic with his parents. complain of itchy 43. 25 y.o. woman went for exam for TORCH. she is planning to get married
both of cheeks. on skin exam there is papula, erythema, exudative, krusta 3 month later. The result : high level of rubella IgM and rubella IgG
dan poor dermacartion. he has personal family history of astma and rhinitis negative. What is your interpretation
alergy. what is diagnosis ? a. chronic rubella infection
a. tinea corporis b. reactivation
b. numular dermatitis C. PRIMARY RUBELLA INFECTION
c. atopic dermatitis d. secondary rubella infection
d. contact dermatitis e. history of rubella infection
e. lichen simplex chronic
44. 25 years old pregnancy woman at 10 weeks gestation complained ithcy recovers after giving bethamethaxone cream. But soon after relapse. Most
especially at night.her husband has the same complain. on skin appropriate management agar tidak gampang relapse?
examination, there was erythema papule with excoriation in between A. More potent steroid topical
fingers, armpit, abdomen and buttock. Which therapy is the most B. Antibiotik topical
appropriate? C. Immunomodulator topical
a. permephrine 5% D. Give emollien topical
b. sulfur prestitation 6% E. Betamethasone cream with longer use
c. gamexane solution 1%
d. BBE 25% 49. 21 yo woman, rash over the left arm which noticed 2 days ago and very
e. chromation cream 10% itch.The rash is itch, red, wet, oozing, and contain exudate. Pengobatan :
a. Antibiotic
45. 59 yo woman rash on the inguinal since 3 wk ago. rash very itchy when b. Steroid
the air was hot. she had DM. in Physical examination, macula c. Acid salicylic
erythematous, clear boundary then squama n satelite... d. Boorwater
a. tinea cruris e. Caladryl
b. dermatitis serboroik
C. CANDIDA 51. Female presents to the clinic complaining discoloration of her toe
d. psoriasis vulgaris nails,which makes it "impossible to wear sandals". She says that some
e. tinea corporis months ago,she first noticed the big toes of both feet were affected, and
that the yellowish brown discoloration began with the distal tips of her
46. female 42 years old come to clinic because she had wound in vagina 2 toenails and spread proximally to involve the entire nail. On physical
days ago. sHe had not have sexo. Clinical exam were deep, painfull ulcers. exam,the nail plates of all ten toes are heaped up and irregular. Brownish
Base of ulcer is purulent, yellow – gray exudates and then ada red spot discoloration is evident. Dermatophytic hyphae and arthrospores are
pada bagian kulit. visible on KOH. The most effective tx?  tinea unguium
a. Herpes simplex A. Ciclopirox
b. Sifilis B. Salicilic Acid
c. Ulkus mole C. Retinoic Acid
d. G.Inguinale D. Griseofulvin
e. LGV E. Terbinafine

47. 8 years old have clear vesicle. Dan vesicle belum pecah. 53. Pria umur 17 tahun datang dengan keluhan severe sunburn di badan dan
Treatment yang paling baik : C;Salycil Acid forearm, sebelumnya ia sedang bermain bola, ada sejarah acne vulgaris
dan dia meminum obat, dia memiliki pustul dan papul di leher dan badan,
48. Anak 3 tahun laki-laki datang bersama ibu dengan redness and flaky on dan ada scarring bekas acne, obat apa yang menyebabkan sunburn?
the face. her mother also complain very itching. Mother tells he often A) benzoyl peroxide
sneezing, has ruuning nose in the morning since baby. This condition B) amoxycylin
C) erythromycin
D) Doxycyclin
E) salicylic acid

54. 32 yo woman come over the clinic for the rash over her knee since 2
weeks ago. No itch/ joint pain, no significant past medical history, she
takes oral contraceptive regularly. PE: symmetric, erythematous plaques
with well-defined margin on anterior aspect of knee. The rash is covered
with thick, silvery scale. What is appropriate treatment?
a. Topical hydrocortisone 1% cream
B. Topical bethametason 0.05 % cream
C. 60 mg oral prednisone every day for 2 weeks
d. Phototherapy with UV B radiotherapy
e. Low dose methotrexate daily for 2 weeks

54. pria berumur 30 tahun datang dengan keluhan benjolan di lutut. pada saat
pemeriksaan fisik didapati eritema pada benjolannnya dan batasnya tegas.
tidak ada riwayat merokok dan penggunaan obat. obat apakah yang
dipakai untuk pengobatan ini. B --C. prednisone--

55. A 30 y old woman was using 50% salysilic acid to took off the wart on the
ankle. She developed markedly pruritic eruption on the site and
surrounding area. The physical examination revealed a 1 cm ulcer and a 10
cm surrounding erythematous, papulovesicular rash and wheal. What is
your DD?
A. Insect bite
B. Contact dermatitis
C. Herpes simplex virus eruption
E. Veruccae vulgaris with infetion

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